Black strong conspiracies from loans. Then say these magic words

Today, due to the complexity of life in the modern world, many are mired in debt and, not knowing how to get out of them, have driven themselves into a corner.

For years, not raising wages, economic instability, huge price fluctuations, willy-nilly, for reasons beyond the control of a person, plunge him more and more into this pool.

There are times when people, due to their financial illiteracy and greed, accumulate debts for themselves, but this does not change the general situation.

Whatever the reason, you need to get rid of debt!!!

But some have the opposite problem, connected with the fact that they borrowed money and the debtor is not going to repay the debt. In this case, you can resolve the current situation using magic.

But this type of rites can only be successful if you sincerely believe in magic.

You should be aware that, sometimes, when you cannot cope with debts on your own, this may be the result of damage or the evil eye. In this case, you can’t do without magic, but you will need to use a conspiracy from debts.

A feature of the rituals is that such magical effects will help create such an environment around you that you can relatively easily earn money and pay off all your debts.

If you are going to perform a ceremony aimed at repaying a debt, then it should be understood that your debtor will experience severe internal discomfort until he repays the debt.

Getting rid of debt is a must, because debt tails knock down cash flows, so you can never achieve material well-being.

Poverty complex- this is a very dangerous factor that does not allow a person to feel the joys of life.

If all efforts are made, but there is no result, it's time to turn to magic.

How to get rid of debts with the help of magic: general rules:

You should not think that all this will happen easily and quickly.
After all, magic, like any other skill, will have to be learned. In addition, you need to make sure that difficult financial problems never happen again.


*First of all, we egg cleansing ritual. As a rule, damage is the main sign of debts. By skipping this ritual, the rest of the work may be meaningless.

*Then analyze why this problem happened. We look through mentally, and whether the feeling of envy, resentment, greed overcomes. These attitudes hinder successful well-being. At the energy level, they expose the aura, which in this state is not able to hold the energy of financial success. So we need to get rid of such thoughts.

*At the end of the preparatory stage, it is necessary calm down internally. Let go of emotions. Do not get hung up on personal relationships and life circumstances. Just look at yourself from the side, as if it is you and at the same time not you. Only when the understanding comes that you managed to achieve this state, we proceed to the ritual. Otherwise, getting into a world that is not clear to you with its own rules and traditions, there is a risk of worsening the situation even more.

*Preparation stages completed.

Let's start the ritual.

How to get rid of debts and lack of money with the help of a ritual?

Sometimes, despite all attempts to pay off the debt, such an opportunity does not appear.

In this case, we use the rite:

*Performed exclusively on the full moon;

* In the room on the floor we lay out a square from four inverted saucers;

* We install lit candles on each saucer;

* We take pre-prepared: Knife, white cotton cloth measuring 50 by 50 cm, some salt and coins, thread;

We stand in the middle of the formed square, facing east, pronounce:

"I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the east."

Facing west:

"I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the West."

To the north side:

"I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the north"

To the south of the world:

"I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the south."

Head up:

"He repaid his debt to fate, he paid all the corners of the world."

We leave the square.

We cut the prepared fabric into two halves with a knife.

Wrap in the first - salt, tighten tightly on the knot

We fix the coins in the second half.

We connect two bags, tying with a green thread.

We hide them in the closet. Looking forward to the next full moon.

Candles do not extinguish, let them burn out to the end.

Saucers are suitable for further use.

At the onset of a new full moon at midnight, we take bags and go crossing the road away from housing. We throw into the untrodden space under the tree. We leave without talking to anyone and without looking back.

We immediately go to sleep, saying:

"The salt will cleanse, free, the debt has been paid, the enemy has been finished off."

The rite is very strong!

How to get rid of debt on the waning moon?

The most suitable moment for getting rid of any difficulties with through magical ceremonies is the period of the waning of the moon.
There are a lot of rituals and rituals.

Consider the most perfect and effective:

* We collect within seven days, before the designated magical day of the ritual, coins with the lowest denomination.

* On the chosen night, we go to a little-traveled, deserted crossroads.

We stand in the center, scatter 2-3 coins on the four cardinal points.

