Astrology what does the moon in the 8th house mean. The moon is the most magical planet in the solar system

> > Moon in 8th house

Person born at Moon in 8th house feels the need for security. Often he has psychic abilities and is interested in rather strange things, for example, the afterlife. Sex and love are of great value to him, but with the wrong use of energy, a predisposition to excessive sexuality is noticed.

Communication with a person with the Moon in the 8th house

Money can come through a partner, mother, or some woman. Often these people have to manage outside money. They successfully deal with taxes and inheritances, insurance and all the necessary paperwork. After marriage, such individuals are often immersed in the analysis of all financial problems.

Sensuality must be strictly controlled, because passion is sometimes excessive. These people have high resistance, responsibility and considerable self-confidence.

The character of a person with the Moon in the 8th house

They show an increased interest in music, art, and their dreams sometimes become so real that they even acquire a hallucinatory image. They may profit from public activities, sometimes even as a result of the death of their partner.

Clairvoyance and prophetic dreams are possible. You need to use your gift correctly!

Such a person should beware of premature death and accidents. Their probability increases many times with the defeat of the moon.

8th house is naturally unfavorable for the Moon, since it falls there in the natural horoscope (when the ordinal numbers of signs coincide with the numbers of houses). This position of the Moon gives variability and instability in matters of inner life and thinking. The ornateness of thought processes plunges a person into an abyss of emotions and assessments, thereby taking away the clarity of mind.

Moon in the 8th house is a kind of classic Jyotish, because almost all cases are the same with very rare exceptions. In almost all cases, this is a problematic relationship with a dominant mother and, as a result, too much emotional activity. It is always a tottering model of the worldview, which is easily shaken by logical arguments. Also, these people are often magnets for occult phenomena, such as the evil eye, love spells, magic, energy vampirism, and so on. A little less common is the early loss of the mother (with a damaged, weak Moon).

Although there are enough problems with this position of the moon, but there are also positive aspects. This is a high sensitivity to spiritual, psychological knowledge. Sincere attitude towards partners and general emotionality in relationships. For women it is sexuality and attractiveness, and for men it is a subtle understanding of women. Although men with this position of the Moon are often prone to infantilism and hanging on the neck of women (mothers, wives). Great empaths.

Auspicious Moon:

  • Sensitivity to people
  • Spirituality and Esotericism
  • Openness and sincerity
  • Magnificent intuition and the gift of foresight
  • Excellent understanding in sex
  • Emotional thinking
  • Rich imagination
  • Charm and charisma at the initial stage of communication

Bad Moon:

  • Mom problems. Dominant mother.
  • Lack of emotional freedom
  • Sudden illnesses and accidents
  • Over-attachment to partners
  • Chaos in the mind. Disorderly thinking.
  • Addiction to sex and intimacy
  • Vulnerability, hypersensitivity
  • Unexplained fears, fears, anxiety


The 8th house is the genitourinary system, large intestine and anus.

With an unfavorable, afflicted Moon a person is at risk of the following diseases: prostatitis, urolithiasis, problems with the release of fluid and semen, improper absorption of nutrients from the intestines, diarrhea, improper chem. composition of urine and semen. Very rarely there is a risk of infertility (with additional factors in the map).


The position of the Moon in the 8th house can hardly be called even average.. Most often, this position of the moon brings psychological disorders, which entail physical over time. illness. The moon has no place at all in the area of ​​partnership and inner life. The nature of the Moon is more material and everyday, which is why it arranges such riots when it enters the 8th house. So that there is no place for no alternative, one must also mention the legendary properties of the Moon in the 8th house, such as mystical powers, clairvoyance, the highest spiritual level of consciousness. But such properties require an appropriate horoscope and a lot of effort in life.

Roman Gavrilov


The most secret and changeable planet of the horoscope. She was worshiped by the Indians. The whole planet lives according to its biorhythms. Temples were built in her honor and it was believed that the goddess Hekate lives on it.

The moon comes from "lux" - light. From what sign the Moon is in, our household arrangements depend. Two people can be psychologically compatible, but they may not have domestic compatibility. The more harmonious the Moon in the horoscope, the happier the fate of a person and the more favorable family life.

The moon is the most changeable object, several goddesses are assigned to it.

Astronomically, the Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, and the only one. It is very similar to the Earth, but there is no water and air on it. Huge reserves of valuable metals, the Japanese plan to extract valuable elements. The closest cosmic body to us, so it has the strongest influence on everything. Those on whom she has a very strong influence are called sleepwalkers - people with some mental disorders.

Moon day is Monday.

The color is white, the moon priests wore white robes.

Metal - silver,

Virtue of the Moon - the ability to care for, warm, feed, take care of another person,

The personalities whom the Moon designates in the horoscope are the mother, our relationship with her, for men - the wife.

Signs where it is strongest. Possessed in Cancer or 4th house, exalted in Taurus or 2nd house, imprisoned in Capricorn or 10th house, debilitated in Scorpio or 8th house.

The moon has 4 phases:

New Moon - the first quarter of the young Moon - the first phase of the goddess Artemis (the Romans - Diana). She is the patroness of hunters, she guarded virgins. The hunter herself, people born in this phase are hunters.

The second phase - from the first quarter to the full moon corresponds to the lunar male god of the Greeks, Bacchus (among the Romans, Dionysus) - the gods of fun and winemaking. The Russians called the Moon in this phase the young month. God in Russian comes from the name of Bacchus. From the numerous Greek gods, the Russians chose the god of winemaking to designate the creator.

The Full Moon is the opposition of the Sun and the Moon. The lunar road is healing, it was believed that swimming in it is useful. Corresponds to the Greek goddess Athena (among the Romans, Minerva is the goddess of wisdom and enlightenment), Athens is named after the goddess Athena. The city of Athens was destined to become the center of world culture. Minerva's owl flies at night, the wisest bird. On the day of the full moon, the moon comes in the evening, inspiration for creative people also comes at night.

