Alexey Glyzin: biography, personal life, family, photo. Alexey Glyzin: “I am happy that I introduced my wives Personal life of singer Alexei Glyzin

Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin - Soviet and Russian singer, actor, he was born on January 13, 1954 in the city of Mytishchi. The musician became famous thanks to his participation in the Cheerful Guys group. After the collapse of the team, he successfully made a solo career. Later, Alexey repeatedly showed his artistic abilities in various shows. In total, during his career, he released 5 solo albums and three greatest hits compilations. In 2006, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and family

Lyosha was born into an ordinary family. His parents worked on the railroad, there were no artists among the relatives. Sergei Vasilyevich, the boy's father, was a war veteran. In his youth, he was twice wounded, shell-shocked reached the Polish border.

Serafima Alekseevna, the mother of the future singer, from childhood instilled in him a love of music. Lyosha gave impromptu concerts for relatives and family friends, and then his subtle ear was revealed. Parents sent their talented son to a music school, where he studied piano and guitar. Even then, the boy began to dream of a career as an artist.

Glyzin was barely four years old when his parents divorced. The boy stayed with his mother and grandmother. They lived in a two-room apartment in the building of the Ministry of Railways. Later, the family moved to the grandmother's house at the first metro station beyond the Moscow Ring Road. As a teenager, Lyosha was a bully. But all his antics were associated with a heightened sense of justice. In the fifth grade, the boy was expelled from the pioneers for a fight in which he defended the honor of his girlfriend. Until the eighth grade, he studied satisfactorily, sometimes even received fives, but then he “fell ill” with music.

Singer education

Even while studying at a music school, Glyzin dreamed of an electric guitar. The mother could not afford such a purchase, so the young man decided to design the instrument himself. His knowledge of radio electronics was not enough, so after the eighth grade of the school, Lesha entered the corresponding technical school.

After three years of study, the musician was able to make his own electric guitar, after which he joyfully left the school. He did not want to work by distribution, so the young man decided to look for a university more suitable for his hobbies. In his free time, he began to play in the musical group of the recreation center of the city of Mytishchi.

Alexey became a student of the Tambov cultural and educational school. There he studied in absentia, continuing to play in the ensemble. Three years later, Glyzin decided to conquer Moscow. He entered the University of Culture in the pop-wind department. But the agenda prevented her from graduating from the university. The student was drafted into the army, he went to serve as an aviation specialist in the Far East.

Performances with groups

Paradoxically, it was the army that helped Lesha start building a career. There he was able to master the alto saxophone in just three months. Initially, the young man played in the military ensemble "Flight", where he found like-minded people who love music. After the end of the service, they assembled the Loyalty group together. Together with the musicians, Glyzin traveled to many cities of the USSR, performing at dance floors and festivals.

After a successful debut, Alexei began to be invited to other teams. Together with VIA "Good fellows" he shared the championship in the competition "Red Carnation" in Sochi. In 1977, the musician worked for several months in the notorious ensemble "Gems", after which he moved to the VIA "Rhythm". The last group performed on stage from the most Primadonna of the Russian stage - Alla Pugacheva.

Together with Alla Borisovna, the musician traveled to all major cities of the USSR. At one of his performances, he was noticed by Alexander Buinov, at that time he was a soloist of the VIA Vesyolye Rebyata. The singer quickly agreed with Pugacheva, and the star let go of one of the best accompanists.

Since 1979, Glyzin began to play as part of the "Merry Fellows". The group was incredibly popular both in the Union and beyond. It was then that the musician first traveled abroad. With the team, he went on tour to Finland, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. The songs "Don't worry, aunt", "Evening by candlelight" and "Easy to say" became undoubted hits. The artists were constantly shown on TV, their compositions were played on the radio and in all discos. The team had a huge number of fans of different ages.

"Merry Fellows" became laureates of numerous competitions. Among them are Yerevan-81, Bratislava Lira-85 and others. Glyzin was a member of the group when they worked on the albums "Banana Islands" and "Just a Minute". The last compositions recorded with his participation were "Episode" and "Forest Tale". With these songs, the team performed in the "Morning Post".

Solo career

In 1988, the singer decided to leave the group. He assembled a new team, which was called "Ura". In it, Glyzin was a soloist. For two years, the musicians regularly performed at gala concerts, received several prizes at the Song of the Year competition.

In 1990 Alexey's first solo album "Winter Garden" was released. He became incredibly successful, the songs “You are not an angel” and “Ashes of Love” especially fell in love with the listeners. In 1991 Alexei performed solo for the first time in Moscow. After 10 years, he again managed to collect full halls in the capital and St. Petersburg.

Unfortunately, the singer failed to repeat the grandiose success of the first album. But he continued to release records, delighting his loyal fans. In 1995, the disk “This is not true” was released, the title song of which was “My Love”, written in the words of Talkov.

