Biography of Gribulina Irina Evgenievna. Gribulina Irina: biography and personal life Gribulina Irina and her new lover

Personal life of Irina Gribulina in terms of intensity of passions and a series of changing events, it is comparable to an exciting series. True, the events in her life were often far from rosy. The first time she married in her first year at the conservatory for her classmate. The new relatives turned out to be influential people who had high connections, and the popularity that Irina aspired to did not suit them. They did everything possible to prevent her from touring, not being invited to television, and this situation did not suit Gribulina at all. She left her young husband, and, despite persuasion, did not want to return to him.

In the photo - Irina Gribulina with her daughter

In the personal life of Irina Gribulina there were many novels - she was fond of famous and influential people, and for the second time she decided to connect her life with the son of an official from the Ministry of Heavy Industry. For a whole year he had to look after Irina until she agreed to marry him. Gribulina's family life resembled a happy idyll - she and her husband loved each other, the house was like a full bowl, and all this lasted until a terrible secret was revealed. It turns out that Irina's husband did not have enough prosperous service in the ministry under the auspices of his father - he had another business, illegal - Gribulina's husband was smuggling antiques, and when Interpol became interested in his affairs, he hurried to hide, and since then nothing is known about him.

Then she had to go through a lot - Irina was also not left alone not only by the police, but also by her husband's former business partners - she was threatened, harassed, and her apartment was searched.

When, during a tour in Jurmala, she met a spectacular young man who drove up to her in a white limousine and struck her on the spot with his male charisma, Gribulina simply could not help but fall in love. But even this meeting did not make Irina Gribulina's personal life happy. A new acquaintance put dust in her eyes, but in fact turned out to be a simple photographer with unfulfilled dreams of a great career. He was terribly jealous of Irina's popularity, and, despite the fact that he lived completely at her expense, he turned out to be a real tyrant towards her - he brutally beat Irina, and after another beating she lost her unborn child.

After some time, having recovered from all the horrors of her past family life, Irina fell in love again - this time with an Italian businessman. She settled in his villa, and lived like in a fairy tale, until she found out that her lover had a son on the side. After such news, she returned to Moscow.

Already after forty, Gribulina had a short affair with a certain young man, whom she quickly sent away, but this time she did not remain alone - very soon she realized that she was expecting a child. So at the age of forty-three, Irina Gribulina finally waited for what she had dreamed of all her life - she became the mother of Nastya's little daughter.

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“The most terrible thing in our marriage was that my husband would not let me give birth. I was constantly pregnant, and he deprived me of children. He could have hit me in the stomach or dragged me to an abortion ... "

The famous composer, poet, singer, TV presenter Irina Gribulina says that when she talks about her life, people just shake their heads: “Some kind of television series!” And she replies: “The truth is most unlike reality ...” On the eve of the anniversary, which she will celebrate on September 29 with a big concert with the participation of famous artists, Irina told AiF her detective female story ....

There was a beautiful romance with Eremenko

In my first year at the conservatory, I married a student. New relatives did not want the daughter-in-law to be famous. Removed from all television programs, deprived of tours: the father-in-law had serious connections - he held a high position in the field of culture, was a friend Brezhnev. I suffered in a golden cage ... I could not stand it, I left. Everything was done to bring me back - the boy suffered. Constant threats rained down - up to physical destruction ...

In my career, I hurt myself by being a kind of man-orchestra. If she collaborated with composers and poets, she would have moved much further. And so the members of the artistic councils said: “If I worked with me, I would promote my song. And since she writes everything herself - goodbye. But I had a fighting spirit. Removed from one program - appeared in another. Or the production, where I was the author of music, poetry, was noisy throughout Moscow: one of the first domestic musicals based on fairy tales Andersen"New Adventures of an Ordinary Boy", play "Cruel Intentions" Lev Durov at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. It was the first production of the drama Arbuzova. By age, the famous playwright was like my grandfather, but he said that I returned his youth to him, he trembles like a young man. It was the same with Arkady Raikin who was in love with me. Constantly gave huge bouquets, sent the first strawberries. Probably, such feelings for a young girl inspired them and, perhaps, even extended their creative life ... I am happy that these great creators devoted so much time to me. People who need to learn everything...

