A.P. Chekhov. About the writer

"Horse Family" is Chekhov's story, which has probably received the greatest fame in the widest circles. Its popularity with readers is quite understandable: behind the external simplicity of the story, which is based on an anecdotal situation, one can find many levels of meaning, details in which Chekhov, in his characteristic brief and clear manner, reflects the existing reality, emphasizing, but not denouncing some human vices. In addition, it allows the reader to decide for himself what is most important in the story, whether its character is funny or tragic.

Description of the story

The plot of "Horse Family" is quite simple: it plays out the life situation in which a certain Buldeev, a retired military man with the rank of major general, got into. Buldeev has a bad toothache, and one of his servants, Ivan Evseich, who holds the position of clerk, advises the major general to use the services of a healer. He allegedly knows how to “talk” pain - and this does not even require the personal presence of the patient; according to the clerk, the healer will cope and receive a telegram with the name of the patient and a description of the problem.

Buldeev grabs the chance that has turned up, because the doctor, to whom he turned earlier, could not help and offered to remove the bad tooth, but the major general does not want to do this. He is going to write to the healer and asks Ivan Evseich for his first and last name.

This is where the problem arises: Ivan Evseich remembers his first name, but he forgot his last name. He only remembers that she is somehow connected with horses. Everyone, including the major general himself, his household and the clerk, begin to sort through all sorts of options for "horse" surnames, but nothing helps. In the end, the general, unable to endure the pain, calls the doctor again. He removes a tooth, saving Buldeev from suffering, and on the way back from the estate he meets a clerk and starts a conversation with him about horse food. So I remember the surname of the healer - Ovsov. The clerk returns to the general, but it's too late: he "thanks" him for his efforts with two figs raised to his face.

The story plays out not just an anecdotal situation, based on one of two anecdotes: the Taganrog one, which tells how on the board where the guests are marked, in the Taganrog hotel, the townsfolk Kobylin and Zherebtsov were written nearby, and the anecdote-fairy tale plot, which in the "Index » Andreeva appears at number 2081. The situation is similar there, only instead of horse names - bird ones.

main characters

Buldeev, retired major general. The character is at first glance personable and important, but essentially comical. His comedy is also emphasized by the surname, which is not at all a general’s, which has a certain consonance with the word “balda”, and the very situation in which the general finds himself with a bad tooth (distrust of the doctor, unwillingness to remove the tooth, then still accepting medical care), and behavior with Evseich. Buldeev declares that quackery is quackery, but nevertheless insists that Ivan Evseich must remember the name of the healer so that Buldeev can turn to him. The general combines rudeness, ignorance and inconsistency, gets out of a difficult situation, demonstrating an unkind attitude towards a person who offered, albeit absurdly, but still help, which is unlikely to arouse the reader's sympathy.

Ivan Evseich is a general's clerk, a man "without his own character": at first he cheerfully, if not arrogantly, advises the healer to Buldeev, but when he discovers that he has forgotten his last name and risks incurring the general's wrath, he becomes obsequious, fawning. Subsequently, inspired by the meeting with the doctor, he hurries to the general, hoping that the surname of the healer will help restore Buldeev's disposition, but is hopelessly late. Everything in Ivan Evseich - both behavior, and illiterate speech, and attempts to remember the "horse name", points to him as a uniquely comic character.

Medicine man. Personally, he is not present in the “Horse Family”, but according to Ivan Evseich’s description, he is an “excise tax”, that is, an official who collects tax. He lives with his mother-in-law, but not with his wife, but with another woman, a "German". In general, Ivan Evseich does not characterize him on the positive side, calling him a scolder and a man eager for vodka, but at the same time he strongly emphasizes the gift of a healer who supposedly can speak any toothache.

Doctor. He is not called by name and is not described in any way, but by indirect signs (attitude towards the sick general, adequate medical recommendations, calm dialogue with Ivan Evseich) is a calm and professional person, acting as the antipode of a healer. It is symbolic that it is the doctor who helps Yevseich to remember his forgotten surname, prompting him to the right idea with a question about buying oats.

