English for kids. How to start language learning? English language games

Hello dear readers!

My reader Marina from Orenburg, the mother of five-year-old Igor, is slowly preparing her son for school: she teaches simple letters and words, counting, drawing and construction.

Recently, to teach the boy and decorate the room, she bought him Russian - we know that children begin to learn it at school from an early age.

The boy turned out to be smart and inquisitive, he already reads Russian quite well and showed interest in foreign languages. Marina herself does not know English, but is ready to learn it with her son.

Since she is ignorant in this topic, she asked me to tell you how you can start teaching your child English easily and interestingly, and at the same time get involved yourself.

Better, of course, in a playful way!

Children love to play and have fun, so in the game you can quickly learn the basics of many sciences, including English.

For Marina, Igor and everyone who is interested in this topic, I wrote a material on how to teach children English in a playful way. Read and learn with pleasure! I will be grateful for likes, reposts and comments.

What is best for children?

Every parent wants their child to grow up as an independent, diversified personality. In a world where information and social networks play the main role, it is possible and necessary to obtain new knowledge from different sources.

To do this, it is useful to master the main international language - English. There are many advantages of learning this language, and we will not focus on them. Instead, let's figure out how to help your child learn English.

It is worth bringing a child to the study of the language of Shakespeare from an early age. After all, a person receives half of the skills necessary for communication by the age of four, and the full volume by eight. Therefore, the question arises, what are the best methods of learning English for children? Let's find out.

About children's English

Immediately, we note that the methods that will be discussed have proven themselves on the positive side. Therefore, on the one hand, it does not matter by which method to teach a child a foreign language. But on the other hand, it is necessary to select a technique based on the age of the characteristics of the child.

It is easiest to learn a language if a child is taught it from 3-4 years old. Do not be discouraged if this moment is missed - some methods involve working with children up to preschool age.

Teaching methods are divided into two broad categories: group and individual. To understand what form of activity is right for your child, look at his level of sociability. Group lessons are suitable for open, active children, and individual lessons for calm children.

Methods of learning English for children are based on 5 principles:

Most children's methods of learning English are based on the game activity of children. As mentioned above, the game is a tool for the development of the child, with its help he learns the world. Therefore, it is logical to use the game to learn English. The best methods for learning English for children include different types of play situations. With their help, the child will develop the necessary skills quickly and in a fun way.

There are four types of educational games:

  1. situational are games that reproduce situations from real life. Children try on various social roles and act according to a specific task. At the same time, at certain moments, the child needs to improvise, connect imagination and creativity.
  2. Competitive Games create situations that test how children have learned the material they have learned. At the same time, elements of rivalry are included in the game. There are many options here: team board games, crossword puzzles, linguistic puzzles. The winner is the one who knows grammar and vocabulary better.
  3. Music games- these are all kinds of songs, dances, round dances. If, according to the terms of the game, you need to act with a partner, then the child, in addition, develops communication skills.
  4. The conditions of creative games are limited only by the imagination of the teacher and the children themselves. They include elements of other types of games and are held in the form of drawing competitions, applications, writing poetry in English.

Remember that regardless of the method of learning, the main thing is practice. Without it, neither the future poet nor the born linguist will speak the language of Shakespeare. Therefore, often talk to your child in English, if the level of language proficiency allows it. The result will not keep you waiting.

Study methods and their features

There are 5 main teaching methods. We will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Zaitsev's technique

This is a technique for kids who have reached the age of 3. Children play with cubes on which not letters are written, but words and syllables. At the same time, the cubes differ from each other in weight, color, and sounds made. This helps children learn to follow the correct word order in a sentence.

Having developed this skill at an early age, the child will master the first lessons from the school curriculum with ease. In addition, at a subconscious level, the difference between sounds is assimilated, and speech skills develop in parallel.

game method

Classes are held as follows: the teacher lays out figures of animals or household items in front of the children. After that, he calls them in English, and the children repeat after him. Then the children draw one animal or object on the table and try to remember its name. When a child remembers about half of the names of objects, the teacher tries to build a simple dialogue with him.

So children gradually master pronunciation and oral speech. You can engage in such a program with children from one year old.

Doman technique

The method is based on the use of children's visual memory. The child is shown cards on which the object and its name are depicted. This makes it easier for children to memorize new words. The technique is suitable for children up to 6 years.

Design methodology

The method resembles school lessons with the difference that the teacher chooses a topic based on its interest to children. This is how several lessons pass, after which the students write a test task on the topic. The technique is designed for children from 4 years.

Combined techniques

As the name implies, such classes combine the advantages of previous methods. Children work on grammar, play, draw. With this approach, the lessons become more diverse, and the children like it.

How to choose a technique?

Choosing the best English learning method for kids is easier than you think. When choosing, you need to start from the age and level of development of the child. In addition, consider his preferences and features. It is very important for a child that learning is interesting and fun. It is easier to interest a child in learning English if he is placed in comfortable conditions.

Therefore, choose a technique with an eye on the character of the baby: a sociable child will like group classes, and a shy child will like one-on-one lessons with a teacher, an active child will like play forms, and a calm one will like something more meditative. The choice of methods allows you to take into account these points and choose the form of education that suits your child specifically.