I am proud that I came up with the first domestic video ... We Kolya Karachentsov filmed the video novel "Quarrel" in his apartment. Depicting husband and wife, they sang, sorted out the relationship, cursed, fell into the bath and eventually reconciled. The next day the song sounded almost out of irons. But she was filmed 15 times from "New Year's Light". The program had a certain format: noble milkmaids, astronauts, scientists, and doctors sat at the tables. And I literally blew up the television world by offering to take a small movie about love to Ogonyok. When “Quarrel” was once again taken off the air, I went to the chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Leonid Kravchenko. He said, “Amazing! Will be in the "Spark". Until now, there is not a single solo concert where I have not been asked to perform “Quarrel”. Then I went on tour, and they asked me all the time: “How is your husband Kolya? Send him a message." I called Karachentsov’s wife Lyuda Porgina: “People always say that I am Kolya’s wife!” “You can’t imagine how many he is married to and how many girls climb into our house. You are not the worst option yet,” she laughed.

I also wrote the song “It hurts”, in the video we sing it with Nikolai Eremenko Jr.. That's where a beautiful romance really began ... For two years, Kolya and I were close people ... Eremenko could get roses and strawberries on tour in Siberia in the middle of the night. I open my eyes in the morning, it's -40˚С outside, and on the table are flowers and my favorite pink champagne. There was a beautiful love ... But I was constantly tormented by a feeling of guilt in front of Kolya's wonderful wife Vera, with whom we communicated and whom I loved and love very much. There was a painful love triangle ... I could not break their family. Therefore, Eremenko and I broke up. Unfortunately, Kolya is still from Vera left and married some strange girl. He died very strangely. Sad ending...

He deprived me of children

The second husband was half Hungarian. Androsh saw me at a house party Stas Namin. I was so poisoned by my first marriage that I did not want any personal relationship. But after a year of beautiful courtship, he still got me. Androsh carried me in his arms. He was almost two meters tall and with my 1 m 55 cm he called me “my favorite baby”. Surrounded by great care ... We would continue to be together if one day the beloved had not disappeared ... Officially, he was an artist - restorer of icons. As the son of a foreign citizen, he had a diplomatic passport. It turned out that Androsh was engaged in the export of antiques abroad. I came to the attention of both our bodies and Interpol. All this was told to me by the "men in black". When the husband disappeared, people began to come to our representative apartment. On the one hand, state power structures, on the other hand, clients from whom my husband took money, but did not deliver something to them ... Both of them spoke very harshly to me, threatened me. All my property was taken from me. Then I found out: Androsh had been in places not so remote for a long time ... Now he lives in Austria. Recently, a fellow composer sent his regards.

I always wanted to get married for life. To give birth to a child, a second, a third. Combine family with work. But, unfortunately, it remained a dream ... The third husband - a photographer - destroyed me with all his might ... He stole me when I was on tour in the Baltics. I saw him at a concert, and then he forced me into the car and brought him to his garden plot. Why didn't you resist, you ask? Love cannot be resisted! It was a breathtaking romance! I am a composer, poet, creative person. So, you need not be afraid of unusual situations, especially when it comes to novels. In addition, it was impossible to resist such charisma and charm. In front of him, stacks of women were creeping ... Then I simply disappeared from Moscow ... I lived in an official marriage with this man for 10 years.

An amazing intimate life, they understood each other from a half-look. They built a beautiful house on my fees in the Baltic States with a huge subsidiary plot: a large plot, a vegetable garden, greenhouses, I raised ducks, chickens, rabbits. We never had any workers; at the compulsion of my husband, I did everything. I felt like just a Russian laborer on a Latvian farm ... At the same time, I managed to perform almost every evening in Jurmala sanatoriums and tour throughout the country. But any of my successful undertakings caused my husband to have fits of rabies. The worm of complexes gnawed at him ... The wife develops creatively, her songs sound from all radios, they approach her on the street for autographs. And he's just "Irina Gribulina's husband"...

Every year his discontent grew. It came to assault ... Why did you forgive? Because I was dying of love for him ... Therefore, there was no question - to forgive or not to forgive ... I forgot about everything after 5 minutes. It was an absolutely hellish mixture of crazy love, forgiveness, fear... After the beatings, there were days of amazing love, romance... When it's so good in an intimate relationship with a man, a woman simply faints from happiness. I had a sexual addiction to him. The previous two marriages - youthful, semi-childish and very short ... And this is the first crazy mature female passion.

