Architecture and its functions in people's lives. The role of architecture in the development of society

Architecture and its functions in people's lives.

  • art

  • 8th grade.


  • 1. To form an idea of ​​architecture as a special kind of fine art. 2. To develop associative-figurative thinking, the ability to highlight the main thing, to build analogies. 3. To educate moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful in life, an active life position in the minds of the past and future.

  • Architecture surrounds a person everywhere and throughout life: it is a home, a place of work, and a place of rest. This is the environment in which a person exists. Architecture is the art of building, and the architect is the main builder.

  • Architecture, or architecture, is a system of buildings and structures that form a spatial environment for the life and activities of people. This is the art of designing and building buildings and structures so that they meet their practical purpose, are comfortable, durable and beautiful.

  • Harmony and beauty are added to such properties of architecture as usefulness and strength.

  • Architecture creates a real space. This is its main feature. If in painting the main thing is color, in graphics it is a line, in sculpture it is volume, then in architecture it is space. Space is the language of architecture.

Types of architecture:

  • 1. Housing construction (house).

  • 2. Public buildings: palace, temple, stadium, theater

  • Industrial construction: factory, plant, shop, station.

  • 4.Decorative architecture: gazebos, fountains, pavilions.


1. To form an idea of ​​architecture as a special kind of fine art, which is considered only in connection with other types of fine arts.

2. Develop associative-figurative thinking, the ability to highlight the main thing, build analogies.

3. To cultivate moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful in life, an active life position in the awareness of the past and future.

Equipment and materials: posters and reproductions depicting types of architecture; scheme-table "Types of architecture"; art materials.


1. A conversation about architecture as a special kind of fine art, its types and place in human life.

4. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

Architecture is the same chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are silent, and when it no longer says anything about the lost people...

N. V. Gogol

Teacher. Guys! This year we are finishing the study of the course "Fine Arts". And this year will be dedicated, as you understand, to the study of architecture.

Architecture surrounds a person everywhere and throughout life: it is a home, a place of work, and a place of rest. This is the environment in which a person exists. This artificially created environment is opposed to nature.

Architect. Architecture. Habitual words. Every day we hear them, pronounce them. Where were they born? Where did they come to us from? In ancient Greek, the word "archi" - "senior" and "tekt" - "builder". From these words, the third was born: "architecton" - the head of construction work. The ancients remade him into an "architect". And the buildings erected according to the plans of the architect began to be called architecture, that is, architecture is the art of building, and the architect is the main builder. In ancient Russia, skilled builders were called architects. In Russia, these words appeared only under Peter I, less than 300 years ago. And before that they said: “master of chamber affairs”, “stone affairs”, “carpentry”.

Now listen to the modern definition of architecture.

architecture, or architecture is a system of buildings and structures that form a spatial environment for the life and activities of people. This is the art of designing and constructing buildings and structures in such a way that they meet their practical purpose, are comfortable, durable and beautiful.

Architecture satisfies the practical needs of a person, it is utilitarian and therefore should be, first of all, convenient. But is any building that meets conveniences a work of architecture? Le Corbusier said: “The role of construction is to erect a structure, the role of architecture is to cause aesthetic excitement ...” Harmony and beauty are added to such properties of architecture as utility, strength. Vitruvius, an ancient theorist of architecture, named three main properties of architecture: usefulness, strength, beauty.

Benefit - function Durability - construction Beauty - form

Therefore, architecture (but not construction) solves the problems of construction artistically, and not just functionally.

Architecture stands apart from other art forms. It is directly involved in the formation of the subject environment. She herself is a part of reality. “Architecture is not a visual art, but a creative one; it does not depict objects, but creates them” (Burov). Architecture creates real space. This is its main feature. If in painting the main thing is color, in graphics - line, in sculpture - volume, then in architecture - space. Space is the language of architecture.

Architecture is considered in connection with other types of fine arts.

Let's list what types of fine art we know?

