Mayakovsky dyslexia. star style

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning problems in children, which manifests itself as a specific reading disorder. A person suffering from dyslexia has difficulty mastering the skills of writing and reading.

Dyslexia is called word blindness. And also a disease of geniuses. We will tell you about 10 celebrities who, despite all the difficulties, the disease did not prevent them from achieving recognition and success in life.

Dyslexia in celebrities

1. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston is one of the most successful Hollywood stars, whose films are adored by millions of fans. But, as the actress herself recently admitted, in her youth she could not even dream about it. Since her youth, Jennifer considered herself stupid, because of the difficulty in learning. Dyslexia was discovered at an appointment with an ophthalmologist, when the actress could not read the text and answer questions.

The doctor followed the movement of Jennifer's eyes and noticed that the actress did not read the lines in a row, and after reading a few words, she came back. At the same time, she did not notice some words at all. To deal with the disorder, Jennifer was forced to turn to specialists who helped her live with this problem.

2 Steven Spielberg

As a child, Stephen was considered lazy and not very smart. At school, the boy learned to read 2 years later than his peers. Spielberg recalls that at school he was teased and humiliated by classmates. But he never felt like a victim. The disease was diagnosed when Spielberg was 61 years old.

“Cinema has always helped me, saved me from feelings of shame and guilt,” Spielberg admitted in an interview with one of the Internet portals. “When I felt like an outsider, making films helped me to distract myself and feel my strength.”

3 Whoopi Goldberg

Her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson. Whoopi has no education, but has dyslexia, which prevented her from finishing school. She recalls being called dumb and retarded because she had trouble reading. Studying turned into torture, and at the age of 14, Karin dropped out of school. Whoopi had to go through a lot in the future, but this did not stop her from becoming a wonderful actress, loved by many fans.

4. Tom Cruise

Tom was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 7. This feature turned the boy's childhood into a nightmare. As usual, this is what happens, he was teased and humiliated by classmates. The teachers also did not treat him with tolerance and demanded a level of knowledge on a level with everyone. The situation was aggravated by frequent family moves. He changed 15 schools in 14 years, trying to find a common language with teachers and classmates. Eventually Tom dropped out of school.

The way out of this situation was found by Tom's mother, who was a teacher and an actress. Knowing her son's illness, she advised him to try his hand at acting, and Tom's life changed dramatically.

5. Quentin Tarantino

Despite a rare high IQ level (160), the world-famous director Quentin Tarantino studied very poorly at school. He skipped classes, was a bully, and no one expected that something good would come out of this guy. “I was constantly laughed at, at my hair, at the jaw and the manner of speaking. One day I thought: Why should I endure and suffer? And dropped out of school."

Tarantino had no problem reading, he loved to read, he loved history. But the letter was not given to him. As well as everything that was connected with numbers. Tarantino still confuses the numbers and hardly determines the time on the clock. Only by the 6th grade did he manage to independently determine the time.

People with dyslexia

6. Orlando Bloom

As a child, Orlando's mother encouraged her son to read, promising to buy him a motorcycle as soon as he read 50 books. He never received the motorcycle. Bloom has been battling dyslexia for years, as it makes it very difficult for him to read the script and memorize roles. However, this did not stop him from learning French perfectly, mastering extreme sports, mastering photography and becoming a world star.

7. Keanu Reeves

Like Tom Cruise, Keanu suffered from dyslexia at school age and had to change schools frequently. But, in each new class, the old problem remained - mockery and humiliation of classmates. As a result, Keanu grew up withdrawn and uncommunicative. With the help of doctors and speech therapists, Reeves only learned to read normally in high school. But he failed all the final exams and was left without a diploma of higher education.

8. Cher

Cher has suffered from an advanced case of dyslexia since childhood. She could not learn not only numbers, but also letters. Her biggest problem was recognizing the numbers 6 and 9. This is now called dyscalculia. It wasn't until high school that the future star figured out a way to tell them apart. She began to represent the numbers in the form of spermatozoa with tails, 6 floats down, and 9 floats up. So 6 is less than 9.

