Andrei Stolz as a "man of action" (1). Literature lesson on the topic: "Oblomov and Stolz

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The image of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is one of the most attractive. His activities and ability to manage his free time suggest the idea of ​​the ideality and harmony of the personality, however, this is not entirely true.

Origin of Andrey Stolz

Andrei Stoltz was born in a small village in the Russian Empire. His father was a German by origin, who later finally settled in Russia. His mother came from an impoverished noble family. Thanks to such a symbiosis of cultures, Andrei Stoltz was able to acquire such character traits and qualities that would allow him to become successful in life, but at the same time not lose his moral character.

Relationships in the family and the question of the upbringing of Stolz

Parents in the Stolz family lived harmoniously. Despite the fact that various disagreements arose between them, this did not contribute to the emergence of conflicts in the family.

Dear readers! On our website you can get acquainted with Ivan Goncharov in the novel of the same name.

Mother in education adhered to the traditional Russian view. She, like many nobles, instilled in her son a love for the arts and a measured lifestyle. It is thanks to his mother that Andrei learns the basics of music and singing, gets acquainted with painting and literature. Andrei often visited the Oblomovs as a child, their measured, lazy life tired the boy, but was quite natural for his mother - such behavior of the nobles (with the exception of some moments in the life of the Oblomovs) could serve as a standard for the life of aristocrats.

Andrei's father in life and, accordingly, in education, took a different position - he believed that in life you need to have practical skills that allow you to organize yourself and your work with the greatest productivity. Little Andrei was delighted with his father's upbringing style - he was interested in the factory and in the field. Soon, little Stolz worked with his father on an equal footing and, if necessary, could easily replace his father in work.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with which Ivan Goncharov wrote.

The mother watched with horror all these manipulations - her dream of white collars and a brilliant secular life of her son gradually melted away, but the woman did not despair. She began to teach her son the basics of secular life even more diligently.

Thus, in the Stolz family, a completely successful combination of pragmatic and sincere was realized. At the same time, the father was the embodiment of pragmatics, and the mother was the embodiment of the spiritual principle.

The early death of his mother did not allow him to carry out education within the same framework - his father did not know how to be so emotional, sometimes he can’t even find words to support his son, admonish him, so Stolz’s further education confidently acquired the features of pragmatics and discipline.

After graduating from the university, his father did not let Andrei sit back for a long time - he sends his son on an independent voyage. Such a tradition was adopted in European society - the parents provided all the conditions for the harmonious existence of Andrei, and now Stolz must take care of himself.

The scene of the farewell of the father and son in the understanding of the Russian peasants also looks strange - the father behaves extremely sparingly emotionally and none of those around him (except Andrei himself) realize that in fact Ivan Stolz is overwhelmed with pride for his son at this time.

The impact of upbringing on later life

The ideals and habits instilled in us in childhood, one way or another, affect our future life. The same trend can be clearly seen in the life of Andrei Stolz.

The exactingness of the father to his son and his early inclusion in labor activity (Ivan Stolz hired his son and even paid him a salary, like all his workers) contributed to the social hardening of his son. Andrei knew from childhood that failures often happen in life, sometimes they are not connected with the biased attitude of others, but are the result of errors in his work. To avoid or correct them, you need to make an effort and work hard. This understanding led to the fact that, as an adult, Stoltz confidently overcomes difficulties, they do not put such a significant imprint of despair and apathy on his life, as happens with Oblomov.

Attitude towards learning

Andrei Stoltz was a very restless boy in his childhood - he adored various pranks and indulged in them at the first opportunity. However, such restlessness did not become an obstacle in obtaining a quality education.

Andrei Stoltz received his initial education at home - his mother taught him musical literacy and French. Subsequently, Andrey developed these skills and often played four hands with his mother. Knowledge of French also became necessary for him in later life - Andrei constantly communicated with aristocrats, knowledge of French allowed him to remain at the proper level in relation to high society.