Whiteboard writing:

1. Architecture.

2. Painting.

3. Graphics.

4. Sculpture.

5. DPI (arts and crafts).

Students talk about the design of the interiors of various buildings, decorating facades, streets, squares, parks, etc.

According to the functional value, it is customary to distinguish the following types of architecture:

1. Housing construction (house).

2. Public buildings (palace, temple, stadium, theater).

3. Industrial construction (factory, plant, shop, railway station, hydroelectric power station).

4. Decorative architecture (arbors, fountains, pavilions). (On the board are reproductions of various types of architectural structures.)

Teacher. And now I suggest that you divide into 4 groups, each of which will complete a sketch of a building of a certain type of architecture. At the end of the lesson, we will hold an exhibition of your work. You immediately choose a name for it ("Houses", "Palaces", "Fountains", etc.) and the theme of your work.

At the end of the lesson, thematic exhibitions of works are organized on the tables.

Lesson 2



1. Introduce students to the history of architecture.

2. To form an idea about the monuments of the megalithic period, their types, functional features.

3. Develop associative-figurative thinking, the ability to highlight the main thing, build analogies.

4. To cultivate a moral and aesthetic perception of the world, the ability to listen, generalize, draw conclusions.

Equipment and materials: reproductions of ancient architectural monuments; video film "Great Wonders of the World, Stonehenge. Salisbury Plain. England"; literary series: “Great secrets. Myths of antiquity. Standing Stones (Wailand - Volgograd, 1995); art materials.


1. A conversation about the origins of architecture and building art. Acquaintance with the monuments of the megalithic period.

3. Practical implementation of the task.

4. Summing up the lesson and reporting homework.

During the classes

The origins of architecture and the building art of mankind begin from the time when ancient people, not content with shelters created by nature (caves, grottoes), began to build artificial residential structures. This was due to a sharp change in climate - the onset of the ice age. The warm climate of the early Paleolithic made it possible not to worry about clothes and housing at all.

When did the first residential building appear? What did it look like and who built it?

Of course, the first home of a caveman was a cave shelter created by nature. But Stone Age people lived not only in caves. After all, in many places where the remains are found

primitive man, there are no caves. But there is evidence that our ancient ancestors knew how to build their own dwellings!

At the beginning of the 20th century, near the city of Chernigov, scientists discovered large piles of animal bones. It turned out that the skulls, bones and tusks of mammoths served as a kind of frame for the dwelling of the Stone Age, were building material for brave hunters. Later, according to the location of the skulls and bones, it was possible to restore the original structure of the structure.

“From the skulls of mammoths, turned foreheads inward, they laid out the “basement” of the future dwelling - a slightly protruding ground part of the structure. Inside the formed circle, wooden arcs were installed. Pieces 25-30. Upstairs, in the center, where they crossed, they were tied tightly together with veins. It turned out a dome, a vault. (Only the ancient Romans would forget about it for a long time and rediscover it. Well, how not to remember the saying: everything new is well-forgotten old.) The lower ends of the wooden arc-arches rested on mammoth skulls, half buried in the ground. The skins of bison, mammoths, horses were thrown on the arcs. From above they were pressed with tusks and deer antlers. But here's what's interesting: the heavy roof pressed mainly not on thin wooden arches, but on a powerful bone plinth. (And this way to relieve the pressure of a heavy ceiling will also be forgotten and then remembered many thousands of years later.) Two large curved tusks were strengthened on the sides of the future door. At the top, they were connected by a sleeve of tubular bone so that an arch was obtained. (Such an arch will only be used in ancient Rome.)

The door was hung with skin, and the house was finally ready. Durable, warm, able to withstand any snowfall, any hurricane wind due to its shape. It is no coincidence that to this day houses, like half a ball, are built by shepherds in the mountains and deserts, reindeer herders and hunters in the Far North.

(Yu. Ovsyannikov)

At the very end of the Neolithic and in the Bronze Age, fortified settlements began to appear - settlements that became widespread at the beginning of the Iron Age, since wars were a fairly common occurrence in the life of that time. Earthen hills also appear - mounds, where the rich dead were buried. Many burials have been preserved, as they were in swampy soil.

