Angelica: the meaning of a beautiful name. Angelica: the meaning of the name, mystery, origin

It is believed that the name Angelica has its roots in ancient Greece, translated from Greek - angelic. It originates from the Latin word "angelicus", which in turn comes from the ancient Greek άγγελος "angelos" and means "messenger", "angel". There are suggestions that the name Angelica is a form of Angelina. Many believe that Angelique can also be called Angels and Angelinas, but, in fact, these are related names. The short meaning of the name is - Anzhi, Lika, Zheli. In many countries there is a male version of this name. In the UK - Angel, in Spain - Angel, and in Greece - just Angel or Angelos. In Russia, this beautiful and elegant name is still quite rare. It is more common in Catholic countries. Here, for example, in Germany, Angela is in the top ten most popular female names. Angelica celebrates name days three times a year according to the Catholic calendar. June twenty-ninth, July fifteenth, October twenty-first.

The meaning of the name Angelica does not quite correspond to the image of its owner. At different periods of her life, she seems to become a different person: she changes her style, appearance, lifestyle and habits. The inconsistency of nature makes her unpredictable. Angelica is a friendly, open person. This is an idealist, does not exchange for trifles, her internal forces are aimed at improving the world around her. But if this angel is angered and pissed off, he becomes rude, harsh, unrestrained. Together with activity and restlessness, she possesses such qualities as sincerity, openness, responsiveness. Angelica easily makes new friends and girlfriends, cherishes them and is always ready to help them. She is able to forget about her own affairs and plans if her dear person is in trouble. Friends for her are like a second family, without them she cannot imagine her existence. Angelica knows that loneliness is not for her and she needs to have one of her friends or family members by her side.

Characteristics of the name Angelica

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

patron planet: .

The dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli.

Talisman-color: Blue.

Mascot Plant: Mandragora.

Animal Mascot: Camel.

Character features: Energy, Passion, Self-love.

Angelica- hardworking, purposeful. Although she has few friends, this woman is careful in choosing her close acquaintances and girlfriends. She is responsive, willing to help others, disinterested.

Angelica- closed, self-confident. She is efficient at work, sews and knits well, in general, very economic. A faithful wife, she loves children madly and sometimes spoils too much.

Angelica- a mysterious and thoughtful girl. Often soft and shy. This woman is affectionate, hard to endure quarrels with a loved one and any difficulties in a relationship.

Angelica- independent, hidden. This is a strong woman, she does not ask for help and is not afraid of failure. This Angelica does not seek to create a family and prefers friendship in relationships with men.

The nature of the name Angelica

As a child, Lika is a calm, kind, flexible child who prefers to stay at home, leaf through books and help her parents. The girl is happy to babysit younger children and animals. The baby loves to learn and responsibly treats the tasks. She develops comprehensively, attending needlework circles and sports sections. Interested in creativity. Reads a lot. Angelica at an early age has angelic patience. But her character is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Lika has a strong inner core. She has her own opinion, which she is ready to defend. The girl is attached to her mother. Sensitively experiencing a short separation. Always shares with the parent anxieties and sorrows.

The grown-up Angelica has an urgent need for independence. She is capable of stubbornness and insolence. From a homebody girl, she turns into an outgoing teenager. The young beauty looks after her appearance, chooses bright clothes and puts on defiant makeup. Such actions allow you to attract the attention of others. Adolescence for Lika is a period of rebellion. Eccentric behavior does not prevent the girl from studying hard and taking care of her family. Such sides as purposefulness, pride, sociability appear in the character. The girl has a lot of acquaintances and friends, but she rarely makes strong friendships. Her hobbies in this life span are music, literature, youth parties.

Adult Angelica is a stunning beauty, charming with natural grace and charm. The woman has an excellent sense of humor. Communication with her is a great pleasure. Lika is responsive, hardworking and patient. But not all of her qualities are angelic. This person loves freedom and has a high conceit. Thanks to these features, Angelica is able to become successful in work and in her personal life. He prefers to hide his emotions in society and splash them out at home. Due to excessive emotionality, quarrels often occur in the family. Angelica is a wonderful wife and mother. Therefore, do not pay special attention to her emotional outbursts.

Positive traits of the name Angelica: sensuality, self-confidence, temperament, responsibility. At a fairly adult age, it usually restrains itself, does not show much aggression. Lika is a passionate person with a strong temperament. She is practical, strong, self-confident. A woman is able to hide emotions from others for a long time. Angelica is happy to help others, she is a good wife and loving mother.

Negative traits of the name Angelica: she is vindictive, at times rude, unrestrained and vain. This is a man of mood, it happens that he shows stubbornness and pride. A woman is able to breed gossip and intrigue, while remaining an outside observer. Having a strong character, she can always stand up for herself and even be a rebel and a brawler. However, throughout his life he tries to improve himself.