Third phase of the moon. Nothing lasts forever under the Moon - the greatest wisdom is to understand and take for granted that a person who has reached perfection must die. This cycle guarantees the continuation of life. The Greek goddess Hera (among the Romans Juno) is a very majestic woman, it was not easy to approach her, a stately, beautiful woman, absolutely self-confident, very jealous, she was one of the main wives of Zeus and harmed everyone else. The myth of the Milky Way is associated with it. The solar system belongs to the spiral galaxy of the Milky Way, maybe our development in a spiral is connected with this. The Milky Way is best viewed in the summer on a moonless night. The band with the maximum concentration of stars. They decided to feed Hercules with Hera's milk, brought it to her breast when she was sleeping. Hera pushed Hercules away and spilled the milk.

The Statue of Liberty is very similar to Hera, her sculptor had the Moon in the third phase, he claimed that this was how his mother looked.

The fourth phase is the Gorgon. The entire left half with the letter G. The Gorgons were not bad, they just didn’t like it when they did something wrong. They were angry. Medusa Gorgon had a peculiarity: if you look into her eyes, you will turn into stone. Perseus fought her, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

The New Moon is dedicated to the lunar goddess Hekate. The most dangerous of all, the goddess of the invisible moon. The new moon is the death of the moon, as they used to think. Very dangerous nights with no moon, no electricity. It was believed that Hekate on moonless nights induces nightmares. And those who staggered on such nights lay in wait for Shekata at the crossroads and in the cemetery - these are the most dangerous places on the new moon.

Astrology believes that our emotions depend on which phase of the moon you were born in.

The young (or growing) Moon is favorable for magical operations aimed at increasing or improving something. For example, talismans that can attract money, love, and improve health must be made during the young moon.

The old (waning) Moon, on the contrary, patronizes magical actions to reduce or weaken something. If you want to wean your husband from drinking, lose weight - resort to magic during the aging moon!

The full moon period is ideal for all forms and types of magic. It is believed that then the Moon is most powerful, although dangerous - unskilled actions can harm the magician himself.

In addition to the phases of the moon, you also need to take into account its position in the signs of the zodiac. The fact is that when the Moon moves through the signs, it, as astrologers say, "changes its meaning and absorbs the influence of the sign in which it is located." The most influential are the Moon in the signs of Cancer (this is her "home") and Taurus (the place of "elevation"). Worst of all, the power of the Moon is manifested in the signs of Capricorn ("exile") and Scorpio ("fall").

As for the other signs of the Zodiac, knowing their main characteristics, it is not difficult to imagine the corresponding influence of the Moon.

Moon in Aries endows the born person with a quick-tempered and impulsive nature. Such a person likes to do everything quickly. Here the Moon is in a male active sign, a person acts energetically, it is easy to piss him off, make him angry, unless this position is

is smoothed out by the Sun in a calmer sign, for example, in Pisces, Virgo, Taurus.

Moon in Taurus- in exaltation, endows a person with the qualities of the owner (or mistress) of the house. Such people do everything around the house slowly, but with high quality. They are good cooks. Working in the kitchen gives them real pleasure. In general, the Moon in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) always instills caring about business, but the most caring Moon (in material terms) is in Taurus.

Moon in Gemini- the element of communication, information. A person with the Moon in Gemini will not have a material economy in order. For him, the main thing is to communicate; conversation is quite capable of replacing dinner. Which, unfortunately, does not always suit households ... A person with the Moon in Gemini can calmly survive the mess in his house, but a lack of communication can ruin his life.

Moon in Cancer the strongest, it endows a person with deep sympathy. He will worry about all household and economic affairs. For him, relations with his mother are extremely important, but if they do not add up, then he will be very worried.

Moon in Leo- an indicator of a proud and demonstrative nature. Leo should be proud of his family, he will brag about his wife or mother.

Moon in Virgo endows a person with practicality, punctuality, methodicalness. Such a person keeps everything in its place. He loves order, although order for him is when every thing lies in its place, and only he himself will guess what kind of “own place” it is. But even if a mess has formed in the house of the moon Maiden, there will still be no dirt in it.

Moon in Libra leads to the fact that communication in the family and the situation in the house greatly affect the emotional life. If the house is ugly, for some reason it has not been renovated, this can bring a person to despair. In the economy, the lunar Libra is not particularly active.

Moon in Scorpio- in the fall. Under its influence, an imperious nature is formed, a person considers himself a king and a full-fledged master of the house, is able to be ruthless to his household. Can be cruel and enjoy it. Strives for control over family life. The house of the lunar Scorpio is clean and tidy, life is debugged, but thanks to the fact that all the household members walk along the line.

Moon in Sagittarius and household - two things incompatible. So said Agatha Christie, herself a lunar Sagittarius: "When I wash the dishes, thoughts of murder come to me." A person with the Moon in Sagittarius will not bother with the household for a long time. But in his house there is always a good mood and a healthy spirit. It is unlikely that he will be dirty, just what he calls a creative mess is not clear to everyone.

Moon in Capricorn strong, and Capricorn is the sign of Saturn, a symbol of determination. A person with the Moon in Capricorn is economic, knows how to do absolutely everything around the house. But he treats households in a consumer way. As well as they to him.

Moon in Aquarius gives a man a house full of friends. Sometimes such a house is called a passage yard. It is never empty. But lunar Aquarius is not endowed with housekeeping, homework does not give him joy and often it simply does not work out. It is difficult to establish a life and come to an agreement in the affairs of the economy, if one of the household members is lunar Aquarius, and the other is lunar Taurus. But if both are Aquarius, then there will be complete harmony in the house.

Moon in Pisces very strong. With the Moon in Pisces, the characteristic qualities of this sign - pity and sacrifice - are manifested at the family level. A person forgives a lot, even to his own detriment, he is ready to sacrifice himself, he easily shares something, he is never greedy. Such a person leads the household well and is always ready to help another with the housework.

By calculating the natal chart, you can determine in which House the Moon was at birth and how this affects life.


