Anniversary scenarios for men. Day-Christmas meetings (scenario)


Although men are too strict and reserved people than women, if sometimes it seems that they do not want gifts and do not want holidays in their honor, you are mistaken, a day such as a birthday is important for every person. For a man, the holiday can be decorated especially, in a masculine way. The main decorations will be balloons; their colors can resemble a tuxedo; the white and black design will be both strict and festive at the same time. You can make congratulatory posters yourself, just cut out tie shapes from large cardboard and write congratulatory words on these templates. To please the birthday boy, we advise you to take photos of him in Photoshop, where he is driving a luxury foreign car, but the photo should be large enough so that later he can decorate his home interior with it, and remember you with a kind word for a long time.


(all guests sit in their places and wait for the birthday boy to come out)

Good afternoon my friends,
I'm glad to see you all,
Everyone gathered to
To congratulate one,
An incomparable man,
Always first in everything,
And so I ask, we shout hurray,
After all, he is already in a hurry here!

(all the guests shout “hurray” and applaud, the chorus from Natalie’s song “Oh God, what a man” begins to sound, the birthday boy comes out to the guests)

Indeed, oh God, what a man,
There is a reason to congratulate him
Today is his birthday
And he is worthy of praise
And so let's begin,
Pour wine into glasses!

(all guests fill their glasses)

Dear ladies and gentlemen, raise your glasses to a most magnificent person, to a good relative, a devoted friend and a faithful colleague, to (name of the birthday boy)! May there always be health, happiness, success, prosperity and love in his life!

(everyone is drinking, the meal is going on, music is playing)

Now let's go back to childhood,
Not to the thirtieth kingdom,
Let’s remember the cartoon about Cheburashka and Gena,
And about their theme song!

I ask the birthday boy to come to me, now he will receive a theatrical congratulation from his friend!

(the birthday boy goes to the host, she sits him on a chair, puts a headband with two large ears on his head, he will play the role of Cheburashka, and then the backing track for the song “Let them run clumsily” begins to sound, and in the image of the crocodile Gena, in green in a suit, with an accordion, a relative or close friend of the birthday boy comes out to join)

Verse No. 1

I couldn't help but congratulate
And I want to deliver
Congratulations friend for you,
And I sincerely wish you
May you live forever,
There were family and friends nearby!

Happy birthday, congratulations,
Always be yourself
And of course I wish
So that money flows to you like a river.
And of course, I’ll make a wish,
May you always be a star in life!

Verse No. 2

And if a wizard suddenly arrives,
On your helicopter
Don't ask him for a popsicle,
Order him a jeep
And a trip to Cyprus,
To relax there from the heart!


Wonderful congratulations,
Worthy of applause and admiration!
And now it's time for everyone to continue,
We pour wine from the heart,
And to (name of the birthday boy) we drink to the dregs!

(meal, music playing)

Now it's time for us all to stand up
Play a dance competition!

The competition is called: “Dancing as a couple.” Five couples take part. Task: I all stand in the middle of the hall, the men create a small circle, stand facing the women, and at this time the women start dancing to the music, moving in a circle. As soon as the music stops, they must jump into the arms of their partners, whoever jumps last is eliminated. And so we play until the most seasoned pair. Prize: each with a souvenir pen.

And now, dear guests, I want to solemnly present our birthday boy with a gold medal in front of all of you, in honor of his solemn birthday!

(the presenter takes out a gold-colored medal, on which the engraving will be depicted: “To the Honored Birthday Boy” (it can be purchased at any gift store), approaches the birthday boy and solemnly, to applause, we put it on him)

I congratulated the man of the day,
Now the time has come for your guests,
I ask everyone to get up from their seats,
And announce your congratulations,
Well, at the end, give me your surprise,
Clap the firecracker for an encore!

(the presenter hands out a firecracker to each guest, everyone stands up in turn, congratulates, gives a gift and makes a pop of confetti, the very last guest, secretly, the presenter gives a mini-firework, after his congratulations he sets it on fire)

And now it’s time for us to drink to all the words we’ve spoken!

(name of the birthday boy) I sincerely hope that they will all come true for you!

