A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song. A man without a homeland is an orphan Overseas is warmer, but here it is lighter

Classroom hour

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song

Agafonova Margarita Pavlovna,
primary school teacher GBOU secondary school №139

Purpose: Creating conditions for the education of patriotic views of students


    Raising respect for the heroes of Russia

    Raising love for the native land

    Formation of interest in cognitive activity

    Development of communicative qualities


A map of St. Petersburg, a map of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg, a baby book, an exhibition of children's drawings “Where does the Motherland begin?”, signs with the names of the streets adjacent to the school, a presentation “A man without a Motherland is like a nightingale without a song”, musical accompaniment - romance "My nightingale, nightingale, vociferous - nightingale" lyrics by A. Delvig, music by A. Alyabyev, "Our Land" lyrics by A. Alien, music by Kobalevsky

Preliminary preparation:

    “The street I live on is named after…” - messages from children

    "Our school is named after A.S. Makarenko" - the material is prepared by a group of students

    "Museum of A.I. Marinesko" - the material is prepared by a group of students

    Children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War: Zina Portnova and Lenya Golikov - student presentations

Lesson progress

1. Children enter the classroom to the romance of Alexander Alyabyev "My nightingale, nightingale, vociferous nightingale ..."


We entered the classroom to the sounds of the famous romance, the music for which was written by the famous Russian composer A. Alyabyev.

The music of this romance sounded not by chance.

Topic of our meeting: "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song"


Who is a nightingale? What distinguishes the nightingale from other birds? What is this bird famous for? /children's answers/

It is difficult to imagine a nightingale without a song, his life is impossible without a song.

And human life is impossible without the Motherland.

How do you understand this word motherland? /children's answers/

2 . There are little books on the tables.

Let's read the words of Yu. Yakovlev about the Motherland.

/children read the first page of a baby book/

“In a large country, every person has a corner dear to him - a village, a street, a house where he was born. This is his little home. Our common homeland consists of many such small native corners.

And now let's look at the exhibition of your drawings.

Tell us how you saw your homeland. /children's comments on their drawings/

What feelings did you experience while working on the drawings?

Feelings of love for their Motherland, pride in it, warm memories and feelings for the fate of their Motherland, people express in proverbs and sayings, in music, in songs, in poems.

Children read poems about the Motherland:

What does "My Motherland" mean?

You will ask. I will answer:

- First, the path of the earth

Runs to meet you.

Then the garden will beckon you

A fragrant branch of each.

Then you will see a slender line

Multi-storey houses.

Then the wheat fields

From end to end

All this is your homeland.

Your native land.

The older you get and the stronger.

The more in front of you

She enticing ways

Confidently open.

There are many different countries in the world

But there is one country -

We call her motherland

But there is only one Motherland.

My Russia has long pigtails

My Russia has light eyelashes.

My Russia has blue eyes

On me, Russia, you are very similar.

The sun is shining. The winds are blowing

Downpours pour over Russia

Colored rainbow in the sky

There is no more beautiful land.

For me, Russia is white birches,

For me, Russia is morning dew,

For me, Russia is you, dearest of all,

What a mother, you look like mine.

You. my Russia, you will warm everyone with warmth,

You, my Russia, know how to sing songs,

You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,

After all, Russia is ours - it's us with friends.

3. Open the next page of the book - baby.

Read the words of K.D.Ushinsky

“We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it Motherland because we were born in it. They speak their native language in it, in it everything is native to us; and mother, because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, and taught us her language. As a mother, she protects and protects us from all kinds of enemies ... There are many in the world. In addition to Russia, all kinds of good states and lands, but a person has one own Mother - he has one and his Motherland "


I think. That with your drawings, with the lines of poetry you read, with your answers, you confirmed the veracity of these words.

Every person lives with love in his heart for his Motherland

How do you understand what love for the Motherland is expressed in?

/ love for one's home, loved ones - readiness to protect them; love for nature - strive to preserve it, preserve it; study well - in order to do something useful for the Motherland with your work; risk your life. Give strength. Make new discoveries in science, protect in moments of danger /

Love for the motherland makes the country invincible

The next (third) page of our baby book.

“To love one's country is to live and work honestly, increasing the wealth of the country with one's own work. It is to create with your creativity something that will later glorify the country. It is risking your life to discover something new, unknown. This is to protect her in a moment of danger from enemies.

