November 5 is military intelligence day. Congratulations on the day of the military intelligence officer

War films about saboteurs and spies impress with the audacity and unusual abilities of the main characters. But all this is not fantasy. Real military scouts are capable of more. After all, they are responsible not only for collecting information about enemies, but the security of the country depends on their resourcefulness, cunning, invisibility. These soldiers, who try not to advertise their affiliation with intelligence, are congratulated in November on their professional holiday.

The conduct of any military operations is not possible without reliable information about the enemy. It was thanks to the art of military saboteurs that information so important for offensives was obtained about the number, amount of equipment, grouping, location, planning of the main attack of the enemy. It is customary to congratulate people of this dangerous military profession in early November, on the Day of the Military Intelligence Officer.

Who notes?

The prototype of the modern Main Intelligence Directorate is the Registration Directorate, which was created by the new government in 1918 to coordinate the actions of all the bodies that at that time belonged to intelligence. It was this event that later became fundamental when the Day of Military Intelligence will be proclaimed as a public holiday.

But unequivocally intelligence existed until the age of 18. These were units whose duties did not cover the terms of reference of modern intelligence officers. But, nevertheless, every military campaign began with reconnaissance activities. Special patrols were supposed to find out all the information about the enemy without engaging in battle with him. Such sentinel sorties were carried out by both fighters from among those in the service and civilians. Usually the patrol consisted of 2 - 5 people, which was retained later.

In all the wars in which Russia had to participate, including the Northern and Russian-Turkish, Patriotic War of 1812 and the First World War, the Great Patriotic War, scouts were distinguished by their audacity and resourcefulness.

On Reconnaissance Day, it is impossible not to remember the skillful operations carried out in the rear, both by enemies and allies, which were able to prevent new military conflicts. It is impossible to overestimate the role of the agents who revealed the plans for Operation Unthinkable, according to which in July 1945 the Western "allies" planned to declare war on the Union.

It was the Troop saboteurs Meliton Kantaraya and Mikhail Yegorov who hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag.

Modern Grushniks are proud of the exploits of their predecessors and try to carry the banner of military intelligence with honor.

Scout Day in Russia will be celebrated by all officers, as well as contract and conscript soldiers related to the GRU structure. The heads of the General Staff, as well as retired officers, will certainly raise their glasses. Congratulations will be received by teachers of specialized educational institutions and young cadets.

history of the holiday

At the official level, the need to legalize the holiday of scouts was first raised in 2000 in the Ministry of Defense. By the corresponding order, on October 12, a holiday was declared, which had previously been celebrated in a narrow circle not officially. Later, the celebration falls into the list of memorable dates, which was legalized by presidential decree in 2006.

The memorable 10 times will be celebrated Scout's Day in 2016 - what date the question is not raised. The date is always the same - November 5, which corresponds to the birthday of the intelligence structures in 1918.

About modern intelligence

Military intelligence officers are not just spies that boys and girls read about in childhood, dreaming of imitating these strong, witty people. These are real saboteurs who will pass by like a shadow, leaving no traces of their presence.

It is not enough to dream of becoming a scout. Applicants go through a rigorous selection process. Only after the first two stages, up to 99% of those wishing to become a scout are eliminated. And in the future, not all the guys and girls who have passed such a selection can withstand intense training. The knowledge and skills of scouts are well-founded legends.

Physical endurance, mastery of martial arts, knowledge of several foreign languages, analytical thinking, the ability to make decisions in non-standard situations - this is the minimum list of qualities that modern intelligence officers possess.

Many have to work under pseudonyms, and the names and real activities of intelligence officers can be classified for life.

Congratulations to the scouts

Is it possible to call the work of a scout simply the performance of duties. After all, the profession of these people is, first of all, a vocation. We associate the feat of a scout with legend and nobility. He will remember about courage and honor later, when the task is completed. Forget about years and losses on Scout Day. Let only hope and faith beckon through the open door.

Today is your holiday, scout. I'm proud to know you. May you always be able to hold the bird of luck by the tail, and fortune does not leave either in moments of danger or in seconds of jubilation. Let information from enemies be learned without danger, and let the leadership adequately appreciate your contribution to the security of the country.

military intelligence,

Decent and bold

Where is life, like in roulette,

Where is the step - the unknown.

We wish from the task

Return alive.

After all, we know clearly

That danger is near.

