Family holiday for the new year. New Year with family

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 7 minutes


The patron of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Dog. It is under her patronage that we will enter 2018: no cunning Monkeys, no fiery Dragons, no biting Rats - only a faithful and kind Dog who promises to become a reliable friend to everyone and bring prosperity to every family.

How to meet a Dog - and not disappoint her? For your attention - the main points of preparation for the holiday in the family and the scenario of a fun holiday.

A few hours before the New Year - preparation and organizational moments

For each of us, the New Year is a long-awaited event that begins on December 31 and lasts until the very end of the holidays.

And, of course, in order to have fun during this time, you need to properly prepare.

What does the Earth Dog like?

  • The main shades in clothing and room design: gold and yellow, orange and ashy.
  • Who and where to meet? Only at home with family and closest friends.
  • What to cook? Meat and more.
  • How to celebrate? Noisy, fun, big!
  • What to use in decor? No pretentiousness! A dog is a simple animal, so this year we will do without frills and use only natural materials in the design.

Video: How to celebrate the New Year? Game for the whole family

What do you need for a fun celebration?

  1. and holiday script.
  2. Small gifts for each participant of the feast (on a plate), packed in neat (preferably the same) boxes. For example, small sets of sweets, notebooks and pens with the symbol of the year, or the symbol of the year itself as a souvenir.
  3. Prepared playlist with the necessary compositions.
  4. Props for contests and celebrations (including serpentine, tinsel, confetti, caps, etc.).
  5. Prizes for competitions. Stationery, sweets, and toys are also suitable here.
  6. If there are many guests, but there is little finance, it is not necessary to stuff a bag of gifts for each guest. A symbolic surprise in a beautiful package (preferably handmade) is enough.
  7. Diplomas, cups and medals for all participants. Of course, they need to be prepared in advance.

How to entertain the family for the New Year - options for boring holidays

After the farewell to the Old Year has taken place, you can begin to reward the guests.

Diplomas can be printed at home on a printer by selecting the most relevant ones on the Internet, and then enter the desired text into them.

For example:

  • Pape (cup) - "For golden hands."
  • Mame (letter) - "For endless patience."
  • Daughter (chocolate medal) - "For the first picture on the wallpaper."
  • Grandmother - "For standing in lines for information."
  • And so on.

Video: Family competitions for the new year. Holiday script

And now directly to the fun. In this collection, we have collected for you the most interesting games and contests for different ages.

