Boris Korchevnikov: When they found a tumor in me, I began to prepare for death. Employee of the Spas channel: Under Korchevnikov, layoffs and scandals began What will Boris Korchevnikov now lead

From the age of eleven, the creative career of this handsome guy began. As a presenter and reporter, Boris Korchevnikov made his debut on television in the Tam-Tam News program for children. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor twenty years later. How Boris coped with this and what it changed in his life, you can find out by reading this article.

Dreams Dreams...

He always dreamed of a career as a journalist, from childhood he connected his further biography and profession with this. After graduating from high school in 1998, Boris Korchevnikov, whose brain tumor turned out to be an absolute surprise over the years, entered both the Moscow State University (Journalism Faculty) and the Moscow Art Theater School (Acting Faculty). Studying at the university was a priority for him. Five years later, Boris received a diploma on his graduation.

While still a student, Korchevnikov worked as a correspondent for the information service of the NTV channel. At first he was a freelance reporter, and a year later he was enrolled in the state.

Film career and television epic

A cinematic biography of Boris began in 2006. It was then that he worked on the set of the series "Kadetstvo". After appearing on the big screen, the young man became recognizable everywhere. Boris very harmoniously fit into the role of his character - Ilya Sinitsyn, who, according to the script, was the son of a hereditary military man.

He made another step as an actor by starring in a kind and cheerful New Year's comedy with elements of science fiction "New Year's Tariff".

To date, the popularity of Korchevnikov rolls over. Interest in him began to heat up when rumors about his secret marriage began to leak into the media. Indeed, Boris did not want to draw too much attention to this important event in his life. Before the ceremony, he and his future wife were often seen at presentations and festivals, the two of them attended church. Being believers, they even received a blessing from their father for the wedding before the conclusion of the civil celebration. Boris Korchevnikov's wife Cecile Sverdlova is a native of the French city of Sevres, but she graduated from school in Moscow. A little later, at GITIS, she received a diploma as an actress.

The unreal madness around the handsome guy began to happen about three years ago, when he took over from Mikhail Zelensky, the former host of the Live TV program on the Rossiya TV channel. The transfer with Boris Korchevnikov enjoys constant and inexhaustible success and interest among viewers of different ages. With the beginning of each live broadcast, hundreds of thousands of people turn up at the TV screens.

In each issue, you can see the stories of celebrities or ordinary Russians, which they share with guests in the studio. Indeed, Boris Korchevnikov showed good behavior. His program leaves no one indifferent.

Hard times

One of the episodes of the program "Live" in 2015 was devoted to oncological diseases in show business stars. This is indeed quite a painful topic. Viewers have repeatedly had to say goodbye to their beloved and respected celebrities who could not cope with this terrible diagnosis.

In this program, which aired on the channel on August 8, they talked about the actor and opera Hvorostovsky. They, unfortunately, also got into the list of stars who heard such a disappointing forecast addressed to them.

The guests invited to the studio vied with one another to say words of support to each of them; They assured me that they would be fine and everything would be fine. People also mentioned their own experiences in the fight against this disease, talked about the various methods used during the treatment, as well as how important at this moment is the psychological resilience of each person with a diagnosis and the relatives and friends around him.

In the last minutes of the live broadcast, the presenter made an unexpected statement for everyone, which horrified his fans. The fact that he was also given a similar diagnosis was shared by Boris Korchevnikov in the studio of the program. The tumor of the brain did not bypass him either. Now this release has become special for him. Korchevnikov shared his story with everyone: he himself had recently been treated for brain cancer and underwent surgery. Boris said that he was lucky that the tumor turned out to be benign, and the surgical intervention was quite successful: now only a scar reminds of this. Boris Korchevnikov's wife Cecile was always next to her beloved husband.

Change of world view

Now that time has passed, the young man can talk about it more or less calmly. But what he experienced when he was told a terrible diagnosis is difficult to convey in words.

Boris Korchevnikov, 33, whose brain tumor was fortunately benign, recalled being horrified by the news. I didn’t even know what to do, who to consult, where to turn. He was very confused. Korchevnikov had no idea about the state of the tumor, about how quickly it can increase in size. He later said that his very first thought was the thought of what things he should complete as quickly as possible.

