The letter a in a circle what does it mean. What does this symbol mean? (Letter A in a circle) The meaning of the flag of the planet Earth

Buying clothes, especially for women, is a favorite and exciting thing. Sometimes, having plunged into, lovely ladies forget about everything in the world: men, home, girlfriends and all the problems. When we return, we all want to immediately put on a new thing and show off in it when we leave. The problems start when it comes to caring for clothes. It often happens that after washing a blouse or jacket, the item shrinks and turns into a miniature one. Or the clothes begin to shed and paint everything that lay nearby. Even worse - after ironing your favorite blouse, you realize with horror that one touch with a hot iron will make holes and burn the product. Or here's an option - after drying, as usual, clothes on the balcony or in the drum, it turns into a colorless canvas. What should be done so that things serve you long and faithfully? What mistakes should not be made when caring for them and how should they be washed, dried and ironed? These questions will be answered by icons and symbols on labels that we often do not notice.

Labeling and information about the rules of operation, as well as how to care for clothes are very important when caring for your favorite products. Icons and symbols on the labels of things can tell about this in detail. Sometimes inconspicuous and small, they play a very important role in caring for. We decided to look into them in more detail.

The first and most important mode, when caring for textiles, has always been and is wash. The icon with the number 60 means that washing is allowed at a temperature that does not exceed 60 ° C. The upper line indicates a gentle washing mode.

If you see a hand-drawn icon, it will mean that only hand washing of such clothes is allowed.

If the icon is crossed out, washing clothes is generally prohibited.

A separate group is made up of signs that speak about the correct whitening of things. The triangle means that the products can be bleached with any bleaches and means.

Triangle with stripes - bleaching is allowed only with oxygen products, which in English sound like oxygen bleach.

A triangle with two large letters CL indicates that only chlorine bleaches are allowed.

White or black crossed out triangles mean that it is strictly forbidden to bleach such clothes.

Signs that regulate the regime ironing they will say about it. An iron with three dots on the body means that clothes can be ironed with an iron at maximum heat.

Two dots on the iron indicate that only medium heat is allowed.

One dot means ironing at minimum heat.

And finally, the crossed-out iron - ironing is prohibited at all.

Dry cleaning mode- another way to care for clothes. The letter A in a circle means that dry cleaning is allowed. In this case, A means any solvent from the English word "any".

The letter P in a circle allows for conventional dry cleaning using hydrocarbon, ethylene chloride, monoflotrichloromethane. Solvent-based cleaners with minor restrictions are permitted. The letter P stands for perchloroethylene.

The letter P in the underlined circle indicates that gentle dry cleaning is allowed using hydrocarbon, ethylene chloride, monoflotrichloromethane.

The letter F stands for dry cleaning using hydrocarbon and trichloromethane. It is strictly forbidden to use solvent-based cleaners. The letter F is translated as flammable, which comes from "fuel".

The letter F in an underlined circle is a gentle dry cleaning using hydrocarbon and triflotrichloromethane. It is strictly forbidden to use solvent-based cleaners.

Crossed circle - dry cleaning is prohibited.

The English letter W in a circle allows ordinary wet dry cleaning without restrictions.

The letter W in a circle underlined with one line indicates a delicate wet dry cleaning with reduced mechanical impact.

The letter W in a circle, which is underlined by one large and one small line - delicate wet dry cleaning of especially delicate fabrics with a significantly reduced mechanical impact.

A black crossed out circle means that wet cleaning is strictly prohibited.

Concerning drying mode, a circle in a square means that tumble drying is allowed.

A circle with two dots framed in a square allows normal drying.

One dot in a circle, around which a square is drawn, indicates that only gentle drying can be used.

Finally, the crossed out circle prohibits drying in the drum device.

A is the first letter in most alphabets. The letter is of Phoenician origin. In the graphics of most alphabets, the capital letter A has the shape of a triangle with a crossbar in the middle. In its outline, a pyramidal shape was noted and correlated with the mountain and the root cause. Its numerical value is 1. It expresses the transition from potentiality to actualization. Christian Kabbalists explain Aleph as a Trinity in Unity. Graphically, it forms intersecting straight lines, reminiscent of the St. Andrew's Cross. Pentalpha, or pentacle, the triple triangle of Pythagoras, or the five-pointed star (meaning the microcosm, or man) reproduces this letter on each of its sides in five positions.

