Biography. Blog Archive "VO! circle of books" Armenian Apostolic Holy Church

Citizenship USSR USSR→ Russia Russia Occupation prose writer, scientist, teacher, public figure Years of creativity 1953 - present Direction critical realism, realism Language of works Russian Prizes
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Later, Albert Likhanov is invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine "Smena" - first as an executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as an editor-in-chief.

During these years literary fame came to him. One after another, "Youth" prints his stories.

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it entered into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in their territories.

Likhanov also established and headed the Research Institute of Childhood, created the Molodist literary club for novice authors, created the Dom publishing house, the magazines We for teenagers and Tram for kids, and later the magazines Guiding Star. School reading”, “God's world”, “Child of man”, “Foreign novel”. Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a rehabilitation children's center of the International Association of Children's Funds was established in the Moscow Region. In the Belgorod region, there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of A. A. Likhanov's Library.

His works were published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house "Molodaya Gvardiya" released "Favorites" in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published a collection of works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the publishing house "Terra" publishes a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the Library "Love and Remember" was published in 20 books. And in 2010, "Terra" publishes a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print.In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel "Russian Boys" in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books.In 2015, the Knigovek publishing house published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), the annual Likhanov public-literary and literary-pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, the Albert Likhanov Prize has been established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war years and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was erected to her. Outside of Russia, 126 books of the writer were published in 34 languages.

The first collection of works in 4 volumes was published in 1986-87 ("Young Guard"). In 2000 - in 6 volumes ("Terra", Moscow). In 2005 - Albert Likhanov's Library "Love and Remember", which included 20 non-standard books ("Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"). In 2010 - a collection of essays for children and youth in 15 volumes ("Childhood. Adolescence Youth") and collected works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as an appendix to the magazine "Spark".

The period of maturation of Likhanov's talent can be conditionally designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he creates such significant works as the novel "Labyrinth", the novels "Pure Pebbles", "Deception", "Solar Eclipse" and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of the family and the school in the upbringing of the child, in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of remarkable works about military childhood. The military theme in the writer's work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, honor, duty, heroism, and human dignity. The works about military childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys a sense of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Journalism, enthusiasm, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov's style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about military childhood is the story "The Last Colds" (). This story, the stories "The Beloved Aids Store" and "Children's Library", the novel "Men's School", constitute a kind of literary cycle about military childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story "Military Echelon" and in the novel "My General". In the writer's books, the author's personality is felt, it is manifested primarily in the pathos of his work, in how he relates to the moral quest of the characters, to their irresistible desire to find themselves, to discover all the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of active writing Likhanov. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea was born of a book on modern education “Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations” (), which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987, A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize. Janusz Korczak. The book for teachers "Children without parents" () is devoted to the problems of raising orphans. Likhanov successfully combines creativity with active social work in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civic stand and fights with the words of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund for the preservation of happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.

In the preface to the book "For these little ones" Likhanov states:


  • - "Family Circumstances", based on the story "Deception". Director L. Martynyuk, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Minsk, Belarusfilm.
  • - "My General", 2-episode television film. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio im. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - "Good Intentions", based on the story of the same name. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio im. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - “Carousel on the market square”, based on the story by A. Likhanov “Golgotha”. Director N. Istanbul, scriptwriter A. Likhanov. Moscow, Mosfilm (filmed in Slobodskoy, Kirov region).
  • - "Team 33". Based on A. Likhanov's story "Military Echelon". Director N. Gusarov, scriptwriter V. Chernykh. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovsk Film Studio.
  • - "The highest measure" (in Slovak), based on the story of the same name by A. Likhanov. Bratislava (Slovakia), Slovak TV [ ] .
  • - "Last cold", based on the story of the same name by A. Likhanov. Directors B. Kalymbetov, B. Iskakov, scriptwriters B. Kalymbetov, S. Narymbetov, B. Iskakov. Kazakhstan.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2005)
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2000) - for services to the state and many years of active social activity
  • Order of Honor (2016)
  • Order of Friendship (2010) - for many years of active social work and the development of humanitarian cooperation
  • Medal "In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"
  • Medal "For the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline"
  • Medals of the USSR, Armenia and Belarus
  • Order of Honor (Georgia, 1996)
  • Order of Merit, III degree (Ukraine, 2006)
  • Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 1st class (Bulgaria, 2007)
  • Order of Francysk Skaryna (Belarus, 2015)
  • Order of Friendship (South Ossetia, 2010)
  • Order of Honor (South Ossetia, 2015)
  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003) - for the creation of family orphanages
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2009) - for the dilogy "Russian Boys" and "Men's School"
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after N. K. Krupskaya (1980) - for the novel "My General" and the novels "Deception" and "Solar Eclipse"

Public figure

Years of creativity 1953 - present Direction critical realism , realism Language of works Russian Prizes
Awards Files  at Wikimedia Commons

Albert Anatolievich Likhanov(born September 13) - Russian writer, public figure; member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. President of the International Association of Children's Funds, Chairman of the Russian Children's Fund, Director of the Research Institute of Childhood.

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    ✪ The highest measure. Albert Likhanov


