A man with skill. Unique human capabilities

1. Autistic from the UK Daniel Tammet (Daniel Tammet) hardly speaks, does not distinguish between left and right, does not know how to insert a plug into a socket, but at the same time easily performs complex mathematical calculations in his mind.
“I represent numbers as visual images. They have color, structure, shape, says Tammet. - Numerical sequences appear in my mind as landscapes. Like pictures. It's as if the universe with its fourth dimension is emerging in my head."
Daniel knows by heart 22514 digits after the decimal point in pi and speaks eleven languages: English, French, Finnish, German, Estonian, Spanish, Romanian, Icelandic (learned in 7 days), Lithuanian (gives his preference), Welsh and in Esperanto.

2. A young man from Sacramento (California) - Ben Underwood (Ben Underwood) - was born a completely healthy child, but his eyes were removed surgically due to retinal cancer at the age of three. However, Ben continued to live a full life as a sighted person.
However, he never had a guide dog or cane; he does not help himself with his hands, even if he moves in an unfamiliar room. Instead, Ben uses his tongue to make clicks that bounce off nearby objects.
Doctors' studies showed that the boy's hearing did not become more acute as a compensation for the loss of vision - he has the hearing of an ordinary average person - it's just that Ben's brain has learned to translate sounds into visual information, which makes the young man look like a bat or a dolphin - he is able to capture the echo, and on based on this echo determine the exact location of objects.

3. Daniel Smith, a gutta-percha man from the United States, who is a five-time Guinness World Record holder, began twisting his body at the age of four, believing that he was not doing anything special. But soon Daniel realized what talent he had, and at the age of 18 he ran away from home with a circus troupe.
Since then, the “rubber man” has participated in many circus and acrobatic performances, basketball and baseball matches, and has been a guest on most famous television shows and programs. Among them: Men in Black 2, HBO's Carnivale, CSI: NY, and others.
The most flexible person alive today does incredible things with his body: he easily crawls through a hole in a tennis racket and through a toilet seat, and also knows how to curl up into incredible knots and compositions, and move his heart across his chest. Doctors believe that incredible flexibility was given to Daniel from birth, but he himself brought it to the maximum possible limit.

4. Frenchman Michael Lotito (Michel Lotito), born in 1950, discovered his amazing abilities at the age of 9 - after scaring his parents to death, he ate a TV. From the age of 16, he began to entertain people for money, eating metal, glass, and rubber. Interestingly, Lotito's body never showed any side effects, even when the food contained toxic substances.
Usually the object is dismantled into parts, cut into pieces, and Lotito swallows them with water. The omnivorous Michael, nicknamed "Monsieur Eat it all", got into the Guinness Book of Records for eating the Cessna-150 plane. He ate it for two whole years - from 1978 to 1980 - using about a kilogram of the plane in a day.
The latest x-ray showed that there were still pieces of metal left in Lotito's body. And he did not die just because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of the average person.

5. Rathakrishnan Velu, known as the "Tooth King", also has a rare ability. This Malaysian practiced pulling vehicles with his teeth.
On August 30, 2007, on the eve of Malaysia's 50th Independence Day, this man broke his own record by pulling a train with his own teeth.
This time the train consisted of 6 wagons and weighed 297 tons. Harikrishnan managed to drag the train 2.8 meters.

6. Liew Thow Lin is a human magnet. In his 70s, Harikrishnan's compatriot Velu managed to drag a car through with an iron chain attached to an iron plate on his stomach.
Liv Tou Lin considers the ability to attract metal objects to be hereditary, since besides him, 3 of his sons and 2 grandsons are endowed with the same amazing and incredible gift.
Scientists, meanwhile, are trying in vain to explain this phenomenon: there is no magnetic field around the Malaysian, and everything is in order with his skin.

7. Thai Ngoc (Thai Ngoc), 64-year-old Vietnamese, forgot what sleep is after he had a fever in 1973. Since then, Tai per
"I don't know how insomnia affects health," he says, "but I'm quite healthy and can run the household just as well as others." As evidence, Ngoc mentions that he carries two 50-kilogram bags of fertilizer every day several kilometers from home.
And during the medical examination, the doctors did not find any diseases in the Vietnamese, except for minor abnormalities in the liver.

