Analysis of the product Bezhin Meadow Turgenev. "Bezhin meadow": mysticism in the work of Turgenev, hostile nature and fatal fate What to discuss in class

The writing

The human world in Turgenev has its manifestations, and in all its manifestations it continues in nature, we are overshadowed by nature. Therefore, the book is fundamentally deeply optimistic. Turgenev achieves the harmonious sound of the landscape motif! both on the scale of the entire cycle, and within the boundaries of a separate essay. This harmony may not be felt by the reader and the researcher if the landscapes are arbitrarily snatched from this or that story and considered outside the artistic whole. I'll give you an example. E. M. Efimova in the mentioned article examines the landscape in Turgenev's story "Raspberry Water". We are talking about a sultry August afternoon, about an atmosphere of closeness, creating a feeling of drying up the keys of life. Against this background, Vlas's bitter story about his complete ruin and the complete deafness of the landowner to his fate. The story ends with the following words of the hero: “What's wrong? Not ... Eka heat is worth ... "

Surprising from this point of view is Bezhin Meadow, a story specially dedicated to Russian nature and its children. One of its first French translators, Ernest Charrière, clarified the title with the subtitle "Folk Superstitions in Russia". Many of Turgenev's contemporaries viewed Bezhin Meadow as a physiological sketch of peasant beliefs. Yes, and in school studies, the story is often turned into an illustration of the darkness and ignorance of the peasants under serfdom. In this case, not a trace remains of the poetry of Benin Meadows.

Turgenev's story is not a simple set of folk superstitions and legends, not a guide to peasant demonology. This is a living artistic organism with a very dynamic, rapidly developing plot. Everything in it moves from darkness to light, from darkness to the sun, from riddles and disturbing questions to their solution. Nature turns out to be the source and root cause of this movement in Bezhina Meadow. Already at the beginning of the story, her complex inner life is depicted during one of the July days. Then we see the onset of evening, the sunset. The night shadows thicken, the area becomes ghostly, the tired hunter and dog lose their way, lose their composure, experiencing an acute sense of loneliness and loss. The mysterious and enigmatic life of the nocturnal drives comes into its own imperiously, in front of which man is by no means omnipotent. The night reminds him of this with the flight of frightened birds, the gloomy, swirling darkness, the weak and plaintive squeak of some animal between the stones, which seemed to have slipped into a silent hollow "for a secret meeting."
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But Turgenev's night is not only creepy and mysterious, it is also regally beautiful with its "dark and clear sky", which "solemnly and immensely high" stands above people, "languid and fresh smells", sonorous splashes of large fish in the river. The Turgenev night spiritually liberates a person, cleanses his soul from petty, everyday worries, disturbs his imagination with the endless mysteries of the universe: “I looked around: the night stood solemnly and regally ... Countless golden stars seemed to quietly flow all, vying with each other, flickering, in the direction of the Milky Ways, and, right, looking at them, you seemed to vaguely feel the impetuous, unstoppable run of the earth ... ".

Nature, taking place in the darkness of its night life, prompts children around the fire to beautiful, fantastic plots of their legends, dictates their change, offers children one riddle after another, and often itself prompts their possible solution. The fantasy of the children is not incorporeal, not removed from the earth into the realm of abstract mystical spheres. Their brownie is coughing, probably from the dampness in the old roller blind, the mermaid's thin voice is compared to the squeak of a toad, and her hair to the thick green of hemp. To the laughter and crying of the poetic peasant mermaid, the night nature immediately responds in Turgenev's story: “Everyone was silent. Suddenly, somewhere in the distance, there was a lingering, ringing, almost shadowy sound (an echo of the mermaid's weeping and Gavrila's inescapable sadness). It seemed that someone shouted for a long, long time under the very sky, someone else seemed to respond to him in the forest with a thin, sharp laughter, and a weak, hissing whistle rushed along the river.

