Albina opera singer. Contacts

Albina Anvarovna Shagimuratova(born October 17, 1979, Tashkent) - Russian and world opera singer (soprano), laureate of the International Competition. P. I. Tchaikovsky, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Education, the beginning of creative activity

Albina Shagimuratova graduated from the vocal faculty of the Kazan Conservatory (2004) and postgraduate studies (2007) from the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. Bright victory at the International Competition. P. I. Tchaikovsky in 2007 (First Prize and Gold Medal) attracted the attention of the world opera community, and already in 2008 Shagimuratova was invited to the Salzburg Festival to perform the role of the Queen of the Night in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute conducted by the famous maestro Riccardo Muti .

Albina Shagimuratova is an honorary graduate of the Houston Grand Opera Studio. She is currently continuing her studies with Dmitry Vdovin in Moscow and Renata Scotto in New York.


From 2004 to 2006 - soloist of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. From 2006 to 2008 she trained at the Houston Grand Opera (USA). Since 2008 she has been a soloist of the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theatre. M.Jalil.

After the triumphant debut in Salzburg, the major opera scenes of the world began to show interest in the young singer. As a soloist, Albina Shagimuratova has performed on the stages of: La Scala Theater (Milan), Metropolitan Opera (New York), Los Angeles Opera, San Francisco Opera, Chicago Lyric Opera, Royal Opera Covent Garden (London), Vienna State Opera, Houston Grand Opera, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Glyndebourne Opera Festival in England.

The singer's creative life was enriched by collaborations with such famous conductors as James Conlon, Zubin Mehta, Patrick Summers, Rafael Frubeck de Burgos, Peter Schneider, Adam Fischer, Vladimir Yurovsky, Antonino Fogliani, Robin Ticciati, Valery Gergiev, Vladimir Spivakov.

Awards, titles

Laureate of international competitions: them. M. Glinka (Chelyabinsk, 2005, 1st prize), im. F. Viñas in Barcelona (Spain, 2005, III prize), im. P. I. Tchaikovsky (Moscow, 2007, I prize and gold medal).

People's Artist of Tatarstan (2009). Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukay (2011).

Laureate of the Russian national theater award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Female role in the opera" (for her performance of the part of Lucia di Lammermoor in the performance of the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil)

Laureate of the Casta Diva Music Critics Award for her performance as Ludmila in the Bolshoi Theater's Ruslan and Lyudmila and Lucia in the Tatar Opera and Ballet Theater's Lucia di Lammermoor


part of Lyudmila (Ruslan and Lyudmila, M. Glinka);

part of Lucia (Lucia di Lammermoor, G. Donizetti);

part of the Queen of the Night (The Magic Flute, W. A. ​​Mozart);

part of Gilda (Rigoletto, G. Verdi);

part of Violetta Valeri (La Traviata, G. Verdi);

the party of Zaytuna (The Poet's Love, R. Akhiyarov);

the party of Adina (“Love Potion”, G. Donizetti);

the party of Amina (La Sonnambula, V. Bellini);

part of Antonida (Ivan Susanin, M. Glinka);

part of Donna Anna (Don Giovanni, W. A. ​​Mozart);

party Manon ("Manon", J. Massenet);

the part of Musetta (La Boheme, G. Puccini);

part of the Nightingale (The Nightingale, F. Stravinsky);

the part of Flaminia (Lunar World, J. Haydn);

soprano part (Stabat Mater, G. Rossini);

soprano part (Eighth Symphony, G. Mahler);

soprano part (Ninth Symphony, L. Beethoven);

soprano part (Requiem, W. A. ​​Mozart);

soprano part (“War Requiem”, B. Britten).

Russian soprano Albina Shagimuratova was born in Tashkent. The parents of the future singer were lawyers - however, for her father, coming to law was accidental, and she began her professional career as ... an accordion player. This man retained his love for music for life and passed it on to his daughter. At the age of five, she sang songs of the Tatar people, her father accompanied her on the button accordion. Then she began to study at a music school. The girl discovered the beauty of the opera genre for herself at the age of twelve, after listening to a gramophone record with a recording of "" with in the title role. Albina sobbed from shock and since then often asked her parents to take her to an opera performance.