Interests and hobbies

Angelica's main hobbies are reading books and cooking delicious meals. She spends a lot of time alone, but also likes to attend concerts, exhibitions, cinemas and theaters. According to his mood, he is engaged in needlework, embroiders, knits and sews well. She loves to listen to music, walk in the park, and attend all kinds of parties. At secular receptions, she likes to be in the spotlight, she is the “soul of the company”. She monitors her appearance, so she can often be found in beauty salons.

Profession and business

Angelica is a very efficient, responsible woman. She is a careerist, striving to build a successful career. Orders are executed quickly, efficiently and efficiently. Not a supporter of routine and monotonous work. Choosing the direction of the field of activity, guided by material incentives. For her, promotion and material incentives for work are of great importance. She will, without regret, replace her old place of work with a new, more promising one, in case she was underestimated. The Face's inherent potential can be realized in art. Her attractive appearance promises success on stage or on the podium. Energy and composure will help in the career of a journalist, teacher, politician.

This is a successful businesswoman, with the financial support of a family or loved one. This person does not like to take risks, preferring reliable paths. Financial well-being is of great importance in Angelica's life, money gives her stability and confidence in the future. Thanks to perseverance and diligence, he can occupy leadership positions and positions. The vocation of this woman is to be a leader, organizer of grandiose events or bold business projects. If Lika's career did not work out, then she will constantly be in search: to change the field of activity, to try herself in other professions.

Psyche and health

Angelica is a passionate and temperamental person with a practical character. With age, Angelica's character changes, she becomes a strong and self-confident woman. The owners of this name know how to restrain their emotions, but when the cup of patience overflows, they can explode and tell their offender everything that has accumulated inside. In adulthood, Angelica becomes smarter and more restrained, begins to show respect for other people. Changes in Angelica's character often bring her success, her family life is getting better, she begins to advance in her career.

Angelic appearance, refined facial features of Angelica suggest poor health. But this argument is unfounded. Most often, since childhood, the girl often gets sick, all kinds of infections literally “stick” to her. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and monitor personal hygiene. As you grow older, many problems will come to naught and will no longer bother. An adult girl has excellent immunity, which maintains the full functioning of the body throughout life. At a young age, Angela may encounter allergies of varying complexity and nature. She needs to diet and exercise.

Love and sex

A girl with this name is a romantic girl, a conqueror of men's hearts. She tries to conquer those around her with her appearance, needs compliments, is very proud of her beautiful figure and is wildly successful with men. She likes to "twist" the representatives of the stronger sex and play with them. She easily finds mutual understanding with the guy she likes and begins to win his favor. He makes high demands on the chosen one, only a worthy young man becomes him. Having fallen in love, she shows all her tenderness, charm and sexuality, becomes more serious. Her first love is rarely mutual, which is why she is very worried. Angelica is an emotional person and it is not easy for her to hide her feelings. But she does not show that she is upset, maintaining optimism and faith in the best. Having made a choice, she tries to build a harmonious relationship. A woman is ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of her lover: she can quit a prestigious job, her usual way of life and follow him "to the ends of the world."

Lika is a heartbreaker and conqueror. She loves to flirt and tease members of the opposite sex, but does not let the gentlemen near her for a very long time. The girl makes no distinction between love and sex. For her, love is unthinkable without intimate relationships, and sexual intimacy is an expression of love. In her dreams, she invents a fairy-tale prince and looks for him in life, often unjustifiably endowing her partner with ideal features. She can be a wonderful lover, sensitive, inventive, passionate. With a guy she likes, she is ready to enter into an intimate relationship after a short period of acquaintance. In intimate life, she is an ardent and passionate person who views sex as a means of pleasure and bliss. In a relationship, the girl is very capricious. It is difficult for her to agree with a partner, because often she simply does not want to perceive his point of view. She believes that a man should be strong and balanced, but often chooses a completely opposite type of men. For this reason, men are often left with a broken heart.

Family and marriage

Angelica dares to register relationships at an already mature age. The girl is full of some vague desires that she herself cannot determine. This woman needs a patient man who can satisfy her various emotional and sexual needs. For family harmony considers important openness, loyalty and stability. If a girl is lucky enough to meet the love of her life, then she builds relationships on trust. In the chosen one, most of all appreciates sincerity and constancy. Under such conditions, she is able to completely trust the chosen one. Excessive jealousy only exacerbates the problems in your personal life. In marriage, he never forgives betrayal and betrayal. But fortunately, the other halves of these sensitive women are so fascinated by their life partners that they rarely go left.

