Associative and creative connection between the parts. What is a subordinating relationship in a complex form of sentences

Unionless and allied connection

between parts of a complex sentence

Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Lyceum No. 1" r.p. Chamzinka of the Republic of Mordovia

  • continue preparation for the OGE in the Russian language in the 9th grade;
  • to systematize knowledge about the non-union and allied (composing and subordinating) connection between the parts of a complex sentence;
  • develop the skill of performing a task of this type

Assignment on this topic

KIMs formulate

in the following way:

Among the sentences ... find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating (subordinating) connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

To complete this task,

try to compose

action algorithm

Execution algorithm

given task

Determine the number of grammatical bases in a sentence

One grammar

Two or more

grammar basics






Execution algorithm


Find an offer that

more than two grammatical bases

Set the type of connection between simple sentences

in a complex

writing type of connection:



independent, connected

unions AND, YES (= AND), BUT,



subordination: from

the main clause of the subordinate clause, you can ask a question; conjunctions and allied words: WHAT,


non-union connection: parts of a complex sentence are connected without unions, according to the meaning

Associative compound sentence

, .

(listing facts)

; .

(listing of facts, suggestions are common, complicated)

Birds sing merrily and carelessly , butterflies flutter.

Hazel bushes grew along the banks of the stream ; bathing suit flowers bowed their yellow heads to the water.

: [ reason ].


Pavel did not like autumn : she made him suffer.

: [ explanation ].


After a while we hear : lapwings scream at the top of their lungs.

: [ addition ]

(and saw and heard and felt)

[ → ] - [ ← ].


Chin followed him he suddenly left the service.

I looked up : above me the cloudless sky shone joyfully.

: [ addition ].

(like what)

[time, condition] - .

(when if)

- [ output (so) ].

Suddenly Paul felt : someone's fingers touch his arm.

Morning will come let's get on the road.

Called himself a loader get in the body.

The smoky sun rises it will be a hot day.

Cheese fell out with him was a cheat.

Compound sentence

, writing union.

[ Two or three large drops of rain fell ] , and [ suddenly flashed lightning ] .

[ Only willow gi shout ] , Yes [ cuckoos vied with each other counting unlived years for someone ] .

That [ the sun shines dimly ] , then [ black cloud hangs ] .

Not that [ it was getting light , not that [ it was getting dark ] .

Coordinating conjunctions



And, yes (and), also, also; no no; like...and


Ah, but, yes (but), but, however, the same, etc.

Or, either, then..., then..., not that..., not that...

Complex sentence

, ( subordinating union ...).

( subordinating union...) , .

[… , ( subordinating conjunction...) , … ] .

[ I'm back in the city ] , (where passed my childhood).

(If a open a window) , [ the room will be filled with the scent of summer flowers ].

[ Father, ( when returned from fishing , boasted of an unprecedented catch ] .

Types of subordinate clauses .



Which? Whose?

allied words


Questions of indirect cases

What, how, to, as if, as if.

Which, which, which, whose, who, what, where

Pointer words

Meaningful questions

That, such, such, any, any

Who, what, whose, how, why, why, where, when, where, how much.

I live in a house that is on the edge of the village [..n.], (which).

[He knew] (that the basis of everything is morality).

Adverbial clauses

Where? Where? Where?

[Never go back] where you were happy. […where…).

When? How long? Since when? How long?


How? How much?

Mode of action and degree

(When I opened the window), [the room was filled with the scent of flowers]. (When…), .

How? How? To what extent? To what extent?

[Gerasim grew up dumb and mighty], (like a tree grows on fertile soil). , (how …).

What for? For what purpose? For what?

[Uncle sang like this], (as the common people sing).

, (how …).

Under what condition

[Every business must be loved], (to do it well). , (to …).

Why? From what?

For what reason?

[I will buy a new phone], (if there is money).

, (if …).


[I didn't come to school], (because I got sick).

, (because …).

What follows from this

Despite what? Against all odds?

[The weather was cold, windy] (so the snow drifts were high). , (so).

[We went for a walk] (although it was raining).

Operating Instructions

with training simulator

  • Each task has multiple answers. You must choose the correct one.