8. Tim Cridland (Tim Cridland) - a man who does not experience pain. Even at school, the “King of Torture” amazed classmates when, without batting an eyelid, he pierced his hands with needles and painlessly withstood any heat and cold.
Today, Tim is demonstrating terrifying things to large audiences across America. To do this, he had to study anatomy for a long time. After all, when the admiring eyes of the audience look at you, safety is above all.
Scientific studies have shown that Tim has a much higher pain limit than the average person. Otherwise, he is no different from ordinary people. Including - the degree of damage caused by piercing the body with hairpins, as well as the chance of death with these injuries.

9. Kevin Richardson, relying on instinct, is friends with the cat family, but not domestic, but predatory. Without the slightest fear for his life, Kevin can spend the night with the lions.
Cheetahs and leopards, capable of tearing a person apart in a split second if they wish, take the biologist for their own. Even unpredictable hyenas are so used to Kevin that the female hyena, for example, allows him to pick up newborn cubs.
“I rely on my intuition when weighing my chances when interacting with animals. I will never approach the animal if I feel that something is wrong, says Richardson. - I don't use sticks, whips or chains, just patience. It's dangerous, but for me it's a passion, not a job."

10. Claudio Pinto from Belo Horizonte is better known as a goggle-eyed person because he is able to goggle his eyes 4 cm, that is, 95% of the eye orbits.
Pinto has undergone many medical examinations, and doctors say they have never seen a person who can do this to his eyes before.
"It's a pretty easy way to make money. I can goggle my eyes 4 centimeters - it's a gift from God and I feel happy," says Claudio.

Despite the uniqueness of each person, in terms of anatomy and physiology, we are all similar. That is why people with unusual abilities or external characteristics always cause a rush of interest. There are few such individuals, and in most cases these phenomena are carefully hidden from the public for their own good. This material contains real facts about the most unusual people that have received wide publicity.

In May 1934, a sensational event took place, which was called the "luminous woman from Pirano." Messages about this moved from the pages of medical publications to newspapers around the world. Signora Anna Monaro suffered from asthma, and for several weeks during her sleep, a blue light emanated from her chest. Many doctors have observed this phenomenon, which lasted intermittently for several seconds each time.

One psychiatrist suggested that "the phenomenon is caused by electrical and magnetic organisms which have developed sufficiently strongly in this woman's body to give off a radiance" (in other words, another way of saying "I don't know").

Another doctor, talking about firefly people with unusual abilities, proposed the theory of electromagnetic radiation, associating it with certain chemical components found in the patient's skin, which was close to the then fashionable theory of bioluminescence. Dr. Protti, who made a lengthy statement regarding his observations of Signora Monaro, suggested that her poor health, together with starvation and piety, increased the amount of sulfides in the blood. Human blood emits rays in the ultraviolet range, and sulfides can be made to luminesce with ultraviolet radiation - this explains the radiance emanating from Signora Monaro's chest.

The proposed theory about people with such unusual abilities did not explain the strange periodicity or localization of bluish flashes, and soon the confused researchers finally fell silent. Harvey talked about luminous bacteria that feed on human sweat, but according to Protti, Anna Monaro began to sweat profusely only after her chest emitted a radiance, and just at that moment her heart began to beat twice as fast as usual. Many textbooks and scientific papers on toxicology describe wounds that emit radiance. This is usually explained by the presence of luminescent bacteria or secretions in wounds, which contain the biochemical substances luciferin and luciferase, as well as ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which, as a rule, do not combine, and if they are combined, they begin to emit light. A similar process occurs with the glow of fireflies and fire flies. However, if these theories could be applied to the case of Signora Monaro, then her whole body would have to glow.

In Death: Its Causes and Related Phenomena, Hareward Carrington tells of a child who died of acute indigestion. When the neighbors were preparing a shroud for him, they noticed that the boy's body emits a bluish radiance and heat spreads from him. It felt like it was on fire. Attempts to extinguish this radiance did not lead to anything, but after a while it stopped by itself. When they moved the body, they found that the sheet under it was burned.