The family life of the owner of the name is going well, but the woman herself often thinks differently. Her inner emotionality rarely allows her to feel happy. In the family, she cannot reconcile herself to the primacy of her husband for a long time, but when she resigns herself, peace reigns in the house. She gladly arranges home comfort, but at the same time she does not forget about her appearance: she visits a sports club, a beauty salon, and follows fashion. With the second half, he builds a trusting relationship and expects spiritual intimacy and understanding from his spouse. An ideal relationship with a husband is trust, friendliness, stability, openness, passion. With her beloved husband, Lika is transformed, showing her angelic nature. This is a wonderful mother, she is very sensitive and caring nature. Her children are an extension of herself.

Angelica Horoscope

Angelica-– hardworking, persistent, always knows what he wants. For the sake of her goal, she is ready to work for days, forgetting about rest. Does not know how to give up, constantly moving forward. Possesses such qualities as perseverance, ambition and purposefulness. Its goal is simple - self-development and material wealth.

Angelica-- self-sufficient and self-confident, but decisive and responsible. He approaches any task confidently and stubbornly. She makes many mistakes due to the fact that she is not used to listening to other people's advice. Makes decisions based on her own considerations, does not like being told what to do. There is no place for a strong man next to her.

Angelica-- a risky and emotional woman. She loves travel and outdoor activities, cannot imagine her life without friends, since loneliness is the worst thing for her. She loves to spend time in nature, go hiking, have picnics. She loves attention and compliments, wants to be in demand, both among friends and in the profession.

Angelica-- restrained and balanced on the outside, inside - vulnerable and sentimental. She wants to appear stable, but her desire to draw attention to herself will contradict this. She constantly thinks about what impression she will make on others. She tries to please everyone, worries if someone does not like her. She needs a strong, patient and domineering gentleman.

Angelica-- a charming lover of vivid sensations with an unrestrained character. He likes to be the center of attention, loves compliments, overreacts to criticism and comments. She considers herself a queen - it is better to accept her for who she is. Rejects people who do not show respect. Will fall in love with a weaker and more compliant man who does not pretend to be a leader in the family.

Angelica-- an independent, smart girl with many hobbies, one of which is travel. She likes unusual places where there are interesting sights. Inconstancy and love of freedom, complete with a thirst for adventure and new experiences, does not allow her to start a family early. But men are crazy about her.

Angelica-- a trusting and naive girl who often forgets that not all people are good. Wants to please everyone without exception, has many friends and girlfriends, but not all of them are real. Credulity breeds a lot of betrayal on the part of people. But there is kindness and responsiveness, honesty and sincerity, justice.

Angelica-- does not trust people, as she fears betrayal, but she would very much like to make friends. She loves calm, has a craving for a lonely pastime. He sets himself many goals and gradually achieves all without exception. Cherishes her family, always ready to help them, forgetting about her own problems.

Angelica-- the owner of a cheerful and frivolous character. Loves fun, discos and parties. Such a lifestyle distracts her from important matters, such as school or work. He hates loneliness and boredom, cannot imagine his life without communication. She needs a cheerful and balanced partner, a spouse. With whom she would feel needed and loved.

Angelica-- emotional, quick-tempered, a little aggressive woman. She easily changes mood, but she knows how to adapt to circumstances. He loves power and appreciates strength. During a quarrel, he can break loose, say insolent things, offend his interlocutor. However, realizing her guilt, she sincerely apologizes, although she is not ready to appear weak.

Angelica-- sociable, sincere, cheerful. She values ​​​​freedom and independence, will not allow it to be taken away from her. Likes to meet new people. She is interested in those around her, she herself is happy to share her thoughts and impressions with new friends. Sometimes she is too trusting in relation to them, often surrounds herself with unverified and self-serving personalities.

Angelica-- she has few friends and is demanding of them, all of them are proven and faithful comrades. Often indulges in dreams and memories, builds castles in the air. Makes plans that will never come true in reality. She longs for true love and chivalrous care, she will love only a strong and calm boyfriend who can support and calm her.

Angelica name compatibility with male names

Angelica and Arthur- one of the most reasonable unions. However, along with the fact that it can be characterized by such words as "cooperation", "friendship" and "partnership", there is also enough space for love itself. There is just one curious nuance here: Angela and Arthur prefer mutual understanding and unity of souls to careless sighs under the moon. They are comfortable with each other also because they are completely satisfied with each other both sexually and psychologically. At the same time, this barrel of honey was also not without a fly in the ointment. The fact is that in their personal lives they often strive to win the palm, which in some cases leads to rather noisy showdowns. But this is not a problem. The expression “darlings scold - they only amuse themselves” - this is just about them.

Angelica and Boris- the union of two passionate, independent natures often turns out to be truly bright. However, he is more good for love than for family life: both owners of these names are used to being leaders and not used to giving in. Because of this, in everyday life between them, as a rule, showdowns, jealousy, and a struggle for leadership in the family are not uncommon. However, they are able to solve many of their problems, thanks to their excellent sexual compatibility. In general, the fair sex likes the enthusiasm and determination of her chosen one, while Boris, like no one else, is able to appreciate her pride and maximalism. When they start to give in to each other, their tumultuous relationship is able to withstand any test of strength.