2. If you have chosen the correct answer, then a plus sign (correct) appears when you click the mouse.

3. If you have chosen the wrong answer, then a minus sign (incorrect) appears when you click the mouse.

4. The transition to the next task is carried out by clicking the mouse.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Rain flooded the forest; on the edge, where Gorbunov was, boiling lakes formed. The branches of the trees trembled under the weight of the water falling on them. In the darkened, skewed air, the German fortifications could not be seen. But the mounted shelling of the enemy did not subside. Bluish, ghostly pillars of explosions tossed about in the dark depths of the downpour; flashes of fire ran across the field.

Test your knowledge

The guys climbed the whole island in search of unmelted snow. Seryozha managed to find in the crevices between the rocks the remains of last year's snow, compressed like ice. Secretly from Petrovich, Seryozha was lowered, on a rope, he chopped snow with an ax and sent it upstairs in a bucket. Climbing the rocks was dangerous. Petrovich categorically forbade doing this, but the guys furtively brought buckets of last year's snow to Ilyinichna. She kept grumbling, threatening to complain to the foreman, but she did not refuse the snow: she had to cook dinner.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–3, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

These remarks were enough for the hectic, sparkling thought of escaping from the lesson to flash like lightning. (7) Our class was considered exemplary, eight excellent students studied in it, and there was something funny and piquant in the fact that it was we, respectable, exemplary children, who would amaze all teachers with a strange, unusual trick, decorating the dull monotony of school everyday life with a bright flash of sensation. My heart was pounding with delight and anxiety, and although no one knew what our adventure would lead to, there was no turning back. .

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1-5, find complex non-union sentences. Write the numbers of these proposals.

Before the war, I had never had to return home after a long separation. But it didn't take long to leave. The very first time I left home for a pioneer camp, the second time I left for the front. But even those who before the war returned home after a long separation did not then experience what we are experiencing now. They returned bored - we return alive ...

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Grandmother sat all day on a mound under a split cherry tree. The cherry has already dried up one trunk, the one that hugged and kept the house. Grandmother was waiting for her grandson and slowly, imperceptibly fell into a doze. (4) And she no longer heard the rustle of leaves above her head, nor the chime of birds - the world went out and moved away from her with all its fuss. Only the roar of war could still be heard by her, and she trembled from this roar. And she thought: from under the roots of this clubfoot cherry, which she once planted for some reason, he comes, from the very inside of the earth.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

On the bridge were Captain Zamyatin, the head of the expedition and several people from the team. With tense, concentrated faces, they looked at the sea and the sky. Everyone understood that ships were now passing through a particularly dangerous section of the Barents Sea: at any moment a submarine periscope could emerge from the depths, and a fascist plane could appear in the sky. This composure of the sailors was passed on to the guys: they became more restrained. Dozens of eyes followed the surface of the restless sea, the gray, fast-moving clouds.

Test your knowledge

The body of the murre is valky, the legs are moved far back, and the fingers are connected by swimming membranes. On the ground, it moves slowly and clumsily, it can only take off from a cliff and from the water. (3) She swims well, and can dive to a depth of ten meters, moves under water with the help of wings. Guillemot weighs up to two kilograms, its meat is edible. She lays the only egg directly on the rocks, it has such a shape that it does not roll off the rocks. A murre egg is equal in weight to two chicken eggs and is not inferior to them in nutritional value. Local industrialists also collect murre eggs to lure arctic foxes.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

The days are already unusually warm. The spring air is chilly. The taiga is majestic and calm, but this is only apparent calmness: inside every tree, every bush, a lot of work is going on. Day and night, with all their lobes, the roots absorb moisture from the earth, which is abundantly watered by recently melted snow. The snow-white lambs on the willows have already fluffed up, the earrings on the alder have turned yellow, although the roots are still under the snow. There is no greenery or flowers on the tiny lawns yet, but even here tireless activity is going on.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Thirty years have passed since then, but I still remember the incident with the book when I accidentally destroyed the huge house of human faith. I hurt another and did not find the courage to correct the mistake. (25) And our life went on a different road, where everyone is hurt and lonely, where there are no those who can lift the fallen. Pain has become my inseparable companion. (….. She looks at me with the eyes of a lanky eighth grader and patiently reminds me: human life is short, so never regret what you can give, never take away what is asked of you.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1-6, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer.

The girl called the dog to her:

Cutie, come to me! Well, good, well, honey, go! Do you want sugar? Well, go!

But Kusaka did not go: she was afraid.

The old man smoothed out his long beard.

I want to help you. There is such a magic word. I will tell you this word. But remember: you need to speak it in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. The old man leaned close to the boy's ear and whispered something.