I wanted to congratulate you.

Where will you find.

You, scout, are in camouflage.

Quietly you crawl to glory.

The knife is clenched between the teeth.

The heart beats like that.

Maybe you can say between us.

When you knock on our door.

Larisa , October 5, 2016 .

Invincible, legendary, mighty... The epithets for our army are not loud and not pretentious, but accurately reflect the essence. These words fully reveal the character of a Russian person, his will and love of freedom. Our army and navy have been famous for their martial traditions from time immemorial. But no traditions are born and revived just like that. Now we have about five dozen memorable dates and military holidays adopted to revive Russian military traditions, increase the importance of military service, popularize the army and navy, and recognize the merits of the military.

Of course, men have the main holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day - especially for those who have served in active service. Each of us has served or is serving in different branches of the military: the navy, paratroopers, marines, gunners, motorized infantry and engineering troops. For a military man in the past or an employee now, the day when the holiday of his branch of service is celebrated is no less important than February 23rd.

Day of the military scout. The holiday of our military, whose service is closely connected with military intelligence. It doesn't matter where you served: in the airborne reconnaissance company or in the GRU special forces, in the navy or in the air force.

The holiday was established in 2006 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. November 5 not a random date. On this day in 1918, the Registration Directorate became part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, later transformed into the famous GRU of the General Staff.

Knowing the plans of the enemy, his advantages and new developments in the military sphere has always been extremely important for the existence of the country. Intelligence, as a profession, has more than a dozen centuries, and possibly several millennia.

In Kievan Rus, intelligence is an important state affair. The predecessor of the GRU, the Order of Secret Affairs, was created under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the 17th century. Under Peter I, the receipt of intelligence data was put on a state basis. Russia is trying to throw off the naval blockade and join the ranks of the strongest countries in the world. In the Military Regulations, intelligence activities were given a legal basis. At the beginning of the 19th century, in a difficult geopolitical situation, the Secret Affairs Expedition was created under the Ministry of War. Soon the name was changed to the Special Office under the Minister of War. The tasks of the Expedition included many areas of intelligence activities: the collection of intelligence in other countries, intelligence in the border areas, as well as counterintelligence.

The modern history of the country's military intelligence begins in the difficult conditions of a devastated economy and civil war.
Initially, military intelligence, in addition to strategic and operational purposes, was used to obtain military secrets, information about developments in the military and related fields.
The Great Patriotic War was a severe test on the shoulders of military intelligence officers. During the war, glorious fighting traditions developed: devotion to the Motherland and people, loyalty to the oath, fortitude, courage and self-sacrifice. In the rear of the enemy in the first months of the war, about 10 thousand scouts were abandoned. Partisan detachments were formed. Intelligence data often played a critical role in top management decision making.
The effectiveness of our military intelligence has been demonstrated more than once in hot spots: in the Middle East, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Chechnya and others. About 700 scouts were awarded the Hero's gold star.

Intelligence is the most important means of obtaining information, the eyes and ears of the army. It allows solving various tasks: military-political, military-technical and purely military. It can use space developments, has extensive agents with potential opponents. The number, structure and personalities of the GRU are protected as a state secret. The importance of military intelligence cannot be overestimated. These are successful actions during the war, and timely preparation for it, and the possibility of delivering a preventive strike.

Counterintelligence played an important role in the history of the USSR. In the spring of 1943, the famous "Smersh" was created, it was entrusted with the fight against spies, saboteurs, intelligence of opponents and "friends", the fight against traitors and treason in the army. Despite the ambiguity of historical facts, Smersh did his job, helping the country win the hardest war.

Intelligence makes it possible, if not to prevent war, then to meet it with all weapons, firmly standing on our borders. The exploits of scouts are sometimes unknown and become public knowledge decades later. Many remain unknown, dying in the line of military duty.

Honor and praise to the military intelligence officers! Honor and praise to the worthy sons of Russia!

On November 5, Russia celebrates the Day of the Military Intelligence Officer - the professional holiday of the Russian military, whose service is related to military intelligence. This holiday was established by the order of the Minister of Defense Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev dated October 12, 2000. It is celebrated annually on November 5 in accordance with the presidential decree of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." A scout is one of the oldest professions, which does not lose its relevance over the years, every year the methods and methods of intelligence are improved, and the information obtained by scouts is still of great national importance.