Success in other areas

Back in the eighties, Alexei demonstrated his acting skills. He played in the films "She with a broom, he is in a black hat" and "Primorsky Boulevard". The musician not only appeared on the screen as an actor, but also recorded several soundtracks for these films. In 1999, he participated in the Musical Ring project, Sergey Rogozhin became the singer's opponent.

In recent years, the stars of the 90s are becoming popular again. In order to keep up with the team, Glyzin agreed to participate in various shows. Since 2007, he "shone" on the screen in the projects "First Squadron", "You are a superstar!" and Cruel Intentions. The filming of the last program ended sadly for the artist: he ended up in the hospital.

In 2015, Alexei again reminded fans of his existence by taking part in the show Just Like It. There he brilliantly embodied the images of Barykin, Bon Jovi, Serov, Antonov and Al Bano. On all projects in which the musician participated, he won prizes. In 2017, he appeared in the Three Chords show.

In September 2016, Glyzin became a confidant of the United Russia party. Together with his brother, he took part in the elections to the State Duma.

Personal life

Glyzin always had a strong character, but he was also distinguished by impulsiveness. Sometimes because of this, gossip arose that had nothing to do with reality. For example, once "Jolly Fellows" lived next door to a group from the USA during the tour. The American drummer threw the TV out of the window, but the journalists preferred to blame Alexei for everything. Because of this unpleasant situation, he was not allowed into Leningrad for a long time.

The emotionality of a creative person manifested itself in his personal life. Alexei was married twice. He met his first wife Lyudmila before the army. The girl waited for her lover, after his return a luxurious wedding took place at the Rossiya Hotel. In November 1975, the son Alexei was born. Now he works as a director, he is married.

Due to the popularity of the "Jolly Fellows", the relationship in marriage began to deteriorate. Lyudmila did not want to put up with the constant persecution of fans, and the musician refused to compromise. As a result, he chose to leave his wife for a young fan Evgenia Gerasimova. After the divorce, Alexey and Lyudmila did not communicate for a long time, but with age they improved relations. A few years ago, the woman died.

Evgenia was too frivolous for the singer. She dreamed of her own career, did not want to sit at home and have children. Later, she left her lover for the sake of Vyacheslav Makhrensky, the guitarist of the Zemlyane group. Glyzin tried to return to his ex-wife, but she had already found her happiness with another man.

In 1989 Alexey met his second wife. He fell in love with the gymnast Saniya Babiy without memory. She was a master of sports and world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, founded the ballet "Relevé", which performed at Glyzin's concerts. In July 1992, the lovers got married, a year later their son Igor was born. He was named after the deceased Talkov. The boy was fond of music since childhood, later he began to accompany his father at concerts. In April 2005, Alexei became a grandfather. The wife of his eldest son gave birth to a boy, who was named Denis.

The last album of the singer was released in 2012, it was called "Wings of Love". In the same year, rumors about his divorce from his wife were leaked to the press. Sania refused to tolerate betrayal and scandals from her husband. But later the relationship improved, the couple managed to save the family.

Now Glyzin is not working on new material, but occasionally continues to perform. In his free time, he likes to play football with Nikolai Trubach, Vladimir Presnyakov and Sergey Minaev. They have their own "star team" called Starco.

At the end of 2016, the singer was hospitalized due to emotional overexcitation. The fans were very worried, but the doctors said that everything would be fine with Alexei. In December 2016, he again performed on stage, later a joint composition with Valeria "He and She" was recorded. In April 2017, this hit brought the artists an award at the Chanson of the Year festival.

Pop star Alexei Glyzin rose in the 80s. As part of the cult group "Merry Fellows", the singer became the idol of Soviet youth. Glyzin did not get lost even after leaving the team, having managed to make a brilliant solo career. His songs - hits of the 80s and 90s - are still listened to and hummed with pleasure by the middle generation of the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Glyzin was born in Mytishchi near Moscow on January 13, 1954. The parents of the future pop star had nothing to do with music or any other kind of art, they were employees of the railway. But family friends gathered in the house on weekends, arranging impromptu chamber "concerts". Then little Alexei sang for the first time, demonstrating an ear for music.

When Alexei was 4 years old, his parents broke up. The son stayed with his mother. A woman working on the railroad "earned" a room in a two-room apartment on the first floor of a four-story building of the Ministry of Railways. But the main childhood memories are not associated with this modest dwelling, but with my grandmother's house at the Perlovskaya station, formerly the first metro station beyond the Moscow Ring Road.

Mom noticed her son's abilities and took him to a music school, where Alexei Glyzin learned to play the piano and guitar. In his dreams, he saw himself as a famous pianist or guitarist, whose concerts fans from all over the country dream of attending.

In his youth, Alexey dreamed of his own electric guitar, but his mother could not buy an expensive instrument for his son. Glyzin tried to make a guitar on his own, but "stumbled" over meager knowledge. To fill in the gaps, the guy entered the radio engineering college. Three years later, Alexey Glyzin realized his dream: he designed an electric guitar. On this, the desire to continue his studies dried up, and the guy left the school without any remorse.