In order for a child to learn English faster, you need to create a comfortable environment for him at home. The following recommendations will help you:

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There are several methods of learning English for children. You need to choose a teaching method based on the age and inclinations of the child. This approach is needed so that your offspring is interested in learning English, and he does not perceive such lessons as another “obligation” like semolina.

If it was possible to arouse interest in the baby, then all that remains for parents is to watch their child master the language of Shakespeare and rejoice. But they can still help the child.

You should create a comfortable environment for him and at home. The tips mentioned above will help. In addition, if the parents themselves have at least a basic knowledge of the language, they can make a feasible contribution to the child's learning English.

[Source: https://entouch.ru/]

English for children

Learning foreign languages ​​expands a person's horizons, gives him more opportunities for further education, career advancement, opens previously inaccessible doors for him.

Many parents, taking care of the prosperous future of the child, insist on learning a foreign language from an early age, priority is given to learning English, since it is recognized as international. English for children, namely the training program differs depending on the age at which the baby began classes.

As you know, kids are easy to learn, it is easier for them to remember the pronunciation or meaning of words, since the brain absorbs the information received much better than in older people. You can introduce a baby to learning foreign languages ​​from birth, there are many special programs and methods for this, but as practice shows, children growing up in a bilingual environment begin to speak later than their peers.

The optimal period when you can conduct the first English lessons for children is 3-4 years. It is at this age that children already know their native language thoroughly, and being at the stage of why, they are ready to absorb any information and are happy to take up learning, as long as it is fun.

From 3 years

At the age of three, children can speak, but most of all they succeed in asking questions, so if you decide to study foreign languages, English in particular, build your English lessons for children in the form of a game where the kid asks questions in Russian, and the answer hears with translation. You can’t overload 3 year old fidgets with letters, transcription and verbs, they will learn all this after they go to school, and first you need to replenish your active and passive vocabulary.

Every day you need to replenish the stock with at least one new word, you can do it thematically, for example, you learn colors in English for one week, it will be more accessible for children if you devote the whole day to this color. For example, when learning yellow, put a yellow scarf on your baby when you go for a walk, then look for yellow objects on the street, exclaiming “yellow” at the sight of a yellow car, a sign or a flower.

In such games, you need to give in a little to the crumbs, pushing him and provoking him. Well, the prize for the winner can be a yellow treat - a banana, lemon ice cream or marmalade. And so all week, then you can study animals, plants, vegetables, fruits, food. When learning a language from cards and pictures, you don’t need to translate words just by pointing to a picture, call it in English, so the baby learns to think and will not be distracted by the translation of the word in the mind.

English for children 3-4 years old will be much more fun if you arrange quizzes and games, for example, if the names of toys and animals have already appeared in the vocabulary of the crumbs, you can collect numerous items in a bag and, taking out one by one, ask the baby what it is. You can also arrange toys and objects throughout the house and ask to bring something, naming this item in English.

Also read:

English for children 3 years old will be easier to remember if the whole learning process is built in a playful way, and is also based on the natural curiosity of the crumbs.

5 – 6 years

At this age, children are more diligent and can already move on to the next stage of learning, having learned the English alphabet, it will still be more interesting for children to study letters, focusing on pictures, provided that all the words in these pictures are known to them in translation.

One of the common mistakes parents make when learning the alphabet is the wrong choice of cards with letters, where the images are misleading, or the wrong approach, when the baby, having no vocabulary, starts by learning the alphabet. It doesn’t matter at what age to start learning a foreign language, at 3, 7 or 13, the methodology is the same, first children learn to listen, then speak, read, and then write.

Children 5 - 6 years old also grasp everything on the fly, therefore, when studying foreign languages, it is necessary to initially memorize the pronunciation correctly. In the event that the parents are not native speakers, it would be better if the kids attend special English courses for children, where, with the help of games and communication, they very quickly memorize the pronunciation and meaning of words, and also learn to build sentences from several words.

Good results are obtained by viewing special educational cartoons, programs and programs for an audience of this age. You can also find computer games, the task of which is to develop logic and consolidate knowledge in a foreign language. For better pronunciation or songs in which words and actions can be spoken and accompanied by gestures.

At this age, kids love praise, so for an additional incentive, you can come up with various prizes, chips and certificates.

7 – 8 years

The study of foreign languages ​​by children of primary school age can be carried out according to the school curriculum, but as practice shows, children need a special approach, and the school cannot give great knowledge in foreign languages, because it becomes boring in such lessons. In the event that the kid is behind the program, English lessons generally lose their meaning for him.

Before teaching a child to read in English, an elementary vocabulary is needed so that the baby not only pronounces sounds and letters, but also understands the meaning of what was said. Cards will also help, as in the case of the alphabet, where on one side there is a drawing, and on the second its name written in a foreign language.

Books in English for children should also be with transcription in order to be able to initially read the word correctly and remember not only its spelling, but also its sound. In order for children to learn to think in a foreign language, it is necessary to ask them riddles and puzzles.

So, for example, you can characterize an object in English, describe the size, color, what to refer to, and the student must guess, there is already motivation for learning, because if children do not understand leading questions or descriptions, they cannot guess the hidden word.

[Source: https://onethree.ru/]

It's fun!