Intelligence has always been a matter of national importance, it has been so since the time of Kievan Rus. Ambassadors, merchants, messengers, as well as residents of the border areas of the state were then involved in collecting information. No wonder the profession of a scout is called one of the oldest on earth. Later, in 1654, already under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Order of Secret Affairs was created, which was the prototype of the intelligence department of those years. In the military charter of 1716, Peter I summed up the legal and legislative framework for intelligence work. Later, in January 1810, already in the reign of Emperor Alexander I, on the initiative of the Minister of War Barclay de Tolly in Russia, the so-called expedition of secret affairs under the Ministry of War was formed, in January 1812 it was renamed the Special Office under the Minister of War.

The formed Special Chancellery solved important tasks: strategic intelligence (collection of strategically important secret information abroad), operational-tactical intelligence (collection of information about enemy troops on the country's borders) and counterintelligence (identification and subsequent neutralization of foreign agents). This office became the first central body of the Military Ministry of the Russian Empire, which would organize the intelligence of the armed forces of foreign powers.

The date of November 5 for the celebration of the Day of the military intelligence officer was not chosen by chance. This day is rightfully considered the birthday of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. On this day in 1918 in Petrograd, as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, the Registration Directorate was created to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army. In order to train personnel for the new administration, intelligence and military control courses were opened in Moscow, where 13 different disciplines were taught, including: tactics, geography, topography, artillery, undercover intelligence, counterintelligence, etc. Later, the educational program was introduced elementary study of foreign languages ​​(English, German, French, Swedish, Finnish and Japanese).

The first to head the Registration Department was Semyon Aralov, a Bolshevik veteran of the intelligence of the Russian army during the First World War. It was the Register that became the prototype of the current military intelligence control body - the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Today the GRU is an important component of strengthening the Russian state. This structure combines all currently known types of intelligence - strategic, technical, economic, space, intelligence (including illegal), as well as military, also known as the GRU special forces.

Since April 1921, the Register was transformed into the Intelligence Directorate (Razvedupr) of the headquarters of the Red Army. At the same time, it became the central body of military intelligence both in peacetime and in wartime. Starting from 1926, the Razvedupr was renamed the IV Directorate of the Red Army Headquarters. One of the most famous intelligence officers who was related to the Red Army Intelligence Agency (went to work in November 1929) was the famous Soviet intelligence officer Richard Sorge.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the main type of intelligence activity was to ensure the combat operations of the troops and the operations carried out by the Red Army. The preparation and conduct of all strategic, front-line and army operations during the war years was based on data obtained through operational and strategic intelligence. During the war years, the work of scouts was distinguished by its effectiveness and large scope, which selflessly acted behind the front line in the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy, as well as in other states. Starting from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, reconnaissance and sabotage and reconnaissance groups were sent to the rear of the enemy, on the basis of which large partisan detachments were often formed and deployed in the future, a reserve reconnaissance network was created in territories that were temporarily left to enemy troops.

So only in the first 6 months of the Great Patriotic War, about 10 thousand people were thrown behind enemy lines, including a huge number of trained intelligence officers with radio equipment. Also during the war years, the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "Smersh" (short for "Death to Spies!") was created. This department was engaged in the fight against espionage and sabotage activities of the enemy, the fight against desertion and betrayal in the ranks of the Red Army.

In February 1942, the Intelligence Directorate was reorganized into the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). In October of the same year, it was separated from the General Staff and reassigned directly to the People's Commissar of Defense of the Soviet Union. The task of the GRU was to conduct undercover reconnaissance of the enemy armies outside the USSR, as well as in the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy. In April 1943, along with the already existing GRU, a new intelligence department of the General Staff of the Red Army was formed, whose task was to manage the intelligence and military intelligence of the fronts, as well as regularly informing about the intentions and actions of the enemy, as well as conducting operations to disinform him. After the end of the war, they were merged into the GRU of the General Staff, which since 1947 was called the Second Main Directorate of the Committee of Information under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and since 1949 again became the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. During the war years, the combat traditions of modern military intelligence were laid down, a large number of highly qualified intelligence officers were trained, who managed to accumulate and then successfully use rich combat experience in the postwar years.

