The genre of the tale suggests a close narrator. “Pride for Russia and its people in the Tale of the Tula left-hander and the steel flea” N

Features of the image of the narrator in the epic work

skaz- this is a narrative with an orientation towards oral speech (from the word "to tell"), based on folk traditions and legends, close to them in form, which contains sketches of folk life and customs. The genre of the tale suggests a narrator close to the people, a person with a special character and way of speech.

As a genre of Russian literature, skaz is defined by the Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary as " a special type of narration, focused on modern living, sharply different from the author's, monologue speech of the narrator, who came out of some exotic environment for the reader (everyday, national, folk)» .

Noting the originality of the tale as a literary genre, P.P. Bazhov wrote: What a fairy tale tells was treated in advance as a thing that occupies, entertains, teaches the younger ones. But the tale was treated differently, in the tale there are elements of real life, history ... It is based on a true incident, and this closeness to the truth distinguishes the tale from what is a fairy tale in the popular understanding».

In the linguistic-stylistic aspect, the tale was developed in the works of V.V. Vinogradova, B.M. Eikhenbaum and other researchers.

A deep approach to the problem of a tale is characteristic of academician V.V. Vinogradov, who defines the skaz form of narration as follows: A tale is a kind of literary and artistic orientation to an oral monologue of a narrative type, it is an artistic imitation of monologue speech, which embodies the narrative plot, as if built in the order of its direct speaking.» .

Thus, the interpretation of the tale in the linguistic-stylistic aspect basically comes down to two points of view. One of them comes from what is before us " installation on the oral speech of the narrator", the other is based on the fact that " in most cases, a tale is, first of all, an attitude towards someone else's speech, and from here, as a consequence,-to oral speech» .

The verb "say" belongs to the category of one of the most ancient words in the Russian language. From time immemorial, it has performed “a twofold function: a direct, ordinary one (“telling” in the sense of “informing”, “notifying”) and a specific one belonging to the sphere of oral creativity (“telling”)” .

Folklore traditions largely determined the nature of the literary tale, the originality of its style, which is an organic fusion of traditional folk and book elements.

The work of such outstanding writers of the nineteenth century. like N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontov, V.G. Korolenko skaz is established as a full-fledged genre of fiction.

In the 20-30s of the twentieth century. such writers as B. Shergin, P.P. Bazhov, S. Pisakhov, E. Pistolenko. Thus, one of the important specific features of a literary tale is the fusion of the life principle with folklore sources - legends, fairy tales, that is, an organic combination of the real and the fantastic.

The most important feature of the tale genre, which characterizes it both from the side of content and from the side of form, is the image of the narrator, the narrator. In the tale, the narrator is called upon to evaluate events and facts from the point of view of the people. The narrator of a folk tale is an individual, a hero from the people, whose voice merges with the voice of the author. The narrator - the people - the author are inseparable in the tale. V.V. Vinogradov argued that " the narrator is the speech product of the author, and the image of the narrator in the tale is a form of the author's literary artistry. The image of the author is seen in him as the image of an actor in the stage image he creates.». .

The narration can be conducted as if from three points: 1) from a person from the people (N.V. Gogol, P.P. Bazhov); 2) the story can be the voice of the collective, i.e. "we" (M.Yu. Lermontov); 3) the story can be conducted on behalf of the writer (S. Yesenin). .

But no matter whose voice sounds in a tale - a representative of the working people, a collective, or the writer himself - it always presupposes a people's assessment of the events described, a people's view of the phenomena of social life. Therefore, the narrator in the tale is the bearer of the mass consciousness, the collective worldview.

A work of fiction begins with its title.

Of all the literary genres, the tale is perhaps one of the most "sensitive", the most demanding of the title. As for fairy tale images, they are relatively rarely given in a long temporal development, they appear before us most often already formed, with all their common, “generic” and individual qualities; but this does not diminish their artistic merit. The brightest fairy tale images develop into typical characters.

