Museum business plan. How to open a museum with exhibits? I want to open a museum where to start

Not so long ago I went to Yaroslavl, a city that is part of the “Golden Ring” of our country.
I was there, in the museum "Music and Time". The director of this museum, D. Mostovsky, simply a magnificent circus performer, has been collecting bells since childhood. Everyone laughed at him, called him a fool, an idiot, and so on. Nobody wanted to understand a person's hobbies. Even his wife did not share his views. So she said: “Do not believe the people who laugh at you because of the bells, they just do not know that you are a fool from birth.”
As time went on, the collection of bells grew - these were arched bells with the inscriptions “Take me, give me”, and bells with which the troikas traveled, etc.

Simultaneously with the collection of bells, a collection of watches gradually began to appear ... It must be said that watches are unusual. For example, there are 30 different melodies for the grandfather clock of the German company Sauer. The restoration of each copy took from three to five years. Every watch is time, every time is a second, every second is a moment of history, and besides, the fate of the owner.

One clock was translated by A.P. Chekhov himself, the other clocks were translated by F.I. Chaliapin. The man, who remained retired after being fired from the Circus, began to think about how to live on, and the idea came to his mind about creating a private museum not subject to the state. He immediately grabbed it and began to implement.

The first thing he did was to buy an already half-running house of a local merchant, placing his collection on three floors.

Nobody believed him that he would be able to raise this house to its feet, everyone said, “Why do you need it - don’t go there.” Despite all the exclamations, he still bought it, restored it. And he makes a profit from it. But, like everywhere else, he has to trade in every little thing, souvenirs - this is his main income.

But the most interesting thing he does is play the hurdy-gurdy as parting before the group leaves, and people leave him as much as they can. His income is so great that at the moment he bought an Organ in Germany and is restoring a separate building especially for him near his museum. In five years, people will be walking in the park and listening to J.S. Bach.

As one of the ways of income from the category "for the soul" can be called organizing your own museum and on a variety of topics.

Let us immediately state that a private museum can become a commercial project only under certain conditions:

1. Unique unhackneyed theme;

2. Location in tourist areas; The most profitable are private museums in places of recreation for tourists; For example, in small villages on the Black Sea coast. This is explained by the fact that tourists are attracted to these places by the opportunity to relax on the sea, but since the villages are small, the entertainment package for tourists is usually very modest. In fact, only on vacation are people ready to fully enjoy every minute and, accordingly, spend a lot of money on leisure; One disadvantage of this orientation of a private museum is seasonality.

3. The museum must be part of another commercial project; For example, you are engaged in some kind of craft, making unusual souvenirs. In this case, you can organize a museum of your work, combined with a craft store. Or you are the owner of a guest house on the sea coast. In order to attract guests to yourself and provide them with quality leisure, you can completely organize an original museum on the territory of your hotel. There can be many variations. The accompanying income part of the museum, in addition to paying for visits, may be charging for photos with exhibits.

4. You can make the museum a part of a commercial excursion program and collect payment from the organizers of the excursion route.

5. On certain days (eg Friday, Saturday and Sunday) it is possible to arrange spectacular thematic performances (on your own or with guest actors). For example, a museum of medieval weapons and armor can organize impromptu knightly tournaments, etc. In a museum of ancient musical instruments, you can play a barrel organ with a parrot on your shoulder before leaving, collecting "donations". You can actively involve visitors in performances.

6. To attract visitors, it is imperative to create his online business card, otherwise no one will simply know about him, and residents at his location are unlikely to visit him regularly. The fact is that a museum is a specific entertainment facility, which is quite enough to visit only once, in some cases once a year. Thus, in order to receive income from museum activities, museum owners must take care of a constant influx of new visitors.

7. Ideally, to start such a project, you already own a suitable premises, since the business is not stable, and the rent will need to be paid constantly.

Ideas for organizing private museums:

1. Fairy tale characters;

2. Museum of Folk Crafts;

3. Thematic museum of some era or people;

4. Product Museum: Museum of chocolate, handmade soap, etc.

5. Museum with exhibits made of unusual materials (ice sculptures, wax museum, etc.)

6. Museum of inventions and technical innovations;

7. Museum of private collections (paintings, records, bells, shells, etc.)

If you seriously intend to engage in this business, your activities should be registered in the appropriate organizational and legal form.

Suitable for registration of museum activities OKVED code 92.52"Museum Activities and the Protection of Historic Sites and Buildings".

The most optimal system of taxation for conducting museum activities would be simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% on income.

In order to start applying it, you must submit an application for the application of a simplified taxation system when registering with the tax authorities.

In addition to ensuring a minimum tax burden, the simplified taxation system is also attractive due to the absence of the obligation to maintain accounting records and submit accounting reports on time (no need to draw up a balance sheet, income statement, etc.).