By the way, even today I don’t regret anything: thanks to this person, very beautiful love songs appeared in me. But then, unfortunately, things only got worse and worse. He beat me for everything. A fan gave flowers at a concert and kissed his hand - that's it, a scandal: "He is your lover." Or served soup not with onions, but with dill. Because of anything, he could find fault with me ... The most terrible thing was not even injuries, fractures, bruises, but the fact that my husband did not let me give birth. Then the cash flow that my wife provided would stop ... I was constantly pregnant - from such love it was natural ... And he endlessly deprived me of children. He could hit him in the stomach, and a miscarriage occurred from the beatings. Or dragged, forcibly dragged to an abortion. There was a strong wave of nationalism in Latvia at that moment, all the doctors basically spoke Latvian, I didn’t understand a word ... But, even despite this, the doctor who constantly took care of me once said in very bad Russian: yourself as a killer." And refused to accept us. After all the injuries and unsuccessful pregnancies, I was given a terrible diagnosis: I will never be a mother ... After 10 years of marriage, I finally realized: if I stay with him, I will simply die. She ran away from her husband, despite the fact that she continued to love him. One day, she “went out to a nearby store” - in home clothes, with three rubles in her pocket. I caught a car, persuaded a taxi driver (he recognized me) to take me to the airport for free. There, some people who turned out to be my fans gave money for a ticket: I came up with a story that I forgot my wallet, but I had to fly to the shooting. Arriving at her Moscow apartment, she breathed freely. My husband flew in after an hour and a half, lay at his feet, sobbed and begged for forgiveness. Then he twisted his arms, beat ... I miraculously escaped to the neighbors, then hid with friends. And the next day he took everything out of my apartment, including underwear ... As he later explained to my mother so that I would return: it is impossible to live in empty walls. But I decided to start life from scratch.

Woke up bound

My friends sent me to their Italian acquaintance, a patron of the arts, to organize my tour in Italy. That's how I met an amazing man. Clever, professor, doctor of sciences, held a high position, poet, businessman. For several months we just cooperated and were friends. And only after some time Mario confessed his feelings to me and proposed. 5 years very happily lived together in his beautiful villa in Tuscany with a beautiful olive garden and swimming pool. I dreamed of giving birth to a beautiful Italian husband of a child, but nothing worked after those terrible beatings ... I blamed myself for not being able to give him the happiness of fatherhood that he deserved. And then I found out: Mario has a small child on the side. She decided that this was a “parallel” family, and nobly decided to give it to them. She didn't even ask for details and left. But it turned out that this woman and child were long before me ... He just helped them. Now I understand how important it is to say everything. You can't have skeletons in the closet. If I had known everything from the very beginning, I would have behaved completely differently. And my husband didn’t tell me, he was afraid to injure me, knowing that I couldn’t have children ... We didn’t manage to glue the broken cup later, but to this day we have excellent friendly relations ...

The Lord led me through life... He took me from a very rich and beloved husband and sent me to Israel. I prayed earnestly at the Holy Sepulcher. Although the Orthodox are forbidden to approach the Wailing Wall, I went there, and on the male side. One Jew, our former compatriot, was indignant: “You don’t belong here!” “I ask God for a child.” - “Ah, baby, if so, I myself will ask for you!” The note I left at the Wailing Wall was: “God, dear, take away everything material from me, I don’t need any money. I just want to have a daughter!”

I'm coming to Moscow. Call: they want to interview me for TV. People introduced themselves as a film crew, arrived at 9 am, when all the neighbors were at work. I opened the door and got hit hard in the face. I woke up tied up. They took out everything that I had acquired over the years: my Italian husband gave me a lot of diamonds and jewelry. They took the rest of Mommy's antiques. Mom told me: “I’m already afraid to give you something, they steal from you all the time.” At that time, it was an old great-grandmother's ring ... There is still a scar in its place: when the thieves tore off my jewelry, the masculine girl put out a cigarette on my finger: “This is for you instead of a ring - wear it!” A cruel robbery... They took everything away, I instantly found myself at zero... But it was then that a handsome young man, one and a half times younger than me, began to look after me. Greyhound, athletic, successful businessman. At first, she didn't pay attention to the guy. I have always been interested in men of my age or a little older. But the young man divinely looked after me, after 3 months she gave up. I understood: this relationship is just a beautiful romance ... After all, I wanted stability and a family, but he has a wind in his head due to age.