Angelica and Vadim- this type of relationship is rare: the paths of a dreamy, not very practical man and his energetic chosen one usually do not intersect. Almost the only thing that can sometimes unite them is an innate sense of beauty, which Vadim usually has much more developed. In a joint life, the fair sex is not satisfied with the indifference of her chosen one to a career and money, as well as his unwillingness to organize his life. Most often, this results in her claims on her part and family conflicts. However, if a man is rich, his “cons” turn into “pluses” for her: she can spend as much as she wants on herself, manage his affairs and actually be the head of the family, since such trifles do not care much for him. In this case, their marriage can last a lifetime.

Angelica and George- the basis of this union is practicality and honesty, they are connected rather by friendly relations than violent passion. This couple is an association of true connoisseurs of life, accustomed to getting everything from life. Angelica is disinterested, but a cold mind often wins an argument over a heated heart. A woman in this pair can always see a sparkle in her eyes, and all because the man never ceases to amaze and delight her. And these two are very fond of joint holidays in other countries. And the main reason for this craving is that it is there that these partners can escape from everyday worries and devote this time to each other. However, tuning into a long-term relationship, the girl should know that George is prone to betrayal.

Angelica and Denis- for such an alliance, duration is more characteristic than strength in relationships. Often in this situation, a woman dominates, accustomed to exerting considerable pressure on her lover. Reproaches on her part may relate to the lack of cleanliness and order in the house, financial difficulties and many other issues. And here, as a rule, there is a discrepancy of interests. Angela has an ingrained habit of spending money right and left, and Denis, in turn, holds exactly the opposite views, directed towards thrift. In terms of sexual relations, no "knots and hitches" are foreseen in their relationship. However, this is clearly not enough for the reign of real harmony. It is also necessary, at a minimum, to take into account the feelings and value system of your partner.

Angelica and Eugene- the union of these types of characters is quite common, because in many ways the owners of these names are similar. Although outwardly this is not too noticeable, even if they choose completely different paths to achieve their goals, but the main thing is that their goals themselves largely coincide, and they want about the same thing from life. This makes their relationship strong and stable. In addition, they have good sexual compatibility, and if desired, Eugene and Angelica can easily find a common language not only in bed, but also in business, housekeeping, and solving problems. It is only the struggle of characters and ambitions that prevents us from calling this union ideal, which, however, gives it "zest" and sharpness.

Angelica and Zakhar- it is possible that such a union is based on the law of mutual attraction, which has reigned in the universe since its creation. The bottom line here is this: everyone attracts into their personal life the person they think about the most. And in this regard, the desires of both partners completely coincide. Zakhar takes the first step, and Angela reciprocates completely. On a subconscious level, she is looking for a protector. If we talk about this representative of the stronger sex, then, on the contrary, he is distinguished by special determination and the absence of excessive modesty. And if he decides something, he is ready to boldly speak out on this matter. True, only in the presence of the person (or people) to whom this information concerns.

Angelica and Ilya- the owners of these names have good compatibility: they are united by ambition and a desire to achieve ever greater heights. As a rule, Ilya in this pair is flattered by the attention of his bright chosen one, who knows how to present himself in society and is able to help him make a career. She is able to see in him a huge potential, which she will gladly help him realize. In this regard, both are set for a serious relationship and even for marriage, however, in their views on life together, they are not so unanimous. She does not like doing household chores too much, but she is able to periodically arrange noisy showdowns. For their union to be lasting, they need to learn to give in to each other.

Angelica and Cyril- such an alliance is particularly disinterested. Sometimes it may even seem that these people not only do not need anything from each other, but are absolutely indifferent. However, these relationships are actually very strong. And all because here the focus is not on momentary passion and love, which many people mistakenly take for true love, but on inner peace and endless confidence in their own partner. Angela sincerely believes that you will not find more true and reliable than Cyril in any corner of the world. And, what is most wonderful, a man holds a similar opinion regarding his chosen one. It is sincere love that allows them to radiate confidence and harmony. These are very temperamental lovers who do not approve of the popularization of private matters.

Angelica and Leonid- this bright union can be described as "love-friendship", "love-cooperation", but this does not mean that it will not have enough love itself. It’s just that the owners of these names, as a rule, come to the fore not romantic sighs under the moon, but mutual understanding, support and true kinship of souls. They feel good together, Leonid and Angelica are sexually and psychologically suited to each other. True, in a joint life they are able to compete for leadership in the family, and this can periodically result in noisy showdowns, but usually there are much more pluses in this union than minuses. The owners of these names are a bright couple, they have many common interests and they have every chance to live together happily ever after.