When the USSR collapsed, the Shagimuratovs moved to the capital of Tatarstan. Here Albina becomes a student at the Kazan Musical College, where she studied choral conducting. In the same specialty, she continued her education at the Kazan Conservatory. N.G. Zhiganova. But at the same time, the outstanding vocal abilities of the student were discovered, and she began to study in her second specialty - “opera vocals”. The next stage in the development of the future opera singer is associated with the vocal department and postgraduate studies at the Moscow Conservatory, where the future opera singer was mentored by Galina Pisarenko.

From 2006 to 2008, Shagimuratova trained in the USA, at the Youth Opera Studio at the Houston Grand Opera. It cannot be said that it was easy to study there - they demanded the strictest discipline from young singers, sometimes making exaggerated demands. So, once Albina - the only one of the pupils of the studio - was awarded an audition at the Metropolitan Opera. Soon a concert was scheduled in a provincial Texas town - and there were a lot of people in the studio, it was not difficult to choose participants, there was no urgent need for Shagimuratova's participation, but the studio management included her in the program, and after listening to New York, the singer had to fly urgently for two thousands of kilometers to sing one aria at this concert - under the threat of expulsion in case of refusal.

Shagimuratova participated in many competitions, but she considers two of them to be especially important - competitions to them. and them. . She took part in the latter in 2007. A mysterious statement flashed in one of the Moscow newspapers: “Actually, the gold medal was intended for another Russian singer, but Shagimuratova’s advantage was so overwhelming that the jury could not help but award her first place.” For all their ambiguity, these words reflected the true state of affairs: Albina's superiority over her rivals was completely obvious, and this was noticed not only by the jury members. The hall was attended by Matthew Epstein, a famous opera impresario, whose word was listened to by many European conductors. Through his efforts, the young singer receives an invitation to the Salzburg Festival.

At the festival in Salzburg, the artist performed the role of the Queen of the Night. He conducted that performance, and this role subsequently took a special place in the singer's repertoire: she made her debut with her in many theaters - Covent Garden, the Vienna Opera, La Scala, the Metropolitan Opera. The performer calls it "the most difficult, but noble." Subsequently, she began to perform belkante parts in "", "", "". Both listeners and critics admire the voice, which they call "big" and at the same time "flying, clear". The audience is also captivated by the psychological depth of the stage images it creates.

The singer's talent was also appreciated at home. In 2009, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (usually this is preceded by the title of Honored Artist, but in this case an exception was made). She is a guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and a full-time soloist of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater - and regrets that due to the busy tour schedule she cannot sing there often, but she promised the management that she would sing at this theater at least one performance a year And he keeps his promise. The performer's repertoire is rich and varied: Antonida and the Swan Princess, the Queen of Shemakhan and Adina, Donna Anna and Musetta ... When the historical stage of the Bolshoi Theater opened after the reconstruction, it was Shagimuratova who sang Lyudmila in the first production after this "".

According to the singer, visiting different countries, she noticed her peculiarities everywhere: the French are very fond of art and beauty, in Vienna you can hear Strauss waltzes in the subway ... but wherever Albina Shagimuratova has been, she is always drawn to Russia. The artist especially loves the white-stone Kremlin in Kazan.

Albina Shagimuratova notes with pleasure the increased love for opera in modern society. According to her observations, this genre has now almost caught up with pop music in popularity.

Music Seasons

Opera singer Albina Shagimuratova is a People's Artist of Tatarstan and an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Her colorful soprano conquered more than one stage in many countries. The singer's repertoire includes twenty operas by famous composers, including Mozart, Glinka, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Puccini.


