Alessandro Don Materazzo: Olga Buzova is an ordinary walking woman! She is everywhere. What is the phenomenon of Olga Buzova Alexander Panayotov: “I am terribly depressed, almost depressed”

The musician was a friend of the family of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova for many years. After the couple divorced, the TV presenter and musician remained enemies. In February, T-killah became a guest of the karaoke show #STAR. When the host of the show, Sam, invited the artist to perform Olga Buzova's debut song “To the Sound of Kisses,” the rapper furiously declared that he would not do this: “No. No. No. Are you crazy? It's not an option at all! What are you? My ears are about to bleed!"

Roman Tretyakov: “She adores narcissism”


During the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, the former lover of the TV presenter Roman Tretyakov called the blonde a frivolous woman who had only fun on her mind. A former member of "House-2" said that three years of relationship with Olga were the most difficult time in his life.

“She loves narcissism to exhaustion - to be a plug in every barrel. He likes to talk when there is no point in talking and when there is no reason for this, ”Tretyakov said then. A little later, Tretyakov took part in the Open Microphone stand-up show on TNT and said that Buzova was not smart. “It’s hard for me to talk about Buzova and about relations with her. People feel it, come up to me and say: “Look, what Olya has become, well done! And he conducts a TV show, and starred in TV shows, and his own clothing line! Where is she and where are you? Isn’t it a shame that you once left her? “It’s a shame that a person who is associated with stupidity in the whole country worked me to the fullest!”

Katya Gordon: “Shit wins thanks to the audience of Doma-2”

Inspired by the success of her debut composition “To the Sound of Kisses”, Olga Buzova released a second single called “I Get Used to it”. When severe criticism of colleagues and listeners flew at Buzova the singer, her friends in show business stood up for Olga. One of the first Buzova was supported by the singer Rita Dakota. It was Dakota’s post that was answered by journalist Katya Gordon, who took the position of haters: “I will answer on behalf of the“ villains and envious ”who offend the good man Buzova. It’s not Buzova that annoys and upsets - a sweet long-legged, popular thanks to the main show of the country. It's upsetting that Shit, and this track in terms of music, text and performance is such, is doomed to win thanks to the reinforced concrete audience of Doma 2. And musicians can write wonderful music for a long time, vocalists sing, poets write the coolest texts - Buzova will come, having decided to sing in the morning - and she will get first place purely quantitatively, technically ”(Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. - Note. ed.).

Nastasya Samburskaya: “Nothing personal, I’m just promoting at your expense”

The actress Nastasya Samburskaya did not stay away from Buzova's divorce. She played a joke on Buzova by posting a selfie on Instagram, on which she sleeps next to a football uniform with the name Tarasova. "Tarabuziki! Reconcile, please. Nothing personal, just PR at your expense, ”the artist signed the picture.

Ivan Urgant: “If Olga Buzova leaves for the West, then there will be no brain drain”

Ivan joked about Olga's success in one of the April releases of his show "Evening Urgant". The presenter commented on Buzova's music record on iTunes: “In our country, everything is in order with musical taste. How good he was, and how he remained. Thanks to this, Olga will be able to believe in herself and go to the West ... And it is important that if a person goes to the West, then there will be no brain drain.”

Urgant's mockery did not offend Olga. On the contrary, Buzova laughed with him and published an excerpt from the program on her Instagram.

Alexander Panayotov: “I am terribly depressed, almost depressed”

With the growing popularity of Buzova's songs, more and more professional artists began to criticize her work. So, the finalist of the show "Voice" Alexander Panayotov admitted: he is upset that the TV presenter, who has no singing abilities, conquers the stage. “I’m not allowed to watch shows like the Grammys. After that, I go for several days terribly depressed, almost depressed. How polar our musical worlds are… What a gulf between us… Beyoncé, Adele, and we all honor the host of a reality show who suddenly decided to sing. How to be? - the artist lamented when the clips “To the Sound of Kisses” and “Get Used” broke the record of views.

Natalya Krasnova: "Buzova, don't sing"

In July, Natalya Krasnova, a participant in the Comedy Battle show, under the pseudonym Black Russian Mama, released a video in which she urged the TV presenter not to sing. In the video, the girl depicts Olga's dance from the video "Not a Few Halves", laughs at Olga's desire to look seductive and turns to the artist with a request to throw out absolutely all the words from her songs along with the songs themselves.

Svetlana Loboda: “Everyone who listens to Olga is unable to think”

In a July interview with Afisha Daily, the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group said: everyone who listens to Olga is “people who are unable to read, watch, think, search.” This comment was one of the few attacks on Buzova, to which she reacted. Buzova asked Svetlana to think before speaking about other people's fans: “I am devoted to my people, just like they are to me. Therefore, I ask you, as a thinking person who has the ability to read and think, to continue to refuse such loud, unfounded and untrue statements, ”Buzova said on Instagram. - For 13 years of work in show business, I have faced a huge amount of negativity in my address, there have been and continue to receive insults, dissatisfaction with my personality and creativity. I try not to react to it! But when they try to offend my fans, people who support me from the very beginning, sincerely love and appreciate me, then I cannot remain silent.