Friends, if you do not have the opportunity (time, desire, strength) to read Albert Likhanov's story "The Supreme Measure", watch this video and you will know as much about the difficult fate of one woman as the person who read this story. By the way, one subscriber asked to retell the "Higher Measure". Before that, I didn’t even know either the work itself or Likhanov. In general, the story is good, useful. And when something is pleasant to read, then it is interesting to tell. In general, it is strange ... The story was written by a man. And the story itself is conducted on behalf of a woman. Likhanov was then 47 years old when he wrote. For example, I can't imagine a woman writing a real book on behalf of a man. We are different, we think differently. Therefore, girls, it is very possible that some of the actions of the main character will seem untrue to you. Be prepared for this. Likhanov wrote the story in 1982. Events take place in the same period in Moscow and some other provincial city. One summer, a woman was on a train. She admires nature outside the window. But when her thoughts return to recent events, her heart is filled with excruciating pain. Only sleeping pills helped her to forget. She rode in the compartment herself. Went home to my adult daughter. She decided on the road to figure out in her life what she did wrong and where. Sofya Sergeevna remembered how her son Sasha and his ex-wife Irina saw her off yesterday. They asked her how to live on. She didn't know how to live on her own now. On the train, a woman recalled her life. When she was younger, she worked in the university library in the reading room. She lived in the provinces, although she herself comes from Moscow. Once a student Oleg Osipov came to this library. There were no seats in the common rooms, and Sofya took him to a separate room, where she herself sometimes dined with the girls. There she also brought the girl Olya Olgina. It turned out OOOO - these are their initials. A week and a half later, Olya asked Sofya Sergeevna to be a witness at their wedding. The wedding was ordinary - student. The boys didn't have any money. Because vinaigrette was the main snack. But how fun it was at such weddings. Sophia even then thought that for some reason ... sincere fun can only be when people are poor. And vice versa: when people have money, then purity and sincerity disappear ... A very controversial observation ... Once her son Sasha brought a girl - Irina - to that library room. She did not like Irina. She was beautiful. But this beauty, according to Sophia, was somehow ... unreal. Plus, she was older than Sasha and three centimeters taller than him. The girls with whom Sophia worked told her that they often saw in the library how Irina kissed different guys. In the evening, she told her son everything that she thinks about his chosen one. But at the same time, she understood that she no longer had power over her son. Irina seized it - this power. One was the hope that the girl Sasha would quickly get bored. I didn’t get bored quickly ... Sophia then realized her cant. She needed to bring her son to good girls earlier, but she ... lost her mind. Irina appeared on the horizon and took him away from her mother. A year later they got married. Sasha was then in the 3rd year. They lived in Sofia's apartment. Young people in one room, Sophia with her daughter Alya in the other. Ali had epileptic seizures. She was the same age as Irina, but... devoid of consciousness. Birth trauma ... Yes ... Irina did not expect such a life. But! She took care of Alya. And sincerely. After all, nothing could be obtained from her in return. That's what Sophia said. She called her son kind, spineless, too obedient. And now pause! And who raised him so spineless and too obedient? Isn't it you, Sofya Sergeevna? She brought up a rag - so you don’t get a man with eggs, but some kind of misunderstanding. This showed up at school as well. His classmates bullied him. Until he learned to adapt to the strong. Irina studied philology - Spanish language and literature. I studied well. Sophia saw strength in Irina and understood that she would eat her son over time. And now, by the way, about the son and daughter ... These were not her children. Sister Zhenya died, and Sophia began to take care of her children as if they were her own. It was hard at the beginning. Alya is sick forever. Sasha was then 3 years old. Sophia decided to leave Moscow. Friends advised to abandon the children. Especially from Ali. But Sophia couldn't do that. In the new city, she met the nurse Maria, an assistant, without whom she could not cope. Maria was retired and, in order not to sit idly by, looked after Alya. Sofya paid her a symbolic 20 rubles a month, which she spent on gifts for Ali. Only Maria in the new city knew that the children were not hers. Sasha graduated from the university with triples and went to work as a teacher. And the excellent student Irina was left without a job at all. Who in their city needed Spanish?.. No one! Sophia was surprised at Irina's choice to learn Spanish before. Sasha began to earn 100 rubles a month and Sophia really felt better. Then she immediately bought Mary a gift - a woolen dress. At least I wanted to thank her. Well, then I’ll tell you what’s in my head for a modern girl ... it won’t settle down. But in the era of general shortages in the Soviet Union, this was the norm. Maria put on this dress, admired it in front of the mirror, took it off and gave it to Irina. Irina's mother altered it a little and voila - the girl has a new dress. But still, the relationship with the daughter-in-law did not improve. There was no work for her. Then Irina began to act differently. Every day she put on a different outfit and went out into the city to hunt - looking for something. And once she came and said that she got a job as a secretary to the director of a large factory. Both Sasha and Sophia are crazy. Study for five years, then go to work as a secretary and enjoy it. Here are the naive ... Sasha resigned himself. Still would not reconcile. With his own character. The wife received even more salary than he did. Once the son told his mother that Irina compared him to a tractor cart. - You, he says, do not think about anything. You are a tractor cart, and I am a tractor, since fate so desires. Where I'm going, move there too, don't go into too much, then you'll understand. Working next to the director, Irina gained credibility. Many wanted to get to know her. And besides, she was ... beautiful ... Irina became a serious figure on a city scale. She admired her director - a war hero, a deputy. Irina dressed defiantly by the standards of her mother-in-law, which, of course, annoyed her. But that was Sasha's business. A few months later, Irina said that she had secured an apartment for them. Sasha, like a puppy, ran around, wagging his tail. She worked only six months - and already knocked out an apartment. A punchy girl ... Sophia was delighted - finally Irina would disappear from her house. The three of them went to the outskirts of the city to watch the new building. We went into an apartment (one-room) - nice, spacious. And young people say that they are not enough. Now they need more - they want to have a child. According to Sophia, their son (her grandson) Igor was born not as a fruit of love, but as a household necessity. After 9 months, Irina gave birth to a boy. From the factory they were given a "kopeck piece" - closer to the center. Trouble over Igor brought Sophia closer to her daughter-in-law. It seemed to her that this happy family life had come for her son. At the same time, Sophia always realized that, having no experience in family life, she did not know how it should be. Sophia adored her grandson. Irina after giving birth became even more beautiful in an adult way. And soon Sasha got a new job. It was Irina's director who patted his friend, and Sasha was taken by the professor to his physics laboratory. There Sasha got flooded. The professor couldn't be happier. He began to earn now 200 rubles. Everything, for which Irina would not undertake, bore fruit. Everything was calculated with mathematical precision - every next step. “What will happen next?” the mother-in-law thought. Irina did not give up Spanish. She worked on them every day. Once she went with her director to Moscow on a business trip. And the main reason for her trip (later Sophia found out) was to advertise the exchange of apartments - her "kopeck piece" here for a "one piece" in Moscow. Irina twisted Sasha as she wanted. He did everything as she needed. Friends, you already understood that a woman like Irina will not be able to live long with such a scumbag like Sasha. She will find herself a normal man. Irina continued to travel to Moscow - first on business trips, then on vacation. Herself ... The mother-in-law understood that this was no accident. Sasha also sometimes went to Moscow. He returned sad. Once I was near the house where they once lived - it turns out he remembered. But he did not remember his own mother. Soon a pensioner appeared on the horizon, who wanted to exchange apartments. He wanted to live his life in his homeland, and therefore decided to leave Moscow. To move, one formality was needed - an invitation to work. Do you understand why Irina needed Sasha? Yes! With his golden hands, almost every scientific institute was ready to take him. A new acquaintance of Irina, a certain Ryzhov, the deputy director of the institute, helped. Sophia wanted her grandson to be left to her, but she understood that this would not happen. Once, Irina said in a conversation that her torment at work would finally end. For 4 years she was running errands with her director, and now in Moscow she will finally spread her wings with her Spanish. Irina has calculated everything long ago, like a chess player - many moves ahead. To exchange an apartment in Moscow, "odnushka" was not enough here - you need a "kopeck piece". "Dvushku" will give if there is a child. So you have to be born. Will need more work in Moscow. So Sasha needs to be attached. - I behaved like a man, unlike Sasha. The apartment, his work, Igor, and now Moscow is all my merit. And you can't argue - it's true! Shortly before their departure, Maria died - easily, calmly, at home. When Sophia came to her house, her wall clock, which always worked, suddenly stopped and did not want to work anymore. "Mystic," Sophia thought. Now she is on her own. Alya was the only one around. But don't even talk to her. In Moscow, Irina got a job in the library of foreign literature. Then she entered graduate school by correspondence. After 2 months, Sasha moved to another job, where they paid more. When Alya was taken to the hospital with another attack for several days, Sofya Sergeevna flew to Moscow. I didn't even warn anyone. For a year and a half she did not see her son, grandson and daughter-in-law. She arrived... But there was no one at their house. I left things with my neighbors and went for a walk around my once native Moscow. First of all, I went to the Vagankovsky cemetery. To her sister Zhenya ... Sasha and Igor were very glad to see her. Irina came at about 23:00 - she was writing her dissertation. Sofya looked at her - a beauty, as if from a magazine, elegant, even thinner. In communication, calm, confident, strong. Igorka immediately sent to sleep, Sasha - to the kitchen to make tea. And everyone obeyed. Sophia rarely came to Moscow. And Alya had no one to leave with, and she herself did not want to. Nurses for Ali changed constantly - no one could stand it for a long time. When Igor was in the 5th grade, he himself came to his grandmother. Irina defended her dissertation. She moved from the library to the university to teach Spanish. Spanish began to gain popularity, because her knowledge of the language was in great demand. Sasha began to drink slowly. Letters from Moscow began to arrive less and less. In each of them, Sasha complained about Igor - he was uncontrollable. He was already 15. And once in the letter there was one short phrase: "Irina and I broke up." Honestly, I don't believe it. So that Irina, having moved to Moscow, endured this misunderstanding for 12 years. She should have left him earlier. Sasha arrived a few days later. He told everything. He said that a month after the move, he realized that everything would end in a divorce. Someone handed him a note in which he wrote that for the work at the institute, which Ryzhov gave him, Irina ... paid off with sex ... - I showed this note to Ryzhov. He got scared. I thought that I would complain to the party. Then he showed Irina. So she said she did it for me, and I'm an ungrateful brute. A man who respects himself would immediately send this Irina to hell. Well, this schmuck chewed snot for 12 years. He told his mother that she had gone to another, and he had another. Honestly, I don’t believe that any normal woman would pay attention to this teapot. Her name is Elga. Widow. With two children. Rich. Irina married a diplomat and became pregnant. Here I believe. I found myself a man. After giving birth, she planned to leave to live in Spain. Sasha said he was happy. Because they love him for the first time. And he loves. - And what about Igor? Sophia asked. - On my own. Irina's husband is not up to him. Yes, me too. Soon he will enter the institute - an adult already. Somehow by myself. Sophia is shocked: - How? Is he still a child? Give it to me. - Take it easy. He has an apartment. Marries. And he will be all right. When Sophia accompanied her son to Moscow, she asked herself the question: “Where was your dignity for so many years?” And she answered herself: “But it didn’t mean him.” You are a weakling, Sasha, spineless. Very soon Sofya Sergeevna went to Moscow. Her grandson met her, but already without manifestations of violent joy. Then Irina came to her son. Greeted like nothing happened. We talked. Mostly about Igor. - He is even better now - he does not see quarrels, - said Irina. Then Sasha came - he was delighted with his mother. Car keys in hand. This is Elgi. She has a three-ruble note, a dacha, a Zhiguli. Alexander did well. Igor wanted to celebrate the end of the 9th grade by Igor. Her new husband, diplomat Boris Vladimirovich, came. Then Sasha and Elga appeared. They all communicate normally, but Sofya Sergeevna is somehow uncomfortable. She doesn't know how to behave. In her understanding, the former should be enemies, and these ... normal. Sasha gave his son a color TV. Friends, before a color TV was a luxury - mostly the people had black and white. Irina made a cooler gift - a motorcycle "Java". The dream of any Soviet teenager. Igor took the gifts without enthusiasm - for granted. Sasha saw that his gift was much inferior to Irina's. Parents with such gifts ... as if ... paid off what they could not give their son full-fledged parental love. Sofya Sergeevna understood this, and Igor understood. When everyone dispersed, he said to his grandmother: - It's good that they got divorced. Otherwise, they would not have presented a motorcycle with a TV. Then the car will be donated. And then I marry a millionaire. As Father! Igor offered to ride a motorcycle grandmother. And he drove ... I brought my grandmother to her house, where she lived 40 years ago. And then he said that he found an old man who once knew her. The old man told the whole truth. - Did you tell them? Grandma asked. - Not. They do not know. Why did you hide everything? Explain to me ... And Sophia told. With Zhenya they were twins. Sophia was born 15 minutes earlier. Zhenya was in her mother, Sophia was in her father. The sisters were friends and loved each other. Dreamed of big and bright love. And Zhenya was the first to receive this love. At 19, she got married. It was January 1942. Six months ago, the war began. A month ago, my parents were killed by a bomb. And then the joyful Zhenya comes running with the major, whom she knew all day. The pilot's name was Andrew. Zhenya asked Sophia ... to take a walk somewhere. - What are you doing? You don't know him, do you? Maybe he has a family? - Don't care. I want to fuck. I love him. And he me. We will get married ... Andrei was serious. He told Sophia that he loved Zhenya. Got married. Sasha was born in October. Andrei was next to him ... He did not die in the war ... A year later, when Zhenya was expecting her second child, Andrei came to say goodbye - he was transferred to another front. On the way home, he stood up for the old woman, from whom the gopniks took away her handbag. He was stabbed and died in a square near the metro, not far from home. Zhenya was the first to know about it. When Sophia came home from work, her sister was sitting on the table, in a winter coat, dangling her legs and humming: - I'm a little ballerina ... It looked like Zhenya's roof had been torn off: lips bitten into blood, a yellow face ... Her grief crippled her - she began to drink, turned gray. At 21. But she was pregnant ... Ali's daughter had a birth injury. Doctors suggested not to take the child - Zhenya took it. But the sister's psyche turned out to be weak - she could not stand it. She drank a lot of sleeping pills and ... died. Sophia was offered to give the children to the state, but she refused. And then she decided to cut off all ties with her past life and moved to another city. Only that she also loved her sister's husband Sophia did not tell her grandson. She never had a man in her entire life!!! ... After the war, there were many women without men. And she is also with two children ... In general, it did not work out. Sophia asked Igor not to tell anyone about her secret. He swore to remain silent. Igor asked his grandmother not to leave. But at home was Alya, who needed her constantly. That's why she flew home. They escorted her with the whole delegation. Irina at parting promised to name the child, if it was a girl, Sonya. She gave birth to a boy. And then Sophia's son called and said that Igor had crashed ... He crashed into a truck. On the circle, Igor did not give way. Sophia decided that he did it on purpose. She said the following phrase to her son: - When a person is not needed by relatives, he dies. The son did not understand what she was talking about. - When a person is not needed by relatives, he dies. Sophia repeated again. She decided that it was God who punished Sasha and Irina in such a way for their inhumanity. The highest measure of punishment. You can’t achieve happiness by thinking only about yourself… That’s the story, friends…