In the Bronze Age, structures made of huge stones, the so-called megaliths, reached their highest development (from the Greek “megos” - large and “cast” - stone). There is no written evidence of the purpose of the megalithic structures, and scientists have come to the conclusion that they were used for religious ceremonies and as observatories. These structures are usually associated with the worship of the ancestors of fire or the sun. Megalithic structures are found everywhere from Scandinavia to Algeria and from Portugal to China. Apparently, they served as an expression of ideas common to all people of this era. This, perhaps, is the desire to materialize the meaning of the human personality, to preserve its memory for posterity. It is no coincidence that these stones were of enormous size and weight.

Students' reports about ancient monuments of architecture.

(Students say:

About dolmens in Maykop. North Caucasus;

About statues - menhirs in France;

Dolmene from Escher. Abkhaz Museum of Ethnography, etc.)

There are three types of megalithic structures:

1. Menhirs - vertically placed stones of various sizes, standing separately or forming long alleys. The sizes of menhirs vary from 1 to 20 meters. Menhirs are both barely hewn stones, and made in the form of a monumental sculpture. They, as a rule, were not associated with burials and performed an independent function (for example, they marked the place for any rituals).

2. Dolmens are structures made of two vertically placed raw stones, covered by a third. The design of these structures already contains load-bearing and carried parts. The most perfect type of dolmen is four well-hewn vertical slabs, forming in

quadrilateral plan and covered by a horizontal slab. Apparently, these structures served as a designation of the burial place or an altar.

3. Cromlechs - stone slabs or pillars placed in a circle. These are the most complex megalithic structures. Sometimes cromlechs surrounded the mound, sometimes they existed independently and consisted of several concentric circles. The most famous and complex of the cromlechs is located in England, near Stonehenge (from the English "stone" - a stone, "hand" - a moat). Scientists have not yet fully figured out how Stonehenge came to be. Around 2800 BC e. a deep ditch was dug and a shaft was poured, and in a circle inside it were pits. A hundred years later, two circles of "blue stones" were added, possibly from Wales. Around 1600 BC e. they were replaced by a circle of vertically dug stones ("ram's foreheads"), and in the center of this circle - even larger stones. Thus, Stonehenge is a series of almost exact circles with a common center, along which huge stones are placed at regular intervals. The appearance of the stones has a diameter of about 100 m. Their location is symmetrically directed to the point of sunrise and sunset on the days of the summer solstice. Undoubtedly, Stonehenge served both for astronomical observations and for performing some rituals of a cult nature, since in those distant times the heavenly bodies were attributed divine significance.

The central circle of Stonehenge can be seen through the main entrance (the stone monument is surrounded by a moat and embankment).

Teacher. So, we got acquainted with the origins of architecture. Of course, these structures do not yet allow us to talk about the style of primitive architecture, but it was then that the first aesthetic ideas of a person began to form, who opposed the creations of his own hands to nature.

Statement of the artistic task.

Exercise. Sketch the monuments of the megalithic period. Use reproductions on the board and materials from your research papers in your work.

At the end of the lesson, it is prayed to organize an exhibition of the best works "Megalithic Structures".

Student work:

Homework: pick up material depicting various monuments and their locations.

Lessons 3-4





1. To form an idea of ​​the importance of choosing a location for the construction of an architectural monument, corresponding to its artistic appearance, as well as its function.

2. To educate the moral and aesthetic perception of the world, love for art and creativity.

3. Develop skills in working with art materials, creative imagination.

4. Cultivate accuracy, the ability to work in small groups.

Equipment and materials: reproductions and art historical material about the monuments of antiquity and modernity; art materials for sketching and layout.


1. A conversation about the importance of choosing a site when erecting a monument with a demonstration of reproductions of architectural structures of various eras.