An emotional, sensitive and changeable person, a lot in business and relationships depends on how he feels. Prone to frequent mood swings and very rapid changes from good to bad and back again. If he can overcome his natural shyness, he will very quickly achieve success in society. Urgently needs public recognition, always tries to please others and is very dissatisfied if his efforts lead nowhere. The psychological connection with the mother is very strong. He has a rich imagination and reacts very vividly to those around him. Physically very active, which can be expressed in marked restlessness and some fussiness. Self-consciousness and understanding of authorities by such a person is strongly colored by emotions, experiences of early childhood and family affairs. Such people are overly influenced by others. They are changeable and capricious in their reactions to the environment, and therefore it is difficult for them to establish themselves on a certain goal and continuously move in one direction. Their impressionability can border on the paranormal. They have a strange knack for drawing others into the resolution of their personal issues. The need for recognition and applause is great, which is readily used by experienced manipulators. Such people love to eat deliciously, and therefore any psychological trouble leads them to excessive fullness. Their life is full of various events, fate is changeable and many-sided. They manage to change several occupations and jobs in a few years, and even live in different places. Their mind is intuitive, sensitive and receptive, their imagination is creative and self-active. Ambition is combined with a penchant for social life. They are very tactful, observant and inventive. They should devote themselves to the ennoblement of their own nature and to the benefit and advantage of those around them through a wide public activity, in which their family interests also fit. Often such people gravitate towards clairvoyance and perceive knowledge about the future in prophetic dreams. The character is mobile, wandering, fickle, peaceful, amorous and friendly. Such people pay special attention to women and prefer to communicate with them. They are popular among the general population and successful in charitable activities. They are noble, but timid, often prone to having many children and strive to acquire a wide circle of good friends. It seems to many that such people are full of incessant anxiety and constant hesitation. Their life is characterized by frequent changes and alternations, fractures and rearrangements. Often the events of their lives are strictly synchronized with the lunar rhythms, which is perceived as a lack of stability and stability. Thinking and behavior entirely depend on the disposition of the spirit. The reaction speed is high, the fantasy is rich, the mind is identified with emotions. Changes haunt such a person constantly, and in all spheres of life at the same time. Such people are very sociable and courteous, they manage to adapt to any circumstances, people and activities. They are very sensual, impressionable and sentimental, unrestrained and unstable, unfounded and unpredictable. Improper use of energy can lead to the development of timidity and shyness, whims and whims, hysteria and absent-mindedness, inconsistency and bouts of lethargy and laziness.


This is a good worker who knows how to change other people's value systems. His financial affairs are full of changes and are always in a fluctuating state. The aspect favors public relations and business contacts with women, perhaps the money will come from the support of the mother or women. Material wealth and finances are of great importance for his emotional security. He may be too stingy or too generous, and therefore these extremes should be avoided. There is a tendency to become attached to both people and money. The need for finances is very strong, as they are seen as a guarantor of the stability of household affairs and the family situation. The mood depends entirely on material comfort. Dexterity is shown in transactions, especially when it comes to food, land and apartments. Such people are often employed in the production of consumer goods and catering. They often take care of the needs of ordinary people, willingly support families and produce family goods. Financial success is very variable, although very significant is possible at times. Money comes easily and leaves just as easily. Excessive gullibility is possible, leading to large financial losses. The main cause of losses is inattention and negligence.


Such a person is dramatic, inquisitive and full of enthusiasm. He tends to indulge in memories of the past and willingly discusses the facts of life that took place, which is why many consider him strange and mysterious. He is restless, loves to travel and is easily influenced by his surroundings. Children are of great importance to him and often turn out to be helpers. Inclined to change places of study, as study is not easy due to the inability to concentrate. Likes to learn by listening to others. He has an excellent memory and cannot stand routine work. Speech and thinking significantly depend on emotional factors associated with the influence of early childhood and family environment. Mind settings depend on emotional prejudices. Such people willingly perceive other people's ideas, which is why they often plagiarize, like to dream and fantasize. Their thinking is painted in bright colors of imagination. They think and talk a lot about trifles. They get tired of monotony, and therefore they are always in motion. They constantly mess around with brothers and sisters, and they consider neighbors to be downright family members. Aspirations and pursuits are subject to constant change. There is a passion for staying in companies and any other publicity. The mind is active and inquisitive to the point of importunity, always ready to receive new information and full of knowledge about various aspects of current social life and intimate information about the life of celebrities. Such people have a passion for new surroundings, new circumstances and new material for thought and action. Usually they lack integrity and completeness, education is often interrupted for one reason or another, and upbringing leaves much to be desired. Perhaps the mind will be very restless, which can irritate others and torment the person himself. Such people are always full of knowledge regarding housekeeping and the intricacies of neighborly life. The aspect is favorable for study and active social communication. Travel and travel bring some benefits. Such people are optimistic, enthusiastic and prone to change in everything. They are lucky as intermediaries and small entrepreneurs. They like to agitate and pass on the latest news. In general, contacts enliven and strengthen them even in the physiological sense. Often engaged in publishing activities, or are employees of transport services. The lifestyle of such a person is hectic and hesitant with rapidly changing goals and plans, multilateral interests and many unstable connections and contacts. Often there are oddities in behavior, whims, quirks and even tantrums, especially when the moon is affected.


Such a person is caring and has good intuition. He loves his home, family, homeland and land. Strictly adheres to family traditions. His mind is occupied for a long time with the idea of ​​procreation. He likes to collect antiques, takes care of family heirlooms. Very self-centered, very partial to the pronouns "I", "me" and "mine". When tired, he tends to withdraw from reality, isolating himself in his own world, the entrance to which is in his own house. Such people are literally created for home and family, and without family comfort they feel deeply unhappy. Their mood directly depends on the nature of family relationships. Such a person is deeply connected with his own mother and is generally under the strong influence of both parents. He likes to run a household, successfully trades in food products and land. Experienced in bulk purchasing. The end of life is marked by a significant influx of money. In the wrong use of energy, a person can fall into significant need and suffer losses due to theft, fraud or deceit. Often such people are interested in the history of the family and treat family albums with care. They strive for a stable, settled way of life, if there is even the slightest opportunity for this. For them, the solution of sexual problems is very important, as it brings emotional peace and balance of mind.


