Outdoor wedding competitions for guests. Wedding anniversary competitions for spouses and guests

Wedding guests not only need to be fed, but also entertained. Among the wedding entertainment there are traditional ones that are associated with rituals, gift-giving and congratulations to the newlyweds. Also, if the budget allows, you can invite professional artists to perform spectacular show programs and beautiful pop numbers, it will be spectacular, touching and beautiful. But it’s even better to involve the guests themselves to participate in original congratulatory numbers, games and fun; this always arouses keen interest and is then remembered as the brightest moments of the wedding celebration. We offer our collection - fun wedding competitions and entertainment for guests, which will complement the gaming program at any wedding or

1. Prank for guests at a wedding “Cutting the Shirt”

At any wedding there should be a moment when the young wife’s hosting skills are praised. However, the toastmaster points out that none of us like to do anything. The bride confirms this by talking about her terrible dislike of ironing shirts. Then the presenter replies that he is a master in this area and will now teach the girl how to cope with this problem.

The newlywed is given a man's shirt and, instead of the unloved iron, scissors. Further - according to the instructions of the presenter:

1. Buttons - neither go around nor go around! (we cut everything off mercilessly)

2. The sleeves always wrinkle and it takes too long to put your hands in there! (cut both sleeves at the shoulder)

3. It’s completely unclear why a shirt needs a back - you tuck it into your pants and immediately remember! (cut at shoulder blade level)

4. They cut it off at the back, but why is it worse at the front? (cut, even with the back)

5. Well, and a collar that is absolutely impossible to calmly iron! (carefully cut from the neck)

“Ironing” is done to the accompaniment of cheerful, rhythmic music. We distribute the cut pieces to guests for good luck. In addition, we first dress the witness in the same “shirt”, who demonstrates how comfortable and good it is in it. But everything is “ruined” by the witness, who is trying to reason with the bride and prove to her that wearing a shirt after such “ironing” her husband will be thrown into an insane asylum or taken to the police. In order to buy the newlyweds a new shirt instead of an “ironed one,” the witness suggests that everyone present chip in, “at least fifty kopecks.” So unobtrusively, a “money” moment can be added to the game moment.

(Naturally, all the conditions for this are discussed with them in advance - this is a surprise from the heroes of the occasion for the guests to cheer them up)

2. Wedding competition "Family panties"

This fun game will significantly enliven the flow of the wedding. For her, you need to prepare a pair of huge family panties - they are very easy to sew yourself. The witness and the witness are invited as the main participants in the game, and each is given these wonderful things. The players' task is to place as many people as possible into their "panties", and the witness is allowed to let only men into the "panties", and the witness - only women.

Everything about everything - two minutes. Upbeat music comes on, and people begin to crowd into this piece of clothing. By the way, it is absolutely not forbidden to take each other or children in your arms. However, the presenter must monitor the integrity of the panties: they, of course, will tear in any case, but the participants in the game should not abuse this for personal gain and stuff themselves into torn pieces of underwear. Everyone raises their glasses in honor of the winners, and this is an excellent occasion for the toastmaster to say a beautiful toast to the friends of the newlyweds and their well-being.

3. Wedding entertainment “Three steps from happiness”

You can choose the hero of the occasion or the bride and groom as the host of this competition, that is, the one who will hold the bottle. To this bottle - champagne, vodka, wine, beer - we tie three to five multi-colored silk ribbons at least three meters long.

Those who wish are invited from among the guests. Moreover, they must bring their own dishes from which they drink. Their task is to take the ribbons in their hands and stand from the bottle at a distance of an “extended ribbon” and, at the signal from the presenter, begin to approach the hero of the day, winding the ribbon around their vessel. Whoever accomplishes this faster takes the bottle of “divine nectar” from the hands of the hero of the occasion. In fact, this is very difficult to do, because glasses and glasses are sometimes not at all designed for wrapping slippery tape, so the general fun of the guests is guaranteed.

Finding entertainment for wedding guests that everyone would enjoy is not easy. Especially if there are a lot of guests and they are all of different ages. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to avoid vulgar wedding competitions, because not everyone may like them, and they can cause a sharply negative reaction. Wedding games using alcohol may also be inappropriate; there may be people in the hall who do not drink, and an excess of alcohol has never been good for anyone. Therefore, it is better to stick to simple, fun competitions. And to make your search easier, the www.site has selected modern competitions for you that will amuse and appeal to everyone.

Modern competitions for couples

At wedding celebrations there are usually always single guys and girls, both from the groom and the bride. And there is no better way to introduce them and make communication more relaxed than cool competitions. After they pass a kind of test of creativity together, all the awkwardness will disappear as if by hand. So, what competitions can be held at a wedding for couples?

Everyone has their own clothes

  • Participants: 4 guys and 4 girls.
  • Props: a set of different items of clothing (jacket, hat, skirt/pants, jacket, etc.).