  1. Comic fortune telling. Age: 6+ . We wrap small items in gift paper - any, depending on your imagination, and on what you find in the house: wrenches and just keys, tassels and globes, wallets and so on. We write in advance the decoding of the meaning of each item. For example, a letter - for positive news, a ring - for a great offer, vitamins - for a year without illness, a map - for travel, and so on. We put the "predictions" in a bag and invite each guest to pull their luck. We write the decryption inside the package. You can provide it with additional wishes.
  2. Me and the tree. Age: 5+. We start the competition with a pre-prepared presentation, in which we collect 2 photos of each guest - in childhood near the Christmas tree and in adulthood. Of course, we accompany the presentation with funny comments on each character. And then each participant in the holiday, young and old, should read a quatrain about winter, New Year and Santa Claus. Or sing a song. Well, in extreme cases, dance or tell a joke. The most shy must portray the character that the guests will indicate to him. Each one is awarded a chocolate medal for courage.
  3. Caught a fish . Age: 6+. We stretch the rope and tie 7-10 threads to it, at the ends of which we hang prizes hidden in mini-bags (pen, apple, lollipop, etc.). We blindfold the first participant and hand (directly into the hand) scissors with which he must cut a gift for himself without looking.
  4. The best Christmas tree. Age: 18+. Couples participate. Each "stylist" dresses up his own "Herringbone". For the image, you can use New Year's toys prepared in advance by the hostess of the house, various cosmetics, ribbons and jewelry, beads, clothing items, tinsel and serpentine, and so on. The brighter the Christmas Tree, the closer the Victory. The jury (tablets with points are prepared in advance) are exclusively children! Don't forget about the main and incentive prizes!
  5. Candle Festival. Age: 16+. What is the new year without candles! This competition is sure to appeal to girls of all ages. We prepare in advance materials that may come in handy (string and shells, colored salt and molds, beads and beads, ribbons and wire, etc.), as well as the candles themselves. It is recommended to choose white candles of different thicknesses and sizes. Plastic glasses and wine glasses for drinks are suitable as coasters (they can be found in any market). Or metal molds.
  6. Quiz "Translator" . Age: 6+. We prepare 50-100 cards in advance, on which a foreign, funny-sounding word is written on one side, and its translation on the other side. For example, "Umbrella" in Ukrainian is "Parasolka", and "T-shirt" is "mother" in Bulgarian.
  7. Quiz "Correct Answer" . Age: 6+. We write out on the cards the most ridiculous and outlandish words from the dictionary of ancient Russian words. For each such word - 3 explanations to choose from. Whoever correctly guesses the meaning of the word wins a prize.
  8. Quiz "Quotes of Great People". Age: 10+. You can prepare a quiz in the form of a presentation, so it will be more convenient for both the guests and the presenter. We show only half of the well-known saying on the screen, and the guests must complete the phrase.
  9. Karaoke for the whole family. Age: 6+. Everyone can participate in the competition. We choose, of course, winter and holiday songs (Three White Horses, Ice Ceiling, Five Minutes, etc.). It is recommended to divide the competition into 2 parts: first, children sing, and adults act as judges, then vice versa. Of course, don't forget about the incentive and main prizes!
  10. Let's travel together! Age: 10+. We prepare cards or a presentation with questions and answers in advance. Each question contains a veiled description of a particular country. For example - "there is a Great Wall here, and this country is considered the birthplace of Confucius." The guesser receives a surprise related to this country (magnet, souvenir symbol, fruit, etc.).
  11. Bowling alley. Age: 6+. What you need: skittles, heavy ball or ball. The essence of the game: the one who manages to knock out the most number of pins wins. Skittles are knocked down only when the participant is blindfolded!
  12. Stop music! Age: for kids. We seat the kids in a circle, give one of them a box with a surprise and turn on the music. With the first notes, the gift should go from hand to hand. The gift is received by the child in whose hands the box remains after the music is stopped. The child who received the gift leaves the circle. The host takes out the next box, and the game continues. And so on until only one kid is left without a gift - we simply hand him a gift.
  13. Who is bigger? Age: for kids. Each child takes turns saying a word related to the New Year. The child who "takes a break" (cannot remember anything) is out. The main prize goes to the child with the most solid vocabulary.
  14. Relay race with tangerines. Age: for kids. We line up the children in two lines, put a tray of tangerines on the table, give a spoon to each first in the lines and put 2 plastic baskets - one per team. Task: run to the table (at the end of the room) through obstacles, pick up a tangerine with a spoon, bring it to a plastic basket and pass the spoon to the next player. Back we run, bypassing obstacles! As obstacles, you can use a stretched rope, sofa cushions, etc. The team that fills the basket first wins.

Remember: even the losers should receive prizes. Let comforting, modest - but it is necessary!

Yes, adults too. After all, the New Year is a holiday of magic, not resentment and grief.

We all know that it is necessary to celebrate the New Year, having prepared, because folk wisdom says that how the most fabulous night of the year will pass, this will be the next twelve months. Therefore, approach the preparation responsibly. At the same time, do not be discouraged, because even if you celebrate a holiday with your family, you can spend time interestingly, and not corny and boring. So, for example, there are many contests that will give positive emotions, help you get closer to your family and cheer up not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

Contests for the New Year 2017 in the family circle

We bring to your attention the best options:

  1. Associations. A funny game that will help "stretch" your brain and have an interesting time. Its essence lies in the fact that each of the family members should take turns naming New Year's attributes, for example, gifts, snow, a Christmas tree, toys, etc. No more than thirty seconds are given for reflection. If during this period the participant does not have time to say the right word, he leaves the game. Repetitions and hints are not allowed.
  2. Fulfill my wish. A fun moving competition. To do this, give each participant five cards, on each of which he must write one of his desires, for example, sing his favorite song, jump ten times on his left foot, make everything tea, etc. After that, turn them written words down. All cards must be the same color and shape. We mix the cards, after which each of the participants draws one at a time and grants wishes.
  3. How to be? The meaning of such a game is to find out how the participant will act in an emergency. However, you can not give time to think. Without thinking, a person will speak ridiculously, amusing everyone around. Remember that the more interesting the questions, the funnier the answers. Therefore, you should not ask the standard ones: “How will you act during the flood?”, “Fire. What to do?". Instead, you can use the following questions: “You are on a desert island. How will you get out?”, “The boss didn’t give me a salary, but we urgently need money. You can't take a loan, you can't borrow. How will you act?"
  4. My dream house. One person who will control the game lays out pencils or felt-tip pens in front of the participants, making it possible to remember where which color is, after that they are blindfolded. The members begin to draw their dream home. In the end, the winner will be the one whose object turns out to be more beautiful.
  5. The best video. Today, each of us has our own phone, with which you can not only take pictures, but also shoot a video. Invite family members to make a video on any topic. However, it should be about the New Year. You can't watch how your opponent works. In the end, the one with the best video wins.
  6. Fly, my snowflake. We make snowflakes. They should be small but beautiful. We put on the table and sit down so that they are at the same distance from each participant in the game. Each snowflake must be signed or have its own color. We begin to blow in turn, the one whose snowflake flies further will win.
  7. Super Christmas tree. The point is to make a Christmas tree in the company, using only one hand. According to the rules of the game, family members must be divided into groups, each of which must have two people. One person is holding paper and the other is holding scissors. Each participant uses only one hand. The team with the prettiest tree wins.

As you can see, you can spend time interestingly in the family circle. Choose games that will be interesting for children and adults. Have a nice holiday!

An article about how you can celebrate the New Year 2020 in an original way at home. It talks about creating a kind of festive atmosphere and describes the scenario of a small New Year's game.

On New Year's Eve, we strive to see some special meaning even in the most ordinary affairs, we try to put some symbolism into them.

We kind of play with ourselves and with others, indulge in dreams and guess a little, looking for hints and signs in everything.

And what is amazing and mysterious: the world around us responds to our innermost desires and appeals. Christmas trees are especially responsive at this time.

Next year, naturalness and frankness are in fashion. This also applies to the New Year's interior, so let's come up with something original, but not too pretentious.

New Year's tree

Let's try, for example, this year to abandon the big queen-tree, imperiously gathering around her all the gifts, all household members and guests.
Let's introduce a Christmas tree "democracy": let's allow small independent Christmas trees to be in all living rooms, as well as in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the hall - wherever a cozy place is found.
Let's not use the usual cross-pieces or containers disguised as "snow".

And let's take and find the most common household containers in the house - beautiful linen baskets, free flower pots, mushroom baskets, tubs for pickles, all kinds of buckets, saucepans and other household items. Here in all this we will plant pines and Christmas trees!
No glamorous pretentiousness, long live simplicity and naturalness!

New Year Gift Ideas

Packing, placing and presenting New Year's gifts - all this has long been part of a special home ritual.

In addition to surprises familiar in Russia under pillows, in wardrobes and under forest beauties, we often resort to European customs to hide gifts in socks and stockings.
But let's change the usual way a little: let's try to update the already familiar socks and stockings, replacing them with mittens, felt boots and boots.

Room Decoration Ideas for New Year 2020

Small Christmas trees, combined with the simplicity of mittens hung around the house, create a unified style.

But this year should not be uniform.

So it's time to sprinkle a handful of fun shiny details around the house - they will emphasize the soft sound of natural decoration with their sonorous silver voices. Now we're having a little fun commotion.

Let the brilliant outfit of Christmas trees (balls, garlands, beads, rigmarole, rain and any other tinsel) migrate into transparent glass vases and glasses, take places in tureens and salad bowls, magically transforming familiar things.
Let the sparkling signs of the holiday meet you all over the house - on tables, window sills, shelves and even chair armrests.

Now, in the glitter of silver and gold, the house is truly ready for the holiday!

New Year's Eve Scenario

In a house with magical decorations, the “mystical” scenario of the New Year's Eve should be remarkably perceived. It is he who will complement the novelty of your decoration, bringing his own zest to a grandiose celebration.

  • Atmosphere: relaxed.
  • Company: a large family or a group of people who have known each other for a long time.
  • Number of participants: five to twelve people.
  • Scene: apartment.
  • Preparation: nothing is required from the guests, except for a good mood.