English for preschool children - is it possible? Undoubtedly, yes. After all, a child, like no one else, is able to memorize significant amounts of new information. The most important thing in learning is to be able to involve the baby in the world of foreign languages, to interest him, to make classes as exciting as possible.

So that young students do not get bored learning a new language, there are special textbooks that will surely bring a lot of pleasure to both teachers and students. They are complemented by colorful pictures, vivid images of famous characters from famous cartoons, which, of course, help to better perceive the English language and help to teach English to children more effectively.

Also, when teaching, one should not forget about the personal approach to each child. Only when there is close contact between the teacher and the student, there is a complete understanding of the process of learning English.

The combination of audio-visual channels of perception of information leads to the highest results in teaching. Therefore, it is important to use audio recordings for children in English in the lessons, to learn funny and simple songs.

But the most favorite activity of all the kids is, without a doubt, games! That is why most English lessons for children are held in a playful way, where each child has the opportunity to use all the knowledge gained, to enter into a role, they are not afraid to pronounce words in a foreign language.

The program and methodology of teaching English for children

Programs for teaching English to children should be built taking into account different age groups. Being with peers, the child feels confident that he is among equals, which means he has every chance to be successful. Equally important is the correctly selected teaching materials, which equally and simultaneously develop all the language skills of the children: the ability to speak, read, write, listen to English speech.

So, we list all the methods by which English is most often taught to children:

In fact, the methodology and approach to teaching English to children is completely different for all schools and teachers, but one thing unites them all - an unlimited desire and desire to transfer their knowledge and make it interesting!

[Source: http://skillset.ru/]

Games in English lessons

Teaching foreign languages ​​is a very exciting and very responsible occupation. New times require teachers to take a new approach to this problem. A significant role in teaching foreign languages, in particular English, belongs to the use of educational games or game exercises.

The game sharpens the mental activity of students; it is in the game that children learn social functions, norms of behavior; develop comprehensively. The developmental significance of the game lies in its very nature, because the game is always emotions. Where there is emotion, there is activity, there is attention and imagination, thinking works there.

According to the purpose of using the games, they can be entertaining, which are held to relieve fatigue; training, conducted with the aim of forming, deepening and improving practical skills in the language, their testing.

You can use various visualizations, for example: diagrams, pictures, tables, slides, lotto. Games can be organized individually, in pairs, in groups. The strength of the game is in its universality, universality, in the ability to easily and fruitfully, freely achieve significant results in the formation of the child's personal qualities.

Younger students are happy to learn tongue twisters, come up with various situations using dialogic and monologue speech, play games such as: “Are you attentive?”, “Ball game”, “Find an object”, “Guess the name”, “Story by drawing ”, “Who is bigger?”, “Cubes”, “Picture”, etc.

Students of the fifth - sixth grades prefer games - competitions. At the lessons, interest in new material increases, there is an incentive to do homework, because only deep knowledge gives students the opportunity to prove themselves, to defeat an opponent. The spirit of competition, the desire to assert oneself are excellent motives for learning languages. Quizzes, competitions, travel - these are the game forms that can be used for this.

High school students are happy to participate in discussions on the proposed topics, express their opinions on the films and performances they have watched, compose and solve crossword puzzles.

At this age, students have a need for communication, for close contact with each other, and game moments destroy the barriers between them, create conditions for equality in speech partnership.

It is also important that the teacher be able to captivate, infect students with the game. The teacher's speech should be emotional, expressive.

As for the mistakes during the game, it is desirable not to distract the students and analyze them after the game. Encouraging students, encouraging their activities are necessary to create the right interpersonal relationships in the team.

The role of the game in English lessons is huge. It is a good means of activating vocabulary, grammar, practicing pronunciation, developing oral speech skills. You can play not only in the classroom, but also at breaks, evenings, matinees, English circles.

Thus, an educational game is a kind of activity of students in a lesson, during which educational tasks are solved in a playful way. The game arouses the interest and activity of children and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in activities that are exciting for them, contributes to a faster and more durable memorization of foreign words and sentences.

Play is a way for children to learn about the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change.

I will describe educational language games that I use in my work with students.

Game 1

The game is used when working on any topic. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the students and calls out a word on the topic in English or Russian. The player, having caught the ball, pronounces the equivalent of the given word, respectively, and returns the ball to the teacher. The teacher throws the ball to another student and says a new word.

T: Machine.

P2.: A car. Etc.

Game 2

Equipment: number cards.

Two teams take part in the game. Cards with numbers are laid out on the table. One representative from each team approaches the table at the same time. The teacher says the number in English. The task of the players is to quickly take the desired card.

The team with the most cards wins.

Game 3

Equipment: watch. (It can be a toy clock made of cardboard with arrows).

The teacher, moving the hands on the clock, each time turns to the students with the question: “What time is it?”. The team that answers the most questions correctly wins.

Game 4

Equipment: a toy clock on each student's desk.

The teacher says, for example:"It's one o'clock". Students put arrows on the indicated time and show the teacher. Correctly completed the task receives a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the game wins.

Game 5

Equipment: pictures showing various objects, flowers, animals, etc.