In the medical literature, cases of the unusual ability of a person to glow are usually associated with pathology. For example, in the monumental monograph "Anomalies and Curiosities in Medicine" (1937), they talk about a woman who suffered from breast cancer: the light emanating from the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe breast was sufficient to see the dial of a watch several feet away.

The only case in the world when unusual people "emit light" being practically healthy (not counting, of course, saints) is described in the journal "The English Mechanic" dated September 24, 1869. One American, going to bed, discovered a glow in the upper part of the fourth finger of her right legs. When she rubbed her leg, the glow increased and some unknown force pushed her fingers apart. The stench came from the foot. Light emission and smell did not stop even when the leg was immersed in a basin of water. Not even soap could extinguish or reduce the glow. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and the husband of this woman watched him.

Perhaps these are the most unusual people on the planet, since such phenomena are quite rare, while they have absolutely no explanation.

"Electric" people with unusual abilities

One of the very first cases of scientists studying very unusual people dates back to 1846. We are talking about the so-called "electric" people. On January 15, Angelique Cotin from La Perriere (France), who turned 14 that day, experienced a strange condition that then lasted 10 weeks. As soon as she got close to the objects, they immediately began to bounce off her. The lightest touch of her hand or her dress was enough to make even the heaviest furniture start spinning and jumping around the room. It was absolutely impossible to hold something if Angelica was holding it too: the object immediately began to twitch and slip out of her hands.

The French Academy of Sciences appointed a special research group to study this one of the most unusual abilities of people, one of whose members was the famous physicist of the time, Francois Arago. In the February issue of the Journal de Deba for 1846, his report on the investigation was published. According to the scientist, the power possessed by the girl is akin to electromagnetism (in her presence, for example, the compass needle began the real “St. Witt’s dance”); it usually increased in the evenings and seemed to be concentrated on the left side of Angelica's body, more precisely, in her left wrist and elbow. The poor thing would sometimes convulse when this power was particularly active; while her heart rate was 120 beats per minute. She herself was so frightened of what was happening that she often ran away from home headlong.

Probably the most famous example of such the most unusual people in the world was the case of Lulu Hirst, who even demonstrated her extraordinary abilities in front of the public. In 1883-1885. she acted like a "wonder from Georgia" until she retired from the stage by marrying her entrepreneur.

She, as expected, in the classic version with "evil spirits", began to feel her abilities in herself after 14 years. Porcelain cups were beating in her presence, and at night in the bedroom where she was, incomprehensible knocks on the door and heavy blows began to be heard, which frightened her younger sister to death, with whom they slept together. The day after the strange noises began, Lulu handed over a chair to one of her relatives, which at the same time began to spin in her hands, clearly not wanting to move to a new owner. The four men could not pull it over, eventually the chair broke into pieces and all four fell to the floor.

Relatives persuaded the girl to turn her illness into art. The number with which she performed was that Lulu had to demonstrate her superiority over several adult men. Let's say a girl held one end of a billiard cue, and two strong men tried with all their might to no avail to snatch the cue from her hands, bend it to the ground, etc. She lifted three men sitting on each other's knees in a chair, with a simple touch of her palms on his back, lightly touched a heavy object - and he moved away, although before that five strong men could not move him. Edwards described such unusual human abilities in his book Strange People (1961). He wrote about Lulu that, according to the testimony of many contemporaries, she let in any “checkers” who could make sure that she did her numbers without any tension, without resorting to tricks and tricks.

These photos show the unusual people of the planet with non-standard appearance and abilities:

The most unusual people on the planet, immune to fire (with photo and video)

It is unlikely that anyone in their right mind would risk walking barefoot through a pit filled with burning coals or red-hot stones. It can be assumed that people demonstrating this are in some special state. No one has yet explained how, while walking through the fire, they manage to perform this incredible trick without any damage to themselves.

One of the first experiments with walking on fire was organized in September 1935 in Carshalton, Surrey, at the initiative of the University of London. The experiment involved a young Muslim man from India, Kuda Bax, who walked through a 20-foot-wide coal pit four times without being burned.