At the same time, Stolz's areas of knowledge were extensive - he and his father actively studied geography and German, read various books - from Holy Scripture to Krylov's fables. He studied sacred history with his mother.

Andrei Stoltz continued his further education in a boarding house, the head of which was his father. During this period, Andrei was able to strengthen his knowledge and expand their boundaries. Studying was easy for him - Andrei from time to time helped his friends in the boarding house to complete their tasks.

After graduating from the boarding house, he studied at the University of the Russian Empire. Goncharov says little about this period of Stolz's life. It is known that Andrei was disciplined and hardworking, training became an easy task for him.

Friendship with Oblomov

With Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Andrei Stoltz was familiar from childhood. However, their close relationship began during training in a boarding house. During this period, the boys were very similar to each other: they were both very curious and active. However, upbringing soon played a cruel joke with Ilya - Oblomov's parents were horrified by such a manner of behavior of their son and in every possible way suppressed possible manifestations of curiosity and activity. In their understanding, the child should be balanced and calm. Over time, Ilya became so - apathetic and passive.

Stolz's father, on the contrary, always encouraged his son's activity. He even allowed him to leave home for a few days, provided that his son fulfilled all his instructions. As a result, Stolz's activity and desire to develop remained in his adult life.

Despite the fact that in the future, the life of Stolz and Oblomov formed diametrically opposed personalities from similar personalities, their friendship did not end, but continued throughout their lives. Andrey visited Oblomov from time to time and was interested in his affairs. Stoltz did this not because of personal gain or ethical standards, but because he really was not indifferent to the fate of his friend.

After graduating from the university, Ilya Ilyich tried for some time to follow the traditional scheme of life - and for this he went to work in the office, but the very first difficulties at work caused Oblomov to become depressed and panic. So, excessive parental care provoked a situation of failure in advance. Stolz, on the contrary, was actively involved in the affairs of the service and was able to earn himself the title of an aristocrat.

After such a major setback, Oblomov lives without escape in his rented apartment. He stopped appearing in public and even stopped keeping order in the house - all day long Oblomov lay on the sofa, from time to time falling into a nap.

None of Ilya Ilyich's acquaintances could pull him out of this swamp. The only person who could stir him up was Andrei Stoltz. On one of his visits to Oblomov, Stolz witnessed a funny picture - Ilya Ilyich intended to beat his servant for trying to wake him up. Laughing heartily, Stolz begins to reproach Oblomov for apathy and inaction and decides to finally stir up Oblomov. Stolz pulls Oblomov into the light. At first, such a mode of life incredibly tires Oblomov, but then Ilya Ilyich falls in love - he has an incentive to maintain his activity. However, over time, Oblomovism again drags Ilya - this time Stolz no longer found the strength to reanimate his friend to life, although Andrei Ivanovich was still not indifferent to his fate. Stolz from time to time puts Oblomov's affairs in the family estate in order, visits his friend. Oblomov's connection with Agafya unpleasantly surprises Stolz, he does not understand this behavior of his friend, but after his death he does not give up his words and takes on the upbringing of Oblomov's son, a boy named after Stolz Andrei. Most likely, in recent years, the friendship of Oblomov and Stolz has been kept by memories of childhood friendship and Oblomov's unusual ability to show tenderness and sensuality, which is not characteristic of Stolz.

Relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya

Goncharov, while depicting relationships within the framework of the Oblomov-Stolz-Ilinskaya novel, uses one of the paradoxes: while the personalities of Oblomov and Stolz seem very different in essence, the personalities of Olga Ilyinskaya and Andrei Stolz seem akin. Detailed analysis shows that this first impression is wrong. In fact, the images of Stolz and Oblomov, especially in childhood, have many similar qualities, and the images of Ilyinskaya and Stolz are very different - after all, different feelings and motives become the motivation for identifying their qualities and social activity.

At the beginning of the novel, Stolz does not have romantic feelings towards Olga, although it cannot be said that there is no sympathy in their relationship. Andrei Ivanovich is not a romantic person, so he could not captivate the girl as much as the gentle and emotional Ilya Ilyich.

