1c configuration reports. Creating a simple report on the skd

Before starting a conversation about reporting in 1C, it is important to indicate that reporting can be of three types:

  1. regulated;
  2. standard;
  3. Own.

Each of these types is formed on the basis of the primary documentation entered into the program and serves certain purposes.

Regulated reporting is a set of legally approved printed forms and electronic documents that each organization must periodically submit to regulatory authorities.

Own reporting is developed by each organization separately and serves to display the results of the enterprise's activities at various stages.

Standard reporting is a commonly used form of displaying business transactions.

Regulated reporting

All typical 1C configurations are designed not only for keeping records and entering business transactions, but also for generating reports based on the entered data for transfer to:

  • tax service;
  • Federal Statistical Service;
  • Various funds and supervisory bodies.

Completion of regulated documents, as a rule, takes place at the end of the reporting period (quarter, year). Regulated reporting forms are created by each federal service separately, periodically changed and finalized.

1C specialists carefully study all changes in the legislative framework and, based on these changes, update the regulated reports. Thus, if the user has a valid subscription to information technology support (ITS) and he systematically updates the configuration, he can be sure that reports for submission to regulatory authorities will be generated in accordance with all relevant requirements.

Important! Before generating and submitting reports, check that all business transactions are entered and correctly executed in the program, and also make sure that routine work has been completed, such as closing the month.

Creating and filling out a regulated report

One of the oldest and most important documents for reflecting the economic activity of an enterprise is the Balance Sheet. The current form was developed in 2010 by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and approved by Order No. 66 of 06/02/2010. According to this order, starting from 2013, all organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation must annually submit it to the tax authorities.

In order to open the required regulatory report, we must (in the Accounting 8.3 program) go to the Reports subsystem and select the appropriate command in the 1C Reporting menu (Fig. 1)

Please note that some program interface objects, and, accordingly, the ability to generate regulated documents may not be available if the user does not have access rights to certain subsystems.

In the opened form (Fig. 2) we will see:

  • Which reports are already registered in the database;
  • For what period they were created;
  • Type of report (primary or corrective);
  • The state in which the report is located (delivered, in progress, prepared).


With the appropriate buttons, we can:

  1. Create the report we need;
  2. Load it from a file saved on the computer;
  3. Check whether the upload is correctly formed and whether the checksums correspond to the algorithms embedded in the program;
  4. Print a spreadsheet document generated on the basis of the entered data;
  5. Create and send an upload file.

We can find the “Balance Sheet” we need by clicking on the “Create” button. The result of the click will be a form (Fig. 3)

If in the window that opens on the “Selected” tab there is no item “Accounting statements (since 2011)”, we will have to go to the “All” tab and select this document.

Before proceeding with entering the basic data, the program will prompt you to fill in some fields (Fig. 4)


If the configuration records for several organizations, the "Organization" selection field will be available on the form, in addition, you must fill in the period, the information for which will be used in the formation of the balance sheet.

By clicking on the "Create" button, we will open the corresponding form (Fig. 5).


You should immediately pay attention to one circumstance: “Accounting statements” is not only the “Balance sheet”, but also:

  • Report on the financial results of the enterprise;
  • Statement of changes in equity;
  • On cash flow;
  • On the intended use of funds, etc.

And all these reports can be generated by pressing one button "Fill" (Fig. 6), selecting "All reports".


To fill out a specific document, select "Current".

The completed form of the "Balance Sheet" is presented in Fig. 7


You can add your own data to any field by clicking on the "Add Row" command.

All the numbers available in the key fields can be deciphered by clicking on the corresponding button in the header.

The form of breakdown of receivables is shown in Fig.8.

Rice. eight.

Double-clicking on any decryption amount opens the standard report “Turnover and balance sheet for the account”.

Standard Reports

“Turnover balance sheet”, “Subconto analysis”, “Account card”, “Chess sheet” and many other forms that allow you to analyze accounting data are commonly called standard reports.

Consider the principle of their work on the basis of the "Turnover balance sheet". The form in Fig.1 shows that standard and regulated reports can be called from the same subsystem.