All participants are divided into pairs. Each participant is blindfolded and given a set of clothes intended for a partner. At the presenter's signal, the girls begin to dress the guys, and then vice versa. The first couple to finish dressing each other wins. It is important that all items of clothing are in place. It is better to take things in large sizes so that they can be worn comfortably.

Honey, who are we?

  • Participants: 3 guys and 3 girls.
  • Props: cards with descriptions of children written on them in advance.

The whole situation is happening at the maternity hospital. Men, respectively fathers, are not allowed into the ward, so the task of the girls (mothers) is to explain to the fathers with facial expressions and gestures who was born and what they look like within 5 minutes. To make it more fun, write something non-standard on the cards, for example, “a black baby was born with blue eyes, weight 3 kg, sucks his thumb” or “a dark-haired hero girl was born, weight 5.5 kg, groans and waves her arms.” Whichever dad reproduces the information more accurately, that couple wins.

Weight gain

  • Participants: 2 guys and 2 girls.
  • Props: huge shorts like giants (better to sew yourself) - 2 pcs.

Participants are divided into pairs, each of which is given one shorts. The guy and the girl each fit into their own trouser leg. Now their task is to gather around themselves (inside the shorts) as many people of the opposite sex as possible (children can be picked up). Whose shorts end up with more people in it, that couple wins.

  • Participants: 5 guys and 5 girls.
  • Props: cards with dance names.

Guys and girls are divided into pairs, each draws a card on which a famous dance is written, for example, the waltz, dance of the little ducklings, lezginka, cancan and others. Couples are given time to prepare their dance. After this, the presenter invites the participants one by one to perform, but warns that there are technical problems, so they will have to perform to the music that comes up. But the participants must perform their dance in any case. A cancan to the music of a waltz or a lezginka to the dance of little ducklings will greatly amuse both the performers themselves and everyone present at the wedding. The winner is the couple who best managed to perform their dance to inappropriate music. The winner can be determined by the bride and groom or other guests.

New fun wedding competitions for guests

Fun is where there is laughter, and to induce it you will need funny wedding competitions. There are many classic and well-known wedding games that you can use and not doubt the success of the event, but you always want something new. That's why we have prepared for you some fresh and fun wedding competitions for guests.

I'm pregnant

  • Participants: 5 men.
  • Props: 5 large inflatable balloons or balls, tape, matches.

For men, a ball or ball is taped to their stomachs with tape, and matches are scattered on the floor. The task of the participants is to collect as many matches as possible in 3 minutes, while being in an “interesting position”. If the balloon bursts, the man is disqualified. If all participants are wearing shoes with laces, you can ask them to take off their shoes for a while, and then put them back on and tie the laces. When your stomach is in the way, this is very difficult to do.


  • Participants: 8 guests.
  • Props: 6 ribbons of different colors, 5-6 meters long.

Participants are divided into teams of 4 people. One holds all three ribbons by the ends, and the other three each hold their own ribbon. The task of these three people is to weave a braid, but they cannot let go of the ribbons, so they will have to run. The team that finishes its braid the fastest wins.

Haute couture

  • Participants: 10 guests.
  • Props: 2 rolls of wallpaper, 2 skeins of twine (can be colored), two pairs of scissors.

10 participants are divided into teams of five people. In each, a model is determined, the other four are tailors. Their task is to create an original costume for a fashion show in 5-7 minutes. Whose costume is the most beautiful in the end, that team wins.

A wedding is an event that requires careful preparation. The decoration of the hall and car, the list of guests and the entertainment scenario must be thought out much earlier. It’s easier when the toastmaster takes care of everything, but it’s much more interesting to prepare the celebration yourself.

Competitions are necessary for weddings, because otherwise the guests will constantly shout toasts, be “bitter” to the newlyweds, and drink alcoholic beverages. When the dose consumed becomes large, squabbles will begin between relatives over who doesn’t like who more. It is wise to keep every guest busy and have a real safe fun that will leave a pleasant memory of one of the most joyful days in life.

Since you know the character of your guests, the games can be completely different.

It is also important to consider the religious beliefs of the newlyweds and guests so that Christian or other entertainment can be prepared if necessary.

There are many non-vulgar entertainments that don't require props. You can learn about wedding congratulations from.

Preliminary preparation refers to the materials that will be needed to hold competitions at the wedding. For example, these could be tongue twisters, and some games require toilet paper, a sheet, or children's clothing.

Seven-flowered flower

We first prepare the flowers, each petal of which has its own color.

On each of them we write some event.

The groom must say whether it is true or not.

If he doesn’t guess correctly, he must fulfill the wishes of his newly made wife or her girlfriends.

You can form a flower with the required number of petals, but there should not be too many of them, otherwise the game will become tedious.

Fortune nuts

It is necessary to prepare the walnut shells. We remove the grains and use acrylic paint to paint the shell with different colors. We prepare separate wishes on a small piece of paper. The bride and groom take turns taking out the leaves.