In the years since the war, the role of military intelligence has not only not diminished, but, on the contrary, it has multiplied. Today it is the most important component of the strengthening of the state. Military intelligence is an element of the national security system of the Russian Federation, it collects, processes, summarizes and analyzes information received through various channels about the military-political situation that is developing around our country, is engaged in forecasting its development, and also reports in a timely manner to the command of the Armed Forces and the leadership of Russia about real and potential threats to national security and the sovereignty of our state.

Today, the sphere of interests of military intelligence includes all local and regional armed conflicts, the armed forces of foreign states, their weapons and military equipment, the equipment of possible theaters of hostilities, as well as the economic component, especially industrial enterprises working in the interests of the armed forces. To solve the tasks assigned to it, military intelligence includes both operational and various technical units, as well as information-analytical and support structures. All of them receive only the most modern technical means of reconnaissance, which are created on the basis of the latest achievements in the field of telecommunications, information and space technologies.

At the same time, one should never forget that a military intelligence officer is a very difficult and dangerous profession. In our country, for the courage and heroism that were shown in the performance of special tasks to ensure national security, more than 700 military intelligence officers were awarded the highest title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation. In the 21st century, representatives of this heroic military profession are still at the forefront in protecting our country, solving a wide range of tasks. Currently, military intelligence is structurally related to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is rightfully considered the "eyes and ears" of the armed forces of our country, their main means for obtaining important military, economic and political information.

On this festive day, the Military Review team congratulates everyone who had or is directly related to Russia's military intelligence. Especially veterans of military intelligence, participants in the Great Patriotic War. The security of the existence of our state depends on your professional and selfless work.

Based on materials from open sources

Intelligence is the "eyes and ears" of the armed forces

The day of the military intelligence officer was established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 490 of October 12, 2000. At the beginning of the 19th century, the first intelligence agency was created in Russia - the Expedition of Secret Affairs under the Ministry of War.

On November 1, 1918, the staff of the Field Headquarters (FS) of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic was approved by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic. On November 5, the state was introduced by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 197/27.

As part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the Registration Directorate (Registrupr) was formed to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army: the Military Strategic Department of the Operational Directorate of the All-Russian General Staff, the Intelligence Division of the Operations Division of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, the Intelligence Division of the Operational Directorate of the Supreme Military Council.

Since that day, the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is the direct successor of the Register, has been leading its history. That is why November 5 is considered the Day of Soviet military intelligence, which from the very beginning, in addition to conducting strategic and operational intelligence, was charged with obtaining military-technical information, information about scientific achievements in the military field.

November 5 marks the anniversary of the creation of military intelligence in Russia. In 1918, it was on this day that the Registration Directorate was formed as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army in Petrograd by order of the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, Lev Trotsky, to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army. Since that day, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been conducting its history. It was the Registration Directorate that became the prototype of the current central military intelligence control body - the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

Today, the Main Intelligence Directorate is the most important component of strengthening the state. This structure combines all existing types of intelligence - strategic, intelligence, including illegal, technical, economic, space and military, better known as the GRU special forces.

As part of other military units, military intelligence also existed in tsarist Russia. But as a separate unit, the military intelligence of the Russian Federation has been counting its history since November 5, 1918.

History of military intelligence

The profession of scout is considered one of the oldest on earth. Back in the days of Kievan Rus, intelligence was a matter of national importance. Ambassadors, messengers, merchants, residents of the border regions and military detachments were involved in collecting data. Later, already under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in 1654, the Order of Secret Affairs was founded - the prototype of the intelligence department of that time. In the Military Regulations of 1716, Peter I summed up the legislative and legal framework for intelligence work.

During the reign of Emperor Alexander I in January 1810, on the initiative of Barclay de Tolly, the Expedition of Secret Affairs under the War Ministry was created, and in January 1812 it was renamed the Special Office under the Minister of War. The special office solved the most important tasks: conducting strategic intelligence (collecting strategically important secret information abroad), operational-tactical intelligence (collecting data on enemy troops on the borders of Russia) and counterintelligence (identifying and neutralizing enemy agents). Three people close to the Minister of War in turn became the first heads of military intelligence in Russia: from September 29, 1810 - adjutant wing Colonel A. V. Voeikov, from March 19, 1812 - Colonel A. A. Zakrevsky, from January 10, 1813 - Colonel P. A. Chuikevich.

The role of military intelligence officers during the Great Patriotic War is invaluable. In the first six months of the war alone, about 10 thousand people were thrown behind enemy lines, including a significant number of intelligence officers with radio transmitters. Military intelligence agencies created partisan detachments behind enemy lines.