Guests enter the house, undress and take their seats at the table.
In the center of the table there is a magic hourglass, a magic arrow and an equally magical chest.
The hosts, who have taken on the role of leaders, explain the rules of the ceremony to be performed:

follow the arrow, follow the instructions of the casket, keep track of time.

New Year's game at the New Year's home meeting

  • As soon as everyone is seated, the arrow will begin to rotate (to set it, use a children's tape measure or spinning top).
  • The guest she points to should think of something good, put his hand into the casket, pull out one note and read it aloud.
  • It encodes the place where the magical iconic thing is stored. Now we all go together in search of her. Soon there is a plate with three pies.
  • The host explains that the guest, whom the arrow pointed to, must take one pie for himself, and distribute the rest.

Hidden inside one of the pies is a small salt dough cookie that says "Luck".

So someone got lucky. So that she does not leave the participants of the holiday for a whole year, it is necessary to cast a spell.

The magic hourglass turns over, and while the sand is pouring, there is time to tell everyone a story about luck. This story is the spell.

If you finish the story before time runs out, your luck will not fly away next year.

Game continues. The arrow spins to point to the next player.

  • He dips his hand into the magic box and pulls out a piece of paper with the inscription "Look under the plate."
  • Under the plate, a note with the wording "Joy" is found.
  • Now it's the new member's turn to tell the story - the time has come.

  • The next guest takes out a piece of paper from the magic chest with the call “Take a flower” and receives a chamomile from the hosts.
  • She is allowed in a circle for the well-known game "Loves - does not love."
  • The last one to tear off the petal from "Loves" will get love.

Congratulations! Now it remains only to keep it with history.

Arrow fires again.

  • The selected person is instructed to look for the next definition under the seat of their own chair.
  • Looking there, the guest finds the inscription "Support".
  • Surely, besides the chair, there is some kind of support in life that you can talk about while the sand timer counts down.

And again on the arrow.

IMPORTANT: The number of notes in the chest must exactly match the number of people sitting at the table.

The game "Magic New Year's Cake"

When all the guests have gone through the rite of New Year's spells, a magical fruit and berry pie appears on the table.

  • Try to distinguish apples, cranberries, grapes, tangerines and other gifts of nature baked in it.
  • Cut each piece. After that, the last instruction is taken from the magic casket.

This is a detailed description with what fruits and berries in the pie correspond to what.

Thus, if you got a piece with an apple is creativity.

And if with raisins - pleasant surprises.

Pieces of the magic pie can be exchanged and shared.

As you can see, nothing complicated and requiring some kind of supernatural effort, additional costs or unusual skills.

But everything is absolutely new, everything is unusual, fun and with a twist!

Please yourself and your loved ones on this most fabulous night of the year, and they will definitely answer you with sincerity, sincerity and love!

Video: Entertainment for the whole family for the New Year

If you are going to celebrate the New Year at home with friends
or in the family circle, then this scenario and recommendations that I will offer you,
will make your New Year the most original and most unforgettable.

Let's start with decorating your apartment.
It's probably redundant to talk about what decorations you can use for this,
but still there are some points that should not be forgotten.
So, of course, the main requisite of this holiday is the Christmas tree. Decorate the Christmas tree to your liking, the main thing is that behind a pile of balls and tinsel you can see the Christmas tree itself. It is best to start decorating the Christmas tree with electric garlands so that the toys can cover the wires of the garlands. Place small toys closer to the top, and larger ones down, then hang tinsel and serpentine on top of the toys. You can make your own Christmas tree ornaments. Of course, they will not be as bright as purchased ones, but the process of their creation will remain in memory for a long time.

Toys can be made as follows: cut out all kinds of animals from cardboard, make a chain of colored paper. To do this, cut the colored paper into strips, the length of which is 5 cm and the width is 2 cm. Then glue the edges of one strip so that a circle is obtained; the next strip must be threaded into the finished circle and glue the edges in the same way. The number of such strips depends on how long you want the chain to be.

Do not forget to put under it the gifts that you have prepared for your family and friends. The main thing is that the gifts are wrapped as brightly as possible. Take care also of large bows that will decorate your gifts. Presents can be put in bags that show the symbol of the coming year.