Later, Albert Likhanov is invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine Smena - first as an executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as an editor-in-chief.

During these years literary fame came to him. One after another, "Youth" prints his stories.

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it entered into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in their territories.

Likhanov also established and headed the Research Institute of Childhood, created the Molodist literary club for novice authors, created the Dom publishing house, the magazines We for teenagers and Tram for kids, and later the magazines Guiding Star. School reading”, “God's world”, “Child of man”, “Foreign novel”. Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a rehabilitation children's center of the International Association of Children's Funds was established in the Moscow Region. In the Belgorod region, there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of A. A. Likhanov's Library.

His works were published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house "Molodaya Gvardiya" released "Favorites" in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published a collection of works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the publishing house "Terra" publishes a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the Library "Love and Remember" was published in 20 books. And in 2010, "Terra" publishes a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print.In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel "Russian Boys" in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books.In 2015, the Knigovek publishing house published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), the annual Likhanov public-literary and literary-pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, the Albert Likhanov Prize has been established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war years and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was erected to her. Outside of Russia, 126 books of the writer were published in 34 languages.

The first collection of works in 4 volumes was published in 1986-87 ("Young Guard"). In 2000 - in 6 volumes ("Terra", Moscow). In 2005 - Albert Likhanov's Library "Love and Remember", which included 20 non-standard books ("Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"). In 2010 - a collection of essays for children and youth in 15 volumes ("Childhood. Adolescence Youth") and collected works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as an appendix to the magazine "Spark".

The period of maturation of Likhanov's talent can be conditionally designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he creates such significant works as the novel "Labyrinth", the novels "Pure Pebbles", "Deception", "Solar Eclipse" and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of the family and the school in the upbringing of the child, in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of remarkable works about military childhood. The military theme in the writer's work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, honor, duty, heroism, and human dignity. The works about military childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys a sense of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Journalism, enthusiasm, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov's style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about military childhood is the story "The Last Colds" (). This story, the stories "The Beloved Aids Store" and "Children's Library", the novel "Men's School", constitute a kind of literary cycle about military childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story "Military Echelon" and in the novel "My General". In the writer's books, the author's personality is felt, it is manifested primarily in the pathos of his work, in how he relates to the moral quest of the characters, to their irresistible desire to find themselves, to discover all the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of active writing Likhanov. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea was born of a book on modern education “Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations” (), which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987, A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize. Janusz Korczak. The book for teachers "Children without parents" () is devoted to the problems of raising orphans. Likhanov successfully combines creativity with active social work in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civic stand and fights with the words of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund for the preservation of happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.

In the preface to the book "For these little ones" Likhanov states:


  • - "Family Circumstances", based on the story "Deception". Director L. Martynyuk, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Minsk, Belarusfilm.
  • - "My General", 2-episode television film. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio im. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - "Good intentions", according to the story of the same name. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio im. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - “Carousel on the market square”, based on the story by A. Likhanov “Golgotha”. Director N. Istanbul, scriptwriter A. Likhanov. Moscow, Mosfilm (filmed in Slobodskoy, Kirov region).
  • - "Team 33". Based on A. Likhanov's story "Military Echelon". Director N. Gusarov, scriptwriter V. Chernykh. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovsk Film Studio.
  • - “Last cold”, based on the story of the same name by A. Likhanov. Directors B. Kalymbetov, B. Iskakov, scriptwriters B. Kalymbetov, S. Narymbetov, B. Iskakov. Kazakhstan.