In Christian theology, it is associated with the five wounds of Christ. The letter A denotes the sound of great mystical power and magical action. The eagle in Egyptian hieroglyphics meant the beginning, the solar warmth of the day, the letter A. Greek Alpha also denotes the beginning of all things. The alpha of the Greeks is equal to one. Az - the first letter of the Slavs means the pronoun "I" (corresponding to "I am who I am"). Its numerical value is also equal to one. The sound A, initiating the eternal energy, is the initial in the magic word Aum, expressing the essence of the Universe. According to Hindu tradition, the sound Om (pronounced a-oo-mm) brought the universe into being. A - means the descent of pure Spirit into matter. This is the symbol of the Ego, or higher Manas.

In Arabic, Alif is the first letter of the alphabet. Its numerical value is one. The Hebrew Aleph denotes the will as power, as well as a man, a magician. Aleph of the Jews, symbolized by the Bull or Taurus. In astrology, Taurus, or Aleph, is the first sign of the Zodiac. Its color is white and yellow. Arthur Rimbaud, in his sonnet on vowels, saw that A is black. In another system of correspondences, it was found that the strong affirmative energy A has a warm red color. Such, for example, is the affirmative: "Yes." In the eurythmic alphabet of Rudolf Steiner, “a” means the gesture of opening on the inhale, and on exhalation it is the gesture of closing. Makes a projection of the chest in the human figure. In the moral world expresses balance.

In Masonic terminology, A is part of the three-letter root ABL, which forms the basic Masonic concepts. Written in the Arabic alphabet, this word gives the word Al-Banna, which means "builder." The Arabic word ABL means monk and also initiation. By interchanging the second and third letters, the word ALB is obtained, which means a group of people, or a religious brotherhood. The word BAL, where A is placed between B and L, is a Sufi term meaning heart, mind and attention, that is, various aspects of work in Sufi practice.

The Arabic letter Alif and the other two letters meant for the Sufi builders three postures for meditation, where the first, Alif, meant kneeling meditation, a method proposed by one of the famous Sufi teachers. Meditation on the knees, according to I. Shah, resembles the meditation of the Masons, the symbol of which was a square. In alchemy, A is the beginning of all things. Corresponds to the natural principle, giving rise to temporary forms of existence. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov believed that A denotes the infinity of space. The letter A is the initial letter in the words: alphabet, anagram, alchemy, astrology, angel, apocrypha, archon, etc.

A - Alatyr. The Slavic rune Alatyr is the rune of the center of the Universe, the rune of the beginning and end of all things. This is what the struggle between the forces of Order and Chaos revolves around; the stone that lies at the foundation of the World; it is the law of balance and return to normal. The eternal circulation of events and their immovable center. The magical altar on which the sacrifice is made is the reflection of the stone of Alatyr. This is the sacred image that is enclosed in this rune.

Incredible Facts

Each symbol means something and is intended for something. We see them every day and without even thinking, in most cases we know what they mean. They certainly make our lives easier.

However, few of us know their origin and original meaning. Below we will look at 10 well-known symbols and tell their story.

What does heart sign mean

10. Symbol of the heart

The heart-shaped symbol is known all over the world and usually signifies love and romance. But why do we instinctively perceive it as a heart, because it does not at all resemble a real human heart?

There are several theories about where this symbol came from and how it became what we know it today. Some theories claim that the symbol is associated with a well-known part of the human body. To understand which part of the body we are talking about, just flip the symbol. However, there is little evidence for this theory.

Others believe, based on ancient drawings of this symbol, that the "heart" is nothing more than an image of ivy leaves, a plant associated with fidelity.

An even more plausible explanation comes from the now-extinct sylphium plant. Once it grew in abundance on a small stretch of the coast of North Africa. It was revered by both the Greeks and Romans for its medicinal properties and was also a means of birth control.

The Greek colony of Cyrine, located in the region that today belongs to Libya, became rich thanks to this plant and even imprinted it on their coins. On them we see a well-known symbol.

However, due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plant's habitat and the high demand for it, it died out by the first century BC.

Another theory of the origin of this symbol comes from the Middle Ages. Based on the writings of Aristotle, where he describes the heart as having three chambers and a cavity, the 14th century Italian physician Guido da Vigevano made a series of anatomical drawings in which he depicted the heart in this form.

This image of the heart gained popularity during the Renaissance, it began to appear more often in religious art. From there it came to us as a symbol of love and affection.

Yin Yang Symbol

9. Yin Yang

The Yin-Yang symbol is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy and is also a key element in the Taoist religion in China. Today it can be found everywhere. Its meaning is as simple as it is complex.

