Biography of Alyosha. Singer Alyosha: personal life of a star mother What is the name of Alyosha the singer

Popularity came to her when the young singer Alyosha passed the selection and then performed at Eurovision from Ukraine in 2010.

But this is not at all the beginning of the life of the blond Alena, and certainly not her whole life. Yes, the producer came up with a strange boy pseudonym Alyosha for her, but its roots stretch from the girl’s very childhood.

Music is a small life

Alena, and this is the real name of the singer, was born in Zaporozhye and in the family, besides her, two more boys were growing up. The girl, who was born in the family of a policeman and an aircraft factory worker, after two boys, was a favorite in the family. Dad, a music lover at heart, taught his daughter to music from early childhood, classical melodies constantly sounded in the house, although modern trends were not alien. Alena sang along with pleasure to Madonna, Michael Jackson and this one she liked unspeakably. When the baby grew up, the older brothers began to take her with them to their boyish companies, where they called her Leshka or shortened her name to a short Le.

Source: instagram @alyoshasinger

During her school years, Alena continued to sing, participated in all school music competitions and concerts, 5-grader Alena Kucher enrolled in the school choir, and at the age of 15 she went to the music studio of popular music "Youth", where the head of the studio Vladimir Artemyev drew attention to her. It turned out that the nimble and cheerful Alena has a voice of four octaves, and this is a rather rare and valuable phenomenon. It was there, in the Zaporozhye studio "Yunost" that the schoolgirl and aspiring singer, who already knew what she wanted to do in life, met her first producer Vadim Lisitsa.

Friendship is more than love

Alyosha was only 16 years old when, without exaggeration, a fateful acquaintance took place. Vadim Lisitsa, an adult accomplished man, 11 years older than Alena, appreciated the girl's voice and artistry and offered her help, which, of course, she could not refuse. Lisitsa actually became the sound producer of the young singer, when she graduated from school, they moved to Kyiv together. Alena entered the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts at the faculty of pop vocals, at the same time they open a recording studio, and Nastya Kamensky was one of the first to record in it.

Source: instagram @alyoshasinger

For about two years, Alyosha and Vadim Lisitsa tried to remain just friends and colleagues, but they did not succeed, as expected. The relationship lasted almost 8 years, and no one was embarrassed by either the age difference or the fact that the Fox had a wife and a child.

The talented Alena wrote songs, performed at concerts, worked in a recording studio, but she was getting older, the girl was no longer satisfied with such relationships, she wanted a family, children:

I just got older and wanted to progress in our personal relationship. He was absent. The issue of Vadik's official family status was never resolved. And I, like any woman, already wanted to have a family, children and everything that comes with it. After 5 years of marriage, I just realized that my feelings have already become different, I can't wait forever. And I told him about it.

So Alyosha spoke frankly in an interview, talking about the reasons for breaking up with Vadim Lisitsa. They both still speak only well of each other, the separation was painful, but they managed to maintain friendly and professional relations. Vadim Lisitsa and to this day the producer of the singer Alyosha

most expensive person

By the time Alyosha finally put an end to the “i” in her relationship with Lisitsa, she had already met with the young musician Taras Topol, not yet realizing that this was her destiny.

Source: instagram @alyoshasinger

In general, despite the publicity and increased interest in her personal life, Alyosha prefers to talk a little and not often about what is happening outside of work. Like her husband, Taras Topolya, frontman of the Ukrainian group Antitelya. Relations between young people developed so harmoniously and touchingly that both preferred to keep them a secret - for several years even the ubiquitous journalists did not know about this novel. The guys started talking about the wedding only when Alena saw the cherished two strips on a pregnancy test, at the same time they publicly admitted that they would soon become parents.

Alyosha(Ukrainian Alyosha); also Alyosha, real name - Elena Alexandrovna Kucher (Ukrainian Olena Oleksandrivna Kucher), after marriage - Poplars(born May 14, 1986, Zaporozhye, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian singer. Alyosha won the national selection and represented Ukraine at the international song contest Eurovision 2010 in Oslo, where she took 10th place.