Iosif Prigogine: "The world has gone crazy"

In September, the Network got a video from the release of "House-2", where the participants of the show handed Olga a flute. The host took the instrument and began. it is erotic to stroke and even lick it. Those present in the studio were speechless. This act caused bewilderment even among those who have nothing to do with reality. Iosif Prigogine did not stand aside either. The producer said that he did not see anything surprising in Olga's behavior: “The key to her success is outrageous. She can't do anything else." Prigozhin believes that Buzova is not afraid to go too far, because she has nothing to lose: "The world has gone crazy, but people like what she does."

At the same time, the singer did not disclose the identity of the "secret patron" of the star of the domestic show business. The sensational statement was made on the air of the program “Hi, Andrey!”.

In secular circles and on the Web, there have long been rumors that Olga Buzova has some kind of influential patron who promotes her in show business. Now this information was confirmed by Nikolai Baskov. On the air of the program "Hi, Andrey!" the singer announced that he knows who is promoting Olga Buzova. The sensational statement was made in response to the singer's confession that she and Philip Kirkorov were "more than friends." Nikolai Baskov said that he knew the phone number of "one comrade" who would not like it. At the same time, Kirkorov asked a colleague if he knew something that he himself was not aware of, and Baskov replied that he knew “better” about Buzova's relationship.

Nikolai Baskov did not fully disclose the intrigue, and the name of the "secret patron" remained a secret. Olga Buzova herself pretended not to understand what the singer was talking about, and quickly changed the subject.

Victoria Ozerova

Many are surprised at how you can become a popular singer in just 1 year, while not having a voice or hearing. But Olga Buzova did this, although last winter colleagues and ordinary users of social networks literally laughed at her when she said that she would collect huge concert halls. The girl recorded a whole album in a few months, and many songs became real hits, and the clips are gaining millions of views. And although the stars of domestic show business stubbornly do not want to put up with the fact that they are stubbornly driven by a voiceless singer, Olya has already begun to receive the first awards for her perseverance, eminent producers want to cooperate with her, and TV channels and radio stations stop ignoring her tracks, the dom2 website writes. .tw.

Meanwhile, there are more and more opinions that in fact Buzova is being promoted by someone very influential and rich, because it’s not just that she appears on other channels of the country, but success on YouTube, Instagram and iTunes can be easily bought, which the girl was suspected of from the very start. However, users are wondering who exactly is investing a lot of money in the promotion of the commercial project "Olga Buzova", and the answer to this question was found by Lena Miro, who never had much love for all housekeepers, including the presenters. A popular blogger and a self-proclaimed fit girl remembered that Olya was once very close to the deputy Alexei Mitrofanov, who fled the Russian Federation a few years ago. Periodically, this lover of naive blondes appears in other countries, but he is in no hurry to return to Russia, fearing criminal prosecution, but this cannot prevent him from continuing to communicate with Olya, who once fell in love, who, moreover, became a free woman a year ago. Elena is sure that it was Mitrofanov’s money that Buzova managed to unwind so successfully, and since everyone in show business knows about it, that’s why they are angry, but so far they can’t do anything.

Olga herself prefers not to comment on such conversations, all the more she ignores the notes of Elena Miro, who once a week mixes her with dirt in order to attract readers.

The star of "House-2" continues to expose the scandalous reality show.

After the publication in Express Gazeta of a frank interview with Alessandro MATERAZZO, who voluntarily left the Dom-2 project, the editors were bombarded with requests to find out from him a number of more details about the reality show. We fulfill the wishes of our beloved readers.

- Sasha, our readers are interested in how your relationship with the participants of the show is developing today?

There are almost no adequate people left in the "House". With people like Buzova, what to talk about? She is the "six" of the project producer Alexey Mikhailovsky. He does whatever he pleases with her. Can grab in front of people for any place. And nothing. Maybe he sleeps with her, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. Rumors have been around for a long time. Buzova is ready for anything and anyone. As long as the money is paid.

Have you ever had good feelings?

We had a purely gaming relationship. The producers, of course, wanted something serious to happen between us. Mikhailovsky set up every day: “Alex, it's time to move on to action! Get Buzova to say “yes” in front of the camera, and a salary of five thousand dollars is guaranteed to you!” I had to take care of her. Make-believe, of course.

Did the courtship lead to anything?

Once I took her to a nightclub. Buzova pretty much drank there, softened. Let's go to my house. Olga went to take a shower, I went to the kitchen. Then I go to the bathroom. I see that she is no longer there, and extremely unsympathetic little black panties are hanging on the dryer. Buzova, after all, dresses at flea markets. I'm going to the bedroom. And there Olya lies ready. Completely naked. Lord, I think I don't need such happiness. Who would have seen her pimply body - tin! And I went to sleep in another room.