Simultaneously speaking in each:

“I don’t throw away a trifle, but drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go away, lack of money, into the far distance, to where you will never return. Amen".

After that, without looking back, we silently go home.

We are waiting for the situation to improve gradually, but the first changes are not earlier than in a month.

Djealous way:

Strong conspiracy from debt involves the use of water. It is believed that the water element, due to its natural energy, is able to carry away problems associated with the financial sector. There are many variations of rituals, so you need to try to choose the ritual that is as close as possible to you in its focus.

A strong ritual, which came from antiquity, is carried out next to the natural one with a river or stream.

You need to stand on the shore and, looking at the water, say these words:

“A flock of fish is always like a flock of flying birds. It is sparkling, colorful and multi-eyed. A flock of fish swims along the stream of water, flows away, sends it far, far away, even to the ends of the world. So let the water stream carry my debts to the precipice and abyss. Let the fish swallow my debts, and the water stream will carry them forever with the fish. And there, beyond the blue sea, a big bird will catch a fish with my debts and tear it with sharp claws. The water stream is fast and impetuous, the banks are full. I have no more debts. Amen".

From this moment on, things will start to turn out very well for you. Not only will you be able to get out of debt quickly, but you will never borrow even small amounts again.

If it is not possible to conduct a ceremony near an open source of water, then you can conduct it at home. In this case, the magic words should be spoken at an open water tap.

They sound like this:

“Droplet to droplet, and a large jet flows into the natural stream. Just as she is fast and swift, so quickly my debts will flow away from me. I will remain clean, washed with natural water, and in the future forever hidden from debts. Amen".

All rituals, the action of which is associated with financial debts, must be carried out during the waning moon.

To prevent borrowing:

After the rite against debts is carried out, you should use a simple ritual that will allow you to set up your own energy in order to avoid any loans in the future. To do this, you can go to any natural source of water, throw a white coin into it.

Then say the following magic words:

“For my debt, my payment is quick and full, my head is bright without debts. I drive away my debts from myself into the water, and from it they will forever go into the earth. I paid (paid) in silver, and I pay only from myself, and not from others. I do not ask princes and boyars about this. The key, together with the coin, is in the water, I throw it and dissolve it, and the water is absorbed into the ground. Debts for me are forever closed by a word, and locked by a coin. Amen".

Debt Refund Conspiracy:

To conduct a ceremony to repay a debt, you must first write on a piece of paper the name of the debtor and the amount of his debt. After that, you need to take a small stone, wrap it with this paper, tie it with a cord and throw it into a natural reservoir.

Then you should say these words:

"Let the stone at the bottom force the debtor to return my money to me."

If there are many debts or many owe you - this does not mean at all that it is necessary to carry out several rituals, one rite is enough.

In order not to take on debts in the future, you must try to become financially independent. Having got rid of the poverty complex, you can easily change your life attitudes and adapt to the realities of the modern world.

Debt conspiracy:

The conspiracy is permissible only for the baptized.

We perform the spell on the fifth day after the new moon. In clear weather.
We take a church candle.
Pour into a glass of running water.
We get up to the window from which the moon is visible.
We put a lit candle in front of a glass.

We talk about water three times:

“Make sleep, for cold lips, for pale bodies, for silent miracles, make this water such that all my troubles enter into it, so that all my debts go into it, so that all my sadness and sorrow go into it. Yes, as everything enters this water, so it will remain in it, and I will be happy, but without unnecessary sorrows, Amen, Amen, Amen.

We take a glass and go to the first crossroads. Be careful not to spill water.
In the center of the intersection we splash water.
We leave the dishes on the sidelines.

This spell can only be used once.

So, we no longer fall into monetary bondage.

How to get rid of debts and learn to live without debts?

If it so happened that more debts have accumulated than income received, you should not panic. There is always a way out of any situation.

Persistence, observance of strict financial discipline and advice based on the experience of people who have been in this situation and managed not only to get out of the debt hole, but also to significantly increase their income, help you get through this difficult phase of life.

