Administrative staff - what is it? Personnel classification.


Effective management of an organization or enterprise is impossible without creating such an atmosphere inside it, when all the personnel are interested in achieving a common goal, everyone feels their personal involvement in the victories and defeats of the team. Today, success or failure in business largely depends on the creative activity of the employees of the organization, their willingness to take responsibility for the decisions made. It is necessary to understand that a general high level of management can only develop if everyone works to the maximum realization of their potential.

The problem of the human factor is being discussed at various levels, including government, in most countries of the world. The efforts of both management theorists and many practitioners are aimed at finding ways to solve it. Today, theoretical management as a scientific discipline, having in its arsenal all the necessary methods of planning and organizing labor, is aimed at finding practical methods and mechanisms for effective personnel management. The main goal is to ensure the highest possible level of labor efficiency. So far, no concrete solutions to this problem have been found. It is important to note that the management of people in organizations is largely based not on knowledge, not on the basis of an effective method of management, but on the intuition and personal experience of the leader. In this regard, personnel management is still more of an art than a science.

On the one hand, it is theoretical management, based primarily on theory, and only then on its practical justification, that can help improve the situation in the field of personnel management. At the same time, attempts to apply purely theoretical concepts that are not confirmed by practice are doomed to failure. Thus, a synthesis of theoretical knowledge and practical application of the concepts of personnel management is necessary.

Modern problems in the organization of work with by human resourses , in personnel management require their own solution, adaptation of foreign experience accumulated in these areas to Russian conditions.

Thus, education in the field of personnel management has a huge impact on work efficiency. manager which is one of the reasons for the need for this course. The task of studying the science and art of personnel management is the preparation of an effective leader.

Human labor activity has become the object of systematic scientific research relatively recently - only from the second half of the 19th century. As in any field of knowledge, in the sciences of labor and personnel, the process of separating individual areas into independent sciences is carried out. However, the boundaries of these sciences have not yet received sufficient certainty, so we should consider the main sections of the system of modern scientific ideas about staff .

It can be seen that personnel Management closely intertwined with such sciences as: physiology , sociology and labor psychology , ergonomics , occupational safety science, labor law , labor economics , labor rationing .

1 Evolution from "Workforce" to "Personnel"

Russian scientists still use various concepts - "labor force", "labor resources", "labor potential", "cadres", "personnel".

The traditional term in the study of the role of man in the sphere of production in Soviet economic science was concept "work force" - "the totality of physical and spiritual abilities possessed by the organism, the living personality of a person and which are put into play whenever he produces any consumer value" (K. Marx, F. Engels).

For the analysis of modern processes in the sphere of labor, this formulation is insufficient. In modern management, the ability of an employee is not seen as something fixed, but as a constantly evolving value, updated in accordance with the requirements of production.

concept "labor resources" was first introduced by academician S.G. Strumilin in 1922. and was a planning and accounting category characterizing the part of the population that is of working age. As an economic category, this concept meant a part of the population with the necessary physical development, mental abilities and knowledge.

E.V.Kasimovsky: "Labor resources - a certain set of able-bodied population participating in social production." With this approach, labor resources are passive objects of management that do not show creativity, initiative, motives, interests, etc.

In the 1950s and 1960s, a new concept of "human capital" appeared. Development of the theory "human capital" reflected in the works of S. Kuznets, T. Schultz, G. Becker and other economists. GBekker defined the concept of "human capital" as "a set of acquired and inherited qualities - education, knowledge gained in the workplace, health, and others that can be used over time to produce goods and services." Expenses in this theory - a kind of capital investment that allows an individual, company, society to achieve certain economic results, produce goods and services, receive higher cash incomes, etc. These costs are called investment in human capital Depending on the subjects of investment, the following groups can be distinguished: ^individual investments (they are used to obtain a certain set of knowledge and skills for a person, for medical care); 2) family investments (costs of parents for the upbringing and education of their children); 3) investments of firms and organizations (go to professional training and advanced training of their employees). The leaders of successful companies began to understand that it is profitable to invest in a person, thus increasing the competitiveness of their company in the market and creating human capital. The essence of the theory of human capital: study of the relationship between investment in human factors and income. The complexity of the wide practical application of this theory arose due to the difficulties in determining the "inventory value of the worker". At the same time, scientists believe that a person's productivity is determined not so much by the cost of his training, but by the natural abilities of the person himself. It is natural abilities that are considered as a starting human resource that can be significantly increased through investment in training and education. The theory of human capital formulated the idea that there is a value of human resources in an organization.

concept "human factor" has been actively used since the 60s and means “a system of interacting classes, strata, groups occupying different positions, the activity and interaction of which ensures the progressive development of society” (academician T.I. Zaslavskaya). In other words, this concept characterizes the diversity of the qualities of the subject (employee), which are manifested in the course of his labor activity and ensure the development of the organization and society as a whole. Compared to previous concepts, it is more modern.