  • Order “For merit to Fatherland” III degree (2005)
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2000) - for services to the state and many years of active social activity

Albert Anatolievich Likhanov(b. September 13) - Soviet, then Russian children's and youth writer, public figure. President of the International Association of Children's Funds, Chairman of the Russian Children's Fund, Director of the Research Institute of Childhood.

Later, Albert Likhanov is invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine "Smena" - first as an executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as an editor-in-chief.

During these years literary fame came to him. One after another, "Youth" prints his stories.

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it entered into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in their territories.

Likhanov also established and headed the Research Institute of Childhood, created the Molodist literary club for novice authors, created the Dom publishing house, the magazines We for teenagers and Tram for kids, and later the magazines Guiding Star. School reading”, “God's world”, “Child of man”, “Foreign novel”. Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a rehabilitation children's center of the International Association of Children's Funds was established in the Moscow Region. In the Belgorod region, there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of A. A. Likhanov's Library.

His works were published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house "Young Guard" released "Favorites" in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published a collection of works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the publishing house "Terra" publishes a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the Library "Love and Remember" was published in 20 books. And in 2010, "Terra" publishes a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print.In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel "Russian Boys" in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books.In 2015, the publishing house "Knigovek" published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), the annual Likhanov public-literary and literary-pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, the Albert Likhanov Prize has been established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war years and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was erected to her. Outside of Russia, 106 books of the writer were published in 34 languages.

The first collection of works in 4 volumes was published in 1986-87 ("Young Guard"). In 2000 - in 6 volumes ("Terra", Moscow). In 2005 - Albert Likhanov's Library "Love and Remember", which included 20 non-standard books ("Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"). In 2010 - a collection of essays for children and youth in 15 volumes ("Childhood. Adolescence Youth") and collected works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as an appendix to the magazine "Spark".

The period of maturation of Likhanov's talent can be conditionally designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he creates such significant works as the novel "Labyrinth", the novels "Pure Pebbles", "Deception", "Solar Eclipse" and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of the family and the school in the upbringing of the child, in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of remarkable works about military childhood. The military theme in the writer's work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, honor, duty, heroism, and human dignity. The works about military childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys a sense of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Journalism, enthusiasm, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov's style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about military childhood is the story "The Last Colds" (). This story, the stories "The Beloved Aids Store" and "Children's Library", the novel "Men's School", constitute a kind of literary cycle about military childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story "Military Echelon" and in the novel "My General". In the writer's books, the author's personality is felt, it is manifested primarily in the pathos of his work, in how he relates to the moral quest of the characters, to their irresistible desire to find themselves, to discover all the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of active writing Likhanov. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea was born of a book on modern education “Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations” (), which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987, A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize. Janusz Korczak. Likhanov successfully combines creativity with active social work in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civil position as a defender of the moral values ​​and traditions of his Fatherland, therefore he fights with the words of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund for the preservation of happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation &

In the preface to the book "For these little ones" Likhanov states:


  • - "Family circumstances", based on the story "Deception". Director L. Martynyuk, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Minsk, Belarusfilm.
  • - "My General", 2-episode television film. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio im. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - "Good Intentions", based on the story of the same name. Director A. Benkendorf, scriptwriter A. Likhanov; Kyiv, Film Studio im. A. Dovzhenko.
  • - “Carousel on the market square”, based on the story by A. Likhanov “Golgotha”. Director N. Istanbul, scriptwriter A. Likhanov. Moscow, Mosfilm (filmed in Slobodskoy, Kirov region).
  • - "Team 33". Based on A. Likhanov's story "Military Echelon". Director N. Gusarov, scriptwriter V. Chernykh. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovsk Film Studio.
  • - "The highest measure" (in Slovak), based on the story of the same name by A. Likhanov. Bratislava (Slovakia), Slovak television.
  • - "Last cold", based on the story of the same name by A. Likhanov. Directors B. Kalymbetov, B. Iskakov, scriptwriters B. Kalymbetov, S. Narymbetov, B. Iskakov. Kazakhstan.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2005)
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2000) - for services to the state and many years of active social activity
  • Order of Honor (2016)
  • Order of Friendship (2010) - for many years of active social work and the development of humanitarian cooperation
  • Order of Honor (Georgia, 1996)
  • Order of Merit, III degree (Ukraine, 2006)
  • Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 1st class (Bulgaria, 2007)
  • Order of Francysk Skaryna (Republic of Belarus, 2015)
  • Order of Friendship (Republic of South Ossetia, 2010)
  • Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia, 2015)
  • medal "In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin"
  • medal "For the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline"
  • medals of the USSR, Armenia and Belarus
  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003) - for the creation of family orphanages
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2009) - for the dilogy "Russian Boys" and "Men's School"
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after N. K. Krupskaya (1980) - for the novel "My General" and the novels "Deception" and "Solar Eclipse"
  • Lenin Komsomol Prize (1976) - for books for children "Music", "Family Circumstances", "My General"
  • International Prize named after J. Korczak (1987) - for the book "Dramatic Pedagogy" (The award was donated by the writer to the Polish Fund of J. Korczak)
  • The international medal "Ecce Homo - Gloria Homini" ("Here is the Man - Glory to the Man"), was awarded on March 4, 2013 in Poland at the Royal Palace of Warsaw by the outstanding Polish actress Beata Tyszkiewicz and the well-known public figure Stanislav Kowalski, President of the Hurry with Help Foundation. The award has number 2, the first medal was presented to the Minister of Health of Poland, the famous doctor Zbigniew Religa, quite a while ago.
  • The Russian Ludwig Nobel Prize (2014) was awarded on March 30, 2014 at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation - the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna.
Confessional awards

Russian Orthodox Church:

Armenian Apostolic Holy Church:

  • Order of St. Sahak - St. Mesrop (2015).


  • Order "Al-Fahr" II degree (2003)
  • Order "Al-Fahr" I degree (2005)

Maxim Gorky International Prizes, Janusz Korczak International Prize, V. Hugo French-Japanese Cultural Prize (1996), Cyril and Methodius Prize (Bulgaria, 2000), Sakura Prize (Japan, 2001), Oliver Prize (USA, 2005). Prizes named after Nikolai Ostrovsky (1982), named after Boris Polevoy (1984), named after Alexander Grin (2000), "Prokhorovskoye Pole" (2003), "Big Literary Prize of Russia" SPR and campaign "Diamonds of Russia" (2002) for the novel "Nobody "And the story" Broken Doll ", the prize named after D. Mamin-Sibiryak (2005), named after Vladislav Krapivin (2006), named after N. A. Ostrovsky (2007). Special Prize named after I. A. Bunin "for outstanding contribution to Russian literature for children and youth" (2008).

International Literary Prize. Fyodor Dostoyevsky (2011), Tallinn; Russian Literary Prize. A. I. Herzen (2012) for the volume of social journalism “For these little ones (Letters in defense of childhood)”, 5th edition - the writer donated the material part of the award to the Library for Children and Youth on Orlovskaya Street in Kirov to perpetuate the memory of A. And Herzen, V. Zhukovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and other remarkable people who were there. On September 27, 2013, at the Republican Drama Theater of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Albert Likhanov was awarded the Russian Literary Aksakov Prize by the Decree of the President of Bashkortostan R. Khamitov. In December 2013, he was awarded the Golden Knight award - "for an outstanding contribution to children's literature." In July 2015, the All-Russian Prize "Russian Way" named after F.I. Tyutchev was awarded. On February 22, 2016, by the decision of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the minor planet N 73638 was named Likhanov

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  • Anninsky L. The Circle of Being by Albert Likhanov. M.: Childhood. Adolescence. Youth, 2012.
  • Bio-bibliographic index "Albert Likhanov" (prepared by the Kirov Regional Scientific Library named after A. I. Herzen). M. Childhood. Adolescence. Youth, 2012.



