Alexandra fried. Review of Sasha Frid's new album Phantasmagoria

She was called "our Marlene Dietrich" and one of the most beautiful actresses in Soviet cinema. Actress Zhanna Glebova is known for her role as Silva in Jan Fried's musical film of the same name, an adaptation of Imre Kalman's operetta.

Zhanna Glebova was the prima of the Riga Operetta Theater and played only a few roles in the cinema, and soon after her triumph in

"Silva" disappeared from the screens forever. Only years later, the real reason for the mysterious disappearance of the actress became known.

Zhanna Glebova was born in 1950 in Donetsk, and after finishing school she moved to Kyiv. There she entered the Theater Studio at the Kiev Operetta Theater, and then performed on the stage of the Kyiv Drama Theater. Ivan Franko. Soon she married the actor Efim Khromov and moved with him to Riga. In the Riga Operetta Theater, Zhanna Glebova became a prima - she played the main roles in the performances "Sister Kerry", "Then in Seville", "The Man from La Mancha", "My Fair Lady".

The film debut of the actress took place in 1978 in the film of the Latvian director Alexander Leimanis "Open Country". A year later, another film with her participation was released - “Behind the Glass Door”. But the real popularity of Zhanna Glebova brought the main role in the musical film Silva by Jan Fried. Before that, the actress was known only in Latvia, and after the premiere of the film, she became famous throughout the USSR.

The Hungarian composer Imre Kalman wrote the operetta "Silva" back in 1915 (in Europe it was called "Queen of Csardas" or "Gypsy Princess"), in the same year it was translated into Russian. But since the First World War was going on at that time, the name of the operetta and the names of some characters were changed. On the stage, the operetta enjoyed such success that it was staged on both sides of the front - both in Austria-Hungary and in the Russian Empire. Later, based on the operetta, several films were shot in Austria, Hungary, Germany, Norway. The first was filmed by an Austrian director in 1919, and the film by Jan Fried was the last, it was released in 1981 and won incredible popularity in the USSR.

Jan Fried for a long time could not find an actress for the lead role. Zhanna Glebova said: “I got to Frida quite by accident. He has been looking for a leading lady for a long time. He wanted her to be an actress... synthetic - to not only play, but also sing and dance, and know how to wear costumes. So that, as he said, there was a breed in it. I was looking, apparently, for someone like Gurchenko, but younger. Yes, Gurchenko could play the variety show actress Silva, but in general, such a combination, such an alloy, is rare among dramatic actresses. At that time we staged the play “Love All Ages” by the Leningrad composer Zhora Portnov, and Zhora really liked me. When he returned to Leningrad and met with Fried, who was already in a panic due to the lack of the actress he needed, Zhora suggested that he go to Riga and see one "girl". The girl at that time already had two children and the title of Honored Artist. In other words, they called me." About who will be her partner in the film, the actress did not know. Nikolai Karachentsov and Anatoly Vasiliev auditioned for the role of Edwin. She met Ivar Kalninsh by chance on the plane and only there it turned out that they were flying to shoot the same film.

The famous actress Tatyana Piletskaya, who played the role of Edwin's mother in Silva, spoke about Zhanna Glebova: “It was that rare case when an actress combined beauty with dramatic talent and a beautiful voice. Zhanna graduated from the conservatory.” It was really so - Zhanna Glebova at that time was the prima of the Riga Operetta Theater and had excellent vocal abilities. But in the film, the audience never heard her voice - by the decision of the director, all the vocal parts were performed by opera artists. And instead of Zhanna Glebova, Evgenia Tselovalnik sang.

After her triumph in the cinema, the actress suddenly disappeared from the screens. Only years later it became known that in 1990 Zhanna Glebova left for Israel with her husband. The actress later spoke about the reasons for this decision: “

I visited Israel a year before moving. And I fell in love with this country so much that I even saw it in a dream. And then it didn’t matter to me - there is an operetta here, there is no operetta here, it doesn’t matter ... The fact is that the situation in Latvia at that time was creatively unstable, and I think that we made a very right decision. In Israel, we learned that our theater was closed; it had existed without us for only about a year. Great actors are out of work. Who went to sell vegetables, who else went into what business, and who ... works in Israel in their specialty ... ".

In Israel, they settled in the city of Rehovot. There, together with Khromov, they staged the play The Merry Widow, held joint concerts, and took part in the Israeli Operetta program. Zhanna Glebova and her husband Yefim Khromov were called the flagships of operetta in Israel. In recent years, the 67-year-old actress lives with her daughter in the United States and is raising her grandchildren.

In the summer of 2016, all secular Moscow came to terms with the fact that Nikita Efremov (29) was no longer a bachelor - he (19), the daughter of businesswoman Svetlana Zakharova and a student - then - of the British Higher School of Design. But the romance lasted only a couple of months - Sasha moved to Paris, entered Parsons, and Efremov only occasionally reminded himself of himself with photographs on social networks.

A year has passed. Sasha came to Moscow for the summer holidays and plunged headlong into working with Marina Dolidze's Wisdom brand - now she produces and stylizes shooting and is engaged in SMM. Efremov also did not waste time - he not only managed to star in several films, but also started a new romance. Ironically, this passion of Nikita is also called Sasha.

Jazz singer Sasha Frid (26) does not appear in gossip columns, and she has only 2.6 thousand subscribers on Instagram, but what a voice she has! On Monday, a new couple came to (15), but after a couple of shots, chacha moved to Calicano, and the next day Nikita came with Sasha to, organized by Nadezhda Obolentseva's Club 418. And it seems that Sasha is well acquainted with all the friends of her famous boyfriend, which means they have been dating for quite a long time.