Elena Kucher was born on May 14, 1986 in the city of Zaporozhye in the family of a policeman, traffic police officer Alexander Nikolaevich Kucher and Lyudmila Fedorovna Kucher, a worker at an aircraft factory, Alena has two brothers, one of them is Ruslan Kucher. Alena's father is a fisherman, so she sold fish as a child. Alena's brothers were engaged in karate and kung fu, she helped them train, they took her to their company and called her Lyoshka, more often just Le. During her school years, she sang in the choir and studied at the Yunost music studio of popular music, under the guidance of the honored worker of culture Vladimir Artemyev (his pupil, in particular, Alexander Panayotov). After school, she graduated from the faculty of pop vocals at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts.


In 2006, Alena won the international competition "Yalta-2006". Two years later, the singer won the first prize at the International Festival "Songs of the Sea" (2008) in Sevastopol. In 2009, she signed an agreement with the production center "Catapult music", where she received her stage name.

The singer conquered Ukrainian listeners with the song "Snow". In December 2009, a video clip was filmed for "Sneg".

Elena herself writes the words and music for her songs. For example, she wrote the music for the song "To be free". She is also the author of some songs by Nastya Kamensky, Natalya Mogilevskaya, the duet of Potap and Nastya Kamensky.

Eurovision scandal

Singer Alyosha with her song "To Be Free" was selected for the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 as a result of the National Vote. At the same time, Alyosha scored the same number of points with another applicant - Masha Sobko. After consulting, the jury decided in favor of Alyosha.

On March 21, 2010, a scandal broke out, the reason for which was the information that Alyosha's contest song was plagiarism. The song "To Be Free", according to the official legend, was written back in 1977 in the USA and all this time was waiting for its artist. For Eurovision, the time of writing the song is not significant. According to the rules of the competition, it is only important that the song is not performed publicly six months before the competition (that is, until October 1, 2009). However, since April 12, 2008, the song has been available for download on the German Amazon (under the name Alonya).

On March 22, 2010, it became known that the song "To Be Free" did not comply with the rules of the European Broadcasting Union. The song was withdrawn from the competition, and on March 25 Alyosha presented a new song, with which she went to the competition: "Sweet People".

"Sweet People" is a song-appeal to people with a call to protect our planet. From other pop ballads about love, the song is distinguished by a more emotional and meaningful content. “I am convinced that the fact that the song was created in record time did not affect its quality in any way. My song is radically different in style from the songs of other countries participating in Eurovision 2010,” said Alyosha.

The English text of the song "Sweet People" was written by the singer herself, and in addition to Alyosha, her producer Vadim Lisitsa and the famous sound producer Boris Kukoba were involved in the creation of music (together they worked at the "Star Factory 2", they write songs for famous Ukrainian performers, in in particular Natalia Mogilevskaya).

On May 27, the singer reached the final of the Eurovision Song Contest, becoming one of ten performers who won the second semi-final. In the final of the song contest, May 29, 2010, Alyosha performed seventeenth. She placed 10th in the final with 108 points.

Personal life

  • Former de facto husband until 2011, her producer Vadim Vadimovich Lisitsa (born August 2, 1975) (who also comes from Zaporozhye and is also a student of the Yunost popular music studio under the direction of Vladimir Artemyev).

Singer Alyosha

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
Zaporozhye, Ukrainian SSR


The weight:
51 kg

166 cm

Biography of the singer Alyosha

Singer Alyosha (or rather Alyosha) is one of the brightest stars on the modern Ukrainian stage. She is talented, beautiful and incredibly artistic. That is why the popularity of this extraordinary performer did not come as a surprise to most of the recognized masters of the Kyiv pop scene.

She was predicted to be a huge success for a long time, and today this starry beauty simply began to justify the advances given to her. Today Alyosha is at the pinnacle of success. Therefore, in the framework of our today's article, we decided to talk about it. What was her path to the current heights? And what interesting facts does her biography hide? Read on for more on this and much more.