Cut a huge number of foil snowflakes and stick them on the walls and windows of your apartment.

The ceiling is best decorated with serpentine and cotton wool, tying the serpentine to small cotton balls.

In addition, create a New Year's panel from fir branches, place candles on the tables. All these decorations will fill the hearts of those present with a sense of celebration.

And don't forget the festive New Year poster. On it you can draw the animal under the sign of which the outgoing year passed. Also on the poster you can write the main joyful events that happened to you in the past year. For example, here's a sample:

Painted mirrors will be a wonderful decoration of your apartment. Use toothpaste as paint. You can draw pine branches along the edges of the mirror, and on them - all kinds of decorations: balls, figures of various animals and birds.

At the beginning of the home New Year's holiday, you can choose Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. If the guests want to make the costumes of these fairy-tale characters in advance, then let them do it. For the costume of Santa Claus, it is necessary to stick as many snowflakes as possible on a robe or a red sheepskin coat, and sew tinsel or a white fur edge on the bottom. Don't forget the big fur gloves, also decorated with snowflakes. In order to create a Santa Claus headdress, you can use any hat, trimmed with red material. Pay special attention to the manufacture of the beard. For her, you will need tape, cotton wool and scissors. It is best to use double sided tape. Stick it on paper, cut a piece out of it in the form of a beard. Then stick a lot of cotton on it; now you can attach the ropes to tie it to the head.

It is best for the Snow Maiden to be in bright silver clothes or in a blue robe, also decorating it with snowflakes. As a headdress, you can make a crown of wire by wrapping it with thin tinsel. You can weave two pigtails of blue or silver tinsel; in order to keep them better, attach them to the edges of the crown. If you do not have wire, you can use a regular headband, also wrapping it with silver tinsel.

The rest of the guests must also come in costumes. Arrange a real masquerade! It is easy to create a Snowflake, Night, Bunny or Magician costume. At the end of the holiday, the host should take stock and arrange a competition for the best costume. The jury is all your guests. Identify the person in the best suit with applause.

So, now let's go directly to the scenario of the home new year. We already have Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, now we will choose the Christmas tree. To do this, you need to choose the most daring girl. The rest of the guests for a limited amount of time must "decorate" this girl, who plays the role of a Christmas tree, with a roll of toilet paper (tinsel) and clothespins (Christmas toys). The girl must stand on a chair. You can make this competition team. From paper, you can make various bows, a star on your head, etc.

The next game is called "SNOWMAN". For this game you will need a lot of paper and wallpaper. The participants are divided into two equal teams, the task of the participating players is to make a snowman out of this material in a limited time.

"MITTLES" Santa Claus's mittens can be used for this game. One participant is selected who puts on these mittens, he is blindfolded. His task is to determine by touch the person who is standing in front of him. You can feel the whole person from head to toe.

"NEW YEAR'S DRAWING" Hang two blank sheets of paper on the wall, select the two most daring guests, tie their hands behind their backs. Give them brushes, water jars, paints, or markers. Now their task is to draw the symbols of the outgoing year without the help of hands on blank sheets of paper.

FRESH BREATH All players receive one paper snowflake. The main task is to blow your snowflake as far as possible. After all the snowflakes are on the floor, the presenter, to the surprise of all those present, calls the winner the one whose snowflake fell closest to the start. It turns out that the winner of the "fresh breath" contest has to pin the snowflake to the floor before anyone else.

"GUESS THE BALL" The girls remain in the room, and the leader takes the young people to another room. Each girl must choose one ball from the Christmas tree, then young people enter the room one at a time. Each guy who enters chooses one ball on the tree, if this ball is guessed by some girl, then he kisses this girl on the cheek. Then the young people go out and go in the second circle. The girls are already guessing other balls. If a young man names a ball that a girl has thought of, whom he has already kissed on the cheek, then he must kiss her on the lips.

"DECORATE THE CHRISTMAS" For this game you will need Christmas decorations made of cotton wool. You need to attach wire hooks to them, in addition, you need to make a fishing rod with the same hook as on the toys. The task of the players is to hang cotton toys on the Christmas tree with the help of this fishing rod. The one who hangs up his toys the fastest wins. For this competition, the tree must be in a stable position.