The pragmatic mind of Stolz allows you to find an answer to virtually any question from the rational world, but not from the sensual world, full of romance - here his mind is powerless. After breaking up with Oblomov, the girl travels with her aunt to Switzerland, where she accidentally meets Andrei Ivanovich. At this time, Stolz still does not know anything about the sad experience of Olga's relationship and continues to communicate with her as before. Andrei Ivanovich brings the girl new books, notes, sometimes flowers, reassuring himself that this will captivate Olga for a long time, but the girl always reads the works very quickly and learns the notes, and then, as a rule, showers Stolz with questions.

In the eyes of Olga, Stolz is an interesting interlocutor; for a girl, he acts as something like a teacher who knows more than his student and always knows how to keep something interesting. Stolz, on the contrary, managed to discern a woman in the girl and fell in love with her not as a person, but as a female representative. Based on this disharmony, most of the paradoxes in their further relationship occur.

Andrey Ivanovich, captivated by Olga, proposes to the girl - without thinking twice, Olga agrees. She does not feel passion for Stolz, but she is captivated by the level of knowledge of this person - he seems to her unusually smart and intelligent, and this becomes the main factor for making the final decision.

In view of his way of life and age, Stolz begins to dream of a calm and measured life - an analogue of Oblomovism, so vehemently persecuted by him. Olga does not understand such a preference for her husband, she is determined to act and desire to develop. Due to the fact that all this time Stoltz was actively engaged in self-development, they had harmony in their marriage, but, apparently, as soon as Stolz stops his active development, he will cease to be Olga's idol and immediately after that, disappointment and disharmony will follow.

Stolz always devoted his wife to his affairs and even the affairs of Oblomovka, allowing his wife to take an active part in them, but soon the woman begins to feel longing - her life seems boring and monotonous to her, which she repeatedly tells her husband. The lack of tenderness and romance in the relationship between Olga and Andrey is becoming more and more noticeable - their union of minds eventually rapidly begins to approach destruction and disharmony. Goncharov leads the reader to the idea that the presence of a common desire and ideas does not make people happy in marriage. A harmonious marriage requires love.

Personality characteristic

The life of Andrei Stolz all the time passed within the framework of active knowledge of the world and self-development. His father tried to instill in his son such qualities of character that would allow him not to drown in the abyss of life and become a successful person.

Andrei Ivanovich is constantly learning something. It seems that in the life of Stolz not a single minute of life was wasted - Andrei Ivanovich knows how to allocate his time in the most profitable way in order to have time to do many useful things in a day.

A positive service in this matter to Stolz is given by his unromantic character - Stolz never indulges in dreams and dreams. He doesn't understand how people can be head over heels in love with someone.

Andrei Ivanovich has a firm and resolute character. Stolz is always very demanding of himself. Thanks to his hard work, perseverance and discipline, Stolz becomes a successful person in his career and even rises to the rank of court adviser, which gives him the right to acquire personal nobility. Stolz did not stay in this position - he decided to retire, began to engage in trade and achieved significant achievements in this occupation. Soon, his capital from his father's forty grew to three hundred thousand, which was the subject of admiration and envy of many landowners.

Stolz is a very restrained person, he knows how to restrain his emotions. Andrei Ivanovich does not blame others for his failures, as everyone usually likes to do - first of all, he looks for reasons in himself - this allows him to quickly eradicate the problem that has arisen and prevent its occurrence in the future.

Stolz's unemotionality allows him not to get lost in various situations and find the most attractive and profitable way out of them.