Let's open the object we need (Fig. 9)


Before generating a report, the user can set the period for which data will be taken into account when filling out the form, as well as fine-tune it (by clicking on the "Show settings" button)

In Figure 10, we see that the program provides such a detailed description of the unloading that the settings had to be divided into several tabs.


Let's take a closer look at this structure:

  1. Grouping - the checked box "By sub-accounts" shows that the form will contain data in the context of not only the main accounts, but also their subgroups;
  2. Selection - here the user can specify for which organization, division or account he wants to see data, as well as determine the need to display information on off-balance accounts;
  3. Indicators - it is determined whether figures for accounting or tax accounting will be displayed;
  4. Expanded balance - for which accounts and sub-accounts the output of detailed information is required;
  5. Additional fields - determine the appearance of the form;
  6. Appearance - whether it is necessary to highlight negative values ​​in red and reduce the auto-indent.

As in the regulated report "Balance Sheet" in the turnover, you can call up a form for decoding one or another value.

Own reports

Of course, the mechanisms of standard reports allow you to seriously analyze the economic activity of the enterprise, but sometimes they are not enough. In this case, the user can (with minimal training) independently display the information of interest to him in one way or another. To do this, the program provides several mechanisms:

  • Universal report;
  • Data composition scheme (SKD).

In the second case, in addition to knowledge of the information storage structure in 1C, the user may need access to the configurator, as well as some understanding of the 1C query language. But the reports obtained with the help of ACS are distinguished by great flexibility in setting up their appearance and parameters.

A generic report is less generic, but much easier to work with, and can be called from the same subsystem. In Fig.11 we show the appearance of this object


What we see:

  • Standard period selection;
  • The type of the object for which we want to display information (in this case, the accumulation register, but it can take on the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a directory, information register, document, accounting register);
  • The specific name of the metadata object (“UST data on income”);
  • The table we are referring to is, in this case, “Turnovers” (for accumulation registers, it can also take on the values ​​“Balances” and “Balances and turnovers”).

A more detailed description of what data, with what selections and sorting directions should be displayed in a spreadsheet document, can be specified in the report settings form.

On 1C? how to see the salary of employees in 1s?

Often, when working with 1C, an accountant understands that the functionality built into the standard configuration is not enough. It turns out that it is not known where to look for the necessary data, then you understand that the report does not display all the necessary summary results.

It turns out that many of these tasks are simply solved by creating a custom selection and displaying this data in a report.

There are several ways to make such a custom, "own" selection. Can

in the configurator, write a program code that includes a query that will process the data in the infobase and display the data in the . This is a good method, it allows you to completely manually control the report generation process and make adjustments at any stage of creating the final document. But in order to write the program code of the report and create the final one, you need to have sufficient qualifications, which is often difficult for an accountant or a novice system administrator.

You can also make the necessary report using the so-called ACS. This is an abbreviation. So it is a Data Composition System. Looking ahead, I will say that this method is easier, because. has a graphical method of displaying the structure of the infobase and does not require, in most cases, knowledge of the syntax of the built-in 1C language.

In order not to conduct an unfounded conversation, we will now move on from theory to practice. Simply put, we will create a report on the ACS in the 1C program, a typical configuration of Accounting 8.3. Because the configuration is typical and it is not included in our plans to remove it from support, then we will make the report external. Which, however, will not affect the creation process.

So, let's begin

Report preparation.

First, let's create and save our external report file to disk.

At this point, you need to decide what we will achieve from the 1C database. Those. what data we need to display in the generated report. Suppose, for example, that the responsible employee of the accounting department needed to display a report for a certain period on the salary received by employees in the context of advances and the actual salary, indicating positions and decoding documents. It seems that such a report will be of interest not only to accounting staff.

First, go to 1C Configurator and click on the main menu "File" - "New". In the proposed list, select "External Report" and press the "OK" button to confirm the choice.

We will name the newly created report “Employee Salary Report”, for example, and save it to disk.

Creation of a report on the ACS.

After saving the external report to disk, click the "Open Data Composition Schema" button and confirm the creation of a new schema by clicking the "Finish" button.