This is the main thing on which love for the Motherland is built.

4. Who creates traditions, glorifies their Motherland?

Thanks to whom our country and our city became beautiful and powerful, famous all over the world?

/people who love their country very much have devoted their whole lives to serving the Motherland/

Working with a presentation

Let's look at some of them.

/slide with portraits: Y.Gagarin, A.S. Pushkin, A.I. Alyabyev, A.V. Suvorov, Afanasy Nikitin, A.S. Makarenko/

Which of these people do you recognize?

How did they glorify the Motherland? /children's answers/

Pupils talk about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Our school is named after A.S. Makarenko / slide, student's story /

(You can supplement the presentation with our contemporaries)

Conclusion: At different times, people lived and live now who glorify Russia, glorify their homeland.

5. The Motherland does not forget its heroes and preserves the memory of them.

How can this be done? /children's answers: books, museums, names of ships, names of cities, etc./

Look at the map of our city. (On the desk)

What can we see on it? /districts, streets, metro stations, etc./

Does anyone know the name of the area where our school is located? / slide with a portrait of M.I. Kalinin /.

Where is this monument located? What is the name of this area?

6. On the desks is a plan of the microdistrict of school No. 139 with adjacent streets.

Street names often contain names of people.

Maybe you recognize the names of famous people in the names of streets and avenues of our microdistrict? / slide"Generals", "Science" // N.F. Vatutin, I.I. Mechnikov, A. Kondratiev, P.F. Fedoseenko, A.A. Bestuzhev, A.B. Vasenko, A.I. Zamshin, L .M.Mikhailov/

Children talk about some streets

Our district is not the only one where the names of people who glorified their Motherland are found in the names of squares and streets, avenues.

/slide"Generals", "Science" /

Let's look at the portraits of people who, in a moment of danger, in peaceful days, did not spare themselves, gave all their strength to the service of the Motherland. Their memory lives on in people's hearts.

Slide-Children are heroes. Prepared student stories.

Books where you can find out the names of the children of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Conclusion: today we answered the question of what is the Motherland, where does the Motherland begin, what does it mean to love one's Motherland and how do people keep the memory of the heroes of their country.

7. Our meeting is coming to an end. And I would like you to answer one more question. What can each of you do right now that is useful for your Motherland? /children's answers/

Your parents were also preparing for our lesson. They drew a map for us as a gift. Attention, open. This map is unusual, here is everything we talked about today. /on the board is a map of Russia with drawings of cities, schools, families, etc./. This map is not finished, we have to finish it (a drawing of a white dove has been prepared for each student). Write down your wishes, and white doves will help to convey and keep your promises. (Children write down their answers to the question: “What can each of you do right now that is useful for your Motherland?”)

Now we have a map of those good deeds and deeds that we have to do and perform.

At the beginning of our meeting, we worked with a book - a baby, it has free pages. Each of you will work at home as a writer. The book will be dedicated to our topic "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song."

Try to remember and write down your impressions on the pages of your baby book.

Among the many masks that sociopaths use, one of the favorites is a kind of restless pilgrim. He is a citizen of the world, he is an eternal wanderer and vagabond, a tired wanderer, he is a man without a homeland, or even an exile. Although among the people, such people have long been called tumbleweeds - for their constant desire to change places, wives, occupations

The motives for the behavior of such "wanderers" are explained to us by Sam Vaknin. At some point, the environment of such a not badly settled sociopath (whom they like to call infantiles) reaches a boiling point, pins him against the wall, calls him to account, and he is forced to leave the inhabited "pathological space", rushing in search of new pastures.

This is exactly how Viorel, known to you, behaved, this is exactly how Peer Gynt fluttered around the world like a moth until he was gray-haired, approximately such motives moved Onegin and Laevsky. When a sociopath strews all the space around him with fetid heaps, and he has nowhere to step, he throws a viper and rushes in search of another promised land, from which he eventually makes the same latrine.

The image of such a "citizen of the world" is often covered with a romantic halo. Ah, if only someone could understand him!.. Explore the secrets of his restless soul!.. And before that, of course, "give him a long way to drink clean water" (c), feed him and put him to sleep. And let it rest. A month - the second - half a year - a year.