And the mother of the drowned Vasya, the peasant woman Felicita, is crying no longer with mermaids - human tears, - “cries, cries, stings bitterly to God.” Akulina, deceived by her lover, who has gone mad, laughs not with a mermaid - human laughter: “She does not understand anything, no matter what they say to her, she only occasionally laughs convulsively.” The mythical creatures of "Bezhina Meadows" are not isolated from the world of suffering, misfortune and troubles of real serf Russia, just as they are not isolated from everything sublime and poetic, which is no less generously filled with peasant life. The mermaid, calling in vain to Gavrila, is also Akulina, trampling for hours "somewhere on the road", frozen in the senseless expectation of meeting her beloved. The painful cry of a night bird reminds of the groans of Akim the forester drowned in the whirlpool (so “his soul complains”), or maybe it’s just “tiddly frogs” “scream piteously”. A white dove that suddenly flew into the quivering light of a fire is either a righteous soul flying to heaven, or a bird that accidentally wandered away from home. And even the legendary Trishka, a crafty man, is akin to Vavile, a cooper familiar to everyone in the neighborhood.

Other writings on this work

Landscape in the story of I. S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow" Characteristics of the main characters of the story by I. S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow" Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is the most magnificent writer of the nineteenth century, whose work has become an excellent guide in the struggle for the abolition of serfdom, in the struggle for human freedom. It helped to inspire many people for a long struggle against the autocracy. In addition, in his works, the author showed Russian nature, which he himself loved and admired. Ivan Sergeevich perfectly and with amazing accuracy could convey in his literary creations all the authenticity and reality of feelings, emotions and moods. The author depicted modern life, and did it truthfully and poetically. Being a good psychologist, he looked for sharpness in human relationships and shared his observations with readers. This is well tracked in the story "Bezhin Meadow", written in 1851.

The history of the creation of the story "Bezhin Meadow"

In 1846, Ivan Turgenev spent the whole summer and even part of the autumn at his estate in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, where he hunted with pleasure and did not engage in writing at all. But as soon as he returned to St. Petersburg, he learns the wonderful news that the now famous and popular magazine Sovremennik was acquired by Nekrasov and Panaev, who immediately asked Ivan Sergeevich to fill one of the departments of the first issue.

It is known that Turgenev's observation of nature and peasants in the countryside was enough for him to create wonderful works for several years. When the author read his work, one of the listeners, and he was the well-known critic Belinsky, was so delighted with the entire collection “Notes of a Hunter”, which includes the story “Bezhin Meadow”, that he could not stand it and exclaimed that the author of this work:

"What a scoundrel with a delicate taste!".

And in 1852, the entire collection "Notes of a Hunter", which included the wonderful story "Bezhin Meadow", was already able to be published as a separate book. But after its publication, the censor V. Lvov, who let the works through for publication, was immediately fired, and all his colleagues received a written warning that the censorship would check all the books more carefully and study them in their entirety.

The story "Bezhin Meadow" begins with the fact that the narrator goes hunting and admires how the morning comes. Already late at night, returning home, he got lost and went out to Bezhin Meadow, where a huge fire was burning, and several peasant children were sitting near him at night. After explaining who he is, the writer also sits down by the fire.

After that, Ivan Turgenev gives a beautiful description of the night, which he really likes for its mystery and mystery. He also describes the boys he saw near the fire. There were five people in total. The boys are hungry, so potatoes are boiled in a pot. After a while, the author goes to bed and soon pretends to be asleep. This gives the boys the opportunity to continue the conversation. The topic of conversation turns out to be very interesting - evil spirits and everything that can be connected with it. For example, Ilyusha's story about a brownie who lives in a paper mill.

The next story by Kostya, which tells an incident that happened to a local sweatshirt, and which made such a gloomy type out of him. It turned out that Gavrila met a mermaid whom he fell in love with. And again Ilya's story about the drowned man sounds. At this moment, dogs suddenly break off their seats and rush somewhere barking. But soon everything calms down again, and the stories continue on again. The boys talk about everything: about werewolves, about wolves, and then the dead become the topic of their conversation. Interestingly, children are also interested in natural phenomena. They talk about a solar eclipse and try to explain it from a divine point of view.

