White and black moon in the horoscope. Lilith - Black Moon - Druj

The Black and White Moons are not planets in the astrological sense. They have no abode, that is, a sign that they rule. However, the influence of these two fictitious points can hardly be overestimated: it is their position in the natal chart of a person that determines his karmic tasks.

The Black Moon, or Lilith, is the point of the lunar orbit that is the most distant from the Earth, its apogee. The White Moon, or Selena, is, on the contrary, the closest point to it, the perigee. Ancient astrologers saw a sacred meaning in this: the apogee of the lunar orbit is everything that the Earth is trying to push beyond its limits forever, the perigee is what it wants to bring closer.

The White Moon represents faith, gentleness, selflessness, kindness, luck, happiness. Black - disbelief, criticality, indifference, thirst for power, hatred, pride, greed, fears. In the horoscope of every person there are both moons. And knowing in which zodiac sign they are located will not be superfluous. Because the action of the White Moon must be accepted with gratitude. But the temptations of Chernaya - it is advisable not to encourage, but on the contrary, to resist them. Sometimes it happens that Selena and Lilith are in the natal chart very close or, on the contrary, in opposition - opposite each other. In this case, a person has to choose the path - light or dark - all his life.

angel messenger

The White Moon is the guardian angel of man. She protects him, suggests the right decisions, attracts joyful events into his fate. Selena's sphere of influence is determined by her position in the natal chart. It will fall into the zone of personality - a person will radiate peacefulness and optimism; will be in the zone of friends - will give him reliable and devoted comrades; located in the health zone - will ensure good health, and if illnesses occur, they will pass very quickly. The positive impact of the White Moon extends to all other areas of human life: home, family, work, travel, etc. Even if Selena is in a weak position, she still strives to please her ward with all her might.

Every 7 years, this benefactor occupies exactly the same position in the zodiac as she had at the birth of a person. In nature, this cycle is also associated with the cycle of pregnancy: seven-month-old children are considered to be marked with the seal of Light. Initially, they have a stronger bond with their guardian angel, although they don't remember it.

Many people feel the cycles of the White Moon very well. If every seven years - at 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70 years, etc. - something good is happening in your life, which means that the White Moon is satisfied with your choice, your actions.

Selena repays for the good done in a past life. And the more happy you are now, the more righteous your past life was.

heavenly villainess

Everything demonic and base is associated with the Black Moon. Its action can be called in one word - temptation: money, fame, power, etc. Natal Lilith in the personality zone can give a person inflated conceit, criticism, disrespect for others, make him assert himself at the expense of others. She will settle in the financial zone - he will have a strong obsession with material goods, but he won’t be able to really earn money and get rich: either the money is spent incorrectly, or they are stolen. The Black Moon in the family zone can give a person either a very strong desire to create a love union - but at the same time sends a difficult partner - or, on the contrary, extinguishes his desire to be with someone.

Everyone is tempted. But there are innocent temptations that you can put up with, there are even useful ones that result in creative impulses. But there are also forbidden ones, which are very dangerous to succumb to. The latter are the tricks of the Black Moon. It draws you into a whirlpool of passions, adrenaline, unhealthy passion, immorality.

Lilith returns to the starting point of a person's horoscope every 9 years. These are years when there is a high probability of slipping down, years of special temptation: 9, 18, 27, 36.45, 54, 63, 72, etc.

How to weaken the negative influence of the Black Moon? Astrologers advise: you need to talk with the planets, convince them, ask, even if these planets (Selena and Lilith) are not in the sky as such. Light a candle and meditate, mentally address them, talk about your difficulties. Be wise, do not forget to calculate the consequences of your actions. The heavenly villainess Black Moon makes us act on instincts, spontaneously, without giving us the opportunity to think. By restraining ourselves from impulsive decisions and harsh reactions, we can soften the influence of Lilith on our destiny.

Problems and misfortunes point us to weaknesses that need to be worked on so that in the next incarnation we do not have to suffer again. Each incarnation should improve karma.

The Black Moon sends trials to those who went wrong in a past life. Having passed through these trials with dignity, we clear our way to the next reincarnations.

In this article, I would like to talk about the influence of the Black Moon on a person, the life and actions of people, depending on its position in the natal chart of a person. I will try to reveal to the reader the essence and principles of Lilith's action in the most understandable and accessible language.

The influence of the Black Moon (Lilith) on a person

I want to debunk the myth of the terrible influences attributed to the Black Moon, and show that we ourselves create the resulting events of life, acting in one way or another, guided by the principles that this mysterious lady carries within herself.

I do not want to once again inform the reader about the astronomical significance of the Black Moon. Let's get straight to astrology. I will only make a reservation that further we will talk about the true and only apogee of the Moon - the point at which the Moon is most distant from the Earth.

What is the principle of the Black Moon and what does it bring into the life of each of us? I never get tired of repeating that in astrology there is nothing unambiguously bad and unequivocally good, that everything has a dual influence, has its positive and negative qualities and sides.

If astrologers have been introducing the Black Moon into their practice since ancient times, then this fact alone speaks of its considerable significance (no matter how they fatalize all the elements of astrology) and we, the people of the 21st century, need to reconsider its influence from a more humanistic point of view.

The influence of the Black Moon (Lilith) on a person: negative or positive?

Why are many people still exaggerating around the Black Moon, afraid of its manifestations? What is the essence of the Black Moon?

This is freedom first of all, and whoever understands this word and manifests it, realizes it in their life. “Freedom is a conscious necessity,” said Spinoza, and he was 100 percent right. It is conscious that it is extremely rare in nature. And it is precisely for the consequences of this unawareness that we are paying, blaming all the retribution on the shoulders of Lilith.

Subsequent events are the result. And the reason is us. Lilith gives a reason, opportunities, tempts, sometimes we say. And we are tempted according to our culture, upbringing, abilities and desires. We sometimes put on masks that are unusual for us and play roles that are not inherent to us. And for what follows next, for all the sorrows and joys, we have only ourselves to thank.

Role of the Black Moon

Another manifestation of the Black Moon is a demonstration to us, in one area or another, of the reverse side, the wrong side, if you like, of that sphere of life on which it affects its location in the horoscope. This is the focus of the lens of this area, the "assemblage point", in the language of K. Castaneda. It seems to highlight those problems, difficulties, the negative of this sphere of life.

The consequence of this is a distortion, an incorrect perception of reality by us, a difficulty in expressing, manifesting ourselves in this area, in this area. But this is a consequence, and the source of everything, again, is in ourselves. How ready are we to see, perceive this reverse side, are we able to respond adequately? Any wrong reaction, wrong step can give rise to a number of difficulties, complexes, obstacles.

Lillith is very direct and subtle in her manifestation and only requires from us, after weighing everything, thinking it over, thinking it over - to make the only right and right decision. It helps us to improve spiritually, morally, morally, which is always difficult and requires certain efforts on the part of a person, which he, a person, is not always ready to invest in himself.

In most cases - we are mistaken, hoping for a chance. But such jokes do not work with her and we get it in full.

But once again I repeat: the blame for the results of what is happening lies only with ourselves. In any case, a person is not always ready to see what is hidden from the eyes and attention of others, without which it is sometimes much more peaceful to live.

Be that as it may, one should not forget that Lillith is directly connected with the Moon and therefore any events, any information perceived by a person in one way or another, finds an emotional response in him, he lives everything on an inner, deeply spiritual level.

Black Moon in the houses of the horoscope

Let's see the manifestation of the Black Moon in the areas of our life, depending on which house it is located in. The sign in which Lillith is located paints her nature and manifestation in colors inherent in the characteristics of one or another Zodiac Sign. Next, we will consider this relationship a little, talking about the signals of our body sent to us in case of any wrong action on the topic of the Black Moon, depending on its position in one or another Sign of the Zodiac.

Black Moon in the first house

A person has a lot of opportunities to express himself, his essence as he pleases. He is free and free in the manifestation of his personality, in the manner of behavior, in interaction with society and the surrounding reality. And at the same time he sees the results of what he does. Moreover, the results are such that he may not have suspected, which he lost sight of, did not calculate, and which he may not like at all.

What does a person do? Takes note of these signals and henceforth eliminates the negative premises and optimizes the positive ones? Does he take for granted the “voice of fate” and nurture a bunch of complexes in himself and subsequently experience difficulties in self-expression? Or does he go against everything, indulging his Ego, turning a blind eye to everything and, as a result, having received blow after blow, does not stand up and falls into a deep depression?

It depends on the person himself. There are many exits, as well as the amount of freedom. Extreme manifestations - an incredibly notorious person who does not know how to present himself and build relationships with society, or a person who is always engaged in posturing and, by all means, striving to impress the public, is not always successful.

Black Moon in 2nd house

A person has many opportunities and ways to get money and just as many temptations to waste it. He is free to dispose of his movable and immovable, animate and inanimate property at his own discretion. The accumulated material, intellectual, and other benefits must be invested somewhere or in something, even in your own comfort or your own pleasure.

But Lillit does not sleep and immediately shows him what happens after every thoughtless, for example, financial step. Freedom and temptation are on both sides of the tightrope called Life. And it is very difficult to correctly balance on your path and not stumble into one or another abyss. Extreme manifestations - a mean, prudent, thrifty person, or a spender who does not think about tomorrow.

Black Moon in the third house

Freedom of speech, opportunities for intellectual growth, relationships with siblings and entourage beyond the friend zone, travel. A person's eyes are constantly opened to the consequences of his free intellectual expression, to relationships with people of the third house, to these people themselves.

How will a person deal with these revelations? How easy will it be for him to perceive this sometimes unexpected information? Any negative directed in his direction will be exposed instantly. Only whether he wants to act according to conscience and principles or with some benefit - to decide and pay him.

Extreme manifestations - a person who does not know how to build relationships with others, it is difficult to express his thoughts, or excessively immersed in his own intellectual improvement, a very helpful and servile person, afraid to say an extra word.

Black Moon in the fourth house

A person has a strong subconscious, a strong connection with the past and family. But it is also a free manifestation of oneself in the parental or one's own family. And whether he will use this opportunity for the benefit of the family or become a small domestic tyrant who takes advantage of his opportunities is his choice. In many ways, his family, and in particular his mother, will be able to help him.

From such a person it is difficult to hide something from relatives, as if he sees everything through. And whether he uses this in a good or bad sense of the word - again depends on him and on how much he can withstand it, how skillfully he can turn a negative into a positive without stumbled at the same time.

Extreme manifestations - a person who is generally able to abandon the family (his own or parental), seeing in this institution only negative aspects that infringe on his freedom and independence, or a person who is completely dependent on it, not an independent person, who finds protection from the outside world in the family and, above all - from himself.