In all parts of the world, immunity to fire is achieved by a wide variety of methods. Apparently, among the Indians (whether in India, Sri Lanka or Fiji) the most important element of the ritual is a state of trance or religious ecstasy. However, Kuda Bax and many others showed their immunity to fire while in a completely normal state. However, some require complex preparation, which includes singing, dancing, and sexual abstinence, while others may walk on coals with no preparation at all or after a simple symbolic ritual.

As you can see in the photo, such unusual people do not receive any damage by walking on hot coals:

E. D. Dinguall's book, Amazing Cases of People (1947), details a certain Marie Saune who lived in Paris in the 1950s. 18th century This woman, who suffered from the attacks of St. Medara, was nicknamed "fireproof". Wrapped in a sheet, she could lie over the fire for a long time, leaning her head and legs on the chairs. She could put her feet in stockings and shoes into a brazier with coals and keep them there until the stockings burned to the ground. In this regard, the question arises, why did the stockings and shoes burn down, but not the sheet? By the way, this is not the only such example. In the book "Secrets of Science and Miracles" M. F. Long cited the story of D. G. Hill about a walk on hot stones on one of the islands of the Tahiti archipelago with the participation of a certain European. Although the pit was so hot that the skin on his face was peeling off, his leather boots were completely undamaged by the fire.

What happens while walking on fire? Most likely, the walker is in an exalted state, in which pain sensations are suppressed, as, for example, during hypnosis sessions. However, in some cases, participants do without trance or ecstasy. At the same time, there is no data indicating that damaged tissues heal so quickly that no traces remain at all (a similar phenomenon is sometimes observed among dervishes, residents of the island of Bali and other "initiates" who know the art of piercing their bodies).

The author found the most daring explanation for such an unusual deviation in people in the work of D. Pierce "Crack in the Cosmic Egg", devoted to the issue of different degrees of perception of "reality". Pierce believes that walking on coals is a classic example of the creation of some new reality (albeit only temporary and on a local scale), in which the fire does not burn as usual. Everything goes well as long as this reality persists, but in the history of walking on fire there are cases of monstrous victims and terrible injuries of those whose faith suddenly broke, and they again found themselves in that world where the fire burns. The magical state in which a person becomes immune to fire appears to be created by the person directing the fire-walking ceremony.

It is probably impossible to explain the ability to walk on fire by spiritual or psychological reasons alone, and here we are talking about some physical phenomenon that has not yet been understood and has not found its explanation.

How else can one explain the fact that in Bulgaria tourists are still taken to one of the villages, where every evening the locals walk on hot coals.

Here you can watch a video of unusual people immune to fire:

Very unusual people with abnormal deviations: "boiling" person

One of the most unusual people on earth is the so-called "boiling people." When scientists from Lima, having climbed very high in the mountains, met Augusto Moravira, they were terribly surprised, says Echo of the Planet. The fact is that the snow, falling on the body of an Indian, instantly melted, flowing down in jets. And the mountaineer's handshake was incredibly hot and humid.

When Augusto's body temperature was taken, the thermometer went off scale. And a special laboratory thermometer, which measured the temperature of this person, showed 43.5 ° C.

However, the phenomenon of people with such abnormal deviations is explained quite simply. According to scientists, the normal high body temperature is due to high blood pressure, and it in turn depends on the high atmospheric pressure. However, after living for some time in Lima, Augusto lowered his body temperature to 37 ° C at a pressure of 120/80. At the same time, he began to freeze even on fine days. But he is not going to return to the mountains. It's nice to feel at the center of a sensation.

The most unusual abilities of people on earth: super-acute hearing and vision

Jozef Povollo-Rzeszowski's parents moved from Poland to Sweden when he was only two years old. At first, the father and mother did not notice any abnormalities in the child. But one day, four-year-old Jozef recounted to his mother a conversation between two people who were a little more than a kilometer away. Of course, Jadwiga did not believe her son. And he actually had super-acute, simply supernatural hearing: the boy freely picked up human speech, sounding one and a half kilometers away.

After some time, he began to amaze others with another unusual ability - super-sharp vision, thanks to which he could freely read a newspaper text at a distance of 1 km.

And cases of such unusual possibilities in humans are far from isolated.