Literally in one minute, Korchevnikov experienced a reassessment of values. He regretted that he devoted a lot of time in his short life so far to work and building a career. But for people close and dear to his heart, he almost did not remain. Now most of his time was spent thinking about how many months (or maybe only days) he had left to live in this world. He wanted to have time to finish all his affairs in order to be able to adequately prepare for death.

happy cure

After a thorough examination in one of the treatment centers in Germany, it turned out that the tumor formed on the auditory nerve of a young man is benign. Still, surgery was needed. Korchevnikov said that after he had a violation of the vestibular apparatus. He couldn't even walk for a while. In those days, Boris really needed the help of his family and friends. It was they who cared for him, helped to gradually recover after a complex operation.

Now he is sure that that helpless state was very useful in order to realize the main values ​​in life. He is now in good health, but the observation in the clinic is still ongoing.

In contact with


Boris Korchevnikov, 34, is stepping down as the host of the Live TV talk show on the Rossiya TV channel. This became known from sources in television circles. Korchevnikov will leave his place in the coming days. Among the reasons for leaving the presenter are personal circumstances, as well as health problems ().

Beloved by everyone, the host of the talk show "Live" Boris Korchevnikov suddenly leaves the program. The reasons for this decision, he did not tell the fans.

Rumors immediately spread that Boris's health worsened: last year he revealed the secret that he had undergone brain surgery - doctors removed a benign tumor from him. Korchevnikov has been the permanent host of the live talk show since 2013 and had a high popularity rating. However, one of the last broadcasts with the participation of Nikita Dzhigurda, which almost ended in a fight between him and the presenter, could put an end to Boris's television career, the audience suggested.

Korchevnikov's place will be taken by Dmitry Shepelev, who previously worked on Channel One. Alas, not all viewers of the program were happy about the changes, many were dissatisfied with the decision of the management of the Rossiya TV channel. Numerous fans expressed words of support and wishes of good luck to Korchevnikov on the page on the social network.

“Boris, I never wrote to anyone, but if you have problems in medicine, write, I will help! The doctor herself is good doctors, write, I will be glad, if I may say so! Everything is free!”, “Boris, with all my heart I wish you a speedy recovery! You are such a bright, sincere person, we will pray for you, everything will be fine! God bless you! May God give you patience and strength! And a speedy return to TV, we love you very much!”, “Boris, you are a wonderful person. It's a pity that this happened. Get well, everything will be fine. The Lord God and the support of loved ones will help you in this. The main thing is not to lose heart, ”users said.

It is reported that Boris Korchevnikov left the talk show "Live" for personal reasons and health reasons. Earlier, he frankly admitted on the air of his program that he underwent a serious operation to remove a benign brain tumor. At the same time, there is a version that the reason for Korchevnikov's departure from the show is a new project launched by the Rossiya channel. It is possible that this will be a program with a political context, the leading role of which is perfectly suited for the charismatic and agenda-oriented loyalist Korchevnikov.

Today, the director of the TV presenter commented on his departure: “Boris feels great, there are definitely no health problems. His departure has nothing to do with the program about Nikita Dzhigurda. It's all complete nonsense."

The TV presenter, who recently headed the Spas TV channel, spoke about personnel changes in the talk show, which he had been hosting for several years. According to Boris Korchevnikov, he welcomes the changes in the life of Andrei Malakhov, who will now work for Russia 1.

The new television season begins with a real revolution in the talk show "Live" on the channel "Russia 1". The place of Boris Korchevnikov was taken by Andrey Malakhov. The TV journalist's predecessor runs the Orthodox channel Spas. The events on the two main buttons of the country caused a great public outcry. There were rumors that Korchevnikov's departure was due to his health problems. Recently, Boris broke a long silence and gave a frank interview in which he spoke about changing jobs.

Korchevnikov noted that recently there have been too many rumors about the reasons why he decided to leave the Rossiya 1 TV channel. The TV presenter denied speculation that his condition had deteriorated significantly, according to a number of sources.

“Changes in the live talk show are not related to my health. Yes, it is difficult to call him ideal, but show me absolutely healthy people. Those problems that happen from time to time, they are solvable. In a sense, they even help me: in order for life to be truly filled and rich internally, something must be overcome from time to time. But everything is far from being as fatal as it has been written about recently, ”the man said.

During a conversation with reporters, Boris spoke about the new host of the Live program. He said that Andrey Malakhov is a professional in his field. Therefore, Korchevnikov is pleased with the appointment of a colleague whom he has known for a long time. Moreover, in recent days, they, according to Boris, have become "somewhat closer."