The activities of Soviet intelligence during the Great Patriotic War were highly appreciated by prominent military leaders and generals, future Marshals of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov, A. M. Vasilevsky, K. K. Rokossovsky, I. S. Konev, I. Kh. Bagramyan, N I. Krylov, General of the Army S. M. Shtemenko and many others.

The Great Patriotic War was a severe test for military intelligence, and it withstood it with dignity. In the course of the war, an effective system was developed for the management of intelligence during the war, the correct organizational structure of its combat organs, and their reasonable and effective use in various types of support for combat operations. Glorious combat traditions of military intelligence have developed and a large detachment of highly qualified intelligence officers has been created, who skillfully used rich combat experience and traditions in the post-war period. These traditions have always been and are: devotion to one's Motherland and people, loyalty to the oath, courage, fortitude to the point of self-sacrifice in the performance of combat missions.

All this has already become the heroic history of our people in the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. The data obtained by military intelligence has repeatedly played a decisive role in the decision-making by the country's top leadership to ensure its security.

Soviet and then Russian military intelligence convincingly demonstrated its indispensability and effectiveness during crises in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Chechnya and other "hot spots".

692 military intelligence officers were awarded the titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation for courage and heroism shown in carrying out tasks to ensure the national security of the country.

Modern military intelligence

Military intelligence is a set of measures for obtaining and processing data on an active or potential enemy, his military resources, combat capabilities and vulnerabilities, as well as on the theater of operations.

Modern military intelligence is divided into tactical, strategic intelligence and counterintelligence. Tactical reconnaissance ensures the combat operations of troops at the tactical level, that is, within formations, units, and subunits that are in contact with the enemy. It reveals information about the enemy's combat capabilities (including his plans), his vulnerability and the area of ​​​​operations (including terrain and weather conditions), which facilitates the commander and his headquarters to make optimal decisions on planning and conducting combat operations. This data is either obtained by regular forces and means, or received from a superior. Typically, intelligence information is obtained by interviewing local residents, interrogating prisoners and defectors, intercepting information transmitted by electronic means, studying documents, equipment and weapons captured from the enemy, radar, ground, aerial reconnaissance and aerial photographic reconnaissance.

Strategic intelligence obtains and studies information about the capabilities, vulnerabilities and plans of foreign states. It is conducted in the interests of the highest bodies of state power and the military leadership, and the data it produces are used to develop a foreign policy course, plan and implement national security measures in peacetime and to conduct strategic operations in time of war. Counterintelligence includes all active and passive measures carried out by state bodies in order to combat the intelligence services of other states. It ensures the security of classified information, equipment, objects and persons related to state secrets. The tasks of counterintelligence include the suppression of subversive activities carried out by both foreign powers and disloyal elements within the country and in the territories controlled by it.

Now military intelligence is part of the structure of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Intelligence is the "eyes and ears" of the armed forces, the main means of obtaining information.

Over the years of its existence, the military intelligence service has not changed its official name and passed into the subordination of various government departments and people's commissariats.

In 1950, the GRU special forces were created.

Large emblem of the GRU General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia

Currently, military intelligence is part of the structure of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Intelligence is the "eyes and ears" of the armed forces, the main means of obtaining information.

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU GSh) - the central body for managing military intelligence in the Armed Forces of Russia - solves a number of tasks of a military-political, military-technical, military and military-economic nature, has the ability to conduct space reconnaissance and has quite wide agent network on the territory of foreign countries. GRU special forces are capable of conducting special operations on enemy territory and in combat areas. The number and structure of this service are a state secret.

By the way, in the history of the Soviet Union, an important place was occupied by the activities of counterintelligence structures. So, in April 1943, the Smersh Main Directorate of Counterintelligence was organized, which was entrusted with the task of combating espionage, sabotage, and terrorist activities of foreign intelligence services, combating treason and treason in units and institutions of the Red Army, desertion and self-mutilation on the fronts.

You crawl, scout, to glory,

You clenched your knife.

I would congratulate you now

Just fucking find you!

You are not visible in camouflage

You pretended to be a bush.

I scouted - and that's enough!

Come out, let's drink a hundred grams!

You took the "language" bravely,

Turned out to be flooded.

So, scout, will be with everyone,

Who will go to war with us!


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