Biography. Singer Toto Cutugno: biography, creativity, personal life and interesting facts Profitable acquaintance Toto Cutugno

The first breakthrough to fame for the famous Italian composer and performer of his own songs, Toto Cutugno, was Africa written for Joe Dassin in 1974. From this most popular hit of the 20th century, the composer began to order songs by well-known performers in France and Italy: Mireille Mathieu, Johnny Hallyday, Dalida, Adriano Chelntano and many others. In 1983, the world-famous and loved by millions of Italians "Senor Pesnya" performed another unforgettable hit on stage - "L'italiano", known in Russia as "Lashata mi kantare". Toto Cutugno's wife, Carla, remains his faithful friend throughout his life.

They met in 1967 at the Dragon Club in the seaside resort of Lignano Sabbiadoro and married in October 1971. The young aspiring musician was then 27 years old and he, along with his brother and friends, sang in the Toto and Tati group, earning a living from this. Carla, a girl from a wealthy family, supported her husband financially. Her parents bought an apartment for their young spouse and helped pay the bills. Financial well-being in everyday life had a positive effect on the composer's work. He began to gain weight in the artistic environment and he got good orders. Cutugno's songs were distributed all over the world and his name became famous.

When it turned out that the newlyweds would soon have twins, the unexpected happened. Doctors, fearing for Carla's health, advised her to get rid of the pregnancy and this became the cause of infertility. Despite the terrible grief, their family did not break up: the Cutugno spouses remained together. Toto achieved success and popularity, became one of the most sought-after composers in Italy and often performed at concerts himself. He was an ardent Italian man and, by his admission, sometimes allowed himself casual connections with fans who followed the famous maestro in droves. Speaking of this, Cutugno emphasized that skill in such situations is quite common, but the “woman of his heart” has always been his wife. However, one of the connections, which happened at the very peak of his creative success, forced him to change.

During a flight on an airplane, he drew attention to a beautiful flight attendant and met Christina Lancha, falling in love with her without memory: “I loved my wife, but I was shocked by Christina ...” Toto recalled in an interview. This secret romance lasted 2 years and, according to the maestro, there was no less bitterness in it than joy. He consciously asked Christina to bear him a child, and in 1989 he had an illegitimate son, Niko. Toto's happiness knew no bounds and he was immensely grateful to Christina, but this could not last long. When Cutugno frankly told his wife about everything, it was a terrible blow for her. Carla was worried about what she heard for a long time and this became the most severe punishment for Toto.

Carla, unable to be a mother, after much thought, acted wisely and fairly. She forgave her husband of infidelity and allowed him to see the child, bring him to their home. With Christina, she chose never to meet. How the Cutugno couple managed to regulate their further relationship is unknown, but there were no outward signs of discord between them. Growing Niko became the main concern of a happy father and Carla supported him in this joy. The son, even as an adult, continues to be a treasure for the singer, about which he tries to know as much as possible. He rejoiced when the young man finished school well, entered the university and fell in love with a Greek girl.

Toto Cutugno appeared on stage for a very long time, continuing to give concerts. He was greeted everywhere with impatience and joy. He traveled with speeches to many countries and several times visited the Soviet Union, and then - in Russia. Sometimes he took Niko with him on tour and proudly showed the public his son, whose father he became on the threshold of his 50th birthday. Carla and Niko have established a good, even relationship, and the singer has always been immensely grateful to his wife for this.

After everything that happened in their family life, Toto and Carla became closer and more related to each other and they take all the troubles that are coming together. When the composer was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in 2007, they fought the disease with redoubled courage and won. They say that the whole country was watching the course of this struggle with bated breath and praying: Italy adores its favorites. A few years later, there was a new relapse of the disease and again caring and devoted Carla stubbornly and tirelessly supported her husband, not letting him succumb to the disease.

Now Toto Cutugno is already 73 years old, and 46 of them he lived in a marriage with Carla. The family spends almost all the time in their villa on the seashore, from which you can see the sea, which Toto loves very much. Sometimes he allows himself long walks on calm waves on his own boat and rests his soul and body in his native element. True, now he is not allowed to go to sea without the accompaniment of friends: Carla is trying to protect her husband from unexpected dangers. Cutugno still occasionally takes the stage to please fans and looks much younger than his age. We can safely say that this is also a considerable merit of Toto Cutugno's wife, who has been his guardian angel all her life.