Furthermore, museum activities are classified as privileged activities for application reduced rates of insurance premiums in PFR, MHIF and FSS (not 34% as for other organizations, but 26%).

Reduced rates of insurance premiums for the period 2011-2012 as part of:

  • PFR - 18%,
  • FFOMS - 3.1%,
  • TFOMS-2.0%,
  • FSS - 2.9%.

We remind you that insurance premiums are calculated from the salaries of the museum staff.

The main conditions: the use of the simplified tax system, income from museum activities must be more than 70%.

After several decades of desolation, Surkov's brewery in the center of Arkhangelsk, founded 100 years ago, was sold at auction. As a result, the city budget received 34.2 million rubles, and the new owner, the StroyTekhnologiya company, received three emergency buildings of the former brewery and the obligation to use the object restored in strict accordance with the historical appearance only as administrative and commercial premises or for "non-destructive production."

The project for the reconstruction of the building is almost ready. Most likely, another shopping center will open on the historical squares. The commercialization of the project is also evidenced by the fact that a pub has already been opened on the first floor of the plant. Many historians of Arkhangelsk hoped that the famous building would still be given over to an exposition that would tell about the history of brewing in the North. By the way, it is very entertaining, because until now the "secret" of Surkov's beer has not been revealed, and many modern brewers only copy the recipe.

Now the question arises as to whether an object with a cultural function can be attractive for investment? And what is this cultural function - the purpose of the building, its age or architectural features? - says Andrei Sokolovsky, co-owner of several interactive art projects. - We are accustomed to a clear division: the library cannot generate income, so it should be on the balance sheet of the city, and the shopping center is a commercial facility, so the museum does not belong in it.

European trends are such that today museums and libraries are located in shopping centers, large shops are located in museum complexes. And cultural objects themselves can and should generate income. It just takes the right approach.

The average payback period for a new museum is about five years. However, you can get income much faster if you know some secrets of running a museum business.

If we talk about art, then significant investments are required to create a high-quality museum collection. The museum, of course, cannot pay off only by selling entrance tickets, these incomes are hardly enough to support economic activities, - says Alexander Gubanov, executive director of the online art auction "ARTLOT 24" in St. Petersburg. - The successful business model of a modern museum provides for its own gallery and infrastructure facilities that provide additional monetization opportunities.

Among the private museums that successfully use this model in St. Petersburg are the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art and the Faberge Museum.

So, one of the types of additional income can be called the holding of temporary commercial exhibitions by the museum, tickets for which can cost more than visiting the museum's permanent exhibition. In addition to exhibitions, the museum can also host other third-party events - lectures, master classes, presentations, concerts.

Also, almost every museum has its own "exit through the souvenir shop" - an additional source of income from the store at the museum, which sells thematic books, postcards, souvenirs and miniature copies of sculptures. Approximately on the same principle of creating a museum, an initiative group of Arkhangelsk search engines decided to go. In December, a new "Military Museum" was opened in the capital of Pomorye, its exhibits were things found during the expeditions. Visitors can learn about military actions during the Intervention and the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region.

Visitors can also get acquainted with the work of search engines and their unusual finds, - says one of the founders of the "War Museum" Alexei Sukhanovsky. - The average ticket price in this segment is about 300 rubles. All exhibits can be touched by hands - this is one of the trends to attract visitors in the modern museum business.

Marina Bjornsgård, Deputy Director for Development of the Art Deco Museum, believes that a number of conditions must be met to ensure attendance at the exposition. Firstly, it must present unique samples, secondly, it must be geographically accessible and, thirdly, it must provide a high level of communication (excursions and educational projects based on the exposition).

For people to come to the museum, you need to surprise. Often they try to achieve this with the use of modern lighting or graphic effects. The most promising direction now is interactive museums, where the visitor not only walks through the halls, but also performs some actions himself, interacts with the exhibits. It can be, for example, a "museum of entertaining science" or a petting zoo. Such an idea looks promising for a province that has not yet been spoiled by such entertainment, - Oleg Tkach, financial director of the Greenwood trade and exhibition complex, notes.

The Northern Maritime Museum in Arkhangelsk also thought about how to attract visitors. The renovated building in the city center, new expositions and the maritime theme itself, it would seem, should attract visitors, and therefore generate income.

We have come to the conclusion that if we do not arrange presentations, various events in the museum and do not work with travel agencies or with schools, then the flow of visitors will be very small, not like shopping centers, - he believes. about. Director of the Northern Maritime Museum Yevgeny Tenetov. - I am sure that a museum, even the most modern one, cannot generate income. At best, it can work to zero - to earn money for its own development.