(everyone drinks, a meal passes, the presenter leaves her post, and the holiday continues without her)

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USSR-style parties have been rapidly gaining popularity lately. After all, they contain an inexplicable romance of the past and nostalgia for times of universal equality. And for the younger generation, this is a kind of excursion into the history of our Motherland. Give such a holiday to yourself and your guests. And thanks to our tips, preparing for such an unusual birthday celebration will be quite simple.

As older people say: “It was better before!” It is believed that in Soviet times “the ice cream tasted better and the sun shone brighter.” And since bad things are quickly forgotten and only good moments remain in memory, many people remember with particular trepidation the times of the pioneers, the Komsomol, and the bright road to communism.

So why not, when celebrating a man’s birthday, if the traitor’s age allows, not plunge into this happy time? Young people will probably also be happy to immerse themselves in the romance of the past, sharing the nostalgia of the older generation. This funny and cool scenario can be easily implemented independently at home. The main attributes are ingenuity and good mood!

And most of the scenery and paraphernalia of such a comic and cheerful scenario can be found in our grandmothers’ pantries.


It is better to send out invitation cards to the event to guests in advance. Considering that we have already decided on the style of the men's holiday scenario, the invitations can also be in this style. For example, they are in the form of a party card, a pass to a factory, written on a Soviet postcard or poster (if grandmother’s collections have not survived, options can be found on the Internet and printed).

Be sure to include a dress code at your party. For men, this could be old-fashioned jackets or trousers and a shirt with rolled up sleeves, and a six-piece cap. For women - polka dot dresses or robe dresses.


You can look for decorations for this holiday at the flea market. We will need pioneer badges, ties, caps, Soviet-era posters with slogans. If you couldn’t find such paraphernalia, then you can make it yourself. Caps and ties can be made from red fabric. They need to be made according to the number of invited guests. Draw posters yourself or find ready-made ones and print them. Also prepare armbands for “drink duty” and “plate duty.” Make sure you have cut glasses, this will also give the party a special ambience.

Don't forget about the souvenirs that you will give to guests in competitions. These could be Soviet postcards, magnets with USSR symbols, Soviet banknotes and coins.

Prepare a bag with notes containing the names of Soviet figures, for example, Stalin, Lenin, Brezhnev. Before giving the guest the floor for congratulations, have him pull out a note. Everyone's task for the evening: say toasts, parodying these people.

Festive table

To create the atmosphere of past years, cover the table with newspapers; you can look for old newspapers from the Soviet period. To prevent them from flying off and make it more convenient to set the table, place a transparent film on top of the newspapers.

Of course, there is no need to completely repeat the Soviet table of the times of “stagnation,” but we recommend serving dishes typical of that time to maintain the spirit of the era. It can be:

  • sprat in tomato;
  • the vinaigrette;
  • pickled cucumbers in a jar;
  • aspic;
  • Russian salad.

Don't forget about drinks. Prepare labels for bottles, for example, “Pshenichnaya” and “Stolichnaya” vodkas, “Buratino”, “Tarragon” drinks.

Meeting with guests

The presenter at the celebration can be the birthday person’s wife or his friend.

When welcoming guests at home, it is necessary to initiate everyone into pioneers, wear a cap, a tie and a pioneer badge. In the hallway, hang posters with the slogans “Drank vodka - take care of your cap!”, “Proletarians of all countries - get over your hangover!”

It will also be fun if everyone says a comic oath. This moment can be captured in a photo or video.

Here's another good video clip to set the mood.

“I, (full name), voluntarily joining the ranks of the pioneer organization this evening, in the face of my constant comrades, solemnly swear: to deeply respect and cordially congratulate the birthday boy. Have fun, sing and dance, observing Ilyich’s precepts. Sacredly observe the rules of unbridled pioneer feasting. Be positive and do everything that the party and the Komsomol demand. I swear under no circumstances to utter the words “I don’t play like that” and “What kind of kindergarten.”

The progress of the holiday

Leading. Honorable guests! On this warm and festive day, we gathered here to congratulate the leader of our pioneer detachment (name of the birthday boy) on his birthday. We invite you to a solemn meeting dedicated to this festive event. From this day on, the young activist, pioneer and simply handsome man faces adulthood, full of the joys of fighting our class enemies. This means prepare your hands for hugs, palms for applause, toasts for congratulations. Let's solemnly greet the hero of the occasion!

The song “And Lenin is so young” sounds, the birthday boy in a pioneer tie and cap enters the room.