July 7, 2012, 20:53

On July 7, 1943, in the town of Fosdinovo, in the region of Tuscany, a son was born in the family of Domenico and Olga Cutugno. The boy was named Salvatore, and his mother called him simply as a child - Toto. The first love came to him at the age of 14, at the same time he wrote his first song, which was called "La strada dell'amore" ("Road of Love"), and by his own admission Toto was terribly ugly. Starting to play the piano, Toto falls in love with jazz, and at the age of 19 he goes on a tour of the Scandinavian countries as part of the group of the famous jazz musician Guido Manusardi. The tour was a huge success, and Toto decides to finally devote himself to music. In 1974, Toto approached the songwriter Pallavicini and said: “Maestro, I am Toto Cutugno. I have dreamed of meeting you for a long time." Sitting down at the piano, Toto let him listen to the last piece he had created… This is how their collaboration began. The very first song that was born as a result of their joint work became (and this will not be an exaggeration) one of the most beautiful songs of the 20th century. We are talking about "Africa" ​​or "Indian Summer" (this second name stuck with her after she flew around the world performed by French singer Joe Dassin). In Milan studio Grammito Ricci Toto made a trial recording of this song, and he liked it so much that Ricci even wanted to release it as a separate disc. The song immediately takes 1st place in the French hit parade, and then in the US, after it was performed by Frank Sinatra. After the success with Indian Summer, Dassin asked Toto to write another song. She became "Et si tu n'existais pas" ("If you weren't there"). The second time, a miracle happened. Many popular French artists wanted this, until recently, an unknown guy, to write a hit for them. And Toto wrote: for Mireille Mathieu and Claude François, for Johnny Hallyday and Dalida, for Michel Sardou and Sheila, Cutugno's melodies are included in the repertoire of orchestras conducted by Paul Mauriat, James Last, Franck Pourcelle. Italian discographers were perplexed: how could they miss and not notice this "magician" who can turn everything he touches into "gold"?! Continuing to write for others, Cutugno decides to try himself as a singer. Changing the name of the group from "Toto and Tati" to "Albatross", Toto sends an application for participation in the San Remo-76 festival. Result? I must say, for the first time very good - 3rd place. The song was called "Volo AZ-504" ("Flight AZ-504"). In France, this song was sold in a few weeks with a circulation of 8 million discs. In the same 1976, at the Albatross Festival Bar, he took one of the first places with the song "Nel cuore, nei sensi" ("In the heart and in the feelings").
But 1976 was full of not only joyful events for Toto. Salvatore's mother dies after a serious illness. (Then with a song dedicated to his mother, Toto will take 2nd place in San Remo). 1977 - again San Remo and again success - this time with the song "Gran premio" ("Grand Prix"). Toto met Carla in the summer of 1967, performing with his group at the Dragon Club in the resort town of Lignano Sabbiadoro. Within a month, he accompanied her home, and then was introduced to the parents of his future wife. On October 5, 1971, young people got married. Soon after the wedding Signora Cutugno became pregnant. Toto wanted to have at least four children, so he was happy when he learned that his wife was going to give him two twin babies at once. But soon the joy of waiting was replaced by grief: the doctors unanimously started talking about the possible tragic consequences of childbirth. I didn't have to choose. The most important thing for Toto was the life and health of his wife, although he already knew perfectly well that they would not have other children ... After breaking up with Albatross, Toto continues to write. By that time, 12 melodies had already been written for Joe Dassin: among them - “Salut” (“Hello”), “Le jarden du Luxembourg” (“Luxembourg Gardens”), “Il etait une fois nous deux” (“Once we were together"). Derrierre l'amour (For Love) is created for Johnny Hallyday, and Paul Mauriat also includes it in his repertoire. At this time, Toto begins to work with "his own", i.e. with the Italians. In the early 70s and 80s, Toto created such well-known things for Adriano as “Soli” (“Alone”), “Non’è” (“Untrue”), “- Amore? No! ("-Love? - No!"), "Il tempo se ne va" ("Time is running out"), "Un po' artista, un po' no" ("A little artist"), writes music for the film " Taming of the Shrew". Toto works with the Rich and the Poor group, Ornella Vanoni, Marcella, Gianni Nazzaro and others. The chance helped Toto return to the stage as a singer. And it happened like this ... Once Toto was asked to write a screensaver for the TV show "Scommettiamo che ..." ("We bet that ..."). He wrote and did a test recording (Droopy was supposed to sing the song). Program host Mike Bongiorno, after listening to the song, asked about the name of the singer. They explained to him that this was Cutugno, already a fairly well-known composer, and they hastened to assure that they would select a performer for the screensaver. But Mike insisted that it was Cutugno who sang the song. “This is what we need,” said the presenter. Do you want to know the name of the song? This is "Donna, donna mia" ("Woman, my woman"). For more than a month she has been on the first place in the Italian and French charts, and Cutugno, inspired by success, goes to the festival in Sanremo with the song "Solo noi" ("Only us"). The result exceeded all expectations: Toto won. Cutugno recalls: “And joy, and panic, and excitement - everything was mixed up in me then. That year I became the winner of the festival. But to be honest, I didn't count on it. I remember that I had already taken off my jacket and was standing backstage, talking to someone, when suddenly the presenter announced: "The winning song is" Only Us "by Toto Cutugno." I didn't hear it. My discographers jumped on me... And behind them - the interviewers. I didn't understand