In addition, the general’s wife and other household members of Buldeev appear in the story, but they essentially do not show themselves in any way, only vying with each other giving advice to the general regarding a bad tooth and suggesting to the clerk different names that came to mind.

Story analysis

The anecdotal nature of the story largely predetermined its form. "Horse Family" is written in the classic Chekhovian style, briefly, concisely. There are practically no descriptions here, everything is based on action and dialogue. The characters of the characters are transmitted largely due to their reactions and peculiarities of speech. So, the clerk's illiteracy and colloquial elements in his remarks tell us about a lower position compared to General Buldeev and a lower level of education.

At first glance, the story seems comic, funny. He really is; not only the general, who was completely inconsistent in his treatment and attempts to get rid of a toothache, got into a curious situation, but also Ivan Evseich, who remembered as a “horse” surname, which in fact has a very indirect relation to horses. Ridiculous are the attempts of the general's household to help the clerk remember his last name; the enumeration of options makes the reader smile. The solution to a curious situation and the general's cookies at the end of the story are just as funny.

But this is only the first semantic level. If you read and analyze the "Horse Family" a little deeper, you can see several much more serious topics identified by Chekhov. These include:

  • - Social stratification and inequality, which is illustrated by Buldeev's dismissive attitude towards the clerk, and, on the contrary, the servility of the latter.
  • - Insufficient upbringing and education of the "best people of Russia": the major general is subject to prejudice, easily succumbs to dubious treatment options, disrespectful to others, inconsistent.
  • - Insufficient enlightenment in general - since the doctor, who offers real options for getting rid of a toothache, is supposed to be replaced by the figure of a healer. This does not happen, but only due to a curiosity, an accident.

Thus, in an outwardly funny and light story, which is an excellent example of classical Chekhov's prose, complex topics that really worried the writer were also reflected. Through laughter, he leads the reader to reflection and search for meaning, allowing everyone to draw their own conclusions regarding the moral of this work.

In my opinion, Chekhov, in his story “Horse Family”, revealed several problems, even rather, several striking properties of people. I will try to isolate them from the story, which undoubtedly causes humor and a smile even among the saddest people.

Firstly, the situation itself is happening with a person who wears the rank of general, a very high rank. Teeth hurt even in people who are above the rest in society, by this the author shows that any person is mortal, and both the poor and the rich will lie in the coffin.

Secondly, just look at the noise and uproar the heroes made just because the general had a toothache. If an ordinary private had a toothache, then none of these scenes could have happened, because the attitude towards a subordinate is much worse than towards a general, and the pain of a subordinate is just another news for the conditional residents of the house, while the general’s illness is universal tragedy.

Thirdly, the author ridicules our human despair. After all, Buldeev initially refuses to pull out a tooth, as the doctor advises, he also refuses the advice of the clerk to write to the conspirator of teeth. And what happens then? It takes some time to survive the pain in the teeth, it is worth vilifying the thoughts of a possible, albeit illusory, salvation in your head, and you are already ready to believe in a miracle, to believe in a conspirator. And all this is not happening to some village boy who believes in superstition and magic, this is happening to a general who has managed to live his life.

This is how the author conveys to the reader that pain can change a person’s mood, can break a person to such an extent that he falls into despair, in which he believes in what he has denied all his life. As for the main events, we see how the whole house: children, wife, servants are put on the ears, and everyone helps to remember the name of the stupid clerk. When a whole day passes in pain and torment, then only the main character Buldeev decides to call a doctor and pull out a tooth, which again indicates that pain can break people, whether it be physical or psychological pain.

I also think that the author is ridiculing a trait that is allegedly characteristic of the Russian people, let me put it in a proverb: "The Rusak is smart, but in hindsight." This proverb means that a Russian person thinks of something important already when it is too late, when it is no longer necessary. This is vividly presented in a situation where the clerk runs to the general to tell the good news that he remembered his last name, but it’s too late - “on-mow!”.