The young musician plunged into the world of music: for days on end he played in the ensemble of the Mytishchensky Palace of Culture, and in his free time he studied at the correspondence department of the Tambov cultural enlightenment. Three years later, Alexei Glyzin went to Moscow: he entered the full-time department of the capital's Institute of Culture, choosing the pop and wind faculty. But he managed to study until the third year - his studies were interrupted by military service. Glyzin was sent to serve in the Far East, in the aviation unit.

At first, Alexei plunged into despondency: he was torn away from his favorite pastime - music. But when the command found out about his talents, they transferred the employee to a musical platoon. Fans of the artist's talent are sure that from that moment a successful creative biography of Alexei Glyzin began. The future youth idol founded the Polet team, which performed at all military holidays and concerts. The musician played the alto saxophone, having mastered the instrument in 3 months. Returning from the army, Alexei Glyzin began to build a career.

"Funny boys"

For a long time Glyzin gained experience in musical groups. At one time he was a member of the VIA "Good fellows" and "Gems". Having gained experience, he founded his own team "Fidelity", with which he toured the Soviet Union.

In 1978, the young singer moved to the promising and highly paid Rhythm group, which accompanied the Russian pop prima donna. For a year, together with Pugacheva, Alexei Glyzin traveled to all major cities of the USSR. At one of the concerts, the star of a bright musician was noticed by the soloist of the Cheerful Guys group. He offered Alexey a job in the group. Alla Borisovna, who became the "godmother" of the future popular singer, also approved Glyzin's departure to the new team.

Since 1979, Alexey Glyzin has become a full-fledged member of the Merry Fellows, whose fame in the 80s reached sky-high heights. As part of the group, the musician traveled abroad for the first time. The guys toured the cities of Finland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, visited Cuba, Germany and Bulgaria.

The ensemble enjoyed incredible popularity, and all its members became stars. "Merry Fellows" did not leave the TV screens and were present at every festive concert. The hits “Don’t worry, aunt”, “Bologoe”, “Cars”, “Traveling artists”, “Rosita”, “Evening by candlelight”, “Redheads are always lucky” sounded on the radio and “spun” at city discos. Fans and journalists pursued the star team everywhere.

Not without scandals, which were written in the newspapers. During the group's tour in Leningrad, the musicians lived next door to a group from the USA. Once an American drummer threw a TV out of a hotel window. The event made a lot of noise, but journalists blamed Glyzin for everything, who after the incident was not allowed to enter the city for some time, considering him a vandal. Oddly enough, the scandal benefited Glyzin, and the artist was invited to star in the films "Primorsky Boulevard" and "She is with a broom, he is in a black hat", for which Alexey recorded several compositions.

As part of the "Merry Fellows" Aleksey Glyzin visited the "Yerevan-81" festival and the international pop song contest "Bratislava Lyre-85". The group participated in the recording of the cult album Banana Islands.

In 1988, Alexey Glyzin matured for a solo career and left the Cheerful Guys group, founding the Ura team. For two years the singer toured and participated in all Russian gala concerts.

Solo career

In 1990, the soloist released his first album, Winter Garden, which became a pop bestseller. It included hits "Winter Garden", "You're not an angel" and "Ashes of Love". In 1995, fans cheered for a new CD called "It's Not True", which featured a song with the lyrics "My Love".

Gradually, Glyzin's fame declined, in the 2000s new stars flared up in the pop sky. But Alexei still has loyal fans, for whom the singer's hits are closely connected with youth and romantic memories. Aleksey Glyzin still works for them today: he released eight albums, the last one, Wings of Love, was released in 2012.

In 2006, Glyzin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The star of the 90s is invited to participate in rating TV shows every year. Since 2007, Alexey Glyzin has been on the projects “You are a superstar!” and First Squadron. On projects broadcast on NTV and Channel One, he took second place. In 2009, the singer took part in the Cruel Intentions, but ended up in the hospital.

In the fall of 2015, the musician was seen in the third season of the Just the Same project, where he reincarnated as, and.

Personal life

Alexey Glyzin met his first wife, Lyudmila, before military service. Lyudmila waited for Alexei from the army, and they got married in the "golden hall" of the Rossiya Hotel. In this union, in 1975, the son Alexei was born. But the cloudless life did not last long. The incredible popularity of the "Merry Fellows" and the crowd of fans did not combine with a quiet family life. One of the fans - young Evgenia Gerasimova - took the star away from the family.

But the affair with Gerasimova also turned out to be short: the girl dreamed of a stellar career, and not of a strong family and home comfort. Gerasimova left Glyzin for the guitarist of the band "Earthlings" Vyacheslav Makhrensky.

A few years later, Alexey Glyzin asked for forgiveness from Lyudmila, but the woman had a second family.