People with an unusual appearance by nature and their photos

The most famous people with an unusual appearance are considered a child with a dog's face and a tower woman with a gigantic stature.

When puppy whining was heard in the delivery room of a Toronto (Canada) clinic, the doctors who delivered the babies were shocked.

Linda and Derrida Jemisson were a wonderful couple, but they lacked a child to be completely happy. The specialists could not help them in any way, and the couple had to turn to the services of a sperm bank. No one can now tell how Linda was impregnated with dog sperm. The course of pregnancy was monitored by doctors, and if they had timely established which fetus develops in the womb, the state of emergency could have been avoided. But a man was born with an unusual appearance by nature: the body of the child was human, and the face was dog. And he burst into puppy barking.

"Psychokinesis" is a term that combines the phenomena of the influence of thought on matter. There is a theory that the anomalous ability can be congenital or acquired. Almost everyone can develop it in themselves. The process is long, painstaking and laborious. The decisive role is played by harmony, peace of mind. Spending energy on the negative aspects of being - anger, envy, selfishness, rudeness, people have lost their natural capabilities. Psychokinesis includes:


The term appeared in 1914. Proponents argue that the phenomenon has been known since antiquity. Despite the obvious evidence, there are enough opponents who claim that telekinesis as a phenomenon does not exist.

A vivid example confirming the unique abilities of a person is the phenomenon of Kulagina.

Ninel Kulagina became famous in the 1960s. On March 10, 1970, the most famous experiment took place. Kulagina, psychokinetically influencing the frog, changed its pulse, and then stopped the heart. This caused a sensation among domestic and Western scientists. According to eyewitnesses, Kulagina's phenomenal abilities were in the possibilities:

    moving small objects

    movement of the compass needle;

    scattering the laser beam by hand;

    changes in the acidity of the liquid;

    film exposure;

    the appearance of a burn from the touch of her hand.

Skeptics attributed these magical abilities to the release of histamine from her sweat glands, forming a charged aerosol. Many accused her of charlatanism. However, there is no evidence of fraud. Nothing suspicious was found in the photo from Kulagina's experiment.


The ability to use the power of thought to cause the appearance of fire and control it. Real cases of sudden ignition of people are known, when the temperature of the human body reached three thousand degrees, and the person turned into a handful of ashes within a few seconds. The nature of such a fire is different from the usual process associated with oxidation. Things, flammable objects around remained intact if pyrokinesis was not directed at them.


Lifting people, animals, objects into the air, despite the force of gravity - levitation. There are a number of videos confirming the phenomenon of levitation. The ability to soar in the air is characteristic of yogis, shamans, Tibetan monks, and mediums. Separate from levitation is teleportation. Real cases of teleportation, both controlled and sudden, have been recorded.

The power of thought

Teachings about the power of thought and the materialization of thought forms have gained particular popularity in the modern world. Many scholars have become interested in the topic. A number of practices, seminars, techniques for developing a person's ability to control thoughts are presented in the public domain. They do not have scientific validity, evidence, but they really work. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is the first step towards achieving harmony.

Each of the contradictory anomalous phenomena has a huge number of opponents, but there is also a lot of evidence for the existence. The confrontation is explained by the fact that a person is afraid to believe in something that he cannot explain from a scientific point of view. It is important that the strengthening of faith in supernatural abilities is not in the hands of the rulers of this world, it is much easier to control the ignorant, gullible masses.

The incredible possibilities of the human body have always been of interest to both scientists and ordinary people. After all, some people are endowed with such strange abilities that are extremely difficult to explain from a rational point of view.

Iceman Wim Hof

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​absolutely does not feel the cold. Even in the most extreme conditions, his body does not suffer from low temperatures. A man more than once lay in the ice for a long time or conquered mountain peaks in his shorts. According to medical tests, even in severe frost, his body does not undergo any changes.

Kam Ma and 1015 rings in the body

Sunderland hairdresser Kam Ma put an incredible number of rings on his body - 1015 - without anesthesia. He endured 7 hours 55 minutes - all the time until the master's working day ended.