  • in the Public Library of Vadim Ershov

An excerpt characterizing Likhanov, Albert Anatolyevich

Or are you afraid to play with me? Dolokhov said now, as if he had guessed Rostov's thought, and smiled. Because of his smile, Rostov saw in him the mood of the spirit that he had during dinner at the club and in general at those times when, as if bored with everyday life, Dolokhov felt the need to get out of it by some strange, mostly cruel act. .
Rostov felt uncomfortable; he searched and did not find in his mind a joke that would answer Dolokhov's words. But before he could do this, Dolokhov, looking straight into Rostov's face, slowly and deliberately, so that everyone could hear, said to him:
- Do you remember, we talked about the game with you ... a fool who wants to play for luck; I should probably play, but I want to try.
"Try for luck, or perhaps?" thought Rostov.
“Besides, don’t play,” he added, and cracking a torn deck, he added: “Bank, gentlemen!
Pushing the money forward, Dolokhov prepared to throw. Rostov sat down beside him and at first did not play. Dolokhov looked at him.
Why don't you play? Dolokhov said. And strangely, Nikolai felt the need to take a card, put a small sum on it and start the game.
“I don’t have any money with me,” Rostov said.
- I believe!
Rostov put 5 rubles on the card and lost, put another and lost again. Dolokhov killed, that is, he won ten cards in a row from Rostov.
“Gentlemen,” he said after a few moments, “please put money on cards, otherwise I might get confused in the accounts.”
One of the players said that he hoped he could be trusted.
- You can believe, but I'm afraid to get confused; I ask you to put money on cards, - Dolokhov answered. "Don't be shy, we'll deal with you," he added to Rostov.
The game continued: the footman, without ceasing, served champagne.
All the cards of Rostov were beaten, and up to 800 tons of rubles were written on it. He was about to write 800 tons of rubles over one card, but while champagne was being served to him, he changed his mind and wrote again an ordinary kush, twenty rubles.
- Leave it, - said Dolokhov, although he did not seem to be looking at Rostov, - you will soon win back. I give to others, but I beat you. Or are you afraid of me? he repeated.
Rostov obeyed, left the written 800 and placed a seven of hearts with a corner torn off, which he picked up from the ground. He remembered her well afterwards. He placed the seven of hearts, writing over it with broken off chalk 800, in round, straight numbers; drank the served glass of warmed champagne, smiled at Dolokhov's words, and with bated breath, waiting for the seven, began to look at Dolokhov's hands, holding the deck. Winning or losing this seven of hearts meant a lot to Rostov. On Sunday last week, Count Ilya Andreich gave his son 2,000 rubles, and he, who never liked to talk about financial difficulties, told him that this money was the last until May, and that therefore he asked his son to be more economical this time. Nikolai said that this was too much for him, and that he gave his word of honor not to take more money until spring. Now 1,200 rubles remained of this money. Therefore, the seven of hearts meant not only the loss of 1,600 rubles, but also the need to change this word. With bated breath, he looked at Dolokhov’s hands and thought: “Well, hurry up, give me this card, and I’ll take my cap, go home to dinner with Denisov, Natasha and Sonya, and surely there will never be a card in my hands.” At that moment, his home life, jokes with Petya, conversations with Sonya, duets with Natasha, a picket with his father, and even a quiet bed in the Cook's House, presented themselves to him with such force, clarity and charm, as if all this had long passed, lost and invaluable happiness. He could not allow that a stupid accident, forcing the seven to lie first on the right than on the left, could deprive him of all this newly understood, newly illuminated happiness and plunge him into the abyss of an as yet unexperienced and indefinite misfortune. It could not be, but he still waited with bated breath for the movement of Dolokhov's hands. These broad-boned, reddish hands, with hair visible from under their shirts, laid down a deck of cards and took up the glass and pipe being served.
"So you're not afraid to play with me?" repeated Dolokhov, and, as if to tell a merry story, he laid down his cards, leaned over on the back of his chair, and slowly began to tell with a smile:
- Yes, gentlemen, I was told that there was a rumor spread in Moscow that I was a cheater, so I advise you to be more careful with me.
Well, swords! Rostov said.
- Oh, Moscow aunts! - Dolokhov said and took up the cards with a smile.
– Aaah! - Rostov almost shouted, raising both hands to his hair. The seven he needed was already at the top, the first card in the deck. He lost more than he could pay.
- However, do not bury yourself, - said Dolokhov, glancing briefly at Rostov, and continuing to throw.

After an hour and a half, most of the players were already jokingly looking at their own game.
The whole game focused on one Rostov. Instead of a thousand and six hundred rubles, he had a long column of figures written down, which he counted up to ten thousand, but which now, as he vaguely assumed, had already risen to fifteen thousand. In fact, the record already exceeded twenty thousand rubles. Dolokhov no longer listened and did not tell stories; he followed every movement of Rostov's hands and glanced briefly at his note behind him from time to time. He decided to continue the game until this record increased to forty-three thousand. This number was chosen by him because forty-three was the sum of his years combined with Sonya's. Rostov, leaning his head on both hands, sat in front of a table covered with writing, drenched in wine, littered with cards. One painful impression did not leave him: these broad-boned, reddish hands with hair visible from under his shirt, these hands, which he loved and hated, held him in their power.
“Six hundred rubles, an ace, a corner, a nine ... it’s impossible to win back! ... And how fun it would be at home ... Jack on a ne ... it can’t be! ... And why is he doing this to me? ... ”Rostov thought and recalled. Sometimes he played a big card; but Dolokhov refused to beat her, and he appointed the jackpot. Nicholas submitted to him, and then he prayed to God, as he prayed on the battlefield on the Amsteten bridge; now he guessed that the card that first fell into his hand from a pile of curved cards under the table would save him; either he calculated how many laces were on his jacket and with the same number of points he tried to bet the card on the entire loss, then he looked around at the other players for help, then he peered into Dolokhov’s now cold face, and tried to penetrate what was going on in it.
“Because he knows what this loss means to me. He can't want me to die, can he? After all, he was my friend. After all, I loved him ... But he is not to blame either; what should he do when he is lucky? It's not my fault, he told himself. I didn't do anything wrong. Have I killed someone, insulted, wished harm? Why such a terrible misfortune? And when did it start? Not so long ago, I approached this table with the idea of ​​winning a hundred rubles, buying my mother this box for the name day and going home. I was so happy, so free, cheerful! And I did not understand then how happy I was! When did this end, and when did this new, terrible state begin? What marked this change? I still sat in this place, at this table, and also chose and put forward cards, and looked at these broad-boned, dexterous hands. When did this happen, and what happened? I am healthy, strong and still the same, and still in the same place. No, it can't be! Surely this will never end."
He was red-faced and covered in sweat, despite the fact that the room was not hot. And his face was terrifying and pitiful, especially due to the impotent desire to appear calm.
The record reached the fateful number of forty-three thousand. Rostov prepared a card, which was supposed to go at an angle from the three thousand rubles that had just been given to him, when Dolokhov, knocking with a deck, put it aside and, taking the chalk, began quickly with his clear, strong handwriting, breaking the chalk, to sum up Rostov's note.
"Dinner, it's dinner time!" Here come the gypsies! - Indeed, with their gypsy accent, some black men and women were already entering from the cold and saying something. Nikolai understood that everything was over; but he said in an indifferent voice:
"What, you won't?" And I have a nice card prepared. “As if he was most interested in the fun of the game itself.
"It's over, I'm gone! he thought. Now a bullet in the forehead - one thing remains, ”and at the same time he said in a cheerful voice:
Well, one more card.
- Good, - answered Dolokhov, having finished the summary, - good! 21 rubles is coming, - he said, pointing to the number 21, which equaled 43 thousand, and taking a deck, he prepared to throw. Rostov obediently turned back the corner and instead of the prepared 6,000, he diligently wrote 21.
“I don't care,” he said, “I just want to know if you kill or give me that ten.
Dolokhov seriously began to throw. Oh, how Rostov hated at that moment these hands, reddish with short fingers and hair visible from under his shirt, which had him in his power ... Ten was given.
“You have 43 thousand behind you, Count,” Dolokhov said and stood up from the table, stretching. “But you get tired of sitting for so long,” he said.
"Yes, and I'm tired too," said Rostov.
Dolokhov, as if reminding him that it was indecent for him to joke, interrupted him: When will you order me to receive the money, count?
Rostov flushed and called Dolokhov into another room.
“I can’t suddenly pay everything, you will take the bill,” he said.
“Listen, Rostov,” Dolokhov said, smiling clearly and looking into Nikolai’s eyes, “you know the saying: “Happy in love, unhappy in cards.” Your cousin is in love with you. I know.
"O! it’s terrible to feel so at the mercy of this man,” thought Rostov. Rostov understood what a blow he would inflict on his father and mother by announcing this loss; he understood what happiness it would be to get rid of all this, and understood that Dolokhov knew that he could save him from this shame and grief, and now he still wanted to play with him, like a cat with a mouse.
“Your cousin…” Dolokhov wanted to say; but Nicholas interrupted him.
“My cousin has nothing to do with it, and there’s nothing to talk about her!” he shouted furiously.
So when do you get it? Dolokhov asked.
“Tomorrow,” said Rostov, and left the room.

