Burn bootable dvd. Create a Windows installation disc with useful features

I have tried to explain this to the readers of my site. Explain it the way I understand it. Now it's time to tell how this disk is created. I will tell on the example of the Windows 7 distribution.

You can download the Windows 7 image on the Internet in * .iso format. As you know, information about the boot sector is stored in this format, which means it will not be difficult to burn a disk or flash drive from this image. This can be done with any disc burning program. Fortunately, the Internet is full of them, both free and not very.

So let's get started. The first thing to do is download the Windows 7 distribution and unpack it into some folder (see Fig. 1). By the way, this can be done with the usual WINRAR or 7-zip archiver. There are also archivers on the Internet. 7-zip is generally free. As a result, you should get something like this (Fig. 2):

As I said, you can use a ready-made image downloaded from the Internet, but our task is to learn how to create a boot disk (preferably a disk image) ourselves. What is it for? Let's say you made some changes to the distribution and now you need to make sure that the resulting disk is also bootable, like the original one. For example, you removed the ei.cfg file from the distribution kit. By deleting this file, you can install not only Windows 7 Ultimate, but also Started, Professional, etc., depending on which assemblies the install.wim distribution file includes.

But back to "our sheep". Let's say all the changes have been made to the distribution and it (the distribution) looks like in Figure 2. I will create the image in the Nero Burning ROM program. It's more convenient for me, I'm used to it. If you understand the principle, you can repeat the same thing in any other program. Running it, we see the following window (Fig. 3):

Click on the "New" button, as shown by the red arrow in Fig. 3. This means the creation of a new project. A window will open as in Figure 4. Here we will dwell in more detail:

The first thing to do is select the DVD disc type in the top left corner of the window (Figure 4). Then, in the left part of the window, click on the DVD-ROM (Boot), thereby selecting the creation of a boot disk. After that, we get to the "Load" tab of our project. Here, by clicking the "Browse" button, open the boot folder in the place where we copied the windows 7 distribution kit. In it, select the etfsboot.com file (underlined with a red stripe) in the picture. This file is an image of the boot sectors of our disk.

Select emulation type "No emulation". "Loading message" and "Sector loading segment (hex!)" are left as in the picture. We set the number of boot sectors to 8. Now I will explain why this is so. To do this, we need to open the boot folder with this file of our distribution kit (Fig. 5):

The fact is that the number of sectors depends on the size of the etfsboot.com file. A standard sector is 512 bytes or 0.5 KB. As can be seen from fig. 5, the etfsboot.com file is 4 KB in size. It is easy to calculate that the entire file will take up 8 sectors (4/0.5=8). Here is the arithmetic. Let's return to fig. 4. As we can see, there are other tabs here. In principle, you can leave everything as it is, if you want, then on the "Sticker" tab you can set the name of the disk. After all the settings are made, click on the "New" button fig. 4, the window fig. 6:

First you need to select a recording device, i.e. your DVD burner, or in my case Image Recorder. By selecting it, I will not hang the image on a physical disk, but create an * .iso file, you see, it’s more practical. You can always write to disk.

Next, open your Windows distribution folder. In my case, this is folder 555 on drive D. As shown in the figure, select all the files and drag them into the project window with the mouse. By the way, my disk is called Windows 7. I wrote down this name in the "Sticker" tab in fig. 4. As soon as the files are added to the project, below you can see the total size of the disk or image, as in our case. Don't forget to select the type of DVD disc (lower right corner of the picture).

When all the settings are done, it remains only to click on the "Record" button. Click and get into the next window (Fig. 7). Here you need to check that the "Record" checkbox is ticked and click the "Burn" button. Since we are creating an image, a window will open where you will need to select the type of image file and come up with a name for it (Fig. 8).

Figure 8 shows the arrow to select the file type. You need to select ISO (I remind you that this is due to the fact that information about the boot sectors of a DVD disc is stored in this format. Choosing any other format will destroy this information.), come up with a name for this image and click the "Save" button. After that, the process of creating a disk image will begin. Now it remains only to wait for the end of this process, after which the following window will appear (Fig. 9):

Everything, the creation of the image of Windows 7 is completed, with which I congratulate you.

