Analysis of the work "Oblomov" (I. Goncharov)

What is the basis of the problem in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"? and got the best answer

Answer from Izpepla[guru]
The novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" is a socio-psychological work that describes a person's life from all sides. The main character of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This is a middle-class landowner who has his own family estate. From an early age, he got used to being a gentleman due to the fact that he had someone to give and do, which is why in his later life he became a loafer. The author showed all the vices of his character and even exaggerated them somewhere. In his novel, Goncharov gives a broad generalization of "Oblomovism" and explores the psychology of a fading person. Goncharov touches on the problem of "superfluous people", continuing the works of Pushkin and Lermontov on this topic. Like Onegin and Pechorin, Oblomov did not find any use for his strength and turned out to be unclaimed.
Oblomov's laziness is associated primarily with the inability to comprehend the task assigned to him. He might even have started working if he had found a job of his own, but for this, of course, he would have had to develop in somewhat different conditions than in which he developed. But the vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of his desires not from his own efforts, but from others, developed in him moral slavery. Slavery is so intertwined with the nobility of Oblomov that it seems that there is not the slightest possibility of drawing a line between them. This moral slavery of Oblomov is perhaps the most curious side of his personality and his entire history. Oblomov's mind had been so formed since childhood that even Oblomov's most abstract reasoning had the ability to stop at a given moment and then not leave this state, in spite of any convictions. Oblomov, of course, could not comprehend his life and therefore was weary and bored from everything that he had to do. He served - and could not understand why these papers were being written; not having understood, he did not find anything better than to retire and write nothing. He studied - and did not know what science could serve him for; not recognizing this, he decided to put the books in a corner and watch with indifference how the dust covered them. He went out to society - and did not know how to explain to himself why people go to visit; without explaining, he abandoned all his acquaintances and began to lie on his sofa for whole days. Everything bored and disgusted him, and he lay on his side, with complete conscious contempt for the “ant work of people”, who are killing themselves and fussing God knows why ...
His laziness and apathy are the creation of upbringing and surrounding circumstances. The main thing here is not Oblomov, but "Oblomovism". In his present position, he could not find something to his liking anywhere, because he did not understand the meaning of life at all, and could not reach a reasonable view of his relations with others. Oblomov's beginning lives in Zakhara, and in the guests of the hero, and in the life of the widow Pshenitsyna.
Zakhar is a reflection of his master. He does not like to do anything, he only likes to sleep and eat. Most often we see him on a couch, and the main excuse for any action was: “Well, did I come up with this? »
Oblomov's guests are also not accidental. Volkov - a secular dandy, a dandy; Sudbinsky - Oblomov's colleague, who was promoted; Penkin is a successful writer; Alekseev is a faceless person. Oblomov could have been a secular dandy, like Volkov (and women liked him, even very beautiful women, but he alienated them from himself), could serve and rise to high ranks, like Sudbinsky, could become a writer, like Penkin (Stolz , bringing him books to read, addicted Oblomov to poetry. Oblomov found rapture in poetry ...), and the faceless Alekseev tells us that the choice can still be made.

By the middle of the nineteenth century, the socio-political situation in Russia was changing. The aristocracy in literature fades into the background. "New" time reveals new heroes. We named the Russian landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov as the first significant personality of this period. Inactivity, which has become a way of life and brought to the point of absurdity. The "new" heroes - "raznochintsy" - educated children of the middle strata of Russian society - starting from the "Oblomovism", began their existence in life and literature with a sharp denial of all the values ​​of the past, an example of which is Stoltz. Ethical maximalism sometimes gave rise to a skeptical attitude towards the environment, and even a typical Russian melancholy, apathy ... "Oblomovism". But Oblomov's tragedy lay in the fact that he did not go further than criticism of Stoltsevism and was not able to go. The breadth of his claims to the world degenerated into fruitless projecting and empty verbiage.

Oblomov is a bright and colorful character, but his main characteristic features can be called inactivity, laziness and daydreaming. All this the author displayed in the portrait of Ilya Ilyich.