Analysis 2

One of the earliest works is considered to be a short story by A.P. Chekhov "Horse Name". The reader is given a solution to the problem, how to cure an inflamed tooth for an important landowner?

The story is real, simple situation. The main character is a senior military official, and the clerk is trying to help him. In the background is the general's wife, servants, children. An unfortunate incident happened. The main member of the family, the general, felt pain from an inflamed tooth. Going through various ways of fulfilling the intended problem, they come to the point that they need at first nicknamed "a charlatan", and now a very necessary person - Yakov Vasilyevich. The author also involved children in guessing the name of the "magic" doctor.

Compose a description of the Major General. Since he was brought up in a wealthy family, he behaves accordingly. He shouts at the servants, at the end of the work he showed two “figs” to the clerk.
The author constructed the work in such a way that the situation looks comical. Causes laughter when listing the names associated with the horse. Although, the "true" surname Ovsov has little to do with the "horse".

The beginning of the story involves the reader in unraveling a mysterious surname in order to cure an important person - a retired general who is worried about a sore tooth. Otherwise, the picture would have looked if the pain bothered any of the servants, and then everyone began to sort through all the possible options for “quackery”, even by “telegraph”.

This work ridicules "illiteracy" in relation to the treatment of "higher strata", primitiveness in awareness of "quackery" and influence at a great distance. Social inequality, ignorance, rude attitude towards servants, abuse of one's position in society.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov tries with his short stories to show all the absurdity and stupidity in the behavior of people who are above standing, who are ready to listen even to "absurd" ideas and carry them out. The end of the plot is as follows: “The clerk remembers the surname, but late the general made the right decision and agreed to let the doctor pull out the tooth. As a result, pain immediately disappears.

This work with satirical content did not exist if our protagonist immediately let the sick molar be pulled out. Everyone is ready to get through the "earth" in order to find a cure for an important gentleman and do not spare their health and strength to achieve their goal.

The writer's unique perspicacious mind finds and reflects on paper various small situations in life that are still relevant to this day, only the landowners reincarnated as the highest ranks in military service and bosses at work. Unfortunately, to this day there is a social inequality between people's attitudes and "doctors - charlatans" who do not benefit health, but take large sums of money.

However, in this work of A.P. Chekhov, “common sense” wins and the end of the work is positive, when the object of pain was pulled out, the jaw immediately stopped hurting. How often, we do not take the easy way, but create huge problems for ourselves. And the solution can be much easier and very close.

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In the 80s of the 19th century, when the story “The Horse Family” was created, cheerful and cheerful laughter reigned supreme in the works of A.P. Chekhov. This is partly due to circumstances: the beginning of the 80s is not so favorable for the development of caustic satire. Censorship is tightening in the country as a result of the government's reaction. The most successful is light and cheerful laughter at the small incidents of everyday everyday life. However, one cannot say that Chekhov's talent begins to develop in comic magazines of an entertaining nature. The writer widely uses his knowledge in the field of Russian classics.

Chekhov's laughter at this time is hyperbolic, the grotesque is often used. However, there are also such stories where the authenticity of life is not violated. In such stories, the writer pays attention to everyday trifles, but snatches out the most significant and impressive. Nevertheless, the laughter of A.P. Chekhov is still cheerful and carefree. This is what happens in the story "Horse Name". Speaking about this work, researchers most often use the expression "warm humor".

As in many early stories by A.P. Chekhov, the subject of the image is a small everyday detail, a piece of life. "Major General Buldeev has a toothache." Then a whole story unfolds, worthless, but surprisingly important for the heroes of the story. Almost the whole day, all the inhabitants of Buldeev’s house painfully recalled the name of the doctor, who “talked his teeth - the first grade. It used to turn away to the window, whisper, spit - and as if by hand! Such power has been given to him ... ". But only here's bad luck - this healer went to live with his mother-in-law in Saratov. And for the heroes there is nothing surprising in the fact that the miracle doctor treats people from other cities “by telegraph”. General Buldeev was distrustful of Ivan Evseich's advice. Yes, the toothache was too strong, and he decides to send a telegram. And again, the obstacle is the memory of the clerk. He only remembers that the surname is "like a horse." For a whole day, a crowd followed Ivan Yevseich, inventing various variants of the doctor's surname.