The daughter did not see her father

After some time, she broke up with him. And then ... Some kind of female ailments begin ... I go to the doctor. Turns out I'm pregnant! Contrary to all the predictions of doctors! Thus began the most important period of my life: motherhood. There is no more expensive, better, lighter than this and cannot be for a woman. I gave birth to a daughter Nastya - a beautiful, smart girl, a friend, an amazing girl. Her dad was never seen again - he hasn't shown up since we broke up. If a man wants to help his child himself, he does it voluntarily. And if he doesn't want to, it's useless to chase him. Just humiliate yourself. Therefore, I never asked Nastya's dad for anything. She worked almost to the hospital. I got into wild debts, bought a new apartment, made a European-style renovation, an amazing nursery. I wanted my child to live in beauty. Breastfed for a year. After all the investment in home improvement, I didn’t even have money for food. I wrote in that note that I do not need anything, except for my daughter. (Laughs.) Thank you, friends supported me.

Irina Gribulina with her daughter Photo: /

Nastya is a child who has suffered, begged for me. And who knows, how my life would have turned out if there hadn’t been all these torments ... Maybe the trials were needed in order for such a magical girl to be born, so that I would have a new wave of creativity, demand. Today I am the host of the TV program “All the Pluses of Mature Age”. In Russia, the topic of the problems of people 50-60 years old has not yet been touched upon. I am happy that my next musical "Chantecleer" at the Theater of the Moon is going on with success. I am happy that my daughter graduated from high school as an external student. Nastya is studying at GITIS, a second-year student at the Faculty of Variety. I entered there at the age of 15, her desire was too great to follow in the footsteps of my mother, who was a brilliant singer, prima of the Operetta Theater. I hardly see Nastenka, she gets up at 6.30 and comes home at 11 at night. We have a meeting - only on Sunday. We go to a cafe, to the cinema, just walk ... I try not to prescribe anything for this day in order to stay longer with the child.

In general, I am an absolutely happy person. The only thing is that for some reason everyone always asks me to marry and says: for complete happiness, I need to have a man. But a man is not a cat or a dog that you can get. A man, if he is predestined by God, will definitely appear ...

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Biography, life story of Gribulina Irina Evgenievna

Gribulina Irina Evgenievna - Soviet and Russian composer, songwriter, singer.


Irina Gribulina was born on September 29, 1953 in Sochi. Her father was a writer and successful journalist, her mother was a talented operetta singer and actress. The girl from an early age began to show her outstanding talent - at the age of only 4 years old, Ira already wrote music and poetry, and also took part in local amateur concerts.

In 1962, Irina Gribulina became a student of the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, 10 years later - and the conservatory itself. The world would never have known about Gribulina's talent if not for her mother. The woman saw an incredible gift in her daughter and made every effort to ensure that her baby received an excellent education in the capital and was able to build a career in music.

creative path

Irina Gribulina entered the professional scene at the tender age of 14. Also, the girl was invited to host such popular TV programs as "Wider Circle", "Morning Mail", "Alarm Clock" and so on. The fame of Irina Gribulina spread throughout the country. She wrote music for theater productions and television films, collaborated with many eminent artists (for example, with, and many others), and after graduating from the conservatory, she herself began to sing.

In the early 2010s, Irina Gribulina began to combine her professional composing activities with teaching and producing.

Personal life

The first time Irina married in her first year at the conservatory for a guy who studied with her. The parents of her newly-made husband were influential people and had connections with high-ranking officials. They were not very happy that their daughter-in-law went on tour and appeared on television, and did everything possible to ensure that Irina was forgotten. Gribulina suffered for some time, but in the end she got angry and left the family.


The second husband of Irina was an artist-restorer, the son of an employee of the Ministry of Heavy Industry. The family idyll was destroyed by the news that Gribulina's husband was actually engaged in the illegal export of antiques from the country. The unfortunate criminal went on the run, forgetting about his betrothed.

The third time Gribulina married Vladimir Margoit, a photographer. This marriage lasted 10 years. At first, there was complete understanding between the spouses, but then Vladimir began to envy his wife's popularity. Envy grew into nit-picking, nit-picking into assault. The last straw that overwhelmed the thicket of patience for Irina was the fact that Vladimir dared to beat her when she was carrying his child. There was a miscarriage, and after it - the gap of the once ardent lovers.

Irina's next husband was Mario, professor and doctor of science from Italy. Their family lasted 5 years. After Mario, a certain young man appeared in Irina's life, with whom she did not dare to connect her life, but from whom in 1996 she gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia.

In 2015, Irina Gribulina began a stormy romance with Konstantin Rittel-Kobylyansky, an opera singer. They met on the Internet, exchanged messages for several months, and then met and .. fell in love. The couple was not at all embarrassed by the rather big age difference - Konstantin is 23 years younger than Irina. The numbers in the passports did not prevent Irina and Konstantin from publicly declaring their love.