Albina Shagimuratova was born in the capital of Uzbekistan - Tashkent. The singer's parents were engaged in advocacy. In 1979, they gave the world an opera diva. The father of the future star did not immediately choose the profession of a lawyer. As a child, he wanted to be a musician and graduated from art school. Knowing the button accordion well, the father gladly accompanied his four-year-old daughter. The girl's repertoire at that time was Tatar folk songs. A revolution in the biography of Albina Shagimuratova occurred when a record with the voice of Maria Callas fell into the hands of a teenager. The twelve-year-old girl was so imbued with the performance of the opera diva that she burst into tears. From that moment on, Albina began to move firmly towards operatic mastery.


When the singer Albina Shagimuratova was fourteen years old, she and her family moved to Kazan. Here the girl graduated from the conservatory. Then the singer studied vocals in Moscow, where she received a second conservatory education. In addition, postgraduate studies are behind the diva.

First victories

The first award went to Albina Shagimuratova at the age of twenty-six. She became a laureate of the Mikhail Glinka Competition, which was held in the city of Chelyabinsk. In the same year, the singer participated in the international competition named after Francisco Viñas, held in Barcelona, ​​Spain. On it, Shagimuratova took a prize. The singer considers her biggest victory to be the first place in the Tchaikovsky Competition, which was held in Moscow. It was after him that the head of the La Scala theater, Riccardo Muti, became interested in the opera diva and invited her to the opera festival in Austria.


In 2004 Albina Shagimuratova entered the Moscow Academic Musical Theatre. Having worked in it as a soloist for two years, she decided to leave for America. After two years of successful work in the USA, the singer became a soloist with the State Academic Ballet and Opera Theater in Kazan. During her career, Albina managed to work on other stages. Among them are the Moscow House of Music, the Russian Academic Bolshoi Theatre, the Russian Academic Mariinsky Theatre. Shagimuratova was not immediately invited to the Bolshoi. She managed to travel all over the world before the long-awaited call came from Vladimir Spivakov. It was a great honor for the singer to perform on the big stage with a recognized maestro. She is still grateful to the conductor and calls him her godfather.

queen of the night

The hallmark of Albina Shagimuratova was the main part of the opera "The Magic Flute" by W. Amadeus Mozart. The singer has been performing the queen of the night for ten years. For the first time she got this party in 2008. Then the beginning diva was invited to the festival in Salzburg. Later, Albina admitted that it was this role that helped her open up and express herself. The singer performed it on the largest opera stages in Russia, Europe and America. In 2018, Shagimuratova decided to part ways with her favorite game. She became interested in wider horizons.


The conquest of Europe did not end with a bright performance in Austria. The queen of the night is sung by only a few singers in the world. The young diva managed to do it so talentedly that she immediately won the love of the audience. Invitations began to arrive with enviable regularity. Photos of Albina Shagimuratova appeared on the posters of such European cities as Milan ("La Scala"), London ("Royal Opera"), Vienna ("State Opera"), Berlin ("German Opera"), Paris.

A family

In her personal life, the singer is as successful as in her career. The husband of Albina Shagimuratova - Ruslan - supports his wife in everything. In November 2014, the couple had a daughter. Her parents gave her a name in honor of the Italian opera singer Adeline Patti. The girl enjoys listening to music, and she recognizes her mother's voice from thousands of other sopranos. Albina admits that neither pregnancy nor childbirth affected her voice. On the contrary, the appearance of her daughter made the singing deeper and more meaningful. It is difficult for the singer to combine career and family care. But the beloved husband always comes to the rescue.


In addition to the European audience and her faithful husband, Albina Shagimuratova also charmed opera fans in the United States. The singer began her acquaintance with America with an internship at the Grand Opera in Houston. Simultaneously with her studies, the star successfully performed on the stages of such famous venues as the Los Angeles Opera, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Metropolitan Opera in New York, and the San Francisco Opera. The singer admits that she was very lucky to learn from the best masters in America. She believes that Russian performers have the strongest voices and soulful performance. But they need to learn from the experience of Western and European opera stars. Otherwise, after a couple of decades, there will be no good singers left in Russia. That is why Shagimuratova decided to engage in teaching activities. She teaches at the Kazan Conservatory. Several of the singer's students have already become soloists in major theaters and have taken part in music competitions.