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If Microsoft abandons the OS, owners of OEM and Recovery versions face a serious problem: these stripped-down options, as a rule, are not equipped with the recovery tools that the full-fledged Windows 7 offers in the System Recovery Options section. Instead, computer vendors create a hidden Recovery partition from which you can restore factory settings. In doing so, however, not only will you lose all your data, but you will also have to clean your PC again from the pre-installed trial versions of the software. It would be much more convenient to have a full-fledged Windows at hand along with an emergency system that allows, for example, to restore the boot sector on the HDD without external utilities.

With the ISO file prepared by Microsoft and programs handpicked by CHIP experts, you can completely free and legally construct a Windows 7 boot disk that is guaranteed to provide all the features. Please note that you will need a valid license key to create such a DVD. After starting, this disk will prompt you to select any of the known editions of Windows 7 for installation. If your computer came with an OEM version of Home Extended, you can only install it. But you have the right to install any other version without a key and use it for 30 days. The Windows PE environment, ready for use even before the actual installation of the system, is not so picky: using your disk, you can restore the Windows 7 partition on your friend's computer.

What to do if Windows won't boot

To start a stopped operating system, boot the appropriate computer using the installation disk you created and select System Recovery Options. Here you will be offered a choice of various tools for resuscitation of data, such as, for example, "Startup Repair" or rollback to a previous state ("System Restore"). All options from this menu are completely missing in most OEM and Recovery versions.

If you want to reinstall Windows, take this opportunity to say goodbye to the now-unnecessary Recovery partition and win 10 GB of disk space by doing so.

Of course, you should have a pre-prepared Windows installation disk at hand. Creating it is not so difficult - in this guide we will describe the whole process step by step.

Web Boot and Prepare: Windows Image File

The installation disk will be based on the ISO file downloaded from the Microsoft website. All versions of the "seven" will be available to you.

1 DOWNLOAD WINDOWS FOR FREE In order to familiarize yourself with Microsoft products, on answers.microsoft.com/ru-ru you can find links to free downloads of images of various versions of Windows 7. Enter the keywords "Windows 7 image" in the search box of the service. In the results obtained, you will find information about where you can download different versions of the OS. In addition, official images of the system, and in different editions - from "Home Extended" to "Maximum", can be obtained by clicking on the short link b23[.]ru/p9kf. The only drawback is that only English versions are presented here. You can download the localization file separately. You can download any version of the OS, because the install.wim file needed for our installation disk will allow you to install any version, if you make small changes (see step 4). When choosing a file to download, pay attention to the language and bit depth (32 or 64 bits). For security reasons, we strongly recommend downloading the version with the built-in service pack (Service Pack 1).

2 CREATE A WORKING FOLDER Now we need to create two directories. The first one (just call it "Win7") will then save the Windows installation files, the second one is needed for the command line utility - dism.exe. Name the second folder "mount". To make the next steps of the process quick and easy, you must have at least 10 GB of free hard disk space. We recommend that you perform the following steps as an administrator so that you will not be annoyed by the UAC service messages.

3 UNPACK WINDOWS Install the 7-Zip program and use it to unzip the downloaded file with the Windows 7 image to the Win7 folder. To do this, simply select "7-Zip | Zip" from the context menu. Extract files", and then in the "Extract to ..." field specify this folder.

Note. When checking, we first tried to unpack the 64-bit version of Home Premium without the service pack (X15-65741.iso). 7-Zip didn't like the presence of the UDF file and refused to run. The second attempt with the X17-58997.iso file (Home Premium with Service Pack 1) was successful. Therefore, we can safely recommend that you use this particular version.

4 DELETE THE CONFIGURATION FILE Owners of Windows 7 Ultimate now need to open the Win7\sources folder in Explorer and delete the ei.cfg file from it. Thanks to this, this system will also become available for selection in the installation wizard. If you have a different version, you can skip this step. You should also get rid of this file if you plan to later upgrade to another version of Windows. Then you do not need to follow step 7 (“Entering the key and activation”) in order to be able to enter the newly acquired key. Also, the configuration file should be deleted for those who are going to help those who are familiar with debugging Windows.