The structure of the tale is complex and multifaceted. In the tale, as in other literary genres, there is a plot, and a climax, and a denouement. It has a portrait and a landscape, a dialogue and a monologue, its own composition, which is unique to this genre. And all these elements are subordinated to the solution of the main artistic task: the reflection of the historical era.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov (1831-1895).

Arkin I.I. Literature lessons in grades 5-6: Prakt. methodology: Book. for the teacher. - M., 2000, p. 130

Double-voicedness as an originality of the stylistics of Leskov's tale: author and narrator. Dignity and mind of a commoner in the folk-ironic style of the tale. His contrasting composition: the confrontation between Imperial and People's Russia. Historical truth and folk tradition in the artistic structure of the tale. Ironic and highly poetic as inseparably contrasting in the style of "Lefty". (1883). Belinovskaya Z.S., Maevskaya T.P. An epic with a human soul. (Materials for lessons based on the tale of N.S. Leskov "Lefty". // Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions of Ukraine. No. 2, 1992, p. 2 - 5

The main theme of Leskov's work is the image of life in post-reform Russia. The writer strives with all his might to preserve the national identity of the Russian people, opposes hostile forces.

Theme and idea of ​​the tale by N.S. Leskov "Lefty".

The theme of originality, talent, selflessness of the Russian people is embodied in "Lefty". This is a tale about a Tula gunsmith, the fate of a talented person from the people. The ingenious master did not have his own name, but only a nickname - Lefty.

Foreword by M.S. Goryachkina to the book. Leskov N.S. Left-hander: (The Tale of the Tula oblique left-hander and the rest of the flea). - M., 1985, p. 7

Turyanskaya B.I., Kholodova L.A., Vinogradova E.A. Komissarova E.V. Literature in the 6th grade: Lesson by lesson. - M., 1999, pp. 103-111

We can distinguish 4 main ideological motifs of the tale "Lefty":

1. The amazing abilities of the Russian people.

2. The true patriotism of Lefty, the people.

3. Ignorance that limited his possibilities.

4. The irresponsible and criminal attitude towards him on the part of the authorities (from the courtier to the policeman), reaching not only beatings, robbery, but, in essence, even the murder of a brilliant master.

The idea of ​​"Lefty", according to Leskov, arose from the saying: "The Englishman made a flea out of steel, and the Russian shoed it." Polukhina V.P. Guidelines for the educational reader "Literature". Grade 6. - M., 1996)

Foreword by M.S. Goryachkina to the book. Leskov N.S. Left-hander: (The Tale of the Tula oblique left-hander and the rest of the flea). - M., 1985, p. 7

“The appearance of the narrator in the tale “Lefty”, his speech merges with the appearance and speech of the main character of the tale. The originality of the perception of life, which is alien to the narrator and the hero, the comic and satirical rethinking of many of its concepts and language creates a special style of the story about Lefty. Comparing later the style of his legend “Buffoon Pamphaloi” and the style of “Lefty”, Leskov wrote: “This language, like the language of the “Steel Flea”, is not easy, but very difficult, and one love for work can induce a person to take on such mosaic work. . But this very “peculiar language” was blamed on me and still forced me to spoil it a little and discolor it.

Leskov uses the techniques of fairy tale narration in it: beginnings, building a dialogue, endings: “The sovereign says:“ What do you need from me, courageous old man? And Platov replies: “I, your Majesty, do not need anything for myself ...”

The author characterizes the style of the tale "Lefty" as "fabulous", that is, fabulous, fable, and considers the character of the hero "epic". But Lefty appears to readers as a living person, and not a conventional fairy-tale hero. And this impression is created largely thanks to the popular colloquial language, given in all its everyday authenticity, thanks to the ability of the narrator to reveal the psychology of the character through dialogue. Both the events and the speech of the characters of the tale are devoid of fantasy. Everything is perceived as quite real and believable. And this perception not only does not interfere with the bizarre language of the tale, but even helps - it enlivens and makes the drawn types of people so unforgettable.

Russian proverbs and sayings are richly used in the language of the tale: “The sky is clouding, the belly is swelling, - the boredom is great, but the road is long”, “He even has an Ovechkin fur coat, but the soul of a human being”, etc.