Black Moon in 5th house

Relations with children, loved ones - these are the points of action of the forces of freedom and truth in a person's life. Freedom in choosing a relationship with them can lead either to happy consequences or to disastrous ones, both for the person himself and for people close to him. A person is not limited by the framework of conventions and indispensable duties - does he use this for good?

Creativity, recreation, entertainment - this is where he can show his talents. And whether he will become a free artist or a reveler free from all obligations - that is the question. Meeting people with such an arrangement of Lillith, I can say that for the most part they find it difficult to go from the fifth to the seventh house.

It is difficult for them to build relationships with their loved ones, they feel dissatisfaction with the current situation and many opportunities are ahead, beyond the distant horizon. They are fascinated by this change of pictures before their eyes and it is difficult for them to maintain constancy, limit their entertainment, set a proper example for children. They seem to be walking in a vicious circle, hoping to break out of it.

Following the path of least resistance, they fail to experience the joy of peace and stability. Therefore, often, with age, they devote their lives, for example, to creativity, to some kind of free self-expression in something, and not in someone. That it was enough for them to do before, but then they saw too beautiful, too far and such an inaccessible horizon ahead ...

Extreme manifestations - a person who completely refuses worldly pleasures, who does not give himself a minute of rest, who believes that any entertainment is evil, or an optional, irresponsible person who thinks only about himself and his pleasure, living life in the eternal cycle of the holiday.

Black Moon in the 6th house

With Lillith in the sixth house, a person is free to choose how to dispose of his care, health, work or works. How to behave in a subordinate role or with your colleagues.

Such people are considered quite valuable workers who know how to make a profit even in crisis situations. Why do they succeed? The Black Moon will give an answer - there are always many ways before a person, but whether he chooses a humane or not humane one depends on him.

But, nevertheless, you cannot deceive such a person, you cannot take it with cunning, offering an unprofitable contract or care and guardianship with profit. They surprisingly find a common language with animals and can accurately determine the cause or effect of their (or someone else's) physical ailment. Again - how to dispose of these opportunities, it is up to him to decide.

Extreme manifestations are workaholism, perfectionism, concern for one's health, reaching the point of absurdity, overprotection of everyone and everything, or unemployment of one's own free will, neglect of health, idleness.

Black Moon in the 7th house

Also quite interesting is the position of Lillith in the map. The ability to see through partners and spouses, to use the weaknesses of enemies or not notice them. To debunk intrigues and expose deceptions. It is difficult to say just how much this is to the liking of a person.

There are many characteristics in common with the position of the Black Moon in the fifth house, but more relaxed. Because if a person was able to get married, formalize business, partnership relationships, find enemies, he is already on the first social step, from which his ascent up the ladder of socialization begins.

And his actions and deeds, entirely dependent on him, affect his future life path, both in society and in all spheres of life. Therefore, it is very dangerous to stumble at this stage, sliding down to the first house, in which you will again have to assert yourself (primarily in your own eyes), stand out, etc.

Extreme manifestations are a conscious rejection of marital relations, the inability to build relationships with partners, giving in to enemies, or repeated marriages, eternal dissatisfaction with this side of life, the search for one's own peace in it, which is usually not found.

Black Moon in the 8th house

It gives freedom in the choice of relationships with sponsors, inheritors and other people who invest capital, funds (material and non-material) in a person, share with him the most intimate and intimate, and finally with the team. He can take what they give for granted and not be particularly grateful, he can give in full.

The most important revelations come to a person at moments of some kind of global external or internal changes, whether it be a crisis, stress, depression or just a change in social status, or in some sometimes unforeseen, extreme, dangerous situations.

Extreme manifestations are either rejection of the sexual side of life, material assistance from anyone, severe depression at times of life crises and seeing only the negative side in all this, or complete irresponsibility and consumerism in this area, denial, frivolous attitude to the transformations taking place in life, thereby - the accumulation of psychological and nervous tension within oneself, participation and enthusiasm, for example, extreme sports, constant getting into life-threatening situations of all kinds.

Black Moon in the ninth house

The Black Moon in the ninth house is often found in the charts of people who are free in their philosophical, philosophical, religious, social views. They can use this gift for the benefit of society, or they can use it selfishly and to the detriment. They are teachers, not constrained by the limits of everyday life and the narrowness of human perception, they go further.

The world shows them its underside, in the process of learning and related to learning, in travel, in an attempt to express their views and let them go to the masses. A person may face a wall of misunderstanding, criticism, absurdity, lack of support and attention, etc.

What is left for him? Give up everything and continue to go with the flow or, without giving up, fight?

Extreme manifestations - fear of actively expressing one's ideas, traveling, being involved in the learning and learning process, or excessive, fanatical confidence in one's own ideas, worldviews, improvident attitude to travel, unshakable confidence in optimizing one's life with the help of an ongoing process of learning everything in a row, search site optimization.

Black Moon in the tenth house

Such a position of Lllit can give both brilliant schemers, successful leaders, strong leaders, and clever swindlers, swindlers.

Having learned how to use the information provided and, qualitatively realizing the huge opportunities in the field of career growth, leadership, personal development, etc., a person is able to reach both unprecedented heights and the unthinkable bottom of life.

Also, many important things in a person's life depend on his relationship with his father or a person who is an authority for him in everything. Will the person survive? Cope? Will he not succumb to life's temptations to crush everything exclusively for himself? The outcome of the case and the events of the life of the individual depend on this.

Extreme manifestations are the inability to focus on the main thing, the rejection of the main roles in the career field, the impossibility of achieving the desired horizons, or sacrificing everything for the sake of success, goals, career growth, etc.

Black Moon in the eleventh house

The people I meet with this position of Lillith are for the most part very unhappy in friendly relations, their plans and ideas are rarely adequately perceived by people.

What in our understanding is a betrayal, they feel a little earlier than other people. And they have time to think and weigh everything, to make a decision. This has both pluses and minuses. The injustice of the world is visible to them in the brightest light and from their own experience. They, like no one else, know the value of friendship, social relations, plans, ideas, desires to achieve the sometimes unattainable.

It is most difficult for them to accept deception from people close enough to him, because he comes to them in the darkest light.

How will the person act? Will he turn away from everyone and close in on himself? Or will he perceive these lessons of fate as an opportunity for further personal growth? Will this reality be a catalyst for self-improvement processes or a brake on development?

Extreme manifestations - such people either have no friends at all, are afraid of everything new, are extremely conservative, do not make plans, because they know that they are not destined to come true anyway, or they give all of themselves to friendly and social relations, are surprisingly inventive and try to do whatever no matter what, to realize their plans at any cost.

Black Moon in the twelfth house

A person with this position of Lillith in the horoscope, meeting with deceptions, fears, illusions, utopian ideas, immediately sees the true cause, effect and result.

As a result, his eyes are opened first of all to himself. Therefore, it is easiest for such people to analyze the events taking place around them in utter solitude, which they have plenty of ways to achieve.

It is difficult to talk with a person who has a Black Moon in the twelfth house about his secret desires, fears, the reasons for his peculiar response to the surrounding reality, about his subconscious or conscious aspirations.

Secluded places, isolated institutions - this is where he begins to see the inside out, first of all, himself. He begins to think about what he needs for personal self-expression, for personal activity, in order to be in unity with this world, and not a detached particle. Is he ready to live according to the rules of this society, to follow not only his own benefit? Or acting in defiance, he may face the fact that loneliness, isolation will be forced and necessary. And already in this position, he will analyze himself and his life.

But in any case, he is already on his way to the first house, which has its own tasks and its own problems.

Extreme manifestations are complete loneliness, withdrawal into oneself, religion, transcendental dreams, constant, unreasonable fears and panic states, or the fear of being alone and searching for oneself in the most incredible and sometimes destructive states, alcohol abuse, drugs, etc.

The signals sent to us by the Black Moon, with the wrong choice of actions

The universe is constantly sending us warnings, warnings about our wrong, unwise, wrong actions.

Here I want to say a few words about what signals are sent to us at the physical level, in terms of health, if we have chosen the wrong path, the wrong action that interferes with our development and the results of life events, symbolized by the position of Lillith in a certain house of the horoscope.

To do this, it is necessary to determine in which Zodiac Sign the Black Moon is located. In case of any incorrect action, a signal will be sent, which manifests itself as a disease or weakening of the functioning of one or another organ, system in the human body, corresponding to the Zodiac Sign it controls.

These provisions are also valid in relation to incorrect actions on the topics of any planets that are in one sign or another.

Black Moon in Aries

Migraines, headaches, toothache (in particular the upper teeth), cuts, burns, possible bone fractures, nervous system disorders, problems with the facial and head muscles. Possible rashes on the face.

Black Moon in Taurus

Acute tonsillitis, any diseases of the throat, tonsils, esophagus, ears, vocal cords. Weakening of the functioning of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland, problems with the teeth (in particular the lower ones), upper respiratory tract, cervical vertebrae. Possible overeating.

Black Moon in Gemini

Discomfort in the lungs, disorders of the nervous system, special attention to the muscles, bones and joints of the shoulders, arms, shoulder blades, upper ribs, collarbone, fingers. Possible skin rash in designated areas.

Black Moon in Cancer

Pain in the stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, digestive system. Edema, discomfort of the mammary glands. Pay attention to all the bones closest to the stomach - the sternum, ribs, as well as the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm.

Black Moon in Leo

Pain in the back (from the neck to the lower back), chest cavity, any heart pain and disorders, disorders in the retina. Possible sunstroke, burns, skin irritation.

Black Moon in Virgo

Problems with the intestines (the entire area of ​​the small intestine, duodenum), peritoneum. Possible appendicitis, constipation, again disorders of the nervous system.

Black Moon in Libra

Problems with the kidneys, bladder, lower back (sciatica), upper pelvis, ovaries. And also - headaches, visual impairment.

Black Moon in Scorpio

Problems with the genitourinary system (genital organs, bladder, urethra, kidney channels, prostate gland, etc.), rectum. Infectious diseases (including STDs), weakening of the endocrine system.

Black Moon in Sagittarius

Possible dislocations and sprains, problems in the lower part of the pelvis, upper thighs, muscles and bones, with the sciatic nerve. Also destruction of nails, abscesses, diseases of the blood.

Black Moon in Capricorn

Problems with all the bones, cartilage, joints of the body, in particular the knees and teeth. Salt deposits, problems with the gallbladder, dry skin, various skin seals, itching, colds. As well as falls, dislocations, all kinds of bruises.