You can write on them that throughout your life the spouse will love only his soul mate. They also talk about holidays at the dacha, abroad. You can use both serious and humorous predictions.

Entertainment for the groom that will be remembered forever

In competitions for the groom, he usually participates alone or together with his beloved.

Kiss to your beloved

It is necessary that the bride first leaves prints of her kiss on a piece of paper, and her friends must also do this.

The groom guesses the kiss of his beloved.

The easiest way to determine this is by the color of your lipstick.


The bride is seated at a distance of 10 meters from the groom. Lay out small houses cut out of cardboard at a distance of one step. The groom needs to take a step and say what household duties he will perform.

Sweet words

There is a distance of 10 steps between the bride and groom. He can overcome it only if he gives her a compliment. These can be affectionate words, nicknames, compliments and declarations of love. You can make the task a little more difficult and ask that the compliments begin with the first letter of her name.

Questions to know your soulmate

For this game, the bride first prescribes some information about herself, as well as several facts that never happened in her life. They can be humorous or serious. Examples of such statements:

  1. Our bride is afraid of spiders.
  2. She loves watching football.
  3. The bride's best friend is Elena.
  4. She learned to kiss on a tomato.
  5. The bride jumped with a parachute on her anniversary.

You can ask various relevant questions for the newlyweds to get to know each other, both to the groom and his significant other.

Attentiveness check

Newlyweds are given according to the calendar. Each of them needs to circle memorable dates with a red marker:

  1. Acquaintance.
  2. Engagement date.
  3. First meeting.
  4. First kiss.
  5. Meeting the parents.

Afterwards, the dates indicated by the bride and groom are checked. For every mistake, the groom must suffer “punishment.”

And the bride doesn't sit still

A wedding is a dream for every girl and girl. The ladies dream that this day will be remembered for the rest of their lives not only by them, but also by all the guests.

Tender kisses

First, the bride is blindfolded, then seated on a chair. The young people and the groom take turns kissing her hand. The main task is to guess your man. You can make the task more difficult so that only one man kisses her.

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter

The toastmaster claims that the main task of a woman is to make her husband smile. The groom should become completely serious, and the bride’s task is to make him smile with the help of the guests.

Compliments for your spouse

The bride is given an apple and a whole package of toothpicks.

She must make a hedgehog out of an apple.

When inserting one toothpick, you need to talk about what kind of golden husband she will have.

The number of toothpicks varies as desired, but you should not give too many so as not to put the woman in an awkward position.

Mother-in-law's favorite

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And, of course, his mother knows best about his preferences.

First you need to prepare cards with different dishes written on them, including 10 dishes that the groom loves. The bride needs to guess her favorite food.

For this, the mother-in-law can give the daughter-in-law a pot or frying pan, due to which the game turns into a real joke.

A joint tournament has been discovered for wife and husband

There is an interesting competition for the bride and groom, which is easy to conduct at home. You need to take two flowers. On one, a man writes five female names, and a woman writes the same number of male names. Next, the presenter asks several questions that help determine what one will call the other during a conflict.

For the groom:

  1. My wife doesn't want to cook her favorite dish.
  2. My wife has been talking to her friend for an hour.
  3. My wife cleaned the flash drive and accidentally deleted all the photos.
  4. The husband wanted to buy a spinning rod, and the wife found a stash and bought cosmetics.
  5. The wife asks to stay with her for the weekend, and the husband has agreed to go fishing with friends.

For the bride:

  1. The husband argues.
  2. My husband doesn't want to wash the dishes.
  3. My husband came home from work drunk.
  4. My husband did not congratulate me on my wedding anniversary.
  5. My husband doesn't want to go to his friend's party.

This game for newlyweds will help them prepare for unpleasant situations in their life together.

Videos of games at weddings:

We don't leave parents alone

When choosing games for parents of newlyweds, you need to be guided by knowledge about their character.

If they are very serious people, then you shouldn’t ask them to participate in vulgar competitions.

Competition for dads

For this cool competition you will need two baby dolls and clothes to wear. For example, a cap, blouses, socks, diapers, blouse. Dads need to compete to see who can dress their baby the fastest.

Declarations of love

This competition looks especially beautiful and touching at a wedding celebration. To do this, the parents of the newlyweds take turns confessing their love to each other. It looks unforgettable when people who have lived together for many years make vows again to be close for the rest of their lives.

Don't forget about the children

At a wedding there are not only adult guests, but also small ones. We need to make sure that the holiday is memorable for them too.

Changing clothes

A large colorful box contains various things that can be worn. This could be an adult's jacket, bunny ears, a clown's nose, glasses, or a wig. Children choose their clothes with their eyes closed. And then they have to dance the “Dance of the Little Ducklings” in their costumes.


Various souvenirs and gifts are tied to a string. Each child chooses a gift for himself with his eyes closed.