Foreword M.S. Goryachkina to the book. Leskov N.S. Left-hander: (The Tale of the Tula oblique left-hander and the rest of the flea). - M., 1985, p. 7

Leskov's favorite genre of "skaz", narration in the first person, required a special gift of reincarnation. (Subsequently, this technique was successfully used by other writers, we can say that this genre was transformed into a special kind of story with a first-person narrator). A brilliant master of the "tale" - the story was Zoshchenko; Vladimir Vysotsky also confidently spoke on behalf of his heroes.

P.P. Bazhov(1879-1950) was a native of the Ural workers' settlement. He received a spiritual education, participated in the Civil War, and was engaged in newspaper journalism. Pavel Bazhov came to fiction late, at the age of 57, but he managed to create a whole collection of Tales of the Old Urals. In total, from 1936 to 1950, he wrote over forty tales. The first issue of his collection The Malachite Box was published in 1939. (37 tales).

The writer denied the very possibility of processing folklore: “I don’t know what right I have to process, I have doubts in this regard. After all, this is what they say, but in fact, one cannot create against folk art. Any attempt at change will come out worse than what's out there." Bazhov's tales resemble bylichki and fairy tales that existed in mining settlements only in outward signs. The writer created the plots and many heroes himself, mixing folklore and literary methods of narration.

Tales complement each other, some characters move from tale to tale, fantastic events occur within a common time and space. In general, the epos of the Urals is taking shape. At the center of each tale is the life of working people, in which something fantastic suddenly happens. The strength of the working man, his talent and wisdom are opposed to the strength of oppression, embodied in various masters of life, and the secret strength of nature. The drama of this complex confrontation is the basis of the problems of tales.

The main thematic cycles of P.P. Bazhov:

1. Tales about the natural resources of the Urals.

2. Tales about the masters of the Urals.

3. Tales about the plight of the working people.

4. Tales about breeders and their associates.

5. Tales about family relationships.

It should be noted that all the above-mentioned themes of P.P. Bazhov's poems have very thin, blurred boundaries and can interpenetrate each other, that is, several themes can easily coexist in one tale.

His manner of telling a story about the past (as if in reality - on that mountain, behind that forest ...) creates the impression of a lively oral speech addressed directly to the reader-listener. That is why dialect words, common folk sayings are perceived as an organic feature of the book text (at the same time, Bazhov opposed deliberate folklorism in the literary language)

Pavel Bazhov divided his tales by tonality, according to the structure of speech into three groups: tales of a “childish tone” (for example, “Fire-Rap”), “adult tone” (“Stone Flower”) and “historical stories” (“Markov Stone” ).

The story is told from the point of view of a clearly interested narrator. The reader is conveyed both his sympathy for the poor-goryuny, and disapproval for the inability to do good, to caress. Tactfully, but steadily, the narrator affirms the ideal of life, not a fairy-tale one, but the most real one: “We lived and got on, didn’t make much good; but they didn’t cry for life, and everyone had a job.

The little reader is fascinated by the depicted setting - real and at the same time mysteriously fabulous. Three times he finds himself together with the heroes in different dwellings: the first is the most ordinary, where grief seems to have settled, the second is the Kokovani hut, where it is so comfortable to work and listen to fairy tales, and the third is a forest booth where a unique miracle happens. From the everyday world, where good and evil are intertwined, to the world where a fairy tale is intertwined with reality - such is the logic of compositional construction.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is the greatest master of the literary tale. Many prose writers and poets considered him their teacher.

literature story children's fairy tale

forties, fatal,
military and frontline
Where are the funeral notices
And echelon interchanges.
Rolled rails hum.
Spacious. Cold. High.
And fire victims, fire victims
They wander from west to east...
And this is me at the station,
In your dirty earflap,
Where the asterisk is not authorized,
And cut out of a can.
Yes, this is me in the world,
Skinny, funny and playful.
And I have tobacco in a pouch,
And I have a mouthpiece.
And I'm joking with the girl
And I limp more than necessary.
And I break the solder in two,
And I understand everything.
How it was! How matched...
War, trouble, dream and youth!
And it all sunk into me
And only then I woke up! .
forties, fatal,
Lead, gunpowder! .
War walks in Russia,
And we are so young!