And, of course, such a wanderer is very excusable and lack of money, and shabby. “Sorry, I’m without flowers again, but I hung out in the sky for half a day, and there’s simply nowhere to take them in the sky” (c).

“My story lasted 3 years. I was 25, I divorced my husband and immediately went on a date with a guy from a dating site. He confessed his love to me even before we met, during our first telephone conversation. When I saw him, I fell in love with him myself.

Maxim was from Moldova, appeared before me in the form of a traveler, a wanderer misunderstood by society, a man "without a homeland." At first he looked at me intently, widened his eyes and smiled with pursed lips. But I didn't pay attention to it. The novel began to spin quickly, he met my parents on the third date, and after 2 months he called me in marriage. But although I was in love, after the divorce I had no time for marriage, and we decided to wait a little, but began to live together after 4 months. They rented an apartment.

Inadequate fat woman

The first wake-up call was almost immediately, but then I did not understand anything. I have it like out of the blue - had a panic attack. I used to suffer from them, but at that time they were gone for 2 years, and this time the attack was stronger than ever.

And here's what came before it. We sat in the kitchen, chatting, fooling around, and all of a sudden he started calling me "babisha, babishka, big fat woman". Of course, I was not thin, but still I was slender, although not model thinness. And on this occasion I had complexes.

Maxim's jokes made me cry, and he got very angry. He made me feel guilty, and... I myself did not understand how he outplayed the situation, but I began to literally pray for his forgiveness! And in the morning there was an attack. It was very scary, my legs and arms were numb ... And he said that I was too sensitive.

My women's health began to falter, delays were 2 months And it started right after we met! I recovered by 8 kg.

"Take what's mine"

I had a modest job with a small income, Max also worked. But after 2 months, he caught fire with a new promising job and quit the old one. So all the material support fell on me, and he began to move from place to place, and allegedly he was not paid anywhere. We didn't even have food... and I went to a second job.

BUT he played computer games day and night and soon abandoned all attempts to get somewhere. He either waited for some profitable business, then he worked, but he was “thrown” there ... So I started paying for everything.

When we first moved in, we adopted a kitten. He began to mark everywhere. We could not accustom him to the tray in any way. So Max began to beat the kitten with his head on the bath, throwing him with all his might on the tiled floor, and then he took him out into the yard and threw him in the trash heap. But after 2 hours brought the kitten back.

This evening he took me by force. Tears rolled down my face, and he was like a robot. He took his own. The next morning, while he was gone, I packed my things and ran home to my parents. I was shocked, stressed, completely out. I didn’t know that this was actually a sick person, I thought that this was such a complex person, and I didn’t understand anything ...

In a difficult moment of life

He tried to get in touch, but I avoided him in every possible way. I left in the spring and immediately lost weight to the weight in which I met him. And in the summer I received a letter from him on VKontakte, where he spoke very cruelly and evilly about me. As I now understand, it was a depreciation.

Strange things began to happen to me, I could not start a new relationship. I became sick of all the men, I didn’t know what was happening, whether it was damage, or a sign ... All the guys with whom I talked became unpleasant to me, even though we only had conversations.

And in the fall, six months after my departure, when I was in complete despair, Maxim appeared again. Six months of unsuccessful attempts to start a new relationship put me in a panic, and I decided to meet him. I don’t know how I could tell the story again, but we went to a cafe, talked for a long time, I said that if he didn’t work, I would leave again.

And we got off again. I gained 8 kg again. We met for a year, he was thrown into a factory in the suburbs without documents and money, and as the wife of a Decembrist, I went by train to him for an hour. I became attached to him, I loved him madly! For what? Don't know. He was gentle, he spoke such words that I cried with happiness.

He promised to bring a salary in a month, and in the hope that now everything was fine, I rented a room. Over the summer, I saved up an amount on which I could live all winter alone, but in the hope of Max, I quit my old job, and we settled in a new house. In a fit of feelings, we began to plan a wedding and ... make children. But because of my nervous failure, or the body itself protected me, nothing happened for us in six months.

A month passed, and he again did not bring a salary. A month later, we realized that they would not give him money, for another month he was waiting for his non-existent salary, by that time I began to look for work and found it, they paid me well, and we had enough. I began to embrace the nasty feeling that I got. That I stepped on the same rake.