Test your knowledge

He sat in front of me so chocolate, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other big white - from a sewn-on button from a pillowcase. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me with his different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he was already giving up in advance. And I suddenly remembered how long ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute. I dragged him everywhere with me, and sat him at the table next to me to dine, and put him to bed, and rocked him like a little brother. I loved him then, I loved him with all my heart, I would have given my life for him then.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1-10, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer.

- Wow! Mishka said. - Where did you get it? Will you give it to me home?

- No, I won't give it: it's a gift.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. It got even darker outside, and mom everything didn't work. Mishka says:

- You won’t give it, then, a dump truck?

He handed me a box of matches. I took it, opened it and at first saw nothing, and then I saw a small light green light, as if I was now holding a tiny star in my hands.

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

- He did not want something, but they threatened, frightened him. (47.. Tanya! Look into the box!

“No,” Tanya said quietly. “The funeral is in place, photographs, but no letters.

Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes, listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son's voice no longer sounded in her. He died, died, died a second time, and now is already dead forever. The letters, taking advantage of her blindness, were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she was blind and deaf, but also her soul ...

Test your knowledge

Among sentences 1–5, find complex sentences with non-union and allied coordinating and subordinating links between the parts. Write the numbers of these proposals.

The crab was terribly large and flat, and, looking closely, you could see bumps and spines, some kind of seams, jagged combs on it. If you dry it, you will probably get a wonderful souvenir! (4... The crab sat under the bed for a week. He sat in the same place, near the foot of the bed, and when someone leaned over him, he put forward a jagged claw with formidable impotence. (6...) On the third day, about foam appeared on his whiskers, but when Zybin touched him, the crab painfully, until blood, pinched his finger.

on the lesson


Knowledge is strong:

can work with the test



There were many mistakes:

need to repeat the rule



for work!

  • Ivanova Yu.S. Russian language: help in preparing for the practical exam. – M.: Trigon, 2013.
  • Makarova B.A. Absolute spelling literacy in 30 days. – M.: AST Astrel, 2014.

3. Novikova L.I. Handbook for preparing students for centralized testing. – M.: Exam, 2014.

4. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements:

Material used

How to find a complex sentence with non-union and allied subordination?

  2. uh shit

  3. For example:

    for example:

  4. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases. For example:
    The teacher is ill, there will be no lesson.
    The teacher is the subject, I fell ill and will not be the predicate.
    The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the gram. basis is represented by only one member-predicate).
    A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, to, when, etc.)
    The main sign of the sl sub. suggestion:
    - from one suggestion you can ask someone else a question. therefore, the one from which the question will be asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher is ill, so there will be no lesson.
    in contrast to the complex suggestion in complex compositions, both parts are equal. it is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. as well as in the unionless. only in unionless there are no unions between simple sentences. but in compound sentences. that are part of the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
    for example:
    The teacher is ill and there is no lesson.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, there will be no lesson - an all-union proposal. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, and there will be no lesson - complex. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. Why is there no lesson? the teacher is sick.
  5. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases. For example:
    The teacher is ill, there will be no lesson.
    The teacher is the subject, I fell ill and will not be the predicate.
    The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the gram. basis is represented by only one member-predicate).
    A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, to, when, etc.)
    The main sign of the sl sub. suggestion:
    - from one suggestion you can ask someone else a question. therefore, the one from which the question will be asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher is ill, so there will be no lesson.
    in contrast to the complex suggestion in complex compositions, both parts are equal. it is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. as well as in the unionless. only in unionless there are no unions between simple sentences. but in compound sentences. that are part of the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
    for example:
    The teacher is ill and there is no lesson.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, there will be no lesson - an all-union proposal. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, and there will be no lesson - complex. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. Why is there no lesson? the teacher is sick.
  6. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases. For example:
    The teacher is ill, there will be no lesson.
    The teacher is the subject, I fell ill and will not be the predicate.
    The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the gram. basis is represented by only one member-predicate).
    A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, to, when, etc.)
    The main sign of the sl sub. suggestion:
    - from one suggestion you can ask someone else a question. therefore, the one from which the question will be asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher is ill, so there will be no lesson.
    in contrast to the complex suggestion in complex compositions, both parts are equal. it is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. as well as in the unionless. only in unionless there are no unions between simple sentences. but in compound sentences. that are part of the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
    for example:
    The teacher is ill and there is no lesson.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, there will be no lesson - an all-union proposal. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, and there will be no lesson - complex. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. Why is there no lesson? the teacher is sick.
  7. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases. For example:
    The teacher is ill, there will be no lesson.
    The teacher is the subject, I fell ill and will not be the predicate.
    The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the gram. basis is represented by only one member-predicate).
    A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, to, when, etc.)
    The main sign of the sl sub. suggestion:
    - from one suggestion you can ask someone else a question. therefore, the one from which the question will be asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher is ill, so there will be no lesson.
    in contrast to the complex suggestion in complex compositions, both parts are equal. it is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. as well as in the unionless. only in unionless there are no unions between simple sentences. but in compound sentences. that are part of the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
    for example:
    The teacher is ill and there is no lesson.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, there will be no lesson - an all-union proposal. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, and there will be no lesson - complex. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. Why is there no lesson? the teacher is sick.
  8. why is it the same?
  9. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases. For example:
    The teacher is ill, there will be no lesson.
    The teacher is the subject, I fell ill and will not be the predicate.
    The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the gram. basis is represented by only one member-predicate).
    A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, to, when, etc.)
    The main sign of the sl sub. suggestion:
    - from one suggestion you can ask someone else a question. therefore, the one from which the question will be asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher is ill, so there will be no lesson.
    in contrast to the complex suggestion in complex compositions, both parts are equal. it is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. as well as in the unionless. only in unionless there are no unions between simple sentences. but in compound sentences. that are part of the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
    for example:
    The teacher is ill and there is no lesson.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, there will be no lesson - an all-union proposal. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, and there will be no lesson - complex. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. Why is there no lesson? the teacher is sick.
  10. pi(d)ryla
  11. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases. For example:
    The teacher is ill, there will be no lesson.
    The teacher is the subject, I fell ill and will not be the predicate.
    The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the gram. basis is represented by only one member-predicate).
    A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, to, when, etc.)
    The main sign of the sl sub. suggestion:
    - from one suggestion you can ask someone else a question. therefore, the one from which the question will be asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher is ill, so there will be no lesson.
    in contrast to the complex suggestion in complex compositions, both parts are equal. it is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. as well as in the unionless. only in unionless there are no unions between simple sentences. but in compound sentences. that are part of the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
    for example:
    The teacher is ill and there is no lesson.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, there will be no lesson - an all-union proposal. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, and there will be no lesson - complex. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. Why is there no lesson? the teacher is sick.
  12. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases.
  13. non-union sentences are not connected by a union if there are several grammatical bases. For example:
    The teacher is ill, there will be no lesson.
    The teacher is the subject, I fell ill and will not be the predicate.
    The first sentence is two-part (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second is one-part (the gram. basis is represented by only one member-predicate).
    A complex sentence also consists of several simple ones, but they are interconnected by subordinating conjunctions (what, to, when, etc.)
    The main sign of the sl sub. suggestion:
    - from one suggestion you can ask someone else a question. therefore, the one from which the question will be asked will be the main one (as in a phrase, one word is the main one), and the other is dependent or subordinate (as in a phrase, the second word is dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher is ill, so there will be no lesson.
    in contrast to the complex suggestion in complex compositions, both parts are equal. it is difficult to ask a question from one sentence to another. as well as in the unionless. only in unionless there are no unions between simple sentences. but in compound sentences. that are part of the complex are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
    for example:
    The teacher is ill and there is no lesson.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, there will be no lesson - an all-union proposal. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, and there will be no lesson - complex. question cannot be asked.
    the teacher fell ill, so there will be no lesson - complex. Can I ask you a question. Why is there no lesson? the teacher is sick.
  14. plus 2 points
  15. More ofigeli!
  16. And you are not ashamed? a person really does not understand, but you ....
Please))))) 1) Replace the bookish word reverent in the sentence with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write it as a synonym. Ian looked

upon him with awe.

2) In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating relationship. To shoot him now, (1) when he was resting, (2) unaware of the danger, (3) it would be a crime ... But Yang has longed for this meeting for a long time, (4) he must shoot!

3) Among sentences 1-4, find a complex sentence with heterogeneous (parallel) and sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

1) The hunting season was already drawing to a close when Jan, one windy frosty morning, met a woodcutter he knew. 2) The woodcutter told him that he saw a giant deer in the forest, which had a whole forest of horns on its head. 3) Jan realized that this was exactly the deer that he had been tracking for a long time, and quickly went in the direction that the woodcutter indicated to him. 4) Soon he attacked tracks that undoubtedly belonged to the deer of the Sand Hills.