1. What moods are permeated by D. Samoilov's poem? How does the author's intonation change along with the mood?
2. Pay attention to the abundance of epithets in the first quatrain. Is it possible to understand the emotional mood of the author and the theme of the poem if you read aloud only the epithets of this quatrain?
3. Why do you think there are so many words denoting space in the second quatrain ("spacious", "high", "from west to east")?
4. With what feeling does the young poet remember himself twenty years later?
5. Ask your loved ones to tell you about poems and songs dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

answer the questions:

1. What is the meaning of the term "skaz"?
2. By what signs P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower" can be attributed to the genre of the tale?
3. What made master Prokopyich famous?
4. Why were the kids afraid to get trained by him?
6. Why did the boy take root with the master? What united them?
7. What character trait helped Dagilka to comprehend the secrets of malachite craftsmanship?
8. In what did he see the beauty of the stone?
9. Tell us about Danilushka's meeting with the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. What does the Mistress represent?
10. What rituals does the author describe and how do they help to convey the state of mind of the hero?
Story: STONE FLOWERMountain master.

Please help me write an analysis of the poem by G. R. Derzhavin "The River of Time" according to the plan.

The river of time in its striving
Takes away all the affairs of people
And drowns in the abyss of oblivion
Peoples, kingdoms and kings.
And if anything remains
Through the sounds of the lyre and the trumpet,
That eternity will be devoured by the mouth
And the common fate will not go away.

1. What lyrics does the work refer to?
2. What questions does the author raise? What is he talking about?
3. An associative plan for the perception of a work (associations of a philosophical, abstract plan, reminiscences - an element of an artistic system, consisting in the use of a general structure, individual elements or motifs of previously known works of art on the same (or close) topic; a vague memory, as well as a phenomenon suggestive for remembrance, matching with something, an echo)
4. The mood of the lyrical hero.
5. Chronotope. Analyze the temporal space of the verse (pay attention to the grammatical organization of the work - temporal categories). Compare images of time and images of eternity. The subtext of the work.
6. Analysis of linguistic means: images - symbols, metaphors.
7. What tone is given by the phonetic organization of the verse?
8. What does the poem make you think about?

Thinking about what we read

1. Why did the nameless master (left-handed) and his comrades undertake to support Platov and all of Russia with him?

2. Read the scene in the palace. Pay attention to the portrait of the left-hander. How does he deal with the king and his entourage?

3. Why is it that “the master’s name is displayed on each horseshoe: which Russian master made that horseshoe”, but the name of the left-hander was not there?

4. How did the British manage to persuade the lefty to stay in England? What made a special impression on him abroad?

5. How did N. S. Leskov portray General Platov? What is the main thing in his character? What features of the folk hero does the author admire, and which ones does he reject?

Find in the tale episodes depicting the royal environment, details of the text that convey the author's satirical attitude towards his representatives. Read these scenes so that the author's caustic mockery is felt.

The Encyclopedic Dictionary has information about Platov:

    “Platov, Matvey Ivanovich (1751-1818), Russian military figure, cavalry general, ally of A. V. Suvorov and M. I. Kutuzov. In 1790, Platov commanded a column during the assault on Izmail ... In the Patriotic War of 1812, Platov, commanding a cavalry corps, covered the withdrawal of Bagration's 2nd Army, and then the 1st and 2nd Russian armies. In the Battle of Borodino, he carried out a successful maneuver in the rear of the left wing of the French troops. Platov was the initiator and organizer of the Don Cossack militia against the French invaders.

How does this message differ from the image of Platov in the tale "Lefty".

Improve your speech

1. The genre of the tale suggests a narrator close to the people. Read the fragments of the tale where the voice of the narrator is heard. Pay attention to his speech. Which of the characters in the story is he closest to? Support your answer with quotes from the text.