In the data composition schema form that opens, let's create a new data set — a query. We will receive the necessary information using an SQL query.

Finally, we got to the formation of a tool for obtaining the sample data we need. In the query builder, we will select the metadata objects that will participate in the result.

Let's select from the column with metadata objects ("Databases") tables containing data for our report. We will need: the accumulation register “Mutual Settlements with Employees” to obtain data on salary movements and the information register “Current Personnel Data of Employees” to obtain information about the position of each specific employee.

Further, similarly, from the details of these two registers, we will select the fields that will form our report. These are Period, Employee, Type of Mutual Settlements, Amount of Mutual Settlements, Current Position and Registrar. We will need a registrar for the subsequent decryption of financial documents.

On the "Connections" tab, we will form the connection of our selected registers in the "Employee" field

On the “Conditions” tab, we will enter the condition for choosing the type of mutual settlements. Let's add the Settlement Type parameter, which we will set later at one of the following stages.

Also, to determine the period, we will create two conditions that, in fact, will limit the required period. Let these be the DateFrom and DateTo parameters. We will also describe them finally in the next step. I note that to set the period, it is convenient to specify the operand "Between".

We don’t need the rest of the tabs; at this stage, the filled data will be enough to generate the report we need.

Press the "OK" button

The SQL query we need will be generated in the field.

Formation of report parameters

Let's go to the "Resources" tab and configure the amount to be withdrawn so that this data is calculated for the employee.


Let's go to the "Parameters" tab. Here we see that the system has automatically added the previously entered Settlement Type parameter and two parameters for determining the period. It remains for us to slightly modify the generated line Type of Mutual Settlements for our report. Because Since we will need a selection for both salary payments and advance payments, we will also need the Type of Mutual Settlements parameter twice.

Copy the line Type of Settlements by clicking on the first right mouse button.

Next, we indicate that we need data on advances and wages. For one line of types of mutual settlements, we will select an advance payment, for the second - a salary. We will also remove the accessibility restriction for the period parameters. This is important because the user can set the period himself.

Formation of the sample type.

For our simple case, you only need to generate a report list without additional settings. Therefore, right-click on the "Report" line and select "Settings Designer". I note for those who are interested that ACS, in fact, allows you to work widely enough with sample data to form the appearance of reports. There are other subtle tools for this. But we are considering the simplest example, so we will limit ourselves to the “Settings Designer”.

In the next window, select the fields that will be displayed in the report. These are Employee, Period, Type of Mutual Settlements, Current Position, Amount of Mutual Settlements and Registrar. After editing, click "Next".

Then, in the next window, define the desired type of grouping. This is in the Employee field. We press "Next".

And, in the last window, assign the ordering field. Sort by the Amount of Mutual Settlements field, in descending order. press "OK".

A few finishing touches and our report will be ready. For better visualization, let's add the Current Position grouping field. To do this, double-click the line "Employee" and add the desired field. Confirm the selection with the "OK" button

They say that the name 1C originally meant the phrase "one second", i.e. programs should produce reports quickly, "in one second". The speed of the reports is very important, but it is even more important that the reports give the correct information - we will deal with this using the example of creating a simple report in 1C 8.3 based on the Trade Management 10.3 configuration. To create correct reports, it is desirable (even highly recommended) to be able to configure 1C and be able to program a little in the internal language and query language of 1C, although, on the other hand, creating reports is a great opportunity to start mastering these skills.

This description is educational for understanding the basic principles of creating reports 1C

How to create a report in 1C 8.3

To create a report, you need to open 1C in the configurator mode, for this, in the 1C launch window, select the desired database in the list and click the Configurator button:

In the configurator itself, go to the File menu and select the New item:

In the menu that appears, select the External report item and press the OK button:

This will open a new report window. In the Name field, enter the name of the report, it must be without spaces and special characters:

How to make a report using a layout

This method most of all requires programming skills in 1C, but here we will not analyze the mechanisms for receiving and processing data, we will make a simple report in order to understand the mechanism for launching the report and displaying the report form on the screen:

In the report window (which opens when creating a report), in the lower list, place the cursor on the Layouts item and, when you right-click, click Add in the menu that appears:

In the layout constructor that opens, you can specify the name of the layout, the Spreadsheet document should be selected as the layout type, and then click the Finish button in the constructor:

This will open a layout window that resembles an Excel sheet:

In this layout, you need to create areas - groups of rows or columns that the program will use as templates, substitute data received from the database into them and display these templates on the screen, thereby putting the report together from these parts.

