Business plan for a cafe. Project Implementation Plan

When choosing an industry in which to implement a successful business, many entrepreneurs prefer the catering industry. This is well justified.

Opening a cafe is a great way to start a business.

Such projects usually pay off quickly and bring big profits in the long run.

That is why all kinds of coffee houses, pizzerias, coworking centers, cafes appear at every step.

We will figure out what actions need to be taken to open a cafe so that it becomes popular. How to open a cafe? We will draw up an approximate business plan, but first we will deal with the features of this area.

Why cafe

In Russia, the catering segment is considered quite free, despite the demand for such a business.

This is because half of the establishments close during the year.

The situation can be explained by a lot of competition, an unsuccessful concept of institutions or poor-quality services.

That is why it is so important to draw up a cafe business plan. Those who approached this responsibly manage to successfully operate in the market.

Each new cafe has its own characteristics, which invariably attracts visitors, some of whom become regular customers.

There are plenty of reasons why such a business is in demand among newly minted entrepreneurs:

  • growth in the well-being of the population;
  • striving for a modern way of life;
  • the opportunity to communicate in a relaxed comfortable environment;
  • development of office centers and shopping and entertainment complexes, whose employees need to eat;
  • interest in thematic institutions;
  • the existence of lovers of culinary delights, as well as bachelors;
  • celebration of celebrations.

Planning as a basis for success

It is important at the very beginning to honestly assess your strengths and capabilities.

Indeed, in order to feed people, it will be necessary to obtain a number of permits (IP, sanitary and epidemiological service, firefighters).

Subsequently, all standards and norms must be strictly observed. When “laying the foundation”, a competent and attentive approach is important, otherwise additional costs cannot be avoided.

The organization of the cafe should not be the result of yesterday's "insight" with this idea. Any business needs to be calculated to the smallest detail!

This is the secret of a successful business. The result begins to form with the planning of indicators: budget, scope, timing of the launch and implementation of the project.

The success of the enterprise rests on these three pillars. Think about how much you are ready to invest in a cafe, how long will it operate and how long will the investment pay off?

If you are able to answer these and a number of related questions, moreover, you understand the relationship between all processes, then your project to open a cafe will certainly bring significant income.

The level of service provision in a cafe is simplified compared to a restaurant, so there is no need to perform a super task.

Let us consider in detail what issues need to be given maximum attention.

Permits and Required Documentation

The organization of a cafe requires a mandatory solution of such legal issues.:

  • business registration;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • collection of documents (lease agreement; permission to place a catering establishment in a specific room; results of a medical examination by staff);
  • licensing (for trade activities, sale of tobacco and alcohol products);
  • registration of cash registers;
  • conclusion of contracts for: garbage disposal, fire examination, fire alarm, panic button (security), deratization and disinfection, accounting support;
  • obtaining the conclusion of the SES (on the compliance of the selected premises with all sanitary standards);
  • obtaining permission to carry out activities from the fire safety authorities;
  • signing contracts for the supply of products.

In any case, you will not be able to avoid the documentary component, so use all your strengths and connections to resolve the issues listed.

Planning to open your own cafe should be based solely on sanitary standards. Customizing the project for them is not the best solution.

All rules for catering establishments regarding compliance with sanitary standards are reflected in the provisions of San Pin Following them is a manifestation of respect for the clients who provide your earnings.

Market and competition analysis

Analysis of the catering segment is very important. It will help you find out which type of cafe is most in demand, and which one will be a novelty. Initially, you need to define the following parameters:

  • the total number of the population and the proportion of young people and people of working age in it (they will make up the main contingent);
  • the average level of income of residents;
  • a breakdown of the number of cafes by niche;
  • territorial location of establishments;
  • demand and supply for services;
  • average check size.

By comparing all these parameters, you will be able to understand the trends inherent in the market, correctly build a pricing policy, create a menu and choose the concept of an institution.

Then study the activities of such establishments in your city, analyzing their pros and cons, the target audience.

The flaws that competitors make are especially important.

Try to avoid them by improving the best practices and contributing your ideas.

It is important to identify the factors that determine the attendance of an institution in a particular place. If you have free funds, market analysis can be ordered from consulting agencies.

In this case, a professional niche assessment with detailed specification and a forecast of industry trends is provided. If the prospects of your idea turn out to be illusory in fact, such companies will select a project that is more profitable.

Selecting the type of institution

The budget is planned on the basis of a business plan, based on the type of cafe. Focus on both your own preferences and the number of similar establishments.

Children's cafe - interior

Today cafes are considered promising on the market:

  • children's;
  • vegetarian;
  • Internet cafe;
  • with karaoke;
  • hookah;
  • sushi bars;
  • franchised;
  • fast foods (providing takeaway food);
  • anti-cafe (paid for the time of stay, not the cost of dishes on the menu);
  • thematic (literary, sports, musical, national style, etc.).

Whatever type of institution you choose, take into account the specifics of institutions. For example, the presence of dishes "from the chef" and the branded labeling of cutlery are characteristic of the artsy restaurant style. Do not pursue luxury you do not need, this will only entail extra costs.

But bags of sugar, on the packaging of which comics from your institution are depicted, will be just right. You can also make napkins with a logo or name, a special uniform for staff or a compliment from the establishment to regular customers.

Remember, "zest" is always welcome, and no matter where - in the menu, interior or service.

Location selection

If you are counting on a wide audience, make sure that the location of the cafe is convenient for people:

  • was in the first zone of visibility;
  • disposed to rest (absence near busy highways and noisy highways);
  • provided parking and transport access.

Location, of course, affects the attendance of the institution. You need to choose places with high traffic (central squares, walking areas, shopping and entertainment centers, railway stations and metro stations) or focus on the main idea.

The concept is an important factor in determining the location of the institution. Understanding the target audience will help you choose the right area, street or shopping center. For example, youth cafes can be placed near the main places of entertainment in the city, cafes for vegetarians - near the centers of spiritual practices.

In the case of the main emphasis on business lunches, you should choose places near business centers in the business districts of the city. In a residential area, you can count on banquets, near motor transport hubs - on quick snacks.