Indeed, Chekhov's "warm humor" makes itself felt. Well, how not to smile at them - who invent the name of a charlatan-sorcerer that no one needs; them - hoping for such an illusory healing? In the story there is no evil grin at the characters, no satirical ridicule, so characteristic of the later Chekhov. The author laughs at the tense and agonizing state of Ivan Evseich, who goes over the most diverse options in his mind. One can only say: “How little is needed for happiness!” at the sight of the clerk running to the estate "with such speed, as if a mad dog was chasing him."

However, all the hard work of his memory was in vain: the tooth was pulled out by a doctor who arrived at the request of the general. The situation is comical through and through, riddled with sparkling laughter. The writer does not ridicule anyone, he simply describes a life incident that could happen to anyone.

A.P. Chekhov can rightly be called the successor of the traditions of N.V. Gogol. But Chekhov does not stop and develops his artistic method. And if Gogol had "laughter through tears", then Chekhov has "laughter to tears".

1. Major General Buldeev has a toothache.

2. The clerk's story about a healer from Saratov. Buldeev decides to send a telegram.

3. The clerk Ivan Evseich has forgotten the name of the doctor, he only knows that she is connected with horses.

4. In the morning the general calls the doctor and pulls out a tooth.

5. The clerk remembers the last name, but too late.


  • what was the surname of the healer from the work horse surname
  • horse name analysis
  • analysis of Chekhov's story "Horse surname"
  • Chekhov horse surname analysis
  • analysis of the story horse surname

Chekhov the master ...... (humorous story) ... artist ... (life)

Epigraph : Is laughter a serious matter?
  • Have an idea about the features ... (style) ...... Chekhov;
  • To be able to identify (methods)......... creating a humorous narrative;
  • To try to understand: is it capable of (laughter).........become a source of...(health).......

A master is a specialist who has achieved high art in his field.

An artist is a person who does something with great artistic taste, skill.


Glad to see you again. Good day and good mood everyone.

By the way, about your mood... How do you usually feel in the morning? Write in the margins your mood at the beginning of the lesson.

I'll try to cheer you up.

There is a crowd on the street. A man approaches and asks:

What happened?

Yes, the monument is open.

Who wrote "Mumu"?

No, Turgenev wrote Mumu.

Wonderful! “Muma” Turgenev wrote, and a monument to some Chekhov is being opened.

Here you are smiling.

Determine the genre of this text. (Joke)

An anecdote is a short story of topical content with a humorous or satirical coloring and an unexpectedly witty ending. Sometimes it can become the basis of a literary plot.

What makes a joke funny, gives it a humorous coloring? (Witty ending).

The anecdote, no doubt, came up with a witty man. But let's look at the text.

  • In what form is it presented? (in dialogue form)
  • What is a dialogue? What does it consist of?
  • How many people are in the conversation?
  • Can we characterize them based on their speech? Why? (Yes. Speech is a means of characterizing heroes.)
  • Reread the last line.
  • Can this person be called witty? (No, he is an ignorant person, poorly educated, uncultured)

Mark these words in the margins. Perhaps they will still be useful to us.

For some reason, I felt sad. Who shares my feelings? Those. you are sad too... But why?

(Shame on the people who......... Shame on Chekhov)

Let's try to correct this injustice.

But Chekhov is also a playwright, his playwriting was born along with the birth of the Moscow Art Theater. "The Seagull", "Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard" are staged almost everywhere. Surprisingly, he fit into the cultures of peoples with a special national identity. In Japan, it is valued, perhaps, more than in our country. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun taste the soft lyricism of his plays, the twilight wilderness, like the delicate aroma of nectar.

You just laughed, and now you're thinking. Where is the line between funny and tragic? And does it exist at all?

It's time, however, to voice the topic of our lesson. Do you have any suggestions?

And who is Chekhov? (writer)

Good writer?