"DECORATE THE CHRISTMAS-2" Several participants stand in the middle of the room, they are blindfolded, then each participant must be rotated several times around its axis. The task of the players is to go in the direction where the tree stands and hang toys on it, which the host gave them in advance.

"THE MOST NEW YEAR FILM" All guests sit in a circle and take turns pronouncing the names of films that are somehow connected with the New Year. Whoever does not pronounce the name is eliminated, the one who names the most such films wins.

"NEW YEAR'S MELODY" Each participant receives empty bottles and one spoon in their hands, with the help of these items they must perform the New Year's melody. The jury evaluates their melodies and chooses the most New Year's of them.

"THE MOST ERUDIOUS GUEST" In this competition, you can simply ask questions to your guests, questions must be related to the New Year.
In what year did Peter I order to celebrate the New Year in the winter months? (1700)
In which country is it customary to throw old dishes and furniture out of the window on New Year's Eve? (Italy)
In what year did the first New Year's card appear in London?
Hint: between 1800 and 1850. (1843)
In Germany, the New Year is not celebrated for one day, but for much longer.
When does the New Year holiday start in Germany? (December 6)
In almost all countries, the New Year's clock strikes twelve times, thus signifying the onset of the New Year, but in Japan they strike many more times.
How many times do Japanese clocks strike to announce the new year? Hint: 80 to 130 hits (108)

“PLANS FOR THE NEW YEAR” According to the scenario, each guest is given sheets of paper, on top of which all participants must write their intentions for the next New Year, then the upper part is folded so that it is not visible what is written. After that, this sheet must be passed to a neighbor sitting to his right, and he, in turn, must write the reason why this decision was made. Example phrase: “I intend to make………………(decision) because………………………(reason).” Next, the players read aloud what happened.

"LETTER TO SANTA" For this game you will need paper, pencils and the imagination of your guests. The facilitator asks each player to write a letter to Santa Claus on behalf of the player sitting on the left. The facilitator gives the players 5-6 minutes to write this letter. After the time is up, the players pass these letters to the neighbors who sit to their left. Thus, each player reads a letter from himself, but written by a neighbor. In this competition, the host must reward the players for their originality.

"CHRISTMAS HIT" For this game you need to form two teams. Each team must "stage" the song. For this game, you can assign roles in advance, or team captains can do it. Songs are best suited for dramatizations: “Three White Horses” performed by Vitas, “Yolka” performed by Verka Serduchka.

I wish that your home New Year, which will be organized with the help of this script, become one of the most fun holidays in your life..
Show your imagination, and the spirit of the New Year will come to your house!

New Year is one of the most beloved, cheerful, magical. It is considered to be a family holiday. And, of course, it’s great if on this day both old and small will gather at the festive table. The holiday will become really interesting if everyone takes part in its preparation.

Gifts, greeting cards, of course, should be waiting for everyone.

How to hand them over? There are many possibilities - you can hang them on the New Year tree or entrust "homemade" Santa Claus to do it, you can hide them in multi-colored stockings and suggest using leading questions to guess who exactly this gift should be given to, or maybe the gala dinner will begin with a concert where each family member will give a creative gift, and in gratitude for this he will accept gifts from other family members.

For the most active parent or relative, the entire program of the New Year's holiday can be a creative gift to loved ones and loved ones. Don't forget to take care of the prizes for the winners. Such prizes can be edible Christmas decorations - specially baked gingerbread or cookies, sweets, nuts, fruits.

Win - take a treat from the Christmas tree!

If the program of your holiday involves a carnival, inform all guests in advance. And, in case of unforeseen circumstances, it would be good to prepare masks, hats, some things from which it is easy to quickly build a costume. You can do it differently: hand over the blanks of masks and hats to the arriving guests, and let them make them themselves until it's time to sit down at the festive table.

A toast competition at the table can also be prepared a little in advance - cards with rhymes of the future toast are distributed to guests, and pencils and felt-tip pens are prepared in a certain place. Let the rhymes be simple: nose - goes - Frost - year, etc.

On New Year's Eve, you can also arrange a comic fortune-telling - bake small items into a "fortune-telling" pie, and invite each guest to choose a piece. And on that subject, one can guess what will happen next year - a bone - there will be a wonderful harvest on a personal plot, caramel - a "sweet" life awaits, etc. Just be careful with such a "fortune-telling" treat.