The concept of yin and yang was first discussed in the 3rd century BC, when there was an interest in philosophy. Both yin and yang are both good and bad, they are two sides of the same coin. Yin can turn into yang and vice versa. The point at which each sign begins is the potential, the opposite of the seed.

Yin is the feminine side that manifests things like darkness, water, cold, softness, passivity, north, transformation, introspection, it gives spirit to everything. On the other hand, yang is light, mountains, fire, heat, sun, action, movement, yang gives form to all things.

Taoism believes in the idea of ​​embracing both aspects in order to find balance in everything. To understand how strong this concept is in China, just look at the names of some settlements.

Villages on the sunny side of the valleys and rivers have names like Liuyang and Shiyan, while those on the opposite side have names like Jiangying.

Interestingly, China was not the birthplace of yin-yang. The earliest information refers to the use of the symbol in a prehistoric culture that occupied the territory of part of modern Moldova, southern Ukraine and central Romania.

Known as the Trypillia culture, this society existed between 5400 and 2700 BC. Several pieces of pottery from that era have been found with yin-yang symbols. But since they didn't have a written language, we can't know if they viewed the symbol in the same way as the Chinese, or if it's just a coincidence.

Bluetooth Symbol Meaning

8. Bluetooth symbol

At first glance, there is no connection between this wireless technology and the blue tooth (this is how the word bluetooth is literally translated from English). But believe it or not, there is actually a connection.

This technology was invented back in 1994 by the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson. In keeping with the Viking past in Sweden, the symbol is two runes joined together. Rune H and rune B, together they form a well-known symbol.

But what do they have in common with the blue tooth? This is the surname of the first Viking king of Denmark, Harald Blåtand. And the Swedish word “blatand” means “blue tooth”. Harald lived from 910 to 987. AD and during his life he managed to unite all the Danish tribes, and later captured Norway, ruling it until his death.

He is also credited with the adoption of Christianity by the Danes. He did this more for political and economic reasons than for any other reason, to avoid the movement of the Holy Roman Empire to the south, and also to keep his trading partners.

The origin of his last name, Blue Tooth, is a mystery. Some believe that he may have loved blackberries, which gave his teeth a blue tint. However, a more plausible-sounding explanation is that Blue Tooth is actually a misinterpreted record of medieval historians, and in fact his name was more like "dark chief".

The meaning of the flag of the planet Earth

7. International Flag of Planet Earth

Every space mission today uses a different national flag depending on which country is funding it. All this is good, but the astronauts, regardless of their country of origin, "stand for" the planet as a whole, and not for the state that provided the funds for the flight.

For this reason, the flag of the planet Earth was designed. It consists of seven white intertwined rings on a blue background. Rings symbolize all life on our planet.

However, the symbol itself is much older than the flag and is more commonly known as the "Seed of Life". It is considered part of the "Sacred Geometry". The term is used to refer to the universal geometric patterns often found in nature. The Seed of Life bears a striking resemblance to the cellular structure during embryonic development.

Moreover, the Seed of Life, as well as the Great Flower of Life, have been found in many places around the world. The oldest find was found in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, about 5000-6000 years old.

A similar "design" has also been used in Buddhist temples in China and Japan, modern Turkey, India, throughout Europe, Iraq, and many other places. The Seed of Life also plays an important role in various religions. For example, in the old Slavic religions, the symbol of the Seed of Life meant the sun.

What does hammer and sickle mean

6. Hammer and sickle

The Soviet "hammer and sickle" is perhaps one of the most recognizable political symbols, being on par with the Nazi swastika and American stars and stripes.

And although their meaning is most likely straightforward, it may carry hidden messages. The hammer can mean the proletariat (blue-collar workers) and the sickle can mean the peasants. Together they were the unity and strength of the Soviet state. However, coming up with a logo was not as easy as it seems.

With the hammer, the situation was simpler, since it was traditionally associated with workers throughout Europe. With the second part of the symbol, it was more complicated, there were several options: the hammer was with an anvil, a plow, a sword, a scythe and a wrench.

The designer himself, Evgeny Kamzolkin, is also intriguing. He was not a communist even at heart, but was a deeply religious person. He was a member of the Leonardo da Vinci Society, and as an artist, he understood symbolism very well.

Perhaps Kamzolkin used the hammer and sickle to convey a completely different message, even if no one understood it. For example, in Hindu and Chinese culture, the hammer was often associated with the triumph of evil over good. The sickle in different religions was associated with death.