Former mistress of actor Nikolai Eremenko - artist, composer and TV presenter Irina Gribulina - spoke about the details of their romance.

Irina Gribulina is known to the general public as a co-host of the TV programs "Alarm Clock", "Wider Circle" and "Morning Mail". In addition, she is a composer who has written more than 30 songs for Iosif Kobzon. Her compositions were performed by Nikolai Karachentsov, Valery Leontiev, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nikolai Eremenko, Valentina Tolkunova. And she herself performed from the stage with her songs - "Touchless", "Brown Bridges", "Girlfriend" and others.

For many years, Irina Gribulina was the mistress of Nikolai Eremenko. She claims that Eremenko called her to marry and was ready to divorce his wife, but she stopped him. At the same time, says Gribulina, Eremenko's wife (by the way, her friend) knew about their relationship.

Irina Gribulina spoke about her romance with the star of Soviet cinema in an interview with AiF.

- Irina, the actor Nikolai Eremenko Jr. was passionately in love with you. But what stopped you from being together?

I was friends with his wife Vera. That is why I did not accept Eremenko as a possible husband. That is why Kolya and I had more creativity than carnal relationships. He and I went on tour together, wrote a song for which one of the first clips in the country was filmed, created the most interesting film and musical evenings. When they returned from a tour to Moscow, the first call was from Vera: “Come soon, I cooked dinner for you, fried this, fried that!”

"Didn't she have any idea?"

I never asked her directly. Although I am sure: she did not just guess, but knew about everything. But... Vera was too wise and loved Kolya too much. Realized: he, like every creative amorous man, needs a muse. And she also perfectly understood that I was the muse who would not do meanness to her, would not go to betrayal.

How did Eremenko court? I will never forget our tour in one far, far northern village. I was young, bright, eccentric (however, as now) and adored champagne in the morning. In those days, alcohol was sold from 11 am - by this time, a huge crowd of suffering people had accumulated near the wine and vodka departments. And Kolya, who after the "Pirates of the 20th century" became the idol of the whole country, while I was sleeping, stood in line with these khanuriks ... Then he went to the market and bought me frozen cranberries or lingonberries, warmed them up, poured honey. He made such surprises that are peculiar only to a creative, very romantic, sensual person. He gave things that only I love - talismans, interesting dolls ... And how he saved flowers for me is impossible to convey ... He warmed with his warmth, put on his heart, under shirts, sweaters. His flowers were always fresh, from whatever point he flew to me. Once he brought me violets from the south to the northern city on himself ...

You know, I still have a feeling of guilt before Kolya - I still didn’t accept it ...

- In what sense?

There was a moment when Eremenko proposed to me. But I said: "I respect and love Vera so much that I will never be the reason for your divorce." After that, it happened that he could drink and come to me in an inadequate state. He begged: "Neither you will forgive yourself for this, nor I will forgive you, because you are breaking relationships that happen, maybe one day." By the way, before that Eremenko did not drink at all. We talked with him for 2 years, and I did not see him drink alcohol even on tour.

When friends brought me from the hospital with my daughter Nastya and I was left alone, Kolya was the first to come to me. He brought a huge bear and sat with him all day in the living room. And then I breastfed Nastya, then I pumped, then I fell into a dream. The seam was insanely painful after a cesarean section. I'll take a nap - again Nastenka is crying. I felt very bad and thought: “Lord, Kolechka, you should have left sooner! ..” But Eremenko did not leave ... So he sat with this bear almost until night. Later, I realized how he suffered in his soul at that moment, how he wanted it to be our common child, our common history ...

You see, I didn’t want to take a person away from the family, but the other one took him away ... I think everything would have turned out differently if it were not for the new girl, and Vera was there at the moment when he became ill. She, like me, knew what medicines to inject. It's very unfortunate that this happened.

Recall that Nikolai Eremenko died at the age of 52 after a stroke.

Rumor attributed to Irina Gribulina relationship with the actor Nikolai Karachentsov. However, she denies this.

You and Karachentsov at one time did a great job with the video “Quarrel”, where you portray husband and wife, fight, make peace ...