Later, a dispute arises between the boys about what evil spirits are found in their area. They remember not only the merman, but also those people who drowned. They even thought they heard the voice of Vasya, a boy who had recently drowned. This is followed by a description of the night, and then the sky and the forest, when the sun begins to rise. Soon the narrator leaves the guys. And later he learns that Pavlusha will die by falling from a horse.

Heroes of Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow"

In an unusual story, the author decided to use speculation about brownies, goblin and even mermaids, who have long become poetic heroes of folklore. Those stories that he heard from the lips of the guys, he was able to use without inventing anything, but only competently put on paper, preserving the peasant flavor. The author was struck by the courage and talent of children who live in poor peasant families. Therefore, it was children of different ages that the author decided to show in his story.

He describes the boys in detail. There are five people in the work:

♦ Fedya.
♦ Pavlusha.
♦ Ilyusha.

First of all, the author begins the acquaintance of the reader with his heroes by describing their appearance in detail, and tells everything to such smallest details. For example, the author writes about Fedya that he looked about fourteen years old, but he was very thin and seemed slim because of this. The face of the child, which was beautiful, was also attractive. And this beauty was created due to his thin and small features. His blond hair was also beautiful, which nature created as if it were real curls. There was always a strange smile on his face, either cheerful or distracted. And all this perfectly harmonized with bright eyes.

But if Fedya was from a wealthy family, and he spent time with peasant children for the sake of interest and entertainment, then Pavlusha was the complete opposite. According to the description, his black hair was always unkempt. Wide cheekbones and gray eyes stood out on the face. The very face of the boy was pale and pockmarked, and his mouth seemed large because of this. But then the author, trying to justify his such description, writes about the character of the child, who looked straight, thought was seen in his eyes and all his conversations showed that he was a smart boy. But of particular interest was his voice, in which power was heard.

The third peasant boy is Ilyusha. It was a completely different type. So, the face did not represent anything interesting: the nose was hooked, the oval of the face was elongated. He was a little blind, so he squinted all the time, as if from fire. The expression on the boy's face was somehow solicitous. It seemed that this care had already reached some kind of illness or stupidity. The child's eyebrows were always drawn together, and he pressed his lips tightly and, looking at them, it seemed that they never moved.

Kostya, the fourth hero of Turgenev's story, was unlike the previous boys. He looked like he was ten years old, no more. His whole face was freckled, it was small and very thin. Downward, the face was slightly pointed, like a squirrel's. The boy's lips were so thin that they could hardly be seen on his face. But a special and strange impression was given to him by his eyes, which on his thin face seemed not only large, but huge. Kostya's eyes were large and shining, they seemed to want to say something that could not be expressed in words.

The last hero, the fifth boy - Vanya was just a baby, about seven years old. The author does not give a detailed description of this child, since at their meeting he was lying under the mat, as if sleeping. So, quietly and calmly, he listened to the stories of the guys, and only sometimes, in the most interesting places, did he stick out his head, and then it was possible to see that his hair was blond and curly. All the heroes of Turgenev's essay "Bezhin Meadow" are covered with sadness, sadness and sympathy.

Landscape depicted by Ivan Turgenev

An unusual and detailed landscape in the morning hours. A clear summer morning began, when the earth awakened, and a new day dawned. Such a beautiful landscape is necessary in order not only to prepare for the full disclosure of the topic, but also to create a mood. Many critics noted that the writer used not only color characteristics, but a real “quivering” gamut of color shades.

Night in the image of Ivan Turgenev liberates a person spiritually and then he begins to be tormented by riddles about how this world was created. The author writes about how he himself peered into the darkness of the night, which solemnly and regally immersed everything around. He saw the stars that are in the sky only at night, and, to the surprise of the author, they flowed and twinkled. Such a beautiful and magnificent darkness of the night not only has a positive effect on the writer, children also find themselves under this charming nighttime influence and tell incredible and amazing stories. All their stories, of course, are connected with the natural world, its mysteries.