anything at all. They literally pushed me onto the stage ... And I sang a song in one shirt, I could not find a jacket. I looked like a doll ... Horror!" After winning San Remo, Toto admitted that he used to be a little offended by the fact that all the laurels went only to the performers of the hits he wrote, and he, Toto, remained, one way or another. otherwise, in the shadows.” And this is normal, because people are usually not interested in the authors of the hit. The creator of the song has only copyright, and therefore the right to a fee. This, of course, is comforting, but still there is a taste of bitterness in the mouth, ”Toto said then. “Well,” answered one Italian magazine, “now Cutugno himself has got a big piece of the sweet pie. This time, success belongs entirely to him: both as an author and as a performer. A few weeks after the victory in San Remo, Toto is invited to participate in the International Light Music Festival in Tokyo. And ... again victory. With the song "Francesca non sa" ("Francesca does not know"), Cutugno takes first place as the best composer. A year later, in 1981, Toto Cutugno's third album was released under the title "La mia musica" ("My Music"). Is it necessary to say that most of the songs on this disc are dedicated to love? For Cutugno, love is everything, it is the meaning of life. And he demonstrates this again and again in his works. The disc was released in several languages: English, Spanish, French, as it was sold in Argentina and the USA, Japan and Canada, Australia and almost all European countries. Immediately after the release of the disc, Toto makes a tour of these countries, dedicated to the presentation of the album. It was during these trips that Toto conceived the idea of ​​writing a song that he would present at the San Remo 83 festival. We are talking about the famous "Italian". And although Cutugno did not officially take first place then, he was still the first. After the author and performer moved away from the microphone and bowed, there was a momentary confusion in the hall, which was immediately replaced by a stormy and furious explosion of applause. And yet the main secret of Cutugno's success as a performer lies in his talent as a composer. He always remains a melodist. After the triumph in San Remo, in the same 1983, Cutugno released a solo record "L'italiano" ("Italian"), which became "gold" in the blink of an eye. A year later, in 1984, Toto took 2nd place with the song "Serenata" ("Serenade"), and a year later, at the same festival, Toto Cutugno's song "Noi ragazzi di oggi" ("We, today's guys") performed by 14-year-old Mexican Luis Miguel also wins 2nd place. November 1985 Unprecedented tour of Toto Cutugno in the USSR (Moscow, Leningrad). Daily concerts - first in the Moscow Luzhniki Sports Palace, then in the Leningrad Sports and Concert Hall. On weekends - two concerts each: in total, over twenty days, about four hundred thousand spectators attended 28 concerts of the maestro! He has a great concert. And it's more sad than happy. This concert has its own unique facial expression, and it will not soon be forgotten in a series of popular names. After touring in Moscow, Toto said: “I must admit that in Moscow I left half of my heart. I'm afraid that I'll leave the other half in Leningrad. I take some comfort in the fact that I have a big heart.” Seeing the popularity of the Italian artist and the excitement associated with the tour, the leadership of Central Television decides to invite Toto Cutugno to participate in the filming of the New Year's program Blue Light. In a television studio on Shabolovka, he sings "L" Italiano, after which he remains in snowy December Moscow for a few more days to give two additional closed government concerts. His photographs are in every Soviet publication, from government Izvestia to Teacher's Newspaper "And" Soviet Sport. What happened next? Participation in the festivals - San Remo and San Vincent, the release of the new disc "Azzurra malinconia" and, of course, work on new songs. In subsequent years, until 1990, Toto Cutugno takes part in the traditional Italian song contest in Sanremo, never taking place below 2. The songs that Cutugno presents at festivals are well known to our lovers of Italian song ("Figli", "Emozioni", "Le mamme", "Gli amori"). A real triumph was the performance of Toto Cutugno at San Remo in 1990. As in previous years, the festival was attended by stars, among whom was the legend of world music - the American singer Ray Charles, who performed Toto's song "Go od love gone bad" (English version of "Gli amori"). 1990 was probably the most successful year in Toto Cutugno's artistic career. Every year Europe hosts the Eurovision Song Contest, where each country is represented by the best singer of the year. Italy was represented that year by Toto Cutugno. His song was called "Insieme... 1992" and was dedicated to the future unification of Europe. The offer to perform at the Eurofestival was unexpected. There was no suitable song, and he was almost ready to withdraw from the competition, but suddenly an idea struck him. So, after a 26-year break, an Italian song won at the Eurofestival ... The next year, Cutugno was already the host of the competition. Toto actively recorded albums, hosted programs on Italian TV, actively toured and participated in San Remo.
In 2007, he was diagnosed with cancer, which he coped with. Now he is accompanied everywhere by a doctor. And by the way, Cutugno still became a father. In the late 80s, he met the flight attendant Christina. They dated for two years. Toto asked her to become a mother. Christina agreed. Then Cutugno told his wife about everything. They say that the two women never met, but Carla nevertheless survived this shock and stayed with Toto. She communicates with Niko - a guy who was named so because Cutugno liked the Greek word "nike" - victory. Victory over the verdict of doctors. This is such a strange love. Toto often comes to the countries of the former Soviet Union, Israel. He is very loved here! And there is a reason! Sources.