We had two duets with him - Quarrel and Bureaucrat. Every time I come to visit Lyuda and Kolya, we hug, kiss, cry, laugh, remember the shooting ... After all, we filmed "Quarrel" at Kolya's house in the bathroom. Luda then took out so much dirt after the film crew ... There were extras, and extras, and editors, and directors. How much furniture was damaged and plates broken! (Laughs) We wanted to make a bomb - we did it. It was the first clip on Soviet TV. Lyudochka Porgina then passed figurines, mittens, books to me through acquaintances and their son Andryusha - at concerts Karachentsov was brought all this and asked to pass it on to “wife Irina Gribulina”. Luda called me that - wife number 2. Our friendship is marvelous, proven over the years ... If I'm on tour, Karachentsov asks his wife: “When will Ira Gribulina come to us? Why didn't she call for so long? Kolya is such a close and dear person to me...

Irina Gribulina and Nikolai Karachentsov in the video "Quarrel"

When there was a recent presentation of the discs “Anthology of Songs by Nikolai Karachentsov”, which included several of my songs, he, smart, endured for three hours, gave autographs, talked with people, took pictures ... A sick person needs support and awareness that he is loved, that he is needed. Unfortunately, Kolya could not come to my birthday party. And people, believing that he, as always, will be with me at a creative evening, brought him a huge number of gifts. Soon I will go to Karachentsov to present this mountain of presents. A little secret - Kolya loves cakes very much. That's why I ordered him a stunning exclusive handmade cake...

Irina Gribulina is 62 years old, her civil husband Konstantin Rittel-Kobylyansky is 47 years old.

You have a difficult female fate. In your last interview with AiF, you told how your ex-husband beat you, forcibly dragged you to abortions. Today you are 62, you are happy and in love. Who is he?

Konstantin is a well-known opera singer in Europe. Lives in Germany, I live in Russia. We met through a common close friend who knew our late mothers with Kostya - two brilliant soloists of the Operetta Theater. Konstantin wrote to me on the Internet that he was in love with me all his youth. When I started my television and composing career, he was still a child. I also looked at his notes. Talented, textured, bright. I wrote: “Reset your phone! Why do we, as two radio operators Kat, communicate in Morse code? I already want to hear your voice." What kind of stupidity is it to think that a woman should not take the first step?! And a surprisingly beautiful romance began. Phone conversations for 5-10 hours, endless sms, long letters. I told him: every year on my birthday I arrange a creative evening in which my favorite star friends take part - Iosif Kobzon, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Anzhelika Agurbash, Anita Tsoi, Sasha Marshal and others. Kostya replied: "I dream of coming to you." When I met Konstantin at Sheremetyevo airport, he was holding a huge bouquet of white roses... We had the feeling that we had known each other for 100 years... For my birthday, Kostya gave me unique family antique jewelry. This is an old gold bracelet with diamonds and a brooch with a huge amethyst, diamonds and rubies ... His mother wore them, her soul is in them.

Irina Gribulina and Konstantin Rittel-Kobylyansky (on the left is Karachentsov's wife Lyudmila Porgina, on the right is Angelica Agurbash)

And yet, for some reason, colleagues in the shop are not very happy for you. For example, matchmaker Roza Syabitova on the program of Andrei Malakhov opposed Gribulina's relationship with singer Konstantin Rittel-Kobylyansky ...

Rosa said something that matches her image: you need to be afraid that he will look at your daughter, will look after her, in 10 years he will leave you. Although she loves young men all her life.

To begin with, I would like him to put in his teeth, lose weight and be able to keep a woman near him - Poleev recently left his young wife. I always find it so funny when nutritionists are fat, psychologists are evil, and sex therapists have problems in intimate life.

Firstly, Kostya is not so young - he is 47 years old. Therefore, the age difference between us is small. Secondly, I look younger than not only my peers, but also many 40-year-old men. And besides, if a woman is interesting, talented, sexy, a man doesn’t need any young fool who has puffed up lips, extended hair, boobs inserted, butt in Botox, and she is all in anorexia. Well, I beg you, it's better with me! I am all natural, I have everything “pumped up” by nature. But I can’t undress and show the whole country that I don’t have a single drop of cellulite, not a single stretch mark, that my body is smooth, like a dolphin’s, with a flat stomach, like I’m 20 years old? Everyone says: “Who did your breasts so well? Can you give me an address?" I answer: “The Lord God did this at the age of 12.” - “And whose lips did you pump up?” - "Thanks to God too, look at my old photos." The age of the passport, apparently, does not affect also because I live in this life not like many others. If I get hit in the face, I never take revenge, I’ll go and pray for this person, forgiving him a hundred times ...

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