According to Tenetov, a museum or an art space is always a growth point for the development of a territory.

As the head of the cultural and production cluster "Kolomenskaya pastila" Elena Dmitrieva notes, in small towns the appearance of a museum, a cultural object stimulates the opening of related businesses, increases the value of real estate, makes it possible to create new products and types of economic offer, the main of which is not knowledge, but impression .

Now most of the opening museums in the regions of the North-West are focused on tourists. Basically, these are small expositions dedicated to some kind of folk craft, where the main role is played by an interesting story of the guide and a visit to a large souvenir shop.

A good move is the organization of a museum in which the historical part is combined with entertainment, for example, as in the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines, notes Anna Karganova, director of the Russian Abstract Art Foundation.

Approximately along this path, private museums have gone, which are opening in tourist-attractive areas of the Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions and Karelia. Whether they survive, time will tell, and competent strategic planning can help them in this.

Without knowledge of the past, it is sometimes difficult to build prospects for the future. Therefore, if the company appreciates and honors its history of development, then the entire team of the company deserves great respect. The idea of ​​creating a museum and its further implementation into reality will help to preserve the history of the enterprise, as well as reflect its real activities. As a rule, it is advisable to organize a museum of an enterprise on the territory of the institution or not far from the central office of the company. The corporate museum can serve as an excellent place for conducting excursion programs for employees, interns, students, and any third parties who are interested in the history and type of activity of the enterprise. In addition, such a museum can become an excellent place for meetings with guests and partners of the company, for negotiations, for presenting awards to distinguished employees, a meeting place for former employees, etc. The enterprise museum is a place that influences the culture and development of the team, taking into account its traditions and historical values.

It is very important that the museum of the enterprise gradually reflects the main historical milestones in the development of the company and gives a clear idea of ​​its activities. The theme of the corporate museum should be presented in such a way that it is understandable and interesting to visitors of all ages and professions. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to correctly and competently define the main concept of the museum and attract the maximum number of experts on the history of the enterprise, its main achievements, etc.

Today, interactive museums are very popular. They allow visitors not only to receive useful information from the guide, but also to interact with the presented exhibits. An interactive corporate museum can become a kind of hallmark not only of an enterprise, but also of a city, if it is made open and accessible to its residents and guests.

It should be borne in mind that the organization of a new museum is a long and painstaking work of many specialists. Former employees of the company, specialists in specific subject areas, fellow architects and designers, as well as sponsors of the company can help in creating the museum of the enterprise.

To create a museum, as a rule, you have to work continuously for many years, because history does not stand still. It is important not just to create a museum, the main thing is to maintain and develop it, reflecting all the important facts from the life of the company at the present stage of development. Otherwise, the relevance of the corporate museum will quickly decline and lose the interest of visitors.

Keywords: About museums of enterprises, to preserve the history of the enterprise, the museum of the enterprise, the concept of the museum, interactive museums, the organization of a new museum, important facts from the life of the company, the relevance of the corporate museum

A museum is a special institution that stores monuments and objects that have their own unique history. Any museum begins with a collection, and the more original it is, the greater the interest in it. The main museum tasks include constant monitoring and analysis of the work of a particular museum. Modern museum technologies include several components:

  • Museum exhibitions require a special approach, because they must be properly organized and planned.
  • Equipment for storage of exhibits.
  • museum climate. At low humidity or too high humidity, the exhibits are deformed, and their value is also lost. It is necessary to install all the necessary equipment to prevent this.
  • Museum showcases.
  • Restoration equipment.
  • Keepers.
  • The concept is a document that will show the uniqueness of this institution at the present stage. It consists of three main points: modernization, innovation and the preservation of one's own traditions.

In order to create a new museum, it is necessary, first of all, to specifically identify its goal, it is on it that the further development of activities will depend. You can combine several appointments, for example, tell the story of your city in a club of like-minded people. Then you need to choose a room where certain exhibitions will be held, it is better if it is a very crowded place, you can save on advertising. An important factor is the choice of working staff (for the good functioning of the museum, at least four employees are needed). It is necessary to competently organize excursions in order to interest more people, and they began to bring their friends here. But, excursions alone are not enough, interest in them quickly disappears, it is necessary to hold creative evenings, meetings of like-minded people and various cultural events.

No museum can exist without constant funding. Therefore, it is necessary to find a rich like-minded person to solve this problem. It is necessary to prove the significance of this institution for the benefit of society, and then things will go up, increasing profits. To create a museum that will constantly have visitors, you need to have a lot of experience in this area, otherwise it will be a complete fiasco. This should be done by masters who know how to properly organize everything and outperform competitors. A competent trend in the development of a modern museum is the creation of internal and near museum structures that create a single space. People visiting the institution should receive cultural general development.

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