Coffee houses are popular in the city center, because it is convenient to meet there to talk about some business for 15-20 minutes.

Features of the room and interior

The premises for the cafe can be bought, built or rented. When choosing, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • rent or cost;
  • room dimensions;
  • the presence of halls and utility rooms;
  • layout;
  • proximity to public transport stops;
  • remoteness from automobile, pedestrian traffic;
  • number of storeys (preferably the first one);
  • availability of entrances and exits (preferably from the street);
  • "Labyrinths" indoors;
  • window exit (great if the room is located at the intersection, and the windows face 2 streets);
  • view from the window;
  • availability of ventilation systems;
  • compliance with the norm (firefighters, SES);
  • the condition of the electrical wiring (what is the maximum load the room can withstand);
  • previous purpose of operation of the premises;
  • the need for repair or restoration.

It is necessary to clearly understand how many halls and seats in them for guests will be needed to implement your idea on a full scale. The best option according to the law is an area of ​​280 m² / 50 seats.

Do not forget to calculate, in addition to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dining area, the dimensions of the kitchen, toilet rooms, storage spaces, staff rooms, accounting, management. The more accurately you draw a plan, the clearer it will be for you and investors, and the more likely it is to bring the project to life in its original form.

Interior design should match the name of the cafe and reflect its concept. Come up with some kind of "chip" that will help attract customers and make the institution recognizable in the market. This can help designers, decorators, florists, marketers.

We can recommend a win-win trick that will attract the attention of guests - fresh flowers on the tables. It's not that expensive, but it always "works". For a themed cafe, the idea should be traced in absolutely everything: from paintings and musical accompaniment to staff uniforms and names of dishes on the menu. This is a prerequisite for such establishments.

Don't skimp on the budget to beat the idea. After all, it is this factor that allows you to inflate prices on the menu. Remember, in the right atmosphere, the client loses a sense of time and reality, a feeling of relaxation arises. This can compensate for the shortcomings in the kitchen and service.


The amount of the estimated cost of purchasing equipment for the full-fledged operation of the cafe depends on the business plan, which sets out the list of dishes that you are going to offer visitors.

Some products must be stored under certain conditions. This may require additional lockers. Others require special processing devices. Evaluate all the nuances of cooking before adding them to the menu.

For a cafe, a standard set of equipment includes:

  • plates;
  • cutting tables;
  • grill;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • combi steamer;
  • washing equipment;
  • tableware;
  • kitchen equipment (mixers, coffee machine, slicers, microwave ovens, blenders, toasters, etc.).

Also calculate the amount of furniture, lamps, decorative elements, dishes, textiles, appliances and appliances needed to decorate the hall.

It is advisable to divide the estimate (calculated in the business plan) by type of goods (kitchen equipment, furniture, plumbing, interior elements). This will allow you to receive volume discounts when delivering products.


It is undesirable for a new institution to risk its reputation from the first days by hiring unqualified staff. It is foolish to hope that employees will learn everything directly at the workplace.

Food that doesn't taste good or doesn't match the name will turn customers away from you once and for all. The impolite and awkward staff, dirty dishes, "stale" halls do not contribute to the popularity.

It is important that employees are:

  • cultural;
  • smiling;
  • professional;
  • healthy;
  • neat;
  • interchangeable.

To operate a small cafe, no more than 10 employees working in shifts will be needed:

  • 2 cooks;
  • 2 waiters;
  • 2 washers;
  • 1 bartender-cashier;
  • 1 administrator;
  • 1 accountant;
  • 1 cleaner.

We compose the menu

To work, you need a basic and banquet menu, developed taking into account the specialization of the institution.

It is important to work out a meal plan:

  • diet menu;
  • children's menu;
  • business lunches (complex lunches);
  • compliments for guests;
  • alcohol card.

Try to avoid banal names of dishes. Introduce something unusual or change the names.

The breadth of the range is welcome. However, it is worth observing the measure. Too many dishes on the menu indicate that they are prepared from semi-finished products or stale products in violation of sanitary standards.

In addition, choose only trusted suppliers. Random purchases at low prices can turn into a big problem.

A standard full menu should contain up to 50 dishes and up to 50 items of various drinks. This is quite enough. It is better to update it every quarter, as well as for the holidays (Halloween, Easter, New Year, etc.).

Advertising and PR

An advertising campaign can be carried out once, but it is better to do it on an ongoing basis (in this case, these costs must be included in the cafe business plan). When developing a marketing policy, consider two components of a successful campaign:

  • internal marketing (implies ensuring the maximum level of competence and loyalty of the staff);
  • external marketing (implies a series of activities to generate demand from potential customers). You can use:
  • billboards;
  • posters;
  • advertising booklets;
  • business cards;
  • discount flyers;
  • radio advertising.

Something can be distributed in shopping malls, office centers, crowded places. Good partnership option. You place taxi business cards in your place, they, on the contrary, advertise you. At the same time, mutual small discounts on each other's services will have a double effect.

It is appropriate to create pages and groups in social networks, as well as place information about your cafe in thematic directories. Of course, if the budget allows, you can make your own website. But remember that it needs to be promoted. This is costly and quite difficult.

Therefore, it is better to postpone it until the cafe is “untwisted”. Think about how to keep your customers. Perhaps you should introduce loyalty programs for regular customers.


The profitability of such institutions depends on:
  • scale of activity;
  • the location of the object;
  • institution themes;
  • working hours;
  • the quality of the "kitchen";
  • staff qualifications;
  • pricing policy;
  • amenities and atmosphere;
  • the amount of investment.

For example, now fashionable Internet cafes and anti-cafes have a profitability of about 100%! But they are in demand only in metropolitan areas.

The children's cafe is characterized by a profitability of about 30%. Equipping a children's playground with animators and hiring a confectioner can double the profitability of such an establishment.

Cafe business plan with calculations

Here is a brief example of a business plan for opening an Old City cafe.

Target: organization of a compact cafe or pastry shop.

Description of the project. Cafe "Old City" is located in the old part of the city (which is reflected in the name) in a rented room with 1 hall (capacity 40 seats) and 1 kitchen area.