2. Statement of the artistic task.

3. Practical implementation of the task.

4. Summing up, analysis of work.

4th lesson

1. Collective work on the implementation of the sketch of the monument of Glory.

2. Summing up, exhibition and analysis of works.

Lesson 3 progress

Of great importance in the construction of an architectural monument is the choice of a place corresponding to its artistic appearance, as well as its function.

Even in ancient times, a person put a special spiritual meaning into giant monuments, always built them in an organic and natural connection with nature. Such monuments were erected on a hill or in a hollow, on an unusually flat area or on an inaccessible rock, on the banks of a river or reservoir.

The famous modern architect Le Corbusier (1887-1965) said:

“Location is the initial foundation of any architectural composition.

Architecture is inextricably linked with the landscape. Man managed to imbue the spirit of the area and express it in architecture. An example of this is the Parthenon and the Acropolis, combined with Piraeus and the islands...

The building you have created calls to complement and decorate the landscape, but on the other hand, the building must also absorb the landscape into itself, make it its part.”

Masters of architecture about architecture. - M., 1972. - S. 251-252.

Teacher. At home, you picked up materials about famous architectural structures, monuments, monuments. Let's see how they fit into the natural landscape around them.

(Students introduce each other to the results of the search work.)

Statement of the artistic task.

Exercise. Using the acquired knowledge and materials of search work, complete a sketch of the monument of Glory, then finish drawing the landscape surrounding this monument.

At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition and analysis of the work. From the submitted works, 2 best ones are selected for teamwork (layout). It is desirable to choose various options for organizing the environment.

Homework: bring the art materials needed to complete the selected layout (paints, glue, paper, plasticine, as well as materials for completing the surrounding landscape (see methods of working on layout of the area)).

Lesson 4 progress

In the 2nd lesson, students in groups make a layout of the monument. They give a name to their works (“Glory to the heroes!”, “No to war!”, “Remember!”, “Feat”, etc.).

These works can be used for themed class hours, themed conversations in elementary school, can be donated to the school history museum, etc.

Homework: pick up materials about the origins of monumental painting (rock paintings).


I. Making a hill (rock).

1. A hill (rock) of the chosen shape is made of plasticine.

2. Crumple up scraps of newspaper. Pile them up on the roof and sides of the hill.

3. Place pieces of newspaper with plenty of glue on top of the clods.

4. Dip the medium-grained skin in warm water for about 15 seconds. Wring it out well. Unwrap and tear into large pieces.

5. Paste the rock over the newspapers. Apply a mixture of glue and water with a brush.

6. Paint the entire rock green with a semi-dry brush. Add brown spots here and there.

7. Glue vegetation and bushes (see below) on slopes and in recesses and groups of pebbles in different places.

II. Vegetation production.

You will need: PVA glue, bath sponge, dish sponge, thin cardboard, sieve, old comb, dry tea (can be dried while sleeping), plastic wrap, plasticine, twigs, paints, plastic clay, yogurt boxes, mixer.

Working methods

Sponge mix preparation:

1. Gently cut the sponge into a small mixer, add some water and turn on the motor. If the mixture does not work out, cut it smaller.

2. Squeeze out the water on a fine sieve. Roll the mixture in the paint. Choose green and yellow for summer or red and yellow for fall.

3. Mix the sponge with the glue while the mixture is still wet. Store mixtures of different colors separately in yogurt boxes.

4. Store excess mixture in a plastic bag so that it does not dry out. Dry the products on a film: they will then fall behind more easily.


Make large clumps of the sponge mixture, or spread the sponge mixture around clumps of clay. Leave to dry.


Glue small lumps of the sponge mixture onto the rocks.

Or: dry a few lichens on wrapping paper in a lukewarm oven. Stick on the rock.

1. Grind dry tea and sprinkle paths with it. Blow on these places.

2. Green plasticine knead until soft. Flatten it and stick it on cardboard. Spread it around the tracks.

3. Beat the plasticine with an old toothbrush or comb to make it look like grass. Paint with a semi-dry brush in dark green.