With great tenderness, the author shows the rich spiritual world of simple peasant children who feel the beauty of nature so subtly. The author strives to do everything so that the reader can not only respect his little heroes, but also be sure to think about how their fate will turn out later. The author speaks of them as spiritually developed individuals who are gifted by nature, brave, emotional, honest, sincere. But in the future, it will be difficult for such people to live in harsh reality, since, having high moral principles, they are very demanding both to themselves and to those around them.

So in his story "Bezhin Meadow" Ivan Sergeevich was able to collect and show the beauty of nature, people, soul. A wonderful story, simple and majestic, where human destinies intertwined, which themselves are a part of the universe - this is the personification of the future of the entire Russian peasantry.

Sections: Literature

Class: 6

Objectives: - to reveal the relationship between man and nature in the story, the features of national identity;

Develop the skills of expressive reading, brief and detailed retelling, analysis of a literary text, oral speech skills;

To cultivate attention to the word, a patriotic attitude and love for the Motherland.

Equipment: portrait of I.S. Turgenev, illustration for the story “Bezhin meadow” “Boys by the fire”, exhibition of children's drawings, melody by James Last “The Lonely Shepherd”, presentation for the lesson.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Opening speech of the teacher. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will talk about the eternal struggle of light and darkness in nature and the human soul.

Life and death. Good and evil. God and spirits of folk beliefs. Faith and beliefs. Day and night. Light and darkness. All life, everything in the world is built on contrast. This opposition exists both in man and in nature.

Guys, let's turn to the story “Bezhin Meadow” that you have already read, take a closer look at the colors, landscape sketches, hear the sounds of a mysterious night and early morning, try to trace the eternal struggle of light and darkness, noticed by the artist of the word I.S. Turgenev. This story is part of the "Hunter's Notes" series. The narration is in the first person, and this is not accidental, because Turgenev himself was an avid hunter ( pay attention to the portrait of the writer).

3. Analytical conversation on issues.

What landscape opens the pages of the story? ( Morning. Day. July.)

Teacher's word: Turgenev is an extraordinary artist, let's see how carefully you read the text. Before you is a creative task “Restore the morning landscape”, where it is necessary to choose Turgenev's epithets and metaphors from this series.

Restore the landscape

creative material

1) Sky (what?) ... 1) Light, clear, pure

2) The morning dawn spills over (how?) ... 2) With a gentle blush, quiet

blush, with a gentle blush

3) The sun (what?) ... 3) Bright and radiant, bright and welcomingly radiant,

sparkling and endless


(Note. Pupils write down the correct answer in their literature workbook.

Word of the teacher: Well done, guys, everyone answered correctly. And now let's read the whole landscape to feel the beauty of the July morning ( It was a beautiful July day... a mighty luminary”).

What colors of nature (epithets) does the word artist Turgenev use to paint a picture of the July sunrise and midday solstice? ( Blush, mauve, silver, silver, golden grey, azure, lavender, bluish).

Can you imagine all the colors (colors)?

Azure, purple - what are they? ( Azure - light blue, light blue; lilac - lilac, purple).

(Note.: draw the attention of children to the exhibition of drawings, give a brief comment on the landscapes drawn by the students).

Teacher's word: Did you notice what image appeared in the landscape? ( Candle image).

This image conveys the harmony (consistency, harmony) of the transition from one beginning to another in nature. I emphasize - it is in nature.

How do you understand the words “everything is stamped with some kind of touching meekness”?

(Touching- causing tenderness, capable of touching. Meekness- gentle humility).

(Note.: again pay attention to the exhibition of drawings).

What happened to the hero-narrator, who found himself face to face with nature, going into darkness? ( got lost).

Guys, do you think the story is like a fairy tale? How? ( The hero got lost, the night became an obstacle on the way to the house, goes at random, sees the lights, goes to them).

Who is sitting by the fire? ( Peasant children guarding the herd).

Word of the teacher: The tired hero lay down and began to look around. A “wonderful picture” opened up to him, let's find it. ( The teacher expressively reads the passage “near the fire trembled ... darkness fought light).

