Analysis of the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha"

Not only the way of writing poems in a "ladder" was a distinctive feature of the work of the poet Mayakovsky. A special metaphor gives figurativeness to the works of Mayakovsky. They want to quote, tell in his manner. An analysis of the poem "An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha" is necessary to find out the author's intention, idea and position.

Genre and plot of the poem

We can safely attribute this poem to the folk epic. The main character is the sun, but it is not depicted in the reader's usual way: a source of light, warmth, joy, and life. Mayakovsky put a different meaning into it: the sun is only engaged in traveling and does not know what to do with itself.

Somehow the sun was sinking below the horizon, beyond the village Mayakovsky saw him. He angrily reproached him for idleness and asked him to come visit, but did not think that it would really come. The sun came, singed the poet and spent the whole night with him. They devoted this period of time to telling each other which of them had a worse life, what troubles and difficulties they had. And then an insight came to Mayakovsky: after all, he can always change the type of his activity, but the sun cannot. Every day it rises, filling this world with light, warming it, and then sits over the horizon. After such a frank dialogue, Mayakovsky realized that he spoke incorrectly about the sun and that the work of the sun is labor and important - it brings benefit and joy to people, makes the world better, brighter and more beautiful.

Let's continue the analysis of the poem "An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha." The final part is devoted to the call to the people. You need to approach the implementation of any business, even the most trifling, as responsibly as possible and show a good result, put all your strength into it. Otherwise, why work mediocre. Each person has his own mission and you need to fulfill it not only for yourself and for yourself, but thinking about other people, as the sun does.

Mayakovsky concluded for himself that there is no need to complain about your life, work, because someone can live worse than you and do more responsible work.

Means of artistic expression

It seems that there can be unusual in the description of the sun? But Mayakovsky, with the help of hyperbole, managed to make it fantastic - "the sunset burned in a hundred suns." The metaphorical image of the sun allows the reader to believe that it is something alive. Especially when the sun comes to visit the poet. Colorful details add expressiveness to the poem: “it fell in, taking a breath, spoke in a bass voice ...”, “embarrassed, I sat on the corner of the bench ...”, “And soon, not melting friendship, I hit him on the shoulder.”

When we read the dialogue with the sun, it seems that they are old friends. Mayakovsky managed to convey a relaxed atmosphere thanks to simple vocabulary and the presence of exclamatory sentences.

Analyzing the poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”, it becomes clear that the characters are peculiar in nature: the sun is both strong and gentle, and the poet is tired, angry, but loving his work.

The originality of these images lies in a simple relationship to each other. The poet and the sun are comrades. But after a warm meeting, they start a serious conversation. The theme of the poem is traced: the purpose of the poet and poetry. The sun and the poet have a certain similarity: the sun warms people with its rays, and Mayakovsky - with words.

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V. V. Mayakovsky. "An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha"

The language of V. V. Mayakovsky’s poetry is still the subject of admiration, then blasphemy: for some, his language seemed like a bold revolutionary breaking of the very foundations of Russian speech, for others - damage and death to that Russian tradition that was created by classical literature of the beginning of the century. What is Mayakovsky's language really? Is it a language innovator or a language destroyer? The answer to this question lies in a thorough, scrupulous analysis of the specific texts of the poet, which will make it possible to establish how V. Mayakovsky's innovation is motivated by the artistic, communicative task of each specific text.

The poem "An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha" occupies a special place in the poet's work. Mayakovsky himself considered it a "program thing."

A fantastic meeting with the sun turns into a real, "earthly" conversation about the high purpose of the poet and the transformative role of poetry, about the joy of creative work and the greatness of simple, everyday deeds.

This poem is built as a dialogue between two characters - the poet and the sun, and V. Mayakovsky not only transferred real colloquial speech here, he made it the object of the image. Several dialogues are merged here: 1) an explicit dialogue realized in the text through the direct speech of the lyrical hero-poet, who speaks in the first person /"I"/, and the sun; 2) the dialogue of these persons with the Author, who plays a special role here: as an interested witness, listener, interlocutor, who at the end of the poem calls: "Poems and light mess, shine into anything!";

3) implicit, internal dialogue, which refers to contact with the reader. From the point of view of M. Bakhtin, any text (including poetic) is dialogical, because it is oriented towards the activity of the reader, who seeks to more accurately perceive the author's thought in order to respond to it with an act, a remark, a thought. Such dialogue increases the level of understanding of the text, helps to more effectively influence the reader.

An explicit dialogue begins in the poem as a substantive one (according to the classification of N. D. Arutyunova), in which the exchange of information prevails: "A parasite! you are covered in clouds, and here - know neither winters nor years, sit and draw posters/» - “Drive tea, drive, poet, jam!” At the end of the poem, the dialogue becomes modal, it is dominated by an exchange of opinions: “Okay, don’t worry, look at things simply! Do you think it's easy for me to shine?" etc.