Such a person is very emotional, especially when it comes to love for others and the desire to have children. He is romantic and touching, prone to numerous love affairs and a constant search for pleasure. He has an amazing charm and poetic gift. Almost always in marriage, he acquires children. He is a good parent, but tends to attach children to himself. Early success and good luck are possible in a teaching career, as well as in a theatrical or sports field. In stock speculation, luck is changeable, and therefore the probability of success is low. Romantic experiences are associated with deep emotional needs, expressed in pictures of the imagination. Due to excessive emotional mobility, sympathies often change, although dependence on a partner is also possible. Love for children is strong, but care is often limited to nutrition and external care. Emotional impulsivity can lead to a crash in gambling. Such people are very actively engaged in the search for love and entertainment. They are always looking for meetings with young representatives of the opposite sex, they gravitate towards places of entertainment, playgrounds, beaches and resorts. They like to take risks, but they don't often win. They sometimes give their hearts to those who least deserve it, and therefore their love often ends with antipathy, coldness and indifference. Often such people become very popular. Their descendants treat them favorably and courteously. There may be significant difficulties with the strict implementation of moral standards. Such people show considerable interest in education and work with the public. They are extremely friendly and very erotic. Excessive gullibility leads to serious mistakes in choosing partners and life partners. In love affairs and extramarital affairs, there is a certain fatality, manifested as a psychological dependence on the uncontrollable forces of fate: a person is attracted to another against his will. Often such people become successful teachers, the possibility of concluding more than one marriage is not ruled out.


Such a person often has to change jobs, he carefully takes care of his subordinates. Since he himself is a good worker, he expects active diligence from others. Inclined to show maternal care for colleagues, knows how and loves to serve people. He cooks well, knows how to successfully serve those in need in time, especially when it comes to refreshments. From time to time he tends to change his habits. Increased nervous tension can manifest itself in a high predisposition to psychosomatic diseases. The state of health is unstable, directly related to the way of thinking and feeling. Possibility of hypochondria. Emotions influence the productivity of work and determine the nature of relationships with superiors and colleagues. A boss with this aspect cannot keep employees with him for a long time, and subordinates with this aspect often change jobs (if the Moon is not in a fixed sign). Proper nutrition plays a huge role, you need a clean and orderly diet. Such people tend to work in restaurants and catering establishments, they are very fond of pets. Serious morbidity in early childhood is possible, up to a pronounced danger of diseases for life. Great desire to benefit society as a serious and responsible professional. A person uses every opportunity and opportunity to achieve good results in the service of others. He loves to serve others more than to accept help from them. Such people do not stay in public service for a long time, because they do not like routine and are preoccupied with the search for new forms of self-expression in work. Damage to the Moon contributes to the betrayal and dishonesty of employees for hire. The mother of such a person is usually poorly provided for in her youth. Often you have to change your place of residence. One way or another, such a person should seriously take care of his health and avoid excessive volatility and uncertainty in employment. If such a person begins to be served by others, he becomes completely dependent on them. Any profession requires security and reliability, confidence and guarantees.


Such a person is on good terms with everyone, and therefore is very popular in society. He is very sensitive and subtly feels the needs of the public. It is difficult to decide on marriage, although it often has many opportunities. Emotional dependence on others can be very high, which often leads to early marriage. But such a marriage is not often successful, because in order to build relationships with another person, the individual needs to achieve greater maturity. Can attract a very sensitive partner, prone to frequent and unexpected mood swings. Such a person enters into marriage for the sake of emotional well-being and finding a cozy home haven. In matters of marriage, relatives take a noticeable part, because such a person is highly susceptible to influence from outside. Communication with people leaves him under a strong impression both with emotional satisfaction and in its absence. In a partner, such a person involuntarily wants to see the image of one of the parents. Successful in concluding contracts and agreements with the general public. Such people fall in love with those who are full of variety, restlessness and constantly moving and transforming. Their partners are usually poorly settled in life and devote themselves to social work. Marriage brings wealth. There may be opposition from women. Litigation brings losses. Relations with partners of an intimate and business nature are fickle. Such a person is prone to travel and moving, undertaken for the sake of the business interests of other people. Such people are very picky in choosing an environment and a partner. Often they are inclined to have many children, they go to marriage through serious resistance from rivals. Communication with representatives of high society is possible. Family life is full of change and often marked by mistrust. Strange connections with married and married persons are possible. Life is full of twists and turns. Increased sensuality and high susceptibility, vivid impressionability and deep sensitivity are noted. The wrong choice of partners leads to many troubles. Often such a person is completely dependent on his partner or the world around him, relations with which are built on a shaky and fragile foundation.


Such a person feels an inner need for security. Often he has psychic abilities and is interested in strange problems, for example, the afterlife. Love and sex are of great importance to him, but if the energy is misused, there is a tendency to abuse one's sexuality. Money can come through a partner, a mother or some woman. Often such people have to manage other people's money. They successfully deal with inheritances, insurance and taxes. After marriage, they often plunge into solving financial problems. Sensuality and sex life must be strictly controlled, as passion is sometimes excessive. Such people have increased resistance, considerable self-confidence and high responsibility. They show an interest in art and music, and their dreams sometimes become so real that they become hallucinatory. They can profit from social activities or as a result of the death of a partner. Prophetic dreams and a clairvoyant gift are possible. Such a person needs to beware of accidents and premature death, the likelihood of which increases with a strong defeat of the planet.


Sublime feelings and sincere devotion to ideals push such a person to develop his own philosophy. The perception of ideology and religious systems is fraught with the formation of dogmatism. Of great importance for such a person is the study of the deep layers of life and layers of existence. Significant interest in the higher "I". This is a dreamy travel lover, romantic and enthusiast. He is not tied to one place and can be very restless, while he likes to teach others and give them rather banal advice. Such people are distinguished by strong religiosity and adherence from childhood to certain social norms and moral values. They accept the need to affirm spiritual and ethical values ​​in family life and the home circle. Their spiritual understandings may be limited by excessive emotionality and shackled by involuntary identification with the experience of their parents. Serious conflicts with relatives are possible if a change in religious affiliation is necessary. The beliefs of such a person are strong and stable, but not so much rational as emotional. Such people learn unconsciously, against their will. They have an original, inventive and insightful mind. They are thoughtful, love research and strive for progress. They have intense imagination and high ideals. tend to follow fashion. Often marriage brings them benefits associated with the relatives of the partner. Probable travel to distant countries, bringing considerable income. There is a tendency to legal and clerical work. Amazing dream and clairvoyant experiences are possible. There is a love for change, diversity and novelty. Such people tend to discuss their philosophical and religious views publicly and fight for them. They are quite eccentric, brave and very receptive. The passion for moving is fed by their rich imagination. Possible marriage with a foreigner. Interest in the latest achievements of science is possible. Often such people emigrate or live far from their homes. They are very observant and sincerely strive for spiritual knowledge.