2. The tale of the left-hander is very close to the work of oral folk art. Find in it the methods of fairy tale narration: beginning, repetitions, dialogues, ending - think about the role they play in the work.

3. There are many new words in the tale about the left-hander. Word creation begins where the narrator or hero encounters non-Russian names that are incomprehensible to an illiterate person. The craftsman, talking about things unfamiliar and foreign to him, distorts their names according to his own idea of ​​them. But at the same time, the narrator puts in them a humorous meaning in the spirit of popular understanding, for example: a couch is a “couch”, “messengers” are “whistles”, a table is “dolbitsa”. Continue with these examples. Pay attention to who they belong to.

4. According to Leskov, the idea of ​​"Lefty" arose from the saying: "The Englishman made a flea out of steel, and the Russian shoed it." There are many Russian proverbs and sayings in the language of the tale, for example: “He even has an Ovechkin fur coat, but the soul of a man”, “Morning is wiser than night”, etc. Find more proverbs and sayings.

5. Tell us about the character of a left-hander. You can use the following quotation plan:

    a) “- Burn yourself, but we have no time, - and again he hid his plucked head, slammed the shutter and set to work”;

    b) “He’s wearing what he was: in shawls, one leg is in a boot, the other is dangling, and the ozyamchik is old, the hooks do not fasten, they are lost, and the collar is torn; but nothing, he will not be embarrassed”;

    c) “... I worked smaller than these horseshoes: I forged carnations, with which the horseshoes were clogged - no melkoscop can take it anymore”;

    d) “About this,” he says, “there is no doubt that we have not gone into the sciences, but only faithfully devoted to our fatherland”;

    e) "... And I want to return to my native place, because otherwise I can get a kind of insanity."

Think about what points could be added to this plan.

6. Leskov said: "... where "left-handed" stands, one must read "Russian people". With this in mind, think about why the oblique left-hander in the tale does not have a name and even his nickname is written with a small letter.

Creative task

L. N. Tolstoy called Leskov "the writer of the future." What, in your opinion, is the meaning of the great writer in these words? Prepare a detailed written answer to this question.

Literature and other arts

1. Consider a portrait of a left-hander and illustrations by the artist N. Kuzmin. Pay attention to how the artist depicted the left-hander and other heroes. What is the attitude of the artist to the depicted?

2. One of the critics expressed his opinion about N. Kuzmin’s drawings for the tale “Lefty” in the following way: “Kuzmin’s Lesk touch ... mischievous, unexpected, sharp, but essentially kind ... style ... which the artist entered in order to experience "from the inside** his event".

Do you agree with this statement?

3. Consider the Kukryniksy illustrations for "Lefty". Is it possible to agree with the following statement: “Here the artists are hurt for being left-handed, so that one can almost feel their personal resentment”?

4. Interest in "Lefty" has not decreased for more than a hundred years since its inception. Artists, directors, composers turn to Leskov's tale. It was staged on the theater stages of many cities (the Moscow Art Theater - 1924, the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov, the Moscow Spesivtsev Theater - 1980, etc.). The cartoon and the television movie "Lefty" passed through the screens with great success. If you saw one of them, answer the question: did your ideas from what you read match what you saw?

5. In the old part of the city of Orel, next to the building of the gymnasium where N. S. Leskov studied, and the Church of Michael the Archangel, the surroundings of which became the scene of the writer’s works, there is a monument to N. S. Leskov by the authors Yu. G. and Yu. Yu Nut. If you have seen this monument or its image (on postcards, on the Internet), answer the questions: what is the peculiarity of this monument? Do you recognize the heroes of N. S. Leskov?

The writing

Pride for Russia and its people in "The Tale of the Tula Lefty and the Steel Flea" by N. S. Leskova
1. The carrier of the world glory of Russia. 2. Platov is the bearer of military prowess. 3. Left-handed and respectable Londoners. 4. The appearance of the narrator in the tale "Lefty". 5. Leskov - "the writer of the future."

One of the most poetic instructive works of N. S. Leskov is the tale "Lefty". The idea of ​​"Lefty", according to Leskov, arose from the saying: "The Englishman made a flea out of steel, and the Russian shoed it."