It was not difficult to say "tomorrow" and maintain a tone of propriety; but to come home alone, to see sisters, brother, mother, father, confess and ask for money to which you have no right after the given word of honor, it was terrible.
Haven't slept at home yet. The youth of the Rostovs' house, having returned from the theatre, had supper, sat at the clavichord. As soon as Nikolai entered the hall, he was seized by that loving, poetic atmosphere that reigned that winter in their house and which now, after Dolokhov’s proposal and Yogel’s ball, seemed to thicken even more, like the air before a thunderstorm, over Sonya and Natasha. Sonya and Natasha, in the blue dresses they wore at the theatre, pretty and knowing it, were happy and smiling at the clavichord. Vera and Shinshin were playing chess in the living room. The old countess, expecting her son and husband, was playing solitaire with an old noblewoman who lived in their house. Denisov, with shining eyes and disheveled hair, sat with his leg thrown back at the clavichord, and clapping his short fingers on them, he took chords, and rolling his eyes, in his small, hoarse, but true voice, sang the poem he had composed "The Enchantress", to which he tried to find music.
Sorceress, tell me what power
Draws me to abandoned strings;
What kind of fire did you plant in your heart,
What delight spilled over the fingers!
He sang in a passionate voice, shining at the frightened and happy Natasha with his agate, black eyes.
- Wonderful! Great! Natasha screamed. “Another verse,” she said, not noticing Nikolai.
“They have everything the same,” thought Nikolai, looking into the living room, where he saw Vera and his mother with an old woman.
- BUT! here's Nicholas! Natasha ran up to him.
- Is daddy at home? - he asked.
- I'm glad you came! - Without answering, Natasha said, - we have so much fun. Vassily Dmitritch stayed another day for me, you know?
“No, dad hasn’t arrived yet,” said Sonya.
- Coco, you have arrived, come to me, my friend! said the voice of the countess from the living room. Nikolai went up to his mother, kissed her hand, and, silently sitting down at her table, began to look at her hands, laying out the cards. Laughter and cheerful voices were heard from the hall, persuading Natasha.
“Well, all right, all right,” Denisov shouted, “now there is nothing to excuse, barcarolla is behind you, I beg you.
The Countess looked back at her silent son.
- What happened to you? Nikolai's mother asked.
“Ah, nothing,” he said, as if he was already tired of this one and the same question.
- Is daddy coming soon?
- I think.
“They have the same. They don't know anything! Where can I go? ” thought Nikolai and went back to the hall where the clavichords stood.
Sonya sat at the clavichord and played the prelude of that barcarolle that Denisov especially loved. Natasha was going to sing. Denisov looked at her with enthusiastic eyes.
Nikolai began to pace up and down the room.
“And here is the desire to make her sing? What can she sing? And there is nothing funny here, thought Nikolai.
Sonya took the first chord of the prelude.
“My God, I am lost, I am a dishonorable person. Bullet in the forehead, the only thing left, not to sing, he thought. Leave? but where to? anyway, let them sing!”
Nikolai gloomily, continuing to walk around the room, looked at Denisov and the girls, avoiding their eyes.
"Nikolenka, what's wrong with you?" asked Sonya's gaze fixed on him. She immediately saw that something had happened to him.
Nicholas turned away from her. Natasha, with her sensitivity, also instantly noticed the state of her brother. She noticed him, but she herself was so cheerful at that moment, she was so far from grief, sadness, reproaches, that she (as often happens with young people) deliberately deceived herself. No, I'm too happy now to spoil my fun with sympathy for someone else's grief, she felt, and said to herself:
"No, I'm sure I'm wrong, he must be as cheerful as I am." Well, Sonya, - she said and went to the very middle of the hall, where, in her opinion, the resonance was best. Raising her head, lowering her lifelessly hanging hands, as dancers do, Natasha, stepping from heel to tiptoe with an energetic movement, walked across the middle of the room and stopped.
"Here I am!" as if she were speaking, answering the enthusiastic look of Denisov, who was watching her.
“And what makes her happy! Nikolay thought, looking at his sister. And how she is not bored and not ashamed! Natasha took the first note, her throat widened, her chest straightened, her eyes took on a serious expression. She was not thinking of anyone or anything at that moment, and sounds poured out of the smile of her folded mouth, those sounds that anyone can make at the same intervals and at the same intervals, but which leave you cold a thousand times, in make you shudder and cry for the thousand and first time.
Natasha this winter began to sing seriously for the first time, and especially because Denisov admired her singing. She sang now not like a child, there was no longer in her singing that comic, childish diligence that had been in her before; but she did not yet sing well, as all the judges who heard her said. “Not processed, but a beautiful voice, it needs to be processed,” everyone said. But they usually said this long after her voice had fallen silent. At the same time, when this unprocessed voice sounded with wrong breaths and with efforts of transitions, even the judge's experts did not say anything, and only enjoyed this unprocessed voice and only wished to hear it again. There was that virginal innocence in her voice, that ignorance of her own strengths and that still uncultivated velvety, which were so combined with the shortcomings of the art of singing that it seemed impossible to change anything in this voice without spoiling it.
“What is this? Nikolai thought, hearing her voice and opening his eyes wide. - What happened to her? How does she sing today? he thought. And suddenly the whole world for him concentrated in anticipation of the next note, the next phrase, and everything in the world became divided into three tempos: “Oh mio crudele affetto ... [Oh my cruel love ...] One, two, three ... one, two ... three ... one… Oh mio crudele affetto… One, two, three… one. Oh, our stupid life! Nicholas thought. All this, and misfortune, and money, and Dolokhov, and malice, and honor - all this is nonsense ... but here it is real ... Hy, Natasha, well, my dear! well, mother! ... how will she take this si? took! thank God!" - and he, without noticing that he was singing, in order to strengthen this si, took the second third of a high note. "My God! how good! Is this what I took? how happy!” he thought.
O! how this third trembled, and how something better that was in Rostov's soul was touched. And this something was independent of everything in the world, and above everything in the world. What losses here, and the Dolokhovs, and honestly! ... All nonsense! You can kill, steal and still be happy ...