Compositionally, the poem is divided into two parts: 1) real, everyday (description of the place and time of action - from the beginning of the poem to the words: “Vupor I shouted to the sun “Get down! ..””); reality is reinforced by the subtitle: “Pushkino, Akulova Gora, Rumyantsev's dacha, 27 versts along the Yaroslavl railway. dor."; 2) fantastic, extraordinary, which is also reinforced by the heading " An extraordinary adventure...”

In the collision of the real and the unreal, there is the main content of the text - the attitude to the fulfillment of one's duty, to work, to each other.

At the beginning of the poem, the poet is shown at work, and his attitude to the sun is his attitude to an idle luminary: "Parasite!", "Get down!"

During the conversation between the poet and the sun, it turns out that it is also a worker: “A me, do you think it's easy to shine?" A similar attitude to business, to work, was the basis for the friendship of the poet and the sun: "And soon, not melting friendship, I hit him on the shoulder." Friendship is reinforced by understanding the similarity of their activities, the commonality of tasks: "I will pour my sun, and you - his own, in verse.

In an effort to enhance expressiveness and thereby influencing the reader, V. Mayakovsky refers to units of various language levels, skillfully transforming and unexpectedly combining them.

The poet finds many expressive possibilities in word-formation units, including word-formation models. Moreover, Mayakovsky does not invent unprecedented sound combinations, he works with what is in the language as a hint and a hidden, potential possibility; it seems to deliberately demonstrate the word-formation possibilities of the language. So, the poet often uses truncation of the stems (being - formed from the adjective clear), ordinary affixes, but he adds them to those words with which these affixes are not normally combined ( dream book = sleep + prostrate (a), ring up= ringing + sya, let's look- from dawn), word formation (beam steps).

V. Mayakovsky boldly uses the possibilities of the morphological system of the language, translating, for example, words from one morphological class to another (from invariable to inflectable), changing its features within one class (for example, gender; number in the class of inflected words): chase teas- the poet uses the noun "tea" in the plural; know neither winter nor summer: the sun was rising- uses a short adjective not in a predicative function, as required by the norm of the Russian language, but in an attributive one (in the meaning of "scarlet").

In the most unusual way, V. Mayakovsky pushes ordinary words together, while giving birth to new expressive meanings: in July summer rolled on; Pushkin's hillock hunched over like Akulova Gora; the roof was twisted with bark; you are covered in clouds; spreading beam-steps, the sun walks in the field; already in the garden of his eyes; let's look, let's sing at the world in gray trash.

In the field of using lexical means, V. Mayakovsky's innovation is not only in a fairly large number of authorial occasionalisms, but also in the free use of reduced and colloquial words, which, it would seem, have no place in high poetry: parasite(colloquial), drive the jam(simple) slip(colloquial), hang around(simple) and others.

As a bold innovator, V. Mayakovsky uses phraseological units. In this poem, one can note a kind of struggle with the necrosis of a single word, which turns a free phrase into a phraseological unit. The author transforms phraseological units, introducing free words and expressions into their structure: for example, into phraseological unit look both ways Mayakovsky introduces two free verbs and the transformation " you go and look at both”; phraseological unit scream at the top of my lungs turns into a poem “Suddenly I am in full light of my power”; phraseological unit how many winters, how many years transforms so that it becomes unrecognizable - "know neither winters nor years."

As for syntax, Mayakovsky strove to highlight the word, to free it from syntactic dependencies, i.e. “to a peculiar overcoming of syntax”, according to G. O. Vinokur. There is an inseparable connection between the features of the syntactic construction of Mayakovsky's poetic speech and its rhythm, so that, in essence, Mayakovsky's rhythm and syntax seem to explain each other:

In the windows, in the doors, entering through the crack, the mass of the sun tumbled in, tumbled in; translating the spirit...

The specificity of V. Mayakovsky's syntax is not at all in the fact that he has many unusual constructions, but in the fact that all of them are generated by a certain stylistic task, a certain communicative setting of the author.

In addition to the named language means of different levels, V. Mayakovsky uses various techniques. The most common in this poem is repetition, which performs various functions. First, repetition contributes to the dynamism and expressiveness of the image: “His eyes are already in the garden, already he is passing through the garden.” Secondly, a pun is built on its basis: “I drive the fires back for the first time since creation. you called me? Drive tea, drive, poet, jam!

Thirdly, thanks to repetition, for example, the whole gamut of meanings of one of the central verbs of the poem is consistently revealed - shine(from physical to socio-political) :

And me, you think to shine


- Go try it! -

Here you go -

started to go.

going - and shine in both!