Let's make a report that displays a list of nomenclature. To do this, we will create two layout areas: a report header and an item line.

To create a header area, left-click on the line header (where the line number is indicated) to select the line like this (the entire line should be selected with one click on the header):

After that, go to the Table menu of the main menu, go to the Names submenu and click on the Assign name item:

The program will prompt you to specify the Name of the area, the name also should not contain spaces and special characters, after that click OK, it should turn out like this:

Now in the created area you need to enter the text that will be displayed in the report and format it. To do this, enter the text in the first cell, for example, "List of nomenclature." Working with cells is similar to Excel.

To format the text in a cell, right-click the cell and click Properties. The cell properties window will open on the right. Scrolling down the contents of the window, find the Font field and click on the "..." button:

In the window that opens, in the Style section, check the Bold checkbox and click the OK button:

The layout should look like this:

In the same way, we create the area of ​​​​the line of the nomenclature, but do not highlight it in bold:

In the line area, you need to indicate that the Name is a parameter, i.e. that the real name of the nomenclature will be substituted there when the report is displayed. To do this, open the properties of the cell with the name and in the properties in the Fill field, select the Parameter value, this completes the layout setup:

We return to the main report window and right-click on the Forms item in the lower list and click Add:

In the report form designer that opens, click the Finish button, the report form will open, double-click the Generate button:

As a result, the button properties window will open on the right side of the screen, in the Action field, click on the magnifying glass:

After that, the form module will open, in which you need to program the report generation:

First, insert the following text of the program code instead of the selected text:

//create a spreadsheet document that will be filled with parts of the report and displayed on the screen
TabDocument = New SpreadsheetDocument;
//next, get the layout that was created when creating the report
Layout = GetLayout("Layout");
// now you need to display the report header, for this we get the header area from the layout and display it in a spreadsheet document
AreaHat = Layout.GetArea("Hat");
//using a query, we get a selection of item names that need to be displayed in the report
Request = New Request;
Request.Text = "
| Name
| Directory.Nomenclature
// get the item line area from the layout - we will refer to it in a loop to display each item
AreaString = Layout.GetRegion("String");
//we process each name from the received selection in a loop
Selection = Query.Execute().Select();
While Selection.Next() Loop
//to display the next line, you need to specify the next name in the area parameter (we configured the parameter itself when creating the layout)
ScopeString.Parameters.Name = Selection.Name;
//parameter filled in, now you can output a string
//spreadsheet document is formed, now we display it on the screen
TabDocument.Show("List of nomenclature");

When the text is copied into the form module, the lines starting with a double slash "//" will be highlighted in green - these are comments, they describe what each line of code does:

Let's summarize what lines of program code are needed to generate a report:

  1. It is necessary to create a spreadsheet document that will be filled with parts of the report and displayed on the screen, this is done with the line “TabDocument = New SpreadsheetDocument;”
  2. We need to get the layout of the report, from which we will get the structure of the report in parts (areas), this is done by the line "Layout = GetLayout("Layout")"
  3. To display each of the areas, you need to get it from the layout and output it to a spreadsheet document, this is done with the lines "AreaHat = Layout.GetArea("Hat")" and "TabDocument.Output(AreaHat)"
  4. If you need to fill in parameters that become known only when the program is executed, then before displaying the area, you need to fill in such parameters, this is done with the line "AreaString.Parameters.Name = Selection.Name"
  5. And only when the spreadsheet document is filled with all the necessary parts of the report, it is displayed on the screen, this is done with the line "TabDocument.Show("Nomenclature list")"

And now you can check the operation of the report - open 1C in enterprise mode (button 1C: Enterprise in the 1C launch window). In the main menu, go to the file menu, click Open:

Find and open the saved report file. In the form that opens, click the Generate button:

and get a list of nomenclature:

This is just one of the ways to create reports in 1C. We will explore others in future articles.

