Body art photography for kids. Body painting for children - the choice of creative parents

One creative mom decided to use her kids as a canvas. Christy Lewis turns her children into monsters, zombies, giraffes and superheroes with paints and brushes. Kiera, 7, and Maddie, 5, have to sit still for two hours while their mom turns them into trolls, aliens, and hulks.

(Total 10 photos)

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1. Christy lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She has always loved to draw, but after the birth of two daughters and a 9-month-old son, she did not have time for this at all.

2. Everything changed when she found face paints in an old chest of drawers and started painting on one of her daughters.

3. Christy, who also paints on the belly of pregnant women, decided to combine her hobby and motherhood, and soon her skills began to be in great demand.

4. Her designs were so popular that the woman opened her own agency.

5. Together with her husband Mark, they turned hundreds of boys and girls into zombies, animals and even little Hulks.

6. "Can you find a better canvas than one that will smile at you?"

7. “Most of all, I adore the reactions of the most modest children who look at themselves in the mirror for the first time after painting.”

Plan-summary of educational activities with older children


Topic: "Body art - the art of drawing on the body, or a fairy tale on the palms."



To cultivate the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher, with a peer; to be friendly and correct interlocutor. (“Social and communicative development”)

To form the skills of educational activities, develop cognitive interests, cultivate sustained attention, observation, interest in educational activities. (“Social and communicative development”).

To cultivate the ability to notice the expressive means of body art works of art. ("Artistic and aesthetic development").

To develop the ability to see the beauty of the created image and in the transfer of smoothness, fineness of lines, elegance, rhythmic arrangement of lines and spots, uniformity of painting over the pattern on the palm of the hand. (“Artistic and Aesthetic Development”)

Cultivate diligence and accuracy in work. (“Social and communicative development”)


Develop imagination, logical thinking, auditory and visual perception, the ability to analyze and synthesize.

To develop observation, the ability to notice the characteristic features of fish and convey them by means of drawing on the palm of your hand.


Continue to form elementary ideas about the history of mankind through acquaintance with the works of art of drawing on the body - body art. (Cognitive development).

Provide information about the history of the art of "Body Art", its varieties (the creation of realistic images of animals - "hand-animals" and the image of illustrations for fairy tales - "fairy tales on the palms") ("Cognitive development")

To acquaint with the works of contemporary body art artists - Guido Daniele and Svetlana Kolosova. ("Artistic and aesthetic direction")

To learn to convey images of fish in a drawing through the use of drawing techniques on the hand, to use a variety of color schemes for this. ("Artistic and aesthetic direction")

Clarify children's ideas about the various materials on which ancient people painted. ("Cognitive development").

To expand children's ideas about the information carried by the drawings on the faces of the ancient Indians. ("Cognitive development").

Learn to find a suitable way to save a picturesque image on your hand.

To expand and clarify children's ideas about modern people who paint their faces in different life situations. ("Cognitive development").

Enrich the children's vocabulary with words: wax tablets, rocks, tree bark, body, tribe, war, rite, artist, makeup, makeup, stage, circus arena, fans, masquerade, carnival, competitions, sports games. ("Speech development").

To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher, with a peer; to be friendly and correct interlocutor. (“Social and communicative development”).

Introduce a new word "body art" into the children's dictionary, give information about the meaning of the word, encourage children to be interested in the meaning of words. ("Speech development")

Continue to teach to make assumptions and draw the simplest conclusions, to express your thoughts clearly for others. ("Speech development")

Methods and techniques:

practical: game action - turning into wizards with the help of a spell, d / and “what is missing?”, individual help to children.

visual: viewing presentation slides, listening to an audio recording of a song performed by B. Grebenshchikov “There is a golden city”, showing image methods (partial and individual).

verbal : teacher's story, conversation, artistic word, questions, explanation, encouragement, sample pronunciation of the word, assessment of children's activities.

Materials and equipment:projector, screen, laptop, presentation “History of painting on the body”, a chest with drawing supplies, wide and thin brushes, gouache with the addition of glycerin, water cups, oilcloths, wet wipes, a camera.

Forms of organization of joint activities

Children's activities

Forms and methods of joint activities


Fizminutka "Repeat after me"


The game situation is the transformation into wizards, the game exercise “What is missing?”, The game moment - “a lonely fish has come”.


Drawing a fish on the palm.

cognitive research


Situational conversations on the course and topic of educational activities

musical and artistic

Listening to the song performed by B. Grebenshchikov “Under the blue sky, there is a golden city”, musical physical education.

The course of educational activities.

Hello guys, it's great to see you today. Let's get to know each other, my name is Natalya Ivanovna, and now introduce yourself one by one.

I came not just like that, but to offer you to become not ordinary, but magical artists. And invite you to the school of a professor of fine sciences


Pencil Guashevich Aquarellekin.

Do you agree?

(Children's answers)

This unusual school is not far, not close, in a magical state, in a fairy-tale kingdom. In order to get to this country, you need to say a magic spell.

What spells do you know?

(Children's answers)

Well done. Now listen to my spell

(the teacher picks up the "magic wand" and pronounces the words)

"I'll take a wand in my hands

I will invoke the magic!