The premises used to function as a cafe, so the cost of purchasing equipment will be reduced.

It is supposed to open an institution with the concept of national cuisine in a low price category.

The average price of a check is expected to be $5.5. Target audience: students, employees of the office center, tourists. Working hours: 10-22 daily.

Market analysis. The place is popular for walking among residents and visitors of the city. There are a lot of similar establishments, with a similar concept - only one.

Competitive advantages will be obtained by extending the cafe's opening hours by an hour, holding "dish of the day" campaigns, and reducing prices by 5%.

Marketing policy. Large-scale advertising will be carried out once. Further, it is supposed to advertise through social networks, the sale of booklets, discount coupons and business cards.

Equipment. Most of the equipment in the room is (in good condition). Need to buy:

  • refrigerators - 2 pcs.;
  • microwave oven - 1 pc.;
  • bar counter - 1 pc.;
  • production table - 1 pc.;
  • new tables for visitors - 10 pcs.;
  • armchairs in the hall - 40 pcs.;
  • hangers - 2 pcs.

Staff. According to the plan, it is supposed to hire 6 employees: administrator, cook, waiter, bartender, washer/cleaner, accountant (incoming).

Financial indicators. The costs will be:

  • rent - $ 2 thousand / month;
  • purchase of products (including alcohol) - $ 3 thousand / month;
  • utility bills - $ 1 thousand / month;
  • cosmetic repairs of the premises - $ 2 thousand;
  • furniture - $ 5 thousand;
  • equipment - $ 7 thousand;
  • advertising - $ 1 thousand;
  • payroll fund - 3 thousand $ / month. (including deductions).

Investments in the amount of 40 thousand $ / month are expected. Projected net profit - 3-4.5 thousand $ / month. The return on investment is 1-1.5 years. The planned income is possible at 50% load. The profitability of the cafe is 30-40%.


Many of us visit cafes. Some want to have a bite, others want to celebrate a joyful event, others want to meet friends, and others want to hold business negotiations.

For urban residents, this is the norm of life, and for entrepreneurs, it is an interesting and promising type of business.

Stylish cafe - opening

The organization of a cafe seems to be quite expensive, but the efforts and invested funds will pay off with a vengeance if you approach this issue correctly and balanced.

The most important component in this case is a detailed business plan with all the necessary calculations.

In this paragraph, we prescribe the main data of the project. Sample:

Square: the total area is 120 square meters, the hall is 60 square meters. m.

Type of ownership: rent.

Model: youth mini-cafe, designed for 10 tables.

Activity: catering services.

Location: one of the central districts of the city.

Schedule: from 8.00 to 23.00 - on weekdays, from 10.00 to 02.00 - on weekends.

Market analysis

Where to begin? From the analysis of competitors and the situation. Definitely should not be placed near similar institutions. And the city center is not yet a guarantee of high attendance. Pay attention to places near business centers and office buildings, hotels.

  • Proximity to highways or parks, squares, transport stops;
  • First line from the road, entrance from the street;
  • The building is at the crossroads with windows facing two streets at once.

To stand out from competitors, with the appropriate design and focus on certain visitors (children's, informal, barbecue, etc.) But it will be more difficult to promote it.

The most popular option is the “Russian format”. This is a cafeteria with a wide range of dishes (necessarily first, second courses and salads) and strong drinks.

Menu and pricing

The institution is designed for a wide audience, the bulk of customers - the middle class. The average check is 4-5 dollars.

On the menu– Russian and European cuisine plus a little oriental (popular sushi and noodles):

  1. 3-4 types of soups;
  2. 4-5 types of side dishes;
  3. 5-6 hot dishes;
  4. 5-6 cold snacks;
  5. 6-7 salads;
  6. 10 desserts (cakes, ice cream, pancakes);
  7. Pizza and sushi;
  8. 3-4 types of Chinese noodles;
  9. 7-8 hot soft drinks (coffee, tea);
  10. 4-5 soft drinks;
  11. 9-10 spirits and alcoholic cocktails.

Marketing events

Opening a cafe means a lot of work on design, competent planning and.

Title and design

Customers pay more attention to places with their own style. You need an interesting name and a bright sign. To make the institution recognizable, you should think about the logo.

The interior must match the name. , pay attention to soft coffee colors, cozy sofas, themed decorations, paintings or photographs on the walls. A youth cafe or pizzeria is decorated brightly, modernism, pop art, hi-tech are welcome. In terms of style, postmodernism, eco style, and country are also well suited.

Small interior details, such as flowers on tables, wall decorations, lighting fixtures - important part of the design. You can turn to professional designers, or you can do everything for free, relying on your own taste and independent study of materials from the Internet.

The nuances of arranging the internal space:

  • There should not be "mazes" inside. The room should be left as a rectangle or square with evenly spaced tables. Otherwise, visitors may experience discomfort;
  • Ceiling height - from 3 meters;
  • The windows should offer a beautiful view. The space near the window is always the most popular.

Promotion channels

Sales promotion methods

Promotions and discounts are very popular. These are discounts for corporate customers, a free delivery service to the office, as well as various promotions. A good example is a business lunch at a bargain price, a discount on a third order, a “gift from the chef” when ordering a certain amount, etc.

Business registration

The company is registered as . It will be more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to work with suppliers, and also such a company will not be able to sell alcohol (only beer). OKVED codes:

  1. 56.1. – “Restaurant activities and food delivery services”;
  2. 56.10.1. – “Activities of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants”;
  3. 56.10.2. – “Activities of preparing and/or selling food ready for immediate consumption on the spot, from vehicles or mobile shops”;
  4. 56.3. - "Serving drinks";
  5. 47.1. – “Retail trade in non-specialized stores”.