Black Moon in Aquarius

Pay attention to the shins, ankles, cerebellum, coccyx and pituitary gland. Possible varicose veins, muscle cramps, impaired blood circulation, vision problems, various spasms.

Black Moon in Pisces

Pain in the legs (lower part), disorders of the lymphatic and endocrine systems. Pay attention to the feet and toes - muscles and bones, the cecum and duodenum, the danger of all kinds of infections. Possible alcohol abuse.

Black Moon in forecast maps

What does the Black Moon carry in forecast charts (transits, directions, progressions, solariums, lunars, etc.)? Like any other planet - nothing more than what it represents in the natal chart.

Tense Lillit, even having the best aspects in the forecast chart, will not change its nature. Aspects of the Black Moon, both in the natal chart and predictive ones, will show by what means, through what or whom, the problems of that sphere of life where it is originally located will be highlighted, thanks to which or to whom we will receive that very, often unconscious freedom, information .

Also, being in exact aspect with this or that planet, Lillith will reveal its non-constructive, disharmonious qualities, for which you also need to be prepared. The mutual aspect of natal and predictive Lillit is also very important.

Being, let's say, in the fifth house of the radix, when it hits, for example, the eighth during transit, Lillit will not cease to be an element of the fifth house, whatever one may say. It will show additional opportunities for manifesting itself through the house of the radix, in which it is located in the forecast chart, as well as through the house that is already directly transit, progressive, directional, etc.

Example. The Black Moon at birth is located in Taurus, in the third house of the natal chart, with exceptionally harmonious aspects to other planets. And during transit, she got into Virgo, the tenth house of the natal chart and the first house of the transit katra, and her aspects turned out to be not harmonious. The mutual aspect between natal and transit Lillith is an exact trine.

In the radix, the Black Moon manifests itself quite calmly, slightly slowly, even, I would say, inertly, highlighting problems in the life of a person in the third house, giving him complete freedom in expressing his thoughts by any means, when exchanging information, in relations with brothers and sisters , colleagues, neighbors. What did not particularly cause problems for this person, everything happened quite comfortably, gently and did not bring much stress.

With such a transit, Lillith touched upon the sphere of career, relations with superiors, the realization of one's own personality (tenth house), everything in this area that directly relates to a person (first house). Moreover, the events were tinged with prudence, captiousness, some vindictiveness, pettiness (Virgo).

But due to the fact that the mutual aspect between the natal and transiting Black Moon is very harmonious (trin) and in the natal chart Lillith itself is quite calm, it can be assumed that possible events will be resolved rather quickly and without much damage to the person. The denouement of events in any case will take place against the background of the third house. A person will be faced with a choice - which way to go, how to manage their capabilities, the information that has appeared, offered by Lillit.

The circulation period of Lillith is 9 years, it passes each Zodiac Sign in about 9 months. This mutual aspect (we consider the exact one, within +/- degrees) will be resolved in about 18 days (remember that one degree of transit Lillith passes approximately in 9 days).

Naturally, in order to analyze in detail and carefully the effect of the Black Moon on human life, it is necessary to monitor its manifestations. for all predictive methods that you use in your work. Only then can one get the most objective and accurate picture of her actions at a particular time or period of time.

I hope that in this article I managed to dispel all the negativity surrounding the Black Moon and once again remind that the stars offer, guide and advise, and life events entirely depend on the actions of the person himself, as directly selected reactions to this or that planetary influence.

Since the Black Moon does not have its own energy, it seems to "connect" to one or another planet, modifying its natural energy flow, which introduces into the manifestations of this planet qualities that are not characteristic of it.

As already mentioned, the action of the Black Moon can be compared to a funnel that absorbs energy emanations that are in its field of action. Under its influence, the energy flow of the planet becomes denser and more intense. The properties of each planet are polarized like the signs of the zodiac, and the Black Moon activates the involutionary manifestations of its active and passive poles.

Let's not forget that in real life we ​​are dealing with a complex interweaving of all astrological influences, so not a single primary quality of planets and signs manifests itself in its pure form. The individual properties of human nature are a unique synthesis of these primary qualities. The distortions that result from the effects of the Black Moon are also due to the interaction of a number of factors. Most often, several planets in the horoscope are subject to its influence at once, so in practice the manifestations of the Black Moon are much more diverse than described below.

A special place is occupied by the interaction of the Black Moon with the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon.


In the solar system, only the Sun emits light, the rest of the planets only reflect it. As already noted, according to the original plan in the mind of man, the solar influence should have dominated other influences. As a result of the intervention of the spirits of Lucifer, this did not happen, and man lost the ability to directly know the physical actions of the Sun. The interaction of the Black Moon with the Sun means the subordination of those qualities that are symbolized in astrology by the Sun, to the lower egoistic principle.

The sun symbolizes the highest principle in man, the center of his being and creative activity. It is connected with the individuality of a person, gives him vitality, will and the need for self-realization, determines his intentions. If individuality falls under the power of the Black Moon, a person loses touch with his higher principle.

The sun represents the creative principle, and a person who follows his true destiny is the vehicle of Divine creativity. Under the influence of the Black Moon on the active manifestations of a person's individuality, he falls into the temptation of a "fallen angel" who imagines himself equal to God. He wants to create his own kingdom and rule in it, his motto is "I am the creator and ruler of the world."

It is necessary to distinguish between the manifestations of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, which, under the influence of the Black Moon, give rise to a thirst for power, violence and expansion, and the pseudo-solar desire of the Ego to “create on its own behalf”, create its own universe according to its own laws and reign supreme in it, subjugating those around it and forcing them accept the rules of the game.

Under such influence of the Black Moon, a person does not recognize any laws other than his own. Possessing great power of suggestion, he inspires enthusiasm in people obedient to him, forms their character and thinking. Sometimes the Black Moon acts in a similar way in the horoscopes of people of creative professions, scientists, political and spiritual leaders. However, people with a similar influence of the Black Moon are far from always bright and noticeable personalities. Often they lead an unremarkable lifestyle, and the qualities distorted by the Black Moon appear in relationships with loved ones.

Emphasizing the hidden passive component, the Black Moon blocks the ability to be creative, gives rise to obedience to fate, dependence on the environment. A person follows generally accepted norms, not having his own point of view, becoming suggestible and controllable. If his creative potential is nevertheless realized, it is very difficult to create something of his own: ideas and their implementation will be borrowed from others. At the same time, the will of a person is not suppressed - it can be strong, but it is directed from outside and perceived as one's own.


The moon symbolizes the instinctive nature of man, the ways of its manifestation, the reaction to external influences, the ability to adapt. The Black Moon is a point in the lunar orbit, one of the hypostases of the Moon itself, that part of the instinctive nature which seeks to involve man as deeply as possible in matter and arrest his evolution. When the qualities symbolized by the Moon come under the influence of the Black Moon, their manifestations become involutionary. At the same time, emotional imbalance increases, instincts become uncontrollable.

If the manifestations of the Black Moon are active, the resulting distortions resemble those that arise when interacting with the Sun - a person is self-willed, striving for power and dominance over others. He has dictatorial inclinations, emotional outburst. With the active influence of the Black Moon, a person does not adapt to the outside world, but tries to change it in accordance with his ideas, regardless of the interests of others. The reaction to external influences is often hasty and impulsive.

The influence of the Black Moon on the passive component leads to excessive suggestibility, controllability. A person easily submits to guidance from the outside, but if there is none, he becomes completely disoriented. Trying to adapt to others, he literally dissolves in them and often loses his own face. This influence of the Black Moon causes instability of emotions, capriciousness, slow reactions. Vital forces are directed mainly to the maintenance of physical existence, there is a tendency to accumulate energy and, as a result, appetite increases.

The relationship of the Black Moon with the Moon distorts everything related to the lunar principle. In women, it complicates motherhood, and in men, relationships with mother and other women.


Mercury symbolizes interaction and information exchange, the process of concretization of ideas, logical thinking, the ability to express thoughts in words. Its passive component perceives and assimilates information, the active component seeks means of self-realization of individuality, establishes contacts with the environment. The human mind connects the world of forms, known with the help of sensations, with the world of higher knowledge, which becomes accessible with the help of intuition. A holistic perception of the surrounding world is possible with a harmonious, balanced interaction of logical and intuitive thinking. Acting on Mercury, the Black Moon sharply shifts this balance towards logical, concrete thinking. A person tries to comprehend everything with the help of reason, calculates in advance all his actions and even emotions. Reason is placed above all, feelings are subordinate to the mind. From this point of view, irrational means wrong. The existence of everything that cannot be explained by logic is denied. Man tries to understand with the help of logical thinking even spiritual truths. This gives rise to a one-sided perception of the world, hinders the expansion of consciousness and contact with the superphysical worlds. Under the influence of the Black Moon on Mercury, a person is easily suggestible and becomes controllable. With the help of a skillful logical justification of any idea, he can be convinced of anything and used for his own purposes.

Excessive curiosity, the desire for the mechanical accumulation of knowledge is associated with the influence of the Black Moon on Mercury. There may be a so-called "information hunger" and, as a result, illegibility - a person will read everything in a row, watch all TV shows, constantly talk to someone. All this distracts from more important activities and prevents the comprehensive development of thinking, since all the forces of the mind go only to process the information received from outside. There are cases when, under the influence of the Black Moon, even the assimilation of information is almost impossible. Then the person begins to "splash" it out of himself, becoming an uncontrollable talker. The Black Moon also communicates to Mercury such qualities as cunning, resourcefulness and a tendency to gossip.

The Black Moon can affect Mercury in the opposite way. In this case, it is difficult for a person to fully use his intellectual potential. He is incapable of analysis, concretization of ideas, he does not think logically, but mainly associatively. Such a person is controlled by feelings, emotions and unconscious instincts, the motives for actions and their consequences are not realized. The incoming information is perceived with distortions. It is difficult for a person to find a suitable form for expressing thoughts: the selection of the right words is accompanied by efforts that entail a loss of energy.


Venus symbolizes beauty and harmony, the forces of attraction and repulsion, likes and dislikes. It is connected with the feelings and emotions of a person, carries out evaluation and choice. Venus is a feminine planet, so her natural manifestations are characterized by depth and magnetism. If Venus occupies a weak position in the horoscope, then it is more superficial, oriented to the external, to the form. The Black Moon prevents the harmonization of the internal and external manifestations of Venus. As a result of her action, Venus' attachment to form becomes excessive. Increased attention is paid to appearance, a lot of money is spent on clothes and cosmetics, expensive and beautiful, but often unnecessary things are purchased. Love for things gradually turns into mania, hoarding develops, the acquisition of material values ​​becomes the meaning of life. The choice of a partner is also made on the basis of a purely external perception. Judgments become superficial, because content is lost due to addiction to form. The action of the Black Moon gives rise to a hypertrophied sense of ownership in a person, which also extends to relationships between people and becomes a cause of jealousy.