Thus, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is endowed with many positive qualities of character. Most of them are typical for the European burgher, but at the same time very unusual, and to some extent, strange for the inhabitant of the Russian Empire. Thanks to his unscrupulousness and diligence, Stolz managed to reach significant heights in the affairs of the service, as well as increase his capital, but Stolz was never able to find harmony in marriage - his relationship with Ilyinskaya is doomed to collapse, as they are a union of the mind, not feelings.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz has been in contact with Oblomov since childhood and became his close friend. By nature, this is a man of action, a practitioner, and by origin - half German. Stolz's mother is a Russian noblewoman. For all his rationalism, Stoltz has a good disposition. The hero is honest, understands people, while he is inclined to calculate every action and approach everything in life from the side of practical benefit. Stolz was written out as an antipode to Oblomov and, according to the author's intention, should be perceived as a role model.

Stolz is married to a noblewoman, a woman with whom Oblomov is in love. Olga loved Oblomov at first, but broke up with that. Oblomov was lethargic and dreamy, before making an offer to Olga, he thought a lot, retreated.

Stolz sometimes brings Oblomov out of apathy and makes him remember life, urges him to get down to business, invest in the establishment of schools, the construction of roads, but Oblomov dismisses such ideas.

Ilya Oblomov is taken into circulation by swindlers, the affairs and economy of the hero pass into their hands, and he himself plunges into even greater inactivity than usual. When rumors about his own upcoming wedding reach Oblomov, the hero is horrified, because nothing has been decided for him yet. During this period, Olga visits the hero and, seeing him in such a weak-willed and miserable state, interrupts this relationship. This is where the love story of Olga and Oblomov exhausts itself.

The heroine is not going to get involved in a new relationship, but Stolz convinces Olga that the first relationship turned out to be a mistake and only laid the foundation for a new love - for him, Stolz. Olga appreciates diligence and determination in Stolz - something that she did not see in Oblomov. And boundlessly, “like a mother”, trusts her husband.

Stolz holds progressive (for that time) views on the role of women in society. According to the hero, a woman is called upon to make a contribution to public life, educating worthy citizens, and for this she herself must be well educated. Stolz works with his wife, teaches her the sciences, and these classes bring the spouses even closer. Stolz heatedly argues with his wife and is surprised at Olga's mind.

Stolz saves Oblomov from the clutches of swindlers, who otherwise would have robbed him to the bone. Later, Oblomov names a son in honor of Stolz, who is born to him from, a woman from a bureaucratic environment, a landlady, to whom Oblomov moves to live. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, Oblomov has an early stroke, and Stolz visits a sick friend. During this visit, Oblomov asks Stolz, in the name of friendship, to look after his little son Andrei. When Oblomov dies two years later, the Stolts take his son to be raised.


Stolz is in his early thirties. The appearance of the hero emphasizes the character - he is strong, thin, muscular, high cheekbones, there is no excess fat on the body. Goncharov compares the hero with a "blooded English horse". Stolz has greenish eyes, the hero is swarthy, calm in his movements as well as in character. The hero is not characterized by either excessive facial expressions, or sharp gestures and fussiness.

Stolz's father, a German, came from the burghers and was not a nobleman. He brought up the boy in the traditions of the burghers - he taught him to work and practice, which Andrei's mother, a Russian noblewoman, did not like. Father studied geography with Andrei. The hero learned to read from the texts of German writers and Bible verses, from a young age he helped his father in business, summing up the accounts. Later he began to earn money as a tutor in a small boarding school arranged by his father, and received a salary for this, like an ordinary artisan.

By the age of fourteen, the hero had already traveled alone to the city with his father's errands and carried out his instructions exactly, without slips, mistakes or bouts of forgetfulness. Andrei's father forbade his mother to interfere with the boy's activity and keep him with him, Stolz grew up active and often left home for a long time. The young man received a good university education, he speaks Russian and German equally well. At the same time, the hero continues to learn all his life and constantly strives to learn new things.

Portrait of Andrei Stolz

Stolz did not receive the nobility at birth, but soon rose to the rank of court councilor, which gave the hero the right to personal nobility. He does not advance further up the career ladder, but leaves the service to engage in trade. The company in which Stolz invested is engaged in the export of goods. Andrei was able to increase his father's fortune many times over, turning forty thousand capital into three hundred, and bought a house.