In 1989, the personal life of Alexei Glyzin took a sharp turn: the singer fell in love with the beautiful gymnast Sanya Babiy. The girl managed to achieve a lot in sports: Sania is a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, a master of sports. Later, Sania Glyzina created the ballet Releve, which performed at Glyzin's concerts.

They got married in the summer of 1992, and in December Alexei and Sania had a son, Igor.

The family life of the singer and gymnast went through trials. In 2012, there were rumors that the couple were getting divorced: Sania could not stand the betrayal of her star husband. But the couple managed to overcome personal problems and kept the family together.

Glyzin's children, like their parents, are purposeful and enthusiastic people. The eldest son Alexei is a director, the younger Igor is a musician, he plays in his father's band. He enjoys swimming and learning Chinese.

In the spring of 2005, the eldest son made the star father a grandfather: Alexei Glyzin's grandson Denis is growing up.

In his free time, the singer visits the hand-to-hand combat section to maintain physical fitness. Glyzin's height is 1.70 meters. Alexey is a longtime and passionate football fan. He is a member of the Starko team, in which he plays with other "star" players -, and.

In the suburbs, Glyzin has grown a garden in which flowers grow, planted by his hands.

Alexey Glyzin now

The 62-year-old star at the end of 2016 made fans pretty worried: with low blood pressure and underwent a course of inpatient treatment.

“My blood pressure has plummeted and the doctors are doing everything they can to save my life. I am in the intensive care unit. Thank you for your concern,” Alexey Glyzin told reporters.

The attending physician called Glyzin's diagnosis: "emotional overexcitation" and reassured the star's fans that nothing threatened the life of the idol.

Soon the musician began to recover, and the concerts scheduled for December 2016 took place. At the end of 2016, Alexey Glyzin recorded a video for the song "He and She" together with him. The video was filmed in Tallinn and its picturesque suburbs. Actors appeared in the video and: they played a couple in love. Glyzin's fans liked the video and the song, but they regret that their favorite singer is almost invisible in the video.

The star of the 90s does not shy away from politics: in September 2016, Alexei Glyzin became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

In April 2017, Alexey Glyzin and Valeria received the Chanson of the Year festival award for the hit "He and She".


  • 1990 - Winter Garden
  • 1994 - Ashes of Love
  • 1995 - "It's not true"
  • 1999 - Belated Express
  • 2001 - "Golden Collection 1987-2001"
  • 2004 - "The soul flies"
  • 2004 - "Legendary Songs"
  • 2012 - "Wings of Love"

Alexey Glyzin is a singer who gave us a huge number of wonderful songs. The performer has become a true legend of his generation, and therefore many of the compositions of this pop artist have received cult status.

Today, the singer does not perform so often and gives his free time not to the stage and show programs, as it was a dozen years ago, but to his personal life. The biography of Alexei Glyzin is extraordinary, rich and interesting. So there is something to tell here, especially since the singer willingly shares his successes, failures and other life ups and downs in his interviews.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Alexei Glyzin began in the city of Mytishchi on January 13, 1954. The artist's mom and dad were simple workers, but they had a great love for creativity and music as well. They broke up when the future singer was 4 years old. Nevertheless, both parents unanimously decided that Alexey Glyzin (photo below) would study at a local music school.

There he began to comprehend the basics of vocal art and the intricacies of playing the piano. The singer's mother, along with his grandmother, encouraged and supported his musical endeavors in every possible way. In numerous interviews, the artist mentioned more than once that the Glyzins often arranged impromptu home concerts, where everyone got their own role. So the young singer had no problems with the audience.

Student years

The next stage in the biography of Alexei Glyzin is admission, oddly enough, to the radio engineering college. Yes, the artist did not immediately choose a professional pop direction.

After graduating from a music school in guitar and piano, Alexey marked a more trivial track for himself. The reason for this was the close friends of the future artist, who decided, as they say, to enter the technical school en masse, taking Glyzin with them. Although he was tormented by doubts, he nevertheless succumbed to persuasion.

But after three years of study, a turning point came in the biography of Alexei Glyzin. He still did not want to get into the usual working rut and ignored the distribution after technical school, deciding to take up music. And at the same time, work a little.

Alexey got into a small band in his own place in Mytishchi and acted as a keyboardist and guitarist. After working with the group for some time, he decided to consolidate and continue his musical education by entering the Tambov Music College. The artist graduated in absentia and began to look closely at the capital's educational institutions.

Three years after graduating from the Tambov Music College, Alexei entered the Moscow Institute of Culture in the pop and wind department. After three courses, Glyzin was drafted into the army. The singer got into the aviation unit, which was located in the Far East.


At first, the artist was in great despondency, because he was torn away from his chosen vocation - music. But after a year of service, the command accidentally found out about his talents and approved the decision to transfer him to a music platoon.

The singer's fans are sure that it was at this moment in the biography of Alexei Glyzin that his real creative career began. The musician has already founded his own group "Flight" and performed with him at almost all military holidays and concerts. The audience liked the work of the group, and the singer's career slowly began to gain momentum.