Creating a multi-installation file

The command line utility will read the Windows setup file and you can create a disk that suits your needs.

5 READ INDEX Microsoft has placed all the data necessary for installing Windows in the install.wim file. You can open and modify it using the dism.exe command line utility, but you must know the index of your version of Windows to do so. In order to find out, run the command prompt as an administrator and enter the command:

dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:X:\win7\sources\install.wim

Here, instead of the “X:\” parameter, specify the drive letter on which the Win7 folder is located. Mark for yourself the version number of Windows that you want to use - for example, for the "Home Premium" option, this is "2".

6 MOUNTING THE INSTALLATION FILE To modify the install.wim file, it must be connected (mounted) to the system. Enter the command:

dism /mount-wim /wimfile:X:\win7\sources\install.wim /index:2 /mountdir:X:\mount

If you want to select a different version of the system, after the "index:" parameter, specify the appropriate value. The dism.exe utility included with Windows will then unpack the install.wim file, which may take some time. On our test machine, the process took about ten minutes to complete.

7 ENTER THE PRODUCT KEY In order for the disk to automatically indicate the license key during installation, run the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder program and use it to read the key of the version of Windows you have installed.

Attention! This program refers to the license key as "CD Key". At the command line, enter the line:

dism /image:X:\mount /set-productkey:license key

Replace the "license key" parameter with the product key read by Keyfinder. Note that in the case of the corporate version, obtaining it may fail - then the program will display the characters "B".

Note. If you're planning to upgrade to a different version of Windows 7 later, or if you're planning to help a friend fix the operating system, skip this step.

8 SAVE THE CHANGES Finally, write the modified install.wim file to the \mount folder. And for this you will again have to use the command line window. Run it as administrator and type:

dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:X:\mount /commit

In addition, the "unmount" command will disconnect (unmount) the setup file from the system. After that, you can safely start burning the image to DVD media.

DVD Burning: Correct Format

It would seem that the image of the Windows installation disk is ready, and you just have to insert the DVD “blank”, run the burning utility, select the desired image and start the burning procedure. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple - you first have to do the configuration.

9 ACTIVATE THE UDF FILE SYSTEM To burn a disc, we recommend using the free ImgBurn utility. It can be downloaded from the official website imgburn.com. Do not forget to unpack the localization file into the appropriate program folder. Insert an empty DVD into the drive, run ImgBurn and select the Russian language in the settings. Then click on the big "Burn Files/Folders to Disc" button. On the "Options" tab in the "File system" line, set "UDF" or "ISO 9660 + UDF". The second option is suitable for those who want to create an installation disk in an outdated Windows, such as XP. During our test, both options worked without any problems. Also, check the boxes for "Include hidden files" and "Include system files".

10 KEEP THE STRUCTURE To ensure that all folder levels are taken into account when burning the installation disk, you need to make sure that on the "Advanced - Restrictions" tab in the "Folder / file name length" section, the option "X level: 219 characters" is selected. Specify "DOS" as the "Character Set" parameter. In addition, check the boxes next to "More than 8 levels of folder nesting", "Do not limit file size" and "Do not append version number ";1" to files".

11 WE PROVIDE DVD WITH SELF-LOADING CAPABILITY F On the "Boot Disk" tab, check the "Make image bootable" checkbox. Click on the icon next to the "Boot Image" line, navigate to the Win7\boot folder and select the etfsboot.com file in it. It contains a boot sector for DVD media, and when you start the Windows installation disk, it will automatically search for it.

Note. Typically, on new EFI motherboards and Apple computers, the etfsboot.com file cannot be found by the Boot Manager (setupldr.bin). This error is corrected by the option "Do not add version number ";1" to files" selected at step 10. It is because of this feature that we chose ImgBurn to burn our disc.