The teacher, turning to the students in turn, shows one or another picture. The student calls in English what is depicted on it, and selects a word for this word that rhymes with it, for example: knife - life, cat - hat, ball - wall, lamp - camp, rose - nose, etc. The one with the most words wins.

Game 6

Equipment: two dolls and two sets of clothes for them (can be made of paper).

The game is played by two teams. They are given the task: to dress their doll, naming the items of clothing in English. For example: She has a blouse on. She has a dress on. She has a skirt on. etc. The team with the most correct sentences wins.

Game 7

The game is played by two teams. The teacher calls in turn one player from each team.

Pupils give different orders to each other. Each of them follows the order of his opponent. For example:.

P1 –> P2.: Write the date on the blackboard.

P2 –> P1.: Clean the board.

The one who did not cope with the task, that is, did not fulfill the opponent's order or was unable to give his order, is eliminated from the game. The team with the most students left at the end of the game wins.

Game 8

Teacher(or one of the children) says: “Let’s fly, fly, fly. nose.” The children depict flying birds. When they hear the word “nose”, they touch their nose. The one who made a mistake, did not understand the word by ear, is out of the game.

T.: Let's fly, fly. eyes.

Let's fly, fly, fly. face. Etc.

Game 9

First version of the game

The group is divided into two teams. Team members take turns doing something. Opponents call this action, comment on what the participant in the game is doing, in Present Continuous Tense. For example, a student of one of the teams goes to the blackboard. The opponent comments on what the participant in the game is doing: “He is going to the board”.

If he fails to make a correct sentence, he is out of the game. The team with the most members left at the end of the game wins.

The second version of the game

The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the players standing in a semicircle, gives him an order. The student does it and comments on what he is doing in Present Continuous Tense. Then return the ball to the teacher.

R1.: I'm coming.

T: Look at your friend.

P2.: I'm looking at my friend.

Players who did not follow the teacher's order or made a mistake in the sentence are eliminated from the game. The one who stays in the game to the end wins.

Game 10

Students form a semicircle. The teacher, throwing the ball to one of the players, gives him an order and asks a question. After completing the order and answering the question, the student returns the ball to the teacher. The teacher throws the ball to another student.

T.: Turn to the right. Are you turning to the right?

The one who stays in the game to the end wins.

Game 11

Equipment: on a substitution table or on a magnetic board - pictures and signal cards.

Two teams are playing. The teacher alternately shows the team representatives a picture and a signal card at the same time. Students ask a question and answer it. For example, a picture from the fairy tale “Three Bears” is shown - they are sitting at the table.

The teacher shows a signal card with a plus sign. Representatives of one of the teams ask a question and answer it.

P1.: Are they eating?

P2.: Yes, they are.

The teacher shows a card with a minus sign. The question is asked and answered by representatives of the other team.

P3.: Are they playing chess?

P4.: No, they are not.

The teacher shows the signal cards one by one. Team members ask and answer questions.

P5.: Are they eating or playing chess?

P6.: Yes, they are eating.

P7.: Who is eating?

P8.: The bears' family is.

P9.: What are they doing?

P10.: They are eating.

P11.: Where are they sitting?

P12.: They are sitting in the room.

For each correctly formulated question and answer, the teams receive one point (or a token). The winning team is determined by the number of points.

Game 12

Get a fruit basket. The teacher whispers in the ear of each student or writes the name of the fruit on a piece of paper. Two "gardeners" are called. They take turns calling the names of fruits, the students whose fruit was named go to their “gardener”. The gardener with the most fruit wins.

Game 13

duty letter. Students are given cards and are asked to write as many words as possible in which the indicated letter is in a certain place.

For example, the teacher says:“Today we have the letter “O” on duty, it comes first. Who will write more words in which the letter “O” comes first?” October, office, orange, oral, etc

Game 14

Pairs of words. Players are told that this game was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland. Any word is written on a piece of paper. Below, on the same sheet, another word is written with exactly the same number of letters. The players must gradually turn the top word into the bottom one.

To do this, you first need to come up with another word that is spelled the same as the first, with the exception of one or two letters, and write it under the first word. Then, in the same way, this word turns into another. Only one or two letters can be changed at a time. You need to continue until you get a word that can be turned into a lower word by changing one letter.

For example:

Game 15

Insert a letter. Two teams are formed. The board is divided into two parts. For each command, words are written, each of which has a missing letter. Representatives of the teams alternately go to the board, insert the missing letter and read the word.

For example: c..t, a..d, a..m, p..n, r..d, c..r, s..t, r..n, t..n, o..d, l..g, t..a, h..n, h..r, h..s, f..x, e..g, e..t, b..d (cat, and, arm , pen, red, car, sit, ran, ten, old, tea, leg, hen, her, his, fox, egg, eat, bed).

Game 16

Who is bigger? Two teams are formed. Each team must write down as many words as possible on the topics: a) the names of sports games; b) animals; c) colors, etc.

Game 17

Who quickly? Students are given 3-5 cards with letters and are invited to carefully consider them. Then the teacher calls the letter, and those who have a card with the named letter quickly pick it up and show it to the others. A late participant in the game does not have the right to raise a card.

The teacher walks between the rows and collects the cards. The winner is the one who is faster than others without cards.