For a very long time, Alexei gained experience in various musical groups. He managed to be a member of the legendary "Gems" and "Good fellows". A few years later and having gained experience over the years, the musician founded his own group "Fidelity". It was with her that he began to fully tour the Union.

In 1978, the already more or less famous singer left his group "Fidelity" and moved to the very promising band "Rhythm". The group accompanied the prima donna Alla Pugacheva, who was at the peak of her popularity, and the participants received very good money for concerts.

For a year of participation in the Rhythm team, Glyzin, together with Pugacheva, traveled to all the cities of the Soviet Union. At one of the mixed concerts, a bright and charismatic artist was noticed by Alexander Buinov, at that time the lead singer of the Cheerful Guys group. He offered Alexei to work in a team. The prima donna approved of such "treason" and became a kind of "godmother" of the future idol of youth.

"Funny boys"

Since 1979, the singer has become a full-fledged member of the popular Cheerful Guys group. And by the beginning of the 80s, the group's fame had reached sky-high heights. The participants traveled abroad for the first time, visiting Germany, Finland, Bulgaria and even Cuba.

"Merry Fellows" was wildly popular, not only among the domestic audience, but also among Russian-speaking fans from neighboring countries. The team participated in almost every holiday concert and did not leave the blue screens.

Fans and journalists followed the band's musicians everywhere and everywhere, including Alexei Glyzin. The best songs of "Merry Fellows" still excite the audience at retro concerts: "Don't worry, aunt", "Cars", "Redheads are always lucky", "Rosita", etc. At all the discos of that time, they were always present in tracklist.

The team, and Glyzin with it, visited the popular festival "Yerevan 81", and also received many awards at the international competition, which was dedicated to pop music - "Bratislava Lira 85". In addition, "Merry Fellows" participated in the creation of the famous album "Banana Islands".


One of the loudest scandals, which was abundantly covered by the press, was the group's performance in Leningrad in the early 80s. For the duration of the tour, the team was placed in a hotel, where he lived next door to a group from the United States.

Late in the evening, when the artists were celebrating another performance, the American drummer, in a fit of surging emotions, threw the TV out of the window. The height was decent, and besides, the hotel is quite noble. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the incident made a lot of noise. Moreover, the journalists blamed Glyzin for everything.

After such a scandal, the singer was banned from entering the city for a long time. But these events, oddly enough, benefited Alexei. The artist was immediately invited to star in the films "She with a broom ..." and "Primorsky Boulevard". For them, he composed several songs.

In 1988, the musician finally matured for a solo career and left the Cheerful Guys team. For about two years, the singer gave concerts and participated in almost all more or less significant pop events in Russia.

Solo career

In the early 90s, the singer released his first solo album. Alexey Glyzin bore it for a long time, but the success of the Winter Garden exceeded all expectations, becoming a pop bestseller. It was thanks to him that such hits as “Ash of Love”, “You are not an angel” and “Winter Garden” itself appeared. At that time they sounded from every receiver. A little later, clips were shot for these songs with Alexei Glyzin in the title role.

In 1995, the musician released a new album - "Untrue". Among other compositions, the audience especially liked the song "My Love", which was written in collaboration with the same legendary performer Igor Talkov.

decline in popularity

Years passed, and by the beginning of the 21st century, the artist's popularity began to decline. New stars and new hits appeared on the stage. Nevertheless, Glyzin still has a loyal army of fans, whose youth is remembered for his work, closely intertwined with romantic memories. For them, he still works, albeit rarely, but still releases new songs.

In 2006, Alexei was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition to the stage, Glyzin visited all kinds of shows: “You are a superstar!”, “Tough games”, “Just the same” and others.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexei Glyzin, alas, did not develop in the best way. And the reason for this is its wild popularity in the 80s and 90s. With his first wife - Lyudmila - the singer met in his student years, before the army service. A friend waited for him from the army, after which they played a magnificent wedding in a capital hotel.

From this marriage, the singer has a son, Alexei, who was born in 1975. But a healthy family life was short-lived. Crowds of fans and constant trips around the Union did not combine in any way with the quiet and cloudless future of the family. During the tour, one of the persistent fans won the singer's heart, and the young Evgenia Gerasimova destroyed Glyzin's marriage, which was already bursting at the seams.

But the romance with the young beauty was short-lived. Evgenia was obsessed with a stellar career. Family comfort, and at the same time a strong family were far in the background. Later, Gerasimova left Alexei for Vyacheslov Makhrensky, who at that time was the guitarist of the Zemlyane band.

A few years later, Glyzin apologized to Lyudmila, but the ex-wife already had a different, rather happy family.

In 1989, the musician fell in love with the athlete Sanya Babiy (pictured above). She not only achieved good sports results, but also had an enviable beauty and charm. Subsequently, Sania organized a ballet group that performed at the singer's concerts. In the summer of 1992, they got married, and already in December of this year, their son Igor appeared.