Leading: We salute our intelligentsia! Greetings to our employees and knowledge workers! We greet the workers of factories and factories. Well, and other invited citizens. Hooray! Comrades! In view of the current world situation, only Soviet people can openly hold such events. Please consider the meeting dedicated to this significant event open! And to the joy of the workers and peasants, I invite everyone to the banquet part of the meeting, I ask everyone to sit at the table!

Leading. The floor goes to a member of the party, a shock member of all five-year plans, an activist with experience and part-time, the wife of our respected pioneer leader.

Spouse. Comrade proletarians! Our mood and pastime are in our calloused working hands! Let's throw off the oppression of gray and dull everyday life! May humor, enthusiasm, cheerful mood and creative thoughts be with us! Let's show solidarity in matters of entertainment! Let us, with our energetic actions, help our birthday boy meet another working year with enthusiasm and cheerfulness! The year is over - everything is ahead! Hooray! Comrades!

Leading: The only thing we're missing at the banquet is those on duty, let's appoint them using a little counting rhyme.

Hitler sits in the meadow

Chews a horse leg.

"Oh, what a greedy thing -

Russian beef."

A “drink man on duty” and a “plate man on duty” are appointed, and appropriate armbands are hung on their hands. Their task is to make sure that everyone’s glasses are filled and their plates are not empty.

Guests are given some time to have a snack. At this time, Soviet-era music is playing. You can make a musical selection with the following performers: “Pesnyary”, “Earthlings”, Lev Leshchenko, Sofia Rotaru, Leonid Utesov, etc.

Leading. Our country is fighting the capitalist imperial enemies, and we, the pioneers, are helping it with all our might in this. For the past five years our pioneer leader has been making his unbearable contribution to this process. Let's find out which of our faithful comrades knows our hero best.

Several guests are participating, it is necessary to depict answers to the following questions:

  • Show how our hero learned to walk.
  • How did he behave in the store when he was refused a new toy?
  • How did he call his mother while sitting on the potty?
  • How did the birthday boy do morning exercises as a child?
  • How did he come home after prom?

The winner of this competition is given a “hangover coupon” as a reward. Sample text: “The bearer of this coupon has the right and obligation guaranteed by the constitution to receive without waiting in line and free of charge (that is, for free) one glass of vodka and one pickled cucumber. To improve your health. Upon presentation of a sore head. The coupon is valid until ____.”

Leading: The Soviet pioneer must be vigilant during the irreconcilable class struggle of the Soviet proletariat with the foreign bourgeoisie. He must distinguish a Soviet man from an overseas spy. Let's test our knowledge about our great people.

Photographs of famous Soviet figures are printed in advance. You need to look at the photograph and name the person’s last name. For example, Grigory Zhukov, Yuri Gagarin, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Nikulin, Nikita Khrushchev.

Leading: He wears a red tie, an example for all the guys. He is a girl, he is a boy, a Soviet pioneer! And a pioneer must be strong and dexterous, kind and smart. Let's test the team qualities of our pioneer detachment.

Several couples participate in the competition. You need to be the fastest to tie your partner a pioneer tie and make a cap out of paper.


Rise up with fires, stormy nights,

We are pioneers, grandchildren of workers!

The time of happy years is approaching,

With a cheerful and cheerful step

We follow the Komsomol,

The time for happy years is near

The motto remains the same: always be prepared!

We stand guard over our vast homeland and are always ready to defend its interests and borders with arms in our hands and fervor in our hearts!

I propose to test our skills in this matter, our dexterity and accuracy in exterminating enemies.

Darts competition. To play the game, print out a target with a picture of Hitler and hang it on the board. The player who hits Hitler's head the most times wins.

Leading: Pioneer - as you know, is a pioneer, a pioneer. And every pioneer in Soviet times dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Why don't we make our childhood dreams come true. Let's find out which of us is the real discoverer and conqueror of new planets.

Participants in the competition are given a balloon and a marker. In five minutes you need to inflate the balloon, draw a flag and as many people as possible on it. Whoever “populated” his planet with a large number of colonists won.

Leading: Of course, in our beloved country there is a lot of wonderful music and dance. But sometimes you just want to have a little fun and listen to music from “over the hill”! Let's not deny ourselves this pleasure. Long live twist and rock and roll!