The Black Moon can also cause the opposite extreme - a deliberate disregard for appearance, clothing, material wealth.

Venus is responsible for making choices. The influence of the Black Moon leads to the fact that a person cannot make a choice, leaning first to one, then to another decision. In doing so, he spends a huge amount of energy, which is absorbed by the Black Moon.

Venus is associated with energy exchange, so vampirism is one of its distorted manifestations. In the process of communication between people there is an exchange of energy. Vampirism refers to cases when a person consumes the energy of others in greater quantities than he gives himself, that is, "feeds" at the expense of others. This phenomenon exists in all spheres of life. A person can be fueled by other people's emotions of love, gratitude, hatred, power. Some people feed on sexual energy, others - on the energy of quarrels and scandals, deliberately provoking them. There is "mind vampirism" when a person consumes other people's thoughts. In addition to Venus, other planets also participate in these varieties of vampirism.


Mars symbolizes the will, the ability to embody inner urges, determination and the ability to act. The Black Moon makes the primary, unorganized power of Mars uncontrollable. Its influence causes bouts of uncontrolled aggression. The person becomes overly impulsive, rude, cruel, prone to violence. Manifestations of the lower human nature and animal instincts are extremely intensified, self-will increases. Under the influence of the Black Moon, perseverance in achieving any goal turns into stubbornness. The desires of such a person are very strong, he firmly knows what he wants and how to achieve it. If an obstacle arises in his path, he sweeps it away, regardless of what is happening around him. The thought concentrates on one aspiration and acquires such strength that it is transmitted to others. In the sphere of the mind, Mars is characterized by intolerance towards other views, the imposition of its own point of view. In extreme cases, the will can get out of control of the mind.

If the Black Moon distorts the manifestations of Mars in the opposite direction, a person becomes weak-willed, indecisive, unable to achieve a goal. His thoughts and feelings are influenced by the environment. It is convenient to manipulate him, as he is suggestible and easily obeys someone else's will.

Mars is associated with purposeful activity, but under the influence of the Black Moon, the original purpose is lost. Activity becomes fruitless, turning into an end in itself. All the energy spent on it goes to the disposal of the Black Moon.

Primary eros, libido, the desire to project oneself outward is associated with Mars. The Black Moon distorts a person's attitude to everything that relates to the field of sex, and makes his sex life unbalanced. Hypertrophied sexuality can develop, exaggeration of the role of sex in life, up to its proclamation as the highest manifestation of the Divine principle. Unnatural forms of sex and sexual perversions are also associated with the distorted manifestations of Mars. The influence of the Black Moon on the opposite pole of Mars determines the view of sexual manifestations as "sinful" and "base", the desire to expel everything connected with sex from life. Sexual coldness may develop as the sexual instincts and related emotions are repressed into the subconscious.


Jupiter symbolizes development, expansion, the search for a goal, the pursuit of an ideal, abstract thinking. If the Black Moon affects the active component of Jupiter, it gives all the properties of the planets with which it is associated by control or aspects, unlimited expansion and redundancy.

The Black Moon makes a person exaggerate his role in society, his sense of self-importance turns into megalomania. Such a person is inclined to think that his destiny is connected with the fulfillment of a special mission in the name of a great goal, to which he seeks to subordinate all his thoughts and deeds. Because of such inadequate self-esteem, there is a neglect of very prosaic, but sometimes much more important tasks. Sometimes, on the contrary, a person suffers from a feeling of inferiority, but still wants to devote himself to a high idea; then he finds an idol whom he worships and selflessly serves his purposes. Sometimes the action of the Black Moon deprives a person of ideals and high aspirations or replaces true ideals with imaginary ones, conditioned by society and the environment.

Jupiter is associated with the acquisition and transfer of experience and knowledge. Under the influence of the Black Moon, an irresistible desire arises to teach, give advice, impose on others their ideas and life experience, considering them a role model. At the same time, the knowledge that a person tries to convey to others is sometimes either insufficiently understood and realized by him, or biased due to the excessive influence of his mind. There is another extreme: the idealization of their teachers and mentors, thoughtlessly following their opinion.

Jupiter is closely related to Mercury, since both of them symbolize the two sides of the human mind - the abstract and the concrete mind. Both of these planets simultaneously participate in the process of thinking, therefore the Black Moon, distorting the functions of one of them, inevitably affects the functions of the other. Jupiter is associated with the ability to generalize, abstract. Sharply strengthening these properties of Jupiter, the Black Moon automatically weakens the opposite properties of Mercury. This happens when Jupiter is stronger than Mercury in position in the sign. In this case, under the influence of the Black Moon, a person hardly concretizes thoughts, gets confused in intuitive guesses and unformed ideas, which gives rise to vagueness and confusion of concepts.

If the Black Moon acts on Jupiter, which is weaker than Mercury in sign, then a person, on the contrary, loses the ability to generalize, does not see the connection between phenomena, perceiving only specific information.


Saturn symbolizes contraction, structure, form, boundaries, time, law, duty, responsibility. It has to do with individualization. Under the influence of the Black Moon, the unconscious desire of a person to stand out from the community of other people becomes excessive,

there is no sense of one's own uniqueness. It's not about whether a person feels better or worse than others. He is firmly convinced that he is not like everyone else. The more Saturn falls under the influence of the Black Moon, the stronger the boundaries separating a person from others, the stronger his egocentrism. He can become withdrawn, uncommunicative, concentrates on himself and his inner feelings, sometimes he cannot even tolerate any other person next to him, does not tolerate objections and the slightest disobedience. Hypertrophied individualization breeds pride and ambition. The desire for a high position and power can become a mania and subjugate all thoughts. A person makes every effort to achieve a single goal to the detriment of the harmonious development of the individual. Under the influence of the Black Moon on the opposite pole of Saturn, a person loses the boundaries of his personality, seeks to dissolve in the general mass. It is difficult for him to find his own goal and realize it, he can only obey the instructions of his superiors.

The Black Moon forces Saturn to limit the outlook, rigidly structure and crystallize the existing mental structures and subconscious attitudes. This hinders awareness of motives and slows down the natural development and expansion of consciousness. Under the influence of the Black Moon and Saturn, a person becomes inflexible and conservative, unnecessarily honors traditions, cannot stand change, and changes with difficulty. A person is inclined to formally follow the letter of the law, put norms and rules above all else, often not understanding their true meaning. The same formal and dogmatic attitude can be towards moral and cultural values, towards religion. The opposite distortion of these qualities of Saturn is the complete lack of discipline, moral restrictions, neglect of traditions, laws and social norms.

The Black Moon distorts the understanding of the sense of duty. It seems to a person that he is literally indebted to everyone and is responsible for everything. The need to constantly fulfill the obligations assumed depresses and does not allow you to feel free. Life becomes a burden, despondency and pessimism develop. The opposite pole of this distortion makes a person frivolous, irresponsible, unwilling to bind himself with obligations.

All sorts of fears are associated with Saturn, which, under the influence of the Black Moon, become obsessive.

The Black Moon affects the ability to concentrate and concentrate. A decrease in concentration dissipates the energy of the planets and makes them easily accessible to the Black Moon. On the other hand, in order to focus on something necessary, a person expends great effort, while losing energy, which is absorbed by the Black Moon.

The Black Moon distorts the sense of time. A person is always late or ahead of events, does everything at the wrong time. Often an act done out of good intentions, but not at the right time and in the wrong place, takes on the opposite meaning. Since all natural processes in Nature occur with the least expenditure of energy and within strictly defined time frames, the untimeliness caused by the Black Moon distorts the optimal course of events.


Some astrologers believe that only the Septener planets are affected by the Black Moon. At the same time, its influence indirectly affects the higher planets - the Black Moon distorts the synthetic qualities resulting from the interaction of the higher planets with the Septener planets. This happens when the Black Moon or the septener planets that have fallen under its influence aspect the higher planets or are associated with them in control.

Active distortions of the qualities of Uranus make a person completely unpredictable. He does not tolerate the slightest restrictions and in any way evades responsibility and obligations. Passive distortions hinder the expansion of consciousness, lead to limited and conservative thinking.

Passive distortions of the qualities of Neptune increase the desire to escape from the reality of the surrounding world; man is constantly in illusions and dreams. To disconnect from reality, he may use alcohol or drugs. Less obvious distortions associated with Neptune are in the realm of spiritual temptations. A person experiences pleasure from prayers and meditations and falls into the so-called "sin of acquiring grace." This often leads him to questionable religious sects or esoteric groups practicing various meditation systems. A person becomes dependent on the ecstatic states that arise in him, which create the illusion of spiritual growth and replace the true desire for God. With active manifestations of the Black Moon, a person himself becomes the organizer of such sects. Neptune-related distortions can cause mental disorders, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Active distortions of the qualities of Pluto are associated with self-will - a person seeks to change the world around him at will. He has the power of suggestion, easily manipulates people. The aspect of the Black Moon with Pluto can often be seen in the horoscopes of psychics who abuse their will. Passive distortions make a person suggestible, easily amenable to hypnosis and other psychological influences. In this case, a tendency to vampirism is possible.

Since the Black Moon enhances the extremes, any unevenness in the horoscope attracts its attention. Planets that stand out against the general background with a strong or, conversely, weak position in the sign of the zodiac can fall under its influence. It depends on which sign the given planet is in, which of its poles will be affected by the Black Moon. For planets that are in the signs of their possession or exaltation, the Black Moon further strengthens the main pole (active for male planets, passive for female planets) and activates its involutional component, while distorting its manifestations. For planets in the signs of their exile or fall, the Black Moon manifests a hidden pole (for male planets it is passive, for female planets it is active), as if turning the basic principle of their action inside out. True, in the signs of exaltation and fall, the action of the Black Moon is somewhat different than in the signs of possession and exile: it does not distort in this way all the qualities of the planet, namely those that exalt or fall in this sign. In addition, a planet in exaltation or fall is influenced by its dispositor, which can change the type of influence of the Black Moon. For example, in a man who has a combination of the Sun with the Black Moon in Aries and Mars in Taurus in the horoscope, the Black Moon causes predominantly passive distortions of the qualities of the Sun.

If the planet is located in a neutral sign with respect to it, then the influence of the Black Moon on it can be both active and passive. In this case, the type of distortion is determined by the position of the dispositor of this planet and other factors of the horoscope.