On his own initiative, during his life, such a person will change jobs many times and will be prone to frequent job changes. He needs to maintain stable contacts with people, especially with women. Often such people are guided by professions related to the resolution of women's problems, as well as marketing, commodity trading and public relations. Authority is of great importance to them. Their feelings are under the control of expressed ambition and the desire for progress. The world for them is a large auditorium, and therefore, with a lack of external attention, they tend to attract it even at the cost of squabbles and scandals. Preoccupation with professional issues does not allow you to delve into solving family problems. Sometimes such a person feels like a "fish in an aquarium", as his personal emotionality is constrained by social standards and professional responsibilities. It is very important for him to feel useful to society. There is a great need to achieve authority and recognition of the public. Often the parents of such a person occupy a high position in society and ambitiously plan his own life. His mother and female relatives have a special influence on his career. Often such people earn money through public speaking, often become popular politicians. Achievements are unstable, and therefore after the rise may come the fall. You should be very careful in your financial affairs, because without care you cannot get profit from the economy and possessions. All the favors and troubles in the life of such a person are in one way or another connected with women, their influences and interests. For them, personal life means a lot, they strive for large families and have more than one profession. Career growth is unstable, but relatively easy. Marriage with a prominent politician or pop celebrity is possible. Intuition and sensuality dominate the mind. The implementation of plans and intentions is carried out inconsistently, with intervals, attacks, leading to frequent retaliatory strikes and unexpected destabilizations. Changeability, instability and inconstancy in relation to the profession, material wealth, and social status are observed. The occupation is chosen not at the behest of the heart, but out of necessity. The life of such a person essentially depends on the rhythm of the change of lunar phases. The success of his affairs is directly related to the mood and disposition of the spirit. Career failures can lead to nervous breakdowns and even tantrums.


Such a person is distinguished from all by freedom from prejudice. He always remains impartial and objective, although he very often changes his goals. Able to cooperate with people, has good organizational skills. He has many friends and acquaintances with whom he is on good terms, which contributes to their helping him. There is a danger of making friends with false friends. The need for collective activity and friendships is very great. Acquaintances are made easily, but contacts are often short-lived. Hopes, goals and desires depend on moods. There are always many women around such a person. Often friendships are established on the border of the family circle. Mood significantly depends on the opinions and reactions of friends. Such people cannot stand loneliness and need periodic stay in a noisy cheerful company. They remain alone only in the case when it is necessary to restore unbalanced feelings. The circle of their acquaintances is very wide, but there are few long-term attachments. Friendships mostly degenerate into ordinary friendship, or turn out to be extremely short. Such a person successfully communicates with children and adolescents. The aspect is very favorable for an active social life and wide popularity. The betrayal of friends and separation from them for minor reasons are not excluded. But despite all the disappointments, such a person again strives for friendly alliances. He is inclined to start a large family, has good self-control. It is possible that the mother comes from a known family. Such people are always fresh and new in communication, friendly and joyful. Willingly take part in the work of representative authorities. A very careful approach is needed in the choice of friends and admirers. Thanks to this aspect, cherished dreams and secret desires of youth can suddenly come true.


This is a restless, shy, sensitive person, willingly retreating from his own in difficult times and not liking to be in a strange and unfamiliar environment. He needs time to open up and move on to the free expression of emotions. He lives in the world of his dreams, he likes work, which makes it possible to retire. He is sacrificial and selfless, good as an educator and caretaker. True, he is too attached to people and binds them to himself. There is a tendency to secret love affairs. The subconscious of such a person is so active that he is constantly tormented by imaginary threats. Mood and reactions depend on early childhood experiences and the current state of the subconscious. Interest in intuitive experiences is shown, shyness is sometimes mistaken for modesty, and excessive sensitivity leads to the need for deliberate isolation from the environment. Suggestion for such people is very dangerous. They are prone to eccentricity and are distinguished by pronounced tendencies to the development of neurotic disorders. They love everything secret, secret and hidden. Very romantic and uplifting. The predominance of feelings over reason is the reason for setting up unwise love relationships that bring only grief and loss. Life is full of obstacles and limitations. Beneficial is work that involves isolation from the environment and creative solitude (hospitals, research institutes, secret laboratories, etc.). Significant progress in the life of the soul is possible through the study of esotericism. Such people sometimes lack firmness and constancy, which leads them to unreasonable actions, the results of which are empty anxiety, all sorts of troubles, secrets that burden the soul, far-fetched fears and hostility of women. If the energies are misused, there is a threat of being subject to imprisonment, forced resignation and forced treatment in the clinic. These people are so vulnerable and sensitive that they are afraid of others. They always want to do more than they can, and therefore are prone to tricks and substitutions. Possible advancement in theology and philosophy. Often the children of such people are sickly and not very happy. The owner of this aspect is waiting for great tests in love and family life. They must manage their contacts and love affairs extremely soberly, sanely and rationally. Their life is full of hidden dangers and secret enemies. They are always full of secrets and mysteries, in solitude their life turns out to be happier and more fruitful - without troubles and without disappointments.

Health on a lunar birthday

Lunar birthday is one of the keys to your health. It is no secret that the lunar birthday in astrological practice is no less (if not more) important than the solar one. Having learned your lunar birthday from the lunar calendar, you will receive additional information about which area of ​​\u200b\u200bhealth needs your special care. Always remember that risks on lunar days are not a sentence, but a warning. Thus, your attention is directed to the area that may be most vulnerable.

1st lunar day

If you were born on the 1st lunar day, your attention is required by the brain, eyes, nose, and nervous system. It is dangerous for you to overwork, you should not be nervous: psychosomatic diseases (those that come from the nerves) may begin. It is better for you to prevent the disease, because you can treat the disease that has begun for a long time. Do not take alcohol, do not eat a lot of spicy food.

2nd lunar day

If you were born on the 2nd lunar day, your teeth, upper jaw, kidneys (formation of stones), joints (salt deposits) and general physical tone will require your attention. You should not eat a lot, otherwise you will easily gain weight. But fitness will be very useful.