You will need the following documents and permits:

  • Lease agreement for premises and permission to place in a certain building from the local administration;
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor for retail trade;
  • Conclusion from Rospozharnadzor. Conditions for obtaining: fire alarm, two emergency exits, evacuation plan, availability of fire extinguishers;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you must comply with the sanitary conditions specified in SanPiN In addition, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • Technical conclusion about the premises. This includes communications drawings, engineering drawing, architectural, BTI plan;
  • Registration documents of cash register equipment;
  • Quality certificates for products. They must comply with government regulations. Certification is carried out by private firms.
  • Agreement with private security. Inside the cafeteria, a "panic button" for calling security is installed;
  • Production control program agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Documents on the passage of personnel medical examination;
  • License for the sale of alcoholic products. Issued by the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. To obtain a license, a company must have an authorized capital of 15-16 thousand dollars. The requirements are specified in Law No. 171-FZ “On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic Products and Alcohol-Containing Products”. The cost of registration is 600-650 $.

Organizational events

The project provides for how and with whom the enterprise will work. What does it take to open a cafe?

Preliminary agreements with product suppliers on daily deliveries. These are farms, wholesale depots, confectionery shops, bakeries. All products must be certified.

Contracts are required waste disposal and regular disinfection.

Production plan

Renting a room will cost about $ 2000-2500 per month. Of the 120 square meters, the hall for visitors occupies 60 square meters. m., 40 sq. m. - kitchen, 20 sq. m. - warehouse and 10 - toilet.

Room requirements:

  1. Dining room and production area should be separated;
  2. Ventilation, sewerage, cold and hot water, fire extinguishing system, air conditioning are required;
  3. When repairing, it is necessary to comply with building regulations, you can familiarize yourself with them in SNiP 31-06-2009"Public Buildings and Structures".

Technical base

Dining room

In the hall it is worth equipping places with chairs and soft sofas. When buying furniture, be sure to take it “with a margin”, just like dishes. This business requires reserve resources, especially in terms of tableware (10% for slaughter and loss). All calculations are given in dollars.

  • Tables (12 pcs.) - $ 1100. The best manufacturing companies: Delacosa, Equivalent;
  • Chairs (25 pcs.) - $ 300-350. Delacosa, PremierDecor, Equivalent;
  • Sofas (11 pieces) - $ 1500-1700. HoReCa, Delacosa;
  • Reception desk - $ 80-90. SmartDecor, Pioneer;
  • Cash register - $ 350-400. Evotor-Standard, Mercury;
  • Racks-hangers at the tables (11 units) - $ 300. HoReCa, PremierDecor.


  1. Four tables for cooking and cutting products - $ 200-300. Hicold, ATESY, CRYSPI;
  2. 2 refrigerated cabinets, freezer - $ 1500. Polair, Nord, Mariholodmash;
  3. Two electric stoves - $ 1000-1200. Convito, LOTUS;
  4. Two cabinets for cooking and frying - $ 1000-1300. Amitek, ABAT, CRYSPI;
  5. Grill cabinet - $ 200-250. Indesit, KORA, LOTUS;
  6. Pancake machine - $ 150. ERGO, ATESY;
  7. Microwave - $ 70-100. CONVITO;
  8. Combi steamer - 1500 $.TECNOEKA, ABAT, ATESY;
  9. Dishwasher - $ 700-900. Hansa, Smeg, Mach, ABAT;
  10. Coffee machine - $ 600-800. Philips, Nespresso, De Longhi;
  11. Pizza oven - $ 600-700. PRISMAFOOD, ABAT, ERGO;
  12. Two food warmers - $ 90-100. LOTUS, ABAT, ERGO;
  13. Deep fryer - $ 60. ABAT, LOTUS;
  14. Electric kettle - $50. Redmond, Galaxy;
  15. Electronic scales - $ 15. AKAI, Galaxy;
  16. Four sets of knives - $200. Supra, Thomas, Mo-V, Shadow;
  17. Containers for spices and bulk products (4 units) - $ 40-50. RESTOLA;
  18. Meat grinder - $ 80-100. FAMA, Supra, Panasonic, BORK;
  19. Mixer - $ 100. QUAMAR, ERGO;
  20. Slicer - $ 250-300. CONVITO, Airhot;
  21. Electric vegetable cutter - $ 40. Wellberg, CONVITO;
  22. Dough mixer - $ 300-400. ERGO, CONVITO;
  23. Small inventory (graters, dispensers, measuring utensils, can openers, cutting boards, tongs, spatulas) - $100. TECNOEKA, MAC.PAN;
  24. 2 holders for kitchen utensils - $ 10-13. CRYSPI;
  25. 3 coasters for dishes - $ 16-20. TECNOEKA;
  26. Two sinks - $ 120-150. HESSEN, RADA;
  27. Wardrobe and racks for dishes - $ 70-80. CRYSPI, ATESY;
  28. Catering for food (20 pcs.) - $ 30. RESTOLA;
  29. Wall shelves (5 pcs.) - $ 120-150. CRYSPI;
  30. Dishes for visitors (15 sets) - $ 800-1000. Collage, Verona, Baltic, Twist.

Kitchen dishes

  • Pots (6-7 units) - $ 130-150. Merxteam, APS, Westmark;
  • Boilers (2-3 units) - $ 90. Luxstahl;
  • Frying pans (2-3 units) - $ 50. Luxstahl, BOK;
  • Saucepans (3-4 units) - $ 80. Merxteam, Lacor;
  • Bowls and gastronorm containers (15-20 units) - $ 40-50. RESTOLA;
  • Baking sheets (4-5 units) - $ 40. RESTOLA, UNOX;
  • Colanders, sieves, spice mills (5-6 units) - $ 150-200. Lacor, Fortune.

Non-production base

  1. Napkins, towels, dryers for the bathroom - $ 40-60;
  2. Washing machine for uniform - $250. BEKO, Electrolux;
  3. Computer and printer - $ 400-500;
  4. Plumbing for a bathroom - $ 300-400;
  5. Garbage cans (3 pcs.) - $ 40-50;
  6. Mirror - $30.

In calculating how much it costs to open a cafe, the purchase of equipment and inventory takes a large share of the funds.


To work in two shifts, you need to hire 4 cooks, 2 auxiliary workers, 2 administrators, 6 waiters, an accountant. The salary fund is 6-7 thousand dollars per month.

All employees must have a medical book. It is also worth sewing a uniform for workers ($400-500).

