Analysis of the tale lost the conscience of Saltykov-Shchedrin essay. The problem of attitude to conscience according to the text of M.E.

A story about how people suddenly lost their conscience. Without it, as it turned out, life became better. People began to rob, and eventually went berserk. Conscience all forgotten lay on the road. One drunkard decided to pick her up, and immediately repentance for past shameful deeds returned to him. Consciousness woke up in him, and with it self-flagellation.

In order to get rid of these overwhelming feelings at once, the drunkard went to a tavern where a certain Prokhorych was trading. There he handed over his conscience with relief. Prokhorych immediately changed. He was even going to pour all the wine into the ditch. The wife, seeing this behavior of her husband, slowly stole his conscience from him, and rushed into the street.

There she slipped it to the quarter warden. The latter immediately changed: he suddenly stopped taking bribes. The men started laughing out loud at him. The wife, and that one, did not feed dinner. The warden took off his coat, and all conscience disappeared somewhere. He decided to win back, and went to the market. He just stuck his hands into the sleeves of his coat, and his conscience was right there - in his pocket lurking. Again it became inconvenient to rob people. On the contrary, he began to distribute money. He brought the beggars home and ordered his wife to feed them. He took off his coat, and immediately became the same: he pushed the beggars out of the house. The wife decided to clean her husband's pockets, and then suddenly she found a conscience.

A smart woman sent it by mail to the financier Brzhotsky. He did not need a conscience at all, and he handed it over to the general in an envelope. The general also had a bad conscience, and he also got rid of it.

And so the conscience went for a walk on the hands. It turned out that no one needs her, because it is much worse with her.

Walked, walked the conscience around the world, and finally pleaded. She asked to be relocated to a small child. The child is still innocent, and his conscience will be good with him. They listened to her. Now the child is growing, and conscience with him.

The story teaches that it is better to live without a conscience, but you cannot become a person without it. And also to the fact that the conscience should be laid from childhood.

Picture or drawing Lost conscience

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This article examines in detail the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin "Conscience Lost". A brief summary and analysis will touch upon those special moral strings of the soul of a person and society as a whole. The question that has been of interest to people for more than one century, which should be understood first of all: “What is it - conscience?” Censor, controller, inner voice? Why is she needed if without her it becomes so calm? This and many other things are described in the article devoted to such a difficult topic, touched upon in the work of the outstanding Russian writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Conscience Lost”.

About the writer

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the writer himself, whose merits are significant and great, and the works written by him throughout his life put him on a par with the great minds of Russia: with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov.

So, Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in 1826 on January 27 (15 according to the old style) into a noble family of an old family. Giftedness, intelligence, incredible diligence were faithful companions of the writer from childhood. At the age of 10 he was sent to the Moscow Noble Institute, two years later he was transferred to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum for excellent studies. "For freethinking" was exiled to Vyatka for 8 years. In 1856, in connection with the death of Nicholas I, the young writer returned back and resumed writing. Participation in the peasant reform, the position of governor of the province and work in the Ministry of the Interior became an integral part of the writer's life.

After retiring, he becomes the editor-in-chief of the Sovremennik magazine. Agree, an impressive list of achievements! A talented writer, satirist, statesman, artist left an unforgettable mark on the history of his country, the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin are topical and have not lost their relevance to this day.

The problem of own imperfection

The writer often refers to the theme of fairy tales in his works. And here is an unusual situation before the reader - conscience disappears from the life of society. What happened to the people? They began to feel freer, but do not be mistaken and confuse the inspiring feeling of freedom with a sense of permissiveness that generates chaos, aggression and anger. The human disappears in man himself, precisely what should distinguish in him a thinking, creative being, alien to destruction and collapse.

What happened to conscience? Pay attention to how the author calls her: "annoying hooker", and this is not accidental. Thus, the author makes it clear to the reader that the conscience is like something alive and real, in need of nourishment and care, which in turn will thank its “owner” with a blessed feeling of peace and self-satisfaction. And without a person, it turns into that unnecessary appendage and becomes that “annoying hanger”.