For the dance part of the evening, select appropriate music. For example: “Beauty Queen”, “Black Cat”, the group “Bravo”, early Pugacheva and others.

Finale of the holiday

Don't forget to think about the end of the party too. A good result could be a “Book of Complaints and Suggestions”, in which each guest can enter their wishes for the birthday person. A final speech from the hero of the occasion would be appropriate. You can also prudently prepare comic certificates of honor for all guests “For their invaluable contribution to the cause of the Soviet pioneers.”

Anniversary - for most, a double holiday. On the one hand, it seems like fun - a reason to get together with friends and relatives, hear kind words, recharge with energy and a sense of self-worth. And on the other hand, worries, troubles, burden, realizing that time cannot be returned...

I hope that the anniversary recreated according to this scenario will be remembered from the first side.

I will deliberately skip the first congratulatory part and focus on competitions and games.

Leading: I have a question for the hero of the day. Admit it honestly, dear Hero of the Day, when we realized that this solemn event was coming soon, we thought: “Oh, damn it, another Birthday, but not easy, but... a summer anniversary! (the hero of the day confirms). And, probably, they felt excitement, worried - how to celebrate, right?.. "
Why am I asking about this, dear guests, I know there is such a problem - anxiety before big dates. I propose today to break this stereotype and celebrate this holiday in such a way that neither the hero of the day nor you are left with any other feeling other than fun, optimism and pleasant anticipation of the anniversary. But for this I need your unity! I ask everyone, friends, to come to me.

We take apart a piece of paper. Each one has a number written on it, this is your serial number.
Your task is to line up in a column in order, but you must determine your place without making a single sound. You can hug, touch yourself, hit your forehead, clap, kiss, but don't talk!

Leading: How do you like our queue uh, hero of the day? When will you remember NEXT anniversary, remember her!

So that all the next events in the life of the hero of the day will be as fun as our festive turn, and also for understanding the environment of the hero of the day without words!

Leading: Have you noticed that no matter what time the birthday boy was born, Birthdays (Anniversaries) are always summer (50,60,80 year olds) warm and cozy.
What does the hero of the day associate summer with?
Sun, sea, beach, that's understandable, but to be honest... Vegetable garden! Who helps you in the garden?

The question is asked to determine participation for the next competition "Turnips"(staged competition).

Repka's script

Grandfather Dima-chuma

Over the course of my life I have gained wisdom:

He planted a turnip

Like following a child.

The baby has grown up

Grandfather gasped: “Yo! Damn stump!"

So she sat down like a princess,

You can't really move it from its place.

Grandfather tried to lift

But the word came out again:

“Yo! Damn stump!”

Nice baby.

To reap the harvest

I decided to gather helpers.

And although our grandfather is a plague

I remembered - there is a wife somewhere!

Grandma saw a turnip

Jumped up and down with delight

I saw a full hall of men,

I kissed three of them!

Afterwards I assessed the situation

And she asked me to call my granddaughter!

The granddaughter, of course, is younger,

Although a fashion model, but still,

If only she could walk back and forth,

To excite with your charms.

Here comes the beautiful maiden,

Who doesn't sit at home,

And said a word "I'm ready!"

Everyone thought - ready to help,

And she is only ready to dance.

(dances to “I’m just coming from the cold!”)

There was no help

If only the Bug would come in handy!

The bug barks loudly,

She wags her tail and dreams of becoming a circus performer.

She asks to put a slice of lemon on her nose,

She will catch it with her mouth without the help of her paws...

(show focus)

Zhuchka is of no use,

Let's call Murka together.

(Chorus of the song “Murka” plays)

But Murka doesn’t want to help,

There will be an erotic dance for us...

(I turn on the song “Sex Bomb”)

We don’t expect any benefit from Murka,

Let's call the Mouse!

The mouse was hunting somewhere

I gained weight, became nervous,

She's beating her tail, look

And he speaks in a deep voice "Pee-pee"

Our friendly honest people

Pulled the root vegetable

And the ripe harvest was gathered

The turnip was torn off the floor!


I want to say that excellent fruits grow in your garden, dear hero of the day. But I also have wonderful gifts from my garden for you! Hmm... Do you feel like Yakubovich? (joke) Namely, the fruits of a good mood. 100% natural, healthy, there’s just one drawback - they’re perishable. We need to preserve them, can you help, dear guests?