Game 18

For one letter. The teacher offers to find and memorize all the objects in the room whose names begin with the letter ..., while he counts up to 30. The winner is the one who says more words starting with this letter, or the one who says the last word with this letter.

For example: letters “b” Book, blackboard, bin, bookcase, bag, ball, etc.

Game 19

Words with a specific letter. Students are asked to quickly look through the list of words, and then name words that contain a given letter. Whoever can name the most words wins.

Game 20

Alphabet dictionary. For the game, approximately 100 cards with letters should be prepared (for example, 10 each with the letters a, e, i; 1 each with the letters j, z, q, x; 5 each with the letters n, t and 4 each with capital letters A, B , P, K, N, L).

The teacher distributes several cards to the students. The student with the capital letter A on the card starts the game. He goes to the blackboard, and, holding the card so that everyone can see, calls the letter. Behind him comes his neighbor on the desk with a letter that can be a continuation of the word. If he does not have a suitable letter, then the student sitting at the next desk should continue the word, and so on.

Whoever finishes the word reads it and gets the right to start another word. Used cards are returned to the teacher. The winner is the one who took part in the compilation of the largest number of words.

Game 21

Last letter. Two teams are formed. The representative of the first team names the word, the students from the second team must come up with a word with the letter that ends the word named by the first team, etc. The team that names the last word wins.

For example: arm, map, pen, nose, eye, ear, etc.

Game 22

Drawing story. The players form pairs. Each couple receives a drawing depicting a room in which there are different things and objects that characterize its owner. You need to write a story about what the owner of the room is doing. The couple with the most interesting story wins.

Game 23

Modal verbs. Two teams are formed. One team comes up with a sentence with a given modal verb. The other team must guess this sentence. To this end, questions such as: Can you...? Should you...? Then the second team performs the same task, and the game continues.

Game 24

Ball game. Two teams are formed. The representative of the first team comes up with a sentence with the studied verb. He throws the ball to a partner from the second team and calls the sentence, skipping the verb. The one who catches the ball repeats the sentence, inserting the correct form of the verb, throws the ball to a partner from the first team and calls his sentence, omitting the verb, etc.


In this section, we will lay out English for children in the form of step-by-step lessons. But these are not simple lessons, but interactive, that is, compiled in the form of educational games and exercises. This method of teaching English is currently the most effective for children of any age, starting with the smallest. After all, they will not be bored with these lessons, and besides, they will be able to do them on their own, without interrupting their parents from important matters. Gradually, we will lay out lesson after lesson so that your kids can take a basic English course and enjoy it. Stay tuned for new lessons and don't forget to repeat what you've learned!

You can also download various English learning materials on our website, which can be printed on a printer and studied without the help of a computer.

English for children - Printable materials

For a better memorization of letters, you can also download on our website english alphabet poster and hang it on the wall in the children's room. You will also need English alphabet cards, which you can print, cut out, and use in class. With such educational materials, learning English for children is much more fun and exciting. After all, with them you can come up with a lot of educational games! Periodically check the child's knowledge, making conclusions about his readiness for the next lesson.

Very useful for the formation of the correct spelling of English letters are "English copybooks - Uppercase and uppercase letters"

Children's portal Chudo-Yudo has also prepared for you colored "English cards with words and their transcription", which can also be printed and used for teaching both at home and in educational institutions.

An irreplaceable assistant in training are Colored crosswords in English that kids just love. You just need to download them, print them on a printer and guess for your pleasure!

And we have opened a new section " Tasks in English in pictures", where children can remember and learn how to write English words on various topics. Themes of words with pictures will be added regularly. Don't miss it!

Online English teaching for children

Developing cartoons are also interesting for children of any age, especially if they help to learn a foreign language. You will also find them on our website, in the section And now you can start learning English for children in online step-by-step lessons!

The more languages ​​you learn with your child, the better for him. This knowledge will come in handy in the future. Now parents are focused on ensuring that their children learn English. And rightly so, because English is an international language; wherever a person is, in any country he will be helped out by knowledge of foreign speech. We teach the baby English with the help of video lessons online Today we will continue to talk about what ways and means will help the children to master the language. Children perceive cheerful, clear, colorful material better and faster. There are many video lessons and games for toddlers to help your child learn English. These are the so-called "Visual Aids". It is with these teaching aids that we want to introduce you.

Video tutorials - what is it and how does it work?

Online video lessons are suitable for children starting to learn a foreign language. Such educational material is very indicative, it has a lot of visual aids that will help the child in learning English. He can watch such lessons online, preferably together with an adult, so that he can explain to the kid what he does not understand.

Such visual classes are a kind of online broadcasts that contain a variety of games, oral speech exercises, an explanation of grammar and vocabulary, poems, songs in English. These video lessons are designed for those who are starting to learn the language, this is a great help to parents who decide to study foreign speech with their child.

Diversify your activities with your baby with such interesting activities and learning will go faster and more fun!

How to watch lessons with benefit?

Let your viewing of lessons on the Internet not be empty and idle. Try to make such video lessons bring maximum benefit to your baby. Focus the child's attention on what is being said in the program or cartoon. If necessary, make (or have the child do) the necessary entries on vocabulary or grammar.