* Notifying creditors.When a situation arises that income is not enough to pay loans, one should not hide from creditors. You still have to pay off your debts. It is better to maintain a good relationship with the bank. Submit, for example, for restructuring. You will be able to make a smaller payment. The bank does not always make concessions. But at least you show your willingness to pay. Avoid lengthy litigation.

Even at the beginning of the lawsuit, the court will be more loyal, seeing your desire to do everything possible to repay the loans. Which will also affect the decision of the court in your favor in the future.

*We make minimum payments all the time. Even if the debt seems unbearable, we continue to make payments. 10% of your monthly income will not improve your situation, but will at least slightly reduce your debt. In addition, it will provide an opportunity to learn financial literacy. And the main thing is to understand that it is not feasible to pay off all debts at once, but over time it will happen. And the rule to save 10% of income will help reserve savings in the coming time.

* We make a contribution more than the minimum. Strict payment according to the schedule does not give an opportunity to save money. By making contributions at least a little more than the minimum, there is a chance to pay off the debt faster, thereby reducing the overpayment. Debt reduction is a good incentive for further action. First of all, we extinguish the least profitable loans.

If there are several loans and it is not possible to repay them at the same time, we repay in turn. We start with those with higher interest rates. This reduces the cost of servicing the loan, and the repayment process approaches with the rest, more profitable loans.

Do not overdue other loans. Penalties and fines further exacerbate the unfavorable financial situation.

*Pay off small debt. After paying off the loan with the highest interest, we proceed to pay off the smallest debt. We pay off small debts that can be paid off quickly. Reducing the number of loans will serve as an excellent incentive to move towards the task.

*We only refinance loans with unfavorable interest rates. Sometimes, in order to close an old loan with a high percentage, you can take a refinancing loan from a bank with the most favorable rate. In this case, the economic benefits should be carefully calculated. Even if the rate turns out to be less.

Loan processing fees and other fees set by the bank can destroy this benefit. Therefore, if the difference in percentage is not large, savings will not work. In this connection, we refinance those debts for which the rate is much higher than recommended.

* We distribute our funds wisely. We analyze all our expenses. Maybe there is an opportunity to refuse something, to throw the released money on the elimination of credit debt. We keep a strict record of expenses, fixing them on paper, such a system opens up a hidden reserve for savings. Spending planning is the path to material freedom.

*Increase your income. After the order has been put in place in accordance with the previous paragraph, finances are under strict accounting and there is no place for the non-rational use of material resources.

You may be wondering how to earn extra income?

Part-time work, on the Internet, there may even be a job change to a higher paying one. We think. If desired, you can always find at least a small extra money. Even a small amount brings at least one step closer to the goal.

* We implement something unnecessary. It is recommended to sell the TV. This will help you get more time to work. If you have a car - sell. This will help not only to receive additional funds, but also to get rid of additional expenses during financial difficulties. The proceeds will be used to repay the loan.

*We do not make new loans. A firm decision to pay off all debts should be accompanied by the main rule - we do not take new loans. There is no way to make monthly payments—we arrange debt restructuring. There is no money for pressing problems - we exclude unnecessary expenses or look for additional income

The best way to learn how to live without debt is not to borrow!!!

And in order to never fall into such bondage in the future, we observe elementary rules:

* We conduct monthly accurate accounting and planning of financial receipts and transfers

*We do not issue more loans. But if you want to repeat the extreme sensations, we follow the principle - 20% and no more than the allowable loan of the amount of annual income

* We monitor payments for all banking operations, so that there is no debt for its servicing on closed loans. About which we learn when a decent amount has already accumulated

*Comparing your capabilities with your desires, you can do without loans. Having paid off all debts, even thoughts about such a situation in life should be excluded: How and with what to pay off a loan?

An easy way to live without debt:

You do not need to be a highly competent specialist in order to plan expenses. This is the only correct and easiest way to live without debt.

General principle planning used by fairly successful people is that:

*50% - we use the income for the necessary current needs

*20% - to pay off debts, in their absence, to save

*30% - for education, entertainment, any additional expenses

In each case, an individual approach is needed. But by using the basic principle of planning, it is possible to avoid the emergence of debt bondage. Live comfortably without bearing this heavy burden.

Having rethought the whole situation, we replace the irresponsible attitude to the financial part with a competent and practical approach.