9. Keira Knightley

Kira was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 6. In the fight against the diagnosis, the desire to have my own agent, who was with my parents, helped. The girl really wanted to become an actress. Mom promised that if Kira spent the whole summer reading, then the girl would have her own agent. Kira says that Jane Austen's work helped her overcome the disease, or rather the script based on the book "Sense and Sensibility", written by Emma Thompson. However, even now the actress is experiencing some difficulties with reading.

10. Anthony Hopkins

The British and American actor, composer, winner of an Oscar and two Emmy awards and three BAFTAs in childhood was not known as a smart child. He himself had a low opinion of himself. He had to change several schools before he realized that he was not like everyone else. Now it's hard to believe, but Hopkins learned to memorize huge texts in a very short time.

This is not a complete list of people with dyslexia. Among the famous dyslexics were Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Hans Christians Andersen, Agatha Christie, Peter the Great and many others.

Dyslexia (as well as the accompanying dysgraphia) has nothing to do with the mental abilities of a person. This inability to master the skills of writing and reading occurs precisely in people with a full-fledged intellect, hearing and vision. This is clearly seen in the example of people who have achieved high success in creativity, in business and in life.

Reading contracts for Tom Cruise is a mission impossible, and all because of dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability of neurological origin that primarily affects reading and writing skills.

This disease has nothing to do with dementia, but on the contrary, this diagnosis occurs in people with high intelligence, and therefore has a second name - the disease of geniuses. The actor does not notice the difference between the letters, does not know how to put words from these letters and does not understand the whole meaning of what he read.

By the way, this disease is quite common in such brilliant personalities as: Albert Einstein; Marilyn Monroe; Walt Disney; Quentin Tarantino, George W. Bush, Leonardo Da Vinci, etc.

On the one hand, Tom Cruise became famous among his friends for his terrible character, but his friends forgive him everything, since he can easily turn any situation into a joke and cheer everyone up, but this was not always the case.

Now Tom is a famous and very popular actor who became famous for his roles in such films as: “Rain Man”, “Interview with the Vampire”, “Mission Impossible”, “Vanilla Sky”, “War of the Worlds”, etc.

Tom Cruise as spy Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible 4.

But it all started very differently ... Dyslexia turned Tom's childhood and youth into a real nightmare. It all started with the fact that he could not manage to start reading and concentrate his attention on the lessons. Because of this, he became an outcast who was humiliated and teased by his classmates. The teachers also did not treat him condescendingly and demanded knowledge on an equal footing with everyone.

The way out of this situation was found by Tom's mother, who was a teacher and an actress. Knowing her son's illness, she advised him to try his hand at acting, and Tom's life changed dramatically. The actor is often called one of the biggest stars among men, who shone in the 80s.

His charming smile, as well as both youthful good looks and masculinity, won him admirers all over the world. Tom was able to distinguish himself with his own acting image, he plays persistent guys who always achieve their goals.

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz in Vanilla Sky.

Despite his popularity, Tom did not lose his head from success and material well-being, because this is not the main thing for him. He appreciates sincerity, devotion and decency in people and he himself possesses these qualities.

You can take an example from this person, because he was able to overcome all difficulties and, despite his illness, achieve amazing success in life.

Material prepared

Natalia Vitko

Even more amazing facts from the life of Tom Cruise, as well as the names of his 5 best films that are worth seeing, you will find out by watching this video.

9 chose

Many famous people have suffered from dyslexia, an impaired ability to read. Among them are Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Hans Christian Andersen, Winston Churchill. Difficulties with reading, with composing letters into words, did not prevent these people from showing themselves in another field. Let's remember today those who chose the path associated with cinema...

Jennifer Aniston

Dyslexia in Jennifer was discovered when, at an appointment with an optometrist, the actress was unable to read the text, and then answer questions on it. When Jennifer answered only three questions out of ten, the doctor noticed how the patient's eyes moved while reading. First she read four words, then went back a couple of words. Some words were completely missed.

Orlando Bloom

It's a never ending struggle. I have more trouble learning the script and remembering the words than others, says the actor. As a child, his mother inspired him to read by riding a motorcycle. Read fifty books, get a motorcycle! she said. But Orlando never read fifty books and never got a motorcycle...