  • Lyudmila in Mikhail Glinka's Ruslan and Lyudmila.
  • Lucia in the tragedy "Lucia di Lammermoor" by Gaetano Donizetti.
  • Amina in the melodrama of Vincenzo Bellini "Sleepwalker".
  • Queen of the Night in W. Amadeus Mozart's singspiel "The Magic Flute".
  • Gilda in Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto.
  • Adina in "Love Potion" by Gaetano Donizetti.
  • Musetta in Giacomo Puccini's La bohème.
  • Violetta Valeri in La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi.
  • Flaminia in Joseph Haydn's opera buffa "Lunar World".
  • Antonida in Mikhail Glinka's Ivan Susanin.
  • Donna Anna in Don Giovanni by Amadeus Mozart.
  • Manon in the lyric opera of the same name by Jules Massenet.
  • Nightingale in the work of the same name by Igor Stravinsky.

In addition, Shagimuratova performed soprano parts in Mahler's Eighth Symphony, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Mozart's Requiem, Rossini's Stabat Mater, and Britten's War Requiem.


Albina Shagimuratova is one of the few opera singers who managed to try their hand at cinema. Almost immediately after the birth of her daughter, she was invited to shoot Karen Shakhnazarov's landmark film Anna Karenina. Vronsky's Story. This is the first film adaptation of the novel, which exactly repeats the plot of the classic. A scene from the concert of Adelina Patti appears in the film, for the role of which Shagimuratova was invited. The star liked the new experience. In the future, she plans to shoot more.


With the return to Russia, the second wave of popularity of Albina Shagimuratova began. News about her future plans began to excite fans again. Now the singer often performs on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Sometimes she is invited to the Bolshoi Theater. Albina does not forget about her native theater in Kazan, where she still works. In addition, the star continues to actively tour and is engaged in teaching activities. The husband and daughter at this time remain in the Moscow apartment. The singer's husband works in the capital as a psychiatrist. But the family communicates daily via Skype. And in the upbringing of Adeline, her mother-in-law helps.


The singer believes that her creative path has just begun. According to her, the artist should not stand still. Therefore, the star plans to include new parts in her repertoire. One of them is the role of Semiramide in the opera of the same name by Gioachino Rossini. The composer wrote this low part for the legend of the world opera - Maria Malibran. Shagimuratova is not indifferent to the heroine of another lyrical work - "Norma" by Vincenzo Bellini. The role of Anna Boleyn from Donizetti's opera of the same name will also be included in the singer's repertoire. The singer considers these roles to be very serious and deep. To be imbued with them, the performer must have a certain life experience.

  • Albina Shagimuratova entered the Moscow Conservatory only the third time.
  • The singer was first invited to the French stage in 2015. But she refused to leave her newborn daughter.
  • For the first and last time, the star performed the part of the Queen of the Night in Salzburg with a difference of 10 years.
  • The singer until the last did not want to participate in the Tchaikovsky competition. But having entered the stage first, she left her competitors far behind.
  • The star had to learn the part of Elvira from the opera by Vincenzo Bellini in just two weeks. To do this, Albina came from Chicago to St. Petersburg for all the January holidays to an experienced teacher.
  • Before agreeing to the role, Shagimuratova carefully considers the full composition of the future production: the names of the director, conductor, and performers. Interested in what will be the scenery and costumes. And only after that he signs the contract.
  • The singer performs on the stage of the State Academic Mariinsky Theater much more often than in Kazan.


Albina Shagimuratova believes that in order to achieve success, you need to work hard and hard. A singer should never stop practicing his voice. A lot also depends on the conductor. Albina enjoyed working with James Levine and Ricardo Muti the most. These masters love performers and do their best to help them. In most cases, unfortunately for the artist, the conductors pull the blanket over themselves and focus on the coherence of the orchestra. When Shagimuratova is not satisfied with something in the production of the opera, she is not afraid to refuse the role. This happened in London, where in the performance the heroine of Albina was supposed to go on stage with all her blood. But not always the singer goes against the director. She prefers compromise. If the director gives strong arguments in favor of his vision of the image, Shagimuratova agrees with his opinion.