Angelica and Maxim- are people whose temperaments do not correlate with each other at all. Maxim is a man of very hot morals, prone to leadership and intolerant of disobedience. Angelica, on the contrary, is a refined nature and does not tolerate any rudeness at all. But these people, to be honest, really have something to offer each other. A man takes full responsibility for making decisions and thereby frees her from additional headaches about this. The woman, in turn, does everything to ensure such a favorable environment, where the spirit of confidence in the future reigns permanently, does not skimp on affection and care for her beloved. Each of them brings into the life of the other that which, for quite objective reasons, is clearly lacking.

Angelica and Nikita- the cheerful and expansive owners of these names have a lot in common. They both hate loneliness and silence, and are able to make a holiday out of their life together. Together, Angelica and Nikita can go to parties and theaters with pleasure, receive guests, travel the world. The generosity of a man in this union, as a rule, really likes his chosen one, who is used to living in a big way. Being very independent, she also recognizes a certain degree of freedom for him and is sometimes even ready to close her eyes to his fleeting hobbies. In addition, they are great lovers. Together they are easy and good.

Angelica and Oleg- an exemplary union for many. It is no secret that many of us perceive the relationship between a man and a woman as something where mutual trust comes to the fore. So, in this regard, there is a complete idyll here, since neither Angela nor Oleg often even allow in their heads the thought that one of them may actually turn out to be a traitor. And, most surprisingly, in practice, such unconditional faith in each other turns into a pleasant cohabitation throughout life. In a word, here, along with the aforementioned trust, love, tenderness, mutual support and other characteristics are also lined up in a single row, which make it possible to call this or that union truly happy.

Angelica and Pavel- real happiness". Here, however, it will be special for everyone. The fact is that in any relationship, it is common values ​​that come to the fore. For example, both halves of the same union can be distinguished by an irrepressible craving for self-development, travel, raising children, an active lifestyle, and much more. Perhaps Angela generates an idea, and Pavel happily takes on its implementation (other combinations are not excluded). And, most importantly, such a commonality of interests helps them to easily survive any domestic conflicts. And in terms of intimate life, their interests are also likely to converge in many ways. In a word, it is love and friendship rolled into one.

Angelica and Roman- in this complex union, a man, as a rule, is guaranteed a whole whirlpool of impressions. On the one hand, he is very flattered by the attention of his bright chosen one, Roman can admire her aesthetic taste and even change his home lifestyle for her sake, appearing from time to time with her at secular parties. However, her immoderate spending usually frightens him: he sees how his capital is melting before his eyes, and this often turns out to be the cause of their conflicts and partings. In addition, no matter how hard he tries, it is too difficult for him to keep up with her, with her active rhythm of life. Often, because of this, both partners are disappointed in each other: he understands that he needs a more economic and domestic wife, and she needs a more independent, energetic and generous partner.

Angelica and Stepan- the clarification of the relationship between them proceed quite loudly and even furiously. However, it may seem so only to others. It's just that both Angela and Stepan belong to the type of people who don't like to keep everything to themselves. On the contrary, at the first opportunity that comes up, they “let off steam” and five minutes later they smile again, as if nothing had happened. In the intimate sphere, these lovers behave in a similar way. Perhaps for some, their sex life will look rough, but even here they are able to get real pleasure. It is possible that their union is still held due to the fact that both are quick-witted people. Rather, they are turned on by the very process of loud discussion of a particular issue.

Angelica and Timur- in this bright union of everything in abundance - and love, and passion, and emotions, and ambitions. In addition to common views and aspirations, sexual compatibility gives strength to these relationships: the passion between partners can only increase over time, forcing them to value each other. However, the couple Angelica and Timur do not fit into the traditional family way of life with its measured rhythm of life. For both, work and career, recognition and leadership are important, and all this is inevitably reflected not only in work, but also in their family. The main thing is that this domestic “war of ambitions” should not be carried out too seriously and eventually turn into a confrontation. Otherwise, the owners of these names have everything in order to live together happily ever after.

Angelica and Philip- match each other almost one hundred percent. Both partners have common interests and strive to improve their own financial situation. Yes, and in bed they show special attention to each other and try to deliver real pleasure to their partner in intimate life. By the way, they succeed with considerable success. If we give a general description of the relationship that Angela and Philip are endowed with, then the closeness here will turn out to be multiple. They have quite a lot in common on a mental, psychological and physical level. And therefore, they have very impressive chances for a long and happy life together. In addition, they tend to feel that there is only one person in the world prepared for them. And he's right there.

Angelica and Eldar- this union can be long-term, but not too strong. In a life together, the fair sex usually puts too much pressure on her chosen one, blaming him for everything - from mess in the apartment to lack of money and insufficient success in business. She is used to living in a big way, not denying herself anything, but Eldar, as a rule, does not approve of such extravagance. True, in bed they easily find a common language, but if they want to live together happily ever after, they need to learn to reckon with each other's interests.