Stolz travels a lot and rarely stays at home for a long time. The hero traveled far and wide across Russia, visited abroad, studied at foreign universities and studied Europe "as if it were his own estate." At the same time, Stolz is not a stranger to secular communication, he happens at evening parties, knows how to play the piano; interested in science, news and "all life".

Stolz characteristic

The hero is restless, cheerful, firm and even stubborn. He always takes an active position: “when the society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to the case - they choose it. Stolz's time is clearly planned, he does not waste a minute.

At the same time, the hero knows how to restrain unwanted impulses and remain within the boundaries of natural, rational behavior, controls his own feelings well and does not rush to extremes. Stoltz is not inclined to blame others for his own failures and easily takes responsibility for the suffering and troubles that have happened.

Oleg Tabakov and Yuri Bogatyrev as Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz

In contrast to Oblomov, the hero does not like to dream, avoids fantasies and everything that cannot be analyzed or applied in practice. Stolz knows how to live within his means, is prudent, not inclined to take unjustified risks, and at the same time easily navigates difficult or unfamiliar circumstances. These qualities, coupled with determination, make the hero a good businessman. Stolz loves order in affairs and things, and is better versed in Oblomov's affairs than he himself.


The novel "Oblomov" was filmed in 1979. The director of the film entitled "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov" became, and the actor played the role of Andrei Stolz. Stolz in the film is depicted as a cheerful and active person, as he is presented in Goncharov's novel.

At the same time, the actor admitted that he rather saw himself in the image of Oblomov, and Stolz, whose role Bogatyrev had to play, was the exact opposite of the actor himself.

The word "Oblomovism", which became a household word after the release of the novel, was first heard from the lips of Stolz as a characteristic of Oblomov's lifestyle. This word denoted a tendency to laziness, apathy, stagnation in business. In a word, what we would now call “procrastination”.


“Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life. At least mine."
“Life and labor itself is the goal of life, not woman.”
“Man was created to arrange himself and even change his nature.”

The absolute opposite of Oblomov is Stolz, who becomes the embodiment of calculation, activity, strength, determination, purposefulness. In the German upbringing of Stoltz, the main thing was the development of an independent, active, purposeful nature. When describing the life of Stolz, Goncharov most often uses the words "firmly", "straight", "walked". And the very name of Stolz - sharp, jerky, and his whole figure, in which there was not a fraction of roundness and softness, as in the appearance of Oblomov - all this reveals his German roots. His whole life was drawn once and for all, imagination, dreams and passions did not fit into his life program: “It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys like a movement of hands.” The most valued quality in a person for Stolz is “perseverance in achieving a goal”, however, while Goncharov adds that Stolz’s respect for a persistent person did not depend on the quality of the goal itself: “He never denied respect to people with this persistence, as if their goals were not important.

The goal of Stolz's life, as he formulates it, is work and only work. To Oblomov’s question: “Why live?” - Stolz, without thinking for a minute, answers: "For the work itself, for nothing else." This unequivocal “for nothing else” is somewhat alarming. The results of Stolz's work have a quite tangible "material equivalent": "He really made a house and money." About the nature of Stolz's activities, Goncharov speaks very streamlined, casually: "He is involved in some company that sends goods abroad." For the first time in Russian literature, an attempt appeared to show a positive image of an entrepreneur who, having no wealth at birth, achieves it with his own labor.

Trying to exalt his hero, Goncharov convinces the reader that from his mother - a Russian noblewoman - Stoltz took the ability to feel, appreciate love: "he developed for himself the conviction that love, with the power of the Archimedean lever, moves the world." However, in Stolz's love, everything is subject to reason, it is no coincidence that the "reasonable" Stolz never understood what happened between Oblomov and Olga, what became the basis of their love: “Oblomova! Can't be! - he added again in the affirmative. “There is something here: you didn’t understand yourself, Oblomov, or, finally, love!”, “This is not love, this is something else. It didn’t reach your heart: imagination and pride, on the one hand, weakness on the other. Stolz did not understand that love can be different, and not just the one that he calculated. It is no accident that this inability to accept life in its diversity and unpredictability eventually leads to "Oblomovism" and Stolz himself. Having fallen in love with Olga, he is already ready to stop, freeze. “I found my own,” thought Stoltz. - I waited! .. here it is, the last happiness of man! Everything is found, there is nothing to look for, there is nowhere else to go!” Having already become Stolz's wife, feeling true love for him, realizing that she found her happiness in him, Olga often thinks about the future, this “silence of life” frightens her: “What is it? she thought. – Where to go? Nowhere! There is no further road. Really not, have you already completed the circle of life? Is it all here, everything?”