And if a person is talented, knows his business perfectly, what synonyms can replace the word writer? ( master, artist).

Let's test your guesses!

Chekhov-master ........., artist ..........

There are supporting words, will we try to restore the goals?


  • Have an idea about the features ......... Chekhov.
  • Be able to identify ......... creating a humorous story.
  • Repeat ......... (means) of revealing the character of a literary hero.
  • Try to understand if ......... is capable of becoming a source ..........

Determine the genre of the work. (joke story)

Who are the heroes of the story?

(Major General, Buldeev, clerk, cook Petka, general's wife, servants, children)

Major General is the rank or rank of the highest command of the army (the first seniority rank of general).

How does the story begin?

Read out. (“The retired Major General Buldeev has a toothache”)

Notice the story starts off fast

. The reader is immediately brought up to date. This is the first feature of Chekhov's style.

Imagine that the teeth ached not at the master, but at one of the servants, for example, at the cook Petka. Was such a commotion even possible? Such

universal expression of sympathy; desire to help the sick? What does it say?

(In this case, Chekhov shows his contemporary life, in which people occupy an unequal position.

What is the name of this trope?

I. Sher writes: “But Chekhov did not always laugh merrily; very often his stories, as if simple and ordinary, about simple and ordinary affairs and days, will only seem ridiculous. One has only to think about them, to look deeper into them, and it becomes sad. Here is the story “The Horse Name”... Think carefully, and behind this funny story you will see such a boring and gray life of such rude, ignorant people that surely none of you would like to live with them?

Do you agree with the opinion of I. Sher?

Are the people in the story really rude and ignorant?

Remember the composition of the anecdote story (there are no descriptions, reasoning, and the role of dialogue becomes key. With this in mind, choose from the proposed list the means that is most effective for revealing the character of our hero).

Means of revealing the character of the hero.

Prove by text that the general

  • rude -
  • capricious -
  • self-confident -
  • treats servants with contempt, uses abusive harsh expressions.

Make a conclusion. What is it like to live next to such a person. Would you like to live like this? Is it funny or sad?

The general is suffering from a toothache, and we feel sorry for him? (The writer does not seek to arouse sympathy for him, he makes the reader laugh at the comical situation in which Buldeev finds himself).

How does the general feel about conspiracies?

(He considers them nonsense and quackery), and he impatiently demands from the clerk that he remember the “Horse name” of the healer, categorically refuses the doctor’s offer to pull out a tooth, and then sends for him himself, as for a savior).

Which of the servants is closest to the master?


Can he be called a comic character?

(Gives advice to contact the healer, takes the liberty to suggest the text of the dispatch. Then he loses his courage and swagger, feels fear of an angry general (he slowly left, sighed heavily), remembering his last name when she was no longer needed, regains self-confidence and hope to deserve position of the general).

What ways of creating a comic do you know? (hyperbole, inconsistency, surprise). Give examples.

The narrow-mindedness, ignorance of the clerk is excellently conveyed by Chechov. Through the grammatically incorrect speech of Ivan Evseich. Prove it with text.

Ignorance - a proposal to contact the excise, so that he would cure his teeth over the phone.

Speech errors

: fed with teeth

Violation of the logic in the presentation:

(“he served as an exciseman ... he spoke with his teeth”)

Assertion mismatch

The excise "force is given", and praise him with the fact that he was fired from the excise.

Do you agree with the statement that A.P. Chekhov - one of the brilliant masters of the word?

Chekhov said about language:

“The language should be simple and elegant...”

“The phrase” (...) must be done - this is art. It is necessary to throw out the superfluous, to clear the phrase from “as far as”, “with the help”, it is necessary to take care of its musicality and not to allow “became” and “stopped” in one phrase almost next to each other.

“I don't want to accept stories without blots. You have to rub hard. In a letter to Gorky, Chekhov gave the following advice: “... while reading the text, cross out where possible the definitions of nouns and verbs... It is clear when I write “A man sat down on the grass; it is understandable because it is clear and does not hold attention. On the contrary, it is incomprehensible and hard for the brain when I write: “A tall, narrow-chested, medium-sized man with a red beard sat down on the green grass, already crushed by pedestrians, sat down silently, looking around timidly and timidly.”