Then came concept "employment potential" , which characterizes not only the capabilities of a person, but also the presence of certain creative abilities in him, realized by him if necessary. This is a holistic expression of the total capabilities of the employee, the team to solve new strategic tasks of the organization.

Used since the mid-1980s term "human resources" The very concept of "resources" comes from the French word, which means reserves, funds, sources of something that can be used to generate income. Under the economic resources understand the resources used for the production of economic goods. Traditionally, resources in economic science are classified into natural, labor, financial, information. Economic resources have general and specific properties. General resource properties: 1) The limited number of them (resources are less than necessary to meet needs at a given level of economic development), so one of the main problems of the economy is to find ways to efficiently use resources to meet needs; 2) resources are components of the utility and value of products, bringing the owner a certain income - rent, interest, wages; 3) resources wear out, so they need the cost of "repair", updating, development. Distinctive feature of human resources: 1) people are endowed with intelligence, therefore they participate in the production process not mechanically, but consciously and emotionally; 2) the productivity of creative, entrepreneurial and other abilities of a person has no visible limits, therefore, the greatest reserves are hidden in human resources to improve the efficiency of the organization. 3) personal motivation of people pushes them to continuous improvement, advanced training, while expecting help from the organization. Management of employees' motivation is a key task of management; the reproduction of human resources is of a long-term nature, because working life spans several decades. Human resources set in motion and organize the interaction of other resources.

In recent years, the concepts of "cadres" and "personnel" have been increasingly used.

Personnel - the main composition of the employees of the enterprise, they do not include freelancers, part-time workers, temporary workers. This category characterizes the totality of employees united in a team to jointly achieve the common goals of the organization.

Who is an administrative worker

This type of personnel includes employees of management bodies of cooperative, public and state systems.

Thus, administrative and managerial personnel are heads, deputy heads, employees who head structural divisions at enterprises, as well as employees who are part of the planning, financial and legal departments, accounting, labor and personnel departments. At the same time, one should not forget about secretaries, typists, couriers and other attendants. But technologists, designers, agronomists, mechanics, teachers, doctors and other workers who are directly involved in the activities of a business entity cannot be classified as administrative personnel.


For a more complete assimilation of this concept, it is necessary to consider its main categories. Thus, administrative personnel are not only managers of the highest degree, but also managers of the lower level.

Sometimes this term can have a broader meaning. For example, administrative and economic personnel consists of directly administrative and managerial employees, line and production personnel. This category should also include estimators, designers, employees of the housing and communal sector and laboratories. At production enterprises, administrative personnel are engineering and technical and managerial employees, junior staff of workers and employees employed both in the administrative apparatus at production sites and in auxiliary production serving farms.

Determination of the required number of administration

The calculation of the number of, for example, administrative and economic personnel (engineering and technical workers, employees and junior service personnel) is carried out in accordance with the staffing tables registered with the relevant financial authorities.

Who else belongs to this category?

The above classification is rather conditional, since, considering the composition of a particular category of personnel involved in the management of an enterprise, one can see that the same employees can belong to one type of manager or another.

For example, administrative and technical personnel are the first managers at enterprises, heads of workshops and laboratories, their deputies, technicians, engineers, foremen, as well as personnel involved in repair and maintenance.

Key Responsibilities of Administrative Staff

Administrative and management personnel are employees who have their own specific responsibilities. Consider some of the responsibilities of representatives of this category.

So, the director (head) of the enterprise is obliged:

  • organize the process of planning various organizational and technical measures related to the improvement of safety and labor protection;
  • monitor the timeliness of funding for these activities;
  • exercise control over the expenditure of funds planned for the improvement and improvement of working conditions;
  • ensure the implementation of the plan to improve working conditions.