Here it is, the struggle of light and darkness in nature (the world).

Let's now talk about those for whom, according to Turgenev, being in the "mysterious splendor" around the lights is a holiday, a real pleasure.

What was dear to the village boys talking around the fire? (Could talk about the mysterious, mysterious, test yourself for courage, when darkness was gathering around).

What were they talking about? ( About spirits, evil spirits).

Word of the teacher: Two principles live in the soul of a Russian person: faith in God and faith in spirits, all kinds of beliefs, signs (traces of pagan culture)

Paganism- polytheism, belief in spirits and various gods, personifying the forces of nature. Before the adoption of Christianity, the ancient Slavs - pagans represented the world in the form of the "World Tree". The crown belongs to the upper world, the roots to the underground, the trunk provides a connection between these worlds, symbolizing the earth.

The heavenly world belonged to the higher gods (Belbog, Perun, Svarog, etc.), demons and devils lived in the underworld, and the Earth, along with people, was inhabited by brownies

goblin, mermaids, water and other evil spirits. ( The story according to the table “The world in the view of the ancient Slavs”).

Some spirits were hostile to humans, others were benevolent.

Now let's turn to the stories told by the village children.

What does Ilyusha say? About what spirit? ( retelling, close to the text, about the brownie).

How do listeners feel about the story about the brownie? Do they believe?

Why is Pavlusha's reaction attractive? ( Anxiety, sympathy: “Look how! .. Why did he cough?”. Do not scold, do not curse).

Teacher's word: We have religious scholars in our lesson, they will help give us accurate information about the spirits of Slavic mythology. So, who is this Brownie?

(One of the students)

Brownie is the patron of the house. Appears in the form of an old man, a black man, a cat, a rat, a hare, a squirrel. At night he is naughty: he makes noise, shakes the bed, throws off the blanket, scatters flour. He helps people more often: he washes dishes, chop wood, rocks the cradle with a child. Domovoi is mortal. The old is replaced by the young. He rides into a new house on a cat.

What did Kostya say? ( a detailed retelling of the meeting of Gavrila with a mermaid).

Religious scholar 2 about a mermaid.

Mermaid - the maiden of the waters, the wife of the water. A tall beautiful girl who lives at the bottom of a reservoir in a silver palace or in a merman's house. At night, it splashes on the surface of the water, sits on the mill wheel, and dives. It is incorporeal, not reflected in the water. A passerby can be tickled to death or taken away. Mermaids become girls who drown themselves from unhappy love.

What was the way of salvation from evil spirits from time immemorial among the Russian people?

(sign of the cross).

What words of the heroes of the story convince us that among the people fear has always lived next to humor and irony? ( About Trishka the Antichrist, heavenly foresight - a brief retelling + expressive reading).

What spirit are the boys still talking about? ( A brief retelling of the lesh who confused the peasant).

Religious scholar 3 about the devil.

Goblin is the spirit of the forest. Appears in the guise of a simple man, less often - a green old man. Appears and disappears suddenly. Sometimes he jokes with people, tries to confuse them, lead them into the depths of the forest, and then frighten them with a whistle. He is cheerful, his laughter is often heard. In the summer he lives in the forest thicket, goes to people to play cards. He lives with his wife and children in the hollow of an old tree.

Word of the teacher: Guys, pay attention to the fact that conversations about all kinds of evil spirits are interrupted by an appeal to God: “Look, guys, .. at God's stars - that the bees are swarming!”.

Tell us briefly what happened to Pavlusha when he went to the river for water? ( The waterman called. bad omen).

Religious 4 about water.

Vodyanoy is the spirit of rivers and lakes. Appears in the form of a naked man with long green hair and a mud beard. The body is covered with scales, on the hands of the membrane. Appears only in the evening or at night. The fishermen make sacrifices to him.

How did Pavlusha react to what happened? What did he say in response to the words of the frightened children? (“You can’t escape your fate”).

Teacher's word: Paul's phrase made a "deep impression" on the children. But now the night is running out, and Turgenev writes that "the conversation of the boys was fading away along with the lights."