Ilya Ilyich is proud of his doing nothing, despising work. Not only did he not do anything useful, but he even “never once pulled a stocking over his legs...”. Nevertheless, the desire to do something certainly great appears in Ilya Ilyich. But he does not know from which side to take up the matter, since he has no habit of work. This feature was characteristic of a number of images of “superfluous people” that preceded Oblomov.

The image of Oblomov is far from unambiguous, his nature is complex and multifaceted. Next to apathy, indifference, inactivity, nobleness, sincerity and gullibility coexist. He is distinguished by sincerity, conscience, gentleness. He is kind ("his heart is like a well, deep"). Oblomov feels that in him "is closed, as in a grave, a bright and good beginning." He is not capable of evil, endowed with dreaminess. Olga Ilyinskaya revealed these positive traits in him. Here the whole breadth of his soul is manifested, his heart prevails over his mind.

But he was unable to fight for his love. He needs not equal, but maternal love, which Agafya Pshenitsyna gave him.

Ilya Ilyich marks a fragment of the reality that formed the basis of the entire novel.

“Oblomovism” is not a way of life for one person, but a state of society in which all bright principles and humanity, as well as morality, are suppressed. Important for understanding the whole work is the chapter “Oblomov's Dream”. Goncharov showed in it the environment that brought up the hero, played a significant role in shaping his views, worldview, character. In such an environment, little Ilyusha was brought up. This was the main reason for the mental, moral and physical death of Oblomov.

The environment accustomed the hero to meaningless peace, did not adapt him to an independent life. Oblomov is not just a child of Oblomovka, he is a product of all Russian reality. The author endowed him with all the features that were characteristic of the original Russian type. The concept of “Oblomovism” includes the whole patriarchal way of Russian life, which includes not only negative features, but also its deeply poetic aspects.

In order to oppose the “Oblomovism” with the activity and purposefulness of the “new generation” of raznochintsy, the author introduces the image of the enterprising Andrei Stolz. His image is not unambiguous, like the image of Oblomov. Strong and intelligent, he is in constant activity and does not shun the most menial work. Thanks to his hard work, willpower, patience and enterprise, he became a rich and famous person. A real "iron" character was formed. But in some ways he resembles a car, a robot, so clearly programmed, verified and calculated all his life. He needs a woman equal in views and strength, which became Olga Ilyinskaya, powerless before Oblomov's laziness. He loves and understands Oblomov, trying to "wake up" him. But he also understands that Oblomov will never bow to the idol of lies, his soul will always be pure, bright, honest, while Stoltz himself has the qualities that he needs for success, and this is cunning and resourcefulness.

The active Stolz with his rationalism and pragmatism does not take root in Russia. Goncharov embodied in his Oblomov a protest against “Westernism”, which, as he believed, kills the poetry of life, unity with nature and loyalty to truly Russian, Slavic traditions.

In Oblomov, Goncharov managed to concentrate a huge number of vices of the entire noble class. Oblomov is not just a child of Oblomovka, he is a product of all Russian reality.