The technical manager (chief engineer) is obliged to:

  • manage work related to labor protection, safety;
  • require the heads of production sites to respond in a timely manner if any violations in the field of labor protection and the correct operation of tools and equipment are detected;
  • prevent the commissioning of constructed or reconstructed workshops, sections or enterprises as a whole without appropriate permits from the bodies that carry out technical and sanitary supervision;
  • strictly comply with labor laws.

Assignment of employees to management and support staff

For an objective study of this topic, it is necessary to consider the administrative and managerial and support staff in parallel. It is necessary to clearly understand which employees belong to the first category, and which - to the second.

So, administrative and managerial personnel are primarily managers, chief engineers, senior mechanics, etc. In accordance with the qualification characteristics, this category of employees is considered the main personnel.

With regard to support staff, the following employees may be included:

  • employees of the engineering and technical service;
  • representatives of such service personnel as cleaners in the premises, janitors, watchmen and cloakroom attendants;
  • drivers and other freight forwarders.

But the administrative staff is the heads of institutions, their deputies, executive directors, chief accountants, heads of personnel and legal services.


Thus, at any enterprise, when forming a list of positions of one or another (administrative or auxiliary) type of personnel, one must proceed from the following:

  • take into account the duties of employees;
  • the main personnel may include employees whose functional duties are necessary in ensuring the activities of business entities;
  • technical (auxiliary) personnel consists of representatives of other professions (general industry positions) that do not provide for the performance of managerial and administrative functions.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that the administrative staff is the management team of any enterprise.

Today, work in the administrative service of the structure is often perceived as the initial stage of a career or as a job for first-year students, which, as a rule, does not require serious preparation. What is meant by the term administrative staff? Who applies to the relevant category? Why? These and other equally important questions can be answered in the process of reading this article.

Common features

Despite the fact that it often means only the beginning of growth, many people build successful careers and receive professional recognition in this area. Such employees will not call this work unskilled and extremely easy. What are the duties, as a rule, performed by the service? Administrative staff performs a number of tasks related to the organization of fundamental business processes. Among them are the following items:

  • Record keeping.
  • Control in terms of execution of orders and orders of the head for different departments and departments.
  • Administrative and management personnel is engaged in providing social, household, economic and logistical services to the structure.
  • Organization and subsequent repair in the office, if necessary.
  • Organization of relocations.
  • The administrative staff is employees who are required to establish interaction with operations services.
  • Interaction with landlords.
  • Organization and subsequent holding of corporate events. It is important to add that in this case it provides only additional assistance.

It is important to note that this list can be specified and supplemented depending on the needs and objectives of the company.

Practical aspect of the issue

As it turned out, administrative staff is employees whose area of ​​activity includes the implementation of managerial functions or the performance of work related to organizational management issues in technical terms.

So, in state organizations, the personnel department, which conducts personnel records management and selects personnel, is often included in the administrative department, the affairs management department, and so on. However, this practice in relation to large-scale private property organizations is not common - here the management department is an independent structure, of course, headed by a leader. It is important to note that personal assistants to managers and departmental assistants are often not included. So, they belong, as a rule, to the staff of one or another structural unit and report to the corresponding head. Their tasks are reduced directly to solving the issues of this unit. Characterizing the same administrative and technical staff group colleagues solves the problems of the entire organization.

It should be noted that the number of administrative employees of the company mainly depends on its internal structure, size and field of activity. For example, many state associations, management companies of large-scale enterprises or large holdings separate administrative personnel into an independent department. As a rule, it is called the administrative department or the general department. The department is a complex subdivision, the head of which organizes personnel administration and reports to the head of the company.

State institutions

The administrative department of a public institution may include the following departments of an independent mode of activity:

  • Documentation support.
  • Protocol and organizational.
  • Control department.
  • Economic support.
  • public service and so on.

It is important to note that in large commercial structures there is a different Job. Administrative staff in this case represents the economic department. It includes office managers, secretaries, service personnel (drivers, cleaners, couriers). The head of the relevant category is fully responsible for the work of the department.

In companies that are distinguished by a complex structure, which includes several offices, as a rule, it is formed according to a single scheme. Its work is controlled by the activities of the administrative director. Its tasks are the management and coordination of the activities of the structure of the administrative and economic nature as a whole. The administrative director reports to the heads of administrative and economic departments, as well as office managers of structural units and independent offices.

