Alexandre dumas three musketeers analysis. The Three Musketeers Composition based on the novel by Dumas "The Three Musketeers"

Quite recently I got acquainted with the great novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". Of course, before reading the book, I watched a serial film based on this work. And even then I really wanted to read a novel about the Musketeers, once again become a participant in their adventures.

Reading the book, I never ceased to envy d'Artagnan and his friends. What an interesting life these people had! What noble and fearless deeds they were ready for! In what a significant era it fell to live for the musketeers!

Roman Dumas teaches us many very important lessons. So, on the pages of this work we learn courage. The author calls this quality one of the most important virtues of a real man: "Courage always commands respect."

Already at the very beginning of the novel, we see how D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers boldly fight the cardinal's guards, despite the numerical superiority of their rivals. The young Gascon was not afraid of the soldiers of Richelieu and fought on a par with the experienced Athos, Porthos and Aramis. And, most importantly, the heroes defeated their enemies!

The courage of the young D'Artagnan was appreciated by the musketeers and accepted him into their company: “- If I am not yet a musketeer,” he said on the threshold of de Treville's house, addressing his new friends, “I can still consider myself accepted as a student, not is it true?"

Soon, rumors about the prowess of the hero spread throughout Paris, and after a little more time, D'Artagnan managed to show his courage, saving the French queen herself!

But the main character and his friends are not only brave warriors, they are also true friends, loyal and devoted to each other. The motto of the four friends has long become winged: "One for all and all for one." And the Musketeers justified him more than once: they never left each other in trouble, they were always together, even in the face of mortal danger. Let us recall at least the episodes associated with the insidious Lady Winter: D'Artagnan became the sworn enemy of this woman, she tried with all her might to destroy the hero. However, the Gascon, with the help of his friends, who did not leave their young friend for a minute, managed to deal with the villain: “- Charlotte Baxon, Countess de La Fere, Lady Winter, - ... - your atrocities overwhelmed the measure of patience of people on earth and God on sky. If you know any prayer, read it, for you are condemned and will die.”

We can say that the heroes of Dumas' novel are my ideals, people whom I want to imitate. I admire that D'Artagnan and the Musketeers honor honor and dignity above all else. So, the heroes faithfully serve their king and fatherland. That is why they risked their lives to bring Anne of Austria's pendants from England. That is why D'Artagnan refused to swear allegiance to the cardinal - the worst enemy of King Louis and France. That is why the heroes will never leave a helpless person in trouble (remember how the Gascon saved Constance Bonacie from the soldiers of the cardinal).

I want to confess that I consider myself a student of the heroes of the novel by A. Dumas. In my opinion, a real man should be like D'Artagnan and his friends - brave, courageous, fair, honest, devoted to his convictions and loved ones. I will strive to be at least a little like my favorite characters - real Knights and Heroes.

The adventure novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" is a very interesting story about the life and heroic deeds of devoted friends - musketeers who, risking their lives, defended their honor. The novel leaves no one indifferent, as it is filled with vivid events and characters.

The plot of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers"

The protagonist of the work, the young nobleman Charles D'Artagnan, guided by the desire to become a musketeer, goes to Paris. On the way, he gets into a fight with Count Rochefort, Cardinal Richelieu's best friend, who stole his letter of introduction.

D'Artagnan is sent to serve in the Guards regiment of Desessard, since without a letter of recommendation they could not take him into the guard of the royal musketeers. On the first day of his service, D'Artagnan quarreled with three Musketeer friends - Aramis, Porthos and Athos, and challenged them to a duel.

A duel between friends did not take place, since on that day a royal decree was issued banning such battles between musketeers. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers soon became friends and forgot their former quarrels.

At this time, in the royal palace, one of Cardinal Richelieu's girlfriends arranged an intrigue against the queen herself. The Musketeers found out about this, and went to Paris to defend the honor of the Queen.

The musketeers managed to overcome all the obstacles that the cardinal and Milady placed on their way to Paris, and exposed the intrigue against the queen.

However, the brave struggle of the Musketeers did not end there. Faithful friends many times lagged behind the honor of French women, which was encroached upon by the British, and even managed to defend their kingdom from invaders without outside help. However, the evil Milady and the cardinal also continued to intrigue the musketeers.

Milady found D'Artagnan's beloved, the beautiful girl Constance, in the monastery and poisoned her. D'Artagnan decided to punish Milady: having convicted her of all the atrocities against the French crown, he handed over the villainess to the authorities.