On the same rake

Max played. His excuse was that there were no documents and they were not taking them anywhere. My dad gave him money for registration, I gave money for a flight to Moldova, because it was necessary to draw up some papers there as well. But there was no progress. He sat and played, arranged for me hour-long conversations that he wishes me well, from which I did not understand anything, except that I was wrong and I was blowing my brains out of him. I was to blame for everything.

So the winter passed, and then my faithful began to make loud statements. That if he had to choose between games and me, of course he would choose games. What if I don't have oral sex with him every day, he will leave to cheat and the only thing that stops him is he can become infected with venereal diseases and I will be to blame for this. And I use it! I don't let him grow! I'm a villain and a manipulator...

Thoughts of suicide began to visit me more and more every day. I cried every day. I went to work and he told me after: "go, go, the slaves must work." He considered himself God. He often spoke of hatred for all people, that he dreams of finding the red button and destroying all people.

He spoke in his sleep. Sometimes he would kiss me in my sleep and tell me how much he loves me. But that same evening he arranged for me a nightly showdown, in the morning I went to work exhausted. It was very hard, I did not understand how I could fall into the trap again. Everyone around me told me that it was time to leave him, but it was very hard for me, and for the first time I entered the query “how to part with a loved one who is bad” in a search engine. And I found a video, and then the book "Be afraid, I'm the one" and began to read on the sly from him. Often my jaw dropped from the fact that everything converged 100% and, before I had finished reading the book, I started getting ready to run.

Escape with... apologies

I came up with a plan. By that time, I pushed him to work in a pizzeria, where everything was official, he had been working there for more than a month and the salary should be on the 15th. And on the 6th you have to pay for the room. I warned him that this time he was paying for the room. Warned 2 weeks before the 6th. He can borrow, borrow, call the hostess, arrange everything himself. I don't care, if he doesn't pay, I'll leave.

And here is the 5th, evening. I received the money and he meets me with open arms, but the trouble is, he has no money! Here for the first time in all 3 years, I showed toughness and said that I didn’t care. He sat and played, he did not ask, did not call, did not agree on anything, and at the last moment he blamed the solution of problems on me. The very day you have to pay.

Seven in the morning, a call from the hostess: either we pay half, or we move out. He rushes around the room like a caged animal, but he puffs, he throws chairs, he is at a dead end ... In a rage, he dresses and goes to look for money. I understand: here it is, my hour. After packing my bag, I get dressed and want to run, but 10 minutes later he comes back.

And then I said that I was leaving him. That I myself am to blame for everything, that I am very sorry ... And so, asking for forgiveness and playing along with him, I quietly moved towards the exit. and eventually got to a taxi and gave a tear.

I was afraid that he would try to get me back again. And so it happened. Recently, he wrote me a happy birthday SMS, where he hinted that the i was not dotted and that he wanted to meet, that he opened a real estate office.

He asked if I had a boyfriend. Yes, I have a great boyfriend. But I didn't tell him that, I wrote that everything was fine with me, and that he would not bother me anymore. He was very surprised by this. From his reaction, it was clear that he expected to easily return me. Hah, I do not believe and will not believe any of his words! Blocked him everywhere. And now I'm really good!

I hope that my story will help someone gather their strength in time, make a saving spurt from the destructive whirlpool and swim to the shore.

At school or kindergarten, they asked you to pick up proverbs about the Motherland? Immerse yourself in the world of folklore and find out how the people assessed the importance of the Motherland for a person, why they considered it necessary to educate patriotism from birth.

Proverbs about the Motherland and their meaning

What is the Motherland and what is love for the Fatherland, many people learn only when they are far from their native land. From an early age, children are told how important it is to be a patriot, how important the native land is for every person, and how bad it is to be far from the native steppe, mountains, rivers, and parental home.

Love for the motherland is the most important component of the moral character of a citizen. She has been brought up since childhood: parents - by their own example and stories about glorious ancestors, educators and teachers - by colorful stories from life and literature.

However, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland will tell the most aptly, concisely and accurately about this feeling and its meaning. They are numerous and relate to various aspects of the manifestation of patriotism: these are moral lessons of stamina and courage, and faithful service to the Fatherland, and nostalgia for the native land.