Bioenergy resources of Etibar Elchiev

Azerbaijani Etibar Elchiev has a unique ability - he can attract metal. In 2011, he set a record by holding 50 iron spoons on his body. He also held for half a minute on his chest a “stuck” iron hood weighing 14 kilograms, on which stood a man weighing 92 kilograms. Thus, the total weight of the cargo held was 106 kilograms.

The Amazing Spine of John Evans

John Evans' spine is to be envied. Or vice versa... A man can hold a car on his head, of course, not without the help of his hands.

The strongest grandmother Sakinat Khanapiev

At 76 years old, Sakinat will not yield to, perhaps, a super-strong girl. Grandma loves to stand on nails while lifting a weight of 24 kilograms

Strong ears of Lasha Pataray

The champion of Georgia in Greco-Roman wrestling set 2 world records in lifting weights with his ears. First, he dragged a minibus for 48 meters, attaching it to his ears with a nylon cord, then, again with his ears, he tore weights with a total weight of 52 kilograms from the ground and held them in this position for 14 seconds.

Lightning Rod Man Cleveland Sullivan

Roy Cleveland Sullivan is a man who got into the Guinness Book of Records as a man who was struck by lightning a record 7 times, after which he survived.

"Hercules" from France Pierre Gasnier

A man could lift dumbbells that weighed 2 times more than himself, and could break an iron chain by expanding his chest.

Cannonball catcher John Holtum

To become famous and make a name for himself, the circus strongman came up with the idea not only to play with heavy objects, but to catch them. Moreover, these were not weights, but real cannonballs, which are fired from cannons.

Kevin Richardson has the ability to "understand animals"

Also known as the "lion gossip", Kevin Richardson has become a worldwide legend thanks to his friendship with wild animals such as lions, cheetahs and hyenas. The friendship is so close that a movie was made about how Richardson sleeps, plays and walks among these wild animals.

Telescopic eyes Claudio Pinto

Claudio Pinto doesn't look like a superhuman at first glance, but he does have a special talent. He is able to pop his eyes out of their sockets and expand them up to 7 millimeters, which is approximately 95% of the eyeball.

Tibetan monks control their body temperature with their minds

Monks from Tibet have the impressive ability to change body temperature using only their minds. There is a recorded fact that they changed their temperature by as much as eight degrees Celsius.

Radhakrishnan Velu - man with steel teeth

A Malaysian with the funny nickname "Tooth King" can move a train with 7 cars using a steel rope clamped in his mouth. It was a world record as he was able to pull this 297 ton train 2.8 meters with his teeth.

Steven Wiltscher is a man with a super photographic memory.

Steven Wiltsher is an artist who paints urban landscapes in great detail. However, unlike other artists, Stephen has a particular talent for drawing realistic and accurate representations of cities just by looking at them. While an ordinary artist will need to repeatedly look at the subject for a long time in order to fully draw all the details.

Ma Xingang is Mr. Electricity.

Ma Xingang is apparently impervious to electricity.

He is able to touch live wires without feeling pain (wires that would normally kill most people) and is also able to turn on a light bulb by touching a source of electricity.

Natasha Demkina has x-ray vision

It is widely believed in Russia that a young girl named Natasha Demkina can identify diseases in patients better than their doctors. How is this possible? With her extraordinary vision. According to her, she can see through the organs of patients, which means Natasha has x-ray vision. Cool, isn't it?

Daniel Tammet is a math genius

Daniel Tammet is an autistic scientist who can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at incredible speed. But unlike other scientists who can accomplish similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it. He also speaks seven languages ​​and even develops his own.

Dean Karnazes has super stamina

Most athletes and runners should stop when they reach their lactate threshold, but Dean Karnazes' muscles never tire, and because of this rare ability, he can run for days and nights without sleeping or stopping. His extraordinary feats include: running on a treadmill for eighty hours non-stop (350 miles) and running 50 marathons, in 50 states, in 50 consecutive days.

Al Herpin - a man with eternal insomnia

The average person won't go a few days without sleep, but not Al Herpin, who apparently hasn't slept in his entire life. Even though the alleged cause is unknown, some scientists believe that he lost his sleep due to his mother being severely injured days before he was born.

Tim Cridland knows how to heal quickly.