Angelica and Yuri- the owners of these names have much in common, but much does not suit each other. Together they can shine at receptions and parties, they both have a developed sense of beauty. Yuri usually sincerely admires the grace and taste of his chosen one, she also appreciates his talents, unpredictability and the ability to constantly surprise her. However, in everyday life, she is dissatisfied with his indifferent attitude to career and money. If his financial affairs are not going too smoothly, this causes conflicts between them and can lead to a break.

Angelica and Yaroslav- it is difficult to say about this couple that they are suitable for each other - they invest too different concepts when talking about living together, they allow too different degrees of freedom for a partner and for themselves. However, for periodic meetings and even for a civil marriage, this is quite enough, but not always to create a strong relationship. That is why such an alliance, as a rule, does not turn out to be too strong. Yaroslav is not going to give up his freedom, and Angelica does not intend to forgive him for betrayal, this often causes conflicts and resentment between them. To prevent this from happening, it doesn’t hurt a man to reconsider his views on a “free” life.

Meaning of the name: Translated from Greek, Angelica means "messenger, angel."

Name origin: Angelica is an ancient Greek name, which is considered akin to the name Angelina. The meaning of these names is the same, but women with such a name have completely different characteristics. The name Angelica does not appear in the Orthodox calendar, but is indicated in Catholicism.
Other forms: Angelina, Angelika, Angelina, Lika, Angelika, Gela, Lika.

July - 29th;

July - 15th;

October - 21st.

Name characteristic

The name Angelica endows its owner with charm, angelic audacity, practical character. Angelica has a strong energy, she is self-confident, a little selfish, independent, able to stand out from society.

As a child, Angelica grows up as a balanced and calm child, she does not like noisy games and prefers to be alone. She spends a lot of time with her mother, she is always ready to help her around the house, take care of her younger brother or sister. At school, this girl does not show special talents, but she does not lag behind in her studies. She has few friends, but she knows how to get along with people.

Growing up, Angelica becomes beautiful and attractive, can behave provocatively, thus showing her individuality and independence. The adult owner of the name is very restrained, she knows how to control her emotions, she never provokes conflicts. By nature, Angelica is a strong woman who is not afraid of difficulties. The main advantage of this woman is responsiveness and disinterestedness. She does not like to devote other people to her problems and prefers to solve them on her own. Angelica is proud, she loves intrigue and gossip, so other people often shun her. Women by name have very good taste, they dress beautifully, outwardly bright and attractive, but inside they are cold and mysterious.

The nature of the name

Angelica is a passionate and temperamental person with a practical character. With age, Angelica's character changes, she becomes a strong and self-confident woman. The owners of this name know how to restrain their emotions, but when the cup of patience overflows, they can explode and tell their offender everything that has accumulated inside. In adulthood, Angelica becomes smarter and more restrained, begins to show respect for other people. Changes in Angelica's character often bring her success, her family life is getting better, she begins to advance in her career.
In the character of Angelica, self-esteem is increased, she loves to gossip, often leads intrigues. Hiding her feelings and emotions in society, Angelica spills them out at home, which is why relationships with relatives are often strained. Excessive emotionality can lead to quarrels in the family, misunderstandings, and even a break in relations with a loved one.

The owners of the name Angelica are hardworking, purposeful, independent and responsive. They achieve their success in life on their own, do not like to accept help from others, but will gladly help others.

"Winter" - independent, hidden;

"Autumn" - mysterious, narcissistic;

"Summer" - closed, self-confident;

"Spring" - hardworking, purposeful.

The fate of the name

A girl named Angelica from birth is a very passionate child with pronounced pride. Little Angelica needs increased attention, and when it is absent, she shows her character, starts to act up, and is very worried. Often becomes the initiator of conflicts and, as a rule, earns a reputation as a brawler, because she does not know how to restrain her emotions.

Adult Angela tries to fight her pride, she is softer and more patient, but she also knows how to provoke conflicts and quarrels. By nature, she is kind and impressionable, although she does not have an "angelic" character. She doesn't have many friends, but she always needs support. The owners of this name are most concerned about their own achievements, they strive to be independent, achieve success in their careers and personal lives. As for Angela's professional activities, she often does not get along with her work, but she never loses heart and always achieves her goals.

Women named Angela are not careerists, but they will never be in a low position either. They treat their professional duties with all responsibility, so they can be entrusted with the most important business. Angela is suitable for such professions as a hairdresser, cosmetologist, photographer, journalist, administrator.