12 BURN THE INSTALLATION DISC Make sure that in the line "Load. segment" is the hexadecimal value "07C0". If not, enter this option. Increase the number of sectors to be loaded to eight, and then open the Win7 directory in Windows Explorer. Select all the files and folders in it, and use the mouse to drag them to the "Source" field of the ImgBurn program. To write data to disk, it remains only to click on the corresponding icon. Before you delete the \mount and Win7 folders you created, make sure that our brand new installation disk is working. To do this, in the BIOS, select the DVD drive as the "First Boot Device" and restart the computer. If everything was successful, you will see the Windows Setup dialog box on your monitor. Now, if the system crashes, you can restore it by selecting "System Recovery Options".

Its main purpose is to install or reinstall the Windows 7 operating system (OS). It can also help to reset a forgotten or lost administrator password. You can also use this media to enter the OS Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE), which is the minimum set of operating system functions used to prepare a computer for installing the OS, start its installation, and roll back to a previously created restore point.

The first and most important condition is the presence of a so-called Windows 7 installation image file. This is a file containing all the necessary data for installing the OS. It has the filename extension .iso and is about 4 GB in size. It can be downloaded from various Internet sources, such as torrent trackers. Typically, such sources provide the so-called hashes (checksums) of the image, which, after downloading, must be checked to make sure the image is authentic and there are no download errors.

We need a DVD disc (namely a DVD, not a CD, which is explained by the size of the file - the system image), and one of the programs for transferring (and not copying - the bootloader is also recorded on DVD) this image to DVD. This disc can be either for one-time recording (DVD-R) or rewritable (DVD-RW), and its recording speed does not matter much, since it is produced at the lowest speeds. The rest of the article discusses several different ways to accomplish the required task.

Ways to create a boot disk

Now let's go directly to the description of methods for creating an installation disk using third-party utilities such as:

  • UltraISO
  • CDBurnerXP
  • ImgBurn
  • Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool

All of them are easily downloaded from the Internet and have a simple and intuitive interface that does not require any complicated actions from the user. In addition, the installation disk can be made using the tools built into the seven.

Burning a boot disk with UltraISO

After starting this program, its main menu is displayed, in which you must select the "File" element, and select "Open" in the submenu that opens.

A window opens for selecting the boot image of the seven, in which you need to point to the required iso file and click the "Open" button. Then this window closes and you return to the main menu of the utility. After that, click on the "Tools" item in the main menu and in the drop-down list click on "Burn CD image ...".

In response to this, a window appears with the recording parameters:

It needs to be set:

  • The Drive option is a DVD device with a future boot disk installed.
  • Write speed "Minimum".
  • Recording method "Disc-at-Once".

After that, you need to click the "Record" button. The burning process starts, which usually takes a few minutes. At the end of it, the tray of the DVD device opens, which is a signal that the process is completed.

Creating a boot disk with ImgBurn

Before you run this utility, you need to install a blank DVD into the DVD device. In the Russian version of the program, its main window looks like this:

It is necessary to click on the picture “Burn image to disk” in this window, after which a window appears for setting the parameters of the image burning process:

Here you need to set the following parameters:

  • In the "Source" parameter, select (yellow button) the desired image file.
  • In the "Destination" parameter, we set the DVD device.
  • Set the "Verification" checkbox so that at the end of the recording process, the recorded image is compared with its original file.
  • In the "Recording speed" parameter, set the lowest speed.
  • We click on the picture with an arrow in the lower left part of the window to start the recording process.

The process of burning the image starts, which also takes several minutes. After burning, the program pulls out the tray of the DVD device, then pushes it back in and starts the process of checking the recorded image. Upon successful completion of the check, the utility plays a melody as a signal that the recording process is completed.

How to burn an installation disc using the CDBurnerXP utility

Despite the presence of "XP" in the name, starting from XP, this utility is functional in all versions of the OS. As for its interface, it is not much different from the ImgBurn interface. This is what the main CDBurnerXP window looks like:

Of course, to make the installation media, you should click "Burn an ISO image" in this window, and then click the "OK" button. In response to this, a window is displayed for setting the recording parameters:

What needs to be done now:

  • Using the Browse button, specify the file with the iso-image of the seven.
  • In the "Recorder" parameter, specify the DVD drive, and to the right of it - the minimum speed.
  • Set the Write Method to Disc at Once.
  • Check the box "Validate data after recording".