The problems of the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is a work that describes a person's life from all sides. The main character of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This is a middle-class landowner who has his own family estate. From an early age, he got used to being a gentleman due to the fact that he had someone to give and do, which is why in his later life he became a loafer. The author showed all the vices of his character and even exaggerated them somewhere. Throughout the novel, the same question is asked: “What is the essence of Oblomovism?” In the process of unfolding events, I. A. Goncharov reveals this issue more and more widely.
Oblomov's laziness is associated primarily with the inability to comprehend the task assigned to him. He might even have started working if he had found a job of his own, but for this, of course, he would have had to develop in somewhat different conditions than in which he developed. But the vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of his desires not from his own efforts, but from others, developed in him moral slavery. Slavery is so intertwined with the nobility of Oblomov that it seems that there is not the slightest possibility of drawing a line between them. This moral slavery of Oblomov is perhaps the most curious side of his personality and his entire history. Oblomov's mind had been so formed since childhood that even Oblomov's most abstract reasoning had the ability to stop at a given moment and then not leave this state, in spite of any convictions. Oblomov, of course, could not comprehend his life and therefore was weary and bored from everything that he had to do. He served - and could not understand why these papers were being written; not having understood, he did not find anything better than to retire and write nothing. He studied - and did not know what science could serve him for; not recognizing this, he decided to put the books in a corner and watch with indifference how the dust covered them. He went out to society - and did not know how to explain to himself why people go to visit; without explaining, he abandoned all his acquaintances and began to lie on his sofa for whole days. Everything bored and disgusted him, and he lay on his side, with complete conscious contempt for the “ant work of people”, who are killing themselves and fussing God knows why ...
His laziness and apathy are the creation of upbringing and surrounding circumstances. The main thing here is not Oblomov, but “Oblomovism”. In his present position, he could not find something to his liking anywhere, because he did not understand the meaning of life at all, and could not reach a reasonable view of his relations with others. But in the general image of the protagonist, you can also see positive features. These features were revealed in him by Olga Ilyinskaya. She begins with love for Oblomov, with faith in him, in his moral transformation ... Long and hard, with love and tender care, she works to awaken life, to cause activity in this person. She does not want to believe that he is so powerless for good; loving in him her hope, her future creation, she does everything for him, neglects even conventions and decency, goes to him alone, without telling anyone, and is not afraid, like him, to lose her reputation. But with surprising tact, she immediately notices any falsehood that manifests itself in his nature, and extremely simply explains to him how and why this is a lie, and not the truth. But Oblomov does not know how to love at all and does not know what to look for in love, just like in life in general. He appears before us unmasked as he is, silent, reduced from a beautiful pedestal to a soft sofa, covered instead of a mantle only by a spacious dressing gown. His whole life is one big dream. And during this hibernation, we are shown a picture of the life of a person who constantly asks himself one question: “What to do?” All his actions come down to the fact that he lies on the couch and thinks: “It would be nice if ...” There is a continuous “destruction” in his mind, which he is unable to cope with.
The novel "Oblomov" was the pinnacle of Goncharov's work. With great artistic power, he branded serfdom in him, which, in his opinion, was inevitably heading towards its collapse. He denounced the inertia and conservatism of the local nobility and showed "Oblomovism" as an evil and a scourge of Russian life. The material for the novel was Russian life, which the writer observed from childhood.

The problems of the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

The novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" is a socio-psychological work that describes a person's life from all sides. The main character of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This is a middle-class landowner who has his own family estate. From an early age, he got used to being a gentleman due to the fact that he had someone to give and do, which is why in his later life he became a loafer. The author showed all the vices of his character and even exaggerated them somewhere. In his novel, Goncharov gives a broad generalization of "Oblomovism" and explores the psychology of a fading person. Goncharov touches on the problem of "superfluous people", continuing the works of Pushkin and Lermontov on this topic. Like Onegin and Pechorin, Oblomov did not find any use for his strength and turned out to be unclaimed.

Oblomov's laziness is associated primarily with the inability to comprehend the task assigned to him. He might even have started working if he had found a job of his own, but for this, of course, he would have had to develop in somewhat different conditions than in which he developed. But the vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of his desires not from his own efforts, but from others, developed in him moral slavery. Slavery is so intertwined with the nobility of Oblomov that it seems that there is not the slightest possibility of drawing a line between them. This moral slavery of Oblomov is perhaps the most curious side of his personality and his entire history. Oblomov's mind had been so formed since childhood that even Oblomov's most abstract reasoning had the ability to stop at a given moment and then not leave this state, in spite of any convictions. Oblomov, of course, could not comprehend his life and therefore was weary and bored from everything that he had to do. He served - and could not understand why these papers were being written; not having understood, he did not find anything better than to retire and write nothing. He studied - and did not know what science could serve him for; not recognizing this, he decided to put the books in a corner and watch with indifference how the dust covered them. He went out to society - and did not know how to explain to himself why people go to visit; without explaining, he abandoned all his acquaintances and began to lie on his sofa for whole days. Everything bored and disgusted him, and he lay on his side, with complete conscious contempt for the “ant work of people”, who are killing themselves and fussing God knows why ...