The host distributes chocolate cones, fruit candies or anything else edible with a fruit theme to each guest, which must be placed in a jar, passing one by one to the end of the table. The task of the last participant is to roll up the jar with its contents and hand it to the hero of the day, accompanied by a toast. Whose half of the table completes the task faster will receive a prize from the hands of the hero of the day.

Dear friends! Just a moment! Sensation! Children from the “Soplyachek” kindergarten have just arrived at our holiday and claim that they are the grandchildren of our hero of the day. ... (acting hero of the day), Will you admit it yourself or will we take blood for analysis? Do you admit it?

The children arrived with a congratulatory program. We ask all guests to greet the children warmly and kindly. So, welcome! Currency Vyskochkina, Lenochka Tarakhgushkina, Esik Obormotov and Anechka Zabubennaya!
(“Children” enter the hall, holding hands, shyly, with toys in their hands. The role of “children” can be played by relatives or colleagues of the hero of the day. It is advisable to take men for the roles of girls. In the program of children from the kindergarten “Soplyachok”: ditties and poems and dance with the hero of the day. Costumes for children are not required, you can imitate them - bows for girls, a Panama hat for boys.).
First, the “children stand” in a line facing the guests, and after the 2nd quatrain, they begin to dance in a circle.
(each quatrain is spoken by the next child):

1. Today is a cheerful holiday, to everyone’s surprise.
Grandfather Dima ....(last name)
Let's celebrate a birthday. 1. And not just a birthday - But today is an anniversary.
To hear congratulations -
Get into the circle quickly. (children stand and begin to walk in a circle) 1. Congratulations on your anniversary and wish you, dear grandfather,
Good health to you
And attention for a hundred years. 1. We want to wish grandpa. To be afraid of boredom,
So that physical work
Hands were busy. 1. When you retire, don’t get confused - Buy rabbits and nutria, work with them. 1. You, grandfather Vanya, don’t get sick, and forget where the pharmacy is.
You take one hundred grams on your chest -
You will live for two centuries. 1. When you receive a pension, don’t get too proud, remember the commandment of Christ - Share with your neighbor. 1. All our dear guests are having fun and drinking vodka.
Maybe we should congratulate you
Will they give you ice cream? 1. For ditties like these, don’t be stingy, dear grandfather,
From your first pension, buy us
One hundred chewing gums and sweets. 1. In chorus: We are funny guys. Of course, everyone is happy to see us.
Happy birthday to grandfather Dima
Congratulations to the kindergarten.
(Children bow and leave)
Presenter: - Inspired by the creativity of “Soplyachka”, I came up with a ditty:
Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
Dima's birthday
Drink, don't talk!
(The music turns on, everyone sits down at the tables and the banquet continues)

Dear hero of the day, I hope that you will look forward to your NEXT 60th anniversary with a pleasant feeling of anticipation of something new and interesting.

Hit! Personalized congratulations to the men!

Abram Adam Alexander Alexey Albert Anatoly Andrey Anton Arseny Arkady Artyom Arthur Afanasy
Bogdan Boris Vadim Valentin Valery Vasily Veniamin Victor Vitaly Vladimir Vladislav Vsevolod Vyacheslav
Gennady Georgy German Gleb Grigory Danila David Dmitry Denis Evgeny Egor Efim
Zakhar Ivan Igor Ilya Innokenty Joseph Kirill Konstantin Lev Leonid Miron Mikhail
Makar Mark Matvey Maxim Nazar Nikita Nikolay Oleg Ostap Pavel Peter Platon
Rodion Roman Rostislav Ruslan Rustam Savely Svyatoslav Semyon Sergei Spartak Stanislav Stepan Yuri
Taras Timofey Timur Tikhon Felix Fedor Philip Thomas Eduard Yakov Yan Yaroslav

An anniversary is a certain stage in the life of every person. The stage of summing up the past, the stage of making plans for the future. And it is important how exactly you meet this day. Ready-made anniversary scripts for men will help you make this event unique. And it doesn’t matter who exactly you want to organize a holiday for - a colleague, a friend, a brother, a husband, a son. On our website you will find many options and you can choose any one based on your preferences and the preferences of the birthday person.