For a long time Rostov had not experienced such pleasure from music as on that day. But as soon as Natasha finished her barcarolle, he remembered reality again. He left without saying anything and went downstairs to his room. A quarter of an hour later the old count, cheerful and contented, arrived from the club. Nikolai, hearing his arrival, went to him.
- Well, did you have fun? said Ilya Andreich, smiling joyfully and proudly at his son. Nikolai wanted to say yes, but he could not: he almost sobbed. The count lit his pipe and did not notice the state of his son.
"Oh, inevitably!" Nikolai thought for the first and last time. And suddenly, in the most casual tone, such that he seemed disgusting to himself, as if he was asking the carriage to go to the city, he said to his father.
- Dad, I came to you for business. I had and forgot. I need money.
"That's it," said the father, who was in a particularly cheerful spirit. “I told you that it won’t. Is it a lot?
“A lot,” said Nikolai, blushing and with a stupid, careless smile, which for a long time later he could not forgive himself. - I lost a little, that is, even a lot, a lot, 43 thousand.
- What? To whom?... You're kidding! shouted the Count, suddenly blushing apoplectically on his neck and the back of his head, as old people blush.
“I promised to pay tomorrow,” Nikolai said.
“Well!” said the old count, spreading his arms and sank helplessly on the sofa.
- What to do! Who hasn't this happened to? - said the son in a cheeky, bold tone, while in his soul he considered himself a scoundrel, a scoundrel who could not atone for his crime all his life. He would like to kiss his father's hands, on his knees to ask for his forgiveness, and he casually and even rudely said that this happens to everyone.
Count Ilya Andreich lowered his eyes on hearing these words of his son and hurried, looking for something.
“Yes, yes,” he said, “it’s hard, I’m afraid, it’s hard to get ... with anyone! yes, with whom it has not happened ... - And the count glanced at his son's face and went out of the room ... Nikolai was preparing to fight back, but did not expect this at all.
- Daddy! pa ... hemp! he shouted after him, sobbing; forgive me! And, seizing his father's hand, he pressed his lips to it and wept.

While the father was explaining himself to his son, an equally important explanation was taking place between the mother and her daughter. Natasha, excited, ran to her mother.
- Mom! ... Mom! ... he made me ...
- What did you do?
- Made an offer. Mother! Mother! she shouted. The Countess could not believe her ears. Denisov made an offer. To whom? This tiny girl Natasha, who until recently played with dolls and now still took lessons.
- Natasha, full of nonsense! she said, still hoping it was a joke.
- Well, nonsense! “I’m talking to you,” Natasha said angrily. - I came to ask what to do, and you tell me: "nonsense" ...
The countess shrugged.
- If it is true that Monsieur Denisov proposed to you, then tell him that he is a fool, that's all.
“No, he’s not a fool,” Natasha said offendedly and seriously.
- Well, what do you want? You are all in love these days. Well, in love, so marry him! said the Countess, laughing angrily. - With God!
“No, mother, I am not in love with him, I must not be in love with him.
“Well, just tell him that.
- Mom, are you angry? Don't be angry, my dear, what am I to blame for?
“No, what is it, my friend? If you want, I'll go and tell him, - said the countess, smiling.
- No, I myself, just teach. Everything is easy for you,” she added, answering her smile. “And if you saw how he told me this!” After all, I know that he did not want to say this, but he accidentally said it.
- Well, you still have to refuse.
- No, you don't have to. I feel so sorry for him! He is so cute.
Well, take the offer then. And then it’s time to get married, ”the mother said angrily and mockingly.
“No, Mom, I feel so sorry for him. I don't know how I will say.
“Yes, you don’t have anything to say, I’ll say it myself,” said the countess, indignant at the fact that they dared to look at this little Natasha as a big one.
“No, no way, I’m on my own, and you listen at the door,” and Natasha ran through the living room into the hall, where Denisov was sitting on the same chair, at the clavichord, covering his face with his hands. He jumped up at the sound of her light footsteps.

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov - writer, journalist, chairman of the Russian Children's Fund, president of the International Association of Children's Funds, director of the Childhood Research Institute, academician of several academies, honorary citizen of Kirov and the Kirov region.

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov was born on September 13, 1935 in the city of Kirov. His father was a mechanic, his mother worked as a honey. laboratory assistant in the hospital, and during the war years - in the hospital. In 1953 he entered the Ural State University in Sverdlovsk at the department of journalism. In 1958, after graduating from the university, Albert Likhanov returned to Kirov, where he worked as a literary employee of the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper, and since 1961 he headed the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Plemya newspaper.

Many are offended by the truth. They are not offended by a lie. They say thank you for a lie. But they cannot forgive the truth.

Likhanov Albert Anatolievich

In Kirov in 1959 his first book "On the Noble Queen, Golden Grains and Warm Hearts" was published. In 1963, a book was published, with which the writer leads his creative countdown. "Let there be sun!" is a story about the 19th century Italian artist Elviro Andriolli. Then he leaves for Western Siberia, where for two years he works as his own correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, then he is transferred to the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

Since 1975, he has been the editor-in-chief of the Smena magazine (20 years he worked in this magazine, 13 of them as editor-in-chief). Work in the youth press enriched the writer with the necessary experience, introduced him to the problems, made him “get into the thick of things” that young people and teenagers live in our country. Having once turned to this topic, Likhanov remains faithful to it throughout his entire creative life. “My main theme and audience,” says the writer, “I consider teenagers. This emerging man requires deep reflection. It is necessary to write about him and for him.

The period of maturation of Likhanov's talent can be conditionally designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he created such significant works as the novel "Labyrinth", the stories "Pure Pebbles", "Deception", "Solar Eclipse", etc. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of the family and the school in the upbringing of the child, in shaping his character.

A. Likhanov wrote a number of wonderful works about military childhood. The military theme in the writer's work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, honor, duty, heroism, and human dignity. The works about military childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys a sense of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Journalism, enthusiasm, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov's style in all literary genres.

One of the most dramatic works about military childhood is the story "The Last Colds" (1984). This story, as well as the stories "The Beloved Aids Store" and "Children's Library" and other stories of this cycle, as well as the novel "Men's School", constitute a kind of dilogy about military childhood. Likhanov also touches on the military theme in the story "Military Echelon" and the novel "My General". In the writer's books, the author's personality is felt, it is manifested primarily in the pathos of his work, in how he relates to the moral quest of the characters, to their irrepressible desire to find themselves, to discover all the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of active writing Likhanov. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea was born of a book on modern education, Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations (1983), which has been translated into many languages. For this book, A.A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize. Janusz Korczak in 1987 Likhanov successfully combines creativity with active social work in defense of children.

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Birthday: 13.09.1935

Zodiac sign: Pig, Virgo ♍

Born September 13, 1935 in Kirov. Father, Anatoly Nikolaevich, a worker-fitter, mother, Milica Alekseevna, is a medical laboratory assistant. Paternal great-grandfather, Mikhail Ivanovich, came from hereditary nobles of the St. Petersburg province, rose to the rank of colonel of the Maloyaroslavsky regiment, retired and settled in Vyatka.

Albert (Gleb) Likhanov was born in Kirov, graduated from high school there, left for Sverdlovsk, where in 1958 he graduated from the journalism department of the Ural State University. Returning to Kirov, he works as a literary employee of the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper. In 1960, he becomes not only a witness, but also a participant in the story that formed the basis of the story "Good Intentions". Editor-in-chief of the Komsomolskaya Plemya newspaper in Kirov (1961-1964). For two years he leaves for Western Siberia, where he works as his own correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in Novosibirsk (1964-1966), which was later reflected in the story "Flood".

While still in Kirov, he tried his hand at literature, the first story "Shagreen Skin" (1962) was published in the journal "Youth". Almost simultaneously, he became a participant in the IV All-Union Conference of Young Writers in the seminar of the classic of children's literature, Lev Kassil.