3rd lunar day

In those born on the 3rd lunar day, the ears, throat, and back of the head are vulnerable, salts can be deposited in the joints, and bones can ache. You need to watch the amount of food so as not to gain excess weight. Moderate (for health reasons) physical activity is useful.

4th lunar day

If you were born on the 4th lunar day, you need to monitor your neck, collarbone, cervical spine, avoid nervous tension, overwork, stress, excessive physical exertion. Herbal mixtures and phytopreparations are suitable for you, with their help, disease prevention is effective, they provide significant support in treatment. If you get sick with something, start treatment immediately and do not delay a visit to the doctor. Otherwise, the disease can eat up a lot of your time.

5th lunar day

Those born on the 5th lunar day have a particularly sensitive digestive tract. You useful sour-milk food, cottage cheese. You should not eat a lot of meat and salty foods. You can't starve either, it's not good for you.

6th lunar day

If you were born on this day, your attention will require the shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi. Breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air, trips out of town are useful for you. Ventilate the room every day.

7th lunar day

Pay attention to your potentially problematic areas - throat, vocal cords, lungs, bronchi. On cool days, do not walk with open legs and neck. In winter, do not talk, smoke or eat outside.

8th lunar day

Your vulnerabilities are the stomach, intestines, nervous system, kidneys, lower back, skin, nervous and endocrine systems, eyes. From time to time it is good for you to go on a diet, eat little meat and a lot of vegetables, sleep less, do not smoke, do not drink. Water treatments work well for you, especially if the Moon (or the Sun) is in one of your water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer). You should not drink alcohol or smoke. All harmful substances are deposited in your body.

9th lunar day

Your chest and stomach organs are especially vulnerable, as are your skin and intestines. Chronic diseases of these organs are possible. In order not to provoke exacerbations, you can not abuse alcohol, you need to eat less meat, giving preference to plant foods. In general, do not overeat, we must not forget about the need to cleanse the body, especially the intestines. Water procedures are useful (especially if the Sun or the Moon is in one of the water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Alcohol is absolutely forbidden, especially if you have the Moon in Pisces.

10th lunar day

In those born on the 10th lunar day, the elbow joints, chest bones, and thoracic vertebrae are vulnerable. In nutrition, you need juices, herbal decoctions and infusions. If you get sick, then do not delay treatment so that complications do not arise. In addition, your attention requires the brain, eyes, nose, nervous system. You should not overwork, otherwise psychosomatic illnesses are possible. Do not take alcohol, eat a lot of spicy food.

11th lunar day

Your spine and abdominal organs are the most vulnerable. Physical and emotional overstrain is unacceptable for you. Vegetables and fruits are good for eating. Pay attention to your eyesight, the nervous system is also vulnerable, stress is dangerous, you should not worry and allow negative emotions - irritation, anger, anger. Attention will require teeth, upper jaw, kidneys, joints and general physical tone.

12th lunar day

Those born on this day are vulnerable to the heart and thoracic spine. Light food suits you, you should limit the intake of hard-to-digest foods. Ears, throat, nape are also sensitive, salts can be deposited in the joints, bones hurt. You need to watch the amount of food so as not to gain excess weight. Moderate (for health reasons) physical activity is useful.

13th lunar day

For those born on this lunar day, the skin, heart, and abdominal organs require special attention. Water procedures and fresh food are useful for you, it is not recommended to starve. It is necessary to monitor the neck, collarbone, cervical spine, avoid nervous tension, overwork, stress, excessive physical exertion. Herbal mixtures and herbal remedies are suitable for you.

14th lunar day

Your stomach, hearing and vision will require your attention. Do not put too much strain on your eyes. Sweets are harmful to you, and bitter foods do not have the best effect. It is likely that if you drink a lot of fluids, you will develop swelling. Physical activity (for health reasons) will have a good effect on your body, it will not hurt to go on a diet from time to time. You should not eat a lot of meat and salty foods.

15th lunar day

In those born on this day, the pancreas, spleen, and intestines are primarily vulnerable. There may be problems with blood clotting. Shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi also require attention. Breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air, trips out of town are useful for you. Do not eat dry foods, cold food once again. You can't overeat.

16th lunar day

Those born on this day are subject to negative influences on the blood and spleen. Meat products do not suit you. Pay attention to the throat, vocal cords, lungs, bronchi. On cool days, do not walk with open legs and neck.

17th lunar day

Those born on this day are vulnerable to the kidneys, lower back, skin, nervous and endocrine systems, eyes. It is good for you to go on a diet from time to time, eat little meat and a lot of vegetables, sleep less, do not smoke, do not drink. Water procedures work well for you, especially if the Moon (or the Sun) is in one of your water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer). If both the Moon and the Sun are in your water sign, be sure that with water you can cure most diseases, and prevent all possible diseases. Your vulnerabilities are the stomach, intestines, nervous system. You can not eat a lot, you should not drink alcohol, smoke. All harmful substances are deposited in your body.

18th lunar day

Those born on this day have vulnerable skin and intestines. Chronic diseases of these organs are possible. In order not to provoke exacerbations, you can not abuse alcohol, you need to eat less meat, giving preference to plant foods. In general, do not overeat, we must not forget about the need for cleansing, especially the intestines. Water procedures are useful (especially if the Sun or the Moon is in one of the water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Alcohol is absolutely forbidden, especially if the Moon is in Pisces

19th lunar day

Those born on this day may have appendicitis, bowel disease. In order not to provoke exacerbations of old diseases and the emergence of new ones, one should not eat a lot of meat, fried, fatty and spicy foods. It is worth remembering to cleanse the intestines.

20th lunar day

One who was born on this lunar day should pay attention to his stomach and eyesight. Also, your nervous system is vulnerable. Stresses are dangerous, one should not worry and allow negative emotions - irritation, anger, anger. If you turn to psychic therapies, you will only hurt yourself. Also, your teeth, upper jaw, kidneys, joints and general physical tone will require your care.

21st lunar day

Those born on this day are especially vulnerable to the liver. Do not eat spicy, fried and fatty foods in large quantities. Alcohol, smoking are prohibited. Motor exercises, walks, from products - red and orange vegetables, berries and fruits are very useful. All incipient diseases should be treated immediately, otherwise complications are possible. The heart and thoracic spine, ears, throat, nape also require attention; salts can be deposited in the joints, bones hurt.