It is very important to think about what the hero of the day expects from this event. How does he want to celebrate this day: a noisy, cheerful company of friends, colleagues and relatives or three separate celebrations? Even in this complex planning, nothing is impossible; we will help you select scenarios for all three options. One of the first important anniversaries in a man’s life is his thirtieth birthday. You can start exploring the options from the section “50th Anniversary Scenarios for Men.” But we did not ignore other round dates. Here you will find a wide variety of holiday programs for all ages. After all, it is a great honor and responsibility not only to prepare and host, but also to make this event memorable, bright and filled with joy. We, like no one else, understand you and are ready to offer our assistance, from the simplest party to complex thematic events.

There are many holiday programs. The starting point can be his profession, hobbies, sports activities or how the hero of the day prefers to spend his vacations, his musical preferences, his favorite style of fiction, and even his favorite movie. Will it be a formal celebration or a themed party in fancy dress full of humor and gags? Nothing should limit your imagination, especially anniversary scenarios for men!


Anniversary scripts for a man:


The scenario is suitable for an anniversary at home with family. The hero of the day is a man. The whole holiday is structured according to the following scheme: for each participation of relatives or the hero of the day, a lottery ticket is issued. You need to prepare it in advance, make it yourself on a computer and print it out. To play “forfeits” you need to prepare pieces of paper with invented tasks and a container in which to put them. It is necessary to prepare costumes (conditional, quite a few, but important attributes that symbolize a certain image), among these are:

The image of the Chinese;
- image of a Georgian;
- the image of blacks.

Choose suitable music for the appearance and performance of invented images. Any number of relatives (guests). You can adjust the scenario a little yourself, but the essence of the holiday will not change. It is better to prepare cards with abbreviations for the game in advance, and also think about what exactly will be played in the lottery tickets.

Relative #1 (guest #1)

It was no coincidence that we gathered
We would like to give (name of the hero of the day) a surprise,
In the form of congratulations
For your birthday!
But it's not just a day
What a wonderful anniversary!
What I wanted - let everything happen,
May the strength come over the years!
Your masculinity is growing stronger,
So much so that you just can’t grasp it.
I give you a gift,
I wish you all the best,
A sea of ​​sun and warmth,
And even from enemies - good!
I raise the first toast
And I drink everything to the bottom,
(Name of the hero of the day), for you!
Hooray! hooray! Hooray!


A birthday celebrated at home can bring the same maximum joy and positivity as a holiday celebrated in a restaurant or outdoors. The military theme is very close to men, so we suggest celebrating this celebration in military style. To fully embrace this theme, we suggest decorating the walls of your house with military posters. On the table, among all other treats, there should be such soldier’s food as Guryev porridge - believe me, no one prepares this for such events, but the taste of this dish is not inferior to more than one chef’s dessert. It will also be possible to buy camouflage bandanas for guests. Choose someone who can host this holiday; when choosing, pay attention to the oratorical abilities of the applicants.

Attention! I'll tell you all now,
Well, let's quickly get the guests to their places,
Pour! Execute the command
And I order you to wait for a toast!
(everyone fills their glasses)

And I ask the birthday boy to come to me,
The fact that he is in charge needs to be proven
You need to do just that many push-ups
How old is it now?
(birthday boy does push-ups)

Now let's take a glass of wine,
But we don’t drink everything to the bottom,
We take exactly the same number of sips
How many years have you turned?
(drinks in sips)

It’s immediately obvious that you are a brave soldier,
Let everyone here be happy to drink for you!
(everyone drinks, meal)

We'll go on reconnaissance soon,
Only the enemy will immediately recognize us,
I propose to hold a competition,
Whoever wins gets a prize immediately!


Although men are too strict and reserved people than women, if sometimes it seems that they do not want gifts and do not want holidays in their honor, you are mistaken, a day such as a birthday is important for every person. For a man, the holiday can be decorated especially, in a masculine way. The main decorations will be balloons; their colors can resemble a tuxedo; the white and black design will be both strict and festive at the same time. You can make congratulatory posters yourself, just cut out tie shapes from large cardboard and write congratulatory words on these templates. To please the birthday boy, we advise you to take photos of him in Photoshop, where he is driving a luxury foreign car, but the photo should be large enough so that later he can decorate his home interior with it, and remember you with a kind word for a long time.