It is not difficult to pick up proverbs on the topic "Motherland". The thematic classification will help to deal with their wealth:

Proverbs and sayings about the meaning of the Motherland for a person

In the people, the native land is identified with the mother. This shows that a person is connected with the Motherland by ancestral, historical and spiritual roots. Previously, the Motherland was called the place where the umbilical cord of a newborn was buried. Thus, the idea of ​​not only spiritual, but also biological man with the place where he was born was entrenched in folk art.

This topic is colorfully illustrated by the following 5 proverbs about the Motherland:

Motherland is the mother of all mothers.
A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
In the native land of the falcon, in a foreign land - a crow.
On the native side, even the smoke is sweet.
The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.

Proverbs about love for the motherland

Homeland is not an abstract concept. For each person, the Motherland is associated with the stepfather's house, relatives, friends, memories of childhood and youth, with the memory of glorious ancestors. All this is permeated with love and tender attitude:

Love for the motherland does not burn on fire and does not sink on water.
Only he will be honored who loves his Motherland not in words, but in deed.
Whoever loves the Motherland, she will not be indebted to him.
Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter.
Own land and in a handful is sweet.
Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.

Proverbs about serving the Motherland

Serving the Motherland is not an empty phrase and not a duty, but an honor. Men give their duty to the Fatherland by performing military service. In difficult times, everyone who loves and cherishes their native land is ready to defend it:

Not the person who lives for himself, but who goes into battle for the Motherland.
Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.
To love the Motherland is to serve the Motherland faithfully.
The bird is small, but it also protects its nest.
Love for the Motherland conquers death.
Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.
They protect their homeland with their heads.

Proverbs about the Motherland are excellent illustrative material that simply and colorfully explains what patriotism is. The folk wisdom embodied in these small folklore forms is used by teachers and parents who strive to raise their children as responsible citizens, faithful sons of the Fatherland.

Proverbs about the motherland in Kazakh with translation into Russian

A reverent attitude to the native land is a distinctive feature of the Kazakh people. Rich folklore expressed the tender and careful feeling of the Kazakhs to the expanses of their native land. The sincere love of this people for the endless steppes, high mountains, blue sky and springs was embodied in songs, poems, legends.

From childhood, Kazakhstanis are taught to love the Motherland. Lullabies, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings are permeated with these messages. Wise fathers and grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers tell how important it is to remember your origins, to know your family and its glorious annals, to be proud of the achievements of your fellow tribesmen, and if necessary, to protect your native land from the encroachments of strangers.

Kazakh proverbs about the Motherland and their meaning convey these educational lessons of the people. They have a special imagery, metaphor, which makes their meaning deep in content and colorful and expressive in terms of form:

Proverbs about the Motherland

The essence of the special attitude of the Kazakhs to the Motherland is conveyed by the following 10 proverbs and sayings:

Tugan poles zher bolmas, Tugan eldey ate bolmas.

Translation: There is no land better than the Motherland, there are no people better than in the Motherland.

Otanda suyu - from basynans bastalada.

Translation: Love for the motherland at the family hearth is born.

Gul oz zherinde gana - gul, adam oz otanynda gana - adam.

Translation: A flower only in its clearing is a flower, a man only in his homeland is a man.

Otanynnyn әr agashhy kүlimdep turady.

Translation: In its homeland, every tree smiles.

Otan ottan yes ystyk.

Translation: The homeland is warm - the fire is hotter.

Elishi - altyn besik.

Translation: Native land is a golden cradle.

Palen zherde altyn bar, oz zherindey kayda bar.

Translation: Somewhere, they say, there is a lot of gold, but the Motherland is better and without gold for nothing.

Yer tugan zherine, it toygan zherine.

Translation: A man is drawn to where he was born, a dog is drawn to where he ate.

Tamyrsyz zhusan and speydi.

Translation: Wormwood does not grow without a root.

Uide onbagan, Tuzde de onbaidy.


Proverbs about love for the Fatherland

Kazakhstanis believe that a person who is far from his homeland loses the meaning of life. Isolation from the native root promises troubles and misfortunes, because only in your own home you receive protection and support. Proverbs are filled with such meaning:

Otansyz adam - ormansyz bulbul.

Translation: A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest.

Tugan zherdin kadirin ette zhursen bilersin.

Translation: Once in a foreign land, you will understand how dear the Motherland is.

Uyde onbagan, tuzde de onbaydy.

Translation: If you do not find happiness at home, you will not find happiness in a foreign land.