22nd lunar day

In those born on this day, the lower part of the spine, the sacral region, and the coccyx are very sensitive. It is bad for you to starve, although this does not mean that you should eat a lot and indiscriminately. The skin, heart, and abdominal organs also require attention. Water procedures and fresh products are useful. You need to take care of your neck, collarbone, cervical spine, avoid nervous tension, overwork, stress, excessive physical exertion.

23rd lunar day

Those born on this day should remember the need to maintain an even and harmonious state of mind. Otherwise, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly. It is necessary to monitor the skin, women - especially the genitals. Your stomach, hearing and vision also require your attention. Do not put too much strain on your eyes. You should not eat a lot of meat and pickles. Useful dairy products.

24th lunar day

One who was born on this lunar day should pay special attention to the condition of the skin, liver and rectum. The pancreas, spleen, intestines, shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi are also vulnerable. Breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air, trips out of town are useful for you. You can not eat a lot of meat, as well as fried, sweet, fatty. It is necessary to limit the intake of coarse food as much as possible, it is better to refuse it altogether. It is important to take vitamins A, E, C and food rich in these vitamins. Helpful sleep. You can not overwork and deny yourself rest.

25th lunar day

Those born on this day are especially sensitive to the eyes, nose, ears and the head in general. You can not drink a lot of water, otherwise swelling is possible. The blood and spleen are also vulnerable. Meat products are not good for you. Rough and indigestible food is harmful. We must not forget about cleansing the body. It's good to diet from time to time. In addition, pay attention to the throat, vocal cords, lungs, bronchi.

26th lunar day

For those who were born today, the problem areas are the legs and teeth, the kidneys, lower back, skin, nervous and endocrine systems, and eyes are also vulnerable. It is good for you to go on a diet, eat little meat and a lot of vegetables, sleep less, do not smoke, do not drink. All harmful substances are deposited in your body. You can't overstress. Physical activity should be moderate, otherwise you will exhaust the body. Hydrotherapy is not the best option, it is preferable to use other methods, such as sun and air baths, herbal medicine. You can not smoke, it is very harmful to be in smoky rooms (especially if you have the Sun or Moon in one of the air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Of the products, red berries, vegetables and fruits are useful.

27th lunar day

Those born on this day are subject to negative influences on the blood and legs, especially the legs. There may be problems with blood clotting. Water procedures are useful (especially if the Sun or the Moon is in one of the water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Alcohol is absolutely forbidden, especially if you have the Moon in Pisces. In this case, abuse of it can be fatal for you.

28th lunar day

Those born on this day are primarily vulnerable to the eyes. You can not overstrain them, and if the work is associated with eye strain - give them more rest, but not in the form of reading or watching TV. Also, your attention requires the brain, nose, nervous system. You can not be nervous, take alcohol, eat a lot of spicy food. In nutrition, juices, herbal decoctions and infusions are very useful for you. If you get sick, then do not delay treatment so that complications do not arise.

29th lunar day

Those born on this day have vulnerable legs, especially the thighs, as well as the rectum. You can not eat a lot, and also drink alcohol. Don't forget to cleanse your body.

30th lunar day

Those born on this day have sensitive legs, especially the legs and feet, as well as the heart. Allergies to pollen and wool are possible.

Usually this arrangement corresponds to a strong and strong body, combined with weak mental faculties. These people are interested in the mysterious, during their youth they suffer from some loneliness and emotional experiences. With this position of the Moon, you can expect an average life expectancy, eye diseases, a decent inheritance. (Tom Hopke)

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in the 8th house

Diseases in childhood, youth marked by loneliness and worries, separation from father, good restorative forces of the body. Average life expectancy, possible eye diseases, inheritance (Indubala)

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Moon in the eighth house: The moon here gives material benefits from a partner, but shortens the life of a spouse or mother. (Sri Govind Swarup Agarwal)

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Moon in 8th house: It is very bad to have the Moon in the 8th house. This is the worst position for the moon. 9th house is prosperity. The 12th house shows losses. 12th from 9th house = 8th house. This is a loss of prosperity. Here the Moon gives a difficult life and bad health. They can be damaged by water. A afflicted Moon in the 8th house gives early death. This is a very well known fact. Of course, one must also look at how the rulers of the 1st and 8th houses are located. To have a stable life, one must have an auspicious 8th house. The moon does not give stability. A happy life is possible only when other planets are strongly disposed. When the dasa period of the Moon begins, a person will be in big trouble. (Mahesh Darmadasa)

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"Bhrigu-sutra" - ka-gha

The owner of the horoscope will have few means of transportation. Water places - ponds, reservoirs, wells - will be dangerous for his life. If the Moon occupies the 8th house, the owner of the horoscope will disown his relatives because of his wife (or woman). When the Moon is exalted or in its sign, the owner of the horoscope is destined for a long life. The waning moon speaks of the average life expectancy.


For reasons unknown to us, the sutras describing the characteristics of the position Moons in 8th house, are indicated not by numbers, as usual, but by letters.

The 8th house is one of the most inauspicious houses in the horoscope, as it is the twelfth house (losses and losses) counting from the 9th, the house of good luck and prosperity. Planets lose all their good qualities when they enter this house. The waning Moon, weakened by the position in dustkhana, indicates that the owner of the horoscope will not be very smart, since the Moon is a manas-karaka, and during childhood and adolescence (the age ruled by the Moon), he will experience loneliness and mental suffering. A waxing or full moon can bring an inheritance to the owner of the horoscope. The 8th house is an indicator of accidents, and the Moon is a water planet, so the owner of the horoscope is in danger from water.

The separation from the marriage partner mentioned by Bhrigu Muni can be explained by the fact that the 8th house is the second (house of death) for the 7th house. By the nature of the moon, one can judge the life expectancy, but in order to draw final conclusions, it is also necessary to take into account the strength and location of the owners of the 8th and 1st
houses, as well as Saturn, as ayush-karaki - an indicator of longevity. The position of the Moon in the 8th house of the horoscope is considered as one of the strongest negative combinations, or arishtha yoga, but its detrimental effect is neutralized if the birth of a person occurs in the daytime with a waning Moon or at night with a growing Moon. In these cases, the Moon in the 8th house becomes one of the factors that protect the owner of the horoscope from all negative influences.