4. For trees, cut branched branches 9-12 cm long. Stick them into clay coasters.

5. Press a mixture of sponges of different colors to the twigs. When the mixture dries, add more.

6. For hedges, cut strips of dishwashing sponge 0.5 cm wide. Spread them with glue and lay them on wrapping paper.

7. Place the strips on edge and overlay them with a mixture of sponges. When dry, cut to size.


(Option II) (To help the teacher)

Of great interest to students is the proposal to create a layout of the memorial of military glory.

At the same time, the main problem is the harmonization of the aesthetic merits of the landscape of the area and the monumental structure, expressing the idea of ​​​​people's memory and grief for the dead heroes.

The content of this lesson is focused on raising patriotic feelings in children, so it is necessary to acquaint students first of all with the burial places of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War that have not yet received a decent design, as well as monuments located in the immediate vicinity of our city, and works of monumental art that have high artistic value.

The word "memorial" means "commemorative record". This is a plastic image that perpetuates the feat of the people. Very often, memorial complexes are erected on a hill or on a high bank of a river. This contributes to a good overview of this memorial from all sides, from afar and when approaching it. It constantly attracts attention and is often the main landmark of the area. Of great importance is how the space and paths are artistically organized in the form of roads and flights of stairs that lead to the center of the composition - the Eternal Flame.

To create a layout of such an area, it is enough to glue a second sheet folded in various ways on one sheet of thick paper. For example, a hilly terrain layout is created by cutting a sheet down the middle and twisting it into a cone shape, or simply folding it into a “slide” and then gluing it to another sheet. The originality and variety of layouts of the landscape of the area activates the interest of students and stimulates the search for a creative solution to the task.

As a result of the discussion, students independently choose a "memorable place" for the design of the "Mound of Glory". The task is performed in pairs or small groups. First of all, they create a plastic image of the central part

The layout of the memorial of military glory of the memorial, Around which it is necessary to organize the space. Many authors arrange the compositional center of the memorial in the form of obelisks of various shapes, which traditionally symbolize a ray of light that broke through the clouds and pointed to the “speciality” of this place.

For the manufacture of various structures, students use paper strips, which they fold and bend either along, if it is necessary to make a high structure, or across - constructing small structures, vegetation, roads, flights of stairs. Many students include images of trees and shrubs in the layout. So spruce - a symbol of eternity, eternal memory, is present in almost every layout.

As a result, everyone gets the original projects of the memorial of Glory.

Lesson 5


1. To form an idea of ​​the origins of monumental art forms on the example of the history of the development of rock art and the discovery of sources for its study.

2. To educate the moral and aesthetic perception of the world, love for art and its history.

3. Develop associative-figurative thinking, skills of independent search and systematization of material, public speaking.

Equipment and materials: reproductions and art historical material about the sources of studying monumental art forms; search works of students about the preserved monuments of monumental painting; art materials; literary series: V. Berestov "First Drawings".


1. A conversation about the origins of the emergence of monumental types of fine art, the sources of its study with the involvement of the results of the search work of students.

2. Statement of the artistic task. Creative work "In the footsteps of primitive artists."

3. Practical implementation of the task.

4. Summing up.

During the classes

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Teacher. Guys, we have already talked about architecture and that it can only be considered in connection with other types of fine arts.

Art that is designed for mass perception and exists in synthesis with architecture is commonly called monumental.

Monumental art "lives" on the inner and outer walls of buildings and structures, on the streets of cities.

Give examples.



Sculptures-fountains, columns.

Mosaic floors, walls, ceilings.

Frescoes, panels, stained-glass windows, etc.

2. Teacher's story.

Monumental art begins to appear and develop along with architecture.

When does this happen?

Scientists believe that the late period of the ancient Stone Age was the time of the birth of art. Actually, here we can talk not about art in general, but about the fine arts. At the end of the ancient Stone Age, people had a need and the ability to depict, draw, cut.