We act on the contrary - we make savings, and do not accumulate debts.

Then there is a feeling of freedom and understanding of a full life without burdensome debts.

“You take someone else's, but you give your own,” - this phrase fits the description of debts perfectly. Few people like to take on debt obligations, but often they simply cannot do without it. An effective conspiracy from debts and loans will help you quickly return the funds and start living for your own pleasure.

The custom of borrowing has come to us from ancient times. Our ancestors also used this method to get something specific here and now, not being able to immediately pay for it. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine life without loans. We are so accustomed to all sorts of installments that it is considered the norm of our lives. How to get rid of this eternal bondage? A conspiracy to get rid of debt will help you change your life in such a way that the money will stop leaving you and will go into your hands. By applying this conspiracy, you will only have to manage to receive all the cash flows that will now be directed specifically to you.

Conspiracy from debts and loans

For the ritual, you will need a small white candle and a wallet that you use. The white color of the candle means the cleansing of the entire space around and making room for financial receipts. The wallet does not have to be new. The main thing is that you use it now.

The ritual is performed in the evening before going to bed. You need to do it alone, so that no one distracts you. Sit comfortably, place a candle in front of you and light it. Take the wallet in your hands, open it and start taking out everything that is inside, putting it on the table: money, cards, business cards, coins, etc. Taking everything out of the wallet, say the following phrase: “ As this wallet clears, so my debts evaporate.". Talk to the wallet until it is completely empty.

After you have cleared your wallet, you must leave it empty for the night. During this time, he will be cleansed of all the negative energy that prevented the flow of money. Therefore, it must remain open throughout your sleep. And in the morning, put everything back into it and use it as usual.

Features of the ritual

When you put all the things out of your wallet, take a close look at them. Money loves cleanliness and order. Pay attention to the state of the banknotes: are they crumpled and lying in disarray or are they laid out according to their value “shirt” up? Or maybe you also carry ticket checks in your wallet? Then they need to be thrown away. There are a number of feng shui tips on how to handle money and what to keep in your wallet. The thing is that things that are not related to money - candy wrappers, notes, chains, even business cards - block the flow of finance. There is simply no room left in your wallet for them. Therefore, before putting everything back into your wallet, conduct a strict revision and throw out all the garbage that was there.

There is a law in the universe: "return good for good." A similar situation occurs with money. If you love money, then they will be drawn to you. After all, we always want to be with those who meet us with love and joy. Get rid of debts, attract money into your life, don't forget to share useful tips with your friends and press buttons and

16.09.2015 01:00

Everyone has experienced the fact that they do not return debts. Debt repayment plots are effective ...

Popular wisdom says that in the New Year you can’t drag old problems - otherwise they will increase ...

According to statistics, only a quarter of the population has never used loans, while the remaining three-quarters are actively accumulating credit debts.

It is quite difficult to safely get out of such a situation, and often it happens that it is completely impossible.

A strong prayer from debts and loans will help an Orthodox person to get out of the "debt hole". At the ardent requests of those in need of God's Pleasures, many miracles are performed, including those related to material problems.

Orthodox prayers for debts and loans

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanitarian God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by his grace. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, give us a comfortable and peaceful life, but grant us a shameful and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, let us unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling for your speedy intercession for help: behold us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened by the mind from cowardice. Strive, servant of God, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of being, let us not be our enemy in joy and die in our evil deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Sovereign and Lord, and you stand before Him with incorporeal faces: be merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, may he not reward us according to our deeds and according to the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness, reward us . We hope for your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we fall down to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, but for the sake of your holy prayers, we will not be attacked and we will not be polluted in the abyss of sin and in the mire of our passions. Moth, to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, may he give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, and our souls salvation and great mercy, now and ever and forever and ever.