In addition, the Moon in the 8th house gives a tendency to mysticism and magical abilities, as well as the ability to foresee. The horoscope of the Russian mystic Daniil Andreev illustrates the extraordinary possibilities of the full moon in the 8th house.

Other opinions regarding the Moon (Chandra) in the 8th house:

"Brihat-jataka" - the owner of the horoscope will be sickly and have a fickle and restless mind.

"Phaladipika" - a short life, suffering and illness await a person if the Moon in his horoscope is located in the 8th house.

"Saravali" - smart and famous, but the owner of the horoscope will become painful and weak. His life will be short.

"Chamatkar-chintamani" - the owner of the horoscope will be constantly surrounded by doctors due to numerous diseases. He will endure suffering because of terrible calamities, misfortunes and hardships.

Note: All treatises except Saravali talk about the negative characteristics of the position of the Moon in the 8th house. The intelligence and glory that Saravali mentions can be expected in cases where the Moon is in the signs of Cancer and Taurus, as well as when conjunct Jupiter or other benefic planets.

Bhrigu-sutra with commentary by Indubala

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"Jataka-Bharanam" 17:20


A person whose Chandra is in the 8th Bhava has a decaying body due to many diseases. He will be extremely poor, get trouble from enemies and the king (government) and anxiety in mind and heart.

Moon in the eighth house

The Eighth House is the house of crisis, emergencies and death. If the Moon is in the eighth house, this may mean danger on the waters. Also, the Moon in this House can represent a mother, who gradually puts pressure on a person, manipulates him. The Moon in the Eighth House is always an emotional reaction to what the environment is waiting for. Such a person can feed on the energy and enthusiasm of the team. She loves rallies, demonstrations, public speeches, lectures, sermons. For women, it can mean complete submission to the will of the collective. In the eighth house, the Moon is in the fall, which means that the human psyche is not very stable. But if the Moon is in Taurus at the same time, then a person comes across reliable and solid teams.

From the book Magic in your home author Cunningham Scott

Garden in the house If you have plants, but there is no space for a garden in front of the house, you can move your garden into the house. House plants not only add life and life-giving green color to your home, they also bring some natural magic there. When we live next to

From the book Secrets of the Lunar Horoscope author Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

The moon is in the house ... The moon in Aries gives the born person a quick-tempered and impulsive nature. Such a person likes to do everything quickly. Here the Moon is in a male active sign, the person acts energetically, it is easy to piss him off, make him angry, unless this position is

From the book Legends of the Russian Templars author Nikitin Andrey Leonidovich

The Moon in the First House The First House is the person himself, such as he is, his personality. The house determines the amount of vitality and abilities, the initial supply of physical energy, personal position and the way one presents oneself. If you have the Moon in this House, then your personality

From the book Fashion Witch. witch tarot author Nevsky Dmitry

Moon in the Second House The Second House is responsible for our material well-being and is called the House of Money. The house determines the material condition, the accumulation of property, the relationship with the outside world. The moon in this house is an indicator of an unstable financial situation (please

From the author's book

Moon in the Third House The Third House determines the sphere of sociability, small business, short trips, study, relationships with relatives, commercial activities. The house of receiving information, overcoming helplessness is called the House of communication. Moon in the third house means

From the author's book

Moon in the Fourth House The Fourth House determines the subconscious, the inner essence of man. This House is associated with continuity, as well as with the house in the literal sense. The Moon in the fourth House is the strongest because this House is ruled by Cancer, the sign of the Moon. The moon is here to help

From the author's book

Moon in the Fifth House The Fifth House reveals creative possibilities, speaks of how a person presents himself. This is the House of love and children. The Fifth House is also responsible for any hobbies and pleasures, games, hobbies, sports, raising children. If the Moon is in the fifth house, then this

From the author's book

Moon in the Sixth House The Sixth House is the house of labor discipline, the results of labor. This is the House of work, fulfillment of one's duty, health, pets. The Moon in the sixth House means job changes, as well as very emotional relationships with your subordinates; attachment to

From the author's book

Moon in the Seventh House The Seventh House is the House of Justice and Partnership. The house is associated with matters of marriage, alliances, partners, enemies, and justice. The Seventh House also represents what we do not have. The moon in the seventh house with bad aspects (blue or black lines) speaks of

From the author's book

Moon in the Ninth House The Ninth House is the House of Travel. Moon in the ninth house is a pronounced wanderlust. A person is drawn to join something new and exotic, to travel to a distant country, to see an unfamiliar culture. And the Moon in the ninth house speaks of

From the author's book

Moon in the Tenth House The Tenth House symbolizes the achievement of life's goals. This House determines power, career, purpose, recognition, authority, mission and implementation of plans. The symbol of the house is Capricorn climbing to the top. The Tenth House indicates the decisive role of the mother or wife in

From the author's book

Moon in Eleventh House This House is called the House of Friends. The house reveals relationships with friends, plans and hopes. In a deeper sense, it determines the improvement of fate, the way out of inevitability, the destruction of foundations. With the Moon in the eleventh house, a person is strongly

From the author's book

Moon in the Twelfth House The astrologers of antiquity called the Twelfth House the House-Dungeon. This is the House of intuition, secrets and secret enemies. The house defines the subconscious area, inner life, mystical knowledge of the world. This is one of the most powerful Houses of the horoscope, which itself

From the author's book

119 About the spirits depicted in the eighth hall of the labyrinth (Noesses and Aldonars) Extremely far from us in the indescribable distance lies the cosmos inhabited by Noesses. There is no space for these spirits in the sense that they can fly billions of peaceful miles with the speed of thought, that is

From the author's book

Moon of Boulders. The waning moon Witch descends from a steep mountain. Her image is full of tension, her strength is at the limit, but she maintains control and continues her descent. The vulture patiently waits for the end of this path. Above the head of the witch, the waning lunar month shines.Key

From the author's book

Moon of Fire. Growing Moon A group of witches on broomsticks rushed into the starry sky, towards the growing moon. Their burning torches add color and light, helping the young moon to illuminate the world around.KeywordsActive and energetic people, sincere friends, travel, help,

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