Ask the child to repeat the words after the speaker. If this is a song, then after listening, try to sing it with your baby. Video tutorials for beginners are usually divided into topics. If you and your child watched a lesson on a certain topic, then after watching, continue studying the topic already from the textbook, using various pictures, tasks, exercises.

Such educational materials can be viewed at every lesson, this will diversify your English lessons.
How to watch video lessons for the benefit of language and speech?

Learning English is easy and fun!

The child is drawn to what is clear and accessible. This is what video English lessons for kids will be like. We want to bring to your attention a few of these online lessons that will make teaching your child easy and interesting.

A series of online lessons " English for children» is divided into topics. This is very convenient, because it allows you to teach entire thematic sections with your child. "My room / My yard / In the market / Transport / In the meadow / Summer / In the forest", etc. will help the baby to form a vocabulary, make sentences with words, build a dialogue on a particular topic. The material is presented brightly and colorfully.

A series of lessons " Learning to ask a question in English» will introduce the little ones to how to ask questions in English correctly. Children will learn questions such as “How are you? How are you? What is your name? What is your name? How old are you? How old are you? Where are you from? Where are you from?” etc. Each issue explains the structure of the question, plays out various situations and dialogues in English in which this question is heard.

« English lesson for children”shows the baby what can be seen outside the window. Easy vocabulary needed for every day. The words are accompanied by funny drawings and pictures, as well as the speaker's pronunciation.

By using " English for children Doman» baby will easily learn the names of colors in English. Funny fruits, vegetables, objects and creatures make the video sequence funny and fun. The lesson is bright and colorful - this is what you need for a little peanut!

You can download these English lessons or watch them online. In any case, they will make your lessons with the baby interesting and informative!

English for children: the sooner the better

Some language programs claim to help you learn English the same way you learned your native language, but unfortunately it's not that easy.

Before they learn to speak, children listen to their native language for almost two years, and only after that they begin to speak. The beginning of this process can hardly be called full-fledged speech - it takes children several years before they can communicate and clearly express their thoughts.

Children start with single words and sentence fragments (parts), and only after that they improve their speech and can express complex ideas.

Desire to learn English

The brain of a small child is like a sponge - it constantly absorbs information. This information will come in handy later, sometimes at unexpected times.

Just think about how much information a child needs to hear in the first two years of his life. In the process of growing up, children begin to understand the meaning of words and apply them in the right context.

Children use motor an area of ​​the brain that helps them absorb a second (or even a third) language subconsciously (without even knowing it). These functions usually slow down at the age of 10-11 years.

That is why children who move to a foreign country at a young age learn the language much faster than their parents.

Less obsession

When adults learn a language they are often afraid of making mistakes. They are afraid of looking stupid, embarrassed by their pronunciation or misuse of English grammar.

Rule number one for everyone: do not be afraid to make mistakes and remember about a sense of humor. In fact, the reason for fear is not whether you make a mistake, but when you make it.

Remember, all students make mistakes. This is part of the learning process.

English Video Course for Beginners

Intermediate English Video Course

What resources to considerwhen teaching a child English?

  • Learning in the classroom

You can find English courses at traditional language schools, online, or even at your child's regular school. If you have recently moved to a country where English is the primary language, many schools provide specialty as a second language.

  • Online

Many online programs help to learn English not only for children, but also for adults. Enter “English online programs” into the search engine and you will see a huge number of offers. To get started, find programs that specialize in educating children.

Then find programs with a good reputation and good teachers. Such programs can even teach children English in your own language. One example is VIPKID for Chinese native speakers.

  • Mobile applications

Mobile apps (or apps) are the most versatile because you can use them anywhere. Many of these programs are free and allow your children to learn at their own pace, often as a game.

So the kids will have fun at the same time.

4 great programs that will brilliantly help children learn English

muzzy bbc

What's this? Muzzy BBC is a language learning course for kids that can be used online or with a set of DVDs.

Online program price:$9.95 per month. If you pay for a long period the price is less.

PriceDVD: Trial $9.95, then 5 payments of $39.50 per month, or a one-time payment of $168.

Description: Muzzy BBC is an episodic program (in the form of a story divided into several parts, like a TV show) that will help your child learn English in the same way as their mother tongue.

Muzzy is specially created for children. The people who created the program understand that children have a natural ability to learn languages. The developers, starting from this, have included various teaching methods that will help all children with different learning inclinations.


What's this? Duolingo is an interactive and mobile app that you can use to learn English and other languages.

Price: Is free

Description: If you've been learning English for a long time, you may have already used Duolingo. With Duolingo, your child can learn English in a playful way.

What are the main benefits for children: Kids will love that learning on Duolingo is like a game: the process is divided into stages, such as animals, greetings, food, and so on.

This allows children to first practice only phrases and words in these categories, and then use practically. Once children have mastered the simple steps, they can move on to the more complex categories of grammar.


What's this? Memrise is a mobile and online flash card application.

Price: Free, there is a premium subscription for $9 per month.

Description: Memrise uses flash cards to learn English. The program is complemented by Memrise users. "Courses" are created by other Memrise users. The uniqueness of Memrise lies in the fact that all words or concepts have their own images and phrases that will help you remember the word you are trying to learn.