(all guests sit in their places and wait for the birthday boy to come out)

Good afternoon my friends,
I'm glad to see you all,
Everyone gathered to
To congratulate one,
An incomparable man,
Always first in everything,
And so I ask, we shout hurray,
After all, he is already in a hurry here!


Although men are always more restrained and strict, they, like women, also want to enjoy everyone’s attention, enjoy congratulations and receive good gifts, so the Anniversary date is perfect for this. And so that the Anniversary will be a success. Beautiful and interesting, it definitely needs to be carried out according to the script.


"Holiday in men's style." The script is dedicated to that half of humanity to which the hero of the day belongs, and he bears the title of the main man of the evening. The place where everything will be celebrated must be decorated: balloons, festive garlands, posters, and photos of the Jubilee, from young to old, can also be suitable for decoration, so that guests can see what he was like and what he became.

Tonight is not an easy evening,
It will definitely be golden
All because the anniversary
Knocking hard on our door,
But where is his owner?!
You and I have been waiting for it for a long time,
This real man
And they found a reason to congratulate him,
I think it's time to call him
After all, we can’t wait for him any longer!
And so on one, two, three, dear Anniversary, come out!

(The hero of the day comes out, music and applause sounds)

A birthday party should be enjoyable for all guests, and especially for the birthday person. If a person does not like surprises, he may not like a party organized behind his back. But when the hero of the occasion is determined to have a good time, it’s worth thinking about the course of the evening and what you’ll have to feed the guests. In any case, you will need a cool birthday script for a man at home! And prepare it in advance!

The organization of the holiday depends not only on the wishes of the birthday person, but also on the company as a whole. If young people gather, many will enjoy an evening of fun board games. For example, Jungle Speed ​​or Activity have been tested by millions of people and are suitable for both unfamiliar company and old friends.

Not everyone likes active competitions if the group has not had such a tradition before. However, after a certain amount of alcohol, many will like the idea of ​​playing Crocodile and answering questions from the life of the birthday boy in exchange for a symbolic prize. In general, for such a company it is better to start with tabletop intellectual competitions, and then everything goes like clockwork!

Young people also enjoy costume parties. There is a wide choice of themes: Indians, cowboys, beach, pirates, etc. The older generation prefers themed holidays in the style of the 70s and 80s. It is necessary to warn guests in advance to dress according to the stated theme or have outfits in the apartment to wear when everyone arrives.

If old friends have gathered, you can organize a nostalgic evening watching old videos and photos. Usually this flows into a discussion of events of bygone days, and at the end of the evening the guests leave with the most pleasant emotions. Whether the birthday boy is 20 years old or 40, he will have something to remember at such a moment. To create the appropriate ambiance, you can decorate the apartment in the style of the youth of the hero of the occasion, and also organize appropriate musical accompaniment. You can end the evening with cake while watching a good movie.

But in general this is unlikely. Who would look at photos and eat cake on their birthday?! It's once a year! Lots of food, alcohol and a great, cheerful mood! This is the slogan of any holiday! We tasted the dishes, drank and had a blast! The main thing is not to forget about the script ready for implementation!

How to prepare the table?

Gone are the days when the birthday boy, with his own efforts or the efforts of his other half, set a large table for the guests. Now many people prefer to order something from delivery. Companies offer packages depending on the number of guests, which is not very expensive and saves time. The most popular options: pizza, sushi and burgers. It should be taken into account that not everyone welcomes this food, so it is worth serving something neutral: salad, noodles, a meat dish.

When preparing your home, you can bake a whole chicken with herbs and halved potatoes as a side dish. A couple of plates of salad (from fresh vegetables and, for example, Olivier), cold cuts and cheese, and a cake to complete the evening. It’s worth having a variety of alcohol to choose from, and there’s no shame in asking guests to come without a gift, but with their own drink. This way the birthday boy will be calm and everyone will be happy. For an intimate company of old guests, you can set the table from the very beginning of the evening and invite the rest to take their seats. If games and competitions are expected, you can first make a buffet with small snacks, and take out a separate table for hot food when everyone is hungry.

A cool scenario for celebrating a man’s birthday at home. Beware, neighbors!

The program is designed for holding a holiday at home. Both men and women can take part in games and competitions. Symbolic prizes are provided for winning each competition. The number of guests must be at least 6.