The friend and boyfriend also want to spend time for the future

For this carbonic competition, you will need a large thick sheet for witnesses. A hole for the head is first made on it, and children's clothing is sewn a little lower: a blouse, pants and shoes. They make an additional hole for the arms and legs. The friend puts his face in the hole for the head, for the hands - the friend pushes his hands, and where the legs are - the friend climbs in with his hands.

The presenter tells the story, and the witnesses help her with gestures:

“Once upon a time there lived a good fellow, Ivan (you must bow to the fellow). He woke up early in the morning (the fellow yawns, and his friend covers his mouth with his hands). First of all, he washed his face. (The presenter brings a basin of water, and the friend tries to wash his face and hands). After that, I definitely had breakfast. (The presenter serves a plate of dumplings. The friend needs to feed the witness). After this, you need to brush your teeth. (The witness needs to brush her friend’s teeth.) Well, now our good fellow is ready to go on the road.” (The friend pretends to walk.)

And the guests don’t sit, let them make a little noise

There are several entertainment options that help unite and amuse guests.

Love story

The toastmaster invites several young people. First you need to rehearse the movements, but without music, and then combine them with it.

  1. Walk - young people make rhythmic movements as if they are walking.
  2. If they see it, they show it with smooth movements to the eyes. Draw fish.
  3. Love - draw a heart at chest level.
  4. If you feel dizzy with happiness, you put your fingers to your head and make circular movements in one direction and the other.
  5. They fly on wings - they pretend to fly.
  6. They propose - the guys kneel in front of the girls.
  7. The bride agreed - the girls connect their fingers and palms with each other and touch first one or the other shoulder.
  8. Air kisses.

The amount of alcohol in the blood

The toastmaster asks which of the guests considers himself absolutely sober. A “tube” is brought to each of the “impostors.” You can record a voice with interesting phrases, but it is advisable to modify it at least a little:

  1. This table can no longer be served.
  2. Don't breathe so hard. Even I was already drunk.
  3. 50 to 50. It is necessary to increase the dosage, and immediately.
  4. The amount of alcohol is insignificant. It is urgent to pour a glass for the happy life of the young.
  5. The person did not drink alcohol. Apparently he's messing around. You should be extremely careful, he is capable of any action.


By the middle of the evening, half of the guests had already become acquainted with each other. But you can imagine them in a special way thanks to this game. The toastmaster comes up with a heart (a soft toy) and places it on his chest. Some funny music starts playing. For example, “I am a merman, I am a merman. If only someone could talk to me." Or you can turn on Serduchka “Dolce Gabbana”.

Budyonny's mustache

Need several pairs. Each of them is given a pencil, which the man fastens between his upper lip and nose, like a mustache. On command, the young man from each pair turns around himself and passes the “mustache” to his other half. She must take them with her nose and lips without hands, then turn around herself and return the “mustache” to the man, after which everything begins again. The number of pencil passes and receptions in a certain amount of time is counted. It is calculated which pair has more such passes.

The funniest, coolest games

Cool wedding competitions for guests are what will make the celebration very fun.

Lipstick mark

The presenter chooses two men and 8 women. Each person is given lipstick. While the music is playing, women must leave as many imprints of their lips on the man's body as possible. The most interesting thing is that women cannot limit themselves to one face.

We write with our feet

Another funny game for guests. It will require 6 volunteers, colored markers and sheets of paper. They need to write the word “bride” using their toes. You can take both men and women. At the same time, young men write “bride”, and representatives of the fair sex write “groom”.


5 women are invited to participate. Several round candies are placed on a chair and covered with thick cloth. To the music and loud applause, the girls need to determine the number of candies on the chair.

The video shows a version of a fun wedding competition:

Musical and dance

Girls vs boys

At least 7 women and men are recruited for this cool competition. They stand opposite each other. The leader of the girls is the friend, and the leader of the men is the friend. A flash mob takes place between them. The DJ turns on the music and the girls compete in turns to see who can dance better.

High chair

8 volunteers: women, men, children or teenagers. Place 7 chairs in a circle. While the music is playing, young people run around the chairs; as soon as the music stops, everyone must take their seats. Anyone who does not have time to find a place for himself is eliminated from the game. One chair is also removed. This continues until there is only one winner left.

Watch the wedding competition:



In this unusual competition, newlyweds will be tested to see how well they know their witnesses. Recruiting a men's and women's team. The friend is given a list of her tasks, which she must show without any objects, without making sounds. Likewise, the witness along with other men.

For a friend:

  1. Childbirth.
  2. Flirt.
  3. Prepare an omelet.
  4. Draw “arrows” on the eyes.

For friends:

  1. Hammer a nail.
  2. Watch football.
  3. To go fishing.
  4. Drink beer with friends.

We sit, but we don’t get bored

Groom's Operating Instructions

The guests who are sitting at the table take turns asking the bride how she will exploit her husband:

  1. What does it take for a husband to serve for a long time?
  2. What products should he consume for this?
  3. What maintenance and repairs are required? How often?

For this game at the table, it is important for the girl to think through her answers in advance so that they are original and funny.