4) Among sentences 26-31, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

26) Poor, beautiful animal! 27) We were enemies for a long time: I was the persecutor, you are the victim, but now everything has changed. 28) I have pursued you for many days, and now you can stand before me without fear. 29) Never my hand will not rise to kill you.30) Go, wander without fear through the wooded hills: I will never pursue you again.

5) How do you understand the meaning of the word humanity? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic: What is humanity, taking as a thesis the definition you gave. Argument your thesis, give an example from your life experience.


Among sentences 1-9, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Our mathematics teacher's name was Kharlampy Diogenovich.
(2) His main weapon is to make a person funny.
(3) A student who deviates from the rules of the school is not lazy. not a lazybones, not a hooligan, but just a funny person.
(4) It must be said that Kharlampy Diogenovich did not give anyone privileges: anyone could turn out to be funny.
(5) Of course, I also did not escape the common fate.
(6) I didn't solve my homework problem that day.
(7) In general, the task was somehow confusing, and my solution did not agree with the answer in any way.
(8) The lesson began, and Kharlampy Diogenovich began to look around the class, choosing a victim. - I held my breath.
(9) At that moment, the door suddenly opened and a doctor and a nurse appeared.
Just let's be serious. it is very important.

Help please! From these simple sentences, make complex sentences using the appropriate

in terms of subordinating conjunctions: after, as soon as, barely, before, before, before. Put a comma between parts of a compound sentence.

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Slides captions:

GIA. Section “Grammar. Syntax". Complex sentences with different types of communication Tkachenko Elena Ivanovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU "Secondary School No. 58", Arzamas

Types of connection in a complex sentence allied non-union coordinating subordinative

A coordinative connection is found between parts of a compound sentence. Coordinating conjunctions: However, but, nevertheless, but, yes (= a, = and), or, and, too, the same, the same, then ... then, either ... or, neither .. . nor. Subordination is found in complex sentences. Subordinating conjunctions are divided into simple and compound. Simple: What, so that, how, when, barely, if, while, although, once, whether, as if, as if, exactly, only, only, as if, as soon as, only, for, so that, if, for now, if only , when. Composite: Because, because, so, due to the fact that, due to the fact that; In order to, in order to; As, since; At the time when, since when.

1) I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, and 2) axes were banging outside the window, 3) because woodcutters arrived in the village. (parts 1 and 2 - allied coordinating connection, coordinating union a; parts 2 and 3 allied subordinating connection, subordinating union because) 1) He thought: 2) winter will end soon, but 3) his teeth were chattering from the cold. (parts 1 and 2 - unionless, 2 and 3 - union writing)

1) The snow was melting, 2) the birds were returning home, and 3) the cold was gradually moving away from the heart. (1 and 2 - union-free connection, 2 and 3 - allied coordinating) 1) So leave unnecessary disputes - 2) I have already proved everything to myself; 3) Only mountains can be better than mountains, 4) Which have not yet been. (1 and 2 - unionless, 2 and 3 - unionless, 3 and 4 - allied subordinating)

Among sentences 32–37, find a complex sentence with an allied coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (32) At a big break, the director and I, in an empty classroom, began to make our way to Golubkin's conscience. (33) It was then, in the midst of our conversation, that Vanya Belov appeared and said: - (34) I came to hand myself over to justice! (35) I didn’t believe that he pulled out the dictations, but the director agreed with Vanya’s version. (36) After the lessons, six students, whose works disappeared, rewrote the dictation. (37) Senya Golubkin received a triple, because he had already discovered his mistakes during the break, and moved to the seventh grade. 35

In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link. She, (1) seemed (2) ready to thank him for another hour, (3) but he turned and ran away. And at the first break it turned out (4) that none of the boys in their class gave anything to the girls. No one. Only in front of Lena Popova were tender branches of mimosa. - Where did you get the flowers from? the teacher asked. “Vitya gave me this,” (5) Lena said calmly. Everyone immediately whispered, (6) looking at Vitya, (7) and Vitya lowered his head low. 3, 7