The image of Lefty, the main character of the tale, includes all the features characteristic of the Leskovsky righteous, has one more - the main one: he is the bearer of the world glory of Russia. Therefore, Lefty acts in the tale mainly not among fellow countrymen, but abroad. He is not only a great talent, but also a patriot. As you know, Lefty was very liked by the Londoners, who persuaded him to stay in England, marry an Englishwoman, and promised a prosperous life. Lefty answered all this with a decisive refusal: "We are committed to our homeland."

The Cossack Zemlyanukhin was also not tempted by a prosperous foreign life, although he was praised there, taken to theaters, to dinner parties, and even a meeting of the English Parliament was held in his honor. After that, the British asked him to stay with them, promising him a rich land, but he refused this, saying that "he would not exchange the late hut of the Quiet Don for any treasure."

The fate of the Cossack Zemlyanukhin turned out to be happier than the fate of Levsha. General Platov introduced him to the All-Russian Emperor ... promoted him to the constable by the highest permission, fired him to the Don due to poor health.

In the tale "Lefty", the Russian man-creator, inextricably linked with his native land, is opposed not only by the machine, mechanical culture of Europe, but also by the Tsar of Russia and his retinue. The whole way of thinking of the tsar is in complete contradiction with the way of thinking of the patriot of Russia, General Platov, who tried in vain to prove to the tsar that "the Russians can do everything, but only they have no useful teaching."

Oblique Lefty does not have a name in the tale, and even his nickname is written with a small letter. He is a symbol of the Russian people. The nameless master and his comrades "undertook to support Platov and all of Russia with him" to prove her unsurpassed originality and talent. The nondescript Tula artisan freely, with self-respect, talks with both the tsar and the learned English. He is helped by faith in the strength of his homeland, a deep conviction in the wisdom of the foundations of the people's life in Russia: "Our Russian faith is the most correct, and as our forefathers believed, so must pets believe."

General Platov is the bearer of Russia's military prowess, Lefty is the bearer of her labor prowess. The country is based on them. They are its authorized representatives, not the kings and their retinue. The characters of Platov and Lefty are very similar, despite the difference in their social status. Both of them are kind, honest, selfless people who live not for themselves, but for their homeland.

The "courageous old man" Platov did not amass wealth, he did not amass respect from the royal court, having resigned. Like Lefty, Platov is a man of a broad Russian soul, he is democratic and incorruptible. The royal retinue is alien to him, but she does not favor him either. Noticing Platov's excitement about how the Tula people carried out his order, the "court officials" all turned away from him, because they could not stand him for his courage.

Convinced that “we Russians are no good with our values,” the tsar and his brother gave power in the government to many foreigners. Ministers - Counts Kiselvrode (Nesselrode), Kleinmichel and others, of course, could not be patriots of Russia, defenders of the Russian people. The tsar and his entourage are shown by Leskov as a force deeply alien to the people. There is no life for a talented person in this country. He is robbed, beaten, brutally abused, even when he is in a helpless state.

The genre of the tale itself assumed the type of narrator close to the people, the comprehension of the event in the spirit of the people. Leskov emphasizes the main thing in the guise of those in power: external pomposity, stupidity, evil malice, falsehood. It is these features that catch the eye of Platov and Levsha. Tsar Alexander is ridiculous and stupid, gasping endlessly at the sight of overseas novelties and paying a million rubles in silver patches for an unnecessary dancing "nymphosoria". But his stubborn disrespect for his native people and admiration for everything foreign is no longer funny, but insulting.

The image of "respectable" Englishmen is conducted by Leskov in tones of cheerful humor. These people are honest, hardworking, sincerely wishing well for Lefty. They are solid, but internally wingless people, slaves and admirers of the "practical devices of mechanical science." They made a metal flea to surprise the world, and they were sure that no one could surpass them.

Leskov, using the example of the labor feat of Levsha and his comrades, bitterly shows that the Russian government cannot and does not want to direct the great creative power of the Russian people to transform a backward country. The forces of brilliant people were wasted on trifles, although amazing in their art.