Shine always. Shine everywhere, until the last days of the bottom, shine - and no nails!

Here is my slogan - and the sun!

Here two series of repetitions interact - verbs go and shine, which reinforce each other, make them more meaningful and important in the expression of the author's idea.

The main idea of ​​the poem is repeatedly emphasized by the stylistic device of parallelism in the depiction of the poet and the sun: I will pour my sun, and you - his own, in verse", "and here you go - got to go, go - and shine in both! and etc.

There are other techniques in the poem: a) hyperbole - “in a hundred and forty suns the sunset burned”; b) metaphors - “ summer rolled, "heat swam, "the sun is walking" "Let's sing at the world in gray trash" and etc.; c) personifications - "already in the garden of his eyes",(sun) "spirit after translating, it spoke in a bass voice. In addition, various techniques, combined in a poem, reinforce each other, increasing the influencing power of the text, its expressiveness, for example: “I hit him on the shoulder” - hyperbole and personification at the same time.

Due to the fact that the work is built on dialogue and has a bright journalistic beginning, it will be interesting for both an adult and a young schoolchild to read the poem “An Extraordinary Adventure” by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. The theme of this poem is the poet's hard but noble work. The main lyrical hero is a hard-working poet. The plot of the work is a fantastic meeting between Mayakovsky and the sun.

The text of Mayakovsky's poem "An Extraordinary Adventure" was written in 1920. It tells about how Mayakovsky, angry at the sun for the fact that it bakes a lot, invited him to visit. To the surprise of the poet, the sun responded and soon sat at his house. Vladimir Vladimirovich and his guest began to talk about how difficult their work is. By the end of the evening they became friends. Mayakovsky even began to slap the sun on the shoulder. During the conversation, they came to the conclusion that everyone should follow their calling and do their work with full dedication.

The work is studied at school in the literature lesson in grade 7. The teacher reads it to the children in full, analyzes it together with them, and then gives them a passage to teach at home. On our site you can read the poem online or download it.

An extraordinary adventure with
Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha

(Pushkino. Akulova Gora, Rumyantsev's dacha,
27 versts along the Yaroslavl railway. dor.)

In a hundred and forty suns the sunset burned,
summer rolled in July,
it was hot
heat floated -
it was at the cottage.
Gorbil Pushkino humpback
shark mountain,
and down the mountain
the village was
the roof was twisted with bark.
And beyond the village
and in that hole, probably
the sun went down every time
slowly and surely.
And tomorrow
fill the world
the sun was rising.
And day by day
terribly angry
And so once angry,
that everything faded in fear,
point-blank I shouted to the sun:
“Get down!
Enough to wander in hell!”
I called out to the sun
you are covered in clouds,
and here - do not know either winters or years,
sit down, draw posters!”
I called out to the sun
"Wait a minute!
listen, gold-nosed,
than so
to come in idle
to me
for tea!”
What have I done!
I'm dead!
To me,
of good will,
spreading beam-steps,
the sun is walking in the field.
I want to show no fear
and retreat backwards.
Already in the garden of his eyes.
Already going through the garden.
in the windows,
at the door
entering the gap,
the mass of the sun fell,
translating the spirit
spoke in bass:
“I drive back the lights
for the first time since creation.
Did you call me?
Drive the tea
drive, poet, jam!”
A tear from the eyes of the most -
the heat drove me crazy
but I to him
for a samovar:
sit down, luminary!”
The devil pulled my audacity
yell at him -
I sat on the corner of the bench
I'm afraid it couldn't get worse!
But strange from the sun
flowed -
and degree
I'm sitting talking
with the luminary
About that
I'm talking about this
something stuck Rosta,
and the sun:
do not be sad,
just look at things!
And me, do you think
- Come on, try it! -
And here you go -
started to go
you go - and you shine in both!
They chatted until dark -
until the former night that is.
What darkness is here?
No misters"
we are with him, completely getting used to it.
And soon
friendship is not melting
I hit him on the shoulder.
And the sun too:
“You and me
us, comrade, two!
Let's go poet
let's sing
the world in gray trash.
I will pour my sun
and you are yours
Wall of shadows
nights prison
fell under the sun with a double-barreled gun.
Poems and light commotion
sit in anything!
That will get tired
and wants the night
lie down,
stupid dream.
Suddenly - I
all the light to be able -
and again the day is ringing.
Always shine
shine everywhere
until the days of the last bottom,
shine -
and no nails!
Here is my slogan
and the sun!

Mayakovsky is a writer who wrote many wonderful works, many of them were written in the post-revolutionary period. They feel special fighting notes, notes of calling the important role of the poet and his work. Just the theme of poetry and the poet is well disclosed in the poem Makovsky's Unusual Adventure in the Country, which we have to do.