The family life of the musician again went through stellar trials and with great difficulty withstood them. In 2012, Sania was ready to divorce because of her husband's infidelities, but the couple were able to overcome all the problems, and the family is alive to this day.

Because of an underage girl, the cult singer of the 80s left his family, beat Natalia Vetlitskaya and left the Merry Fellows!

Who would have thought: on the eve of the old New Year, Alexei GLYZIN turned 60. Of course, he cannot be called a sex symbol or a pop idol - in the current Russian sense of these words. Glyzin throughout his long musical life was more like a hockey star. Or a smiling Komsomol hero, the builder of BAM. In a word, a good man, but ... not a cock. And in the last, perhaps, the main explanation why one of the best vocalists did not fall into, you know what, clip. Well, the one that has made the whole country sick on New Year's Eve for many years in a row.

I remember one day in Italy, having returned to Sorrento from Capri, we sat with friends in an open cafe. A high sunny beach (hence the serenas once seduced Odysseus), a violet-colored sea, an icy white Frascati. All around dark-haired Italians are clamoring like seagulls. And then Marinka on the iPhone loudly turns on Glyzin - “Late evening in Sorrento”. The Italians immediately fell silent. They dropped their pizzas from their mouths in surprise and stared at our table. “Perfetto,” they say, “perfetto! ..” One of them then asked for a long time: is it true that this Russian sang.
Such is the voice.

Mystery covered by marriage

And how many women's hearts were shattered after his concerts! How many incredible love adventures can Aleksey remember if, in ten years, he suddenly feels the urge to sit down for memoirs! And if you shoot a series based on them, then the producers of Brazilian and Mexican "soap" will die of envy.
However, on the day of the anniversary of the idol, I would like to recall something more important, significant. For example, about the most important love story of Alexei Sergeevich. And there was such a thing in his life, and today I will tell you about it for the first time.
Attentive readers of Express Gazeta are probably aware that exactly three years ago, Glyzina's current wife, an artistic gymnast with the rare name Sania, filed for divorce due to the musician's countless betrayals. How it ended there, only God knows. But recently the couple was seen together again.
- We are not talking about any divorce. You never know what happens in life, - Alexei evasively comments on reconciliation.
Meanwhile, in the fate of Glyzin, a painfully similar story has already happened. In the 80s, having fallen in love with a minor, Glyzin ran away from his first wife Lyudmila. The name of the lovebird was Zhenya Gerasimova.
Elena Grishina, director of the capital's holiday agency, told me about Zhenya for the first time, who worked as a costume designer at Merry Fellows.
- I came to the ensemble as a young girl, - Lena recalls. - I got from the romantic theatrical atmosphere to show business and was in shock. Pavel Slobodkin, the head of the Cheerful Fellows, on the first tour, outlined intimate relationships as one of the conditions for my work. I did not want to satisfy his needs, and he began to create an obscene halo around my name. Soon I had to quit...

We were friends with Lesha Glyzin. Once I went into the dressing room and saw some pieces of wood. Threw them in the trash can. Then Glyzin comes in and asks: “Where are the heels? I won't go on stage without them." Upon learning that he threw it away, he rushed to the trash cans. It turned out that he was very complex about being short and put pieces of wood inside sneakers or boots during performances. Somehow even Pasha Slobodkin joked: “Glyzin, you are like a pilot Meresyev.”
In 1987, on the set of Ogonyok, where Merry Fellows sang Don't Worry, Aunt, Volodya Presnyakov introduced Lesha to 17-year-old Zhenya Gerasimova. It was impossible not to fall in love with Zhenya: a beauty with unusual eyes and a bitchy character. Lesha was then still married to Lyudmila, their son turned 12. However, for the sake of Zhenya, he left the family. I can say for sure: the feelings that Glyzin had for Gerasimova, he did not have for any woman. The song "You are not an angel" is about Zhenya. But she, having lived with Glyzin for three years, went to the musician from the group "Earthlings" Slava Makhrensky. For a while there was a love triangle: Zhenya rushed between Lesha and Slava. I will not forget Makhrensky's face when, confident in victory, he saw Zhenya and Lesha cooing sweetly in the same car! .. Glyzin suffered so much for Zhenya that he asked me to help him return her. And he, in turn, put in a good word to the ex-husband of Irina Allegrova Vladimir Dubovitsky, who at that time led the Electroclub group, where I was invited to work.