Launch strategy

It is necessary on the basis that the preparation will take at least five months. Event planning looks like this:

  • Search for a suitable building, conclusion of a lease agreement;
  • Repair and decoration of the premises;
  • Engineering and technological design, laying of communications;
  • Registration stage, paperwork, obtaining permits and licenses;
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory, its installation;
  • Hiring;
  • Advertising activities.


It is necessary, only by assessing the possible risks and developing ways to overcome problems. What threatens a new food service business?

Lack of visitors. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to intensify promotional activities, expand the list of promotion channels, and hold an interesting action.

The opening and operating costs are more than those specified in the business plan. This is solved by a clear fixation of income / expenses. At least temporarily, you can reduce costs by reducing the staff (as a rule, waiters), partial use of semi-finished products.

Poor quality food and service. Since you personally will not be able to control the work of the institution “from” to “to”, there is a risk of dissatisfied customers. Be sure to study the reviews about your institution on the Internet, start a book of complaints. To keep the visitor satisfied, carefully select staff and change workers if necessary.

economic instability in the country. This is usually reflected in the cost of cooking products, inventory, and the purchasing power of customers. To avoid this, it is necessary to conclude long-term contracts with suppliers.

Financial calculations

Below is a ready-made plan for the financial costs of starting a business:

  1. Registration, permits, licensing - approximately $ 2,000;
  2. Rent for the year ahead - $ 28,000;
  3. Repair of the premises - $ 2000;
  4. Interior design development - $ 1500;
  5. Technological design - $ 500;
  6. Engineering design - $ 800;
  7. Works on the installation of lighting, fire safety systems, necessary communications - $ 4,000;
  8. Finishing work, purchase of decor items - $ 3,000;
  9. Furniture, equipment, kitchen utensils - $17,000;
  10. The first purchase of products - $ 1500;
  11. Advertising campaign and illuminated sign - $ 2000;
  12. Unforeseen expenses - $ 1,500.

Total capital investment in the business will amount to 64-65 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses in the first year - in the range of $ 9,000-10,000, taking into account paid rent.

Efficiency and profitability

You can count on income when attendance exceeds 80-100 people per day. In this case, the revenue will be about $ 14,000 per month, and the net profit will be 5-6 thousand. In a year or two, with a constant increase in "workload", you can earn up to 15-20 thousand dollars "clean" monthly.

Only by carefully planning and calculating, it is worth taking on this matter. You also need to have a certain financial reserve, because the payback of public catering establishments ranges from one to four to five years.

In this material:

You can start a cafe with a large client flow only if you carefully prepare. To do this, you need a business plan for a cafe: an example with calculations, and in the future - detailed calculations on the costs and income of the project, a description of the main stages of launching an enterprise, preparing documentation, setting criteria for the premises.

Before developing a ready-made cafe business plan, an entrepreneur must register as a legal entity. The form of ownership for launching a cafe can be any - IP or LLC. After that, you can already solve all the questions that relate to how to open a cafe from scratch and how much initial investment is required.

Launch of the cafe

If an entrepreneur decides to open his cafe from scratch, and not buy a franchise, you must first analyze the market and conduct marketing research on the possible risks of this business. Further, the structure of work required to launch a large cafe practically coincides with the stages that the business plan for opening any establishment contains.

First you need to study the market, conduct marketing research, determine the main trends in the field of catering. Based on the analysis obtained, note for yourself how much money you need to open a cafe, decide on the main concept and theme of the establishment.

Then you should prepare a detailed cafe business plan with calculations. It will become not only a “guide” on the way to launching a cafe, but also legal documentation for obtaining a bank loan, building permits from the city administration, SES and other government agencies. At this stage, it is necessary to find the location of the building for the future cafe, develop a design idea, a menu concept, basic cooking technologies and select product suppliers.

Stages of opening a cafe

To launch a cafe with a large client flow, you need to pay attention to all stages of the business plan:

  1. Obtain a technical conclusion of the premises, coordinate the business plan with Rospotrebnadzor, the State Fire Service, the city administration.
  2. Develop a design project for the premises. Conduct electrical, sewer and ventilation systems, water supply and other communications. Purchase materials, conclude an agreement with a construction company and carry out construction, installation and finishing work.
  3. Get a health passport and a conclusion from Rospodrebnadzor, a conclusion from the State Fire Supervision Authority. Obtain licenses for the retail sale of food, alcohol and tobacco products.
  4. Select and prepare a cafe pricing policy, accounting system, finalize the menu. Develop internal documentation related to corporate culture, job responsibilities, service standards. Also here it is necessary to draw up costing and technological cards for cooking. A sample of this or that internal document can be developed independently or taken from online banks for office work.
  5. Purchase the necessary equipment, including a cash register, furniture, kitchen utensils and additional inventory. Choose an automated business process accounting system. Buy software and install on computers.
  6. Develop requirements for vacancies and choose the resume of candidates that is most appropriate for the cafe concept. Approve staff and conduct training based on the developed documentation - job responsibilities and service standards.
  7. Choose an advertising policy, develop a basic marketing strategy for 1-2 years. To produce products for advertising, corresponding to the corporate style of the institution. The final and important step is the organization and implementation of the first marketing campaign.

Preparation for each of these stages helps to determine how to open a cafe from scratch and how much it will cost in the end, since almost every job requires certain financial costs.

Opening a cafe with a large client flow involves a huge amount of investment, but in the end, the profitability of such projects is 1.5-2 times higher than what was invested in them. High profitability can be obtained if you always focus on the long term and conduct market research on a monthly basis in order to adjust to the interests of the target audience in time.

Example of financial calculations

It is important to determine how much it costs to open a cafe and where to look for investments, since the amount of profit at the first stage of the establishment’s operation and the payback period of investments will depend on this. It should be noted that for a large restaurant or cafe, you should not be guided by a quick net profit. It is better to initially allocate enough funds for each stage so that later you do not have to pay extra for repairs or reorganization of the cafe.