Prayer to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

O all-praised saint and saint of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived like an angel on earth, you appeared like a good angel and in your long-standing glorification: we believe with all our heart and thought, as if you, our compassionate helper and prayer book, with your unfalse intercession and grace, richly granted to you from the Lord, always contribute to our salvation. Accept ubo, blessed servant of Christ, and at this hour our unworthy of prayer: free us with your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and malevolence of man; pander, quick intercessor for us, implore the Lord with your favorable intercession, may His great and rich mercy on us sinful and unworthy servants of His (names), may heal unhealed ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies with His grace, may our petrified hearts dissolve tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins, and may he deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna; May all His faithful people grant peace and quiet, health and salvation and good haste in everything in this age, yes, a quiet and silent life lived in all piety and purity, let us be honored with the Angels and with all the saints to glorify and sing the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Prayer of Saint Xenia the Blessed

O holy all-blessed mother Xenia! Under the shelter of the Almighty, who lived, guided and strengthened by the Mother of God, suffered hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and rest under the canopy of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you: coming at the place of your burial, in front of your saints, as if you live on dry land with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as if you have boldness towards Him , ask those who flow to you eternal salvation, and for good deeds and undertakings, our generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners, help, holy blessed mother Xenia, babies with the light of the Holy Illuminate baptisms and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, youths and maidens in faith, honesty, God-fearing and chastity, educate and give them success in teaching; Heal those who are sick and ill, send down family love and consent, worthy of a monastic feat to strive for good and protect from reproach, affirm the shepherds in the fortress of the spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, beg for those who are deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour: you are ours hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Preparing for Prayer Work

Not every person enters the walls of God's Temple with a good heart and pure thoughts.

But in order for the Saints of Christ to hear the sighs of the afflicted, it is necessary to give up pride, be humble, have a kind and all-forgiving soul, bright thoughts and love in the heart.

It is necessary to understand that the financial test was sent from Above for something, so you need to comprehend the real cause of trouble. There is no need to blame anyone for the current problems.

If a person has sinned, he is obliged to repent before God in the Sacrament of Confession and be held accountable for his actions.

About loans in Orthodoxy:

Prayer for repayment of debt will help not only to throw off the heavy burden of material duties, but also to choose the path of purification of the soul, to gain faith in the justice and kindness of Christ.

How to pray correctly

A prayer request is a sincere conversation between a person and a saint, a request for help.

It is important to be a believing Orthodox Christian, to lead a pious life, to participate in the Church Sacraments, to be freed from accumulated sins.

  1. Requests should be made sincerely, without deceit and pretense.
  2. Before starting prayer, it is necessary to apologize for your sins, committed voluntarily or involuntarily.
  3. When addressing a saint, you should be focused on your words, not be distracted by extraneous conversations and thoughts (these are the intrigues of the devil who dreams of getting a sinful soul).
  4. The text must be pronounced clearly and clearly, with a desire to be heard.
  5. You should not read his words to yourself, it will not bring any benefit (you need to read in a whisper or aloud).
  6. You need to ask a saint for help more than once, it happens that a person has been waiting for what he asked for several years.
  7. If you can’t achieve what you want, then you shouldn’t sin, blaspheme God and lose faith - the Lord will surely reward those who ask for patience and humility.
  8. It is desirable, in addition to prayer,

To get rid of the debt hole, from creditors, you can resort to the help of magic spells. There are a large number of different rituals designed to help a person in a difficult financial situation. A debt conspiracy will help only if you sincerely believe in its power, if all the rules of specialists in the field of esotericism are followed.

The ritual will only help if you sincerely believe in its power.

Compliance with the rules is very important

To get rid of debt, there is a magical conspiracy to return lost financial flows. This is a ritual formula that has long been used by our ancestors in order to influence the subconscious and energy of a person in a certain way. It is very important to follow certain rules and recommendations of specialists in order to achieve the maximum effect from the rituals performed:

  1. To return financial well-being, all rituals should be performed only on the waxing moon. This is how well-being and positive matters will come.
  2. To get rid of negativity, magical actions are performed during the waning moon. The debt ritual is also performed on the waning moon.
  3. It is also important to sincerely believe that the ceremony will be effective; during its implementation, it is necessary to invest a large amount of one's energy in the speeches.
  4. All thoughts should be bright, desires sincere and earthly (no need to wish for something and not work at the same time, but wait for good things to appear out of nowhere).
  5. Desires should not harm others (that is, one should not wish to take from someone and give to you).
  6. When asking for help from higher powers, you need to focus on a specific problem, and not on the general state of finances in the family, and not be distracted by extraneous matters and thoughts.
  7. It is better for women to perform secret actions on women's days, and for men on men's.