In men, she likes modesty, complaisance, responsibility. Angelica often takes on the duties of the chief, but she also demands the same from her husband. She can work, or she can devote herself to the family and be a housewife. For her, family well-being is very important, she loves her children to the point of madness, takes care of their health and comfort, and takes care of the household with pleasure.

Angelica does not have good health, she often complains about her health, and is prone to infectious diseases.

Positive traits of the name

Angela is a temperamental, bright and self-confident person. She lacks patience, but with age she learns to control herself. She is hardworking and responsible, a good wife and loving mother.

Negative traits of the name

Angela has an acutely developed self-esteem, which makes her be indifferent to other people's successes. She loves to gossip, starts various intrigues that spoil her reputation.

Angelica Name Compatibility

Angelica will have a successful marriage with a man named Valentin, Vladimir, Alexei, Victor. Difficult relations develop with Vladislav, Dmitry, Igor, Anatoly.

The established version of the origin of the name says that the name Angelica comes from the Latin word Angelicus. If this is true, then the meaning of the name Angelica is "angelic" or "swift", because that is how Angelicus is translated. The name Angelica gained particular popularity after the release of the series of books "Angelica", authored by Anna and Serge Golons.

The meaning of the name Angelica for a girl

A girl named Angelica grows up as a restless and sociable child. She easily joins any company, because Angelica knows how to please others from early childhood. You can also note the enthusiasm of the child. Angelica, if she starts doing something, she completely loses track of time. She is completely immersed in her affairs and does not pay attention to what is happening around her. Unfortunately, it is worth noting the inconstancy of Angelica. She constantly changes her hobbies, which does not allow her to achieve any worthy result.

In her studies, Angelica is rarely particularly successful, although she cannot be called a completely bad student. It is often endowed with excellent natural data for learning. This is both a good memory and curiosity. However, Angelica's inconstancy makes itself felt in her studies. She does not have sufficient perseverance, which is necessary in those subjects that are more difficult than others. She has good grades only where everything is easy for her.

The girl’s health can hardly be called good, but you can’t call it completely weak either. Angelica is a child with pronounced age-related immunity problems. However, the good news is that she "outgrows" most health problems. As you grow older, many problems will come to naught and will no longer bother.

Short name Angelica

Diminutive names

Anzhelikushka, Anzhelikonka, Anzhelikochka, Anzhelichka.

Name Angelica in English

In English, the name Angelica is spelled as Angelica, and is read as Angela or as Angelica.

Angelica name for passport- ANZHELIKA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Angelica into other languages

in Belarusian - Anzhelika and Anzhalika
in Hungarian - Angelika
in Greek - Αγγελική
in Danish - Angelica
Spanish - Angelica
in Italian - Angelica
Latin spelling - Angelica
in German - Angelica
in Norwegian - Angelica
in Portuguese - Angelica
in Romanian - Angelica
in Ukrainian - Anzhelika
in French - Angélique
in Czech - Angelika
in Swedish - Angelica

Church name Angelica(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. In the calendar there is only the masculine form of this name. This means that Angela will have a church name different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Angelica

Adult Angelica is an emotional and very changeable person. Her fickleness causes a lot of problems, but she can't do anything about it. Angelica is quite responsive and kind, while she does not like to demonstrate her kindness in public. Angelica is prone to black and white perception of the world and does not like halftones. You can also note the ability of Angelica to look great. She has excellent taste and the ability to make the right impression.

Angelica works conscientiously, although she does not feel much love for her work. In this regard, she is a very material person, although for the most part she likes to "fly in the clouds." For Angelica, the material component of her work is very important. If Angelica is financially secure enough that she can not work, then she will do so.

Angelica's family life is mostly successful, although she herself does not think so. Often Angelica begins to be burdened by the constancy of family relationships, but she will not destroy the family. This, of course, leaves an imprint on her perception of family life and the ability to enjoy it. You can also note the increased jealousy of the owner of the name. She can see a reason for jealousy in absolutely innocent things, which of course does not contribute to strengthening mutual understanding in the family.

The secret of the name Angelica

The main secret of Angelica can be called her excellent intuition. She performs many of her actions precisely relying on her inner instinct. Angelica does not like to expand on this topic, and therefore often comes up with another justification for her actions. Only those closest to her know about Angelica's true decision-making method.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- Electric Stingray.

Name color- Blue and Purple.

Wood- Aspen.

Plant- Rose.

Stone- Lapis lazuli.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the male name Angelica, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

The full name of the girl is Angelica

Synonyms for the name - Angelina, Angelika, Angelina, Lika, Angelika, Gela, Lika

Origin - Latin Catholic, Greek

The meaning of the name is angelic, the messenger of God

Name stones - lapis lazuli, turquoise, opal, citrine

The exact origin of the name Angelica is unknown. It is believed that it comes from the Greek word "angelos", which means an angel, i.e. messenger of god. But it is likely that this name is derived from the Orthodox name Angelina, which also has a connection with the angel. There is an opinion that the name originates in Sanskrit from the word "quickly". In addition, there is a mythological legend that says that the god Zeus and his wife Hera had a daughter, who was named Angela. She was raised by a nymph, and subsequently Angela was the goddess of the underworld. Therefore, we can say that basically, the name still refers to Ancient Greece.

