A dobrynin biography. Alexander Dobrynin: Personal life

It’s probably not a secret for anyone that Pavel Yakovlevich Slobodkin preferred to take only professionals into his beloved “brainchild” called “Merry Fellows”, or at least people who, in his pretentious look, had great hopes. Here, in fact, according to the last criterion, Alexander Dobrynin got into the team. His creative activity began, like many musicians, with amateur performances, then there were restaurants, dance floors ... Just Alexander was seen on one of these dance floors in the city of Sochi, followed by listening to Slobodkin, and somewhere from the year 1987 Dobrynin joined the ensemble, where for some time he occupied a rather modest place as an ordinary musician. The first song he sang on the professional stage was the work of I. Matvienko "Atlantis" (1988). After Alexei Glyzin left the Merry Fellows, it was he, Alexander Dobrynin, who took the position of one of the main soloists. Charming, sincere, from the type of people about whom they say: “one on the board”, Dobrynin soon sang the new hit of the Pink Roses group, thanks to which he soon became loved by a large audience. One after another, he performed only hits (“Merry Fellows” in the last years of his activity gave them out with enviable regularity): “Red Clown”, “Desert” (comp. V. Dobrynin), “On the Canary Islands” (comp. T. Efimov), "Astrologer", "Cover Girl" (comp. P. Slobodkin) ... But after successful work in "Jolly Fellows", at the turn of the 90s, Dobrynin was too hasty to leave for a solo career. It was not so successful, although in 1992 the singer released quite a hit vinyl disc "Night Flowers". He has worked with such well-known composers as Igor Mateta ("Laugh", "Never", "Stay"), Arkady Ukupnik ("Night Flowers", "Rita-Margarita"). However, they managed to give a few concerts, it was not only the lack of good songs that affected, but the inept "promotion". In 1995, Alexander Dobrynin released the Pink Roses compilation disc (in my opinion, there was also a reissue of this material - the disc was called Young Mother) which included both songs performed during the singer’s work in Cheerful Guys and songs during his solo career. However, this release did not bring Alexander Dobrynin among the leaders of the national stage. And now the singer is rather the owner of the status of "the last idol of the VIA era", although sometimes he performs solo concerts in nightclubs

Around personal life of Alexander Dobrynin, a popular singer of the 80s and 90s, there were always a lot of rumors. His last wife turned out to be a brawler and told reporters about the antics of a famous artist.
Alexander was officially married three times. The first marriage was concluded in youth, and, according to the singer, out of stupidity. The singer just returned from the army and proposed to his girlfriend. The marriage quickly fell apart, as young people could not find a common language with each other. In addition, the first wife was also a musician, so there were many quarrels in the family on creative grounds.
The second wife, Olga Shorina, was a well-known dancer in certain circles. Alexander fell in love with a beautiful girl at first sight. Everything about her attracted him. Some time after the first meeting, he realized that he could not live a single day without Olga. The couple began dating and soon got married. The marriage of Olga and Alexander was full of emotions and quarrels. The couple cheated on each other and did not hide it. At first, they provided each other with complete freedom in their relationship. But then both of them got tired of this situation, and the couple divorced. After some time, Olga told her ex-husband that she had given birth to a child from him. Alexander wanted to help his ex-wife, but the girl refused all gifts and money.

Alexander met his third wife at the Metelitsa club. Elena worked as a prostitute, but this did not bother Alexander. He fell in love with Elena and offered to live together, but demanded that her lover leave her profession and take up housekeeping. At first, everything was going smoothly in their life, but soon the singer began to notice that the girl was late coming home. At first, Alexander did not show it, but then he made a scandal. Elena packed her things and left in an unknown direction. A few days later, Alexander managed to find the girl, but when he called, an unknown man picked up the phone and said that Elena was currently in the bathroom. Alexander understood everything without further ado. After he filed for divorce, Elena announced that she was expecting a child from Alexander. But nothing could stop the famous singer. He did not want to put up with his wife's constant infidelity anymore.