“I don’t dare to name Andrey as a successor, especially since it will be a completely different project with him, as I already told you. (...) As you can imagine, we have an infinite number of common themes. In a sense, even a common life! Both of us live only by profession and in recent years we have passed through a lot of common or similar stories and destinies of people. It’s really a joy for me that it is he, the person who for many in our country has become a real symbol of Russian television, who will now continue to live these destinies with our team on the country’s main channel, ”Boris shared.

According to Korchevnikov, it initially seemed impossible for him to combine work on Live and the leadership of the Spas channel. At first, the TV journalist tried to work simultaneously in two places, but soon realized that it was too difficult. “Something inside me always said that at some point there would be one thing left,” sums up the presenter.

The head of the Spas channel said that he was recording the last episode with his participation "with a sense of joy from a very successful season behind him." According to Boris, the program "Live" in its former form ends its existence. The new program, which will soon be released on Russia 1, will be different, but it will retain everything that the audience loved its predecessor for.

Korchevnikov also expressed his gratitude to former colleagues. He considers the team of the talk show "Live" to be unique in its kind. Gossip that the team of editors is going to be fired, Boris considers far from reality. “There are only a few people on the market who know how to make this genre. Therefore, people will continue to create a new, even brighter project,” he believes. The years spent in prime time on Rossiya 1, Korchevnikov considers "great professional and human happiness." According to Boris, "Live" is "honestly told the truthful life of people," writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

An employee of the channel "Spas" told the site that Orthodox TV is being turned into a clone of the scandalous show "Live".

Previously, the site wrote about in Russia. With the advent of a new leadership in the person of Boris Korchevnikov, "promoted" by the program "Live" on "Russia 1", one of them - the channel "Spas" - began to change. An employee of the TV channel assures that his colleagues are being fired, and the audience is starting to turn away from Spas.

In May, we were told that a new general director had been appointed to Spas, Boris Korchevnikov became it. He wanted to do something new, young, to give a fresh breath to the channel, ”one of the Spas employees shared with the site, who, for obvious reasons, asked not to be named. - But in the end it turned out that the “new breath” for two months of his work led to an obvious fact. Previously, the channel showed high-quality, popular and well-deserved programs - "Ukrainian Question", "Conservative Club" and many others, which viewers watched both on the air and in social networks, on Youtube. And now there is only one program on the channel called "Live", an analogue of the program of the same name on the channel "Russia 1".

[Note Ed .: judging by the schedule, the Spas TV channel has a rather extensive program; however, the program for the current week does not contain either the “Ukrainian Question” or the “Conservative Club”, but there is also no notorious “Live Broadcast”. Archives of this show available on the channel "Spas" on Youtube, the last episode of July 14 was dedicated to the "charity marathon", among the earlier episodes - "Abortion", "Euthanasia" and "Stalin".]

- Did the channel need this new breath?

It so happened that the leadership of the channel changed regularly, Boris Kostenko always remained the most “permanent” (now he has been appointed deputy to Korchevnikov). Korchevnikov's new vision was expressed in one thing: to close all programs and leave one of his own - "Live", which would cover some hot topics. But you yourself understand that any relevant topics can be covered in different ways. For example, there were such programs on the Spas channel, but the authors did not go beyond certain limits in them. The mission of the channel is the spiritual and moral education of the audience. The channel has its own established audience, a different pace, rhythm than on other federal channels. We had expectations that it would come - and it would get better, there would be something new. As a result, everything went down to make a scandal as much as possible, to go into some kind of investigation with detailed bloody details - about murders, criminals, with people smeared on the asphalt.

- Does Korchevnikov continue to conduct the same program on the Russia 1 channel?

As far as I understand, he was fired from there, "Live" on "Russia 1" will either be closed, or a new team with a new face will be recruited. Now he will be in the frame on "Spas" one to one to repeat the same program as on "Russia 1", only without extras.

[Note Ed .: Boris Korchevnikov continues to broadcast "Live" on "Russia 1", despite previously existing rumors about him on Dmitry Shepelev. The latest issue, available on the website of the channel "Russia 1", is devoted to the topic "The adopted son of Galina Brezhneva, in order to drive his son out of the house, called him non-native and even demanded a DNA test."]

All "Live broadcasts" begin with the fact that "today such and such knocked down to death or shot someone, let's discuss it, we'll yell, we'll shout, we'll quarrel." Rating, of course, is an important thing, but it is impossible to achieve it by such means on an Orthodox channel. As a result, viewers call, write, complain, switch the Spas channel to another button.

- Boris, when he was appointed to this position, did he gather people, did he announce something?