Starlets don't need poor uncles

In search of Evgenia Gerasimova, I contacted Vyacheslav Makhrensky, a former musician and now a hockey agent. Among his clients, by the way, is the infamous NHL goalkeeper Semyon Varlamov! (Well, the one who allegedly beat his cohabitant named Vavrinyuk)
“When Zhenya married me, she was 20 years old, and I was 24,” Makhrensky said. - A beauty and not a fool. In general, the woman that a man dreams of. We always had a warm relationship with Lesha, but it so happened that Zhenya chose me. And a year later we parted ways. Youth...
Vyacheslav helped me find Zhenya. She is now a real businesswoman, heads a large construction company. Evgenia agreed to meet in one of the expensive Moscow restaurants.
“I haven’t seen Lesha for twenty-five years,” Zhenya began the story. - These were serious feelings, although he was not my first man. Cool: he is a star, you are 17, all the girls in the country run after him, and he loves you. Divorced Glyzin really because of me. The situation is funny: I went to the country to hang out with friends, suddenly my mother calls: “Why are you walking? Your husband Lesha came to our house with things. Come". Lesha, although he became a star, I can’t say that he was rich. I remember that on tour, where I constantly went with him, I sewed Glyzin shirts from flowered material, because there was nothing to perform in. When Lesha began to burden me with family life, I was not ready. He wanted me to stay at home, and I dreamed of becoming a star.

Only now have I begun to understand it. Lesha really committed a childish act by leaving the family. I recently graduated from high school and entered the Institute of Light Industry at the Faculty of Chemistry. But what institution, when we are constantly on tour? Together with Lesha, we arrived at the educational institution and took the documents. Glyzin tried to put me behind the pots, so I ran away. I did sing myself.

She started with Natalya Vetlitskaya in the Rondo group, and created the Zhenya group after breaking up with Lesha in protest. I wanted freedom, not pans. Once Andrei Razin stole me right from the airport, thwarting Lesha's plan to accompany him on tour. For a week with Razin, we rode in a car in different cities. I understood: even if something happened with Glyzin, it is not known whether I would be happy.

Zhenya had twenty such husbands!

And then I took Glyzin out of the Merry Fellows! Once on tour, Pavel Slobodkin came up to me and said: “Your legs are so beautiful and your butt is nothing, but keep in mind that this will not last long, over time it will grow with cellulite.” I thought, let it grow, but I will ruin your group. She muddied the revolution, messed up in full. Glyzin dripped on the brains that he should leave and start a solo career. As a result, Lesha left, and then Sasha Buinov, too. So, I think I did a good deed for Glyzin.
A crack in our relationship occurred in Kharkov, where the concert "Jolly Fellows" was held. I arrive at the hotel, I go into the room, and Lesha has a girl in bed. She began to grab knives, shouting: “I love him, give it to me! I'll cut my veins! I calmly came out with the words: "Understand yourself." Then I realized: I don’t need such adult uncles as Glyzin. At that time, Lesha had a relationship with everyone who was nearby. Thank God, mobile phones were not invented then and his girls did not overwhelm me with calls. I confess honestly, I began to cheat on Glyzina. She slept with whom she wanted, did what she wanted, and he knew it. Lesha became like a hedgehog when he realized that I would not stay with him. Once he fought with Natasha Vetlitskaya in Voronezh. He yelled: "You cover for my Zhenya, she has novels, and you cover her."

And so we parted. Three months later, Lesha found me. I drove up in a foreign car, confident that I would return. Threw stamped phrases: "Enough, let's go home!" To which I replied: “And I am at home! Only with you, we never had a home.” I left Glyzin for good. He wanted pots and I wanted fiestas. I want to turn to Glyzin through Express Gazeta: “Lesha, happy anniversary, and if something goes wrong, I’m sorry!”
And Slava Makhrensky in my life is just an episode for two months. She got married on a bet, as they say, drunk. It's funny to me that Slava took our, so to speak, week-long marriage seriously. Then I had about twenty such husbands.
Then I went to Australia to sing under a contract. For the first time from the "scoop" flew abroad. They also wrote about me in the Australian press. There was a global reassessment of values. As a result, upon returning to Moscow, I did not want to study music. Party, publicity, antics on the stage seemed like childish babble. One day I threw all my CDs off the eighth floor and went into the construction business. Didn't regret an ounce.
For your information
* 40 years ago (in 1974) Pavel Slobodkin invited Alla Pugacheva to the Merry Fellows. She became his mistress and a year later with the song "Arlekino" she took the "Grand Prix" at the competition "Golden Orpheus"
* In addition to Alla Borisovna and Alexei Glyzin, the following people worked in the group at different times: Alexander Buinov, Alexander Gradsky, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Alexander Barykin, Viktor Chaika, Alexander Dobrynin, Svetlana Rezanova, Yuri Peterson and others.