Necessary investments for opening a cafe with an area of ​​150 sq.m:

  • preparation of all documents, including the purchase of licenses - 200,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • rent of premises - 200,000 rubles. monthly;
  • construction, installation and finishing works - 700,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • carrying out ventilation, sewer systems and other communications - 500,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • purchase of equipment, including computer equipment, as well as furniture, kitchen utensils and other inventory - 900,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • purchase of food - 80,000 rubles. monthly;
  • purchase of an automated system and its installation, creation of your own website - 180,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • payment for utilities and Internet services - 50,000 rubles. monthly;
  • the salary of 14 employees, including the cook, bartender, barista, manager and attendants, is 500,000 rubles. monthly;
  • marketing costs - 110,000 rubles. at the first stage, 50,000 rubles. in the following months.

As a result, the amount of money needed to launch a large cafe will be 3.42 million rubles. In the future, monthly expenses will reach 880,000 rubles. Given the variety of the menu and the average check of 800 rubles. the average monthly turnover of the cafe will be 1.2 million rubles.

The payback period for investments in launching a cafe is 11-12 months.

For accurate calculations, it is important to determine the main direction of the cafe. If the concept involves the preparation of dishes from rare products or a specific theme, then the monthly turnover of this institution may differ from the standard ones. The financial results of the institution depend on how to open your cafe, in what place and for what purpose. The presented cafe plan - an example with calculations and a detailed list of launch stages - will help you quickly navigate the complex processes of opening a cafe.

Order a business plan

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In order for the cafe you opened to work not in the "minus", it is necessary at the stage of thinking through the business to draw up a business plan for the cafe with calculations. Having a financial and marketing plan will allow you to more clearly understand all the costs, see the "pitfalls", in addition, having a plan will make you more competitive.

Description of the business plan - what should be in it?

When describing the plan, it is necessary to indicate the following:

  • Type of opened cafe, its location.
  • The area of ​​the future premises, the number of seats.
  • List of required equipment for the work, technique.
  • Features of hiring staff - what kind of specialists you will need.

It is important to note that if the work will be carried out in one shift, then you need to hire at least one administrator, cook, waiter. If the schedule is shifted, the number of staff is doubled.

Some send their business plan to grant companies. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe the relevance of such a business, what benefits it can bring to the population, financial performance, and the possibility of opening new jobs. When drawing up a plan for investors, be sure to clearly state all expenses and incomes, profitability, payback periods.

Analyzing the market before opening a cafe

An obligatory step before opening any business is an analysis of the market, competitors, which will determine which type of business will be most in demand in a given region. When making calculations, the following must be taken into account:

  • The number of inhabitants.
  • their income level.
  • Location of educational institutions, offices, etc.
  • Service demand.

Thanks to such an analysis, you will be able to determine an approximate pricing policy, the type of cafe, and develop a menu that will be in demand. The next step is competitor analysis. It is important that your cafe has some kind of "zest" that would make it different from other catering places in the area.

Today it is very popular and profitable to open such types of establishments as:

  • Internet cafe.
  • Children's Cafe.
  • Sushi bars.
  • Anti-cafe (where people pay for the time spent).

The profit of your establishment will largely depend on the chosen location, so try to rent or buy premises in densely populated areas.

That is why many establishments will not use millet in small towns, such as anti-cafes or Internet cafes.

It is important that there are parking lots, a train station, stops nearby, good access, shopping centers - any places where there are always a lot of people. For example, when opening a children's cafe, it is worth considering that it is best to locate it near children's amusement parks; if you are going to open a cafe for a youth audience, make sure that there are institutes, shopping and entertainment centers, etc. nearby.

While the client is waiting for his order to be prepared, you can offer him salads, light snacks that are prepared within 5-10 minutes. You can diversify the proposed menu with light Italian desserts. We should not forget about drinks - there should be a lot of them on the menu.

These are both hot (tea, coffee) and cold (juices, mineral water, etc.). Depending on the type of cuisine, you can add some zest. For example, if it is an "Italian" cafe, you can offer customers the opportunity to make their own ingredients for pizza or pie, the same applies to American cuisine - you can add various ingredients to hamburgers, etc.

Be sure to add various fruits, meats, cheeses, marinated products, different types of breads, sauces, etc. to the menu so that the client has a large selection of dishes.

How to register your business and what documents do you need?

To proceed with the registration, you first need to understand in which room the cafe will be located - not only the area, but also the location plays a role here. If you open an establishment in a separate building, then you will need to draw up more documents than when renting a separate room in a shopping center - where the owners already have documents from the SES, confirmations from fire services, approved documents from architects. All that is needed is to simply draw up a lease agreement, register business activities and notify the district administration.

One of the most convenient and fastest options is to open an LLC and work on the simplified tax system, paying only 6% of the cafe's income. If you don't like overpriced rent, don't rush to abandon your idea, because the main advantage of shopping centers is a huge flow of people, and they are your potential customers, you also don't need to spend a lot of money on advertising, which will save you money when carrying out marketing activities.

You can make a small calculation: for example, you rented a room of 60 square meters to open a cafe, the rent per month is about 130 thousand rubles. The attendance of the institution on weekdays is about 50 people, on weekends - up to 90-100. Eventually. Then there will be at least 1,700 customers per month. With an average cost of a check of 500 rubles and in the case of an extra charge of about 300%, the monthly revenue will be at least 900 thousand rubles.

We develop a financial business plan wisely

The minimum initial investment when opening your cafe will be 1.8 million rubles, which already includes all organizational and marketing expenses.

The most expensive expense item is the purchase of all the necessary equipment, but you should not save on it, because the quality of the dishes served in the cafe depends on the quality of the equipment and the speed of its operation.

Do not forget not only stoves, refrigerators, cooking equipment, but also such small but important equipment as vegetable cutters, cheese cutters, knives, coffee makers, etc.

We develop a marketing plan according to all the rules

In the city, where about 500 thousand people live, the competition in the field of catering is very high. That is why your advertising campaign should be interesting, truly attractive to future customers. When planning marketing activities, be sure to consider:

  • The age of their clients (students, office workers, young people, etc.).
  • Possibility of carrying out advertising campaigns in shopping centers.
  • Pay attention to social networks to attract new customers.