Later, Albert Likhanov was invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine "Smena" - first as an executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as an editor-in-chief.

During these years literary fame came to him. One after another, "Youth" prints his stories.

The publishing house "Young Guard" publishes "Selected" in 2 volumes (1976), and then - the first collection of works in 4 volumes (1986-1987).

All the years of his literary development, A. A. Likhanov pairs with social activities - he is elected secretary of the Writers' Union of Moscow, a member of the Boards of the Unions of Writers of the USSR and the RSFSR, president of the Association of Literature and Art for Children and Youth of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (SSOD).

After Likhanov's letters to the authorities in 1985 and 1987, Decrees of the Government of the USSR on assistance to orphans were adopted. In 1987, on his initiative, the Soviet Children's Fund named after V. I. Lenin was created, which in 1992 was transformed into the International Association of Children's Funds, and in 1991 the Russian Children's Fund was established. Both of these public organizations are headed by the writer A. A. Likhanov.

In 1989, the writer was elected People's Deputy of the USSR and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He is given the opportunity, on behalf of the USSR, to express his attitude to the draft World Convention on the Rights of the Child, to speak in the Third Main Committee of the UN during the final consideration of this draft, and then to participate in the solemn session of the General Assembly of the United Nations when signing this Convention as deputy head of the Soviet delegation (head was Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR E. A. Shevardnadze).

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it entered into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in their territories.

Likhanov also established and headed the Research Institute of Childhood, created the Molodist literary club for novice authors, created the Dom publishing house, the magazines We for teenagers and Tram for kids, and later the magazines Guiding Star. School reading”, “God's world”, “Child of man”, “Foreign novel”. Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a rehabilitation children's center of the International Association of Children's Funds was established in the Moscow Region. In the Belgorod region, there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of A. A. Likhanov's Library.

His works were published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house "Young Guard" released "Favorites" in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published a collection of works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the publishing house "Terra" publishes a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the Library "Love and Remember" was published in 20 books. And in 2010, "Terra" publishes a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print.In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel "Russian Boys" in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books.In 2015, the publishing house "Knigovek" published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), the annual Likhanov public-literary and literary-pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, the Albert Likhanov Prize has been established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war years and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was erected to her. Outside of Russia, 106 books of the writer were published in 34 languages.

Corresponding member of the APS of the USSR (1990), academician of the Russian Academy of Education (2001).

Honorary citizen of the city of Kirov, honorary citizen of the Kirov region.


In 1962 he published the first story "Shagreen Skin" in "Youth", in 1963 he published a historical story "Let there be sun!". The main theme of Likhanov's work is the formation of the character of a teenager, the formation of his worldview, relationships with the adult world: the stories "Stars in September" (1967), "Warm Rain" (1968), the trilogy "Family Circumstances" (the novel "Labyrinth", 1970, stories "Clean Pebbles", 1967, "Deception", 1973), a novel for young children "My General" (1975), the novels "Golgotha", "Good Intentions", "The Supreme Measure" (1982), the book "Dramatic Pedagogy" (1983), a dilogy of novels in the stories "Russian Boys" and "Men's School", the recent stories "Nobody", "Broken Doll", "Sletki" and "paired portrait" of a tragic childhood - the story "A Boy Who Doesn't Hurt" and "The Girl Who Doesn't Care" (2009).

The first collection of works in 4 volumes was published in 1986-87 ("Young Guard"). In 2000 - in 6 volumes ("Terra", Moscow). In 2005 - Albert Likhanov's Library "Love and Remember", which included 20 non-standard books ("Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"). In 2010 - a collection of essays for children and youth in 15 volumes ("Childhood. Adolescence Youth") and collected works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as an appendix to the magazine "Spark".

The period of maturation of Likhanov's talent can be conditionally designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he creates such significant works as the novel "Labyrinth", the novels "Pure Pebbles", "Deception", "Solar Eclipse" and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of the family and the school in the upbringing of the child, in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of remarkable works about military childhood. The military theme in the writer's work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, honor, duty, heroism, and human dignity. The works about military childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys a sense of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Journalism, enthusiasm, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov's style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about military childhood is the story "The Last Colds" (1984). This story, the stories "The Beloved Aids Store" and "Children's Library", the novel "Men's School", constitute a kind of literary cycle about military childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story "Military Echelon" and in the novel "My General". In the writer's books, the author's personality is felt, it is manifested primarily in the pathos of his work, in how he relates to the moral quest of the characters, to their irresistible desire to find themselves, to discover all the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of active writing Likhanov. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea was born of a book on modern education, Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations (1983), which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987, A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize. Janusz Korczak. Likhanov successfully combines creativity with active social work in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civic position as a defender of the moral values ​​and traditions of his Fatherland, therefore he fights with the words of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund to preserve happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.


  • Confessional awards Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (2005)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000)
  • Order of Honor (2016)
  • Order of Friendship (2010) - for many years of active social work and the development of humanitarian cooperation
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1984)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (1979)
  • Order of Honor (Georgia, 1996)
  • Order of Merit, III degree (Ukraine, 2006)
  • Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 1st class (Bulgaria, 2007)
  • Order of Francysk Skaryna (Republic of Belarus, 2015)
  • Order of Friendship (Republic of South Ossetia, 2010)
  • Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia, 2015)
  • medals of the USSR, Armenia and Belarus
  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003) - for the creation of family orphanages
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2009) - for the dilogy "Russian Boys" and "Men's School"
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after N. K. Krupskaya (1980) - for the novel "My General" and the novels "Deception" and "Solar Eclipse"
  • Lenin Komsomol Prize (1976) - for books for children "Music", "Family Circumstances", "My General"
  • International Prize named after J. Korczak (1987) - for the book "Dramatic Pedagogy" (The prize was transferred by the writer to the Polish Fund of J. Korczak)
  • The international medal "Ecce Homo - Gloria Homini" ("Here is the Man - Glory to the Man"), was awarded on March 4, 2013 in Poland at the Royal Palace of Warsaw by the outstanding Polish actress Beata Tyszkiewicz and the well-known public figure Stanislav Kowalski, President of the Hurry with Help Foundation. The award has number 2, the first medal was presented to the Minister of Health of Poland, the famous doctor Zbigniew Religa, quite a while ago.
  • The Russian Ludwig Nobel Prize (2014) was awarded on March 30, 2014 at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation - the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna.


Maxim Gorky International Prizes, Janusz Korczak International Prize, V. Hugo French-Japanese Cultural Prize (1996), Cyril and Methodius Prize (Bulgaria, 2000), Sakura Prize (Japan, 2001), Oliver Prize (USA, 2005). Prizes named after Nikolai Ostrovsky (1982), named after Boris Polevoy (1984), named after Alexander Grin (2000), "Prokhorovskoye Pole" (2003), "Big Literary Prize of Russia" SPR and campaign "Diamonds of Russia" (2002) for the novel "Nobody "And the story" Broken Doll ", the prize named after D. Mamin-Sibiryak (2005), named after Vladislav Krapivin (2006), named after N. A. Ostrovsky (2007). Special Prize named after I. A. Bunin "for outstanding contribution to Russian literature for children and youth" (2008).

International Literary Prize. Fyodor Dostoyevsky (2011), Tallinn; Russian Literary Prize. A. I. Herzen (2012) for the volume of social journalism “For these little ones (Letters in defense of childhood)”, 5th edition - the writer donated the material part of the award to the Library for Children and Youth on Orlovskaya Street in Kirov to perpetuate the memory of A. And Herzen, V. Zhukovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and other remarkable people who were there. On September 27, 2013, at the Republican Drama Theater of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Albert Likhanov was awarded the Russian Literary Aksakov Prize by the Decree of the President of Bashkortostan R. Khamitov. In December 2013, he was awarded the Golden Knight award - "for an outstanding contribution to children's literature." In July 2015, the All-Russian Prize "Russian Way" named after F.I. Tyutchev was awarded.

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