Tannhauser: When opening a new column, I was going to start it with some kind of world celebrity of the past ... But I decided to move away from the stereotype and offer the wonderful and young voice of Albina Shagimuratova. I am sure that she fits quite well into the title of the column and her creative future will confirm this .. .)

People's Artist of Tatarstan
Laureate of international competitions

Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after G. Tukay (2011)
Laureate of the National Theater Award of Russia "Golden Mask" (2012)

Albina Shagimuratova is a unique opera singer, a soprano with a dramatic coloratura, who is rapidly gaining world fame with her unique voice in terms of timbre and filigree vocal skills. Pure, juicy, big, flying, impeccably accurate sound, mastery of the "bel canto" style, combined with a deep academic understanding of music and a subtle psychological elaboration of a dramatic image - this is Albina Shagimuratova's calling card. Her high level of performance of the most difficult operatic parts of the world operatic repertoire wins the recognition of the public all over the world, the number of admirers of her talent is progressively growing. Reputable print publications such as the New York Times, the London Times, Opera News, the Italian Reppublica publish rave reviews from critics about the performances of the Tatar nightingale. Eminent conductors of our time appreciate her musical talent, professional musicians predict a triumphant continuation of her stellar career for the singer. Albina Shagimuratova has become such a vivid example of the successful realization of talent, phenomenal hard work and rare truly human qualities on the opera stage, having learned about which once, one can no longer remain indifferent to either opera or herself!

Albina Shagimuratova was born in Tashkent (former Soviet Union) in 1979 to a family of lawyers. The interest in music maintained at home contributed to the disclosure of innate musicality - at the age of 5 she began studying at a music school and already sang Tatar folk songs on stage to the accompaniment of her father, who played the button accordion. From these first hesitant childhood steps in music to mature creative independence, Albina Shagimuratova went through a thorny path, full of extreme efforts and vivid emotional experiences, to which she always remained true no matter what, demonstrating her perseverance, diligence and strength of character since childhood.

Having moved with her family, after the collapse of the Soviet Union to Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia), Albina entered the Kazan Musical College. I.V. Aukhadeeva in the class of choral conducting (1994-1998), and later she continued to receive a fundamental musical education at the faculty of choral conducting of the Kazan State Conservatory. N.G. Zhiganov (1998-2001). It was this period in the life of Albina Shagimuratova that was marked by the discovery of her outstanding vocal abilities, the birth of a love for opera and the beginning of mastering the secrets of opera singing. Later, the singer graduated from the vocal faculty of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky (class of Professor G.A. Pisarenko 2001-2004), and postgraduate studies there (2004-2007), she underwent an internship at the Youth Opera Studio at the Houston Grand Opera in the USA (2006-2008). ) and to this day has never stopped self-improvement, making high-class demands on herself. After completing her internship in the USA, the singer was invited as a leading soloist to the Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Musa Jalil.

In the arsenal of Albina Shagimuratova's early achievements, one can note: the title of a laureate at the Open All-Russian Competition of Opera Singers "Saint Petersburg" in 2003, the title of a laureate at the F. Viñas International Vocal Competition in Barcelona (Spain - 2005), victory at the international vocal competition M. Glinka (Chelyabinsk-2005), and victory at the XIII International Competition. P.I. Tchaikovsky (Moscow-2007). But it was from the moment of taking the 1st Prize and the Gold Medal of the International Competition named after. P. I. Tchaikovsky began the rapid career rise of Albina Shagimuratova. The bright victory at the competition attracted the attention of the world opera community and soon Shagimuratova was invited to the Salzburg Festival to perform the most difficult part - the Queen of the Night in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute conducted by the famous maestro Riccardo Muti.