Elіnen bezgen er bolmas, kolіnen bezgen kaz bolmas.

Translation: Do not see good goose, who left his native lake; not to see happiness for the dzhigit who left his native land.

Erinen ayyrylgan kömkenshe zhylaydy, elіnen ayyrylgan ölgenshe zhylaydy.

Translation: The loss of a spouse is mourned to the grave, the loss of the Motherland is mourned to the death.

Proverbs about the Motherland and its defenders

Proverbs about the Motherland and its defenders carry a special educational message. The history of Kazakhstan is full of examples of the heroism of batyrs and ordinary Kazakhs who defended their native expanses from conquerors. Courage and honor are the main qualities of a warrior and a citizen. The following Kazakh proverbs tell about it:

Kurtakandai torgay yes, oz ұyasyn korgaydy.

Translation: The little sparrow guards its nest too.


Otan ushin kures - erge tigen ules.

Translation: Dzhigit share - to stand for the Motherland.

Oragyn өtkir bolsa, Karyn talmaids. Otany berik bolsa, Zhauyn almaydy.

Translation: If the sickle is sharp, you will not be without bread; if the Motherland is strong, you will be with the enemy on "you".

Otanga fearyzdyk etkenin, oz tubine ozin zhetkenin.

Translation: To betray the motherland is to bury oneself alive.

Love for the motherland is an important component of the morality of modern man. In the context of globalization, it is important not to lose national identity, understanding and knowledge of whose son you are, what people, what glorious ancestors are behind you.

Patriotism must be cultivated daily and persistently. This is the guarantee of the future of the country. Turn to the treasury of folk wisdom for vivid examples - use beautiful national sayings and proverbs to instill in children love for the Motherland.

Christ wept for Jerusalem, where he would be crucified. St. Nicholas of Japan prayed at the altar for a Russian military victory, while his children prayed for a Japanese victory. A special feat of the monks on Mount Athos is that they retired not only from the world, but also from their native land. If you do not love your people, then some part of your soul is not realized, Bishop PANTELEIMON of Smolensk and Vyazemsky is sure:

In the memoirs of Ivan Vsevolodovich Shpiller, the son of the famous Moscow priest Father Vsevolod Shpiller, there is a story about how his parents, being in exile in Bulgaria, stopped communicating with their neighbors, German officers, after the German attack on the USSR. Although before that they were friends with each other. What was the Soviet Union for them, emigrants? A country from which they had to flee to avoid being killed? A country ruled by a sophisticated villain? A country where churches were destroyed, icons were burned, and hundreds of thousands of innocent people were shot? No. The Soviet Union was their home.

Saint Nicholas of Japan, while in Japan, missed his homeland, his diaries speak of this. He prayed for Russia. During the Russo-Japanese War, his spiritual children, the Japanese, whom he led to the faith, approached him and asked him to bless them to serve a prayer service for the victory of Japan. He blessed them, and himself, being in the altar, prayed for the victory of Russia. Protopresbyter Alexander Kiselev, who lived in exile in America, collected dirt from the shoes of his sons who visited St. Petersburg, and asked to put this land - the land of the motherland - with him in a coffin, because he could not even imagine that he would rest in Russia.

Even Christ had a home. He wept for Jerusalem, knowing that this city would be destroyed. He wept for the people who crucified Him. He loved these people.

How can one say that the homeland is not a basic concept, but “a phenomenon that appeared at the beginning of the 19th century”? But what about all those who defended their Fatherland in the war of 1812, or those who fought for their cities, protecting them from the Mongol-Tatars? Well, they did not have a homeland as a basic concept?

If in the modern world someone grows up without parents and feels like an orphan, one cannot say that orphanhood is the norm. We need to talk about the crisis of basic concepts, that in our time people are losing their basic concepts, that these basic concepts are being destroyed. After all, if a person becomes indifferent among what people and in what culture he lives, this is a tragedy. There is no global culture, in my opinion, this is only the approaching kingdom of the antichrist. There is a worldwide Orthodox culture. But I think that we are participating in it, still retaining our peculiarity. In Christ there is neither Greek nor Jew, there is neither male nor female. But Christ had a home. For He wept for Jerusalem, knowing that the city would be taken by armies and destroyed. He wept for the people who crucified Him. He loved his people.