I really left my family because of Zhenya Gerasimova, - Alexey Glyzin confirmed his version to Express Gazeta. - Witchcraft ... When she called me one day and said: “Either you are leaving now, or never,” I got up and, having packed my things, left the house. An obsession ... I honestly tried to build a family life with her. And she wanted to be a star. At one time I helped: we went to the composers who composed songs for her. But she lacked the talent to become a singer. I found out about Zhenya's betrayal by accident. Slava Makhrensky refused my competitor. I remember the case when they were going to run away together after the concert, I said: “Go!” And he gave parting words: “Carefully drive, take care of it. She's feisty." Bless Zhenya. For some reason, there was no desire to pour acid or poison. I turned out to be a man who was able to forgive and let go. I consider it an act. The first wife forgave me only years later. I did not immediately find the courage to come to Lyudmila and ask for forgiveness for the pain caused ... Lyudmila, by the way, later got married, but her husband Victor, alas, died of cancer. We communicated with him. I understood that this is life and you can’t be selfish, demand a vow of celibacy from it. Especially since I left my family.

The wife, with whom Glyzin lived for nineteen years, wants to sue his property in the amount of 35.7 million rubles. whispered in circles for a long time. It was discussed that 57-year-old Alexei and 38-year-old Sania no longer live together. However, it was hard to believe in idle conversations. From the outside, the Glyzin family looked very well. The spouses have an 18-year-old son, Igor, who is studying at a music school and is preparing to enter VGIK. It would seem, why, after so many years of marriage, go to different corners? However, the couple still decided to leave. Now it is already known for sure: the singer's wife became the initiator of the divorce. She filed an application for divorce and division of jointly acquired property with the Gagarinsky Court of Moscow. “Saniya Glyzina asks the court to dissolve the marriage with Alexei Glyzin, registered on July 10, 1992, and also to divide the property jointly acquired by the spouses,” said court spokesman Pyotr Chernik. In the statement of claim of the wife of Alexei Glyzin, it is specified: “Joint life with the defendant did not work out due to the loss of mutual understanding and dissimilarity of characters. Marriage between the parties terminated. The general economy is not conducted. Reconciliation between the parties is impossible. The defendant objects to the dissolution of the marriage.” As it became known to KP, the singer's wife asks to recognize her ownership of property for a total of 35.7 million rubles. The figure is not taken from the ceiling. The jointly acquired benefits in the suit of Sania Glyzina are estimated at a rather impressive amount. We are talking about a country house and two apartments in Moscow. A land plot in the Moscow region with an area of ​​1,340 square meters and a country house of 383.3 square meters is valued at 117 million rubles. Apartments on Garibaldi Street - 28 million rubles. An apartment on Leninsky Prospekt - 11.5 million rubles. Since December 2010, two Moscow apartments have been seized. Before meeting with Sania Babiy, Alexei Glyzin had a wife, Lyudmila. But the relationship didn't work out. Alexey Glyzin speaks reluctantly about his first marriage. But for the eldest son Alexei always remained a loving and good father. The Babiy singer fell in love with Saniya as soon as he saw the fragile girl in the Leningrad Sports Palace "Festivalny". This was twenty-two years ago. Alexei always told this love story with pride: - She looked like she was 13 years old, and I thought: “What is a teenager doing in an adult team? » But, going up to the coach, I found out that the girl is 19 years old and she is the best gymnast of the team. I didn't dare to get to know her. And when he returned to Moscow, he began to invite the entire team to his concerts. I took care of Sania for three years. And then he proposed to her. The couple played the wedding at the dacha, where they invited only their closest friends. To this day, Glyzin's colleagues recall with a smile the celebration at which Igor Krutoy had such fun that he forgot to change his shoes and went home in slippers. Looking at the relationship of the Glyzins from the outside, colleagues were openly jealous - you rarely meet such a strong family in the world of show business. Some four years ago (by that time the Glyzins had been married for sixteen years), Alexey admitted that for the sake of his wife he was still ready for romantic follies: - To surprise Sanya, I can climb from the street through the balcony (to the seventh floor! - Approx. ed.). Or on the most ordinary day, bring her a huge armful of roses. Anything to make her happy. The main thing is that another romantic stupidity should be made especially for Sania! The first hearing on the Glyzins' divorce is scheduled in court for February 8. FIRST HISTORY Alexey GLYZIN: “I hope that my wife and I will still make peace!”- You know, to be honest, it is very difficult for me to talk about divorce now. There are many speculations, many falsehoods. The situation is not easy, - the singer answered when we asked him about the reasons for the family discord. - We heard that you do not want to divorce Sania? - Of course, I don't want to... - So, maybe you will make peace? - I hope! And I think that it will be so (with a smile). We have known each other since 1989. Saniya is a strong-willed, purposeful person. There is no need for us to sort things out in court. Sania GLYZINA: “I don’t want to make a show out of this!”- Sania, recently in one of your interviews you voiced the reason for the divorce from Alexei Glyzin. They said that they were tired of the numerous betrayals of the spouse ... - I did not give any interviews. - Then let's disprove this lie. - No need to refute anything! (With a grin) I don't want to comment on the situation. We wouldn't want to make a show out of this. I'm sorry, I can't talk anymore, I'm having trouble with time. I work three jobs. I'm tired, but I'm interested. - Sania, is reconciliation possible in your situation? - Who knows...

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