We must not forget that all the planets are not only dual in nature, but also form polar pairs with each other in accordance with their properties. The property symbolized by one planet is the opposite of the property symbolized by another planet. For example, expansion and contraction are opposite properties of Jupiter and Saturn, generalization and concretization are opposite properties of Jupiter and Mercury, and so on. If the Black Moon excessively enhances any property of one planet, the opposite property of another cannot be fully manifested. And vice versa, a sharp weakening of the properties of one planet is compensated by the opposite manifestations of its pair. Therefore, due to the influence of the Black Moon, the action of one planet is often replaced by the action of another or disguised as it, which a person may not be aware of.

For example, consider the case when the Black Moon strengthens the passive component of Mars in Taurus, which is in opposition to Neptune in Scorpio. Sexual desires are considered sinful and base, suppressed and forced out into the subconscious. Then the realization of sexual desire is distorted: the manifested passive pole of Mars "pretends" to be Venus, the physical desire for self-reproduction is disguised as the attraction of the heart, the subconscious mind attributes high spiritual motives to the choice of a partner, which has nothing to do with reality. The substitution of motivation is a favorite technique of the Black Moon. Therefore, its impact is greatly enhanced if a person is not aware of his true motives.

At first glance, the influence of the Black Moon on the planets is similar to its influence in the signs of the zodiac that these planets rule. But the sign of the zodiac represents a certain primary quality, and the planet - a force that manifests this quality according to its principle. Being in a certain sign of the zodiac, the Black Moon distorts the very quality of this sign, and acting on the planet - the way it manifests itself. In practice, the distortions resulting from the influence of the Black Moon on a particular planet take on the shade of the sign in which this planet is located.

Now you will know how to use the negative influence of the Black Moon for good or at least you will know the "enemy in the face."

The Black Moon-Lilith is a mystical point in space through which the apogee of the Moon passes.

This point completely passes through all the constellations of the Zodiac in 8 years and 310.5 days.
Lilith is an evil spirit that has a feminine principle and with its influence manifests the dark sides of the Soul. This is envy, anger, lies, betrayal, flattery, rage, nightmares, tantrums, passion, physical love, provocations, seduction, deceit - everything that we must eliminate from our lives, not allow ourselves. It is also a clue about our wicked deeds in past lives, recorded in our subconscious.
In a person's life, every 9 years, Lilith arranges especially tough checks and it is very important to withstand them with dignity, and not get angry and envious, so as not to worsen Karma. The higher a person is spiritually and morally developed, the weaker the Black Moon influences him. As a person gets rid of negative qualities, the Black Moon pays less and less attention to him.

Lilith not only harms, but she herself gives a hint in which direction to move towards success, shows the turns in a person's life path. Its signs must be treated consciously, with understanding and even gratitude. This is the essence of neutralizing its negative influence. If its impact is correctly recognized, then a person will see his dark sides of character and will be able to work them out successfully: not letting dark qualities take over and positive humor helps a lot in this. You can't feed Lilith with your negative emotions. She will remember this and in the future will require all your manifested negativity to work out. Only unconscious weak personalities can undergo further self-destruction.
Lilith has three options for manifestation in people's lives.
A. If a person serves evil, then at the moments of maximum influence of the Black Moon he may not receive trials. But as negative Karma accumulates, quantity turns into quality - at one moment all misfortunes fall on a person. This manifests itself in the form of the loss of material wealth, getting into a hospital, prison, injury, accident, even the cessation of existence on the earthly plane.
B. At the moment of maximum influence of the Black Moon, dark forces attack a person, trying to lead him astray from the righteous path. He can be betrayed, insulted, deceived. But if he responds with evil for evil, he will aggravate his Karma. Here you need to endure and accept everything with understanding. This means that he treated others the way they treat him now. This is a very difficult but effective way to purify the Soul.
C. If a person is pure in Soul, then he sees and feels dark forces, but they do not stick to him. He is able to prevent and push them away.

There are two options for reading the prompts of the Black Moon: according to the Cosmogram - in which signs of the Zodiac it resides and according to the Formula of the Soul - which planets it points to.

If the Black Moon is located in the Cosmogram
in Aries

That person shows inadequate Heroism, can fall into extremes - excessive activity or passivity.
In a past life, he could be a warrior who exceeded his authority.
In an active person, the desire for action becomes so powerful that it is accompanied by an uncontrolled release of energy. Such a person is characterized by uncontrollable pressure, absolute unpredictability, the desire to impose his will and subjugate others. A person gets pleasure from the struggle with obstacles and the suppression of other people's resistance.
A passive person develops indecision, lack of will, suggestibility, manageability, laziness, the desire to shift responsibility to others, but at the same time, aggressiveness, a depressive state accumulate, and health is destroyed. Such people can suffer from firearms, fire, violence, sharp objects.
It is important to avoid the above risk factors and develop fearlessness, endurance, and properly distribute your forces.

in Taurus

That person is prone to hoarding, greed or waste.
In a past life, he could be a miser, a banker, a usurer, a glutton, living only in sensual pleasures.

A wasteful person manifests an inability to properly manage his funds, making unnecessary purchases, often becoming a victim of vampirism, his energy is wasted or not on business.
A greedy person develops irresistible greed, gluttony, addiction to money, material goods, comfort, increased attention to the external side of things, jealousy, a heightened sense of ownership, attachment and obsession with their emotions.
Such people are haunted by endless debts and financial difficulties. Everything accumulated is wasted, money flows through your fingers.
To improve Karma, one must abandon excessive accumulations, savings books, piggy banks and balance their money issues, beware of theft and earthquakes.

in Gemini

then the person suffers from talkativeness or slurred speech.
In a past life, he could be a “bad boy”, doing everything in spite of everyone, without a twinge of conscience, informing, weaving intrigues, tripping, committing vile acts, stealing.
Negative manifestations in the past may now appear:
An active person becomes overly contact, communication becomes an end in itself, promiscuity and multiplicity of connections, dispersion, superficiality, talkativeness. This greatly interferes with a comprehensive and harmonious knowledge of the world.
A passive person feels an urgent need to constantly communicate with someone, talk endlessly on the phone, watch TV, read everything almost indiscriminately, solely for the sake of obtaining information, intensively absorbs it, becomes informationally omnivorous, trying to express a thought in words, experiences great difficulties, you lose a lot of energy.
Such people can be deceived by relatives, close friends. Around gossip, intrigue, petty theft from neighbors and relatives, study is hard.
To improve Karma, one should avoid deceit, theft, not engage in gossip, slander, not talk too much, be attentive to information, give up idle talk and chaos in thinking, beware of gas poisoning, suffocation, and plane crashes.

in Cancer

then a person at home in the family manifests tyranny or indecision.
In a past life, he could be a traitor and a coward who was shaking in his own skin, a defiler of traditions, an insult to parents, a mother, perhaps a birth curse.
Negative manifestations in the past may now appear:
In an active person, all thoughts and deeds are focused on household duties, raising children that are excessively obsessive, the desire to realize their ambitions in family life associated with a thirst for power, become the head of the family, subjugate all members and enjoy the power received. Such a person is conservative, aggressively defending tribal traditions, standing to the death for his delusions, not admitting that he was wrong.
A passive person is burdened by family affairs and responsibilities, he tries to evade them, but this rarely succeeds. In such a person, psychological traumas often occur in childhood, which remain for life. Weakness of will, indecision, laziness, a distorted idea of ​​motherhood, dislike for children, unwillingness or inability to have them may appear.
It is difficult for such people to live in their own home, difficult relationships in the family, with parents and children are possible.
To improve Karma, one should devote oneself to serving the motherland or be involved in national history, be afraid of secret inclinations and not indulge in secret vices. There is a danger of betrayal of loved ones, from water, poisoning with liquids, drowning.

in Leo,

then such a person has difficulties in self-expression in the form of ambition or disguise.
In a past life, such a person suffered from incredible pride and vanity, used power for evil, could be a child killer (abortions), a debauchee, a “pornographer”, a seducer of children, or maybe “buried his talent in the ground.”

An active person considers himself the “center of the universe”, around which all life is concentrated, strives for power, tries to subjugate others to his will, can manipulate others, inspire them with his ideas, the need for respect and attention to his person turns into an obsession, demonstrative behavior, boasting, love for flattery, morbid pride, playing the slave of love or imposing such a role on a partner. A person may even feel pleasure from bullying by the object of his passion, but with pleasure mocks those who had the imprudence to fall in love with him.
A passive person loses his individuality, becomes suggestible, manageable, weak-willed, seeks to dissolve in the crowd, avoids the attention of others, suffers from low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem, becomes obsequious and hypocritical. All manifestations of creativity come down to copying other people's works. A person is able to enter into someone else's image, live under other people's masks, play other people's roles, almost losing his individuality.
Such people are not given the opportunity to show and realize their creative potential, the envy of others, intrigues, obstacles, and a difficult relationship with children are possible.
To improve Karma in life, one must take the blows, raise children, be afraid of fire, sunstroke, and strokes.

in Virgo

then the efficiency inherent in such people turns into pettiness or chaos.
In a past life, a person allowed pettiness and greed, deprivation of his loved ones, quarrelsomeness, bureaucracy, sycophancy, cynicism, violation of the Hippocratic oath.
Negative manifestations in the past can now be expressed
An active person has a pronounced practicality, prudence, the ability to detail is brought to the point of absurdity, a passion for the unimportant, “making an elephant out of a fly”, confusion in trifles, behind which the main thing is lost, unbearable criticality.
A passive person almost loses the ability to analyze, notice little things and details, considering them insignificant, it is difficult to keep clean and tidy, chaos and confusion always reigns around, there is optionality, indiscipline, dishonesty, neglect of personal hygiene and health care, obsessive states and fears of getting sick .
These people can suffer from doctors and colleagues.
To improve Karma, one must beware of suspiciousness, especially about one's own health, avoid vindictiveness and petty dirty tricks, not be afraid of those who are smarter, be afraid of surgical operations, earthquakes, and the subway.