- "Turn around yourself

Smile at each other

Turn into an artist!

(Children spin and repeat words)

slide (school)

Here we are in the school of magical artists.

Guys, what is the ego of children on the table?

(Children's answers)

Let's see what's in it

(Children take out gouache paints, brushes, water cups, palettes from the chest. They name objects.)

What do you think this is for?

(Children's answers: this is all for drawing)

(didactic exercise "What is missing?")

All these items are necessary for drawing.

Think about what is missing in the chest? What else is needed to make a drawing?

(Children's answers: papers)

Do not be upset, because you can draw not only on paper. -Let's go to the screen.

Man did not always draw on paper.

What else do you think you can draw on?

(Children's answers:)


- In ancient times, a person painted on rocks, stones, on wax tablets, on the bark of a tree, and even on his body.

slide :

Painting on the body - the oldest form of art and the first painters on the body were the ancient Indians.

Look at the screen as they paint their faces.

What do you think, for what purpose did the Indians paint themselves?

(Children's answers:)

From the drawings on the face, one could read information: what tribe they were from, with whom they were at war, or what ceremony they were preparing for.


Think and say if people paint their bodies or faces in our time and where you can see such people.

(Children's answers:)

Artists who put on makeup when they go on stage, clowns who put on make-up for a circus performance, People participating in carnivals and masquerades, as well as fans at sports games, competitions


For what purpose do clowns, people at a masquerade or carnival, fans paint their faces?

Drawing on the body began more than 5000 years ago. This is a difficult job that requires talent and experience. This type of art is called body art.

The word "body art" comes from the English body-art - "body art". The word was invented by Captain James Cook in 1769. This word means - decoration of the body.

- Repeat the name of this art form - "body art".


Body art can be fabulous. In the literal sense of the word. Such fabulous body art is created by Moscow artist Svetlana Kolosova. Using her own technique, she draws on the palms of people fabulous frames from fairy tales and cartoons loved since childhood. No one else in the world creates something like this. The peculiarity of these paintings is that when the palm is squeezed, the faces of the characters begin to come to life, their drawn heart beats (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, a fold of skin moves in such a way that an illusion of heaving breasts is created), hair moves.

Physical education "Repeat after me"

I suggest you master the art of "body art" on your own palm, think about what you can depict on your palm.

(Children's answers)


Guys, look at the screen, who do you see on it?

(children's answers)

How many fish? (children's answers)

I think she is very lonelyI suggest you draw friends for her


Look at the drawings of fish by the Italian artist Guido Daniele


Pay attention to the features of their image, color scheme.

On what part of the body is a fish depicted?

(children's answers)

What colors does the artist use?

(children's answers)

Let's look at our palm and think about what part of the fish's body the palm, thumb and four other fingers of the hand look like.

(Children's answers)

That the palm is the body, the thumb is the fin of the future fish, and the tail of the fish can turn out of the other four fingers of the hand.

- For drawing drawings on the body, special hypoallergenic paints on a water and fat basis are used, they are called face painting. Such paints are easily washed off and are completely safe for any type of skin.

(The teacher shows a way to draw a fish on the palm of your hand)

With a large brush, you need to paint over the palm-torso from the back and front sides with the paint chosen to your taste, and the tail of four fingers can be made multi-colored.

With a thin brush, we will draw the head, mouth, eyes, scales of the fish, and the body can be decorated with various elements: stripes, wavy lines, polka dots, etc.

(Children work to the calm music of B. Grebenshchikov “Under the blue sky there is a golden city ...”)

You are great, you have turned out beautiful fish

Do you remember the name of the art form.

(children's answers)

The art form is short-lived, as it is drawn on the hand, body and face and is therefore quickly washed off.

(Children's answers)

Let's take a group photo of the fish.

slide (children's hands)

Did you like Karandash Guashevich Akvarelkin's school? Time to go back to kindergarten

"I'll take a wand in my hands

I will invoke the magic!

Repeat with me, you need to pronounce the words with your eyes closed and spin around yourself

- "Turn around yourself

Smile at each other

Come back to kindergarten!

Journey is over thank you guys

Spring is the time for graduations, including the very first ones in life - graduations from kindergarten and elementary school. This is really a big event for the kids - the first official milestone, a small step towards a big destiny. And how wonderful it will be if children remember these holidays as one of the most joyful and happy! So that later - without fear and with a smile on your face - to walk through life.

But while they are still very young, and childhood is the very time when everything you believe in is possible: all fairy tales end well, and princesses live happily ever after.

Therefore, it is better to make the first graduations not just solemn, but magical. After all, children do not need so much to make a rejuvenating apple out of an ordinary apple, and Thumbelina appeared on the table from a tulip. Sometimes a little detail is enough, something that will completely immerse them in the world of magic.

Invite the master of body painting to your child's graduation - and the most ordinary holiday will turn into a real fairy tale for him! An artist at a children's party is like the Wizard of Oz. A small wave of the brush - and now a painted, but as if living butterfly sat down on the palm, and the usual nose became the nose of a ferocious tiger or dragon. Body painting show from the studio "Watercolor" is the very door to Narnia that all children dream of!