And others. He became famous after performing the song "L'italiano". In 1990, he became the winner of the international Eurovision Song Contest. Cutugno is a favorite of the public all over the world, and the artist's compositions have long been sorted into quotes.

Toto Cutugno was born in 1943, July 7, in Tuscany Fosdinovo and received the name Salvatore. The father of the future composer was a sailor and knew how to play the tuba, so his father's love for music and the sea was passed on to his son.

When the child was 5 years old, the family moved to La Spezia, where the boy was assigned to a music school in the trumpet class. But the all-round development of Toto led to the fact that he decided to learn how to play the drums, accordion, and guitar himself. This was facilitated by the example of a father who gathered a group and took his seven-year-old son into it as a drummer.

At the age of five, the boy suffered severe stress, which influenced the future life of the future pop star. By an absurd accident, Sister Cutugno died, choking during dinner. The tragedy shocked the child so much that from a cheerful and carefree boy Toto turned into a serious and thoughtful one. He laughed a little, and this is clearly seen in the photo of any age, because in most of them Cutugno is thoughtful and sad.

The idea to write songs came to a boy in La Spezia, where Toto spent most of his free time swimming in the sea and dreaming of uncharted lands. Such a romantic state of mind led the guy to the decision to express his emotions and feelings through music.

Passion for music resulted in collecting records, which the boy began to collect in the 50s of the last century, and today the singer's collection has about 3.5 thousand copies.


Girls always liked Toto Cutugno for his musicality and romance, but he fell in love for the first time at the age of 14. This period of life coincided with the writing of the first song "La strada dell'amore", which the composer dedicated to his beloved.

The singer's creative path began at 13, when the young man participated in an accordion competition, taking 3rd place. Considering that most of the participants turned out to be several years older than Toto, this was a success for the young talent.

Gradually improving his skills, Cutugno realized that the drum kit and accordion attracted much less attention than the piano. The young man is fond of jazz and, as part of G. Manuzardi's jazz band "G-Unit", goes on a tour of Scandinavia. Toto was 19 at the time. The concerts impressed the young musician, and the guy is convinced that he wants to connect his life only with music.

Returning from the tour, Toto gathers the Toto and Tati group, where he invites his brother and three friends. The guys did not particularly think about the repertoire, so they sang popular hits. Such a repertoire was in demand in pubs, restaurants, discos, so in a couple of years "Toto and Tati" traveled almost all of Italy. In concerts, the band also included songs written by Cutugno.

The rapid growth of Toto Cutugno as a composer began in 1974, when he met the poet V. Pallavicini. The result of their joint work is one of the most famous hits in the 20th century - "Africa", which was sung by the Frenchman Jo Dassin.

Song by Toto Cutugno - "Et si tu n'existais pas"

The success was so overwhelming that Dassin asked Toto to write another hit for him, and it was "Et si tu n'existais pas", he was waiting for success no less.

After that, proposals from French singers, K. Francois, D. Holliday, Dalida, M. Sardou, rained down on Toto. Cutugno's melodies were included in the set lists of the orchestras, F. Purcel, and the Italian pop stars wondered why they did not know anything about the talented composer.

Toto's success as a composer was not enough, and he makes an attempt to try himself as a performer. The group "Toto and Tati", which still continues to exist, is renamed into a more sonorous - "Albatross". Toto sends an application to the festival "San Remo - 1976". The guys took 3rd place, and the song "Volo AZ-504" was released in France alone with a circulation of 8 million records.

In 1977, in Sanremo, "Albatross" with the song "Gran premio" is only in 5th place. Despite the fact that Cutugno did not count on winning, the artist was knocked down by such a result, but a series of failures had just begun.

Song of group "Albatross" "Gran premio"

The group broke up, Toto quarreled with Pallavicini, as the latter began to claim that Cutugno's success is solely his merit, and that he can make "candy" out of anyone. The blow from his friend was so strong that Toto could not bring himself to sit down at the piano again.