When all the guests have drunk and had fun, you need to make sure that the bride or her shoe is not stolen. Otherwise, the groom and witness will have to fulfill the wishes of the guests.

If vulgarity is not enough

Some people want to see not only decent, but also vulgar competitions at the wedding.

Get into the bottle

They choose 5 men, take the same number of empty beer bottles, pens and thick threads.

A thread and a pen are tied to the boys' belt.

Goal: get the pen into the bottle.

You can take not five men, but less or more, depending on the number of people willing.

I want water

Several pairs are selected, including a witness and a witness. The young man stands at a distance of 10 steps from the girl and holds a bottle between his legs. At this time, the woman is holding a glass between her legs. The man needs to walk this distance and fill the glass. But then you will have to drink water from it without your hands. The girl can help, but only on the condition that she also does not use her hands. The first couple to complete the task wins.

Difficult questions

This entertainment is intended for all guests. The host asks questions about the newlyweds, and the guests must answer them. They can be easy, complex or tricky.

  1. What is the name of the bride's best friend?
  2. What flowers does the bride like most?
  3. Where will they go on their honeymoon?
  4. How many children do newlyweds dream of having?
  5. What was the groom's favorite toy as a child?
  6. How long did the lovers date before they decided to get married?


For the quiz, you can choose several best friends from the newlyweds. You can not only answer questions about young people, but also act out skits.

  1. What should the groom call his beloved?
  2. Show the newlyweds' first meeting.
  3. What do the newlyweds plan to name their children?
  4. Can the groom make a nest egg? Where does he hide it most often?
  5. What nicknames do newlyweds have? It would be great if these were children's nicknames.

Anniversary competitions

It is important not only to celebrate the wedding well, but also to strengthen the marriage as much as possible every year. Perhaps the couple will not invite a toastmaster, but will decide to arrange entertainment on their own.

Wooden wedding

This is our first wedding anniversary – 5 years. Spouses are given something symbolic

Dress your companion

For such a laughing competition, at least two couples are required. Men take off their outerwear, sweaters, T-shirts, belts, shoes. You can additionally put glasses and a cap.

The girl is blindfolded. When the music starts playing, she begins to dress her companion. Whoever does it faster wins.

Let's remember the wedding

They take the heroes of the occasion and give them a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter asks questions:

  1. What are your wife's favorite flowers?
  2. How many guests were at the wedding?
  3. Was your wife late for the first date?
  4. What season did the lovers meet?
  5. How did the newlyweds first confess their love?
  6. What song did they dance their first dance to?


- second anniversary, 10 years. The first conflicts have already passed, the spouses have “got used to” their halves. They become more “flexible”, they know the advantages and disadvantages.

How much do the spouses know each other?

Spouses write questions on a piece of paper, the answers to which only their significant other can know. On another piece of paper are written the answers: “yes” and “no.” Whoever has the most correct answers wins.


Guests are invited to draw portraits. To do this you will need two large Whatman paper and a lot of colored markers. In this case, men draw a wife, and women - a husband. Portraits are given to spouses as a lasting memory.


Get to know me

This competition is perfect for any wedding anniversary. The husband is asked to identify his wife by his elbow. Five beautiful girls are seated on chairs. After this, the husband is blindfolded. At this time, all the girls must change places. It’s best and most fun when not girls, but boys sit in their seats instead and bare their elbows.


The symbol of marriage is a ring, as a symbol of endless love.

You need to take 8 people, preferably 4 boys and 4 girls. They stand next to each other, alternating. Each player takes a match in his teeth and passes the ring to the other. It is important to pass the ring to the last player as quickly as possible, without touching each other's hands and not dropping it.


This is 20 years of marriage.

Everybody dance

You need to take 3 newspapers and three pairs. The DJ turns on the music and the couple dances on the newspaper. After the music stops, the couple rolls up the newspaper and so on until they can no longer maintain their balance. The one who can hold out the longest wins.

"Penalty" glass

From the beginning of the celebration, a glass is passed around, and each of the guests pours a small amount of alcohol into it and makes a toast. The last one whose glass is filled to the brim must drink it to the bottom. It is necessary to ensure that drinks are not mixed.


There are cool options for competitions for the silver wedding, which is celebrated on the 25th anniversary of the spouses’ marriage.

Feed me

The couple have lived together for many years. Now you need to check how tenderly they treat their other halves. You can select several couples at once, except spouses. You need to feed your significant other the cake, but with your eyes closed.


Several young people will be needed for the competition. For more fun, you should take women and men of different ages. Different names of dances are written on pieces of paper. They turn on the music and, regardless of the song, each participant must dance his own dance.


It's our 30th wedding anniversary. Many different situations have been lived together, the children have grown up and, perhaps, even grandchildren have appeared.

All-Time Famous Couples

During the celebration, the host suggests remembering famous couples who lived a long and happy life together. Famous love stories, such as Romeo and Juliet, are also suitable.