After Elena, he met Catherine. He met a young girl by chance, on the street. The couple began to live together, and after a while Catherine gave birth to the singer's son Stanislav.
Elena envied the happiness of her ex-husband, so she soon gave an interview in which she wanted to tell about all the secrets of Alexander Dobrynin's personal life. The woman said that the famous singer refuses to recognize their common child. Elena believes that the singer's mother was to blame for their separation, who insisted that Elena would not be able to give birth. The woman was tired of such speculation, and she left.

Elena claims that after the divorce, the singer wrote and called the girl for a long time with a request to return. They could not just leave, so they met for several more years. After the birth of her daughter, Elena met with Alexander and showed him photos of Lisa. The singer was not against getting to know her, but did not show much initiative.

Nikolai Dobrynin was born on August 17, 1963 in Taganrog. Father Nikolai was an honored investigator of the city police, and his mother worked in the field of trade. The family had two children. Nikolai grew up with his half-brother Alexander Naumenko from his mother's first marriage and her relatives in a settled gypsy camp in the village of Krylovskaya.

Dobrynin's father was fond of music, in particular, he played the button accordion excellently, so young Nikolai was sent to study at a local music school. The boy learned to play the piano, but did not finish his studies. The whole family was involved in the upbringing of the child. The maternal grandmother taught the boy how to sew, from childhood Dobrynin could earn his own pocket money by selling self-sewn potato sacks. In high school classes, the future artist earned money by knocking together mailboxes and unloading wagons. Dobrynin grew up as an active child, he combined ballroom dancing and the church choir with street fights common to the town.

Grandmother Anastasia Kondratievna worked in a drama theater and gave her beloved grandson his first theatrical costume. The love for reincarnation manifested itself in early childhood: he loved to put on his father's uniform and portray various characters, playing entire performances in front of the mirror. But his elder brother Alexander helped the young artist to really decide on his future profession. It was he, the future famous opera singer and teacher, who insisted on entering the capital's theater university.

In 1980, Nikolai moved to Moscow and entered GITIS for an acting course. In parallel with his studies, the young artist worked at night in the subway and eventually received the specialty of a drainage engineer of the sixth category. He also worked as a teacher and dance teacher. While studying, Dobrynin, together with his brother Alexander, who studied at the conservatory, sang in the choir of the Novodevichy Convent, for which they almost lost the opportunity to continue their studies at the university. Then the well-known Soviet pianist Svyatoslav Richter stood up for the students.

In 1989, Nikolai Dobrynin was drafted into the army and served in the Air Defense Forces. However, after the incident with the landing of the Rust plane on Red Square, their part was disbanded, and Dobrynin ended up in another, where he staged several performances.


After graduating from university in 1985, Dobrynin began to look for work in his specialty. The future artist went to audition at the Satyricon Theater, which at that time he was in charge of, and after forty minutes he was enrolled in the theater troupe. For four years, the actor played the characters of the "extras" on the stage of the Moscow theater, but was drafted into the army.

Lyudmila Artemyeva and Nikolai Dobrynin in the play "Close People"

After demobilization, Nikolai returned to his native theater "Satyricon", where he immediately got a role in the provocative play "Servants". The artist had to play on the same stage with Alexandra Zueva and Sergey Zarubin in a rather ambiguous production, which could become both a complete failure and a breakthrough in theatrical art. The premiere of the play "The Maids" completely turned the artist's life around: they began to recognize him on the streets, ask for an autograph, fans appeared who literally fought for his attention after performances and came to all the performances of the artist.

Nikolai Dobrynin in the play "The Tsar's Gift"

Even in his youth, Nikolai Dobrynin became a famous theater actor, he was invited to Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe, and later to the Roman Viktyuk Theater. In Viktyuk's productions, Nikolai played rather complex psychological roles: Herod from the production of Salome, Pontius Pilate from the play The Master and Margarita. The constant combination of theatrical tours and filming in the cinema forced Dobrynin to leave the Roman Viktyuk Theater after 16 years of cooperation.

In 2005, Nikolai Dobrynin was invited to play the lead role in the production of Maupassant in Love, which was staged by the Theater Center on Kolomenskaya in St. Petersburg. Nikolai liked the new troupe, and he continued to cooperate with them, playing in the production of "Pajamas for Six".