Early years, childhood and the family of Elena Kucher

Elena Kucher (namely, this is how Alyosha's real name sounds) was born on May 14, 1986 in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. Her father worked as a policeman, and her mother was the most ordinary employee at an aircraft factory. In addition, our today's heroine also has two older brothers. As the artist herself notes, it was they who came up with such an extraordinary pseudonym for their younger sister - Alyosha.

Alyosha is a popular Ukrainian singer

It is worth noting that the girl began to earn her own bread from a very early age. Elena's father was a fisherman, and therefore for a long time the family of the future singer had its own point in the market. It was there that Alyosha began her career. All day long she was engaged in the sale of fish, and in the evenings she also managed to keep up with the rehearsal of the school choir, in which she sang from an early age.

In addition, at some point, our today's heroine also began to study music at the Yunost music studio, where her mentor was the famous teacher Vladimir Artemyev. It was during these years that an irrepressible craving for art appeared in the soul of the young singer. Elena Kucher could not imagine her life without music, and therefore, immediately after graduation, the young artist went to Kyiv, where she began to study at the pop vocal department of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Star Trek singer Alyosha

Alyosha began her professional musical career with a performance at the Yalta-2006 international festival. As part of this competition, the singer took first place, which was her first serious success. Two years later, already as a fairly well-known singer, Elena appeared at the Songs of the Sea competition (Sevastopol). This performance turned out to be a triumph for the artist. Alyosha won the first prize, which, in turn, provided our today's heroine with a prestigious contract with the Catapult music music company. It is noteworthy that it was after this that Elena Kucher began to appear on stage for the first time under the pseudonym Alyosha.

New song by singer ALyosha (Alyosha) - Sweet People - Eurovision 2010

In 2009, her debut single "Sneg" sounded on all channels of Ukrainian radio, which brought the singer her first popularity. In December of the same year, a video was filmed for this song, which was later ratified by Ukrainian music TV channels for a long time.

Singer Alena at Eurovision

Having made a name for herself in the musical world of Ukraine, our today's heroine began to work on writing new songs. During this period, Alyosha wrote the song "To be free" (which would later provide her with a ticket to the Eurovision Song Contest), and also authored a number of songs for other Ukrainian stars - Nastya Kamensky, Natalia Mogilevskaya, Potap and some others.

The year 2010 became a landmark and defining in the career of the singer. During this period, our today's heroine was among the participants in the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. On this project, Alyosha presented the previously written song "To be free", which ultimately brought her victory.

However, at that moment, a serious scandal erupted around the singer's competitive composition. The thing is that at the competitive selection, the girl scored the same number of points with another artist - Masha Sobko. Thus, Alyosha received the coveted ticket only in accordance with the additional decision of the judges.

ALyosha - (Singer Alyosha) - Snow

But that was only the beginning. Immediately after the announcement of the winner, accusations of plagiarism rained down on the artist. As it turned out, the first chords of the song almost completely coincided with the melody of the song "Knock Me Out" by Linda Perry. In addition, the composition itself has been available for download on the Amazone website for about a year. These facts served as the basis for the removal of the competitive composition. For a long time, rumors were discussed in the Ukrainian press that Masha Sobko would become the representative of Ukraine at the contest in Oslo, but in the end, the panel of judges nevertheless handed Alyosha the coveted ticket to Eurovision.

At the competition, the girl presented a new composition "Sweet People", written in collaboration with the famous Kyiv producer Boris Kukoba. The song was recorded in just a few weeks, and therefore the preparation for the performance took place in an emergency. However, despite all the difficulties, Alyosha still made it to the final, where she subsequently scored 108 points, which in turn ensured the singer's tenth place in the competition. The Ukrainian singer received the highest scores (10 each) from Belarus and Azerbaijan.

Singer Alyosha today

After participating in Eurovision, the singer began to actively work on her solo album. In the second half of 2010, the cherished disc was presented to the public. The disc was called "A World Outside Your Door" and immediately became popular in Ukraine and other CIS countries.