By following these recommendations, raising funds will happen much faster and more efficiently. When choosing a way to get rid of debts, it should be borne in mind that in the future it is better not to borrow money again and refrain from loans.

Effective conspiracies from lack of money

During the seven-day ceremony, the words are read while washing

There is an effective seven-day conspiracy. to pay off debts. Every day in the morning after waking up, washing yourself, read the spell. It is important that no one sees this magical ritual. Take a glass, draw clean cold water, whisper the following text:

“The water is clean, the water is fast. You can go with the flow wherever you want. You will always find paths for yourself, you fill the whole earth on your way, you never become smaller. Let me drink and wash you, help me feed myself, show me the way to get rid of my debts.

After reading, wash your face and slowly drink the charmed water. Repeat such actions throughout the week during the waning moon.

There is also a strong debt conspiracy, which is carried out using a chicken egg. Such a magical ritual is especially effective if financial difficulties haunt more than one generation, if people work hard, but do not receive a worthy reward for their labors. For the ritual, you need one fresh chicken egg. Whisper the following text at him three times:

“The testicle is white, like the face is white. Like archangels of light. The enemies of the servant of God (his name) met, they took the money. Take care of me, help my trouble. Spread your wide wings, let no one break through to me and do no harm. Take away sorrows and slander from me, put a fence of strong oak for eternity. Whoever wants to harm me will not find a door-window to my monastery. That fence stands, the angel covers it. And I stay in it, I don’t run away from enemies, but they don’t see me. Amen (thrice).

A fresh egg must be broken into a glass of water

After reading the prayer word, break the egg into a glass of water, pour it into a toilet bowl or a restroom on the street, while saying:

“I’ll take only my own, and let them take someone else’s. I don't need it, I just need mine."

ancient ritual

There is an ancient conspiracy to get rid of debt. We read it on the waning moon. The rite requires being near a natural reservoir - a river, stream or lake. The water element can take with it all material problems. There are many options for such magical actions, so you need to choose the most suitable for yourself. You need to go outside, go to a natural reservoir, stand on the shore, say, looking at the water:

“The fish swim like free birds fly. They sparkle, shimmer, beautiful, many-eyed. A flock floats downstream, decreases back home, far, far away. So let there be no more such debtor (your name). Let him be able to repay all his debts, let the fish swallow them, and the current will take them away with him forever and ever. Across the blue sea-okiyanom the bird will catch a big fish along with my debts, tear it apart with sharp claws. There are no more debts. Amen".

An ancient conspiracy is read on a waning moon

After reading the spell, the financial situation will improve significantly. You will forever forget about borrowed money, only at the same time you need to remember the further rule - do not borrow money, since it is not recommended to repeat such a ritual, otherwise the water element may be offended.

Ritual at home

How to get rid of debts with the help of magic? If there is no opportunity to get rid of debts near the reservoir, you can perform the ceremony at home. Open the faucet while the water is flowing say these magic words:

“A droplet to a droplet flows, a stream flows into a large river. As this stream flows swiftly, so may my debts rush into the distance and leave me forever. I will be clean, washed with water, hidden from debts. Let the given, unnecessary, hidden will not be and not remembered.

Perform rituals during the waning moon at any time of the day.

End debt forever

Debt conspiracies will help from collectors and debts. After the performed magical actions, collectors will no longer come, and in collection offices they will forget about you. Also, rituals will help bosses and managers to fully pay off their employees on wages, in parallel, money and well-being come to them after the actions taken.

This is a strong ritual, for which you will need the following attributes: 4 candles, candlesticks or saucers to put candles, a knife with a wooden handle, a piece of clean white cloth, coins of the same denomination - 1 piece, a handful of salt, woolen or silk green thread. Perform the ceremony at midnight on a full moon.

Light candles, arrange them in candlesticks or saucers on the floor, create a square with them, like the cardinal points. Then pronounce the plot, turning in turn to each candle clockwise:

"Dear East, let the breeze blow, let it blow through the window, give me blessings and save."