Nikolai Dobrynin first appeared on the screens of a big movie in 1986 in the musical melodrama Necessary People, where he played a simple builder Kolya. A year later, he received his first major role in the film drama "Farewell, Zamoskvoretskaya punks ...", where he played Vitka, nicknamed "Gavrosh". This role brought him considerable fame and opened the door for participation in other film projects. For Dobrynin, the role of a strong, self-confident hero was firmly entrenched.

In 2009, the third season of the popular comedy series "Matchmakers" was released on television, where Nikolai played the role of Mitya Bukhankin. In a new comedy role, Dobrynin achieved unprecedented success and won the love of the viewer, from a minor character, Mityai became almost the main character of the series. The popularity of the artist and the character was so high that in 2011 a separate 20-episode TV series "Mityai's Tales" with Nikolai Dobrynin in the title role was released.

Nikolai Dobrynin in the TV series "Molodezhka"

In 2013, Nikolai Dobrynin took part in an unusual project for himself - a youth hockey series called Molodezhka. According to Dobrynin himself, he happily starred with director Sergei Arlanov, with whom he had previously worked, and about whom he had an extremely high opinion. In addition, the series is about the glory of domestic hockey, and the actor himself is for a healthy mind in a healthy body.

and Nikolai Dobrynin on the set of the series "Molodezhka"

Despite the sports component of the series and its focus on a young audience, Dobrynin played in it the role of the protagonist's father, an ordinary Russian peasant, a hard worker from a factory, who decided that his son should become a champion. It is curious that due to the constant comparisons of Dobrynin's characters with the popular favorite Mitya, the director told the actor before filming: "Play whoever you want, but not Mitya."

As the actor himself said, initially the character of Mityaya was conceived as a checkpoint. But then he got more screen time and became so popular that the actor was literally inundated with thanks for this role. Moreover, the actor was not allowed to pass not only by adults, but also by children. The reason for such an all-round popularity of this character is seen by Dobrynin himself that "there is such a Mityai in every yard."

Every year there are several series with the participation of the actor. Of the latter, one can note the serial television film "and Aleksandrov", in which Dobrynin played the role, "", where the artist appeared in the image of the father of the legend of Soviet cinema, as well as the biographical television series "". In the latter, Dobrynin also appeared in one of the main roles - a family friend of the legendary tiger tamer.

For thirty years of his acting career, the artist took part in the filming of more than a hundred different films from comedies to crime melodramas.

Personal life

While still a student at GITIS, Nikolai Dobrynin proposed to his classmate Oksana Barsheva, better known as Ksenia Larina. Ksenia was the daughter of the Soviet diplomat Andrei Nikolaevich Barshev, but, despite the successful parents of his wife, Nikolai independently fed and provided for his young family. After five years of marriage, Dobrynin and Larina filed for divorce.

In the mid-1980s, Nikolai met his future second wife, the daughter of the famous Soviet actress, the famous Milady. They met in the dressing room after one of the performances. In 1988, Terekhova had a son, Mikhail, from the Borovinskys. Two years after the birth of her son, Terekhova married Dobrynin, and Nikolai adopted the boy.

This marriage did not become successful for the Russian artist, a few years later the couple filed for divorce. The spouse initiated the divorce. Dobrynin continued to communicate with his adopted son and often invites him to his shootings. Mikhail Dobrynin, knowing who his real father was, retained warm feelings for the man who raised him.

In 1998, Ekaterina Komissarova appeared in the life of Nikolai Dobrynin, who later became his third wife. Ekaterina was a fan of Dobrynin's work and really wanted to please her favorite actor. They got married in 2002 and have lived in peace and harmony ever since. For a long time, the couple could not have a child, but after Nicholas traveled to the monastery of St. Thekla in Damascus, a miracle happened: Ekaterina Komissarova became pregnant, and in 2008 the couple had a daughter, Nina.