Practical work

What are the favorite parts of speech used by Chekhov (noun and verb). The phrase must be precise and understandable - this is the second feature of Chekhov's style.

Chekhov said

: "Brevity is the soul of wit"

What is another feature of Chekhov's handwriting?

(Handwriting - the manner of writing) The fourth feature is brevity.

Guys, in the composition of the story - an anecdote, there are almost no descriptions, reasoning, and the role of dialogue becomes key.

Play a role but matter

Dramatization (trained students)

What is the significance of this dialogue in the development of the plot?

(Dialogue is the beginning of the action)

What role does the anecdotal word play in the story?

(It attracts attention either by the brilliance of wit, or, on the contrary, by its absurdity, it takes part in the development of the plot)

Find the climax in the plot of the story.

Pay attention to the illustration of the textbook (p. 283).

Who are the Kukrvniksy?

Find a quote that matches the Kukryniksy illustration.

("Tormenting thoughts" of the clerk and the doctor's neutral behavior, the joy of the clerk and the uselessness of turning to the excise)

What inconsistencies make the scene comical?

Find the denouement in the plot of the story (2 cookies)

Chekhov's ending is always unexpected. This is the II style feature.

Does the character in the situation of a life incident (an incident is a complicated complicated case) differ from himself in ordinary life? (Answer: charlatanism is different - with contempt brought 2 figs)

Did the character manage to overcome the curious situation without moral loss? How did he return to normal life?

(He returned to his existence, to his stable ideas about the world, which he abandoned out of fear of a momentary test. Buldeev himself created and himself overcame an anecdotal situation, showing 2 figs with contempt).

It turns out that the story is not only funny, but also serious. This reminds us that under all circumstances, “one must be aware of one’s dignity among people.”

With his work, Chekhov asserted not only the best qualities of people, but also their shortcomings.

incident- complex confusing case

Is laughter a serious matter?

When you laugh, your body rejoices. Fifteen muscles in the face and several dozen in the body first contract and then relax. The pulse accelerates, breathing quickens, the blood is enriched with oxygen. The brain also does not sleep - it reduces sensitivity to pain, as endorphins are produced - substances that kill pain and give pleasure. It is no coincidence that some doctors introduce jokes and laughter into the treatment of various diseases.

Did Chekhov know about this? (Of course he was a doctor).

Summary of the lesson.

What did you learn in class? What did you like? Let's go back to the topic and objectives of the lesson.


Write your own anecdote story.

Chekhov managed to create a story whose title has become a catch phrase. The phenomenon, when the word is spinning on the tongue, but cannot be remembered, is called the “horse name”. This indicates the national significance of the work of this writer, part of which has become the object of our analysis.

As you know, A.P. Chekhov had abilities not only in literature, but also in medicine. Doubts about the choice of the main activity made the author hesitate, perhaps that is why he signed his early stories with the pseudonym Antosh Chekhonte. The story "Horse Family" refers to just such a period of creativity. The work was published on July 7, 1885 in the Petersburg newspaper.

The reason for writing was an anecdote heard by the writer, where they recalled the bird's surname. It turned out that this is Verbin, and the associative series was explained by the fact that the bird sits on a willow.

Genre and direction

The direction of Chekhov's first prose is the natural school. In his early work, the author continues Gogol's traditions, but in a special authorial manner. This is manifested even at the level of searching for material for a work - an everyday situation, an anecdote. Another common feature is the ridicule of stereotypes of the behavior of people of certain positions and positions: officials, clerks, etc.

Genre - humorous story. In addition, Chekhov's interest in the European short story is reflected in the story "Horse Family", as evidenced by the parallel development of the everyday line (a toothache) and a paradoxical fact (the medicine man's surname).

The writer makes his story humorous and absurd, mostly a play on words. For example, a healer “feeds with his teeth”, “talks with his teeth”.