The names Angelica and Angelina, although they are related, however, women with these names are completely different in character from each other.

Love named Angelica

This girl, endowed by nature with attractiveness and charm, has not been deprived of fans from a very young age. She knows how to find a way to a man's heart, but often her love is unrequited, as often the object of her sighing is already taken by a happier friend or simply she is not yet ready for a serious relationship. But she doesn't make a tragedy out of it. Quickly finding a new object for his love. Only upon reaching the age of twenty-five does she find her man, for whom she can go to great lengths.

Sexuality of the name Angelica

Outwardly, she is very sexy, and tries to maintain this image with all her might, although she is not really overly active in this regard. Some Angelicas can be completely cold in bed, which is a consequence of their cold prudence to excessive pragmatism. The somewhat frigid Angelica is afraid to appear as such in the eyes of her partner and tries with all her might to maintain her reputation as a passionate and loving woman. In marriage, sex for her means only the performance of a ritual, so there is never cheating on her part.

Marriage and family named Angelica

Angelica can get married either at a young age, or when her train already gives a signal to send, in terms of having a child, but she has one marriage and for life. In family life, it is better and more caring than Angelica not to be found. She is a wonderful mother, caring wife and faithful friend of her husband. She and her husband are in complete harmony. She herself is negatively related to treason, she will not forgive her husband if it happens on his part to go “to the left”. The case may even lead to divorce. But this does not happen often, because Angelique's husbands value their wives very much and will never decide on a primitive betrayal.

Business and career

This woman can succeed in almost any profession, as she has great perseverance, hard work and a significant amount of ambition. She is responsible and performs any task assigned with high quality. At any time, she can change her job if she is offered a higher salary and career prospects at a new one. With the support of her family and spouse, she can make an excellent entrepreneur.

The meaning of the name Angelica in character

The character of a girl named by this name changes a lot throughout her life. Baby Angelica is not very simple, she requires constant attention from others. Already in childhood, she manifests traits of great pride and a passionate nature. If something does not suit her, she can make a real scandal, demanding that they pay attention to her. But when everything is calm in her understanding, she is just lovely, not a child. As she grows older, her character changes. She will always help her mother, she is affectionate, calm, fulfills all requests. In general, Angelica is a calm and balanced child, she does not have passion for noisy companies and games, she likes to be alone, do needlework or read books more. If she received a reprimand from a teacher or parents, she is not offended, but takes into account everything that has been said.

Teen Angelica

Growing up, the girl turns into a beautiful young girl. She's doing well at school. She is not an excellent student, but she does not lag behind the class. With good abilities, she is constantly striving to acquire more knowledge that she needs. If in childhood she could be a real demon, then growing up, Angelica becomes calm, able to restrain her emotions. She shows a strong will and desire to prove her individuality, which can be defiant behavior. She can put on bright makeup or wear super stylish clothes, now she is more in the company of her peers than at home. Her task is to stand out, to be different from everyone else. But behind such behavior, she does not forget about her studies.

She has few girlfriends and friends, she still remains closed, a person "in herself." She also has no pride and pride. In general, you can get along well with her, if you do not make her angry. Then the "angel" will show what he is capable of. There is such a sin in her character as a tendency to intrigue, but in general, Angelica is distinguished by a sympathetic and kind disposition.

Successful people and stars:

Anzhelika Varum - Russian pop singer

Anzhelika Krylova - Russian figure skater

Anjelica Huston is an American actress and model from The Addams Family.

Anzhelika Nevolina - Russian actress

Angelica Neto - Portuguese opera singer

Angelica Catalani - Italian opera singer

The artistry of your nature suggests a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite in line with your friendly, open nature. It is only important to observe the measure, not to go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is rather ephemeral.

Angelica name compatibility, manifestation in love

Angelica, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of "friend for everyone." You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the public ones that already existed at that time. As a result, you can lose the second, without really creating the first. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself to it completely, without setting limits and boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover, while remaining a good friend.


Your idealist nature makes you indulge those movements of the soul and the desires of the heart, which are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't agree to anything less. We do not intend to scatter over trifles. If there is at least an absolutely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, abandoning what is literally under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, to appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if it upsets you, it is only for a short time. What will you not sacrifice for a great cause?

And you donate. Often - without looking. And, as a result, you lose "on the way" a lot of things that could make your life more "earthly".

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes they are simply stunning. But perhaps you should think about the fact that if you had stronger ties with the outside world, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

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