Guess the melody

You must first prepare melodies, songs and romances about love. Guests must guess the name of the song based on the first notes.


You can add a little fun to this wedding with special games. For example, many people like playing with balls. They always decorate the hall. You need several men, including your husband. Each participant inhales helium and says the phrase: “I love you, my dear.” A wife must recognize her husband.


Tear a piece of paper

We need several young couples. A thin sheet of paper is placed on a chair; the young man sits on it, and the girl sits on his lap. The task is to tear the leaf with your movements.


Find your soul mate

You need to choose an unequal number of men and women. Representatives of the fair sex dance inside, followed by men. When the music stops, everyone should break into pairs. Whoever doesn't get a pair is eliminated from the game.


The toastmaster invites two volunteers. A large square is drawn on the floor and divided into 16 small squares. First, a number is called on which the man must place his hand or foot. It is especially interesting if one of the spouses calls the numbers with their eyes closed.


This is the wedding that all newlyweds dream of. Live a long and happy life, be together regardless of situations and circumstances. A very large number of guests, friends, children and grandchildren gather for this celebration. The next game can be played among young people.

Two pairs are chosen. At a certain distance, chairs are placed opposite each other and a tight rope is pulled between them. A young man with a girl in his arms must overcome this obstacle. But there is one nuance: the rope is constantly raised higher.

With the help of such games and competitions for a wedding evening, you can diversify it to your liking. The main thing is that the holiday will be remembered for a long and happy life together.

Katerina Ivanova

A wedding is a day when you certainly won’t be bored. Neither the newlyweds nor the guests. It can be carried out in an interesting and rich way. Of course, if you take care of the entertainment program in advance.

Today we invite you to discuss the most pressing issue of pre-wedding preparation - mobile wedding competitions for guests. Such games will not only become excellent entertainment and memories years later, but will also help those present to get to know each other and establish contacts in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Competitions are great. However, before holding them, it is important to make sure that all guests can participate, that they are comfortable and comfortable

  1. Age of guests. Naturally, if there are elderly people among those present, then you should not offer overly sophisticated competitions with complex physical actions.
  2. Evening dresses. Also pay attention to the fact that not everyone will be able to change clothes: most guests will participate in the games in evening (sometimes not entirely comfortable) outfits. Of course, if you decide to hold the entire wedding under the slogan “Say no to ties and heels,” no problem.
  3. Game Zone. Summer open areas are an excellent place for outdoor games. However, it is worth considering that the weather may deteriorate and then it is better to move active wedding competitions to a specially equipped play area with a roof.
  4. Inventory. Of course, it’s worth taking care of equipment and props for competitions in advance, having first checked their availability before the actual celebration. You don't want to be in a hurry to find a rope for a tug-of-war competition or a throwing ring, do you?

Active wedding competitions for men

Time and principles of mobile competitions

So, the host must not only lead the celebration, but also carefully monitor the guests. As soon as you understand that they have had time to eat after a tiring day of walking and photo sessions, but are still ready for action, proceed.

To begin with, you can offer a small “passive warm-up”. For example, say a word to the last of the guests sitting at the table. His task, with the help of association, is to convey meaning to those nearby. And so on in a circle. The result will be a fun and playful competition, as a result of which those present will be able to relax and tune in to further, already active games.

The host must make sure that the guests are well-fed after a long day's walk, and give them the opportunity to “warm up” before active competitions

Guests can be divided into teams according to several principles. The following can compete with each other:

  • men and women;
  • older and younger generations;
  • friends of the bride and groom;
  • parents of newlyweds, etc.

The groom competes with the bride in a competition

Note that it is important to choose really exciting and, most importantly, neutral competitions, which will appeal to both men and women, friends and parents.

Current mobile competitions: examples

Undoubtedly, cool outdoor games for guests are the task of the organizers and presenters. However, they also focus on the preferences of the newlyweds. The young couple, in turn, is guided by the interests and hobbies of everyone present at the wedding.

Taking everything into account, optimally suitable competitions are selected. As an example, we will give a few of the simplest and most interesting ones.

Cornhole, rings or “potatoes” – competition for accuracy

A very simple competition game, which can captivate you for 15-20 minutes. Guests are divided into 2 teams, after which each participant takes turns throwing a small ball, a bag of grain or potatoes into a hole on a special board. If desired, you can use a regular basket instead of a board.

The team wins with the greatest number of hits on target.

Mobile wedding game - rings

There is another variation of this game - the use of rings and special posts (you can decorate ordinary wine bottles for this purpose). The task is to throw as many hoops as possible onto the post from a distance.

Game "Draw it!" blindfolded

This competition will immediately show who has artistic talent. To carry it out you will need cheerful musical accompaniment and a good mood.

Suitable artistic props:

  • markers with whatman paper;
  • brushes, paints and canvas;
  • slate and chalk;
  • electronic tablet with monitor.