Further, in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, as an example, one can observe the peaceful dream of the owner of a drinking establishment, who, perhaps for the first time in his life, behaved like a responsible person for his actions. Or, say, the very first "owner" of conscience - a drunkard who freed himself from the yoke of wine intoxication and realized all his worthlessness of existence, which is why he feels fear. But the bitter drunkard destroys only himself, he is only responsible for his actions, unlike Prokhor, the owner of a drinking establishment, who destroys so many people with his potion. Conscience gives Prokhor a sense of relief, since for the first time in his life he acts according to his conscience. What does the author want to tell us?

The summary of “Conscience Lost” by Saltykov-Shchedrin, analyzed by us in this material, covers important aspects of the life of human society. If there was a conscience nearby, then there would be no drunkards in the world, and the owners of beer houses would bake bread and buns. Adults will definitely smile in this place, as each of them knows how difficult our world is. But that's why it's a fairy tale - you might think. The tale “Conscience Lost” is a kind of reminder for adults and a lesson for children.

Own choice, or the Power of one drop

The journey of conscience continues, but most likely it was a toll-house that brings suffering, wanderings. Conscience falls to the Trapper. The author does not give a name to his character, but is limited only by a nickname, thereby emphasizing the essence of this person. What is his fault? Unlike the first two characters, one of which destroyed himself, and the other - others, in this case the sin of the Catcher is great and heavy, he is a bribe taker.

The next owner of conscience is already a completely different person, the author paints a picture of a prosperous family of a banker, but extreme prudence is the vice of a hero who even conscience sells on the sly. The tale “Conscience Lost” by Saltykov-Shchedrin, the analysis of which makes one involuntarily think about the globality and depth of the question, about whether there is a place for conscience in our world at all? How easy and difficult it is to act according to conscience at the same time, but how easy it becomes on the soul when it is pure. How to breathe, how to live in a new way!

Understanding the concept of conscience

Turning to dictionaries, we find a definition of the concept of conscience. Conscience is a feeling and a concept at the same time, a sense of responsibility for one's actions is intertwined with the awareness of those moral principles on which the health of society should be based. This ability to distinguish between good and bad must be instilled from infancy. Parents are a kind of guides to the world who teach the child to love good and hate evil, and children, in turn, fearing to lose the love and favor of their parents, clearly and quickly absorb and assimilate precisely those concepts that are given by the father and mother.

Hopes placed

In the work, Saltykov-Shchedrin gives voice to his main character - conscience. What does she ask for, what does she want? She asks to find her a little Russian child so that she can dissolve in his heart. “Why exactly in the heart of a child?” - you ask. The author thus wants to make it clear to the reader how important it is to place hopes on the younger generation, and it should be remembered that children are innocent and pure, and it will depend only on adults what colors their future world, conscience, life will be filled with. The problem of “Conscience Lost” by Saltykov-Shchedrin concerns that side of the human soul, where there comes the realization of good and evil, truth and hope.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note that the author of the immortal work wanted to emphasize the importance of conscience in human life, to show the reader conscience as the guardian of all those human qualities on which the best part of civilization was built. The summary of “Conscience Lost” by Saltykov-Shchedrin, analyzed in our article, we hope will give food for thought and touch the strings of your soul, help you make the right choice, give you peace.

The plot composition of the fairy tale is built in the description of a society, from the life of whose members the pangs of conscience suddenly disappear, while the heroes of the work do not at all regret the loss of a worthless rag and an annoying accustomer in the form of conscience, since they began to feel freer, feeling permissiveness that gives rise to aggressive anger and social chaos.

The writer depicts a picture of the fall of a person, in which humanity, creation disappear, preventing a destructive collapse in the souls of people, substituting each other, showing flattery, groveling, lying, slandering their neighbor by slander and slander.

The narration of the tale is permeated with the author's attitude to the problem of a conscientious person, since in this manifestation the writer sees the living and the present, which entails people feeling blessed feelings in the form of satisfaction with their own actions and, accordingly, peace of mind.

One of the heroes of the tale, depicted by the author as a bitter drunkard, an alcoholic, is the first to acquire a conscience and, freed from a drunken frenzy, realizes his useless, worthless existence, recalling in horror his own shameful deeds. Another of the heroes who felt pangs of conscience is the liquor dealer Prokhor, who, having experienced this feeling for the first time, feels his own relief, having performed the act of a responsible person for the first time.