And Yefremov literally returned from Georgia this weekend and, judging by the photo on Fried's Instagram, she went with him. We rested with soul: we went to the Tbilisi Open Air festival, studied local flea markets and dined in the most fashionable Tbilisi establishments. In general, be that as it may, there is no official confirmation of their romance yet (but will it be?), But they are a beautiful couple - it's stupid to deny it.

Sasha Fried is a very mysterious and extraordinary singer performing songs in jazz, funk and soul style filled with charm, flirting, intelligence and aristocracy. Her music makes the listener not only share his impressions, but also takes him to a virtual cinema world with a unique plot and soundtrack, in which literally everything is performed to musical words and notes that make this action magical. Alexandra's music program is based on songs by such world performers as: Arechi Franklin, Lyn Collins, Janis Joplin, Ella Fitzgarald and many others.

The performer Sasha Frid is very eccentric and ambitious, but the manner of her jazz-funk performance amazes many with its impeccability. In addition, according to many music critics who note her perseverance and hard work, she has great prospects of becoming a real jazz star. If you want to get a lot of drive and dance exhaustion, then you just need to buy tickets for her upcoming concert. After all, the music performed by Sasha can not only exacerbate all emotions, but also help to break loose in order to run to save the whole world.

At the turn of the autumn-winter seasons, the presentation of the author's English-Russian album of the Moscow jazz-funk singer Sasha Frid "Phantasmagoria" took place. The disc was recorded on Signon Records and consists of 2 EPs: the first one is completely in Russian and is designed in the style of blues-rock, the second one is in Russian and English, gravitating towards modern jazz and fusion. Sasha Frid, Ilya Kormiltsev, Sam Morgunov, Vanya Nanik participated in writing music and lyrics.

"Phantasmagoria" by Sasha Fried. EP1

Tracklist: "On the minus", "Exhale", "In a dream", "Zero", "Get in touch", "Possess".

Lineup of musicians: Yu. Perminova (keyboards), A. Kan (guitar), D. Belousov (bass, double bass), A. Kotrechko (bass), A. Kulkov and I. Ermakov (drums), T. Nekrasov (saxophone), A. Solovyov (harmonica).

Sasha Frid is one of those singers whose thoughts are carried far beyond the limits of this world. And it is this ability that helps her to create texts full of true love, burning passions and eternal values. You will not hear a direct indication of these components in the texts of the first, absolutely, as well as the second EP. Everything happens at the level of intuition.

Is it necessary to know love in order to learn how to write poetry or compose music about it? The lyrical ballads of "Phantasmagoria", sung in the style of blues-rock - this is what characterizes Sasha herself in the best possible way. A combination of the incompatible. The main theme of the entire disc is love in its various manifestations, but the main thing is that it is love that rules people before other emotions.

The mood of the first EP can be traced by the title of the tracks that the singer invites the listener to follow. The album opens with the song "On the Minus". There are feelings that do not represent a perfect example of a relationship, but still minus by minus gives a plus, which means opposites have a chance to attract each other and try to build their own world.

Moving smoothly along the melodic line of the bass guitar riffs, the mood changes several times over the course of 3.5 minutes. The compositions “Exhale” and “In a dream” are like the last hope to “recognize each other” and fill each inhalation and exhalation with meaning.

The combination of the incongruous characterizes the work of Sasha Frid in the best possible way.

About the vicissitudes of love, about the game and reality, the story of the song "Zero": "Filming ends - you turn into zero." The text and music create a feeling of a lively dialogue between the performer and the listener, involuntarily involved in the whirlpool of an event in someone else's history. However, the desire to get in touch and possess the world of his beloved overcomes torment. The chords of the final fusion composition echo into silence, leaving the listener in thought.

"Phantasmagoria" by Sasha Fried. EP2

Tracklist: Default City Queen, Sparrow, "Phantasmagoria", "Towards", "Sorry, Mom", "Disco", Stop Making Love, "Ballad".

Lineup of musicians: V.Luizo, Y.Perminova (keyboards), A.Kan (guitar), D.Belousov (bass, double bass), A.Kotrechko (bass), A.Kulkov and I.Ermakov (drums), T.Nekrasov and A .Yazykov (saxophones), D.Savin (trumpet), A.Ruznyaev (trombone), G.Gevorkov (percussion), E.Petrova, A.Karpov, O.Weber (backing vocals), A.Soloviev (harmonica) ).

The character of the previous EP is preserved in the first composition of Default City Queen of the second part of the release. Blues with juicy guitar solos in the best traditions of Western virtuosos for a moment makes the listener see the urban landscape of the metropolis in front of him and recognize its invisible power.

Sasha Frid's album "Phantasmagoria" constantly keeps you in suspense. The stylistic diversity of compositions, both instrumentally and vocally, changes from track to track. And now the next one includes elements of country music, and the good old story unfolds right before our eyes.

Modern jazz with a pronounced "brass" section leads the listener through the entire EP 2, interspersed with vocal improvisations of the soloist in different registers. witticism s the recognizable harmonica of Alex Solovyov gives the sound, creating volume and saturating it with soulful digressions.

EP 2 is a collection of Sasha's revelations about everything that worries her day after day

Phantasmagoria by Sasha Fried is a collection of songs that are ahead of their time. Always inspired by the second wave of funk, the singer sought to find her own style. This applies to both vocal performance and instrumental parts, therefore, performers in demand on the modern music scene took part in the recording of her first album of author's songs. Such a creative collaboration turned out to be a success in the form of "Phantasmagoria", declaring its right to the title of one of the best modern jazz releases of the outgoing 2016.

Photo by Gulnara Khamatova

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