What are the main benefits for children: Like Duolingo, kids will love Memrise's learning format. They will enjoy memorizing other participants' cards and creating their own. Memrise has thousands of courses for every taste.

The ELS Language Centers

What's this? The ESL Language Centers is an organization offering face-to-face English language learning services.

Price: Depends on the program

Description: The ELS Language Centers provide a variety of English programs for children and adults. Since there are so many programs available here, each parent can choose the most suitable option for their child, according to their skills and needs.

What are the main benefits for children: Children can choose from many different programs that combine learning English with their interests. An added bonus for older children is that they can overcome their language insecurities by interacting with other peers. The programs are so similar to a regular summer camp that the children will not even feel that they are learning.

3+, as well as sections for adults;

The LinguaLeo service allows you to learn English in a playful way. Lots of interesting exercises to practice reading, listening comprehension, learning and memorizing new words - all with the help of Leo the lion cub. Points here are awarded in the form of meatballs, in order to move from one level to another, you need to earn a certain number of meatballs. It is fun and usually liked by children - an incentive to progress in their studies.
You can learn English online or offline.

Free version:
no access to some workout options, limited number of words that can be added to the dictionary, and no access to basic grammar rules. But you can use the "For children" section in the "Materials" - there are educational cartoons, songs, poems for kids.

Paid version:
you will have access to all sections, except for individual specialized courses. Several courses (at the choice of developers) will be included in your premium access, but the rest will have to be purchased separately. True, there is a plus - so you will definitely choose exactly what you need.
For example, there is a course "English for the little ones", in which children are asked to learn the alphabet and memorize basic words and simple sentences about the family and their feelings and sensations.

Price: from 299 to 1690 rubles. You can choose to pay monthly or yearly. Courses are paid once and remain available forever.
The site often has discounts dedicated to different dates, so there is an opportunity to save money - subscribe to the newsletter and you will be able to find out about price reductions.

Application "English for kids with Benny"
3-8 years old

Benny the Elephant helps children learn how colors, numbers, clothes, fruits and food, animals are called in English, how to call their family members correctly, and how to say hello. Cute pictures, correct pronunciation of words, 14 topics (numbers, colors, greetings, family, food, fruits, animals, toys, house, clothes, body, transport, nature, dishes) and fun games. In this application, the developers give the kids the opportunity to help the heroes of the game, and this causes additional interest and incentive to move on.
In the "Greetings" theme, the child is waiting for several dialogues with the participation of Benny the elephant, and the rest of the topics are built according to one template. Each has four sections-windows: in the first, learning and listening to words and memorizing spelling are given, and in the rest, the baby must go through a mini-game in order to better remember the material covered.

Free version:
you can look and play with the "Cheers" and "Animals" sections.

Paid version: all topics.
Price: from 75 to 149 rubles. You can choose all the themes or one of the combinations (the combination includes 2-3 themes of the developer's choice).

Fun English app | Learn English
3-8 years old

Here, a cute cat acts as an assistant in training. Each lesson consists of 6 games, you can learn the English names of numbers, actions, body parts, sea animals, clothes, vehicles, etc. By the way, the same cat helps to learn French, Spanish and Chinese in other applications of the same developer.
Feature - the words are voiced by male and female voices with American and British pronunciation. This helps children learn to listen to differences in pronunciation and reproduce different accents on their own.
An additional bonus in the games is pleasant background music, sound effects and songs. Bright pictures and clear graphics will attract the attention of the baby, and illustrations for words will help to remember them better.

Free version: 2 sections consisting of 16 games will be available to you.

Paid version: all sections and lessons.
Price: From $3.99 to $21.99. Developers give you the opportunity to buy themes individually or in sets (it's cheaper, but you need to choose the option that suits you).

Website "We play ourselves"
3-8 years old

The app is for PC only.
You can learn the alphabet and practice the correct verbs during the game. The games are quite simple, but they cope with the task of memorizing verbs and memorizing the alphabet. The main thing is that classes are regular.
To make the passage of games more interesting, the developers came up with a scoring system, when points are awarded for the correct answer, points are removed for the wrong one, and if you need a hint, you will have to “pay” with earned points.

There are 5 games to learn regular verbs:
· option- choose the correct translation option for the proposed verb;
· true False- the child determines whether the game offers him the correct translation of the verb or not;
· mosaic- there are English verbs and a Russian translation on the playing field, the child needs to connect them in pairs;
· writing– using the keyboard, write in English the verb shown on the screen in Russian;
· pronunciation- listen to the spoken verb, understand what kind of word it is, and find the correct option in the proposed variants of Russian verbs.

These games can be completed in 3 difficulty levels - the smallest should start with an easy one, and then gradually complicate the tasks.
There are 2 difficulty levels in the alphabet learning game. In the first case, you need to arrange the English letters in the order they go alphabetically (A, B, C, D), in a more complex version - in reverse order (D, C, B, A). If the letter is put correctly, the program will pronounce it in English so that the child remembers the correct sound.

Completely free version.
You can even download the alphabet simulator to your computer so as not to depend on the Internet. Verbs can only be learned online.