In the late 70s, confidence returned to the composer. The author continued to write songs for French and Italian musicians. Among the customers were O. Vanoni, Marcella, D. Nazaro, "" Ricchi e Poveri ", the first soundtrack for the movie hit " Taming of the Shrew" appeared in his career.

Song by Toto Cutugno - "Solo noi"

In 1980, Cutugno traveled to Sanremo and won 1st place with the song "Solo noi". After that, he regularly continues to participate in the competition, taking places from first to fifth, performing songs himself or giving hits to other performers. At the international level, the talent of the creator was also appreciated. In 1980, he takes the Grand Prix of the Tokyo Festival.

In 1981, the singer released the album "La mia musica", and immediately in Spanish, English, French, because, in addition to Europe, the composer began to be recognized in Argentina, Japan, Australia, Canada, and the USA. "My Music" was included in the best albums of the singer in his entire creative career.

Song by Toto Cutugno - "L'italiano" ("Lachate mi cantare")

In 1983, Cutugno wrote one of the most famous songs "L'italiano" (better known in Russia as "Lachate mi cantare"), with which he performs at San Remo-83, and the hit album becomes gold. The song did not take the 1st place at the festival, but according to the results of the voting of the Italians, it bypassed everyone. In the same year, the musician presented a video for the song. Interestingly, this composition was originally intended for Adriano Celentano, but he refused it for some unknown reason.

In 1984, another hit "Serenata" ("Serenade") was released, after which love for the Italian singer began in the USSR. The artist's songs are heard in every home, and you have to queue for records.

Song by Toto Cutugno - "Serenata"

In 1985, the composer came to the USSR for the first time, where he presented the best songs. During the 20 days of the tour in Leningrad and Moscow, 28 concerts took place, which were attended by 400 thousand people. The success is so overwhelming that Toto is invited to give two more closed concerts and star in Blue Light.

In 1990, Cutugno's song "Gli amori" was sung by a special guest at the San Remo Festival, after which Cutugno, imbued with the moment, declared that this was the singer's last festival.

Toto Cutugno at the Eurovision Song Contest, "Insieme"

Back in 1990, Toto became the first in the Eurovision Song Contest with the performance of "Insieme", and the following year he played the role of co-host of the contest in Rome.

In 1995, Toto returned to Sanremo, where he presented a new song "Voglio andare a vivere in campagna". In 1998, the singer was invited to TV as a host in the program "I fetti vostri".

Toto Cutugno, "Benefit performance among friends"

In March 2006, a concert by Toto Cutugno took place in the Moscow Kremlin under the name "Benefit performance among friends". Others came out to the main stage of the country to congratulate the master of the stage.

In November 2014, the singer visited Russia again. Then the musician visited "Evening Urgant". Earlier, in April of the same year, he parodied the singer in the show Just Like It. The judges highly appreciated the artist's performance.

Toto Cutugno in the Evening Urgant program

In 2016, Toto Cutugno again began working with Adriano Celentano.

In the same year, the artist performed in Russia on International Women's Day at Barvikha Luxury Village. The concert in Moscow was presented by the jewelry brand Pasquale Bruni. In connection with this event, journalists talked to Toto. In a conversation, the singer spoke about Russia as a second homeland. The musician shared that he fell in love with the country at first sight back in 1985 and has since carried this love in his heart.

Personal life

An attractive singer in his youth was successful with the opposite sex (a stately figure, height 185 cm), but all his life there is one woman next to him. At the age of 27, Cutugno married Carla, whom he met at the Dragon Club in the resort of Lignano Sabbiadoro, where the group's concert was held.

The family dreamed of at least four children, but it did not work out. Carla's first pregnancy promised twins, but the doctors talked her out of giving birth because there was a risk of death. After that, she could not have children. But children, family for the singer were always very important.

Toto has a son, Niko, who was born in 1989 from a girl whom the singer became interested in, having met during one flight. She worked as a flight attendant. The name of the one who gave the performer an heir is Christina. The couple's romance lasted two years. Karl's wife knew about what was happening, as Toto told her about it. Cutugno felt that before the world knew about the singer's illegitimate son, he should confess everything to his wife.

In one interview, the musician shared that Carla took the news hard, but found the strength to forgive her beloved husband. As a wise woman, she did not deprive her husband of the happiness of fatherhood, and later Niko began to appear in the Cutugno house. His father helps him in everything.

In 2007, Cutugno was diagnosed with cancer, underwent a complex operation, after which he underwent intensive chemotherapy and subsequent rehabilitation for several years.

For this reason, Toto refused concerts in Russia.

The disease has receded, and now the artist pays even more attention to health, especially swimming and daily walks.

Toto Cutugno is fond of football. The man is a zealous fan of FC Milan. And thanks to a good performance, the singer has pleasant associations with Ukraine. In addition to football, the performer loves auto racing and motocross, water skiing, spearfishing and tennis.