Bow to the eastern candle. Then turn to the next one:

“Dear south, my heart friend. Help her in her affairs, burn all my debts.

Bow to the west and turn to the next candle:

"Dear West, help me, but return my prosperity."

“North dear, give me strength, even if I don’t ask / ask for a loan.”


You must bow in the direction of each candle

“I do not cut the fabric, but I will cut off my debts forever from myself.”

Wrap coins in one part of the fabric, salt in the other part. Tie the fabric tightly. The result should be two fabric bags. Tie them together with green thread. Remove to a secret place. Wait for the full moon. Throw away the cinders, saying:

“I’ll give someone else’s, I don’t need anything. I'll take mine."

On the next full moon, take the bags out of the cache, take them to the wasteland at night, leave them under the tree, saying:

“I will pay off my debts, and I will forgive everyone else’s. Salt cleans everything, I will get out of poverty, I will pay off with coins. May your dreams come true."

Go home silently, without looking back. Never tell anyone about the ceremony.

In no case can you talk about the ceremony

Ritual to get rid of permanent debts

If there is a situation where simply tormented by lack of money, loans, permanent debts, magic can be the way out. To get out of the debt hole, you can resort to the following ritual. You will need the following attributes: matches, a saucer, a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Write on a piece of paper the names of all the people you owe. Next to each name, enter the exact amount of the loan. In the process of writing, mentally imagine how all the problems disappear, how happy you are after that.

After waiting for midnight, set fire to a leaf with what is written, while setting fire to all four of its corners. It must burn out completely. While the paper is burning, imagine that all debts and loans are burning. Collect the ashes and throw them into the open window.

There is another way to get out of debt. You will need attributes such as candles and church water. The ritual is performed on the growing moon, its light should enter the window, illuminate the room. Put a candle on the windowsill, light it. Pour into a glass of consecrated water, put next to it. Read text:

“Fast and clean water. Take with you all my sorrows, loans, credits and debts. May they be gone forever, never coming back. And from now on I will be happy, cleansed, I will no longer be a debtor. May everyone forgive me and do not hold evil and resentment.

Say the text three times. Let the candle burn completely. Take a glass of church water, go to the nearest intersection (it is possible that not four, but three roads or paths intersect). Leave the glass container on the road. You have to be careful not to spill the water. Leave home silently, do not look back.

The container in which the water was brought will need to be left at the crossroads

How to quickly pay off debt

To quickly clear yourself of financial difficulties, you can use other options for magical conspiracies. To quickly get rid of material problems, it is recommended to perform the following ritual. Purchase or make your own small box. Put in some bills. This box will become a personal amulet. After each paycheck, put a small amount of paper money in it. And with the onset of the new moon, read:

“How this secret box stands, so let all my friends-helpers of the money lie firmly in it and not go anywhere from me. Let them not look at the side, they will never run away from me. The casket is forever closed.

Put next time bills on the new moon. And in the morning after that, take the old money and spend it only for your own pleasure.

Gypsy conspiracy to get rid of debt

A conspiracy to get rid of debt is also read during the full moon. It is better that there is a strong wind outside. You need to take clean paper, a pen and a candle. Light a candle on the windowsill until it is bitter to write on paper all your debts. Set fire to the leaf while it burns, say:

“Burn to ashes dear candle. Yes, take with you all the problems, difficulties. Return the money to their owners. Help me to be happy and free. Amen".

How to avoid loans and credits in the future

Get rid of debt in the future with the help of the following rituals. But to carry out such rituals in order not to borrow anymore, it is necessary only after the previous debts have been repaid. Further actions are aimed at clearing negative information at the energy level. Go to any natural body of water, toss a coin and say:

“Let all debts decrease, do not return to me in the future. I will drive them away from me, as I drive away clear water. I'll pay for it with silver, I'll give you what I don't need. I'll throw the key into the water, dissolve it. Loans closed, locked forever. Amen"

According to experienced magicians and sorcerers, it is very important to always keep your wallet clean and tidy. After all, this is a house for money, they need to be respected and honored. There should be no foreign objects in the wallet - candy wrappers, checks. Therefore, before starting the fight against poverty, it is necessary to restore order in it. And before you start any magical rites, you should think carefully about how much you need them. You can not turn to magic just like that, or for nothing. Only when in dire need.