in Libra,

then such people are distinguished by greed or dependence.
In the past, they were the keepers of the law, the judges who violated the laws, the bribe-takers who justified their lowest deeds with the highest justice.
Negative manifestations in the past can now be expressed
An active person has a perception of imperfection in everything, excessive and unfair demands on others. The choice, including partners, is carried out on the basis of an external impression or belonging to the elite, the value system is based on a subjective aesthetic criterion, goals are determined by considerations of prestige, ideas about justice are distorted, the ability to attract people to one's side, in order to use them selfishly later.
A passive person makes a choice with difficulty, constantly fluctuates from one decision to another, lack of independence, no opinion, the desire to shift responsibility to others, it is possible to enter into a marriage of convenience to exist at someone else's expense.
Such people can be dragged through the courts, there may be disagreements with a marriage partner. Around unreliable, vile people, tense relations with the law. They can go to jail for nothing.
To improve Karma, one must beware of work injuries, electricity, air travel, noise, scandals, and publicity.

in Scorpio,

then the great strength of such a person is expressed in the fact that he becomes a tyrant or a victim.
In a past life, such a person went through all the vices. This is a criminal - a mafioso, a rapist, a sadist, a sex maniac. A man with secret vices.
Negative manifestations in the past can now be expressed
An active person has strong desires to change the world around him according to his will, love of thrills, risk, he creates critical situations around himself, draws others into them, knows how to impose his opinion on others, interest in everything related to sex increases, contributes to the development of hypersexuality and sexual perversions, can give a propensity for violence.
A passive person becomes weak-willed and suggestible, often becomes a victim of all sorts of manipulations, psychological influences, magic, sexual harassment and violence. Manic jealousy, heightened rancor, reduced sexuality.
Such people may have a fatal passion or fatal love, leading to fatal consequences, diseases of the genital organs, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, the risk of rape, regardless of gender.
To improve Karma, you need to beware of robbers, rapists, maniacs, explosions, drowning.
It is MANDATORY that children under 9 years of age need to be instilled with good concepts and the necessary information about the danger, since these children absorb all vices like a sponge.

in Sagittarius

then people have delusions of grandeur or suggestibility.
In a past life, they could commit malfeasance, be a false teacher, undermining true authorities, a major adventurer.
Negative manifestations in the past may now appear
An active person has an irresistible character, neglect of vital matters and household duties, a desire to constantly teach someone, self-esteem is incredibly high, he can consider himself the chosen conductor of a great idea, extreme intolerance for a different worldview, fanaticism.
A passive person becomes suggestible, worldview, religious beliefs and social guidelines are dictated by the environment, Blindly follow the ethics and morals accepted in society, suffer from low self-esteem, have no opinion of their own, tend to idealize their teachers and mentors, imitate them, seek to find an object of worship or an ideal who can be served.
Such people suffer from false teachers, they are not listened to, they are not understood, they are despised, tensions with religion, hesitation, confusion and contradictions, it is difficult to get a higher education.
To improve Karma, one cannot get into ideology, one must be a student, a novice. We must avoid long trips, foreigners, adventurers, we must be a guide, not a carrier of an idea.

in Capricorn

then a person has excessive responsibility or passivity.
In a past life, such a person showed cruelty, ruthlessness, despotism, suppression of everyone around, did not disdain anything, going towards the goal.
Negative manifestations in the past may now appear
An active person in disobeying someone else's will and striving for power with all his might, the end in itself is the control of people, the suppression of someone else's and the imposition of his will. If the circumstances of life do not allow the realization of ambitions, he becomes a domestic tyrant and revels in power over family members.
A passive person does not know how to achieve a goal, the slightest obstacle does not allow achieving practical results, easily abandons plans, does not strive for a career, power and social position, becomes controllable, afraid and avoids taking on even a small responsibility or does not fulfill the obligations taken.
Such people become scapegoats. The sins of an entire people are laid on them and they are sacrificed. Sometimes other people's crimes are blamed on them, or they take on someone else's guilt.
To improve Karma, it is necessary to develop endurance and patience with subordinates and dissidents. You should be wary of falling from a height, landslides, transport, subway.

in Aquarius,

then the person exhibits extreme eccentricity or conservatism.
In a past life, he loved freedom too much and sought it by any means, he could be an anarchist, an adventurer, a cheater, a traitor to friends.
Negative manifestations in the past may now appear
An active person in organic intolerance has no pressure and restrictions, unexpected and sharp mood swings are characteristic, he deliberately commits extraordinary acts in order to shock others, demonstrate to them his disregard for established norms of behavior, evades responsibility in any way.
A passive person is prone to excessive self-restrictions and complexes, blocks his abilities, which makes it difficult to intuitive knowledge, creates emotional blocks.
Such people are betrayed, deprived of freedom, plans either collapse or are fulfilled on the contrary, they are not able to distinguish between good and evil. In their life, boredom and constant loneliness, there is nothing stable, everything collapses.
To improve Karma, one should beware of deceivers, swindlers, speculators, not get into debt and not lend, beware of unreliable people, electricity and medicines.

in Pisces,

then such people like to play the sage and the prophet, who they really are not. They are characterized by falsity or sacrifice.
In the past, they could be engaged in secret illegal affairs, be a spy, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a criminal, a violator of the commandments.
Negative manifestations in the past may now appear
In an active person, in a constant desire to help someone, the concept of what this help should be is distorted. Therefore, actions are often too intrusive and inappropriate, pity and sympathy for people who do not really deserve it, and those who really need support are left without attention. A sacrifice for the sake of others, but just when it is not only not necessary, but, on the contrary, can be harmful. The danger of becoming a member of a dubious religious sect.
A passive person does not understand the reasons for his actions, becomes overly suggestible, it is easy to influence on a subconscious level. something prevents you from hearing the voice of your higher "I", the instability of the emotional state, leading to mental disorders and diseases, often contributes to the development of alcoholism.
Such people are secretly avenged. They have an unstable psyche, nightmares are possible in a dream, fears, illusions, up to schizophrenia, are subject to damage and the evil eye, memory loss is possible.
To improve Karma, one should be afraid of vicious society, secret and hidden enemies that come under the guise of friends, hypnosis, liquids in all forms. There is a danger of drowning, poisoning, alcoholism.

The Black Moon or Lilith speaks about the moral and ethical problems of a person, about the amount of his bad deeds that are associated with past incarnations, where and in what the protection of a person from Evil is weak, where he can slip, how a person must pay karmic debts and what he will be punished.
Lilith is associated with the Moon and shows dark hidden states that can become apparent, and a person, knowing his temptations from the Black Moon, should consciously avoid them.

All information related to Lilith enhances the fatality of the horoscope and events in people's lives. Through the Black Moon, fate manifests itself as a pliability to the Dark Beginning.

Psychologically, it determines a person’s bad inclinations and, having a circulation cycle of nine years, it especially intensifies in years that are multiples of nine: at nine years, eighteen years, twenty-seven, thirty-six, forty-five, fifty-four, sixty-three, seventy-two, eighty-one years. These are all years of awareness, years of special control when you can slip down, years of special temptation.

By the age of 63, a person is obliged to make the final choice between Good and Evil.

Lilith determines the measure of evil that a person can commit in this life, shows the lowest path that a person can go down and go through in life. However, this total indicator of our secret sins and complexes can be changed by our conscious and independent development.

The manifestations of the Black Moon in the events of life are periods in our lives when unhealthy impulses appear in us, when we commit unmotivated actions, when we become succumbing to seduction. The time of an eclipse of reason, when a person does not know what he is doing.

In contrast to the influence of the Black Moon, a person must develop self-defense.

It is important to pay attention to the element in which Lilith is in the horoscope. This element is dangerous for humans.

Depending on the level of human development, on the ability to control oneself and on the degree of self-awareness, there are three levels of manifestation of the Black Moon. How it will manifest itself depends on the spiritual development of a person, on his work on himself.

FIRST LEVEL - a person receives pleasure and satisfaction from his dark deeds, from Lilith receives nourishment and support. By the sign and house of Lilith in the horoscope, you can see where a person is drawn, his vicious inclinations. By the strength and position of Lilith, one can tell how great the danger of falling is, in what form it is possible and the very degree of the fall. This is the active level. Passion is stronger than will and reason, it can even contradict the program of life.

Since Lilith in the Sign is given for certain deeds in past lives, the sign of the Zodiac will show in what form the Black Karma is accumulated. A person is drawn to the same place and the worst way is to succumb to all temptations and repeat the same thing in this life.

SECOND LEVEL - a person himself does not follow the path of temptations. already realizes that this is a sin, that the Devil seduces him and refuses to move along the path of Lilith, at her call. This is the path of repentance and redemption; a person must be punished for everything he has done, and he receives punishment in the same form in which he sinned. Here a person must repent, i.e. extinguish those processes that he launched in a past life. As a punishment, a person attracts all evil spirits in accordance with his dark Karma.

Accidents line up in a certain system, irreversible, fatal situations develop. The ancients believed that this path is better, since there is an opportunity to work off karma, and, having suffered, get out of the circle of incarnations.

There is also a boundary level between these two - and such people are usually fatalists.

THIRD LEVEL - makes it possible to see evil and not fall into the abyss, to have a clear idea of ​​what is objectively bad. A person has already paid off his karmic debt, has gone through everything, and he already has a clear separation of Evil and Good. Immunity to the temptations of Evil has been acquired, and evil is rejected from such people. A person immediately distinguishes situations corresponding to Evil, and due to this, these situations are repelled from him. Such rejection and repulsion of Evil requires a developed self-awareness and independence of human thinking. That is, a person worked off his sins.

On Earth, a person can be born with the first or second level of manifestation of the Black Moon. It is believed that if a person died repentant, then in the next incarnation he will be born with the second level of the Black Moon. It is possible to be born with the first level of manifestation of Lilith and already in this life to abandon the path of Evil and move to the second level. When a person changes, the Black Moon ceases to influence him at the first level and moves to the second, and the person begins to receive retribution for all his black deeds. When he atones for his guilt and is internally transformed, he can move on to the third level. As far as we know, people are not born with the third level, although a person can very early, even in childhood, move from the second level to the third. If you have a weak Lilith, it means that already in past lives you have been working on yourself, and during one life you can go through all three levels. The speed of the transition depends on the intensity of a person's spiritual work. This is also the case with repentance, that is, in what form you will atone for your guilt also depends on your spiritual level. The higher your spiritual level, and the harder you work on yourself, the more time is compressed for you and the faster the transition from one level to another. These things do not follow from the cosmogram and horoscope, they belong to the sphere of free will. And even when you reach the third level, you must always remember that the temptation still remains. If you weaken self-observation and spiritual work, then the Black Moon may begin to manifest itself again, but only in more subtle spheres and forms. That is, there is always a danger of moving from the third level back to the first, one has only to weaken attention and work on oneself. Therefore, a person should always be extremely careful regarding the problems associated with the Black Moon. They cannot be worked out once and for all, so that they would not manifest themselves on an unconscious level, without control, mechanically. Constant self-observation is absolutely necessary, it is necessary to constantly keep them in the field of consciousness. Of course, it cannot be said that at the third level the Black Moon is a “temptation”, it is rather an indicator, a person immediately sees potential Evil that has not yet manifested itself in the form and in those areas of life that correspond to the sign of the Zodiac where the person has the Black Moon .