Small companies

Administrative and technical staff in small companies with commercial purposes, as a rule, consists of one employee. His position is referred to as an office manager or secretary. If there is none, certain functions of an administrative nature (for example, organizing office work, document management or ordering office) are assigned to a certain junior employee as an additional burden.

Traditionally, it includes a secretary, department assistant, personal assistant to the head, head of the administrative and economic department. In addition, this list includes an office manager and an administrative director. It is important to note that this also includes a number of service personnel (for example, , administrative and technical personnel for electrical safety). In the following chapters, it will be appropriate to consider the most common positions in the administrative sphere.

Office Manager

As it turned out, characterizing position administrative staff divided into management and technical areas. The office manager belongs to the first group. In another way, he is called an administrative work manager or a senior administrator. The office manager reports to the director of recruitment or the executive director. In the circle of his subordinates there are only employees supporting the functioning of the structure. The main goal of the work of a senior administrator is to ensure the adequate functioning of the office and its smooth operation. office manager as administrative support staff performs the following functions:

  • Ensuring control over the availability and operation of equipment for the office.
  • Formation of the budget of expenses for provision of the office.
  • Ensuring timely processing of both incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery in accordance with the destination.
  • Participation in the inventory of property complexes of the office.
  • Control over the deadlines for the execution of papers and their competent execution.
  • Organization and control of the work of subordinate employees, among which, as a rule, telephone operators, secretaries, drivers, cleaners and security guards.
  • Control and support of the company's file system.
  • Ordering tickets, providing visa support and booking rooms for company employees.

For an office manager, the following requirements regarding experience and qualifications are relevant:

  • Relevant education (secondary special or higher).
  • Desirable knowledge of one or more foreign languages.
  • Excellent knowledge of computer technology.
  • Knowledge in office technology.
  • At least one year experience in administration.
  • Communication skills, stress resistance, organizational skills.

Head of the legal department

The head of this department reports exclusively to the general director. His subordinates include all employees of the legal department. The purpose of the chief's activity is the formation and further management of the legal service of the company. The employee in question performs the following functions:

  • Selection and further training of employees of the legal service.
  • Formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise in legal terms.
  • Formation of internal corporation standards.
  • Creation of workflow according to the developed corporate legal standards.
  • Organization of legal training for company employees.
  • Implementation of legal expertise of projects of various legal documents, the preparation of which is carried out at the enterprise.
  • Organization of the preparation of opinions in accordance with the legal issues arising in the course of the activity of the structure.
  • Representing the interests of the enterprise in the judiciary, as well as public and state associations in the study of legal issues.
  • Monitoring and taking measures to collect debts on debit in accordance with previously executed agreements.

Requirements for a specialist in terms of qualifications and experience:

  • Legal education (preferably higher).
  • More than five years of experience in the relevant field.
  • Knowledge of English at an intermediate level.
  • Experience in negotiation and pre-trial resolution of issues.
  • Willingness to travel and travel.
  • Availability of knowledge in the following legal areas: civil, tax, administrative, corporate, arbitration and other branches of law.

Electrical safety administrative staff

Electrical personnel who carry out work on electrical installations are classified into the following categories:

  • Administrative and technical workers are managers and specialists who perform duties related to the organization of operational and technical maintenance, installation, repair and adjustment work in relation to electrical installations.
  • Operational employees - personnel who carry out maintenance and operational management of electrical installations. This includes inspection, preparation of the workplace, operational switching, admission and subsequent supervision of employees, performance of work in accordance with the current operation.
  • Repair personnel - personnel who provide repair and maintenance, adjustment, installation, and testing of equipment.
  • Operational and repair employees - repair personnel who are specially trained and trained to service the operational orientation in a certain amount of electrical installations assigned to them.


Often a lawyer is called a legal adviser in a different way. He reports to the CEO or the head of the relevant department. The subordinates of the lawyer are the clerks of this department. Its main purpose is to provide support to the work of the legal department. The key tasks of the specialist are the following points:

  • Development of legal documentation.
  • Providing methodological guidance for the legal activities of the company.
  • Implementation of measures to strengthen financial, contractual and labor discipline.
  • Advice to employees of the structure in terms of professional issues, assistance in the preparation of documentation and regulations of a property-legal orientation.