Cardinal Richelieu, afraid that he might suffer the fate of Milady, decided to make peace with the musketeers. He apologized for his actions and presented them with high ranks in the army of musketeers.

The laws of honor by which the heroes of Dumas live

Honor is a set of moral qualities that at all times commanded respect. What does it mean to live according to the laws of honor? First of all, it means to be noble, courageous, fair, reliable, honest and able to defend the interests of weaker people.

This is how we see the heroes of the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". Musketeer friends help each other, together they go towards their goal. Risking their lives, at the first call they go to defend the life and honor of other people.

Musketeers help each other fight obstacles. Reading the novel by A. Dumas, we admire the dedication and devotion of the main characters.

Quite recently I got acquainted with the great novel by A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”. Of course, before reading the book, I watched a serial film based on this work. And even then I really wanted to read a novel about the Musketeers, once again become a participant in their adventures.
Reading the book, I never ceased to envy d'Artagnan and his friends. What an interesting life these people had! What noble and fearless deeds they were ready for! In what a significant era it fell to live for the musketeers!
Roman Dumas teaches us many very important lessons. So, on the pages of this work we learn courage. The author calls this quality one of the most important dignity of a real man: "Courage always commands respect."
Already at the very beginning of the novel, we see how D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers boldly fight the cardinal's guards, despite the numerical superiority of their rivals. The young Gascon was not afraid of the soldiers of Richelieu and fought on a par with the experienced Athos, Porthos and Aramis. And, most importantly, the heroes defeated their enemies!
The courage of the young D'Artagnan was appreciated by the musketeers and accepted him into their company: “- If I am not yet a musketeer,” he said on the threshold of de Treville's house, addressing his new friends, “I can still consider myself accepted as a student, not is it true?"
Soon, rumors about the prowess of the hero spread throughout Paris, and after a little more time, D'Artagnan managed to show his courage, saving the French queen herself!
But the main character and his friends are not only brave warriors, they are also true friends, loyal and devoted to each other. The motto of the four friends has long become winged: "One for all and all for one." And the Musketeers justified him more than once: they never left each other in trouble, they were always together, even in the face of mortal danger. Let us recall at least the episodes associated with the insidious Lady Winter: D'Artagnan became the sworn enemy of this woman, she tried with all her might to destroy the hero. However, the Gascon, with the help of his friends, who did not leave their young friend for a minute, managed to deal with the villain: “- Charlotte Baxon, Countess de La Fere, Lady Winter, - ... - your atrocities overwhelmed the measure of patience of people on earth and God on sky. If you know any prayer, read it, for you are condemned and will die.”
We can say that the heroes of Dumas' novel are my ideals, people whom I want to imitate. I admire that D'Artagnan and the Musketeers honor honor and dignity above all else. So, the heroes faithfully serve their king and fatherland. That is why they risked their lives to bring Anne of Austria's pendants from England. That is why D'Artagnan refused to swear allegiance to the cardinal - the worst enemy of King Louis and France. That is why the heroes will never leave a helpless person in trouble (remember how the Gascon saved Constance Bonacie from the soldiers of the cardinal).
I want to confess that I consider myself a student of the heroes of the novel by A. Dumas. In my opinion, a real man should be like D'Artagnan and his friends - brave, courageous, fair, honest, devoted to his beliefs and loved ones. I will strive to be at least a little like my favorite characters - real Knights and Heroes.

An essay on literature on the topic: What can the novel by A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers” teach today?

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What can the novel by A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers” teach today?

The Three Musketeers is a novel by Alexandre Dumas père. Written in 1844, first published in the spring of the same year in the Parisian newspaper Siekl; a book was soon published, the circulation of which over the next five years reached 60,000 copies. The success of The Three Musketeers prompted Dumas to continue the theme; in 1845, the novel “Twenty Years Later” was published, in 1850 the publication of the last book about the Musketeers (“Ten Years Later, or Vicomte de Brazhelon”) was completed. Despite the commonality of the main characters, which makes it possible to combine all the novels into a single trilogy, the time gap between its parts and the lack of a direct plot connection allow The Three Musketeers to be considered as an independent work.