Singer Alyosha gave birth to a son

In recent years, the singer Alyosha has been actively touring the cities of Ukraine. She performed at the bottom of the city in Zaporozhye, and also became a participant in a big concert in honor of the liberation of the Vasilyevsky district of Kyiv from the Nazi invaders. In addition, in 2013, Alyosha presented to the public a new video "You are my everything." It is not yet known when the singer's new album will appear.

Alyosha's personal life

Until 2011, for several years, the singer lived with her producer Vadim Lisitsa, whom she began dating in her youth. Their romance lasted several years, but the relationship eventually fell apart.

In the summer of 2013, the popular Ukrainian performer married another Ukrainian singer Taras Topolya. Shortly before this, in April 2013, the couple had a son, Roman.

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Alyosha, aka Alena Kucher, is a famous singer with an amazingly lively voice. He is the author of his own songs and writes lyrics for other artists. Alyosha fills his songs with deep meaning.

Alyosha's biography began in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. Alena Kucher became the third child in the family. The girl's father worked as a traffic police officer, and her mother worked at an aircraft factory. The future star grew up in the company of older brothers: she played tanks with them, dismantled cars. Then they called her none other than Lyoshka, Le or Lelka.

The singer owes her carefree childhood to her parents. The brothers did not let them get bored, who willingly accepted their sister into their company, involved them in games and activities. She listened to their favorite music with them, trained, practiced taekwondo and karate.

At the age of 11, Alyosha wrote the first verse about fallen autumn leaves and immediately presented it to her mother. She laughed, to which the girl was offended and burst into tears. Later, she realized that the lines actually turned out to be funny. Over time, Alena's work ceased to cause laughter. The poems turned out to be deep and filled with high meaning, which caused surprise and admiration among loved ones. Alyosha often hid a notebook with verses under a book when she was doing her homework in her room, in case her mother suddenly appeared.

Perhaps Alyosha's vocal abilities would have remained in the shadows, if not for the school choir, where the girl managed to open up. Music captivated Alena after the first lessons, and she realized that it was forever. Alyosha played older brothers' cassettes and listened to Mariah Karrey, "Queen", Christina Aguilera, "Scorpions" and others, then tried to repeat what she heard.

Alyosha's biggest childhood dream was the piano. The parents did not take the insane desire to master a musical instrument seriously, and believed that soon their daughter would find a new hobby for herself. However, time passed, and the child continued to study music and dream of a piano. Then the father did not dare to buy a grand piano, but presented a gift in the form of a compact synthesizer. At first, Alyosha mastered musical notation on her own. Knowledge scooped from the found old book.

Musical passion continued in the studio "Youth" at the house of culture "Dneprospetsstal". Vocal and piano lessons were taught by Vladimir Artemiev, head of the studio. Later, the singer will record debut songs here. The very cellar where Alena Kucher worked out for 8-9 hours a day remained a favorite place in Zaporozhye. It was there that she honed her voice skills and met with her producer.

Every day, on the way to the studio, Alyosha passed the city center and the square, where large concerts were held, gathering thousands of people. The girl dreamed of one day going out and conquering this stage. The dream came true, and even more: soon the songs of Alyosha will sound far beyond the chapels of their native city and even the country.

Alyosha: career

When the girl graduated from school, Oksana Bilozir, the dean of KNUKIM and part-time pop star, came to the city. Vadim Lisitsa, the first producer of Alena Kucher, handed over a disc with the songs of the ward to a famous person, and as a result, the girl was invited to enter the capital's university.

The producer quickly established contacts in the musical environment, and soon the couple ran a recording studio in the very heart of Kyiv - in the theater of the Mariinsky Park. The first time after the move, young people lived in the studio. Difficult times without money and permanent housing have passed almost imperceptibly in round-the-clock creativity.

For the first time, Alyosha's songs were marked by a large-scale success at the Yalta-2006 international song festival, where she won first place. Two years later, Alyosha conquered the Ukrainian listener with the song « Snow » , with which she won the "Songs of the Sea" in 2008.