It is known that the artist does not use perfumes - only aftershave lotion.

Toto is very fond of roses, because these flowers symbolize perfection. It is roses that Cutugno gives to women and prefers to receive from fans.

The musician has developed an official website where admirers of the artist's work can find out Toto's biography and information about upcoming performances, listen to their favorite compositions, and see photos.

Toto Cutugno now

Today the singer is healthy, energetic, gives concerts and tours.

In July 2017, pop stars of the 80s of the XX century performed in Astana with a concert. The performance of Toto Cutugno made a splash. The singer took the stage and performed the composition in the Kazakh language. According to the artist, the man learned the words of the song for three weeks. Before the performance, Toto apologized to the audience for the purity of his pronunciation.

Toto Cutugno in Astana

At the beginning of 2018, information appeared that the head of the Forza Italia party was considering the possibility of nominating Toto Cutugno as deputies as members of parliament.

In the same 2018, the artist went on tour.


  • 1976 - "Volo AZ 504"
  • 1979 - Voglio l'anima
  • 1980 - "Innamorata, innamorato, innamorati"
  • 1980 - "Solo noi"
  • 1981 - La mia musica
  • 1983 - "L`italiano"
  • 1985 - "Per amore o per gioco"
  • 1986 - "Azzurra malinconia - Italia"
  • 1987 - "Mediterraneo"
  • 1990 - "Insieme"
  • 1991 - "Non e` facile essere uomini"
  • 1995 - "Voglio andare a vivere in campagna"
  • 1997 - "Canzoni nascoste"
  • 2002 - "Il treno va"
  • 2005 - "Cantando"
  • 2005 - "Come noi nessuno al mondo"
  • 2008 - "Un falco chiuso in gabbia"
  • 2010 - "I miei Sanremo"

On the eve of the concert in Russia, the Italian singer, idol of the 80s, gave an exclusive interview to Telesem.


real name Story by: Salvatore Cutugno
was born: July 7, 1943 in Fosdinovo in Italy
education: Specialized secondary accountant
career: since 1975, Cutugno has performed with the Albatros group, in 1990 he won the Eurovision Song Contest, hosted 2 programs on Italian television, released about 20 albums
composers People: Paul McCartney, John Lennon
kind of sport: football
vehicle: own yacht
I bet you didn't know that... at one of his concerts in Yalta, Toto Cutugno kissed 48 fans.

Telephone bridge "Moscow - Milan"

Hello, Toto!
- Good evening! – the voice responds with a hoarseness, familiar from childhood. Toto Cutugno is the man who sang about "solo mio" and much more. Wrote songs for Joe Dassin, Adriano Celentano, Dalida. Yes, even the winner of Eurovision, by the way.
Nevertheless, the man, born in 1943 and named Salvatore, even now perceives exclusively this diminutive version of the adult name - Toto.
Once upon a time, that was the name of his mother and relatives, but now everyone just calls him that.
- Tell me, does it happen that you still use the name Salvatore instead of Toto?
- Never! Cutugno replies rashly. Although then he thinks: - Except when I sign bank documents. Bureaucracy, what can you do.
– Toto, you were born in Tuscany. We in Russia, when we imagine Tuscany, think about the sun, wine and pasta. What can you add to this list?
“For me, it’s also about culture and beautiful women.
- Toto, who has been with you since childhood? And what do your close relatives do?
“Unfortunately, mom and dad are long gone. I have a brother and a sister. Brother Roberto has a security agency. Sister Rosana is a housewife with two children. And I also have a son - Niko, he is 21 years old. This is my light.
Here Cutugno's voice warms up. And the story of Niko's appearance in Cutugno's life deserves a separate story.

Story one, melodramatic

Toto got married very early - to the beautiful Carla. He was 24 at the time. They say that in order to get Carla, Cutugno accompanied her home for a month. And the parents were frightened: what kind of husband is this with such a hairstyle? Parents managed to persuade: Karla explained to them how much she loves Toto. But, unfortunately, there were no children in this marriage.
Cutugno never wanted to lose this woman, he believed that marriage was forever. Carla was reliable, understanding, gentle. However, Toto wanted a child ... And then one day a crazy passion came into his life. He met the stewardess Christina.
They met on a plane in the late 80s. Toto already had fame, a lot of fans. But it was Christina who turned out to be the woman from whom Cutugno lost his head.
They dated for two years. Hiding from Carla. And then Toto asked his companion to become a mother. Cristina agreed, although Cutugno never promised to marry her and spend the rest of his life together. He wanted to stay with Carla and in an interview he said: "After spending many years together, you put down roots that are absurd to cut."
Then Cutugno told his wife about everything. They say that the two women of the unfaithful Italian never met, but Carla nevertheless survived this shock and stayed with Toto. She communicates with Niko - a guy who was named so because Cutugno liked the Greek word "nike" - victory. Victory over the verdict of doctors.