The Legal Counsel performs the following functions:

  • Participation in the development of legal documentation and contracts.
  • Participation in legal disputes.
  • Providing advice to employees and management of the company in accordance with legal aspects.
  • Participation in the verification of the literacy of documentation, as well as contracts from a legal point of view.
  • Maintaining a file system of contracts.
  • Providing assistance to employees of the relevant department in the development of various kinds of projects.


The dispatcher reports directly to the head of production activities, but has no subordinates. The main purpose of his work is the operational regulation of the production process and other activities of the structure. The dispatcher performs the following functions:

  • Control of the availability of stocks that are necessary for the uninterrupted production process of the company's divisions (components, materials, transport, equipment).
  • Organization of operational control over the production process, delivery of the finished product, performance of work or services according to the schedule of the production process.
  • Maintaining a dispatch log, generating reporting reports and other technical documentation in terms of the production process.

In the case of a controller, the following qualifications and experience requirements are relevant:

  • The presence of secondary vocational education.
  • Knowledge in the field of production planning at the enterprise.
  • Resilience, communication.

General Manager's Secretary

In another way, the position may be referred to as a personal assistant or assistant secretary. The employee reports to the Human Resources Director or the General Director. The secretary of the general director has no subordinates. The main purpose of the work of the assistant secretary is to provide high-quality administrative support to the director's structure. The Personal Assistant performs the following tasks:

  • Ensuring proper paperwork.
  • Organization of the director's day in the working plan.

The secretary-referent mainly performs the following functions:

  • Scheduling for the CEO, organizing business meetings and business trips.
  • Editing, translation and execution of business letters and documentation.
  • Ensuring control of incoming correspondence and phone calls.
  • Preparation and execution of business letters, reports, other documentation.
  • Organization of interaction between the director and other employees of the structure.
  • Quality control of preparation, correctness of compilation, subsequent approval and approval of documentation submitted for signature directly to the director of the organization.
  • Organization of the work of the reception of the General Director.
  • Fulfillment of individual orders of the head.
  • Accompanying the CEO on business trips.

The current requirements for experience and qualifications in this case are:

  • The presence of higher education.
  • Knowledge of a foreign (preferably English) language.
  • Great PC experience.
  • High level of business etiquette.
  • Work experience of at least two years.
  • Presentable appearance, communication skills.

Management staff- these are employees whose professional activity is wholly or mainly related to the performance of functions for the management of production and sales of products. A synonym for this concept can be management frames.

Three main categories of management employees have developed at enterprises: managers, specialists and technical performers. .

Supervisor appointed or elected primarily from among the specialists. They are divided into heads of departments and services. Top managers include the director and his deputies, middle managers - heads of workshops, departments, department managers; lower-level managers - foremen and foremen. .

The lower-level manager directly works with performers, organizes labor processes, gives tasks, takes into account and controls their execution; the head of the enterprise coordinates and controls the activities of all divisions, departments and services, implements personnel and financial policies, together with the team determines the goals of the enterprise and the means to achieve them.

The basic requirements for a leader can be divided into three groups - moral, business and personal.

Moral qualities of the leader are connected, first of all, with his commitment to the principles of social justice and humanism, with his faith in people and the capabilities of the enterprise team. For a leader with high moral qualities, a person is the highest value. He cannot be indifferent to the fate of his employees, to their interests and aspirations.

Business qualities of a leader is his ability to find (within his competence) the best solution to the tasks set, consistently and proactively ensure their implementation. In terms of content, these qualities represent the unity of two components: competence (knowledge) and organizational abilities (skills).

An applicant for a managerial position, along with high moral and business qualities, needs certain personal psychological qualities. They largely predetermine the ability of the leader to attract people, and without such an ability one cannot count on high quality management. For purposeful, systematic actions, a leader needs will and firmness, self-control, a heightened sense of responsibility, and at the same time - honesty, truthfulness, modesty, simplicity.

Skillful economic leaders are those who enjoy authority in the team. Under authority It is customary to understand the socio-psychological influence of one person (or group of persons) on others. He is won not only by official position and the right to give instructions to others (official authority), but also by personal qualities (actual authority). On the part of the leader, authority is measured by the strength of influence on the team and personality, on the part of the team members - by the willingness to implement the decisions made, the degree of trust in the leader.