Consider the process of creating a report in 1C 8.3 using the Data Composition System. For example, let's take the following task: the report must enter data from the tabular part of the goods of documents Sales of goods and services for a certain period and for the selected organization. It should also group data by the fields Counterparty, Link to document and Nomenclature.

An example of the resulting report can be downloaded from .

Using the File->New menu, we will add a new external report, give it a name and save it to disk. Let's create a layout scheme using the Open data layout scheme button.

Writing a request 1C for SKD

After creating the layout schema, we need to write a query that will collect data for the report. To do this, on the Datasets tab, create a Query dataset.

Now you can start writing a query, there is a special field for it in the data set. You can write both manually and using the constructor (which is much more convenient). In our report, the query is the simplest:

|CHOOSE | Realization of Goods, Services, Goods. Link, | Realization of Goods of Services Goods. Link. Organization, | Sales of Goods, Services, Goods. Link. Counterparty, | Realization of Goods, Services, Goods. Nomenclature, | Realization of Goods, Services, Goods. Amount, | Sales of Goods, Services, Goods. VAT Rate, | Realization of Goods, Services, Goods. Amount of VAT, | Realization of Goods Services Goods. Price | FROM | Document.Realization of GoodsServices.Goods | HOW Realization of Goods Services Goods | WHERE | Realization of Goods of Services Goods. Link. Date | BETWEEN &StartPeriod AND &EndPeriod | And Realization of Goods of Services Goods. Link. Organization | = &Organization

Customizing Dataset Fields

After writing the request, the ACS will automatically fill in the table with the field settings.

Let me briefly describe some of the settings:

Resource setup

Resource fields in the data composition system are fields whose values ​​are calculated based on the detailed records included in the grouping. In essence, resources are group or general totals of the report. In our case, the resources will be the Amount and AmountVAT fields. Resource totals can be calculated using the SKD expression language functions, the simplest of which are Sum(), Average(), Maximum(), Minimum() and Quantity(). To set report resources, go to the Resources tab and drag the necessary report fields to the resource table. After that, you need to specify an expression (in our case, Sum()), you can also select groupings for which you want to see totals for this resource, this can be done in the Calculate by ... column.

Please note that you cannot create groupings by the fields selected in the resources.

All parameters specified in the request will be displayed on the Layout scheme parameters tab. In our case, these are StartPeriod, EndPeriod and Organization. Let's go through some of their settings:

  1. The Name, Title, and Type columns are filled in automatically and should not be changed unnecessarily;
  2. A list of values ​​is available. If you want to pass a list to the parameter, you need to set this flag, otherwise only the first element of the list will get there.
  3. Meaning. Here you can specify a default value for the parameter. In our example, let's select the Elements value for the Organizations parameter (an empty link to the Organizations directory).
  4. Include in available fields. If you uncheck this flag, the parameter will not be visible in the settings: in the selected fields, selection.
  5. Availability restriction. The flag is responsible for the possibility of setting the parameter value in the ACS settings.

Setting up the report structure

Let's go to the Settings tab, here we can specify report groupings, fields displayed in the report, filters, sorting, etc. The condition of the task says that the report should group data by the fields: Contractor, Link and Nomenclature, we will indicate them one after the other in the grouping area.

On the Selected fields tab, drag our resources (Amount, AmountVAT) from the available fields to the report fields.

Let's add filters by Counterparty and Nomenclature for the convenience of using the report. We will remove the flags for using the selection, the user will set them when required.

This completes the report setup, now you can run it in enterprise mode.

Report generation

For a report on ACS in 1C, it is not necessary to create a form, the layout system will generate it itself. Open the report in 1C Enterprise 8 mode.

Before forming it, press the Settings button and fill in the parameter values. You can also set a filter, if necessary, change groupings, sorting, etc.

See also the video on creating reports on the ACS:

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1C 8.3 data composition system for beginners: first report on SKD

If you have not read the introduction to this module, please read it: .

To complete the lessons you will need 1C 8.3 (not lower than ) .