Again telephone bridge "Moscow - Milan"

– Toto, at first you became famous as a composer. You have written songs for many great artists, but there are two inimitable ones among them. If you compare Joe Dassin and Adriano Celentano, who did you work with better?
- Joe Dassin, alas, is no more. He was an extraordinary person. I'm happy to have worked with him. And Celentano is my friend. It's just hard to work with him.
- And why?
We have similar voices. And I write songs that can suit both me and Celentano. So there are moments of jealousy.

Second story, career

In fact, almost all the songs from some collection of the best Joe Dassin were written by Toto Cutugno. And “If it wasn’t for you”, and “Hi, it’s me again”, and “Luxembourg Gardens” - this is all Cutugno. It began with "Africa" ​​(as the song was called in Italian), which the authors of Dassin turned into "Indian Summer". Then Toto often came to Joe Dassin at his house near Paris, and fourteen songs were published.
Composer Toto Cutugno often overshadowed the singer Toto. Sometimes in Sanremo Cutugno competed with two or three of his own songs! His melodies sounded, but Cutugno himself (who sang, by the way, in different groups) did not arouse much interest.
Italian legend says that one day Cutugno was supposed to write a screensaver for a TV show. But, since he was not sure that the option would be approved, he sang the song himself, without referring to other singers. The team filming the program, led by the presenter, was fascinated and said: there is no need for another performer. It was Donna, donna mia. Very quickly, "Donna" became the leader of the charts in Italy and France, and Toto began to be treated as a good singer.

Again the telephone bridge "Moscow - Milan"

- Toto, when you came to San Remo with the song "Italian", we in Russia simply fell in love with this hit. But, they say, was the song a challenge for the Italians themselves?
- Yes, of course, it was an experiment, and a difficult experiment - to sing to Italians about the Italians themselves. But I liked this song so much that I decided to try it. And he was right - the song spread all over the world.
– Is it still relevant today?
– I wrote about traditions in Italy 28 years ago. Of course, if I were writing about Italians now, I would write a different song.
– I know, Toto, you have a collection of vinyl records. And after the advent of the CD, there was no desire to throw out all the outdated format?
- No problem. I have excellent equipment that allows you to listen to both vinyl and CD. I'm not that retrograde.

Story three, about health

In 2007, Cutugno suffered a terrible blow: cancer. Concerts were canceled, Toto went for surgery and chemotherapy sessions. And suddenly - a miracle! Cutugno goes to the festival in San Remo, releases CDs, travels with concerts.
Actually, about this - the last inclusion of the telephone bridge "Moscow - Milan".
- I understand that this is a difficult question ... You were diagnosed with cancer, you underwent surgery. Are you talking about it?
“I haven’t been asked this in a long time, but since you brought it up…”
I, as a person who has suffered a similar illness, believe that everyone needs to be tested. Do preventive research. I encourage both women and men to do this. Women need to be tested for breast cancer, cervical cancer. Men for prostate cancer. Keeping everything under control is very important.
- Immediately after the operation, you took the risk of once again participating in the festival in San Remo ...
“It was a challenge to myself. I returned to work, which I love very much, which brings me wonderful emotions. I got through it, got a wonderful experience. Now I feel good.
– Thank you, and good health to you, Toto!
Yes, health is God's greatest gift.
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Photo by Legion-Media, Photas, from personal archive

On the eve of the Minsk concert, the idol of millions told how women scare away men, whom he is in love with besides the weaker sex, and why he cannot seat his wife and son at the same table.

The sultry Italian appeared in the press center of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus "half an hour late and with an entourage. Tall, fit, in jeans, white sneakers, a striped biker jacket and trendy sunglasses. Don't be a star! After a rehearsal at the Minsk Palace of the Republic, where the idol will perform on April 6, the Italian seemed withdrawn and at first answered questions in monosyllables. The situation was saved by the charming translator Tatyana Greki-Firsova, who came with Toto Cutugno from Italy.

I bit the Belarusian?. - Auth.)? I don’t remember ... - Tatyana Greki-Firsova fervently translated from Italian the answer of signora Salvatore. And then she winked knowingly at the journalists: they say, he can’t even do that! And she clarified from herself: “And for what place did he bite her? ..”

My son Niko - 21 years and three months old - surprised the 67-year-old musician with the accuracy of the calculations. Who remembers a father who, after the first year, fixes in his memory the next month of the life of his beloved child?

He studies at the University of. Magnificent, beautiful boy, - the idol continued enthusiastically. He already has a fiancee. From Greece . He is very in love!