You can distribute "duties" among the guests like this. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared "snowball" - made of cotton wool, or white fabric, inside which sweet prizes can also be hidden. "Kom" is transmitted and the host says:

Snowball we all roll,
We all count to five
One two three four five -
You sing a song.

You dance here to dance.

You have to guess a riddle.

You have a gift to fulfill.

Before the arrival of Santa Claus, everyone must take part in a blitz poll, saying the words "True" or "false".

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He comes at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
He wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of chips, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the answers are given to the questions,
You all know about Santa Claus.

And that means it's time
All the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus, appearing, greets everyone, but notices "disorder".

Father Frost:
What is this? What a mess!
There are no lights on your Christmas tree!
To make the tree burst into flames,
You use the words:

"Surprise us with beauty,
Elka, turn on the lights!"
There are no friendlier guys in the world!
You are ready? Three four!

Santa Claus "lights the Christmas tree", presents gifts to all guests and fun, fun continues.

Children are very fond of mass, general dances. Here, in the dance episode of the holiday, there may be a dance of "Little ducklings", and a dance game with repetition of movements after the leader "If life is fun, do this ..." Before each movement it is repeated: If life is fun, do this ...

Movements can be:
- two hand claps in front of the chest;
- two clicks of the fingers;
- two punches in the chest (like King Kong);
- two strokes with spread fingers, when the hands are attached to the nose (gesture "Pinocchio's nose");
- two hand pulls of one's own ears;
- two protrusions of the tongue with a turn of the head (to the neighbor on the right and on the left);
- two twists with a finger at the temple;
- two slaps with both hands on your own pope.

The game ends with the fact that at the last performance of the song, after the words "do it" all the movements are repeated at once.

You can invite children and adults to the music to repeat the movements, all the while accelerating the pace:

Everyone clapped their hands
Friendly, more fun.
Legs, legs pounded
Louder and faster.
Beaten on the knees
Hush, hush, hush.
Handles, handles raise
Higher, higher, higher!
twirled, twirled
And they stopped!

And in this game, it is proposed to first memorize the text:

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,
Santa Claus is coming to us.
And we know that Santa Claus
Brings us gifts.

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the word "we".

Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus", everyone points to the door, the word "goes" is replaced by walking on the spot, the word "know" - touch the forehead with the index finger, the word "gifts" - a gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb "will bring."

Another game offers to remember the motive of the song "Fried Chicken" and perform it with new words and new content.

We are in the south
in the hot south
The sun shines all year round.
And everyone is dancing
Everyone is having fun
When they celebrate the New Year!

Everyone sings a song, and then the host says: "Right hand!" And this means that he still performs this "chants" again, but at the same time they will shake his right hand. With each successive performance of the song, new tasks are given: right shoulder, left arm, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, everyone should "shake" more and more parts of the body. Everyone is funny and funny.

You can invite the guys to become actors in the puppet theater. In this case, the roles are distributed with the help of answers to riddles.

She is smarter than all the animals
Red coat on her
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
Is this beast of the forest?

The child who first guessed the riddle and said the answer receives a Fox doll (glove) or a Fox toy.

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
sucked brown paw
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
This beast of the forest

Forests conceal many troubles,
Wolf, bear and fox.
There the animal lives in anxiety,
Takes away from misfortune
Come on, quickly guess
What is the name of the animal?

In winter, in the hours of fun
I hang on a bright spruce.
I shoot like a gun.
My name is

After all the roles are distributed, let the kids become participants in a small performance. Everyone, to the best of their ability, performs their roles in accordance with the plot. The plot may be simple.

Once upon a time there lived a cracker. She was evil, wicked, she fought with a hare, fell on the head of the Fox, substituted the “leg” for the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling with displeasure. But one day the Bear called the Hare, the Fox and they decided to teach a lesson to the cracker. They surrounded her, pulled their paws towards her, and Flapper pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, the Fox and the Bunny began to have fun and dance!

A lot of things can fit in the program of your holiday - the game "Field of Miracles", and crossword contests, and much more. The main thing is to treat the preparation of the holiday responsibly, with soul, and then everything will work out for you!


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