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Credit debts have special properties, because they are usually designed for a long period. During this time, a person can get used to the realization that he will always be in debt. Such thoughts give rise to negative energy, and it interferes with the cash flows that could come to the rescue.

Activate the energy of money

By themselves, magical actions will not get rid of debts. After the appropriate ceremony, employees of a financial organization will not come to you and will not hand over documents stating that you no longer need to pay.

The main task of money rituals is to attract material resources by activating your energy. But this also requires your own efforts.

First of all, tune in to positive changes in your life. Do not blame yourself for the current situation, because guilt takes away the energy that is needed to change life for the better. Treat debt as a negative but rewarding experience.

Analyze your next steps in this direction. The best way to do this is with a pen and paper. Formulate: what should be the situation for it to stop bothering you? How much exactly do you need to earn? What needs to be done for this?

Set a deadline for solving the problem in specific units - days, months, weeks. Make a step-by-step plan of action: write a resume on such and such date! Send it to several employers on such and such date, meet a friend who can help on such and such date, etc.

Be sure to plan your expenses - your purchases, especially large ones, should not be random.

The general principle of spending looks something like this: 50% of all funds are spent on current needs (food, clothes, etc.), 20% on debt repayment or savings, 30% on education, entertainment and additional expenses.

If you yourself are determined to become a successful person, magical rituals will definitely help, creating such an environment around you that it will be easy for you to earn money and repay a loan.

When conducting such rituals, certain rules must be observed.

  • First of all, don't use them for fun. Communication with subtle matters should be respectful so as not to harm yourself.
  • The ritual for getting rid of loans is done on the waning moon - as in other cases when it is necessary to get rid of something.
  • It is very important that during the ceremony your thoughts are pure, and your desires do not harm anyone. After the ritual, try not to borrow for a month.
  • Conspiracies for women are most powerful on women's days (they are indicated by feminine words - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), conspiracies for men - on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). Do not do several rituals at the same time or immediately after each other - at least a month must pass between them.

Conspiracies to pay off debts and loans

Key conspiracy

To perform one of the effective rites, you will need a long key that has never been used (you can buy it at the appropriate workshop). The ritual should be performed at midnight. Go to an intersection where there are no cars, put the key there and go around it - first three times counterclockwise, then three times clockwise. At the same time, repeat the words:

“Forces around me, take pity, I beg you! Pardon my stupidity! Give a second chance. So be it!"

After the ceremony, this key should be hung on a bunch with the rest of your keys and worn there until you get rid of debts.

To conduct another ritual, you will need a white paper sheet, a church candle and a pencil or pen. The ceremony is held in the evening, it is better if there is a slight wind outside. Light a candle near the window. Write down on a piece of paper who you owe and how much. Burn this leaf over the flame of a candle and say the words:

"Candle-candle, help me in business, burn all my debts."

A sheet of paper should burn to the ground, the resulting ashes should be thrown out the window.

Conspiracy for water

Rituals related to water will help get rid of credit debts, because its energy helps in solving money problems. Go to any natural water source, throw a white coin into it and say the words of the conspiracy:

“For my debt, my payment is quick and full, my head is bright without debts. I drive away my debts from myself into the water, and from it they will forever go into the earth. I paid (s) in silver, and I pay only from myself, and not from others. I do not ask princes and boyars about this. The debt, together with the coin, is in the water, I throw it and dissolve it, and the water is absorbed into the ground. Debts for me are forever closed by a word and locked by a coin. Amen".

A similar ceremony can be performed at home near an open water tap. A coin is not needed, and the words will sound like this:

“Droplet to droplet, and a large jet flows into the natural stream. Just as she is fast and swift, so quickly my debts will flow away from me. I will remain clean (a), washed with natural water (a), and in the future forever hidden from debt (a). Amen".

Such rituals will help attract monetary energy and become a financially independent person. Good luck and prosperity!

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