Lilith also shows what our enemies will be like.

On the consciously chosen Path of Light, if immunity to temptations and vices has already been developed, instructions are given through Lilith what else needs to be worked out.

A horoscope can determine which path is easier to follow, but it is impossible to determine which path a person will actually take. With a favorable horoscope, the manifestations of Lilith are less noticeable.


Lilith in the abode of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of exaltation of the Sun, in the element of fire.

Here she is very strong. In past incarnations, the karma of a killer was accumulated, a warrior who killed in excess of military duty, looted, and enjoyed violence. With a weak Black Moon, there may simply be a tendency to rudeness and rudeness.

At the first level in this life, it again pulls to be rude, to use force, to kill. Following these desires pushes on the destructive path of aggravation of Karma, does not give redemption.

At the second level of manifestation of Lilith in this life there is no conscious "evil creation".

Circumstances punish for what has been done in the past - in any business there are a lot of obstacles, rudeness, rudeness from others, a desire to interfere, attempts to beat are possible.

Fears, obsessions, fear of being killed may appear, cowardice appears, a painful attraction to sharp objects, fire, firearms.

If you respond to rudeness with rudeness, then you can attract open enemies to yourself, even murderers while remaining defenseless, since the previous sign - Pisces - has a water element.

You should avoid activity, pressure, increased physical dynamics, swiftness, do not come into contact with cold and firearms, fire, sharp objects.

Commandment: do not kill, do not be rude, develop fearlessness.

At the third level, it is possible to immediately distinguish murderers, rapists, to see situations where Evil can manifest itself in the form of violence. It turns out that such situations pass by, do not affect a person.


In exile with Mars and Pluto, in the abode of Venus and Chiron, in the sign of the exaltation of the Moon, in the elements of the Earth. Standing is weakened. The accumulated dark karma is associated with greed, possessiveness, hoarding, nourishment at the expense of others, vampirism.

According to the first level of manifestation of Lilith, greed, miserliness, stinginess, jealousy, that is, possessiveness in love, a repetition of previous vices, are observed. Money, no matter how they are acquired, will turn into dust, since this money is from the devil. disappear.
In the worst case, Lilith makes it possible to feed on someone else's expense in material and energy terms and live by this.

At the second level, the punishments for sins come in the form of constant financial difficulties, debts, loss of savings, fear of hunger. Efforts to provide for oneself in old age for fear of being sick or abandoned do not bring any benefits, savings are lost or wasted. In the worst case, there may be a lack of absorption of food at a purely physiological level. There is a loss of health (Taurus is associated with health).
The Black Moon here is associated with deprivation of energy. Atonement can be diseases, weakened energy. But you need to know that not every illness or suffering can be an atonement, a way to pay for sins.
There is a danger of falling into the earthquake zone, being covered with earth.

Commandment: do not save, do not be greedy, do not be jealous.

At the third level, liberation from all types of material dependence is given, money matters are resolved as if by themselves, but this does not mean that there will be a lot of money - as much as is necessary for life and development, so much will come. There is no thirst for savings, no fear of poverty, old age or illness, if humility and understanding is developed that everything comes and goes by the will of God.


Lilith in the abode of Mercury and Proserpine, in the exaltation sign of Proserpine, in the element of air.
Dark karma is associated with theft, denunciations, deceit, slander, gossip, and fraud.
In this life, one should avoid deceit, theft, kleptomania, watch one's speech, do not say too much, do not harm with a word, do not gossip and do not slander.

On the first level, a person enjoys deceit, theft, gossip, slander, various distortions of information, fraud, enmity with close relatives and neighbors.

On the second level, bullying by brothers and sisters, relatives, and neighbors is punishment and redemption. Deceptions, slander, intrigues due to envy persecute a person. An Oedipus complex may develop. An indicator of the correctness of the Path and spiritual growth is the absence of anger, the forgiveness of the guilty.
The threat from the elements is the danger of suffocation, or a plane crash, as well as gas poisoning.

Commandment: Do not repay evil for evil, gossip for gossip, deceit for deceit, etc.

When you move to the third level, such situations begin to repel you. You can immediately distinguish between scammers, gossips, deceivers. You cannot be deceived, you see the deception. If someone tries to spread gossip or rumors about you, then no one believes in them, it does not stick to you.


Lilith in Cancer is in the abode of the Moon, in the sign of the exaltation of Jupiter and Selena.

This is a very difficult standing, because in past lives some kind of crime was committed against the family or traditions, perhaps betrayal or desecration, insulting parents. Therefore, there may be a family curse - "Karma of the ancestors." The curse can be realized through heredity, through genetic information.

At the second level, or on the “middle” path, the walls of one’s own house are crushed on a person, family members, household members strike. Misfortunes can come through parents, parents-enemies, poison. This can result in vagrancy, homelessness, which means uncertainty, suspiciousness. And sometimes fears, persecution mania, an acute Oedipus complex, homosexuality. All vicious inclinations must be burned out with a red-hot iron, to get to the roots, to the sources and causes of such states, to clean it all up, then sins will be worked out.

Sometimes a person experiences a generational curse again, but this should be taken as atonement for the sins of a past life. Possible bad relations with their family, non-recognition in the homeland, persecution.
This is one of the indicators of forced emigration, when a person is thrown out of his home, his native country. Here a person must go through this and not become embittered, such is his pay in life.
A fear of drowning or a fear of poisoning may develop. Indeed, there is a danger from water, ranging from periodic floods in the house, ending with liquid poisoning and drowning.

Commandment: to return to the roots, to be more in the family, to honor and respect the elders.

When moving to the third level, a vision of situations associated with pollution, desecration of traditions is given, you can immediately distinguish traitors, defilers of traditions. There is an utmost attentiveness to one's relations with parents, with the Motherland, with occult sources.
There is a desire to choose pure sources of traditions, the ability to distinguish a desecrated teaching from a pure occult tradition, a sense of these differences


The Black Moon is in the abode of the Sun, in the sign of the exaltation of Pluto, in the fiery element.

The deeds recorded in the dark karma counter related to the following: in a past life, a measure of power was exceeded, a person could be an egocentric, a poseur, could corrupt others with vicious creativity, torment his loved ones, seduce children or torment them, could be a child killer.

On the first level, parvenyu, upstarts, impostors appear. Draws on the creation of vulgar, corrupting works. Repeating past mistakes, a person may experience a vicious attraction to children, an upstart complex, unsatisfied vanity, envy of all who are talented.

With strong Uranus, gambling attracts.
In most cases, this gives life as a closed system without feedback.

On the second level of manifestation of Lilith, walking along the path of redemption, a person himself experiences suffering from strong, powerful people, insidious and vengeful opponents. Upstarts with unsatisfied vanity will envy you and poison you out of envy, especially if you are a talented and creative person. This situation gives unhappy love, this is retribution for the fact that in a past life you hurt your loved ones. Big problems with children are possible: children do not accept, they cause harm.
You need to take blows from opponents, you should not be upset because of unhappy love, you need to take care of raising children, give everything to them and not expect gratitude, because in a past life they did a lot of bad things.

The threat from the element of Fire is the danger of fire, weapons, sunstroke, strokes.

Commandment: do not climb into power, do not strive for fame, give everything to children and do not expect gratitude.

At the third level, with high awareness and spiritual work, life situations are somewhat normalized - relations with children are leveled, the desire to get out and be in the center of attention disappears. You begin to closely monitor your life position in relation to people and authorities. Situations related to abuse of power are not provoked, there is no reason to commit violence against loved ones or children. These situations just pass by.

At the third level, you immediately recognize people who are vicious creators or child killers.


Lilith is in exile with Jupiter and Neptune, in the abode of Mercury and Proserpina, in the exaltation sign of Mercury, in the element of Earth.

The position associated with the defilement of Purity, the "fallen" Virgin. Past sins - sycophancy, servility, bureaucracy, parasitism, petty tyranny of dependent people, perhaps there was a violation of the Hippocratic oath, or the doctor left the patient without help in a past incarnation.

According to the first level in this life, such people are distinguished by service, careerism, servility and lackey psychology. In their system of values, the mind and information are above all, behind this the human principle is lost. Friends and entourage are selected below their level.

At the second level, on the middle path, you will be hounded by the authorities, heaping on a lot of small things, hard tedious work. They will also scold you for this, no one respects you, they constantly emphasize stupidity and incompetence, rub it off, point to a low rank, and catch you on trifles. Lots of small obstacles.
Every nine years, all sorts of scum piles up. There may be poor health, illness, and unscrupulous and unskilled doctors who bring misfortune are sure to come across.
You should be wary of suspiciousness about health. Avoid pettiness. Don't be afraid that someone might be smarter. Avoid pedants, lovers of "teaching life."
The senseless waste of money, inevitable in this position of Lilith, is the return of karmic debts.
Potential enemies: these are colleagues, doctors. The threat from the elements is the danger from earthquakes, metro.

Commandment: work, endure, do not be embittered, carry your cross, do your duty, take care of the sick.

At the third level, with high self-control, all these vicious situations begin to repel you. You see and distinguish between bureaucrats, lackeys, unscrupulous people, charlatan doctors, people who violate their duty.
An immunity is created against it, and you do not fall into the space of these situations.


Lilith in the abode of Venus and Chiron, in the sign of exaltation of Saturn, in the element of Air.

The dark karma that you have collected in past lives is associated with violations of justice, or the fight against justice. Perhaps you were an unjust judge, a traitor, violated contractual obligations to partners, or were a pimp, a traitor, a gigolo, an intriguer.

At the first level of self-consciousness, this is the same traitor, scoundrel, seducer, sticky, double-dealer, intriguer. His destiny in this life is litigation, unreliability, squabbles, eternal showdowns, pitting everyone and everything, dark secret deeds. Usually there is no opinion. Constant fluctuations, using other people for selfish purposes, and at the same time standing up for justice - all this only aggravates karma.

At the second level and the path of redemption, you can be dragged through the courts, you can be imprisoned innocently. Bad relationships with partners, which can become a source of misfortune. Because you were unfaithful in the past, your husband or wife will cheat on you. Revelations and dirty stories threaten in marital cohabitation. Surrounded by vile and unreliable people, often haunted by an abundance of meaningless papers.
Tensions with the law, legal problems, many embarrassing situations, false accusations. They can be robbed often. A bad marriage, a marriage partner can convey, try to squeeze or plant. Big problems with society, in no case should you get out with social activities, avoid noise and publicity. We must beware of industrial injuries, electricity, air travel, this is a threat from the elements. There is a danger of going to jail.