At a general meeting of employees, the policy was announced: there will only be "Live broadcast" six to eight hours a day. Thus, the channel will become relevant, we will talk about what the newspapers and the Internet are shouting about today. Then, educational programs about faith, about Orthodox holidays, about Russian famous people, about how people came to faith, and so on, began to disappear from the air. The new leader seemed uninteresting. Although the channel showed a steady growth in the audience and always saved face.

- Strange, because Korchevnikov often positions himself as a believer.

Therefore, all employees of the channel had the expectation that, after all, innovations would be made from the point of view of an Orthodox person. But the expectations were not met.

- The channel employees were also fired on the same day?

Many employees were told they needed to pack. With the advent of Boris Korchevnikov, the channel lost many good specialists who were not ready to endure swearing and shouting - both in the control room and in their own address.

- And what is your forecast? What can viewers of "Spas" expect?

If in such a context there is a supply of "fried" material, nothing good will happen. Because of these scandalously topical topics in the program of Boris Korchevnikov, scandals and showdowns have already begun on the channel. Viewers write letters, complain that it has become impossible to watch the channel, demand a change in intonation. Well, how can you invite some motorcyclists, "Hell's Angels" on the air of an Orthodox channel?! Crazy house.

June 26 broadcast of the Spas channel: “Bikers gather around MGIMO because of a student of this prestigious university who killed a motorcyclist. Major again, drunk again. Will he be punished to the fullest extent of the law?

War veteran Nikolai Dupak came on the air - so he was simply brought out during the “Live broadcast”: he is boring, he is old, he has become uninteresting. Uncontrolled bacchanalia, aggression on the channel, which should call, on the contrary, for peacefulness, for goodness, for a different attitude towards the outside world.

But Boris Korchevnikov does only what he can. He worked for many years on the Russia 1 channel in the scandalous talk show "Live" and probably believes that this is how it should be said on the Spas channel - this is "joyful and free Orthodoxy."

TV presenters talked heart to heart. Andrey Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov spoke about the successes over the past year, and also revealed some of the secrets of new projects. Program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” on the TV channel “Russia 1” also collected a huge number of views on the Internet.

“That broadcast a year ago was incredible. Every evening my mother discusses the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live, "I find her watching your program," Korchevnikov admitted to Malakhov.

The presenters recalled that the very first episode of the updated talk show was watched by more than a million people on the Internet. They admitted that at that time they spoke very frankly on a variety of topics that they had never touched before. Boris recalled how he met his dad, whom he had not seen for a long time, spoke about the tumor with which he had lived for many years.

Korchevnikov noted that Malakhov nevertheless revealed the biggest secret. For the first time, the TV presenter's wife Natalya Shkuleva, who was pregnant at that time, was in the studio. Andrei admitted that his wife was very imbued with Boris's personal history and now treats him very reverently.

“I don’t remember what we said and discussed, but I know one thing - when you see a person on the screen and meet him in life, there is a stereotype of perception,” Malakhov said. “Natasha took your story so close to her heart that when she comes to church and leaves notes about her health, she always writes your name.”

After leaving the program "Live", Korchevnikov began working on the program "The Fate of a Man". Despite the fact that celebrities usually open their souls to him, there was one broadcast when Boris himself had to answer uncomfortable questions. In a conversation with actress Anna Kovalchuk, they touched on the topic of family and marriage. The artist began to ask the presenter about his personal life - Boris was embarrassed and replied that he was not married. Kovalchuk shamed Korchevnikov, at that time he was 35 years old, and noted that he should take more initiative in finding a bride if he dreams of a family.

This conversation sunk into the heart of Boris, he considers Anna an amazing woman, whose opinion is worth listening to. He also admires her as a mother of two children. “She will open a new season on the Spas TV channel, she will read fairy tales. Anna does it amazingly. She is an amazing mom!" - revealed the secret of Korchevnikov.

Andrey Malakhov became interested in a colleague's new project and admitted that perhaps his child would be interested in it.

“My son Sasha will be able to listen, he is nine months old. He has never seen TV, but listens to music and fairy tales. We try to protect him from any gadgets. Perhaps he will like fairy tales performed by Anna Kovalchuk, ”Andrey suggested.

The presenters recalled how many famous artists opened their souls to Boris during his program. However, Korchevnikov is waiting for Andrey Malakhov to visit. “I really hope that very soon we will meet at the Fate of a Man studio. I am grateful that you agreed to come and tell about your path,” said Boris.

Korchevnikov admitted that he would like to remember those great people who are no longer with us - that is why in the new season he launches the Distant Close program.

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