Much can be said about the characters in their relationship to each other. Oblomov sincerely loves Stolz, in relation to his friend one feels true disinterestedness and generosity, one can recall, for example, his joy at the happiness of Stolz and Olga. In relations with Stolz, the beauty of Oblomov's soul is manifested, his ability to think about the meaning of life, activity, about its focus on a person. Oblomov appears as a person who passionately seeks, although he does not find the norm of life. In Stolz, in relation to Oblomov, there is some kind of “disappointment”, he is not capable of subtle spiritual movements: on the one hand, he sincerely sympathizes with Ilya Ilyich, loves him, on the other hand, often in relation to Oblomov he turns out to be not so much a friend as a “terrible teacher." Stolz was for Ilya Ilyich the embodiment of that turbulent life that always frightened Oblomov, from which he tried to hide. To the bitter and annoying Oblomov: “Life touches”, Stolz immediately responds: “And thank God!”. Stolz sincerely and persistently tried to force Oblomov to live more actively, but this persistence sometimes became harsh, and sometimes cruel. Not sparing Oblomov and not considering that he has the right to do so, Stolz touches on the most painful memories of Olga, without the slightest respect for his friend’s wife, says: “Yes, look around, where are you and who are you with?” The phrase "now or never" itself, formidable and inevitable, was also unnatural to Oblomov's soft nature. Very often, in a conversation with a friend, Stolz uses the words “I will shake you”, “you must”, “you must live differently”. Stolz drew a life plan not only for himself, but also for Oblomov: “You must live with us, near us. Olga and I decided so, so it will be!” Stolz "saves" Oblomov from his life, from his choice - and in this salvation he sees his task.

What kind of life did he want to involve a friend in? The content of the week that Oblomov spent with Stolz was essentially different from the dream on Gorokhovaya Street. There were some business this week, dinner with a gold miner, tea at the dacha in a large company, but Oblomov very accurately called it fuss, behind which one cannot see a person. In his last meeting with a friend, Stoltz said to Oblomov: “You know me: I have long set myself this task and will not back down. So far I have been distracted by various things, but now I am free. So the main reason appeared - various things that distracted Stolz from the life of a friend. And indeed, between the appearances of Stolz in Oblomov's life - like failures, like abysses - years pass: "Stoltz did not come to St. Petersburg for several years", "a year has passed since the illness of Ilya Ilyich", "the fifth year has gone, as we have not seen each other." It is no coincidence that even during Oblomov's lifetime, between him and Stolz, "an abyss opened", "a stone wall was erected", and this wall existed only for Stolz. And even during the life of Oblomov, Stolz buried his friend with an unambiguous sentence: “You died, Ilya!”

The attitude of the author to Stolz is ambiguous. Goncharov, on the one hand, hoped that soon "many Stolz would appear under Russian names", on the other hand, he understood that artistically it was hardly possible to call the image of Stolz successful, full-blooded, he admitted that the image of Stolz was "weak, pale - it looks too bare of an idea.”

The problem of the hero in the novel "Oblomov" is connected with the author's reflections on the present and future of Russia, on the generic features of the Russian national character. Oblomov and Stolz are not just different human characters, they are different systems of moral values, different worldviews and ideas about the human person. The hero's problem lies in the fact that the author does not give preference to either Oblomov or Stolz, each of them leaving his right to truth and choice of life path.

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