The actual authority of managerial employees approves them as leaders- people whom the team willingly follows. People recognize as their leaders only those leaders who help them achieve their own goals, have the knowledge and experience for this, are able to organize work well, and captivate by personal example.

Specialists - these are economists, agronomists, livestock specialists, engineers, lawyers, etc., who, in accordance with their profession, are divided into leading, chief, senior, and ordinary specialists. Their task is to collect and analyze information related to the managed object, develop projects, plans and standards, prepare orders from managers and reports.

To technical staff include secretaries, typists, clerks, accountants, freight forwarders, etc. These employees are responsible for the timely technical processing of information.

The specific composition of the management personnel of the enterprise is determined by its staffing table.

Any organization has two management systems: the object of management and the subject of management. The object of management includes working personnel, intra-organizational relations, economic mechanisms, structures, marketing, information, and much more. The subject of management is the management personnel that performs all actions in relation to the object of management.


Management personnel are employees of the administrative apparatus, employees belonging to the administration of an enterprise, organizations, office workers, directorates of enterprises and institutions. The main task of the management personnel is to ensure coordinated, purposeful activities and individual areas of work, and the entire team as a whole.

Achieving the goal is carried out by preparing and implementing a set of decisions taken by management personnel. Thus, a managerial decision is a specific product of managerial work. This speaks of the informational nature of managerial work.

  1. Functional division - the allocation of functions assigned by production to certain employees or departments of the management apparatus.
  2. Hierarchical - distribution of work according to management levels.
  3. Technological - differentiation of management processes into operations for the collection, transfer, storage and transformation of information.
  4. Professional - differentiation of managerial employees on the basis of their professional training.
  5. Qualification - distribution of work in accordance with qualifications, work experience and personal abilities.
  6. Position - distribution of managerial employees in accordance with their competence.

Within the framework of this categorical division, management personnel can also be divided into managers, specialists and technical performers. This is the most common approach. Thus, the activity of managerial personnel is a specific type of human activity, isolated in the course of the division and cooperation of social labor.

Features of the activities of management personnel

As you know, the main role in the management of the company is played by the leader (manager, administrator, boss), who is at the head of the team. The manager is distinguished by giving him the necessary authority to make decisions on emerging situations, specific types of company activities, and also bears full responsibility for his management. In the first category of managerial personnel, i.e., a manager, several levels can be distinguished according to their place in the company's management system: top, middle, and grassroots. The content of the activities of managers at various levels is the process of implementing management functions: planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control.

The second category is specialists who perform certain management functions. Their tasks include the analysis of the collected information necessary for managers of the appropriate level, for joint decision-making with them on the task at hand. This category includes: economists, accountants, financiers, analysts, lawyers, etc. The main feature of the activities of specialists is the strict regulation of their work. In their actions, they rely on the orders and instructions of the leaders, technological and legal standards. They also have clear qualification requirements and the availability of special knowledge on the implementation of logical operations.

The third category is technical performers serving the activities of specialists and managers, performing information and technical operations in order to relieve managers and specialists from laborious work. This category includes secretaries, typists, junior technicians, etc. Features of their activities - the implementation of standard procedures and operations, are mainly amenable to rationing. As well as for employees of the previous category of managerial personnel, logical and technical operations dominate (see table):

Roles of management personnel

Each employee of the management team may have certain roles in the organization. Let's list them:

  1. Interpersonal roles:
  • chief leader;
  • leader;
  • connecting link.
  • Information roles:
    • information receiver;
    • distributor of information;
    • representative.
  • Decision roles:
    • entrepreneur;
    • eliminating violations;
    • resource distributor;
    • leading the negotiations.

    Any employee from any category of management personnel works with his assistants, with his team, thereby providing a certain function, performing a certain role. The implementation of the general functions and roles of management personnel determines the success of management activities and leads to the achievement of the stated results of the organization.


    Thus, management is carried out through the division and cooperation of managerial labor, which is an objective process of separating certain types into independent spheres of managerial labor.

    The management process today is subject to changes, primarily related to the fact that the staff is considered as the main resource of the organization. And at the same time, not only managers, but also the entire staff are involved in the process of making managerial decisions. Under these conditions, the manager works in the management team both as a leader and as a member of the team, which, in turn, increases the requirements for his business and personal qualities.

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