The success of W. Scott's translated novels contributed to the flourishing of the historical genre in French literature of the 1820s-1840s. Writers and playwrights increasingly sought to find answers to the burning questions of the present in the past (“Notre Dame Cathedral” by V. Hugo (1831), “Consuelo” by George Sand (1843), dramas by F. Pia, etc.). Dumas père, who had previously devoted a number of plays to the events of past eras (“Henry III and his Court”, “Nelskaya Tower”, etc.), first of all sought to give his works an action-packed, fascinating form and did not draw parallels between the past and the present. Unlike Hugo, who filled Marion Delorme, a play about the era of Cardinal Richelieu, with topical allusions that led to the banning of the production (1827), Dumas turned to the same historical period only to give the adventurous plot a romantic flavor.

To work on the novel, the author used the Memoirs of Monsieur d "Artagnan, lieutenant commander of the first company of the royal musketeers ..." (1700) written by Courtille de Santra and Roederer's book "Political and Love Intrigues of the French Court" (the writer also refers to mythical “Memoirs of the Count of the Fer case”, allegedly found by him in one of the archives). But Dumas did not at all consider the observance of historical truth to be an end in itself, and sometimes he treated the facts quite freely, reinterpreting them for the sake of plot entertainment. “For me, history is a nail, on which I hang my picture,” he said.

Undoubtedly, The Three Musketeers is the most famous and read novel by A. Dumas père. The plot of this book has a greater integrity and compositional unity than other novels of this master of the "novel-feuilleton"; here the writer managed to avoid the peculiar adventure literature of the 19th century. melodramatism and schematization even when describing negative characters (Richelieu, Milady), and the exciting adventures of the heroes are presented lively and cheerfully. The Three Musketeers are also free from the gloomy fatalism of the writer's later novels (The Devil's Gorge, etc.).

But the main thing, thanks to which Dumas' Three Musketeers managed to push even the books of this author so beloved by readers as The Count of Monte Cristo and Queen Margot, are the images of the main characters, the musketeers Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d "Artagnan , whose names have become household names not only in the author’s homeland. Selflessly devoted to France and the king, they are always ready to demonstrate courage, dexterity and courage; Above all, the brave four values ​​loyalty, honesty, and the ability to come to the rescue of a comrade. literature: sometimes they are too quick-tempered (at the beginning of the novel, trifling incidents cause a duel between d'Artagnan and his future friends); these brave warriors are not averse to having fun in good company; It is difficult for Porthos to resist excessive food, Aramis does not shy away from connections with married ladies, and d "Artagnan once succumbed to the spell of the cardinal's seductive spy, and we will never know what secrets the silent Athos keeps - Comte de la Fere. But when it comes to defense of the country (the battle of La Rochelle), the honor of the queen (the story of the diamond pendants of Anne of Austria) or helping a friend in another trouble, all other problems go aside, and, despising the danger, the musketeers rush to the rescue.Heroes are brave, but not cruel, courageous, but not vindictive, and even in Milady, they, showing chivalrous nobility, until the last minute see a beautiful woman, and not a mortal enemy. behavior of the Musketeers, makes the legendary four so attractive to the reader (especially the young one) that he inevitably seeks to imitate At wasp, Porthos, Aramis and d "Artagnan.

The writer managed - without long arguments and annoying didactics - to give in The Three Musketeers magnificent examples of courage, real patriotism and disinterested male friendship. It is the moral and educational significance of the images of the musketeers that distinguishes Dumas' novel from the endless stream of adventure literature. The author himself, until the end of his life, retained affection for his favorite heroes: he wrote plays about musketeers, published the historical magazines Musketeer and Dartagnan (" Dartagnan "). Enthusiastically received by contemporaries (the prime minister did not start cabinet meetings without looking at the latest issue of the newspaper that published The Three Musketeers), the novel subsequently delighted such diverse figures as K. Marx, Dickens, Jack London, M. Gorky, S.M. Eisenstein and A.I. Kuprin (the latter ranked d'Artagnan among the "eternal companions of mankind").

On July 12, 1931, in Gascony (Department of Gers), in the city of Osh, a monument to d "Artagnan, the most charming, resourceful and witty musketeer, the fruit of Dumas' literary fantasy, was solemnly unveiled.

The novel The Three Musketeers is one of the world record holders in terms of the number of adaptations (more than 30 films by the beginning of the 1990s); at least three of them were shown on the screens of Russian cinemas at one time: the French film of the same name with Mylène Demongeot as Milady (1962) is closest to the literary source. But the Russian television film (1979) with M. Boyarsky, who played the role of d "Artagnan and performed a popular song about the Musketeers (composer - M. Dunaevsky), enjoyed special love in our country.

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