Commandment: watch for justice in relation to other people, establish family relationships, do not intrigue, do not try to judge people.

At the third level, if you are constantly very attentive to justice and do not break the word, then the vision of unreliable people and situations comes, there are no clashes with the law. Family relations are stabilizing. Here you need to work a lot on yourself and carefully monitor - justice is a delicate matter and in case of violation you can go from the third level to the first, but in a more sophisticated form.
In this situation, you can not calm down, as it is very easy to break loose.


Lilith in the daytime abode of Pluto and Mars, in the exaltation sign of Uranus, in the element of Water.

This is a very strong position of Lilith. It says that in a past life you went through all the vices - there is nowhere to put a test. He was a man who crossed all limits, believed that everything was permissible for him, hated everyone, took revenge on everyone, seduced everyone. It could be a black magician who abused his knowledge, deliberately using the Cosmic Law to cause harm, for black purposes.

According to the first level, when a person follows the lowest path, and Lilith in Scorpio gives the strongest temptations, then a person becomes a sexual maniac, a sadist, a criminal, a mafia.
Such a life is universal hatred and universal revenge. Such people have a very strong craving for black magic.

On the second level, when a person walks the middle path and pays his debts, he is haunted by the fear of death and the urge to commit suicide. The person becomes the object of hatred and revenge. Criminals, rapists, sexual maniacs are attracted. Both women and men are at risk of rape. Life in constant fear. There is a danger of falling under the power of the mafia or becoming a victim of black magic.
In this position of Lilith, people are characterized by constant alertness.
In life, a fatal passion or love threatens, leading to fatal consequences.
A partner leads to death, for men it is a meeting with a “fatal” woman, for a woman vice in any form is very attractive. To avoid all dangers, she needs to have magical protection and learn this.
These people are often forced to have low surroundings. There are blackmailers around, harassing them for a long time and secretly, a lot of crazy people. The danger comes from criminals, robbers, rapists. There is a threat of explosions, you can not work as a sapper, especially with evil Uranus. There is a danger of drowning.
Children under 9 years old, that is, before the first return of Lilith to her place in the horoscope, it is necessary to invest in the concepts of Good and Evil and the necessary information about safety, about what they may encounter. Otherwise, they will absorb vice like a sponge. Horrible stories can happen to children, like retribution for a past life.

Commandment: cleanse yourself, be reborn, remove the stigma.

At the third level of development, you immediately see maniacs, rapists and perverts, sadists, black magicians. Know how to distance yourself from them. Bypass situations of violence and seduction, do not attract black magic influence.


Lilith in the abode of Jupiter and Neptune, in the exaltation sign of Chiron, in the element of Fire.

The Dark Karma counter in this position indicates the following mistakes in a past life: a person could be a false teacher, a false prophet, a major adventurer, an impostor teacher, could instill an ideology of vice, or undermine ideological foundations. All this is connected with the corruption of souls.

At the first, lower level of spiritual awareness, the same tendencies continue - you can rush to fame, honors, positions, power at any cost. This position is also associated with pouting and swagger.
In this state, you can easily succumb to ideological seductions and confuse others. There is a tendency to attribute one's shortcomings to others, and to consider oneself always right. This is contempt for everyone, and suppression and misplaced ambitions. This is a pop-cut, and an impostor teacher, and a runaway student of an esoteric school who appropriated other people's merits.

On the second level, when purification and redemption takes place, you can suffer from false teachers, get lost in ideological seductions. He is tense with questions of religion, Hamlet's questions constantly arise, he is tormented by constant and fundamental fluctuations, confusion in contradictions interferes.
It is difficult to gain authority for yourself, no one listens to you, everyone despise. The fate of a person attracts something, and then takes everything away. A person is doomed to long difficult roads and vagrancy.
With such a standing of Lilith in the horoscope, it is better not to climb into the sphere of ideology, but one must be a student, a novice. You should avoid craving for long trips, for foreigners, non-residents, adventurers.
Do not get involved in adventures. We must try to be a mediator, a conductor, and not a carrier of an idea.
Usually these are people who are rejected by the official ideology. In relation to the element defiled by Lilith, there is a danger from fire.

Commandment: do not teach, do not mentor, reach for religion, do not wander.

At the third level, when you have worked through all this, you instantly see false teachers, careerists, ambitious people, strive to avoid an authoritarian position
Such a person will try not to speak, but to remain silent, to follow his thoughts, not to get into ideology. Such a person has developed humility.


Lilith in exaltation with Mars in the abode of Saturn and Uranus, in the element of Earth.

One of the most powerful and insidious stands.
In a past life, a person committed difficult deeds related to despotism, oppression of people, was a fascist, sacrificed everyone to himself, went to the goal, not disdaining anything, trampling on everything sacred. Such standing is associated with cynicism, ruthless torment, deceit in achieving the goal.

At the first level, when there is still no striving for Good, and a person follows the path of Evil, he repeats all the mistakes of the past - he abuses petty power, makes everyone scapegoats for his own atrocities, suppresses and considers them worthless. At this stage, it can be very difficult to discern the true essence of such a person: with an internal cold, outwardly these people are very affectionate, seductive and it is completely incomprehensible what they can do in the next moment. In the depths of his soul, this man sneers at everyone.
They are characterized by cruelty, cold cynicism, prudence, criminality of plans with external restraint and secrecy. Possible father complex.
They are very insidious in achieving the goal, since the earthly element of Capricorn gives perseverance and perseverance.

On the second level, on the middle path, experiencing punishment for your sins, you yourself sometimes turn into a “scapegoat” - you can be blamed for the crimes of others, the sins of an entire nation, and be sacrificed. Sometimes you yourself can voluntarily take on someone else's fault.
Often such people attract criminals and can become a victim of harassment and slander.
Perhaps this standing of Lilith is realized in the image of a cruel boss.
The manifestation of Lilith will also be situations in which you are used as a thing, as a mechanism, mocked, despised, considered a nonentity. The threat from the elements of the Earth in event manifestations is the danger of falling from a height, landslides, transport, metro. Evil comes from bosses, even small ones.

Commandment: resign yourself to the role of an innocent victim, maintain dignity, go to the goal, carefully choosing the means.

At the third level, following the Path of Light, you already clearly distinguish between fascists, rapists, despots, and know how to get out of such situations. Somehow it turns out that if someone wants to put the blame on you, nothing will come of it. Bosses also cannot complicate life, somehow they cannot touch or hurt you. That is, not only does the vision of people bring exactly this Evil come and you yourself know how to get out of these situations, but life somehow develops in such a way that such troubles bypass you.
All this, of course, is the unity of the external and internal, that is, by working through the Black Moon inside yourself, you avoid such situations, and they themselves repel you.
A person who lives according to a high program will most attentively follow and determine whether he has chosen enough worthy means to achieve the goal, whether the means he has chosen cannot give at least some defilement of the goal.


Lilith in the abode of Uranus and Saturn, in the exaltation sign of Neptune, in the element of Air.

Past dark karma has been accumulated by a person in violation of freedom. In a past life, a person deprived of the freedom of others - in order to achieve his freedom, he loved it too much and achieved it by any means, using it to the detriment of others. He destroyed their development prospects, broke their faith, undermined the spiritual foundation in people, and this is worse than blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - one of the most negative manifestations of the Black Moon.
Perhaps you were an anarchist, a cheater, a destroyer of other people's plans, a defiler of shrines, Herostratus.

On the first level of development, following the path of Evil, you again commit sacrilege, get pleasure from destruction, laugh at holy things. These are cynics, detractors, incest, traitors. There is a repetition of previous mistakes, there is no awareness, no work on oneself, no desire to become better and cleaner.

At the second level of manifestation of Lilith, if you have embarked on the path of redemption and punishment, that is, the working of the Black Moon, you will be betrayed, deprived of your freedom, and may be imprisoned.
All plans are destroyed, everything comes out of time, you are deprived of development prospects, they do not care about you. They destroy faith, they deceive. Overcomes boredom and constant loneliness. It is often impossible to distinguish between good and evil. Having overcome Evil in trifles, a person is deceived by the idea that he has conquered Evil in general, and, being scattered over trifles, forgets about the major. For such people, there is nothing stable at all - as soon as something stabilizes, it immediately begins to collapse.
The seduction of freedom, lack of initiative, and, consequently, a disregard for people.
You should beware of deceivers, speculators, you should not borrow and lend. Evil comes from untrustworthy people. Threat - danger from electricity and drugs.

Commandment: do not mix good and evil, do not hibernate, do not make long-term plans.

At the third level, when you reach a high spiritual level of development, with constant self-control, you get rid of situations associated with insecurity, imprisonment, bad adventurism on the outer and inner planes. On the one hand, you distinguish between such people, on the other hand, you acquire magical protection from Evil.
Here, increased attention should be directed to non-betrayal, support of friends, to the correct use of the freedom that you have been given, to the separation of Good and Evil.


Lilith in the abode of Neptune and Jupiter, in the exaltation sign of Venus, in the element of Water.

As in all signs of Water, in Pisces Lilith manifests itself especially strongly. It is associated with temptation, subtle intoxication, excess of authority in spiritualism, in reaching subtle planes.

Dark karma is defined as follows: a person in a past life could be a spy, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a criminal, a violator of commandments, a black magician, a secret killer.

At the first level, when a person unconsciously or consciously chooses Evil, he becomes a coward, a spy, a traitor, a drug addict, a black magician who abuses hypnosis.

On a low path of development, such people are subject to suggestions, illusions, all bad habits and vices, fears, madness, drugs.

On the second level, on the path of redemption of Karma, you are secretly avenged, or you may have hard work in secret organizations. People with an unstable psyche have nightmares in their sleep, the possibility of schizophrenia.

Also, this position predisposes to damage, the evil eye, memory loss, and there may be hallucinations.

This is a pitiful, helpless person, floating at the behest of the waves.

One should beware of vicious society, secret and hidden enemies who come under the guise of friends, as well as revenge and hypnosis. Danger comes from any liquids - in the form of drowning, poisoning and alcoholism.

There is a danger and influence of black magic. Characterized by sleepwalking and hallucinations.

At the third level, after working out one's vices, painful habits that are best outlived in solitude, immunity from black magicians, seducers arises.

Situations involving secret societies, secret organizations, black occultism are varied and avoided.

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