The writer conveys his own view of the sense of conscience, which, in his opinion, is combined with the moral principles of public self-consciousness, capable of understanding the positive and negative side of life, emphasizing the true essence of each person. This ability develops from childhood, because the soul of a baby is pure and immaculate, absorbing all the good things that are put into a small selfless heart.

The finale of the work clearly demonstrates the need from infancy to educate children in positive human qualities, consisting in kindness, love, compassion, and mercy. Conscience, as the main character of the fairy tale, wants to find itself in the soul of a baby who is able to take it into his heart and dissolve in it, feeling conscience in the form of a guardian of true humanity.

Option 2

Before you is a fairy tale called "The Conscience Lost", which was written by the famous writer Saltykov-Shchedrin. Here he talks not only about his own life, but also about the lives of other people.

Many people live for many years, but still do not know what conscience is. All the characters in this work belong to the same category of people. You can't see peasants or working people here.

Each of these heroes has no conscience for a long time and live very well without it. Now she does not interfere with their lives, and life without her is much better and easier. In this work, conscience is shown as a worthless rag that no one wants to pick up and smear hands on it.

The writer tries to convey to the audience that conscience is a completely different feeling. With the help of conscience, a person can become much better than before. He will understand what is good and what is bad. And try not to do bad things to another person. Even if you are a cynical person, you can also find positive qualities in him. The drunkard tries to persuade everyone who takes alcohol to give it up forever. The thief no longer wants to steal, but tries to return all the loot to its place.

Every person who has found a conscience and picked it up tries to pass it on almost immediately so that it does not linger with them, because they do not need it at all. No one wants to live conscientiously, because it is, on the contrary, at a loss to them. It is best to steal, deceive and do evil to people.

But in order for people to have a conscience and settle down deep in their souls, you need to slightly change the world in which we now live. In addition, it is necessary to change the laws that say otherwise. And you need to educate people from childhood, so that they have it.

And all this should be done by young guys who live in the country. And you need to start first of all with yourself, and then ask something from other people. They must be literate, kind, sympathetic, merciful and fair people. Every young person should have a conscience that sits in the heart and occupies the main and honorable place there. Only after this, our life will begin to change a little and after a while it will change forever.

Idea, theme, meaning

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This is the second lesson based on the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”.

Lesson type: combined, group work.

Type of lesson: research, practical lesson.

Methodical methods: ICT, technologies of critical thinking and differentiated learning

The first lesson is preparation for this lesson: reading a fairy tale, writing down questions that arose while reading, finding the expressive means of the language and determining their role in the text. The task was given at home: to re-read the fairy tale and follow the changes taking place in the person who had a conscience.



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Slides captions:

I give you a heart On a white leaf, I give you a heart, Do whatever you want with it. Walk anywhere, Walk with him everywhere, Draw whatever you want, I won't get angry. But it’s better to draw on it, you don’t learn, Let my heart Remain pure. (Translated by A. Barto on behalf of Martinko Feldek, 4 years old)

Let's talk about conscience. (based on the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”) 1) What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”? 2) Does a person need a conscience or not? 3) Where does she belong? On the floor in a bundle or in a person's soul? 4) Why is it needed in the modern world? Purpose: understanding the concept of conscience as responsibility for one's actions based on the analysis of a literary text. What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone” and why is it needed in the modern world?

What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”? 1) Conscience - a sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior to other people. (Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language). 2) Conscience - a sense and consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior to oneself and others. (Dictionary of the Russian language. Edited by A.P. Evgenyeva) 3) Conscience - moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act is recalled; the ability to recognize the quality of an act; a feeling prompting to truth and goodness, averting from lies and evil; involuntary love for the good and for the truth; innate truth, in varying degrees of development. (Dal's Explanatory Dictionary)

What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”? Conclusion: Conscience became a burden to people, it tormented them. "... the most severe sorrow of all is the sorrow of a suddenly acquired conscience." A person's attempts to become better are perceived as a disease, condemned by society.

“... A little child grows, and conscience grows with him. And the little child will be a great man, and there will be a great conscience in him. And then all unrighteousness, deceit and violence will disappear, because the conscience will not be timid and will want to manage everything itself.

Homework On "5": Write a detailed answer to the question: Why does a person need a conscience? On "4": Write out (optional) 5 proverbs about conscience among different peoples of the world and answer the question: Why is this moral category important for all people, regardless of nationality?