English app for kids by PMG
4-12 years old

The authors decided to focus on grammar and created lessons that allow you to learn the basic grammar rules in a playful way and replenish your vocabulary. To make it more interesting to study, for completed tasks, children receive coins, which can be used to buy games built into the application. This encourages students to take lessons for the highest marks - after all, the higher the score, the more coins. And the regularity of training is ensured - the “lesson-game” bundle is a good idea so that the children return to study again and again.
The application is voiced by native speakers, so children will form the correct pronunciation from the very beginning. Lessons are organized by topic, if something goes wrong with the task, the child will be able to use the hint.

Free version: you can complete the first 3 lessons.

Paid version: from 4 to 24 lesson or 2 sets of lessons, completed at the choice of the developer.
Price: 459 rubles each package or 699 rubles from 4 to 24 lessons. There is an opportunity to save on package purchases, so choose the option that suits you.

Learn English app with Lingo Arcade
4+. The application will also be useful for adults who have taken up language learning for the first time.
There are similar developer applications for learning French, Spanish and German.

The application consists of 4 games, during which the child learns more than 3000 words and expressions in English. To make it easier for the student to remember, the developers selected 3,000 photographs illustrating the words and situations that are proposed to be learned.
So that the interest in the game does not fade away, the developers have created more than 150 levels in games and continue to come up with new ones. If it is more convenient for you to study on your phone and tablet alternately, you can easily do it - the progress is automatically synchronized.
The main feature of the application is that the child will memorize the words associated with the picture. Such a stable mental association makes memorization easier and in the future will allow you to quickly recall the right word or expression - when you look at the corresponding object or situation, the English version will pop up in your memory by itself.

Free version: one level.

Paid version: other. Now there are more than 150 of them, new ones are constantly being added.
Price: unlimited access $11.99; unlock 20 levels $1.39.

Monkey Junior app: learn to read
3-6 years old
There are similar developer apps for learning Spanish, Chinese, French and Vietnamese. Programs for teaching other languages ​​are being prepared.

The creators of Monkey Junior focused on the ability to read in English. The curriculum is divided into three reading levels: easy, intermediate and advanced. The lessons are about 10 minutes long and each consists of game pieces, reading passages, memorization vocabulary and quizzes.
The program uses images, sounds and interaction with the screen through touch, which allows you to captivate the child. To illustrate the words and sentences, the developers included 6,000 images, 2,000 interactive videos, and 10,000 audio files in Monkey Junior.
The program was created for learning English, but along the way, children will be able to learn interesting facts and animals, about the world around them, some scientific facts, etc. The courses were created using the early development methodology of Glenn Doman, as well as the multivalued learning method of Robert K. Titzer.
A large selection of courses will allow you to choose exactly the one that will be of interest to your child (depending on the level of preparation). Courses are constantly updated with new lessons. In addition, the program includes a guide for parents on how to teach children to read.

Free version: a few trial lessons.

Paid version: depending on the selected and paid subscription. You can purchase all courses if you and your child like it.
Price: from 50 to 2,990.09 rubles per unit.

ABC Games for Kids App-EduKittyABC
4-6 years old

Lots of fun songs and games to help you learn the English alphabet and basic vocabulary. Spelling training - children will be able to learn how to write letters (uppercase and lowercase) and read what is written, thanks to the puzzle, voiced by professional speakers. Very bright and multi-color graphics, as well as funny characters attract the attention of children.
There are also flash cards in the application that allow you to better memorize words and at the same time train your memory and reaction; game "find a pair" - you need to find matching letters or images of animals (their names are signed in English); a game based on matching lowercase and uppercase letters and much more.
There are 14 educational games in total, 3 sets of voice flash cards and voice acting in 12 languages, including Russian.

Free version: several trial levels + built-in ads.

Paid version: all games and no ads.
Price: 6,99 $.

Little Speller App - Three Letter Words LITE - Free Educational Game for Kids
2-6 years

Little Speller is an interactive game in which a child learns to read, write and pronounce words with just one finger. The interface of the application is very simple, the developers claim that even 9-month-old children can play this game.
The main feature is that you can customize the game yourself: add your own pictures, words, sound prompts. The kid will be able to learn English by hearing the familiar speech of mom and dad, and not someone's unfamiliar voices. If among the pictures offered in the game there are items that you do not like for any reason, you can delete them - the application allows this.
The application has sound, visual and written prompts, which you can also customize yourself. Depending on which side of learning you want to strengthen (listening, reading, reproducing words and letters), you can turn off some tips and turn on others.

Completely free version.

Kids Phonics A-Z, Alphabet, Letter Sounds Learning App
4-6 years old

Somewhere and once there was a beautiful island inhabited exclusively by animals. It was almost impossible for people to get there - only once a year one person from all mankind could be there to tell everyone else about the beauties of this wonderful place. But one day such a visitor angered the animals that lived on the island, and they did not invite anyone else. Meanwhile, somewhere in one of the hills a certain treasure is hidden...
This story was invented by the developers to lure children on a journey. While children help Abby the monkey to travel around the island on a train in search of treasure, they learn to recognize the sound of letters, track uppercase and lowercase letters, match letters, learn the English names of the animals they meet. Interest is supported by mini-games, stickers with awards, bright graphics and voice acting, in which, in addition to the correct pronunciation, there are also sounds made by animals.

Completely free version.

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