Tretyakov Buzova hates

It always seemed to me that Buzova was madly in love with me. But Mikhailovsky pumped her up all the time: “ Materazzo doesn't love you. All he wants is "grandmothers". Olga herself screamed in fury about this. I even wanted to leave the project. Although the producers promoted her as soon as possible.

Mikhailovsky never hid his attitude to Buzova: “She is mine and only mine!” He almost called Olga his own thing. But when she was made the host, all the participants were indignant. She can't put two words together.

- And how does Sobchak treat Buzova?

No way. I think that Ksenia Anatolyevna has not wanted to work in this project for a long time. Who wants to deal with a bunch of mindless ghouls and semi-homeless people who have nothing to do in life?! Although within the framework of the game she skillfully communicates, in life she is quite an arrogant and pretentious person.

Now Ksyusha Borodina on postnatal leave. Here Buzova is being dragged to the cameras. She's just a bad leader. I am sure that many will support me in this opinion. It’s just that people on the project can’t say anything openly - they are afraid.

- I think Roman Tretyakov will not agree with you.

Now Tretyakov and Buzova- enemies! After Olga, being his girlfriend, collapsed naked into my bed, Tretyakov stopped all relations with her. Roma himself said that Buzova only wanted money from him. Because I have always been greedy. “As soon as she drinks, she can lie under anyone,” - these are his words as confirmation of the story with cowards. What can I say, an ordinary walking woman. They say he's dating Timofey Mayorov. She was sick with him even under Roma Tretyakov.

Varvina surrendered to Rastorguev

- On the Dom fan forum they write that Mikhailovsky's girlfriend is not Buzova, but Kharitonova.

All project participants remember the story of how Mikhailovsky publicly harassed Alexandra Kharitonova during the competition "Goddess" House-2 ". And then he slept with her. This is the reason why he left the team. Styopa Menshchikov, whose girlfriend Sasha was. Styopa wanted to smash Mikhailovsky's face. Sorry it didn't work out. Kharitonova herself was then kicked out of the "House" in disgrace, publicly declaring that she was a fallen woman. Poor Sasha was even treated in a psychiatric hospital. An ordinary crazy woman, bending in front of everyone, in front of whom only she could. That's where I leaned in.

- It turns out that Mikhailovsky himself takes part in the life-game of the project participants?

Of course. In due time to make friends with Andrey Cherkasov, he went with him to boutiques to choose clothes for him. “You are my friend, I will never betray you,” he said to Andrei. And then, in disgrace, he kicked the guy out of the project. Less than two days later, as Cherkasov's "beloved girl" Natalya Varvina immediately began to give it up publicly. Because she's up to her neck in shit: fucking with the editor-in-chief of the program Alexander Rastorguev. This is well known to the participants of the TV project. With Rastorguev, by the way, all the old participants have special scores. Many frankly want to deal with him.

Speaking about the reasons for parting with his beloved, Dmitry Tarasov mentioned the betrayal and immoral behavior of his wife, Lena Miro recalled. However, then few people believed him, since such statements looked like excuses and looked faded against the background of the statements of Olga Buzova herself.


“I suspected that Buzova’s behavior was a bad performance. The rogue girl, under the guise of a scandal, buys herself subscribers on Instagram, and herself, behind badly played suffering, hides a depraved sex life,” the blogger admitted. She claims that she received confirmation of her suspicions from a mutual friend.

Lena Miro said that Olga Buzova, according to rumors, once communicated very closely with the former LDPR deputy Alexei Mitrofanov. “Three years ago, Mitrofanov fled from the judiciary and “surfaced” in Croatia. The former deputy also appears in Ukraine, where Buzova “accidentally” visited. The former feeling at the meeting covered both, ”she stated her version.

Somehow, Dmitry Tarasov found out about his wife's intrigues, but he was afraid to reveal the truth, Miro is sure. “Mitrofanov is a dangerous type who is suspected of a number of completely wild crimes. The football player just got divorced and merged,” she explained.

In addition, the blogger is sure that all the information noise around Olga Buzova was paid for. At the same time, she recalled that Mitrofanov has both money and connections for such an operation.

"The example of Buzova clearly demonstrates to us how greedy a woman can be."

For the sake of dubious fame, Lena Miro complains, some girls are ready to enter into relationships with not the youngest and most slender men, instead of finding their only one, "bake pancakes for him and give birth to children." “It’s all sad, bunnies. And very disgusting,” the blogger summed up the disappointing result.

Recall that Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov filed for divorce at the very end of 2016. There were many versions why the ideal marriage of the presenter and the football player, which seemed to many, collapsed: supposedly Dmitry wanted a “normal” family, and Olga was interested in career development. In addition, the topic of the football player's betrayals was exaggerated.

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