Expulsion from the homeland has always been perceived as a punishment. Hieromonk Pavel Troitsky, a well-known confessor and elder who lived in Soviet times, when there were persecutions and life was more difficult than now, said to people who wanted to leave for America: “Who is waiting for you there, in this America?”

And I have seen people who have left - left for money, for a better life - and for the most part they are suffering and unhappy. They are bored, but they cannot return either - they find themselves between two worlds.

The Russian monks who live on Mount Athos have great difficulty getting used to the meager Greek nature. For them, this is a feat. I heard them say that when they manage to come to Russia, they are ready to cry at the sight of white birches. Maybe this is funny for someone, and a monk should not cry about birches. But it is in the human soul. Of course, you can rise above this, but to rise does not mean to refuse. The world around us was created by God, and we get used to what God has given us. For some, this is the savannah, for some, the steppe, for some, the jungle. They say that people who live in the tundra and constantly see a huge sky, when they leave for the south or in the middle lane, begin to yearn for this sky. I'm not saying it's the main thing. But it is.

As a child, I myself did not like folklore ensembles and all this “Russian culture”. I didn't understand her. But one day I heard a Russian folk song, and such anguish pinched my chest. I felt the soul of the Russian people. Felt like a part of it. If you do not love your people, if you do not love those people with whom you are connected by culture, language, common history, then some part of your own soul will not be realized.

This commonality exists, it is an objective reality. Love for one's people does not interfere, but, on the contrary, helps to love other peoples, to see their features, to see their beauty. Without being rooted in one's culture, in one's national tradition, a person cannot be a person. It is impossible to be a man without a homeland. Modern humanity is fragmented, dispersed, crumbling into pieces. You can take a substance and divide it into atoms, but it will no longer be a tree, there will be no metal, there will be no water. So is humanity: without the concept of homeland, without the concept of family, it will simply disappear.

Native land is a paradise for the heart.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

A man has one mother, he has one homeland.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

There is no son without a fatherland.

Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Motherland is mother, foreign land is stepmother.

Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye.

Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.

Your milk - to the child, your life - to the Motherland.

Native land and in a handful is sweet.

Everyone has their own side.

In your home, the walls help.

Houses and walls help.

Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter.

And a speck of native land is gold.

That bird is stupid, which does not like its nest.

The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly mile.

You live on the side, and your village is all in your mind.

Wherever the raspberry lured, it brought back the native village.

In a foreign land, even kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.

After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years, parting with their homeland - all their lives.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

If the people are united, they are invincible.

The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.

The brotherhood of the people is dearer than any wealth.

Learn to defend your motherland.

The hero is a mountain for the Motherland.

The main thing in life is to serve the fatherland.

In the battle for the homeland and death is red.

Die from your native land, but do not leave.

For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

Enemies ran into Russian bayonets.

If in Russian it is tailored, and one warrior in the field.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

The glory of the Russian bayonet will never fade.

The whole world knows - there are no harder Russians.

The sons of Russian mothers are famous for the prowess of heroes.

Russia is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Moscow - Homeland decoration, intimidation to enemies.

Poems about Russia

Smart phrases about life

Patriotic poems

Poems about the Great Patriotic War

Beautiful poems about life

The Great Patriotic War - must be remembered!

Battle of Stalingrad in photographs

Battle of Kursk (photo)

Continue the list: Sample: the right to life. Right to right to right to (help plzz) theorbitalx

An essay on the topic of creativity in art on the example of a famous person coo113r

Do you agree with these judgments? Justify your position. 1 Trade was born when exchange took the form of money. 2. The economy arises only when people need to reasonably distribute rare goods, and the market is invented as the most rational and efficient way to obtain such goods 3. Simple commodity production existed in the era of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs and in the era of Soviet leaders, please help, thank you very much in advance) artyom88

What does the phrase "Different goods of life have unequal value" mean? svetosha cat

Compare 2 statements: “The basic principle of a legal or constitutional state is that state power is limited in it. In a state governed by the rule of law, certain limits are set for power, which it cannot and must not cross. The limitation of power in a state of law is created by the recognition of inalienable and inviolable rights for a person. duaha

11. An example illustrating the role of the media can be the activities of: 1) the Vperyod newspaper 2) the Forum cinema 3) an art gallery 4) the Khudozhestvennaya Literatura publishing house. medved

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Factors of Production Economic Goods

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