Among sentences 12–23, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (12) Sergeeva is a theater artist, a young and beautiful woman. (13) And Alice asked the guy an “adult” question: - (14) Do you love her? - (15) No, - the guy smiled. - (16) I once saved her. (17) In our city, the theater was then on tour with us. (18) It was in the spring, at the end of March. (19) The guys were sledding along the river. (20) Sergeeva also wanted to ride. (21) The guys gave her a sled. (22) She sat down and drove off, the sleigh accidentally drove onto the ice, which was thin and fragile, and a minute later Sergeeva found herself in icy water. (23) The guys screamed, but I was not far away and heard. 22

Among sentences 26–32, find a complex sentence with an allied coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (26) Tears flowed down the cheeks of the sailors, who more than once looked death in the face. (27) 3 having valued courage, the sailors saw the fortitude of the Leningrad schoolchildren. (28) The cruiser was preparing to go into battle, from which not everyone would return, and in these guys there was spiritualized hope itself. (29) Saying goodbye to the children, the team lined up. (30) The guys began to present gifts that they brought with them. (31) Taking a cloth pouch from the girl’s hands, the foreman, on whose chest there were two military orders, said: “I accept the third award of the Motherland.” (32) The sailors knew the price of courage. 28

In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link. He sat all in the same place, (1) near the foot of the bed, (2) and, (3) when someone leaned over him, (4) with formidable impotence he put forward a jagged claw. one

In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link. – I just wanted to know (1) why she howls. She feels bad, (2) right? - You're right, (3) she feels bad. Yanka used to walk during the day, (4) and I'm at work. Here comes my wife, (5) and everything will be all right. 3,4,5

Among sentences 5-12, find a non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer. (5) First, the nickname. (6) His name was Borozhai. (7) Find another dog on earth that has such a ridiculous name! (8) Secondly, my dog ​​was obscenely cowardly. (9) As soon as one of the guys roared menacingly, my Borozhay squealed like a woman, squatted low and, dodging, scrabbled from all legs to a mocking hoot. (10) And at that moment I was ready to fall through the ground. (11) Look at Tolik Karbyshev's dog, so dog! (12) 3 Thunder will come, he will look - so the trembling goes up to the very heels. 12

Among sentences 18–25, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. - (18) I told everyone in the city how good it is here: now the hostesses will not fight off the guests, my hand is light. (19) Starting from Sunday, more and more summer residents began to come to the village. (20) The hostesses were seized by a fever of profit, and prices tripled, and since the people were driving, they began to grab without any conscience. (21) Somehow a neighbor came to Polikarpovna. (22) During the conversation, she casually asked how much she rents out housing, and when she heard the answer, she opened her eyes in surprise: - (23) Yes, you, grandmother, are completely crazy! (24) I have one, he will tear you off with his hands for a hundred. (25) Now they take one and a half hundred, two hundred each! eighteen

Among sentences 23–26, find complex sentences with non-union and allied coordinating links between parts. Write the numbers of these proposals. (23) But one day something happened that is still talked about in our places. (24) The plank shed caught fire at the neighbors. (25) They managed to bring out the cows, and the calf in the farthest cage was closed - you can’t get close. (26) Heat, smoke, he, poor fellow, no longer mumbles, but groans, everyone is sorry, but you can’t climb into the fire. 25, 26

In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating relationship. -Thank you, (1) - said Nazarov, (2) - but I didn’t come for that. My father is sick. We arrived in Moscow, (3) but in Moscow I only know you, (4) and I wanted to ask, (5) can we stay with you for a week? - No, (6) no, (7) - Sergeyeva said hastily. - This is inconvenient, (8) because I have a very small apartment. 5, 8

Among sentences 12–16, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer. (12) The kingdom of toys reflected the real world in its own way, not humiliating anyone, but elevating me. (13) By the diminutiveness of their toys, they emphasized that they were created, as it were, to obey me. (14) And to completely host - I realized even then - it’s very pleasant. (15) I controlled the routes of cars and trains, the habits and actions of the animals that I was afraid of in my life. (16) I dominated, commanded - they were wordless, silent, and I secretly thought that it would be good to continue to treat others in this way. 16

Among sentences 29–33, find a complex sentence with different types of connection (non-union and allied subordinating) between the parts. Write the number of this offer. - (29) I’m not like that, I’m on business ... (30) In this is her “People around!” so much faith and optimism that it somehow becomes better, brighter for everyone ... (31) Traveling half of Russia, more than five thousand kilometers, without a ticket and without money, and returning in the same way, is incomprehensible to the mind. (32) But they believe her. (33) Her face, eyes and smile glow with friendliness, she is so sincere - all outward that she simply cannot be trusted. 33

References Open bank of tasks GIA-9 // FIPI website Trosnetsova L.A., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Russian language. Grade 9 M.: Education, 2013.