Artistic tools can be selected to match the overall style of the wedding. A chalk board and an easel with brushes and paints will look more aesthetically pleasing.

So, the participants are divided into 2 teams of 3 people. Each person takes turns blindfolded and draws an image suggested by the presenter. At the same time, cheerful music plays, and other guests can distract the “artist” from his work with jokes and unexpected questions.

The winner is the team whose drawings are more similar to the pictures described by the presenter during the competition.

"Dance to the same rhythm"

On the one hand it is very simple, but on the other hand - driving and fun game. Participants are not divided into teams, but the main idea is to dance in the same rhythm to different music.

Moving dance competition for a wedding

The leader shows certain movements and sets the rhythm of the dance. The guests' task is to continue dancing, even if the music changes. Believe me, it is very difficult to make fast rhythmic movements to smooth, slow music or a melody for a classic waltz.

The most persistent are offered symbolic prizes or specially prepared “best dancer at a wedding” medals.


The game Limbo is relevant for themed wedding parties in beach, Hawaiian and African styles

Who doesn't know this fascinating traditional African game, when you need to simultaneously dance and walk under a set bar while bending backwards? She can easily add to the collection of interesting wedding competitions.

Invite guests to test their strength and demonstrate flexibility! We are sure that such funny outdoor games will be an excellent decoration for any wedding celebration.

Wedding game Limbo

"Can not hear anything"

Another exciting and funny competition. All participants are divided into two teams. In each of them, one person is chosen to cover their ears while the host asks a tricky question. After this, the guests prompt the player with the correct answer using actions or words, building an interesting associative series.

The team whose representative is the first to give the correct answer wins. The winners can also be awarded interesting prizes.

A little about sports team games at a wedding

Who said that sports games at a wedding are taboo? Many newlyweds annually refute this statement. Such competitions are especially relevant for sports fans.

So, to bring in the spirit of competition you will have to get badminton, table tennis or hold a celebration near a full-fledged tennis court. Tug of war will also be relevant. Especially for those who decided to choose a pirate-themed wedding.

For football fans, you can organize various mini-games:

  1. Ball dancing is very popular. Why not?
  2. It's also fun to pass a soccer ball without using your legs (just your knees and hands).
  3. You can score goals into a makeshift goal. From chairs, for example.
  4. Finally, it's always fun to run a team relay race by carefully dribbling the ball around obstacles.

For older guests, “calm” games are suitable - darts, golf, etc. For participants who choose not to compete, the host hands pompoms, whistles and other “fan” requisites, thus creating an impromptu support team.

An interesting adaptation of "Tug of War"

Remember that even ordinary competitions and relay races can and even should be conducted with humor. Additional details will help.

A few words in conclusion

There are countless outdoor games and active wedding competitions, and therefore you should not neglect them when planning your holiday program. It's moments like these create wonderful memories of the big day, associating it as a result with a sea of ​​positivity, smiles and happiness. Of course, if you approach everything responsibly: take into account the characteristics and moods of the guests, their preferences and other important nuances.

We are sure that your memorable date will be truly unforgettable.

July 31, 2018, 10:40 pm

A wedding is not only a solemn event, but also a fun holiday. That is, ideally it should be a fun event where none of those present will get bored. And this is not as simple as it seems at first glance: all guests are different, and it is not a fact that they will become friends with each other in a surprising way. After the official part of the celebration, guests and newlyweds go to continue the celebration in the restaurant. During a meal, as a rule, most people begin to get bored. A talented host is distinguished by his ability to spot bored guests in time and defuse the situation with exciting competitions. Over the rich history of weddings, a huge number of competitions have been invented. But there are not many that are truly memorable and intriguing. In this article we will try to separate the wheat from the chaff and look at original competitions that are an integral part of any interesting wedding.

What types of competitions are there at the table?

Let's consider several original options:

  • Glued valentine;
  • Daffodil Competition;
  • Interpretation of love;
  • Culinary competition;
  • Compliments to young people;
  • Tricky questions;
  • "Cocktail";
  • Game "Adjective and noun";
  • Guess the melody;
  • Talking hat;
  • A short toast of wishes.

Glued valentine

A tender and touching competition on the theme of love. The presenter should make three or four mock-ups of large paper hearts, carefully cut the valentines into pieces and distribute them into separate bags. At the beginning of the competition, guests are divided into three or four groups: each team is given prepared bags with heart pieces. The first team to complete the correct puzzle will win. The game develops imagination and analytical skills. At the end of the competition, the winning team is awarded symbolic prizes.

Daffodil Competition

Based on the public manifestation of one’s character. A person is given a mirror, he sees his reflection and tells out loud how unique, beautiful and wonderful he is. The more original and interesting comparisons the player can come up with, the better. The guests, in turn, try their best to make the narcissist laugh. The player’s task is to show his imagination, get carried away by the process and not follow the guests’ lead; the audience’s task is to make a person laugh. The mirror is passed to another guest when the narcissist can't stand it anymore and starts laughing at himself. Both women and men can participate in the competition. The prize goes to the one who managed not to laugh for as long as possible and came up with the most original epithets to describe his person.