After this triumphant debut in 2008, the major opera scenes of the world began to express an open interest in the young singer: as a guest soloist, Albina Shagimuratova performed on the stages of Milan's La Scala Theater, the New York Metropolitan Opera, the Los Angeles Opera, the San Francisco Opera, the Chicago Lyric Opera, London Royal Opera Covent Garden, Vienna State Opera, Houston Grand Opera, Deutsche Oper Berlin and Glyndebourne Opera Festival in England. At the same time, the singer's creative life was enriched by collaborations with such famous conductors as James Conlon, Zubin Mehta, Patrick Summers, Rafael Frubeck de Burgos, Peter Schneider, Adam Fischer, Vladimir Yurovsky, Antonino Fogliani, Robin Ticciati, Vladimir Spivakov.

The singer's repertoire expanded at lightning speed, including more and more of the most brilliant roles for soprano: the Queen of the Night (The Magic Flute by W. A. ​​Mozart), Lucia (Lucia di Lammermoor by G. Donizetti), Gilda (Rigoletto "G. Verdi), Adina ("Love Potion" by G. Donizetti), Violetta Valeri ("La Traviata" by G. Verdi), Flaminia ("Lunar World" by Haydn), the Swan Princess ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan" N.A . Rimsky-Korsakov), Queen of Shemakhan (“Golden Cockerel” by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov), Donna Anna (“Don Giovanni” by W.A. Mozart), Amina (“Sleepwalker” by V. Bellini), Lyudmila (“Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. Glinka), Antonida ("Ivan Susanin" by M. Glinka), Musetta ("La Boheme" by G. Puccini).

Albina Shagimuratova's schedule of performances was filled with engagements at the world's leading opera houses for several years to come. Despite the fact that active work with foreign theaters did not allow, to the great regret of the singer, to often perform in Russia, the achievements of Albina Shagimuratova also did not go unnoticed in her homeland, winning among her compatriots an increasing number of fans in love with the "golden voice".

In February 2009, by decree of the First President of the Republic of Tatarstan M.Sh. Shaimiev, Albina Shagimuratova was awarded the title of "People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan". 2011 turned out to be a landmark year for the singer - a number of noteworthy events took place, reflecting the sincere recognition of her talent in the Motherland for the singer. The current President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, personally presented Albina Shagimuratova with the G. Tukay State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan. Albina Shagimuratova was awarded the Russian national theater award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best Actress in Opera" (for the role of Lucia in the performance of the Tatar Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil "Lucia di Lammermoor"). And finally, Albina was entrusted to perform the part of Lyudmila in the first premiere production of the play "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. I. Glinka, after the opening of the historical stage of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia.

Today, her teachers and mentors are the great singer Renata Scotto and teacher, head of the Youth Opera Singers Program at the Bolshoi Theater of Russia Dmitry Vdovin. And in February 2012, the Opus Arte record company released a DVD of the performance "The Magic Flute" by B.A Mozart on the stage of Milan's La Scala theater, where Albina performs the part of the Queen of the Night.

Albina Shagimuratova is a creatively gifted singer and large-scale opera actress, and a person who reconciles the mentality of East and West. Having gone through all the obstacles and difficulties on the way to vocal perfection, having tempered her fighting character, she retained her spiritual purity, endearing sincerity and charm. It is this constellation of musical talent, vocal mastery brought to perfection and the deepest personal content that gives rise to masterpieces of heartfelt, realistic, voluminous, genuine in their drama images performed by Albina Shagimuratova!

By Masterweb

09.11.2018 05:00

Opera singer Albina Shagimuratova is a People's Artist of Tatarstan and an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Her colorful soprano conquered more than one stage in many countries. The singer's repertoire includes twenty operas by famous composers, including Mozart, Glinka, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Puccini.


Albina Shagimuratova was born in the capital of Uzbekistan - Tashkent. The singer's parents were engaged in advocacy. In 1979, they gave the world an opera diva. The father of the future star did not immediately choose the profession of a lawyer. As a child, he wanted to be a musician and graduated from art school. Knowing the button accordion well, the father gladly accompanied his four-year-old daughter. The girl's repertoire at that time was Tatar folk songs. A revolution in the biography of Albina Shagimuratova occurred when a record with the voice of Maria Callas fell into the hands of a teenager. The twelve-year-old girl was so imbued with the performance of the opera diva that she burst into tears. From that moment on, Albina began to move firmly towards operatic mastery.