Before opening a cafe, you can distribute leaflets, launch a project on social networks (open an Instagram channel, open a group on VKontakte), launch outdoor advertising, banners, hold a presentation in a shopping center, talk about prices, menus, and conduct a tasting.

On the opening day, he can also invite everyone to a tasting, offer the first customers a discount, be sure to hang banners and advertising banners a couple of days before the opening. In the future, you just need to analyze promotional activities, abandoning those that do not bring you new customers.

But it is worth remembering that the success of any cafe does not depend on the quality of advertising campaigns, but on the taste of dishes, the speed and quality of service, and comfort. Therefore, be sure to work out ways to improve relations with customers - in this case, they will transfer information about your institution to their acquaintances, friends, word of mouth will begin to operate.

Instructions for opening a cafe - step by step

An important point when opening your own cafe is the solution of all legal issues. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Registration with the tax authorities as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Registration of cash equipment.
  3. Notice to the pension fund.
  4. Definition of the taxation system.
  5. Drafting a lease or sale agreement.
  6. Obtaining all permits.

An important point - when choosing to open a cafe as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, be guided by whether you will sell alcoholic products, since in Russia only legal entities can carry out such activities.

When choosing a room for a cafe, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Rent price.
  2. Layout, condition of the premises.
  3. Number of inputs.
  4. The presence of public transport stops nearby, convenient access for cars.

The design of the cafe is also important, which must fully correspond to its name and type. It is better to entrust design development to specialists in this field. It is better not to save on design - if everything is done correctly and wisely, then the costs will quickly pay off. As we have already said, you should not save on the equipment itself, which is required for cooking. The "classic set" of technology is:

  1. Cookers - gas or electric.
  2. Refrigerators, freezers.
  3. Kitchen appliances.
  4. Tableware.
  5. This should also include furniture for guests, plumbing, and other interior items.

Approach responsibly to the choice of staff - it is better to immediately hire professionals, because unskilled and slow cooks or waiters will quickly lead to a decrease in the flow of visitors.

In contact with

The restaurant business, like a century ago, remains a highly profitable investment, if you approach this business with all seriousness. This is evidenced by the global and all-Russian tendency to increase by an average of 3% in the number of such institutions. And even the crisis, which affected all areas of the economy, only partially reduced the demand for such services. Restaurants with a good reputation are not left without their customers. The decrease in the cost of the average check occurred only for a short time, returning to the pre-crisis levels of 2013 within six months. On the other hand, restaurants that were not very “floating” even before the economic situation of 2015-16, at that time completely closed due to lack of profit.

Such data suggests that great importance in all organizational activities should be given to a business plan before opening a restaurant. Only a competent project, including consideration of the production, financial component, payback calculation, will give an idea of ​​the prospects for such an idea, and will determine the steps necessary to achieve the goal.

It is difficult to create a ready-made restaurant business plan with calculations that would fit any type of establishment. This can be done either by the owner himself, or by a consultant who understands this issue in cooperation with the future owner. A general example of a business plan for a restaurant will also be analyzed here, highlighting the most significant points and calculating the payback.

Project Implementation Plan:

  • Define the concept of the restaurant and its target audience;
  • Conduct a marketing analysis of the market: the main competitors, market capacity (what is the maximum number of customers you can count on), the availability of premises in a city or area suitable for your restaurant;
  • Draw up a detailed business plan for the restaurant, including the calculation of initial and future expenses, expected revenue by months, determining the period when the enterprise will begin to make a profit and the payback time for the restaurant business project;
  • Based on the concept, decide what will be included in the list of dishes offered, and what additional services can be provided (especially for entertainment);
  • Develop a pricing policy, the level of income of the restaurant (lower, medium or high);
  • Lease or build a building for a restaurant;
  • Decide what style the guest room will be decorated in;
  • Carry out repair work;
  • Prepare all required documents;
  • Recruit staff and organize their training:
  • Negotiate with suppliers on the constant purchase of ingredients for dishes;
  • Launch an advertising campaign.

Each of the points includes many subtleties and nuances, which should be reflected in the individual business plan of the restaurant.


Let's start with the most basic - the concept, all subsequent steps will depend on its choice. This item is usually referred to as a restaurant marketing plan, an example of which we will consider.

All public catering establishments are divided into elite, middle class-oriented and budgetary ones. They have their own categories within them, for example, high-class establishments (fine-dinning), casual dinning, etc. Deciding what type your restaurant will belong to will make it easier to choose its variety. It is also fashionable now to open themed establishments specializing in a particular cuisine, for example, Japanese, Italian or one type of dish, the most common of which are pizzerias. This is done to stand out among numerous competitors and find your audience. But such formats work well only in big cities; for small ones, a varied menu is suitable, say, European cuisine. We will focus on this option in our example of a restaurant business plan.

The target audience is people of average and slightly above average income. These may be employed professionals or small and medium-sized businesses.

Location for a restaurant.

When choosing a room, make sure that it is located in an area with a large flow of people, the ideal option is a crowded street or a shopping center where there are no restaurants of a similar plan yet.

The premises for the restaurant can be rented or built independently. The second option is more expensive, but more profitable if there are sufficient own investments or there are no suitable areas in a particular city. We will rent the premises for our calculations. To calculate a suitable area, you need to estimate the number of seats and multiply by 5 m2. (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Let's say the institution will be small, with 30 seats. That is, the hall will require 150 m2, plus production facilities - at least 100 m2. Additionally, we need more space in the hall to accommodate a small stage. In total, the required area for our restaurant will be 300 m2.

In accordance with the chosen target audience, which prefers traditional interior design, the interior design will be classic. But there will be no dance floor in the restaurant.

Additional services.

In addition to food, the institution, according to a ready-made business plan, will hold corporate events and organize children's parties.

The "trick" of the restaurant will be the performance of live classical music, two monitors will also be installed, where it is planned to show old films from world cinema without sound. In our restaurant, dancers will perform (such as a variety show), you can arrange fashion shows, hold competitions on various topics (for example, singing).

Repair work.