By the way, Orlano's former colleague on the set of The Lord of the Rings, the favorite of the Givenchy brand, Liv Tyler, also suffers from dyslexia.

Keira Knightley

Kira says that Jane Austen's work helped her overcome dyslexia (Kira has a mild form). More precisely, the script is based on the book "Sense and Sensibility", written by Emma Thompson. Kira read the script avidly. And before that, her mother said: "If Emma Thompson could not read, she would have overcome it ... And you should start reading, because this is what Emma Thompson would do." Coco Mademoiselle believes that it is about perseverance and support from loved ones. However, even now the actress has days when reading long words is difficult for her.

Tom Cruise

Tom, like his mother, is dyslexic. At school, this prevented him from studying well (however, the boy grew up as a bully). By the way, while working on the set of the film "Rain Man" with Dustin Hoffman, Tom laughed heartily: Dustin is also short and also dyslexic.


As a child, Cher could not learn not only the alphabet, but also numbers. She was especially afraid of the numbers "6" and "9" - these shifters seemed similar to her. Then she came up with a way and began to represent the numbers in the form of spermatozoa: one swims up, and the second down.

Steven Spielberg

The famous director never felt like a victim because of the fact that he read and wrote badly. But as a child, he was considered lazy and not a very smart boy.

Jamie Oliver

At school, Jamie was an almost round Loser. And recently he admitted (or was he joking?) that the first book he finished reading at the age of 38 was The Hunger Games.

You have no idea how many people around the world suffer from this disease. Dyslexia - the inability to correctly and quickly recognize words - has befallen, including many stars. But in the fight against the disease, they do not give up. PEOPLETALK brings you a selection of celebrities with this difficult diagnosis.

actor, 38 years old

The Pirates of the Caribbean and The Lord of the Rings trilogy star struggles with dyslexia. For the first time, Orlando spoke about his illness in 2004. The actor has serious problems reading and remembering scripts. Therefore, work in the cinema is given to him with great difficulties. But as we can see, it's worth it!

Anthony Hopkins

theater and film actor, 77 years old

The Oscar-winning actor studied very poorly due to his illness, and he had to change several schools. Hopkins himself considered himself stupid as a child due to the fact that everything was difficult for him. Therefore, having tied up with studies, he found himself in art.

Whoopi Goldberg

theater and film actress, 59 years old

As a child, famous actress Whoopi Goldberg was diagnosed with dyslexia. Because of her underachievement in school, she was often teased for being dumb. But the necessary support for the little girl was provided by her mother, who urged her not to pay attention to her classmates. As a result, Whoopi Goldberg became a successful actress and collected all sorts of awards, including Oscar and Grammy.

Steven Spielberg

screenwriter and director, 68 years old

The legendary director was diagnosed with this disease when he was already over 60. But he suffered from this ailment from early childhood. As a schoolboy, he noticeably lagged behind his peers in academic performance and learned to read much later than his classmates. He was often teased by his children for not being able to read quickly in class, but he never felt inferior. According to the director, he is still slowly reading scripts, but this did not prevent him from becoming the best of the best.

singer and actor, 34 years old

Justin Timberlake is a successful actor and singer. But he was often attacked at school because of dyslexia. Justin struggles with his diagnosis to this day.

actress, 46 years old

The famous actress for a long time faced a problem when reading scripts, she simply could not remember her words. It turned out that all this was connected with her illness. She only found out she was dyslexic when a doctor prescribed glasses for her. The actress admitted that as a child, because of her illness, she felt very insecure, and now, knowing her diagnosis, it has become much easier to deal with it.

actress, 30 years old

The fact that Keira Knightley had dyslexia was diagnosed by doctors when she was six years old. The girl could not pronounce long words. But stubborn Kira managed to cope with this disease. She agreed to the conditions that her parents offered her. Kira had to read a lot, and only then she was promised to hire her agent. According to the actress, she was helped by Emma Thompson's script based on Jane Austen's book Sense and Sensibility, which she constantly reread.

actress, 48 ​​years old

Actress Salma Hayek was born into a very wealthy family, and so until the age of 12 she studied at home with private tutors. When she was sent to a Catholic school, it turned out that Salma had problems with reading.

actor, 50 years old

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