Children's body painting is painting on the face of the body using hypoallergenic soft paints, which are called face painting. Paints for body painting are completely harmless, and will not cause irritation even on the most delicate and sensitive skin, and body painting on the face is as harmless as body painting on the body. That is why we offer body painting for the little ones.

Make-up artists bring with them a large selection of stencils for children's tattoos, as well as a photo album with more than 150 different designs. For the little ones, these are small pictures on the cheek, as well as characters from cartoons and fairy tales. For schoolchildren - heroes of TV shows, comics and favorite science fiction films, for schoolgirls - floral patterns, swirls and geometric ornaments.

You can choose at what point the wizard needs to start working. The artist can arrive in advance and start his sorcery, taking out a bunch of different jars of brushes. And then, by the beginning of a theatrical performance or a children's party, your baby will be wearing not only a fox costume, but also a colorful “mask” of a red cunning, to create which you need nothing but paints and a skillful brush. Such a mask will always sit comfortably on the face, will not fall off and interfere with looking.

And you can also invite the artist to the event itself, and then, in addition to the most prepared performance, contests and gifts, another entertainment will appear in the program - a body painting show. Yes Yes! Your children will see a whole body painting show, and the magic of the masters will be interesting to watch not only for children, but also for adults. Magicians of painting will paint literally everyone - no one will be left without a drawing or without a mask, for each child it will be another one - albeit a small, but such a memorable gift!

With the body painting artists of the Akvarelka studio, your child's graduation will become more colorful, magical and will definitely be remembered by your kid for a lifetime! Body painting studio "Aquarelle" is your ticket for the Romashkovo train, which will take you to the fairy-tale land of graduation and prolong the miracle of childhood for your child!

Adults do not understand the beauty of body painting. For every day it is unacceptable, for exceptional cases - another matter. True, our children have many more such exceptional cases: birthdays, Children's Day, going to the cinema, theater, park, walking with mom and dad, and even ... a new game - today she is a squirrel, tomorrow - a panther, the day after tomorrow - Snow White . All these transformations are constantly taking place in the child's imagination. And if the new role is supplemented with props, there is no limit to happiness. And now a new trend - body painting on the face. Moreover, such a fabulous make-up is invariably popular not only among young children, but also among young people.

For example, body painting for some theme party, body painting instead of a tattoo if the parents are against it. In general, body painting is a creative platform for the implementation of many original ideas.

Although, if you think about it, with the help of body painting you can effectively emphasize your image, use a painted ornament instead of jewelry for an evening dress, and so on. In general, body painting is another kind of creative approach to creating an image. And that's what makes him interesting.

By the way, in one of the talk shows dedicated to original ideas for weddings, they talked about newlyweds who had a wedding in a bathhouse. And instead of dresses and suits, they put on ... "suits" in the style of body painting.

What is bodyart?

Probably, it is so obvious that body painting is the art of painting on the body. But first, it emerged as an art form - a bit defiant and shocking for the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century. Nude models, dressed only in a layer of paint, could not leave indifferent critics, innovative artists, or spectators. At first it was only an artistic direction in art. But over time, the authors of the idea and their followers realized that this art could become mass and even commercial. And if not every one of us decides to walk naked in the same colors, many appreciated the elements of body painting.

Over time, new directions of this art appeared for us. Although new to us, they turned out to be traditional for the same India, Libya, and many African countries.

Varieties of body painting

Since body painting is body painting, there are at least several techniques for performing such painting. For this, special paints can be used, as well as henna and basma. Such painting with ornaments is called mehndi. In India, mehndi is applied to the hands and feet of the bride before the wedding, these ornaments serve as amulets for the newlyweds.
Among the modern and extreme types of body painting, tattooing is popular, including imitating makeup, scarring - trauma to the skin, which will leave behind scars arranged in the form of a pattern. An even more extreme type of change in appearance is implantation. For example, metal balls or spikes under the skin. True, there is a risk of rejection of such implants. Or modification - when the operation changes the shape of the skull and other parts of the body.

Piercing is also popular among young people. Although it is difficult to call it, like the previous methods, painting, nevertheless they are classified as varieties of body painting.

If we talk about body painting on the face, it is worth noting that paints are more often used for holidays and parties. So, you can create an image of a cartoon character or a catwoman, or a superhero. Children simply cannot pass by the masters of body painting calmly. Flowers, patterns, muzzles of animals painted on their faces, they are simply delighted.

But women appreciated tattooing on the face more, which helps to reduce the time for daily makeup. So, they often draw eyebrows, “tint” the eyelids under the arrows, and correct the pattern of the lips.

Paints for body painting

In addition to the usual decorative cosmetics, special paints are used for body painting - water-based oil. It is easy to apply and just as easy to wash off with soap. In order to highlight the contours of the picture, you can use ordinary cosmetic pencils and colored eyeliners. Such face painting drawings are most often used for children. In extreme cases, you can also use gouache, although it crumbles when it dries.
There are also special colored water-based markers. But they are suitable mainly for outlining the details of the picture. Or you can make the same paints yourself by mixing baby cream with food coloring.
Moreover, children do not get tired of such creativity.
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