Tim Cridland is widely known for his performances, where he pierces his body with large needles, directly into muscle tissue, without feeling pain and without losing blood. After that, his wounds heal very quickly, leaving no traces.

Incredible Facts

We are used to seeing superheroes either on TV screens or in fiction.

But people with amazing abilities do exist in real life.

Below is a list of 10 of the most unusual of them.

Capabilities of the human brain

1 Incredible Brain - Daniel Tammet

Daniel is a gifted British man with a pronounced form of autism, who has unrealistic abilities for mathematical calculations, an incredible memory and ability for languages.

He was born with epilepsy. Seeing numbers in the form of colors or sensations is a well-studied form of synesthesia, however, Daniel's mental perception of numbers is unique. According to him, each number up to 10,000 has its own unique shape, and he sees the results of the calculations in the form of landscapes, while feeling whether the number is prime or composite.

For example, Daniel described the visual image of the number 289 as "ugly", 333 - "especially attractive", the number Pi - "beautiful".

Tammet not only verbally describes his visions, but also creates works of art, especially he loves to paint in watercolor. One of his works - favorites - is the painting "Pi".

Daniel set the European record for memorizing and listing 22,514 digits after the decimal point in pi in just five hours. Moreover, he speaks various languages ​​including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh and Esperanto.

He always emphasizes that he loves the Estonian language very much, because it has a lot of vowel sounds. Tammet is currently creating his own language called "Manti" (Mänti). A new language is given to a man very quickly. To document this, Daniel was challenged to learn Icelandic in one week.

Seven days later, he appeared on Icelandic television and had a very nice conversation with a journalist who, after talking with this unique man, said that "this is not a man."

2 The Boy With Sonar Vision - Ben Underwood

Ben is a blind boy whose eyes were removed at the age of three as a result of cancer. However, no matter what he played basketball, rode a bicycle and lived a perfectly normal life.

But how did Ben see? Like the most common bat. As a rule, both during movement and during hunting, they emit special sounds of the same frequency, which, when colliding with a potential victim, abruptly change the frequency to a lower one. Thus, mice use these sounds to navigate using echolocation. You can read about their sonar vision.

Ben also learned how to use echolocation to get around. In the absence of a guide dog, he did not even need hands, because he used the sound. At some point, after the boy was noticed by Dr. Reuben, Ben became famous.

He has performed on radio and television shows, and has lectured blind people like him. Moreover, he did everything with pleasure, because he loved to help people.

Ben made a short sonic flick with his tongue that "bounced" off objects. Surprisingly, his ears let him know where the object was. He is the only person in the world who has seen with the help of echolocation only, like a dolphin or a bat.

The boy was very capable, his plans were to create video games for the blind, which he himself loved very much. Ben even made some sketches, moreover, according to the stories of his mother, he wrote almost 20 chapters of a science fiction novel.

Unfortunately, his dreams were not destined to come true, since cancer nevertheless defeated this little man, and in 2009, at the age of 16, he died.

3 Gutta Percha Boy - Daniel Browning Smith

A five-time Guinness World Record holder, the rubber guy is the most flexible living person, as well as the most famous acrobat.

Daniel learned to twist his body into incredible "knots" at the age of 4 years. Then he thought that everyone could do it, but he soon realized that he has incredible talent. At 18, he runs away from home, joins a circus group and travels the world with them.

This is how Daniel earns his living today. He can do incredible things with his body, twisting it in such a way that it becomes incomprehensible to the mind how this is possible.

He can fit in very tight spaces with twisted limbs, he can climb through a tennis racket and through a toilet lid, and he can move his heart in his chest. Experts say that this ability was given to the guy from birth, and he developed it to such proportions.

supernatural human abilities

4. Mr. "Eat Everything" - Michel Lotito (Michel Lotito)

Michel Lotito, born in 1950, is a French entertainer famous for his ability to eat inedible foods. He is also known by the nickname "Mr. Eat It All".

Lotito's performances "take part" in metals, glass, rubber, as well as integral objects such as bicycles, televisions, tables, etc., which he disassembles into small parts, cuts and eats.

Michel's biggest achievement to date is eating an airplane. It took Michel about 2 years to eat the plane: he did it from 1978 to 1980. He began to eat unusual things as a child, and began performing publicly in 1966.