THEORY task 14.

Algorithm for completing task No. 14

  • Find grammatical basics, make sure that the given sentence is complex. It must contain at least two grammatical bases. Do not forget that sentences can be one-part, so there is not always a subject in the stem. The main thing is that the sentences are talking about something different.
  • If there are no unions between simple sentences, then this unionless bond. This is the simplest type of connection of sentences in a complex one.
  • If there are coordinating conjunctions between simple ones, then this allied coordinating link. Remember the conjunctions.
  • If simple ones are connected by subordinating conjunctions, then this allied subordination. Do not forget that the subordinate clause can stand before the main one, then look for the union at the beginning of the sentence. The subordinate clause may be in the middle of the main one, then the answer will have two numbers denoting commas. Think about the types of subordinating conjunctions.


The private appeared at the battery with good news: he saw how the Nazis were driven out of Krasnaya Polyana.

Reasoning pattern

  • I find grammatical bases: PRIVATE APPEARED, HE SAW, KNOWED. There are three grammatical bases in this sentence.
  • There is a colon between the first and second sentences, there are no unions - this is unionless relationship.
  • The second and third sentences are connected by the conjunction HOW, this is a subordinating conjunction, so here is a subordinating conjunction.
  • I conclude that this proposal I am writing the number of this particular proposal, if there is a task: to find complex with allied and allied subordination.


Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Rain flooded the forest; on the edge, where Gorbunov was, boiling lakes formed. (2) The branches of the trees trembled under the weight of the water falling on them. (3) In the clouded, skewed air, no German fortifications could be seen. (4) But the mounted shelling of the enemy did not subside. (5) Bluish, ghostly pillars of ruptures tossed about in the dark depths of the downpour; flashes of fire ran across the field. (Berezko G.)

(1) Having dressed and throwing his coat over his shoulders, the general went out into the garden adjoining the house. (2) It was beginning to get light; leafless low apple trees with twisted branches crowded in the gray air. (3) The commander slowly walked along the wet path to a low fence. (4) The garden was located on the edge of a hill, and from here the half-flooded road that went around it was dimly visible - three tractors dragged along there, dragging heavy long-barreled cannons. (5) The commander - tall, corpulent, in a spacious coat - looked from above. (6) Cars roared, gasping, and crimson fire burst from the exhaust pipe. (Berezko G.)

Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The rain has gone west, but the forest has grown dark again. (2) From the east, a blue, half-sky cloud floated up, white birch trunks stood out brightly against its background. (3) Gorbunov looked through binoculars, kneeling near a tree. (4) Ulanov sat down a few steps from the commander. (5) He saw: across the field, far ahead, people were crawling, hardly distinguishable from here, because they were a little lighter than the ground. (6) Nicholas knew that this was moving to reinforce the third company of the consolidated group. (7) Impatiently waiting for further developments, he was even annoyed that the attack was not going fast enough. (Berezko G.)

Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The guys went all over the island in search of unmelted snow. (2) Seryozha Koltovoi was lucky to find in the crevices between the rocks the remains of last year's snow, compressed like ice. (3) Secretly from Petrovich, they lowered Seryozha, on a rope, he chopped snow with an ax and sent it upstairs in a bucket. (4) Climbing rocks in a stormy wind was dangerous. (5) Petrovich categorically forbade doing this, but the guys furtively brought buckets of last year's snow to Ilyinichna. (6) She grumbled, threatened to complain to the foreman, but did not refuse the snow: she had to cook dinner. (Vurdov N.)

Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The days are warm. (2) Spring coolness is in the air. (3) The taiga is majestic and calm, but this is only apparent calmness: inside every tree, every bush, a lot of work is going on. (4) Day and night, with all their lobes, the roots suck moisture from the earth, richly saturated with freshly melted snow. (5) The snow-white lambs on the willows have already fluffed out, the earrings on the alders have turned yellow, although the roots are still under the snow. (6) There is no greenery or flowers on the tiny lawns yet, but even here tireless activity is going on. (7) It's good in these May days in the taiga! (Fedoseev G.)

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