The story is not devoid of folklore overtones: it is no coincidence that the clerk's name is Ivan, and his advice - to turn to a healer - can hardly be called wise.

The meaning of the name

The author competently builds his game with the reader. At the beginning, the sad situation of the retired Major General Buldeev is presented, then all possible and impossible methods of treatment are listed. And only in the second half of the story does a motif appear that goes back to the name - a horse surname.

Enumeration of guesses of heroes is one of the compositional bases. But the essence of the title lies not only in this.

In fact, the surname refers to the animal only indirectly. The characters mistakenly choose the goal, lose the right path - and this is the meaning of the story's title. Just as the forgotten name was not a horse, so the help was needed not from the healer, but traditional.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. The central character of the story Buldeev, major general retired. Chekhov, creating his characters, also uses the vaudeville tradition, naming them with speaking names. The consonance of the name of a person of such a high rank with a bulldozer works for a ridiculous decrease in his position. Buldeev is naive, trusting, he is driven to despair by incessant pain. An unpleasant situation reveals another property that discredits the name of the general - cowardice. If he had decided to immediately pull out a tooth, there would not have been this whole story around the healer.
  2. clerk simple-minded, he sincerely wants to help. Selflessness can be singled out as a positive quality, but Ivan Evseich is stupid, and this is again a ridiculing component in the portrait of the hero.
  3. In the medicine man, the traditional set of qualities of an official is humorously presented. He has a taste for vodka Ovsov contains a mistress. And the very transformation of an excise official into a healer speaks eloquently of many things.
  4. Only doctor presented as an exceptionally positive hero, rationally thinking, honestly doing his job. Perhaps such an author's sympathy for the doctor is not accidental, because this profession is not alien to Chekhov himself.

Topics and issues

  • Professionalism. The situation described by Chekhov is absurd. The clerk is stupid, the general is cowardly, and the official becomes a healer. If in Buldeev his fear of pulling out a bad tooth is ridiculed, then in Ovsov it is the inaction of managers and business executives. Officials often promise only in words - they speak their teeth to their petitioners. In the same place, the healer literally does it, but is this what an excise official should do?
  • Superstition. The story contrasts the doctor and the healer. This conflict is not central, but Chekhov shows in The Horse Family the whole pointlessness of postponing a necessary medical procedure. The author ridicules how a major general, seemingly a reasonable person, succumbs to the provocations of a clerk who believes in conspiracies.
  • Cowardice. Being afraid of an ordinary medical procedure, a person looks ridiculous and behaves stupidly. How can such a general defend the country if necessary? This problem is a cross-cutting one in Chekhov's work, his heroes are often afraid of trifles, but they do not see really terrible things.


The idea of ​​the story is self-discipline, the ability to pull yourself together in a difficult situation. Otherwise, you will have to suffer in vain and make others suffer. So, the clerk does absolutely unnecessary work - he remembers the name of the healer, and all family members try in vain to help him with this. The main problem of the heroes of the story is that they cannot concentrate on the main thing, as a result of which everyone is doing something wrong. This applies both directly to the events of the narrative, as well as to what they do in life.

The main idea of ​​the story is obvious: each person must responsibly engage in his own business, only in this way will order be established. But as long as generals are afraid of doctors, healers talk their teeth as officials, and clerks chat in the workplace, everything will happen topsy-turvy, as the author shows. The way to get rid of all this vulgar senselessness lies through honest work.

What does it teach?

The story teaches us not to retreat from the inevitable. A person should overcome his fears and temptations in favor of correct, reasonable actions. Chekhov calls not to cheat, not to resort to charlatanism, but to do their job conscientiously.

In addition, a person should be in his place: brave - in generals, reasonable - in clerks, commitment - in officials. If personal qualities do not correspond to the profession, then such a ridiculous and awkward situation is obtained, as in the “Horse Family”. What would happen if the doctor did not cope with his duties? Perhaps this story contains personal searches and doubts of Chekhov himself, who has not yet decided which activity, medical or writing, to choose as the main one.

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