If you already have 1C version 8.3 installed, use it. If not, download and install the educational version, which 1C releases specifically for educational purposes: .

A shortcut like this should appear on your desktop:

For all the lessons from this cycle, we will use the database "Gastronom" prepared by me. It completely coincides with the base that we used in the modules of the school when studying queries. Therefore, I expect you to be familiar with its manuals and documents.

If you deleted it, download it again using the next one, unpack it and add it to the list of databases.

Finally, the workplace is set up and now we will create our first report together using the data composition system. It will be very simple to demonstrate the general capabilities of the data composition system (abbreviated SKD).

We set a goal

Purpose of this lesson- create a report that, in user mode, displays a list of clients with the following fields:

  • Name
  • Floor
  • Client's favorite color.

The report must be external. This means that it will be created and configured in the configurator, and then saved as a separate (external) file on the computer.

To generate such a report in 1C, the user will need to run the database in user mode, open this file and click the "Generate" button.


Create a report

Run the configurator for the "Gastronom" database:

From the main menu, select "File"->"New...":

Select "External Report":

Create a data layout scheme inside a report

The window for creating an external report opens. Enter as the name: " Lesson 1"and then press the button" Open Data Composition Diagram":

The Schematic Creation Builder has started. Accept the default name " MainData Layout Schema"and press the button" Ready":

The main working window has opened, with many tabs and fields, in which we will configure our data composition scheme.

There is no need to be afraid - there are really a lot of opportunities here, but we do not need all of them. Especially in the first lesson.

Now we are on the tab " Datasets". We will remain on it.

Writing a query through the constructor

The Data Composition System (ACS for short) requires us to data, which it will display to the user.

The easiest way - write a request to the base. In schools, we learned how to write and understand requests - so I expect you to have the appropriate skills.

Click on green plus sign and in the drop-down list, select the item " Add Dataset - Query":

Our task is to write the request text in this field. Have you forgotten how to do it yet?

I'll prompt you:

In this query, we have selected three fields (" Name", "Floor" and " Favorite color") from table " Directory.Clients".

But do not rush to write this text in the "Request" field manually.

Now we will create the same query visually, only with the help of the mouse. This method is called Request constructor".

To call this constructor, press the button " Request constructor..." in the upper right part of the "Request" field:

In the window that opens, drag the table " Clients" from the first column to the second to indicate that it is from this table that we will query the data:

It turned out like this:

Next, let's expand the table Clients" in the second column by sign " A plus" to see all its fields and drag the field " Name" from the second column to the third to indicate that we need to query the "Name" field from this table:

It turned out like this:

Let's do the same with the fields " Floor" and " Favorite color". The result will be like this:

Click the "OK" button to exit the query builder and see that the query text is automatically added to the "Query" field.

Moreover, based on the text of the request, 1C itself pulled out the names of the fields (the area above the request) that will be used by the data composition scheme:

Now that we have made a request, the ACS knows how to get the data for the report.

Setting up the data view

Somehow left visualize this data for the user in the form of a printed form. And this is where SKD can work wonders!

To create such a miracle, go to the tab " Settings" and press the settings constructor button ( Magic wand):

In the window that opens, specify the type of report " List" and press " Further":

In the next window, select (by dragging and dropping) the fields that will need to be displayed in the list (we will drag and drop all of the available fields: " Favorite color", "Name" and " Floor"):

We get the following result and press the button " OK":

The settings constructor closed and the item " Detail records":

The report is ready, let's check it. To do this, first save the report as an external file.

Saving the report as a file

Open the main menu item File"->"Save":

I will save it to my desktop as " Lesson 1":

Checking the report in user mode

Finally, close the configurator and enter our database in user mode:

Username "Administrator", no password:

Through the menu, select the item " File"->"Open...":

And specify the report file (I saved it to the desktop under the name "Lesson1.erf":

The report form opens, press the button " Form":

Ready! Here is our printable with a list of clients, their favorite color and gender:

The printed form can be easily printed. To do this, just select the menu item " File"->"Seal...":

Just like that, without programming, we managed to create a full-fledged report that users can open in their databases, generate and print.

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