Lotito does not often suffer the consequences of his strange diet, even if he consumes metals that are considered poisonous. As a rule, he eats about 1 kilogram of material per day, washing it all down with mineral oil and a considerable amount of water.

It appears to possess a stomach and intestines at least twice as thick as normal, and its digestive acids are powerful enough to digest metallic food.

5. Tooth King (Rathakrishnan Velu)

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of Malaysia's 50th Independence Day, Rathakrishnan Velu, or Raja Gigi as the locals call him, broke his own world record for pulling a train with his teeth.

This time under the supervision of Raj specialists was able to move a train weighing 297.1 tons a distance of 2.8 meters. He did it at the old railway station in Kuala Lumpur, literally holding the train with his teeth.

Raja Gigi learned about his incredible powers from an Indian guru at the age of 14.

People with extraordinary abilities

6. Magnet Man - Lie Thow Lin

Lew Tou Lin, a 70-year-old pensioner from Malaysia, was once the head of the news after he dragged a car over 20 meters with an iron chain, the other end of which was "tied" to a metal plate on his stomach.

A Malaysian tells that he recently discovered this ability in himself - to attract iron objects to your skin with a magnet, while creating the strongest grip. Now he has added a car to his "repertoire".

The man tells how, after reading an article about a family in Taiwan that has such power, he decided to try something similar on himself. To his surprise, Liu noticed that iron objects placed on his stomach did not fall, but, moreover, reliably cling to the skin.

Since this feature is present in three of his sons, as well as in two of his grandchildren, he believes that this is hereditary.

7. The man who does not sleep - Thai Ngoc (Thai Ngoc)

Thai Ngoc, a 64-year-old pensioner, says that after suffering from a fever in 1973, he cannot sleep at night and has already counted countless sheep for over 11,700 sleepless nights.

"I don't know if insomnia has affected my health or not, but I can still farm like everyone else," says Ngoc.

His words are confirmed by other residents of the commune, and Ngoc himself, being its oldest resident, can carry two bags of 50 kg for more than 4 km. His wife says that Ty used to sleep well, but now even alcohol does not help him sleep.

Most recently, Ngoc underwent a full medical examination, the results of which revealed that all organs in a man function according to his age, except for a slight decrease in liver function.

Currently, Ngoc lives on his 5-hectare farm at the foot of the mountain, farming and looking after pigs and chickens. His six children live in their home in the urban commune of Que Trung.

Ngoc often works on the farm or guards it from thieves at night, talking about how he used three months of sleepless nights to dig two large fish ponds.

People with extraordinary abilities

8 Torture King - Tim Cridland

Tim Cridland doesn't feel pain like everyone else. He will amaze every person by doing his terrible trick of piercing his arm through and through, while not blinking an eye. Now he is showing his unique abilities to audiences across America.

Scientific tests have shown that Tim can endure much more pain than the average person. Cridland explains this by saying that with the help of the victory of mind over matter, he is able to pierce his body through almost anywhere.

However, before doing this, he carefully studied human anatomy, because piercing an artery can be fatal.

9. Best friend of lions - Kevin Richardson (Kevin Richardson)

Animal behavior researcher Kevin Richardson talks about how he relies on instinct to gain trust and build a special bond with big cats. He can spend the night quietly curled up near them without fear of being attacked.

His magic works not only on lions, but also on other animals such as cheetahs, leopards and even hyenas, which turn off aggression when interacting with him. Lions are his favorites. It's amazing to watch him play with them, take care of those with teeth so sharp they can easily bite through steel, not to mention human bones.

It's incredibly dangerous, but Kevin doesn't stop because he's too passionate about his job.

10. Man - "vykatiglaz" - Claudio Pinto (Claudio Pinto)

Claudio Pinto can protrude his eyes by 4 cm, or approximately 95 percent of the orbits. To go on a world record, Claudio went through a fairly large number of different tests, while doctors, in turn, say that they have never seen a person who could push the eyeball out of the socket so hard.

"It's a pretty easy way to make money, I can stick out my eyes 4 cm, it's a gift from God, I feel happy," says Pinto.

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