His laziness and apathy are the creation of upbringing and surrounding circumstances. The main thing here is not Oblomov, but “Oblomovism”. In his present position, he could not find something to his liking anywhere, because he did not understand the meaning of life at all, and could not reach a reasonable view of his relations with others. Oblomov's beginning lives in Zakhara, and in the guests of the hero, and in the life of the widow Pshenitsyna.

Zakhar is a reflection of his master. He does not like to do anything, he only likes to sleep and eat. Most often we see him on a couch, and the main excuse for any action was: “Well, did I come up with this?”

Oblomov's guests are also not accidental. Volkov - a secular dandy, a dandy; Sudbinsky - Oblomov's colleague, who was promoted; Penkin is a successful writer; Alekseev is a faceless person. Oblomov could have been a social dandy, like Volkov (and women liked him, even very beautiful women, but he alienated them from himself), could serve and rise to high ranks, like Sudbinsky, could become a writer, like Penkin (Stolz , bringing him books to read, addicted Oblomov to poetry. Oblomov found rapture in poetry ...), and the faceless Alekseev tells us that the choice can still be made.

D.I. Pisarev wrote that the concept of “Oblomovism” “will not die in our literature.” What are the roots of "Oblomovism"? Goncharov in the image of Oblomov reveals the traits of character, struck by the Russian patriarchal landlord life. "Oblomov's Dream" is a magnificent episode that will remain in our literature. This dream is nothing more than an attempt by Goncharov himself to understand the essence of Oblomov and Oblomovism. The time of childhood is very important for a person's life: it forms his moral foundation, the ability to love, appreciate the family, loved ones, home. “Our ancestors did not eat soon ...” - said A.S. Pushkin. Lunch for a Russian person has always been something more than a simple satiety. Among all the worries, “the main concern was the kitchen and dinner. The whole house conferred about dinner, and the elderly aunt was invited to the council. Everyone offered his own dish: some noodles or stomach, some tripes, some red, some white gravy to the sauce. "Care for food was the first and main concern in Oblomovka." The whole system of life was subordinated to this care. The symbol of her satiety was a pie. After dinner came sleep. “It was some kind of all-consuming, invincible dream, a true likeness of death. Everything is dead, only a variety of snoring in all tones and modes is rushing from all corners. It was a life similar to a fairy tale, but "the Oblomovites did not want another life." They were characterized by:

Inaction, pettiness of interests;

Satiety in everything;

Gigantic pie and samovar;

Illiterate landowners;

Stinginess (for money);

Oblomovites never knew spiritual anxieties, they never embarrassed themselves with vague mental or moral questions.

This image has become the largest generalization of world significance. He is the embodiment of life stagnation, immobility, unrestrained human laziness (a universal human quality). He has become a lethargic and inert being.

But it is wrong to see in Oblomov only a negative hero. He is distinguished by sincerity, sincerity, conscientiousness, gentleness. He is kind ("his heart is like a well, deep"). Oblomov feels that in him "is closed, as in a grave, a bright and good beginning." He is not capable of evil, endowed with dreaminess. These positive features were revealed in him by Olga Ilyinskaya. Goncharov puts his hero to the test of love. Olga begins with love for Oblomov, with faith in him, in his moral transformation ... Long and hard, with love and tender care, she works to awaken life, to cause activity in this person. She does not want to believe that he is so powerless for good; loving in him her hope, her future creation, she does everything for him, neglects even conventions and decency, goes to him alone, without telling anyone, and is not afraid, like him, to lose her reputation. But with surprising tact, she immediately notices any falsehood that manifests itself in his nature, and extremely simply explains to him how and why this is a lie, and not the truth. But Oblomov does not know how to love at all and does not know what to look for in love, just like in life in general. He appears before us unmasked as he is, silent, reduced from a beautiful pedestal to a soft sofa, covered instead of a mantle only by a spacious dressing gown. His whole life is one big dream. And during this hibernation, we are shown a picture of the life of a person who constantly asks himself one question: “What to do?” All his actions come down to the fact that he lies on the couch and thinks: "It would be nice if ..." There is a continuous "devastation" in his mind, which he is unable to cope with.