When the singer Albina Shagimuratova was fourteen years old, she and her family moved to Kazan. Here the girl graduated from the conservatory. Then the singer studied vocals in Moscow, where she received a second conservatory education. In addition, postgraduate studies are behind the diva.

First victories

The first award went to Albina Shagimuratova at the age of twenty-six. She became a laureate of the Mikhail Glinka Competition, which was held in the city of Chelyabinsk. In the same year, the singer participated in the international competition named after Francisco Viñas, held in Barcelona, ​​Spain. On it, Shagimuratova took a prize. The singer considers her biggest victory to be the first place in the Tchaikovsky Competition, which was held in Moscow. It was after him that the head of the La Scala theater, Riccardo Muti, became interested in the opera diva and invited her to the opera festival in Austria.


In 2004 Albina Shagimuratova entered the Moscow Academic Musical Theatre. Having worked in it as a soloist for two years, she decided to leave for America. After two years of successful work in the USA, the singer became a soloist with the State Academic Ballet and Opera Theater in Kazan. During her career, Albina managed to work on other stages. Among them are the Moscow House of Music, the Russian Academic Bolshoi Theatre, the Russian Academic Mariinsky Theatre. Shagimuratova was not immediately invited to the Bolshoi. She managed to travel all over the world before the long-awaited call came from Vladimir Spivakov. It was a great honor for the singer to perform on the big stage with a recognized maestro. She is still grateful to the conductor and calls him her godfather.

queen of the night

The hallmark of Albina Shagimuratova was the main part of the opera "The Magic Flute" by W. Amadeus Mozart. The singer has been performing the queen of the night for ten years. For the first time she got this party in 2008. Then the beginning diva was invited to the festival in Salzburg. Later, Albina admitted that it was this role that helped her open up and express herself. The singer performed it on the largest opera stages in Russia, Europe and America. In 2018, Shagimuratova decided to part ways with her favorite game. She became interested in wider horizons.


The conquest of Europe did not end with a bright performance in Austria. The queen of the night is sung by only a few singers in the world. The young diva managed to do it so talentedly that she immediately won the love of the audience. Invitations began to arrive with enviable regularity. Photos of Albina Shagimuratova appeared on the posters of such European cities as Milan ("La Scala"), London ("Royal Opera"), Vienna ("State Opera"), Berlin ("German Opera"), Paris.

A family

In her personal life, the singer is as successful as in her career. The husband of Albina Shagimuratova - Ruslan - supports his wife in everything. In November 2014, the couple had a daughter. Her parents gave her a name in honor of the Italian opera singer Adeline Patti. The girl enjoys listening to music, and she recognizes her mother's voice from thousands of other sopranos. Albina admits that neither pregnancy nor childbirth affected her voice. On the contrary, the appearance of her daughter made the singing deeper and more meaningful. It is difficult for the singer to combine career and family care. But the beloved husband always comes to the rescue.


In addition to the European audience and her faithful husband, Albina Shagimuratova also charmed opera fans in the United States. The singer began her acquaintance with America with an internship at the Grand Opera in Houston. Simultaneously with her studies, the star successfully performed on the stages of such famous venues as the Los Angeles Opera, the Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Metropolitan Opera in New York, and the San Francisco Opera. The singer admits that she was very lucky to learn from the best masters in America. She believes that Russian performers have the strongest voices and soulful performance. But they need to learn from the experience of Western and European opera stars. Otherwise, after a couple of decades, there will be no good singers left in Russia. That is why Shagimuratova decided to engage in teaching activities. She teaches at the Kazan Conservatory. Several of the singer's students have already become soloists in major theaters and have taken part in music competitions.