Topic: Let's talk about conscience.(Analysis of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Conscience Lost”)

Lesson type: combined, group work.

Type of lesson: research, practical lesson.



  • Acquaintance with the fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience has disappeared”.
  • Improve text analysis skills.
  • To reveal the degree of relevance of the concept of "conscience" in modern society and the reflection of this problem in the literature of the second half of the XIX


  • Development of the ability to analyze, systematize, generalize.
  • Develop skills for independent work and work in groups.
  • Develop imagination, associative and logical thinking.
  • Continue the development of cognitive interest in literature.


  • To educate moral qualities, the ability to evaluate one's actions, the surrounding reality, to be able to sympathize, empathize, defend a moral position.
  • Lay the foundations of moral behavior, develop speech, expressive reading of the text.

Equipment: materials for group work (task cards, paper, felt-tip pens), materials for individual work (includinglevel of training)
a multimedia projector for demonstrating a presentation, texts of works of art, a presentation for a lesson.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Introduction to the lesson.(call stage)

In the first literature lesson in grade 9, we told you that

Literature is confession.

Under the guise of confession - a sermon ...

So, today we have just a lesson - a confession, a lesson - a sermon, and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin will confess to us.

And I'll start my lesson with a poemfour-year-old boy Martinko Feldek from Slovakia, whodrew a heart on a piece of paper and gave it to his mother with these words: slide - 1

I give you my heart

On a white leaf

I give you my heart

Do whatever you want with it.

Play anywhere

Go everywhere with him

Draw what you want

I won't get angry.

But better on it

You don't learn to draw

Let my heart

Stay clean.

(Translated by A. Barto on behalf of Martinko Feldek, 4 years old)

Did he understand what a big idea was in his lines?Find these lines.

What associations does the phrase "pure heart" evoke in you?

On the desk: A pure heart is...

II. Formulation of the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives.

1. The topic of the lesson.

A pure heart is a pure conscience. Truth speaks through the mouth of a child. Today in the lesson I invite you to talk about conscience. slide - 2

2. Objectives of the lesson.

Sample questions: slide - 2

2) Does a person need a conscience or not?

3) Where does she belong? On the floor in a bundle or in a person's soul?

4) Does society as a whole and the individual in particular need it?

Based on these questions, state the purpose of our lesson.

Everything is correct, and as a teacher it remains only for me to formulate it. slide - 2

Which two of these questions will be key?

Problem question: slide - 2

What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone” and why is it needed in the modern world?

III. Fairy tale analysis. ( comprehension stage)

- So, conscience and man. Let's reflect on the problems of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tale "Conscience Lost". (Reading 1, 2 paragraphs).

What has changed in people's lives when conscience disappeared?(Many began to feel more cheerful and freer. The count of time was lost, the present and the future were mixed up, the movement accelerated - there was no time to think, silence, harmony disappeared, “the course of a person became easier”, “nothing upset them ...”)

What approach is used for this?(Irony. Real sages never considered themselves sinless, but were conscientious people in the highest degree)

And what was conscience without a person? (Annoying accustomer, accuser, yoke, blatant disgrace).

People freed themselves from conscience, and it became a rag, a hanger-on. No one needs her, no one calls her, on the contrary, they throw her around, toss her to each other. So the journey of conscience begins. Although I will name another word - myta′ Rstva. Why ordeal and not travel?Ordeals, because it is not just a journey, it is disaster, suffering, wandering.

The first half of the question is:What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”?To answer this question, complete individual and group tasks. (Give out assignments)

What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”?

First, let's find out what is conscience? How do you understand the meaning of this word?(This is an inner voice that does not allow a person to do evil, causes a feeling of shame from what he has done, this is the voice of God within us). slide - 3

3) Conscience - (Dal's Explanatory Dictionary)

1. Presentation of task 1.

Let's get back to our story. Sad start. Discarded, spat on, crumpled, useless conscience passes from hand to hand. How they accept it, what the heroes feel, those same “wise ones of the world”, now we will see.

2. Group presentations (task 2):

The conscience came from ....

1 group - bitter drunkard

2 group - liquor store owner

3rd group - quarter warden

4 group - very stingy and wealthy financier, banker.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is a satirist writer. With pain in his heart, he writes about his compatriots fleeing from conscience. These are representatives of different strata of society, they all have the same attitude towards conscience.What do these people look like?(Pitiful, insignificant, these are lost people, they have no sense of shame, they don’t even know what it is).