When the first cave images of animals were found, almost no one believed that people who lived in caves and used stone tools could draw like this. And yet it is so. Amazing in perfection, accuracy of observations, images of animals - bison, horses, mammoths - were applied to the walls and low ceilings of caves in Spain, in the south of France, in the Urals. Parts of the caves with paintings are often located in the depths, in complete darkness. In order to draw these figures here with multi-colored mineral paints, it was necessary to illuminate the walls with torches and stone "lamps" in the form of ladles filled with fat.

It is believed that through the images of animals, people expressed some important ideas about the world for them. On the walls of caves, images of people are very rare. This is understandable: after all, in childhood it is easier for us to comprehend the relationship between living beings, using the images of animals.

Women are the first representatives of the human race, who began to be portrayed. Several of these drawings have been preserved in the caves. More often they were preferred to be depicted in the form of sculptures. These were small figurines made of mammoth tusk, bone, stone, and specially prepared clay mass that fit in the palm of your hand.

In all likelihood, the figurines of women were used in rituals and worn as amulets. They were supposed to have a magical effect, to bring well-being not only to women and children, but to the entire community.

What did the primitive artists paint with?

Apparently, the main artistic tool was a wool brush, a stick, or just a finger. In the drawings, they tried to convey the main thing. Everything insignificant was swept aside, and the characteristic, on the contrary, was exaggerated and generalized. It turned out "to all bison bison." Animals were depicted as fat, fleshy, so that the hunt was successful.

Paint for painting was obtained from natural dyes, rubbing minerals and plants. Here is how Alan Marshall describes the color scheme of primitive artists in the story "Images in the Cave":

“The drawings were made in red, brown, yellow, as well as purple tint. Crushed pieces of ocher served as paint. White paint, found in many drawings, was prepared from white clay or crushed limestone. Black paint, which was made from charcoal, was used quite rarely. Most often, hunters resorted to dark brown and yellow tones. People rarely appeared in these drawings. Most often, animals were depicted... The entire surface of the rock is painted with ocher of different shades. If you squint your eyes, it seemed that you see a huge bizarre pattern filled with all the colors of the earth.

3. Messages from students and viewing reproductions of rock paintings.

4. Creative work.

The teacher hangs on the board a drawing depicting a primitive artist and reads V. Berestov's poems "The First Drawings",

Let the ancestor live a half-animal life,

But we treasure his legacy.

He did not know how to mold a clay pot,

He was afraid of the spirits invented by him.

But still in his deaf cave

A crowd of shadows is rapidly alive,

Furious beasts fly on the walls,

Fierce opponents of it.

The mammoth's eye squints in fear,

A deer is running, inspired by the chase,

Fell and, dying, moves,

And the wounded buffalo swallows the blood.

The hunters silently followed the trail,

And with a loud cry they opened the battle,

And secured a difficult victory

The pattern is light, fine carving.

V. Berestov

Teacher. And now, guys, imagine yourself in the place of a primitive artist, remember how limited your palette of colors is, what subjects interest you, and do the creative work-drawing “In the footsteps of a primitive artist”.

At the end of the lesson, an express exhibition of works is held. Students give each piece a title.

Homework: pick up material about the fine arts of ancient Egypt.

Architecture is one of the most important areas of human activity, which includes the design and construction of all kinds of structures and is the oldest occupation in organizing space.
Occupying one of the most important positions in the development of society, architecture has always been inextricably linked with painting, sculpture, decorative art, and developed in accordance with the style of a particular era.
In the modern world, the following main areas of architecture are distinguished:

Design of buildings and structures

· Urban planning activities

· Landscape architecture

· Interior Design

The architecture of public buildings and structures is designed to satisfy the diverse aspects of human life, reflecting in an artistic and figurative form construction projects social processes of development of society. While responding to certain material and spiritual requirements, public* buildings must at the same time correspond to the worldview and ideology of society. .

At all times, the most expressive and impressive works of architecture are public buildings and structures, which embodied the highest aspirations of the human spirit and the skill of architects and builders. construction projects.

Significant in their architectural and artistic image, public buildings, especially their complexes, regardless of their size, organize urban spaces, becoming an architectural dominant.