The professionalism of the producer and the talent of the singer soon bore fruit. The creative tandem composed and recorded songs for famous people of the big stage in Ukraine and Russia. In addition, the couple headed the sound production of popular television projects. Young people signed a contract with "Catapult music", after which they presented several clips to the public: "Snow" and " You will go away". Then few people knew Alyosha with their own eyes, however, many recognized her magnificent timbre from the first words of the sounding composition.

Alyosha: "Eurovision-2010"

The idea to try your luck at the loudest international song contest came suddenly. When filling out the application, it was necessary to indicate a pseudonym. I didn't have to think long. Thus was born the stage name of the performer "Alyosha", extraordinary and associated with childhood.

Selection passed with a song "To be free" and the jury's decision was unanimous. In addition, hundreds of sms messages rained down in support of the performer. Neither Alena nor Vladimir expected such success. This is how the great popularity of the Ukrainian singer Alyosha was born.

The first success was marked by a loud and large-scale scandal. The press immediately bombarded the rising star with accusations of plagiarism and violation of the rules of the competition. The newspapers were filled with photos of Alyosha and cynical headlines. Some wrote that the song was plagiarism, others that the single was publicly exposed before the period stipulated by the rules.

The threat of failing the competition even before it began hung like a black cloud. The only way out of this situation was to change the repertoire a few days before the presentation to an audience of millions. The team gathered in the studio and decided not to abandon socially significant topics - the new song was supposed to carry the same deep meaning. A new single was born in a couple of hours in the studio Sweet people. The video for the song was filmed in the coming days in Chernobyl, Pripyat.

May 27, 2010 Alyosha made it to the final of the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Norway. In the final, the singer scored 108 points and took 10th place. Upon returning home, European journalists wrote about Alyosha as a singer who managed to reach the hearts of millions of viewers. Alyosha's career literally boiled over. Journalists were waiting for the next sensations, and fans - songs and videos.

Alyosha and Vadim began to prepare the recording of an American-format album together with Peter Chekalyuk. In the same year, a limited album with 10 English-language tracks was released in the USA. In Ukraine, a video for the song started in parallel "And I came home". The composition quickly supplemented the positions of karaoke clubs and sounded in many institutions. At the end of a fruitful year, Alyosha was awarded the Crystal Microphone as the Singer of the Year.

Alyosha: songs

Alyosha's discography in 2011 was replenished with a song written by Vlad Darwin. Composition "You are the best" performed by Alyosha and Vlad Darvina refreshed the horizon of Ukrainian music. The duet was fixed in the first positions of the charts for 25 weeks, and the number of views of the video on Youtube exceeded two million.

In 2012, Alyosha's songs were born one after another. The most hit steel "Pheromones of Love" and "A point on the map". Solo concert took place on June 13 "Live" accompanied by live music and a ballet performance at Freedom. In 2013, Alyosha and Vlad Darwin received the YUNA award in the Duo of the Year nomination for the song "Meaning of life". In 2014, the song is broadcast on the air "Unarmed".

Alyosha: personal life

In 2013, the singer did not appear at the YUNA awards. The girl could not take the cherished statuette from the stage, as she was in a position: soon a child was to be born, whose father she carefully concealed to the last. The pregnancy of the star became known when she was already 6 months pregnant and starred in a photo shoot for the cover of the magazine "Relax".

As it became known later, the leader of the musical group "Antibody" became the father of the child and the beloved man of Alyosha - Taras Poplar. On April 3, Alyosha's personal life was marked by a happy event - she gave birth to a son, Roman. And in June, Alyosha and Taras Topolya played a wedding, where only close relatives were invited.