According to the norms of the SES, the room must have an appropriate finish, a ventilation and air conditioning system, a sewerage system, hot and cold water supply. All the norms required by law can be found in the relevant service. Moreover, without carrying out all the necessary measures, the restaurant will not be able to obtain a sanitary passport, as well as permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the State Tax Inspectorate.

The range of repairs includes:

  • Architectural and design events:
  • Electrician;
  • Installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems, hot and cold water supply;
  • Conducting sewerage;
  • Finishing work;
  • Installation of television, video surveillance, alarm.

Purchase of equipment and supplies.

To prepare dishes from the menu, you will need professional equipment, including stoves, refrigerators, display cases, cutting devices and other specific items, dining and tea sets for customers, glasses for various drinks, serving items, cooking utensils and other kitchen and household equipment.

Additionally, we need two LCD TVs, video surveillance and alarm equipment, equipment for performing musical compositions (microphones, sound amplifiers, speakers, player, etc.)

Each of the listed equipment must be included in the restaurant's business plan with calculations for the expense item.


The more elite the institution is planned, the greater the responsibility for the selection of employees. Mandatory employees must include:

  • Administrator (it can also be the owner);
  • Chef;
  • Cooks;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Wardrobe attendant;
  • Waiters.

This is just the bare minimum. With the development of business, it is desirable to increase the number and narrow the specialization. For example, divide the cooking process into stages from harvesting to ready meals and allocate for each hotel employee. It's good if the chef has a deputy (sous chef).

When offering specific dishes, say from Japanese or Korean cuisine, it is recommended to provide for an individual who prepares just such a type of food.

Registration of activities.

To begin with, as in any business, you need to register a legal entity LLC or individual entrepreneur and receive a document on entering the institution into the register.

The next step is to obtain a whole range of permits:

  • Coordination of the business project of the restaurant in Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service;
  • Obtaining an SES passport on compliance with all declared standards, a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages and documents for advertising signs.

If it is necessary to redevelop the premises, you will have to “negotiate” with the local architecture, the State Fire Service, the Housing Inspectorate and other bodies.


  • Manufacture of signboards and other advertising structures located near the institution;
  • Development and printing of brochures with a special menu, promotions and inverse offers, and, of course, contacts and directions.

Payback calculation.

Let's go directly to the financial part of our business plan. An example calculation for a restaurant will be presented below. But first, let's define the main ways of movement of commodity-money flow.

There are only three links in the chain: suppliers, the restaurant itself and customers:

  • Suppliers organize the sale of their goods to the restaurant;
  • The cooks of the establishment prepare dishes from the received products; alcoholic drinks are either poured into glasses, or cocktails are additionally mixed from them;
  • Visitors place an order and pay with money that is credited to the restaurant's account;
  • Suppliers receive their money for shipped products by transfer from the restaurant.

Here is such a simple scheme well shows the principle of operation of a catering establishment.

It must be remembered that opening a restaurant is not a quick business. It can take from six months to two or more years. It all depends on your knowledge, the knowledge of your lawyers. Let's calculate the planned initial costs:

  • Registration of activities - 300 thousand rubles;
  • Room design and technical project - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of the premises and installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems, sewerage and other activities - 1 million rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment and inventory - 2 million rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture - 500 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of food and alcoholic beverages - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Signboard - 20 thousand rubles.

We will summarize all the data in a table, supplementing the initial investments with working capital for the first two quarters of business.

current expenses. The main expenses of the enterprise are rent, staff salaries, utility costs, taxes, food and alcohol costs, advertising and other expenses. Others include the purchase of detergents, the cost of garbage collection, deratization, disinfection, bank services. When considering this item of expenditure, one should not forget about the norms of operating losses.

Let's move on to the definition of revenue. There are 30 seats in our restaurant. For example, the first time the filling of the hall will be 100% at lunch (business lunch) from 12 to 15 o'clock and 50% in the evening from 18 to 22 o'clock, in six months lunch will be 300%, in the evening 100%. Our restaurant markup is 200%.

Total revenue

Comparing the planned revenue and costs, we determine the projected net profit.

According to our calculations, in order to launch our restaurant, in addition to the above funds for repairs and equipment, working capital in the amount of about 1.7 million rubles will be required. Free working capital will appear only six months after the restaurant is launched.

Payback in our calculations turned out to be 17 months.

A few secrets for those wishing to engage in the restaurant business.

No matter how promising the ready-made restaurant business plan with calculations looks, in each case it is necessary to consider the project separately. Start with an idea and analysis of the market situation, since the characteristics of a particular territory can play a significant role in obtaining predicted profits.

For example, you can save a lot by not including bar drinks in the menu at all, presenting the concept of the restaurant as “free from alcohol”. Most likely, this will attract those who strongly refuse such drinks, among them there are many women, students and the elderly. On the other hand, you will lose the main contingent who prefers to drink a glass of wine with dinner.

It is important not to forget that all profit directly depends on how satisfied the client is. With the right “feed”, the institution attracts many visitors in the first days and weeks of opening, who want to see what kind of new restaurant it is. And already on the first impression, they will decide whether they become your regular customers and recommend the restaurant to friends or, on the contrary, dismiss “unflattering reviews” about it. Therefore, the level of service, regardless of the circumstances, should always be on top as well as the quality of the dishes themselves.

It often happens that satisfied visitors return to the places they like quickly enough, that is, the demonstrated example of a restaurant business plan with calculations does not reflect the full picture, but only quite approximately shows what minimum and for how long you can count on. There are examples where such projects began to bring good profit in the first year.

Conclusion. The restaurant business can be both a winning and losing business. You can't open a restaurant based on your own taste, the market sets its own priorities. Therefore, we remind you once again, study the market, see how your competitors work. Having chosen a niche, do not save on decoration, equipment, common areas. Remember the saying - a miser pays twice. In this business, if a client leaves unsatisfied with the dirt in the toilet, then he will not come back. Last, and probably not least, are the shots. If your employees are gloomy and reluctant to take an order, they don’t know the dishes that are on the menu, they don’t know how to tell everything tasty and at the same time, they smile friendly, they don’t treat the client as a long-awaited guest, then no expensive repairs and interior will not return the customer.

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