  • Lyudmila in Mikhail Glinka's Ruslan and Lyudmila.
  • Lucia in the tragedy "Lucia di Lammermoor" by Gaetano Donizetti.
  • Amina in the melodrama of Vincenzo Bellini "Sleepwalker".
  • Queen of the Night in W. Amadeus Mozart's singspiel "The Magic Flute".
  • Gilda in Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto.
  • Adina in "Love Potion" by Gaetano Donizetti.
  • Musetta in Giacomo Puccini's La bohème.
  • Violetta Valeri in La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi.
  • Flaminia in Joseph Haydn's opera buffa "Lunar World".
  • Antonida in Mikhail Glinka's Ivan Susanin.
  • Donna Anna in Don Giovanni by Amadeus Mozart.
  • Manon in the lyric opera of the same name by Jules Massenet.
  • Nightingale in the work of the same name by Igor Stravinsky.

In addition, Shagimuratova performed soprano parts in Mahler's Eighth Symphony, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Mozart's Requiem, Rossini's Stabat Mater, and Britten's War Requiem.


Albina Shagimuratova is one of the few opera singers who managed to try their hand at cinema. Almost immediately after the birth of her daughter, she was invited to shoot Karen Shakhnazarov's landmark film Anna Karenina. Vronsky's Story. This is the first film adaptation of the novel, which exactly repeats the plot of the classic. A scene from the concert of Adelina Patti appears in the film, for the role of which Shagimuratova was invited. The star liked the new experience. In the future, she plans to shoot more.


With the return to Russia, the second wave of popularity of Albina Shagimuratova began. News about her future plans began to excite fans again. Now the singer often performs on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Sometimes she is invited to the Bolshoi Theater. Albina does not forget about her native theater in Kazan, where she still works. In addition, the star continues to actively tour and is engaged in teaching activities. The husband and daughter at this time remain in the Moscow apartment. The singer's husband works in the capital as a psychiatrist. But the family communicates daily via Skype. And in the upbringing of Adeline, her mother-in-law helps.


The singer believes that her creative path has just begun. According to her, the artist should not stand still. Therefore, the star plans to include new parts in her repertoire. One of them is the role of Semiramide in the opera of the same name by Gioachino Rossini. The composer wrote this low part for the legend of the world opera - Maria Malibran. Shagimuratova is not indifferent to the heroine of another lyrical work - "Norma" by Vincenzo Bellini. The role of Anna Boleyn from Donizetti's opera of the same name will also be included in the singer's repertoire. The singer considers these roles to be very serious and deep. To be imbued with them, the performer must have a certain life experience.

  • Albina Shagimuratova entered the Moscow Conservatory only the third time.
  • The singer was first invited to the French stage in 2015. But she refused to leave her newborn daughter.
  • For the first and last time, the star performed the part of the Queen of the Night in Salzburg with a difference of 10 years.
  • The singer until the last did not want to participate in the Tchaikovsky competition. But having entered the stage first, she left her competitors far behind.
  • The star had to learn the part of Elvira from the opera by Vincenzo Bellini in just two weeks. To do this, Albina came from Chicago to St. Petersburg for all the January holidays to an experienced teacher.
  • Before agreeing to the role, Shagimuratova carefully considers the full composition of the future production: the names of the director, conductor, and performers. Interested in what will be the scenery and costumes. And only after that he signs the contract.
  • The singer performs on the stage of the State Academic Mariinsky Theater much more often than in Kazan.


Albina Shagimuratova believes that in order to achieve success, you need to work hard and hard. A singer should never stop practicing his voice. A lot also depends on the conductor. Albina enjoyed working with James Levine and Ricardo Muti the most. These masters love performers and do their best to help them. In most cases, unfortunately for the artist, the conductors pull the blanket over themselves and focus on the coherence of the orchestra. When Shagimuratova is not satisfied with something in the production of the opera, she is not afraid to refuse the role. This happened in London, where in the performance the heroine of Albina was supposed to go on stage with all her blood. But not always the singer goes against the director. She prefers compromise. If the director gives strong arguments in favor of his vision of the image, Shagimuratova agrees with his opinion.

Kievyan street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

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