And Toto Cutugno said that the only son was born out of wedlock, from the beautiful woman Christina.

The son turned out so wonderful because he has a fantastic mother ...

It was she who raised the boy, - Tatyana completed the translation and, nodding towards the idol, explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda: - Do you think we give birth for them? ..

“I cheated, but I have only one woman of heart!”

Despite the extramarital affair, Toto Cutugno has been happily married to his beloved wife Carla for almost 40 years. True, the couple never had children.

- How did the wife take the news of the birth of her son from another woman?- Komsomolskaya Pravda could not resist.

She is my great woman! Toto declined to answer.

- How do you celebrate family holidays?

Oh, these holidays create big problems for me! - the Italian exclaimed in his hearts. Because I have to split myself into two Totos to celebrate with my son and my wife. I make great sacrifices to make it work...

You talk so frankly about two wives that from the outside it seems that everything is simple for you, and your women are almost friends! That would bring everyone together at the same table! suggested Komsomolskaya Pravda.

You must tell them about it! - the musician caught fire, but, after a second, he smiled sadly and admitted that in fact, Karl's wife had suffered greatly from a difficult situation for many years. - Therefore, my wives prefer not to know about the existence of each other ...

Toto Cutugno has 50 new songs in stock and the unpublished book On the Wings of Hope.

The emotional Italian explained that he would love to have four wives. But not in this life.

I'm actually a dangerous man! Toto winked. - I'm very smart! And there can be only one problem in marriage - to be unfaithful. It is dangerous that at some point someone will not stand it and look to the left. But I'm an artist and I need inspiration. And if a woman gives it to me, this is the main thing for me. Yes, I changed. But you need to share these moments and the concept of "woman of the heart." My woman of heart is my wife. Because many women wanted to be close to the artist Toto Cutugno. And with Salvatore, who once had neither a big name nor money, there was only Carl's wife. She was from a wealthy family and helped me buy an apartment, paid my bills and loved me like an ordinary guy. For this I am very grateful to her. And today our love has been transformed into a stronger feeling...

"Real men are gone"

You know, I first came to the USSR in 1986. Since then, Russia has changed a lot: it began to resemble Western countries, it seems so Americanized. But Belarus has remained with its policy. I come to your country for the fourth time and see the same romanticism in the eyes of girls, magnetism or something. As if you are dreaming about something, as if in a dream. It is important. I'll tell you this: don't stop dreaming. Because sometimes they come true...

Although, you know, I confess that there are no real men left in our time, - Tatyana translated and already summed up on her own: - However, like Santa Claus. Unfortunately…

It turned out that Toto Cutugno knows firsthand that women have become stronger than men and this is what scares the stronger sex.

I see it in my son, - the Italian smiled. How was it in my time? We walk down the street with friends and smack our lips after the beauties: “What a girl, the figure is a feast for the eyes!” What's going on today? There is a campaign of guys, and girls meet them: “Look, what a beautiful ass this handsome man has!”

- No, it's not like that in Belarus!- a young journalist stood up for Belarusian men. - We also admire the girls on the street!

What is your name? Evgeniy? How old are you? Ah, 24! So you know, I have been living for a long time and I will say that you still have everything ahead! And remember that a woman only pretends that you are in charge. And she always chooses. She can do whatever she wants with me!

“It was not easy for me to admit that I have cancer”

Even Toto Cutugno spoke about his love for the sea.

You can say that I married the sea. I have a villa on the beach and a boat. I love to get on a boat and sail far, far away. No, of course not alone - it's dangerous. With friends. The sea and the silence just fascinate me.

- Is it true that you cut your hair bald for a role in a French film?

No it is not true. At that time, I was in a difficult situation, I was diagnosed with cancer. When I was operated and rescued, I underwent a long course of chemotherapy. After that I lost almost all my hair. It was not easy for me to admit at concerts that I have cancer, and I decided to come up with a story about filming ...

Signor Salvatore, you have experienced so much in your personal life, give advice to the girl! What to do if her boyfriend dumped her?

You know, girls, when the Pope dies in the Vatican, they choose another one! - without hesitation, Tatyana Greki-Firsova minted. - And now I will translate advice from Toto Cutugno ...

The idol admitted that he did not know disappointments in love and, thanks to the Lord, his beloved never left him.

I was happy in love and received more than I gave. And I can advise the girls not to rush into the choice. In order not to make a mistake a second time. And think about the fact that negative meetings and partings are also needed. So that later, when you meet true love, you have something to compare with.

Toto Cutugno: “Yes, I have two wives. Do you want to hit me for this?" A sultry Italian appeared in the press center of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus and told how women scare men away, who he is in love with besides the weaker sex, and why he cannot seat his wife and son at the same table

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