Nikolai Dobrynin now

Nikolai Dobrynin continues acting, saying in an interview that he does not know how to relax at all. In 2016 and 2017, Dobrynin and his partner travel around Russia and neighboring countries with the production of The Tsar's Gift. This comedy performance tells about a man and a woman who were once in love with each other, but their happiness was not destined to take place.

In 2016, Nikolai Dobrynin starred in the Smak program, where he showed the presenter how to cook vegetable sauté and fish casserole, and also told how he had to act with tigers in the film Margarita Nazarova.

In the same year, another significant event happened. After a tour in the Crimea, Nikolai Dobrynin and his colleague in the acting department and the series "Matchmakers" were literally taken off the train, and later deported from Ukraine and banned from entering this country for three years. The actor was outraged by the fact that they were detained and offered to take them to Moscow in a bus with bars, and during interrogation they constantly quoted remarks from their favorite series. As a result, the actors were expelled from Ukraine to Belgorod, and there at first they were mistaken for "Ukrainians" and did not want to be allowed back home. It all ended with a general reconciliation, since everyone watches the series "Matchmakers" and considers it their own both in Russia and in Ukraine.

However, Dobrynin lifted the veil of secrecy regarding the continuation of his favorite series and complained that there were difficulties with filming a very interesting seventh part. Not only Dobrynin and Artemyeva are banned from entering the territory of Ukraine, but also, who became famous in the role of Ivan Budko. A part of the film crew from Ukraine cannot come to Russia either, because then they will be considered traitors in their homeland. Therefore, the creators of the series are seriously thinking about filming in the Republic of Belarus.

In view of Dobrynin's popularity and outward resemblance to the famous composer and singer, today they are often considered brothers. But, despite the really striking resemblance, Nikolai has no family ties with Vyacheslav Dobrynin.


  • Necessary people
  • Farewell, Zamoskvoretskaya punks ...
  • Russian ragtime
  • Everything we've dreamed of for so long
  • family secrets
  • Mine
  • Father
  • Matchmakers
  • Garages
  • Tales of Mityaya
  • youth
  • Motherland

Nikolai Dobrynin is a talented actor and just a people's favorite, whose biography is of interest to many. Therefore, in the article we have presented interesting facts not only from the professional, but also from the personal life of the artist, which were previously unknown to anyone.

Nikolai Dobrynin was born in the family of a policeman and a salesman on August 17, 1963 in Taganrog. The childhood of the future actor was quite interesting, since almost the whole family was involved in his upbringing. Nikolai's father, having decided to instill in him a love of music, at a very young age gave the boy piano lessons, and his grandmother taught him how to sew.

Music-making did not appeal to young Dobrynin, but grandmother's lessons were not in vain, since the artist already in childhood earned pocket money by making bags for potatoes.

Being in high school, Nikolai did not at all ask for money for small expenses from his parents, since he was already working at that time. He unloaded wagons and made boxes.

Such a busy schedule did not prevent the young man from developing in other directions. Nikolai was a soloist in the church choir and attended a choreographic circle. Not without street fights with boys, in which young Dobrynin regularly took part.

In 1980, Nikolai graduated from high school and, having passed the entrance exams, entered the Moscow GITIS at the acting department. While studying at the university, Dobrynin continued to work on the night shift. His track record includes the position of a ballroom dance teacher and a drainage specialist. Nikolai did not forget about church singing and became a soloist in the choir of the Novodevichy Convent.

Interesting! An important place in the biography of Nikolai Dobrynin is occupied by his half-brother, who was always next to the actor and supported him in all endeavors.

The year 1989 was remembered by the artist for the fact that he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. At first, Dobrynin got into the air defense forces, and then, in connection with the disbandment of the regiment, he was transferred to another unit, where Nikolai was already able to realize his creative potential by staging the first performances.


After graduating from a university in 1985, Nikolai Dobrynin quits temporary work and looks for a permanent job in his profession. His first attempt was an audition for the Satyricon Theater, which the actor successfully passed. And although he was part of the troupe, he still played mainly mass roles.

After the army, the young man again returns to the "Satyricon", where he continues to play in the crowd. The situation was changed by the theatrical production "The Servant", in which Nikolai received a minor role. The provocative performance made a real breakthrough in theatrical art, and Dobrynin, thanks to his bright and charismatic performance, turned into a famous artist.