Oblomov is a man with a broad soul and a warm heart. He has a “cordial love” for Olga, and she has a “head love”. The lilac branch becomes a symbol of their love. For some time, Olga managed to return Oblomov's desire to live, but ... There was recognition and there was an offer. This love was not destined to continue. Love for Oblomov changed Olga very much. She has matured, become more serious, sad.

And Oblomov? He finally found his ideal of life and love. On the Vyborg side in the house of A.M. Pshenitsyna, in the mind of Ilya Ilyich, fairy tale and reality finally lose their boundaries. Pshenitsyna is the complete opposite of Olga Ilyinskaya, Olga's "head" love is opposed to the traditional "heart" love, which is not guided by goals, but lives by loved ones. With the advent of Oblomov, the life of Agafya Matveevna is filled with meaning. The Vyborg side is the ideal of Oblomov's life, his beloved Oblomovka.

Faithful friend Stolz at the end of the novel once again tries to lift Oblomov off the couch, but to no avail. As soon as Oblomov decided that he had reached the ideal of life, the process of dying of the hero began. He died quietly and imperceptibly, as he had lived.

But one of the most important questions of the novel remains: What should a Russian person be like in general?

Oblomov, as we found out, is not perfect. Stolz is also not a perfect hero. His activity for the sake of activity carries a terrible destructive beginning. Stolz cannot feel, suffer, suffer like Oblomov does. It lacks imagination. He never asks himself the questions “why?”, “Why?”, which tormented Oblomov so much. It is not without reason that Goncharov writes a chapter in which Oblomov is no longer there, but we can trace the fate of his son, Andryusha. Perhaps he is destined to become the "prototype" of the Russian people. He, perhaps, will have the same soul as his father, his gentleness, kindness. But, brought up in the house of Stolz, he will acquire business acumen, love of work, resistance to the blows of fate. He will be better than Stolz and Oblomov, perhaps ... But who knows ...

The problem raised by Goncharov is the reflection in Oblomov of the Russian national character. Dobrolyubov wrote about Oblomov: "The root type of Russian life." The serf way of life shaped them both (Zakhar and Oblomov), deprived them of respect for work, brought up idleness and idleness. The main thing in Oblomov's life is case and laziness.

With Oblomovism, as a deeply alien and harmful phenomenon, we must tirelessly fight, destroying the very soil on which it can grow, because Oblomov lives in each of us.

Oblomovism is the scourge and evil of Russia, a characteristic feature of our life. The material for the work was Russian life, which the writer observed from childhood.

The problems of the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Anti-serf orientation

"Oblomov" is a social and everyday novel. Household - because the author describes in detail and in detail the life of the protagonist: childhood in Oblomovka, a short service in St. Petersburg, lying on the couch in an apartment on Gorokhovaya.

Being social, the novel has a bright anti-serf orientation: Goncharov persistently pursues the idea that serfdom spoils not only the peasants, but also the landowners themselves. Oblomov's lordly pampering leads to absolute inactivity, to laziness of the mind and will, to a loss of interest in life. By the time the action of the novel begins, Oblomov does not want to not only do anything, but even get up from the couch, put on a suit, leave the house for a walk or be in society. Next to Ilya Ilyich is constantly his serf Zakhar, on the example of which Goncharov shows the life and character of an ordinary serf servant.

Goncharov understands that the patriarchal landlord Russia, somewhat idealized by him, is fading into the past, and with it the really beautiful features of the estate life - hospitality, unselfishness, broad kindness - are leaving Russian life. Oblomov, brought up in the best traditions of the manor culture, demonstrates generosity, spiritual sensitivity, tolerance towards others. The positive character traits of the protagonist are revealed by comparing Ilya Ilyich and the secular man Volkov, the successful official Sudbinsky, the journalist Penkin. Such "energetic people" are occupied with empty worries - dinners for useful acquaintances, a career, acquisitiveness, insincerity. It is enough to recall Sudbinsky's reasoning about the upcoming marriage, when all he has to say about his party is: ". father is a real state councilor; gives ten thousand, the apartment is state-owned. He gave us a whole half, twelve rooms; state-owned furniture, heating, lighting too: you can live. Or Penkin's story about his article, which tells about "trafficking, about the emancipation of women, about the beautiful April days that have fallen to our lot, and about the newly invented composition against fires" and even about realism in literature.