How does the writer end the story? Find and read expressively ( Reading of the excerpt “... the morning began ... with a cheerful shiver” to the tune of James Last “The Lonely Shepherd”).

Teacher's word: Look, guys, how the story is built. Where does it start and where does it end? ( Sunrise). This building is called ring composition. And it is very important that the author completes the story with the morning landscape, the sun, its young and hot light.

(Note: Pay attention to the table “Sounds of the night and morning”, give a comparative description).

What words Turgenev conveys the awakening of nature? (“It stirred, sang, rustled”).

But then the most important sounds passed by. Which? (“The sounds of the bell came”).

Teacher's word: Look what amazing epithets the writer has chosen for the bell ringing - "clean, clear, as if washed by the morning coolness."

How did you understand what, according to Turgenev, should take precedence in a person’s soul? ( Divine principle, cleansing bell ringing).

4. Conclusions on the topic of the lesson: Here we have seen that the struggle between light and darkness exists both in nature and in the world of people. In nature, the transition is more harmonious, but what will be more in the soul of a person depends on him. Of course, a person should strive for the sun, light, God.

Here, in the vicinity of the famous Bezhin Meadow, there are many legends about mermaids and other representatives of the unknown world.

Maria Remizova, a resident of the village of Turgenevo: “I will throw a birch wreath into the water, onI'm guessing at the betrothed-mummers.

The first point on our journey was the village of Turgenevo, which was once the center of the noble estate of the family of the great Russian writer. Pitiful crumbs have survived from the former luxury, and even they are crumbling literally before our eyes ... Let's leave it on the conscience of those who, on duty, should take care of preserving the unique (!) Cultural heritage of the region, and let's go to places covered with legends ...

Church of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church of the Entrance to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It was built at the expense of Nikolai Alekseevich Turgenev, the writer's grandfather, and consecrated in 1806.

Here was an ancient silver icon "weighing six and a half pounds" - a family heirloom of the Turgenev family. In addition to her, at the end of the 19th century, a precious iconostasis shone in the temple, made by the masters of the Russian Academy of Arts, and three icons by Grigory Myasoedov, the “Pillar of the Wanderers”. He also painted the dome of the altar, and free of charge ...

Legend (mentioned in the story "Bezhin Meadow"). On parental Saturday, “... you only need to sit on the church porch at night, but look at the road all the time. Those will go past you along the road, to whom, that is, to die in that year. They also say that on the full moon you can hear the sound of a bell in the temple. It calls merrily - wait for joy, sadly - prepare for misfortune ...

Bridge over the Snow

Bridge over Snezhed.

It is located not far from the place where one of the mills of Anisim Varfolomeevich Chaadaev used to stand. This wealthy merchant had a difficult but strong financial relationship with Ivan Turgenev.

Anisim's portrait now hangs peacefully at home with his granddaughter, 95-year-old Lidia Kuzminichna, who lives in a house next to the paper mill building.

Rumor has it that a girl in long white robes appears on this bridge on a full moon. She stands, stretches her hands to the shore and moans plaintively, plaintively in a thin voice ... If you tie a beautiful ribbon to the railing of the bridge - it will be a gift to her, she will come in a dream and call the name of her betrothed (narrowed).

Golden River Snezhed

River Snezhed.

At the beginning of the 19th century, this river from mouth to source was bought by Ivan Ivanovich Lutovinov, the great-uncle of the writer. Not for the construction of mills, he washed here ... GOLD!

Residents indicate a specific place - from the Forgiveness well to the mill buchal (about a kilometer upstream). In the 70s, there were active quarries nearby, where crushed stone was mined. They say that they found inclusions of precious metal in it ...

Mermaids on the branches...

The Russian and Soviet ethnographer Dmitry Konstantinovich Zelenin wrote: “... in our (Chernsky district of the Tula province) forests there are still mermaids, but now there are fewer of them and they are not so dangerous for humans ... Mermaids in the forest either swing on the branches of a birch, or they sit under a tree with baskets in their hands, in which they carry berries, nuts, bagels, rolls, and with this they lure little children to them and tickle them, and then rejoice. During the flowering of bread, mermaids walk in the rye. They look like girls, beautiful in shape and face, with long green hair loose and have no clothes.