The end of the tale "Lefty" is especially strong artistically. It is in these scenes (Lefty in England and his tragic death), depicting the victory of Russian talent and his subsequent death in his homeland, that the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tale is concluded.

The appearance of the narrator in the tale "Lefty", his speech merges with the appearance and speech of the main character of the tale. The originality of the perception of life, which is alien to the narrator and the hero, the comic and satirical rethinking of many of its concepts and language creates a special style of the story about Lefty.

The author characterizes the style of the tale "Lefty" as "fabulous", that is, fabulous, fable. But Lefty stands before readers as a living person, and not a conventional fairy-tale hero. And this impression is created largely thanks to the popular colloquial language, thanks to the storyteller's ability to reveal the character's psychology through dialogue. Both the events and the speech of the characters in the tale are devoid of fantasy. Everything is perceived as quite real and believable.

Leo Tolstoy called Leskov "the writer of the future", apparently investing in this definition the idea that future generations will understand how much Leskov did to understand the character of the Russian people. Tolstoy's prophecy came true. Today, Leskov has become closer to his native people than he was during his lifetime.

Other writings on this work

Author and narrator in N.S. Leskov's story "Lefty" Pride for the people in the fairy tale by N.S. Leskov "Lefty" Lefty is a folk hero. Love and pain for Russia in N. Leskov's tale "Lefty". Love and pain for Russia in N. S. Leskov's fairy tale "Lefty" Russian history in the story of N. S. Leskov "Lefty" The plot and problems of one of the works of N. S. Leskov ("Lefty"). Tragic and comic in N. S. Leskov's tale "Lefty" Folklore traditions in the work of one of the Russian writers of the 19th century (N.S. Leskov "Lefty") N.S. Leskov. "Lefty". The peculiarity of the genre. The theme of the Motherland in the tale of N. Leskov "Lefty" Lefty 1 Techniques for depicting a folk character in Leskov's story "Lefty" Lefty 2 The plot and problems of one story by Leskov "Lefty"

Literature Lesson Plan Grade 6

Lesson topic:Literary portrait of the writer.

Tale "Lefty": the definition of the genre.

    Program edited by V.Ya. Korovina; 6th grade

    Target: Get acquainted with the biography of N.S. Leskov and determine the originality of the genre of the work "Lefty".



    Get acquainted with the biography of the writer.

    Give an idea of ​​the genre of the work (narrative).

    Learn to analyze a literary work.


    Develop individual and group work skills.

    Develop monologue skills.

    The ability to extract the necessary information from the text.

    Ability to characterize characters.

    Ability to justify your answer.


    Cultivate love for Russian literature.

    To form an interest in the work of the writer.

    To educate the patriotic qualities of students.

    Cultivate self-esteem.

    Ability to work individually and in groups.

    Build a respectful relationship with others.

    Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson Form : conversation.

    Equipment :

    Portrait of N.S. Leskova



Lesson stage


Teacher activity

Student activities


2 minutes.

Greetings. Check your readiness for the lesson.

Welcome teachers. Check readiness for the lesson.

    Knowledge update.

7 min.

At home, you had to carefully read the textbook article about N. S. Leskov and his work “Lefty”.

The purpose of our lesson :

Get acquainted with the biography of the writer, determine the genre and the main idea of ​​the work.

Conversation on the textbook article pp. 224-226 .

What do you know about the writer and his family?

(Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was born into the family of a petty official who came from priesthood in the city of Orel. From his mother, who married against the will of his parents, he inherited passion, and from his father, who refused to become a priest, inherited love of life.

What education did N.S. Leskov?

(Leskov received his education first in the wealthy Strakhov family, then in the Oryol gymnasium, which he did not graduate from. Then he independently replenished his knowledge. He entered the service of the Oryol Criminal Chamber, then transferred to the Kyiv Treasury Chamber, then moved to a private company and traveled on official business all of Russia.)

Student responses.

Student responses.

Student responses.

    Explanation of new material.

25 min.

Teacher's word.

For the first time, we are addressing the study of the work of one of the most interesting Russian writers.

Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov belongs to the best writers of the 19th century.

None of the Russian writers strikes like Leskov, with his skill and amazing variety of subjects of creativity. The life of peasants, artisans, landowners and merchants, officials and clergy, kings and soldiers, detectives and policemen, intellectuals and schismatics rises before the readers of his works... Belief in the "moral prowess" of working people inspired the writer with confidence in the inexhaustibility of the people's forces.

You have already said that Leskov traveled all over Russia.

Everything that he saw and learned was the richest material for his articles and essays, which began to appear in print from the 1860s. Leskov was noticed by readers and journalists, he becomes an employee of a number of newspapers and magazines.

Later, answering a newspaper reporter's question: "Where do you get material for your works?" - Leskov pointed to his forehead: “Here from this chest. Here are stored the impressions of my commercial service, when I had to travel around Russia on business, this is the best time of my life, when I saw a lot and lived easily.

All of you probably know the most famous hero - Lefty. This hero received, with the light hand of the writer, an independent life.

Let's write down the name of the work in notebooks:

Tale of the Tula oblique left-hander and the steel flea.

The tale was written in 1881, although the idea

story arose much earlier, in 1878, when Leskov was visiting the house of a gunsmith in

Sestroretsk. He was interested in the joke, which was used by the people, "like the British from

they made a flea, and our Tula people shod it, and sent it back to them.

Having based this saying on the basis of his work, Leskov outlined the legend of the Tula master in the genre of a tale.

Why do you think Leskov referred to the old gunsmith's story?

(Leskov wanted the legend of Lefty to come as if from the lips of the people. And most importantly, to create the illusion of his non-involvement in the story of Lefty).

The writer himself determined the genre of his work: it is a tale.

Read what a tale is on page 269 of the textbook.

(A tale is a genre of epic based on folk traditions and legends. The narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, a person with a special character and way of speech.)

Write this definition down and study it at home.

Thus, the genre of the tale implies a narrator - a person close to the people. The tale of Lefty is very close to the work of oral folk art. There is a beginning, repetitions, dialogues, an ending. There are many new words in the tale, in the meaning of which the author puts a humorous beginning. For example, he calls the multiplication table "multiplication table". But we will talk about the features of the skaz language in the next lessons.

And now let's work with chapter 1 of the tale.

I will read the chapter to you, and you will listen carefully and answer a few questions.

(teacher reading pp. 226-228).

Answers on questions.

1. Who do you think the narrator could be and why?

(The narrator, most likely, is a simple person, an artisan, a craftsman. This is manifested in his speech. There are many irregularities and vernacular in it - travel, internecine conversations, tangled, etc. There are many words characteristic of folklore works - see in different states of wonders , all the sovereign beckoned home, there was a married man.

In addition, historical characters - Alexander I and Platov - are shown from the point of view of a simple person, their actions and speech cause a smile. For example, Platov said to himself: “Well, here is the Sabbath. Until now, I have endured, but no longer.)

2. When and where does the action of the tale take place?

(In Russia and England soon after the war with Napoleon.)

3. What historical facts are mentioned in the work?

(Congress of Vienna 1814 - 1815, Alexander's trip I with Platov to London, the Decembrist uprising of 1825, called "confusion").

Write down the main points in a notebook.

Write down the title of the work.

Student responses.

Read the definition.

Write down the definition.

They listen carefully.

Student responses.

Student responses.

Student responses.

    Consolidation of new material.

5 minutes.

Let's sum up our lesson.

Why did Leskov choose a common man as the narrator?

What is the unusual genre of this work?


Student responses.

Student responses.


4 min.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What do you especially remember?

What seemed difficult?

Student responses.

Student responses.

Student responses.

6. Homework

2 minutes.

Write out quotes from the text of the work that characterize:

Group 1 (option) - Alexander Pavlovich

Group 2 (option) - Nikolai Pavlovich

Group 3 (option) - Platova

Group 4 (option) - Lefty

And one more additional task:

Prepare a short report on the Congress of Vienna.

Write down homework.

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