Social and scientific and technological progress, as well as the development of urban planning in our country, increase the importance of the public service sector and are associated with an increase in the scale of construction of various institutions and service enterprises to improve working conditions, life and recreation of the population.

Among other types of construction, public buildings occupy one of the leading places in terms of volume. Of the total urban development costs for residential areas, capital investments in the construction of public buildings average 28-30%. The share of construction of public buildings in resort cities, tourist and scientific centers, in cities of all-Union and republican significance, where, as a rule, are being built, is even higher. theaters, libraries, museums, exhibition halls and pavilions, sports facilities, office buildings, large shopping centers, hotels, airport terminals, etc.

It is known that cities and urban settlements play an important role in the formation of settlement systems in the country, being the main centers of industrial production, science, education, culture, transport, etc. This form of settlement is of particular importance in the conditions of Siberia with its low population density, the specifics of natural and climatic conditions, and the traditional attitude of the state towards the natural and human resources of this vast region.

on the one hand, the city is a product of the development of society, created by the labor of people to meet their vital needs (self-preservation, survival, reproduction, development, satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, etc.) On the other hand, it must be stated that the city, arising, developing and fading, it goes through all the stages characteristic of a living organism, and, like all living things, it has, depending on the species, different periods of existence (from several years or tens of years to millennia).

Walking along the streets of our city, we often just look at buildings, shopping centers, parks with benches and fountains, and think: “Oh, how beautiful!”. We involuntarily admire many architectural structures, they evoke certain feelings and moods in us. At present, the architecture is really well developed and varied. Of course, the historical development of the culture of different countries and nationalities determines the functions and appearance of architectural structures. Architecture is closely connected with the life of society. Its most famous monuments become symbols of different cities and countries for us: remember the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Great Wall of China or the Moscow Kremlin. But what does it mean for a person, for each of us?

Architecture is art. It can be said that every time we go outside, we find ourselves in a huge gallery of buildings. But we don’t always notice it, because we need to rush to work, to the store, to Lyudmila Sergeevna, or simply because we are used to this everyday landscape. But at one moment something stops us, makes us walk more slowly and look around, take a fresh look at what was familiar to our eyes.

Surprisingly, architecture is actually a dialogue. Behind every building, behind every architectural complex or small building, there is a person, an architect. In such an unusual language, he tries to convey to society some thought, an idea in an artistic image. We certainly react to it: it can be consent, acceptance, but also protest or even hostility. The famous Italian architect Renzo Piano said that architecture is a very difficult job. If a writer writes books that are not very good, people may simply not read them. But if an architect does his project poorly, he dooms some area of ​​the city to ugliness for hundreds of years.

Architects often looked for inspiration from nature, even learned from it, repeating graceful lines, unusual shapes, sizes and color combinations in their works. For example, the roof of the Milwaukee Art Museum, designed by Santiago Calatrava, resembles the wings of a bird or a sail. The architect found such a gentle image while watching Lake Michigan. And the building of the national center in the city of Taichung in Taiwan looks like something magical, fabulous. Architect Toyo Ito expressed his inspiration from caves and lines of water currents.

At the same time, architecture itself, its beauty and uniqueness inspire a person to do something unusual. Interestingly, the artists of the Walt Disney Studios, who created the colorful cartoons we all know, found inspiration in real-life places and architectural structures, such as Mont Saint-Michel in France or the Taj Mahal in India. These places are truly amazing. Having visited them, it is difficult to remain without new thoughts and impressions.

Architecture is able to calm a person, set them in a harmonious mood, pacify. It is not for nothing that many people in their free time go to the park, to a quiet place next to the fountain, to read, think, or have a pleasant conversation with a friend. Psychologist K. Ellard notes in his works that architecture has a psychological impact on a person: "buildings make us feel."

And yet, architecture, how important is it? What does it mean for each of us? A person sees and recognizes in the world around him what is in himself. This means that in architecture he sees those features that are its indivisible part. He can find in it a place for deceit, ugliness, hypocrisy. But also a person will see in it a reflection of love, beauty and honesty.

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First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...