... Mermaids are dangerous in the mermaid week. Day and night they run recklessly throughout the mermaid week through the fields and dales, climb the branchy old trees, swing on flexible branches, sing their songs, shout, clap their hands. Rumor has it that in those fields where mermaids frolic, the yield improves dramatically: even simple grass begins to grow better, and flowers acquire a particularly delicate, intoxicating aroma.

The amulets against mermaids are the cross; a circle drawn on the ground, overshadowed by the sign of the cross; garlic; iron (needle, pin or knife).

“... looks: and in front of him on a branch a mermaid sits, sways and calls him to her, and she herself dies with laughter, laughs ... And the moon shines strongly, so strongly, the moon clearly shines - that's it, my brothers, it is seen. ... and she is all fair, white, like some kind of small raft or a gudgeon ... Gavrila the carpenter is so dead, my brothers, and you know she laughs and calls him to her like that with her hand ...

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Bezhin Meadow.

Our reference

The word "mermaid" - from the word "fair-haired", which in Old Slavonic meant "light", "clean". A piquant feature of mermaids is a fish tail instead of legs. But this is not at all necessary. In Slavic mythology, mermaids are just inanimate girls. No tail. With legs.

forgiven well

Forgive well.

This source, revered by the locals, is located on the banks of the Snezhed. According to legend, its water gives beauty and youth to women, and strength to men. Especially strong is the water "unpotted", taken before sunrise. To this day, people suffering from eye diseases come to the Forgiveness Well, mothers bring here their children suffering from skin diseases. They say that wonderful water helps to relieve ailments ...

The well is consecrated.


Historian Vladimir Zaitsev believes that this stone waspagan altar. This is specifically indicatedholes drilled in it.

“Of the wonderful stones in the Chernsky district, there is only one called the Horse,” Alexander Zelenetsky wrote in 1850. - This stone lies in a ravine along with others and looks like a crown of a hat. ... They say that this stone was the horse of some hero who wanted to move through the swamp and got stuck in it.

There is another legend. They say that once upon a time a gentleman passed here, he was dissatisfied with his horse and cursed him endlessly. For these curses, he fell through the ground, and only the horse's head remained on the surface of the earth. In the distance lies a small stone. This is what's left of the master...

Judging by the geographical names of the Chernsky district, there were several such stones, as evidenced by the opposition of the names Big Horse - Small Horse. Apparently, the megalith near the village of Malyi Kon went into the ground, since the old-timers cannot indicate its location.

110 kilometers you have to drive from Tula to get to the land of legends Bezhin Meadows.

Do you know that...

Thyme drives away witches

Our ancestors knew that each potion has its own magical time when it has the greatest healing power. They began to collect herbs on the Zelnik holiday (on Wednesday at the mermaid week). They collected them, having prayed and always dressed in a clean shirt. They turned to the gods and spirits of plants so that the collected potion would be an assistant from all sorts of ailments:

"Father-Heaven, Earth-Mother, bless the potion to take."

A lot of herbs grow on the Bezhin Meadow! There are among them those that have been used for centuries to perform magical rites. For example, thyme (thyme, virgin herb, wild mint). It is believed that he is able to evoke memories of the past, makes it possible to look into the future, drives away brownies and witches. If you put it in the pillow you sleep on, it will drive away bad dreams and cause happy prophetic visions.

A drink was made from thyme, which was used on Green holidays (a week before and after the Trinity), when the dead were commemorated, and also - from the evil eye, witch powers on Ivan Kupala, on Sparrow Night (the night of September 1, as well as the night with a strong thunderstorm or lightning). With this drink, the girls bewitch the guys who have cooled off to them; and those who were “on the pore” (pregnant) lubricated themselves with it, so that evil forces would not harm the unborn baby.

Photo by Igor Karachevtsev.

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Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...