Greetings to all! How are you feeling, people?! Are you ready to stretch your legs a little and win some prizes? I did not doubt it! Then let's begin!

Competition “Naughty Message”

The players' task is to guess who the sender of the message is. It is most convenient to make the venue for this competition a festive table, when a friendly company has already had fun, but is not yet tired of the entertainment program. The host reads out the messages, and the rest of the guests must guess who their author is. The smartest participant will receive a reward from the hands of the birthday boy.

Messages may contain the following content:

  • I forbid drinking without my participation! (Toast)
  • I allow today's feast. You won't drink me anyway. (Talent)
  • Stop smothering me in your arms, come quickly. (Glass)
  • You eat and drink to excess, but are you thinking about me? (Liver)
  • Please forgive me for wearing outerwear and for being on the table. Get it off me quickly! (Herring under a Fur Coat)
  • I can hiss when I am overwhelmed with feelings. (Champagne)
  • Walk, walk, and we can wait! (Affairs)
  • And don’t blame me, I didn’t force you to get drunk! (Mirror)
  • Please accept my congratulations. I'm already on my way, I'll be there early in the morning. (Hangover)
  • I dream of touching your lips. (Napkin)
  • Your family interrupts me all day long. (Telephone)
  • Come meet me quickly! I'm already knocking on your door. (Happiness)
  • Your guests brought everything out of me. (Fridge)


Here you go! The first competition went off with a bang! Let's not stop and continue the fun! Let's please the birthday boy!

Game "Spontaneous stories"

This game is very intense emotionally and intellectually. It is necessary to write the letters of the alphabet on paper: one piece of paper - one letter. Place the sheets of paper on the table with letters facing down. One of the participants chooses a letter and names a word starting with that letter. The following participants take turns naming one word per given letter, but in such a way that these words make up a coherent story. Other letters are used in this way. You shouldn’t be shy; on the contrary, the more creativity and imagination, the more fun the game is.

Game “Guess the object!”

An active and fun entertaining game that develops reaction speed and non-verbal communication skills. It only requires paper, pencils or pens. So, the names of objects are written on pieces of paper and placed in a box or other container. Participants, divided into pairs, take turns taking out the treasured piece of paper, and one of them reads the name. Without saying anything out loud, he shows with gestures and facial expressions what kind of object it is, and the second one tries to guess. This is a speed game - it only takes 20-30 seconds to guess, no more. To win, you need to guess as many words from the box as possible. Such games always cause a lot of laughter, joy and a storm of emotions.


Each of those present dreamed of catching a magic fish that would grant three wishes of their choice! Now this unique opportunity is available to all guests. Let's try?!

Game "Goldfish"

The props are pre-prepared - fish cut out of colored cardboard. One of them must be gold. They are placed in a bright bag. Guests take turns trying to get the magic catch at random.

The one who gets the goldfish makes three wishes. The winner also chooses several people to perform them. Desires are written down in advance on special cards that the presenter has:

  • make a toast using certain words;
  • recite a poem;
  • Sing a song.


Now it's time to take a break! Have a drink, get some fresh air, or grab a bite to eat! In the meantime, while you are busy with your own affairs, I will start preparing the next competitions!

Competition "Toast according to the rules"

Not a single holiday is complete without fun, feasting, congratulations and toasts. But for some, giving a solemn speech is a calling, but for others it is a whole test. But there is a way out - you can perfectly organize table congratulations, turning this task into general delight. The organizer of the game writes tasks with rules on pieces of paper and distributes them to all guests present. According to the given rules, each guest, in turn, makes a toast. And here are examples of tasks:

  • Come up with a food-related toast. For example: “May your life be sweeter than honey!”
  • Set the style of congratulations in any genre - mysticism, criminal slang, parody of a famous person or cartoon character, you can give the toast a certain emotional coloring and facial expressions. There is no limit to imagination here.
  • Tie the toast to the animals. Here are examples: “Be strong and regal like a lion”, “Float through life like a butterfly!”
  • Portray a foreigner in another language or in Russian, but with a typical accent and characteristic manners.
  • Congratulate in poetic form or sing a ditty.
  • Take any set of unrelated words and combine them into an appropriate toast.

Competition “Socks off!”

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