Before the scythe appeared, in medieval Europe Death was depicted with a sickle, Hindu religions also depicted the god of death with a sickle in his left hand. What exactly Kamzolkin had in mind when developing the design, no one knows.

All this is speculation, and no one asked the designer, who died back in 1957, the correct answer. The key point in this case is the interpretation of the symbol, because depending on the context, such emblems can mean two completely different things.

What does the sign of the pentagram mean

5. Pentagram

Today, this symbol is associated with Wicca (modern witchcraft), Satanism and Freemasonry. But few people know that the pentagram is much older than any of these practices and has been used since ancient times.

The five-pointed star was found on a cave wall in Babylonia, and the ancient Greeks believed that it had magical properties. It is assumed that the pentagram is the path that Venus takes to the night sky in relation to the Earth in an 8-year cycle.

The pentagram was even the seal of Jerusalem for some time, and in the Middle Ages it symbolized the five wounds that Jesus received during his crucifixion. It also denoted the proportions of the human body and its five basic senses.

It wasn't until the 20th century that the pentagram began to be associated with Satanism, likely due to its use by the Wiccans. Previously, the five points of the star represented the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and the human spirit.

However, among the Wiccans, the pentagram symbolizes the victory of the spirit over the four elements, while in Satanism, the five-pointed star is oriented downwards. This means that each person is primarily material.

Meaning of anarchy

4. Symbol of anarchy

To properly understand the symbol of anarchy, one must first know what anarchy is and what it really means. Anarchy is the same political ideology as democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, communism or liberalism.

It developed in ancient Greece along with democracy, and from ancient Greek this word is translated as "without a ruler." This means that anarchy is not lawlessness and chaos, but rather a society with proper rules and regulations in place, but without an authoritarian ruler.

Anarchy developed even more actively and became more perfect during the period of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. In the same period, anarchy gets its negative connotations because the ruling elite was understandably opposed to such a regime.

And in the circle - definitely the most famous symbol of anarchy today. It is a monogram that consists of a capital "A" surrounded by a capital "O". The letter "A" comes from the initial letter of the words "anarchy" and "anarchism" in most European languages, which looks the same in both Latin script and Cyrillic. The letter "O" means "order". Together they mean "Anarchy is the mother of order" - Proudhon's famous phrase. The Unicode code for this character is U+24B6 Ⓐ. Versions (A) and @ are also used. Pre-anarchist usage [edit | edit wiki text] Illustration from Spiegel der Kunst und Natur, 1615. The A-in-circle symbol can be found in Stephan Michelspacher's Spiegel der Kunst und Natur (Mirror of Art and Nature), published in Augsburg in 1615 d. This was a work on alchemy, written under the influence of Agrippa's views on Qabalah and magic. Adam McLean describes the center of the drawing as "two diagrams with the German GOTT (God) at the corners and the letters alpha and omega, and a monogram which may mean the name of God, Agla." This means beginning - alpha, and end - omega (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet) and goes back to the Book of Revelation, which says that Jesus is "Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, First and Last" (22:13). History of anarchist use [edit | edit wiki text] And in a circle. Punk style For the first time the A-in-the-circle was used by the Spanish Federal Council of the International Workers' Association (1st International). This symbol was later used during the Spanish Civil War. There is a photo of an anarchist from the "strike group", on the back of whose helmet "A in a circle" is clearly depicted. Later, this symbol was adopted by the Brussels organization Alliance Ouvriere Anarchiste (AOA) on November 25, 1956, and even later by the French organization Jeunesse Libertaire ("Libertarian Youth") in 1964. The symbol became especially famous in the mid-1970s with the development of the punk movement. It was punk culture that carried the symbol “to the masses”, slightly changing it: the letter A goes beyond the circle. Therefore, many anarchists avoid using this symbol, as they believe that it is associated primarily with punk culture, and not with serious anarchist ideology, and is more commercialized. Anarchist black cross [edit | edit wiki text] Anarchist Black Cross The main task of the Anarchist Black Cross is to eliminate all prisons. It first arose in Tsarist Russia as an organization supporting political prisoners. Their symbol is a black cross surmounted by a clenched fist, a symbol also associated with anarchism, the denial of power. The fist also means union, as "weak fingers, united, form a strong fist." The cross is a modification of the Red Cross emblem used by the International Committee of the Red Cross, the world's largest humanitarian organization. Originally called the "Anarchist Red Cross", the organization changed its name in 1919 to avoid confusion with the International Committee of the Red Cross, which also began work to free prisoners.

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