Mayakovsky wrote an unusual adventure in 1920. While working on the analysis of the writer's poem, I would like to say that his work is somewhat similar to a fairy tale, to some kind of fantastic work, where the sun plays the role of one of the characters. Its author makes an inspired face.

Summer at Mayakovsky's dacha

The action takes place in the summer in the country. At the beginning of his work, the author, having found beautiful words, describes a sultry day in July. The hero often watched the sun, and then one fine day he realized how idle, aimless, easy life is for the solar luminary, which day after day gets up, then sits down and does nothing more. Mayakovsky began to get angry at such a life of the sun, and, unable to stand it, turned to him with an angry tirade, calling the sun a parasite, a pampered creature. The hero invites the luminary to his place for tea. After his bold words, the hero was frightened, because the sun really went down and went to the house, demanding tea and jam.

The heroes spend the whole evening talking, talking about how hard life is for them. At the same time, the writer began to understand how difficult it is for the sun, which has no choice and has to get up every day and illuminate the earth, warm it, while he can always change his profession. The author realized how selfless the work of the solar luminary is, and it is this kind of work that changes the world, such a return can make life better and brighter.

In his work, the author touches on the theme of two suns - the sun of poetry and the sun of light, developing this topic to the end. Concluding his verse, the author recalls the double-barreled shotgun of the sun, where sunlight will pour from one trunk, and poetry from the other. And so, acting together, the heroes will replace each other and fulfill their calling. The poet will shed light with verses, and the sun will illuminate the earth with its light. They will shine always and everywhere, and no nails. It is under such a slogan that the heroes of Mayakovsky's work An Extraordinary Adventure lived and will live, according to which we are doing the analysis. On such inviting notes, with such optimistic lines, Mayakovsky ends his adventure in the summer at the dacha.

Summing up in my own, and working on the analysis of the work An Extraordinary Adventure, I would like to note how important the work of each person is, how important it is to follow your calling and fulfill your mission with great dedication. At the same time, it does not matter whether you are a writer or a hard worker from the village, it is important that we do our work in good faith, otherwise the meaning of our existence will be lost.

"An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha"

The poem "An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha" is devoted to the theme of difficult, but noble poetic work. Like most of the works of V.V. Mayakovsky, it is built on dialogue and carries a pronounced journalistic principle. The main artistic technique in this work is parallelism: the life of the sun and the creative path of the poet are compared.

The rather long title of the poem, also provided with a more detailed subtitle that clearly specifies the scene, aims at a detailed story about the events that really happened.

The poem opens with a dacha landscape, which is made as unusually as the poet's adventure stated in the title.

It is opened by the expressive hyperbole “In a hundred and forty suns the sunset was blazing”, emphasizing the strength of the summer heat and at the same time setting the dynamics for the entire subsequent action work:

And tomorrow
fill the world
the sun was rising.
And day by day
terribly angry

Thus, an imaginary conflict is planned in the work. Further, the cocky lyrical hero throws a desperate challenge to the heavenly body:

At point-blank range, I shouted to the sun:
"Get down!
Enough to roam in hell!”

In the replicas of the hero there are many colloquial and colloquial phrases. This gives his speech a familiar character. Initially daring to communicate with the sun, a person seems to boast of his fearlessness. Then the sun nevertheless responded to the challenge, the mood of the hero changes:

The devil pulled my audacity
yell at him -
I sat on the corner of the bench
I'm afraid it couldn't get worse!

In the poem (as well as in the lyrics of V.V. Mayakovsky as a whole) the dramatic beginning is extremely strong. The fantastic action unfolds like an ordinary table scene: we have two close comrades in front of us, having an everyday conversation behind a samovar. They (the poet and the sun) complain to each other about everyday problems and in the end agree to join their efforts in a common cause:

You and me
us, comrade, two!
Let's go poet
let's sing
the world in gray trash.
I will pour my sun
and you are yours

At the same time, the “golden-browed sun” finally acquires a human image: it not only conducts a leisurely conversation, but you can even pat it on the shoulder.

At the end of the poem, the abstract image of a common enemy is destroyed:

Wall of shadows
nights prison
fell under the sun with a double-barreled gun.

The work ends with an optimistic picture of the triumph of poetry and light, of all the most beautiful on earth.

Poetic metaphors help V.V. Mayakovsky to combine fantastic and realistic plans for the artistic reflection of reality:

To me,
of good will,
spread in beam-steps,
the sun is walking in the field.

The lyrical hero perceives the celestial body as a kind of real being - the poet's assistant. Both of them do one thing in common - they bring light to the world.

V.V. Mayakovsky strove to be consistent in his views on art. This poem of the poet has something in common with a number of his other works devoted to the theme of the poet and poetry.

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