Oblomov is completely different from the people of this circle, but for some reason he continues to communicate with them, although they have practically no common topics for conversation. Against the background of these heroes, whom Goncharov positioned as typical representatives of the metropolitan society, it becomes clearly visible that the protagonist of the novel has many positive qualities. He has a mind, he is meek, kind and truthful. To a sufficient extent, there is also selfishness in him, which is manifested in his relationship with Olga. Goncharov also notes that Oblomov is an internally conservative person, but perhaps this is precisely what helps him feel all the unnaturalness of St. Petersburg life. He tried to serve, but could not explain to you why it was necessary, he tried to shirk his work in every possible way, and in the end he resigned.

Despite the fact that Oblomov was brought up in the traditions of the nobility, he is very gentle with people below him. This can be seen in the example of Oblomov's relationship with Zakhar, his servant. Comparing the images of the gentleman and the serf, the reader can see that they, like the images of Oblomov and Stolz, are diametrically opposed to each other. Zakhar is forced to solve petty everyday issues, live in the real world and take care of the household, while Oblomov lives in an ideal world, draws up a “plan” and other projects abstracted from reality.

In Chapter VIII of the first part, the Potters collide these two worlds. Zakhar tells the gentleman that "the manager sent again just now" and they are "ordered to move out next week." Oblomov does not accept the idea of ​​moving, as he understands that this will require a lot of energy from him and is generally associated with a large number of difficulties that are quite tangible for him. He imagines the move with horror: “…everything is out of place: pictures on the walls, on the floor, galoshes on the bed, boots in one knot with tea and lipstick […] Everything seems to be arranged. you look, something is left: hang curtains, pin pictures - it will pull out the whole soul, you won’t want to live. Oblomov's whole being opposes this thought, he even forbids Zakhar to remind him of this. But when the servant again speaks to the master about the need to vacate the apartment, he explodes and calls Zakhar "poisonous."

After Zakhar said that “others, they say, are no worse than us, but they move, so we can.”, Oblomov unleashes on Zakhar all the rage that has accumulated in him during his chaotic life in St. Petersburg: Ilya Ilyich does not understand how a serf dares to compare him with someone, he tries to assert his exclusivity, prove his superiority, reproaching Zakhar and trying in every possible way to shame him.

The question of moving is not the only one in the novel that allows showing the conflict between the pragmatic world of Zakhar and the abstract world of Oblomov. Goncharov highlights this conflict in a variety of ways. For example, a conversation about food prices once again shows the earthiness of the serf and the ignorance of the master. Oblomov, who is completely unaware of food prices, having learned how much money he owes to the butcher, baker and greengrocer, first accuses Zakhar of having eaten everything, and then falls into real indignation.

But, despite this, Zakhar and Ilya Ilyich are inseparable, they are already truly dependent on each other and are very similar to each other in many ways. Zakhar is characterized by firmness: in some way he perceives Oblomov as a child, therefore, in a narrow circle of issues, he has undoubted authority over his master, for example, he does not allow Oblomov to lend Tarantiev's tailcoat, because he has not yet returned the gloves and vest.

Goncharov says about Zakhar that he “belonged to two eras, and both put their stamp on him. From one, he inherited boundless devotion to the Oblomovs' house, and from the other, later, refinement and corruption of morals. Zakhar is characterized by underdevelopment, inability to do anything really high quality, aggressive reaction to every order of the master and at the same time sincere devotion to his master. Comparing all these qualities in one person, Goncharov brought out a typical hero, created a collective image, with the help of which the author shows how harmful the lord-peasant relations are for both sides.

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