Job offers literally “fell down” on the actor. Nikolai leaves the "Satyricon" and goes to the Viktyuk theater, where he plays complex psychological roles. At the same time, the artist begins to act in films. As a result, due to a busy work schedule, Dobrynin leaves the stage and continues to work in the cinema.

Interesting! Nikolai returned to the theater only in 2005, playing in the play “Monpasan in Love”.

Dobrynin acts in films, playing mainly the main roles. But the real breakthrough for the actor was his work in the series "Matchmakers", in which he played the role of Mityai. The image of a provincial swindler was so fond of the audience that the producers dedicated a separate series “Tales of Mityai” to the character of Nikolai.

In the role of Mityai from the TV series "Matchmakers"

Since 2011, the actor began working in the Youth project, in which he played a simple hard worker.

After the release of these films, Nikolai became a sought-after artist and annually starred in at least one or two films.

Personal life

As for the biography of Nikolai Dobrynin regarding his personal life and the fact of having a wife and children, it is known that the actor tied the knot three times.

For the first time, the artist married at a very young age. His chosen one was Ksenia Larina, the daughter of a famous diplomat. But even this alignment did not prevent the novice actor, because in his student years he already made good money and could feed his family. The couple lived together for only five years.

The second wife of Nikolai was Anna Terekhova. Young people met in the 80s in a theater dressing room. Their relationship developed rapidly and in 1988 Dobrynin became a happy father, since Anna gave birth to his son. Two years later, the couple not only officially legalized their relationship, but also adopted another boy. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long. The couple divorced, but remained good friends.

The third lover of the actor was a fan of his work Ekaterina Komissarova. The couple married in 2002 and have been happy ever since. In addition, in marriage, Nikolai had a long-awaited daughter.

Despite the fact that Nikolai Dobrynin does not like to talk too much about himself and his family, we still managed to find some interesting facts from the life of this actor.

  • Dobrynin, with a height of 180 centimeters, weighs 93 kilograms.
  • As a child, Nikolai's hands were badly bitten by bees, as he regularly helped his grandfather in the apiary.
  • Half-brother Alexander insisted that the young Dobrynin studied acting. And his grandmother, to top it all off, gave him his first stage costume.

  • Nikolay and Ekaterina dreamed of a child for a long time, but the woman could not get pregnant. After the actor visited the monastery of St. Thekla, a real miracle happened in his family: a daughter was born.
  • Nikolai got used to his role from the television series “Matchmakers” so much that on the set of “Youth” he was asked to play anyone, but not Mitya.
  • He starred in more than a hundred films.

Nikolai Dobrynin now

Nikolai Dobrynin continues to work in cinematography. In 2018, the film “Indestructible” was released with his participation, and in 2019 the shooting of “Matchmakers” resumed, which takes place in Belarus. Also, the actor is regularly invited to take part in various television shows.

As for family life, the artist is insanely happy in marriage with his third wife and is raising his daughter. He also communicates with children from a previous marriage and maintains warm family relations.

The biography, and in particular the personal life of Nikolai Dobrynin, is full of various events, including several marriages and the birth of children. However, this did not prevent him from becoming one of the most popular domestic actors, whose photos regularly appear in the press.

, poet , musician

Alexander Yurievich Dobrynin(born March 27, 1957) - Russian singer, poet, musician. Member of the groups Architects, Mirage, Hello, song, Cheerful guys, Cinematography.


Alexander began to study music as a child, he was interested in foreign performers. After graduating from school and serving in the army, he entered the GMPI. MM. Ippolitov-Ivanov, but did not enter.


In the 1990s, Alexander Dobrynin received public recognition as a solo artist. Currently, he successfully gives solo concerts in Russia, regions and CIS countries. He takes part in joint concerts with Russian and foreign pop stars, participates in television shows, performs at holidays and events at various venues.