Olena Olexandrivna Topolya basic information Name at birth Elena Aleksandrovna Kucher Full name Elena Aleksandrovna Topolya Date of Birth May 14(1986-05-14 ) (32 years) Place of Birth Zaporozhye, Ukrainian SSR, USSR Country Ukraine Ukraine Professions Tools vocals [d] Genres pop, R&B, chanson Labels FOXXSTUDIOS Audio, photo, video at Wikimedia Commons


Alena Kucher was born on May 14, 1986 in the city of Zaporozhye in the family of a policeman, traffic police officer Alexander Nikolaevich Kucher and Lyudmila Fedorovna Kucher, a worker at an aircraft factory, Alena has two brothers, one of them is Ruslan Kucher. Alena's father is a fisherman and therefore she sold fish as a child. Alena's brothers were engaged in karate and kung fu, she helped them train, they took her to their company and called her Lyoshka, more often just Le. During her school years, she sang in the choir and studied at the Yunost music studio of popular music, under the guidance of the honored worker of culture Vladimir Artemyev (his pupil, in particular, Alexander Panayotov). After school, she graduated from the faculty of pop vocals at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts.


The singer conquered Ukrainian listeners with the song "Snow". In December 2009, a video clip was filmed for "Sneg".

Elena herself writes the words and music for her songs. For example, she wrote the music for the song "To be free". She is also the author of some songs by Nastya Kamensky, Natalya Mogilevskaya, duet Potap and Nastya Kamensky.

Eurovision scandal

Singer Alyosha with her song "To Be Free" was selected for the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 as a result of the National Vote. At the same time, Alyosha scored the same number of points with another applicant - Masha Sobko. After consulting, the jury decided in favor of Alyosha.

"Sweet People"- this song is an appeal to people with a call to protect our planet. From other pop ballads about love, the song is distinguished by a more emotional and meaningful content. “I am convinced that the fact that the song was created in record time did not affect its quality in any way. My song is radically different in style from the songs of other countries participating in Eurovision 2010,” said Alyosha.

English lyrics "Sweet People" written by the singer herself, and in addition to Alyosha, her producer Vadim Lisitsa and the famous sound producer Boris Kukoba were involved in creating music (together they worked at Star Factory 2, they write songs for famous Ukrainian performers, in particular Natalya Mogilevskaya).

On May 27, the singer reached the final of the Eurovision Song Contest, becoming one of ten performers who won the second semi-final. In the final of the song contest, May 29, 2010, Alyosha performed seventeenth. She placed 10th in the final with 108 points.

Personal life


2017 - "Little Secret"


  • 2016 - the song "Running" became the soundtrack to the romantic comedy "Wives on the Warpath"
  • 2017 - the song "Drops" became the soundtrack to the series "Paradise Place"


Year Clip Producer Album
"Snow" Victor Skuratovsky "Point on the Map, Part 1"
"You will go away"
"Sweet People" no album
"And I came home" Alexander Syutkin "Point on the Map, Part 1"
"Ti - Naikrascha" / "The Meaning of Life"
(feat. Vlad Darwin)
Alexander Filatovich "Point on the Map, Part 2"
"More than love"
(feat. Vlad Darwin)
Alexander Obraz
"Pheromones of Love" Alexander Filatovich
"A point on the map"
"You are my Everything"
"Unarmed" Oleg Borshchevsky
"My heart" Gleb Sushchev
"Little secret" Elena Topolya (Alyosha) "Little secret"
"Drops" Alexander Filatovich
2017 Kalina

"In the background of Paris" / "In the background of Paris"

Alexander Filatovich

Inna Grabar

2018 "Tequila" Inna Grabar TBA



Prizes "Favorites of Success - 2010", victory in the nomination "Singer of the Year".


Golden Gramophone Award (Ukraine) for the song "You are the meaning of life" (duet with Vlad Darwin)

Award "Golden Gramophone" (Ukraine) for the song "And I Came Home"

Award "YUNA" victory in the nomination "Duet of the Year" (With Vlad Darwin)

"Crystal Microphone Award" victory in the nomination "Song of the Year" for the song "Sweet People"

"Crystal Microphone" award, victory in the "Radio hit of the year" nomination for the song "You are the meaning of life" (duet with Vlad Darwin)

year 2013

Song of the Year Award (Ukraine) for the song Point on the Map

year 2014

Award "Song of the Year" (Ukraine) for the song "Unarmed"


Viva! The most beautiful” victory in the nomination “Mom of the Year”.

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