Interpretation of love

Absolutely creative competition on the theme of love. You will need white sheets of paper, pens, markers and colored pencils. It consists of describing in words or through illustration your understanding of love. Anyone can write a couple of lines describing their vision of love. It’s even better if one of the guests draws a cool collage or a touching illustration. When all the participating guests have completed the competition, the presenter collects the works and reads out loud the resulting poems and drawn pictures. The judges are the newlyweds. They are the ones who choose the best author of a creative work.

Cooking competition

Relevant during the height of the wedding meal.

Ten guests are given recipes for popular dishes, such as cabbage rolls, meatballs, cutlets, etc. However, each recipe is missing one important ingredient. The players' task is to guess the missing component of the dish as quickly as possible. The game is played at speed. Whoever has the fastest brains wins. It is preferable to hold the competition among the fair half of those present. A similar competition is offered for men, only with knowledge of the ingredients of popular alcoholic cocktails.

Compliments to young people

Guests come up with an original compliment suitable for both the bride and groom. Everyone is welcome to participate; the competition tests the vocabulary of those present and their reaction speed. Each guest is given about 10-15 seconds to come up with a compliment, so the competition is quick and fun. Surprisingly, after the second round, the majority of those present begin to run out of imagination, and people repeat themselves. The last one to come up with a fresh and non-repetitive compliment will win.

Tricky questions

The host asks the guests unexpected questions related to the wedding theme. For example: “What do you call a wedding anniversary for 20 years of marriage?” or “Which wedding is called platinum?” Also popular are questions about various wedding traditions that have become a thing of the past. According to statistics, the host manages to “fall asleep” most of the guests after the first question. The winner is the one who is well versed in the wedding theme and gives the correct answers..


The host gives one of the guests a large glass and offers to fill it a little with some alcoholic drink. In addition to filling a glass with intoxicating liquid, a person must come up with a synonym for the word “love.” So the glass goes around in a circle until it is completely filled with cheerful liquid. The guest who gets the full cup will be especially lucky (or, conversely, unlucky). According to the rules of the competition, he must say a solemn toast and drink to the health of the newlyweds.

Game "Adjective and Noun"

One more game to test the vocabulary of those present. The presenter chooses the person who comes up with the phrase. The phrase must consist of two words: the first must be an adjective describing a thing or phenomenon, the second must be a noun. The next guest's task is to form an adjective from a noun and create a new pair of words. For example, the first guest came up with the phrase “acupressure”; the correct continuation of the game would be the phrase “massage chair”. And so on, along the chain, until the first one fails. It is noteworthy that this competition can amuse not only the guests at the wedding, but also any other large group.


A funny psychological game designed for a team of 5-6 people. They will be the ones playing, the rest of the guests are observers. The presenter finds such a group. It is advisable to choose a group of people who know each other (at a wedding this is not so difficult, since people intuitively want to sit next to people they know). Then the leader nominates a person from the group to be the first to say the word “I”. Next, each person in the group pronounces this pronoun in turn. Sooner or later someone gets confused, then they come up with an innocuous but funny nickname for this person. Next, he pronounces his nickname together with “I”. For example, “I am a mushroom.” Then someone else will laugh or get confused. They also come up with a nickname for him. And so on…

The game can last a very long time, people get to know each other and laugh until they cry.

"Guess the melody"

Famous musical competition. The presenter puts on some song or melody. She plays until someone present guesses her name. The guest raises his hand if the name of the musical composition is familiar to him. Here again the competence of the presenter is tested. The songs should be pleasant to the majority of those present. But it’s not so easy to choose a composition that will appeal to both an elderly grandmother and a representative of the younger generation. Experienced presenters play some well-known foreign songs or a remix of a popular classical piece. You can hold the competition a little differently - 3 teams are selected and only they guess the melodies. And the rest of the guests support them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoPrWBaxO7o

"Talking Hat"

Ideal for a newlywed. Necessary attributes include a funny, preferably dark, hat. It is likely that the idea for the competition came from J. Rowling’s book “Harry Potter”. There, during admission to Hogwarts School of Wizardry, children were given a hat that could “read” thoughts. The host carefully places the hat on the bride's head so as not to spoil her hair. And after some time, the “thoughts” of the newlywed are heard from the speakers of the tape recorder. The bottom line is the quality of the edited recording. It should be interesting, funny and not vulgar. This competition can also be held with a witness and others interested.

Short toast-wishes

The essence of the invented wish is simple - come up with a short and concise address to the newlyweds. But completing the task itself is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Not everyone can congratulate you succinctly and in an original way, and most importantly, deliver your toast with the right expression. Therefore, the host should distribute small pieces of paper to the guests to write down congratulatory wishes. The newlyweds, of course, evaluate the quality of the toast and choose the best one.

So, to summarize:

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