Why do the heroes of the fairy tale get rid of conscience?

- What is conscience for the heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”? slide - 4

Conclusion: conscience became a burden to people, it tormented them. "... the most severe sorrow of all is the sorrow of a suddenly acquired conscience." A person's attempts to become better are perceived as a disease, condemned by society.

Is this problem relevant?(A person has the right to choose).

So this is an eternal problem. What if everyone loses their conscience? How to live on earth? What to do? Live without a conscience?The author answers this question as well. Let's turn to the finale of the work (reading)

“And for a long time the poor, exiled conscience wandered around the world in this way, and it stayed with many thousands of people. But no one wanted to shelter her, and everyone, on the contrary, only thought about how to get rid of her and, at least by deceit, and get away with it.

Finally, she got bored with herself, that she, poor thing, had nowhere to lay her head and she had to live her life in strangers, but without shelter. So she prayed to her last landlord, some tradeswoman, who traded dust in the passageway and could not get hold of that trade.

Why are you bullying me! - the poor conscience complained, - why are you pushing me around like some kind of kidnapper?

What am I going to do with you, madam conscience, if no one needs you? - asked, in turn, the tradeswoman.

What words will be key here?

Why does conscience ask to find a “little Russian child” for her and settle her in his heart? (What do you think, is conscience a natural property of a person or the fruit of upbringing? Why?)

“... A little child grows, and conscience grows with him. And the little child will be a great man, and there will be a great conscience in him. And then all unrighteousness, deceit and violence will disappear, because the conscience will not be timid and will want to manage everything itself.

What is the meaning of the final?(Saltykov-Shchedrin hopes that the younger generation will not abandon conscience like a worthless rag, will not try to get rid of conscience, but with his help it will come out into the people).

If we figuratively imagine the conscience roaming around different people, then together with the writer we will see a “dirty, shabby rag”, “a greasy piece of paper with torn edges”, gray, something like this.And what do the guys see conscience?

3. Presentation of a group of artists (Task 3).

Everyone should have such a conscience, and not like the appearance of a gray, rumpled rag.

What does a fairy tale teach?(Written reply).

VI . Summarizing

Why do we need conscience in the modern world?

1. After the children's answers, the presentation of task 4 (Balakleets D.)

Conclusion: Conscience is always modern, as it helps to purify one's soul. It is difficult to live with a conscience, sometimes it is bitter, sometimes painful, but at the same time it is easy and light, because then you don’t have to be ashamed of yourself, the good one that lives inside each of us. Every person needs a conscience for the development of his soul, and if it disappears somewhere for a while, falls out of the soul, an announcement must be urgently posted:

2. Presentation of task 5 (Ushakov).

- Do you remember what goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson? Have you reached them?

V. Homework.

On "5": Write a detailed answer to the question:Why does a person need a conscience?

On "4": Write out by choice 5proverbs about conscience among different peoples of the world and answer the question:Why is this moral category important for all people, regardless of nationality?

Differentiated task:

Exercise 1. Read the definitions of the word "conscience" and answer the question:Which definition seems more complete to you? Why?

1) Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior to other people.(Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

2) Conscience is a feeling and consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior to oneself and to other people.(Dictionary of the Russian language. Edited by A.P. Evgenyeva)

3) Conscience - moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act is recalled; the ability to recognize the quality of an act; a feeling prompting to truth and goodness, averting from lies and evil; involuntary love for the good and for the truth; innate truth, in varying degrees of development.(Dal's Explanatory Dictionary)

Task 2 . Try to portray the conscience as it should be (shape, color). Protect your project.

Task 3 (by groups)

Conscience came to

1 group - bitter drunkard

2 group - the owner of the tavern

Group 3 - quarter overseer

Group 4 - a very stingy and wealthy financier, banker.

Heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”

The conscience came from ....


without conscience

Task 4 . Write an announcement about the loss of conscience:


I lost my conscience!!!

Special signs:________________________________________________________________. We ask the finder _____________________________________________.


Follow the changes taking place in a person who has a conscience.

Heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”

Conscience appeared in a bitter drunkard

Follow the changes taking place in a person who has a conscience.

Heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”

Follow the changes taking place in a person who has a conscience.

Heroes of the fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The conscience is gone”

A conscience appeared in a very mean and rich financier, banker


without conscience

Which definition seems more complete to you? Why?

1) Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior to other people.(Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

2) Conscience is a feeling and consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior to oneself and to other people.(Dictionary of the Russian language. Edited by A.P. Evgenyeva)

3) Conscience - moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act is recalled; the ability to recognize the quality of an act; a feeling prompting to truth and goodness, averting from lies and evil; involuntary love for the good and for the truth; innate truth, in varying degrees of development.(Dal's Explanatory Dictionary)


“Conscience suddenly disappeared ... almost instantly! Just yesterday, this annoying hanger-on just flashed before my eyes, seemed like an excited imagination, and suddenly ... nothing! It became easier for people to live without conscience, they "hurried to take advantage of the fruits of this freedom." Looting and robbery began, people went berserk. Conscience, on the other hand, was lying on the road and “everyone threw it like a worthless rag,” wondering “how such a blatant disgrace can be lying around in a well-organized city and in the busiest place.”

One "unfortunate bastard" picked up his conscience "in the hope of getting a shkalik for it." And immediately he was seized with fear and repentance: "out of the darkness of the shameful past" all the shameful deeds committed by him surfaced. However, this unfortunate and miserable person is not alone to blame for his sins, there is a monstrous force that “twisted and twirled them, as it twists and twirls a whirlwind in the steppe with an insignificant blade of grass”. Consciousness has woken up in a person, but "shows only one way out - the way out of fruitless self-accusation." The drunkard decided to get rid of his conscience and went to the drinking house, where a certain Prokhorych traded. It was to this merchant that the unfortunate conscience "in a rag" slipped.

Prokhorych immediately began to repent. It is a sin to solder the people! He even began to make speeches to the regulars of the tavern about the dangers of vodka. To some the tavern keeper offered to take his conscience from him, but all avoided such a gift. Prokhorych was even going to pour the wine into the ditch. There was no trade that day, no pennies were made, but the tavern keeper slept peacefully, not like in the old days. The wife realized that it was impossible to trade with a conscience. At dawn, she stole her husband's conscience and rushed into the street with it. It was a market day, there were a lot of people on the streets. Arina Ivanovna shoved her irritating conscience into the pocket of a district warden named Lovets.

The quarter warden is always given bribes. In the market, he is accustomed to looking at someone else's goods as if they were his own. And suddenly - he sees the good, but understands that it is someone else's. The men began to laugh at him - they are used to being robbed! They began to call the Catcher Fofan Fofanych. So he left the market "without bags." The wife was offended, did not give dinner. As soon as the Trapper took off his coat, he immediately changed - "it again seemed that there was nothing alien in the world, but everything was his." Decided to go to the market, repair the damage. As soon as I put on my overcoat (and my conscience is in my pocket!), I again felt ashamed to rob people. By the time he reached the bazaar, even his own wallet had already become a burden to him. He began to distribute money, distributed everything. Not only that, he took with him on the road "the poor, apparently, invisibly" to feed them. He came home, ordered his wife to dress "strange people", took off his coat himself ... And was surprised: why are people wandering around the yard? Cut them out, right? The beggars were kicked out in the neck, and the wife began to fumble through her husband's pockets - was there a penny lying around? And I found a conscience in my pocket! The savvy woman decided that the financier Samuil Davydovich Brzhotsky "would beat a small business, but endure it!". And sent the conscience by mail.

Both Samuil Davydovich himself and his children are well versed in ways to extract money from anything. Even the younger sons figure out "how much the last one owes the first one for the lollipops taken on loan." There is no conscience in such a family at all. Brzotsky found a way out. He had long promised a certain general to make a charitable donation. A conscience in an envelope was also attached to the hundredth banknote (actually a donation). All this was handed over to the general.

So they passed the conscience from hand to hand. Nobody needed her. And then the conscience asked the last one in whose hands it was: “Find me a little Russian child, dissolve his pure heart in front of me and bury me in it!”

“A little child grows, and conscience grows with it. And the little child will be a great man, and there will be a great conscience in him. And then all unrighteousness, deceit and violence will disappear, because the conscience will not be timid and will want to manage everything itself.

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