  • “Cover girl. Songs on verses by Natalia Prostorova "- firm Melodiya (С60 30329-30 007) (giant),
  • "Night Flowers" (giant),
  • "Take and buy" "Gala Records" CD,


  • "Atlantis" (Funny guys)
  • "Red Clown" (Funny guys)
  • "Desert" (Funny guys)
  • "In the Canary Islands" (Funny Guys)
  • "Astrologer" (Funny guys)
  • "Cover Girl" (Funny Guys)
  • "Night Flowers"
  • "Rita-Margarita"
  • "Pink roses"

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An excerpt characterizing Dobrynin, Alexander Yurievich

- Ah! stupidity, stupidity! - Anatole spoke again, grimacing. “Because I told you. BUT? - And Anatole, with that special predilection (which stupid people have) for the conclusion that they reach with their own mind, repeated the reasoning that he repeated a hundred times to Dolokhov. “After all, I explained to you, I decided: if this marriage is invalid,” he said, bending his finger, “then I do not answer; Well, if it's real, it doesn't matter: no one abroad will know this, right? And don't talk, don't talk, don't talk!
- Right, come on! You only bind yourself...
“Go to hell,” said Anatole, and, holding his hair, went out into another room and immediately returned and sat down with his feet on an armchair close to Dolokhov. “The devil knows what it is!” BUT? Look how it beats! - He took Dolokhov's hand and put it to his heart. – Ah! quel pied, mon cher, quel regard! Une deesse!! [O! What a leg, my friend, what a look! Goddess!!] Huh?
Dolokhov, smiling coldly and shining with his beautiful, insolent eyes, looked at him, apparently wanting to still have some fun with him.
- Well, the money will come out, then what?
- What then? BUT? - Anatole repeated with sincere bewilderment at the thought of the future. - What then? There I don’t know what… Well, what nonsense to say! He looked at his watch. - It's time!
Anatole went into the back room.
– Well, will you soon? Dig in here! he shouted at the servants.
Dolokhov took away the money and, shouting to a man to order food and drink for the road, entered the room where Khvostikov and Makarin were sitting.
Anatole was lying in the study, leaning on his arm, on the sofa, smiling thoughtfully and softly whispering something to himself with his beautiful mouth.
- Go eat something. Well, have a drink! Dolokhov shouted to him from another room.
- I do not want! - Anatole answered, still smiling.
- Go, Balaga has arrived.
Anatole got up and went into the dining room. Balaga was a well-known troika driver who had known Dolokhov and Anatole for six years already and served them with his troikas. More than once, when Anatole's regiment was stationed in Tver, he took him away from Tver in the evening, delivered him to Moscow by dawn, and took him away the next day at night. More than once he took Dolokhov away from the chase, more than once he drove them around the city with gypsies and ladies, as Balaga called him. More than once, with their work, he crushed the people and cabbies around Moscow, and his gentlemen, as he called them, always rescued him. He drove more than one horse under them. More than once he was beaten by them, more than once they made him drunk with champagne and Madeira, which he loved, and he knew more than one thing behind each of them, which Siberia would have long deserved for an ordinary person. In their carousing, they often called Balaga, forced him to drink and dance with the gypsies, and more than one thousand of their money passed through his hands. In their service, he risked both his life and his skin twenty times a year, and in their work he overworked more horses than they overpaid him. But he loved them, loved this crazy ride, at eighteen miles an hour, loved to overturn a cab and crush a pedestrian in Moscow, and fly at full speed through Moscow streets. He loved to hear this wild cry of drunken voices behind him: “Let's go! gone!” while it was already impossible to go any faster; he liked to stretch painfully up the neck of the peasant, who, in any case, was neither dead nor alive, shunned him. "Real gentlemen!" he thought.
Anatole and Dolokhov also loved Balaga for his driving skills and for the fact that he loved the same thing as they did. With others, Balaga dressed up, took twenty-five rubles for a two-hour ride, and with others he only occasionally went himself, and mostly sent his fellows. But with his masters, as he called them, he always rode himself and never demanded anything for his work. Only when he found out through the valets the time when there was money, he came in the morning, sober, and, bowing low, asked to help him out once every few months. It was always planted by the gentlemen.
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