Other parameters are set by the user at his discretion. The process of burning the image begins by pressing the "Burn Disc" button. At its end, a check is made - comparison of the recorded image with its source in the file.

USB/DVD Download Tool

This utility was developed by Microsoft. It can be downloaded from the Internet and installed. The recording process in this utility is divided into several steps, each of which has its own window.

Step 1 of 4. In this window, you need to specify a file with an iso image. To do this, click the Browse button, select the desired file and click "Next". In some cases, the program does not like the specified files, about which the user receives a message. If he is sure that the image file is downloaded correctly and not distorted, then the only thing that can be done is to use another utility;

Step 2 of 4. This step selects the type of media that will be used as bootable. It can be a USB stick (for example, a flash drive) or a CD. To create an installation DVD, press the DVD button;

Step 3 of 4. At this step, the utility asks you to install a blank DVD. Do not try to install an already burned DWD-RW disc - you need to erase it beforehand. We insert a blank DVD-R or DVD-RW blank and press the "Try again" button. The utility will make sure that the disk is clean and display a "Begin burning" button. We press it, the next step begins;

Step 4 of 4. This is the process of burning the image itself. We are waiting for the message “Bootable DVD created successfully”, which means the completion of the process of creating the installation disk of the seven.

Capturing an image using built-in OS tools

It should be noted right away that this method, although it does not require the installation of third-party programs, is not reliable and sometimes requires repeated repetition due to errors that occur.

To make the installation disk native to the OS, follow these steps:

  • Insert a blank DVD-R (or DVD-RW - whichever is better) into the drive.
  • When using a DVD-RW, erase all data recorded on it. To do this, in the "Computer" window, right-click on the DVD drive and select "Erase this disc" from the list that appears. A message will appear stating that all information on the disk will be deleted. We click on "Next" and wait for the window with a message about the successful completion of erasing, then click "Finish".
  • Double click the left button on the iso image. If no program is associated with this file, then a window opens with a choice of a program for recording. In it, select "Windows Disc Image Burner" and click "OK".
  • The Disc Image Burner window will appear. In it, you need to set the parameter "Disc writer", check the box "Check disc after burning" and click the "Burn" button. The disc burning process will begin.
    Sometimes all of the above actions have to be repeated due to errors that occur.

  1. The need to set the minimum write speed is explained by the fact that DVD discs do not always support the write speed declared by the manufacturer. It follows from this that errors can occur during recording, which can be detected only after the recording is completed - at the verification stage. If using a DVD-R, this will result in the CD having to be thrown away.
  2. The recording process must not be interrupted in any case - this usually leads to the same thing as described in paragraph 1.

In contact with

Installing Windows is an inevitable occurrence for every personal computer. The most popular operating system from Microsoft is Windows 7. This version has a simple interface and support for almost all devices and programs.

As a rule, Windows installation occurs either from a DVD disc or from a USB flash drive. The flash drive provides the ability to install on computers that do not have a DVD drive. But if the user formats the flash drive sooner or later, then the DVD disc will most likely always be stored, allowing you to reinstall the operating system at any time.

What is a boot disk

The boot disk is the media that contains the boot files of the operating system. Simply put, this is a disk or USB drive with a Windows installer. A boot disk allows you to install an OS without having an operating system on the hard disk itself. That is, even in the most critical situations, you can reinstall your Windows.

What you need to create a boot disk

To create a boot disk you will need:

  • Windows image. For ease of recording, it is recommended to download images of the operating system in ISO format. At the moment, there are a huge number of different assemblies of Windows 7. It is strongly recommended to download images as close as possible to a licensed copy of Windows. This option provides the highest stability of the operating system. You can download the Windows image from numerous torrent trackers.
  • DVD disc. Both DVD-R and DVD-RW can be used.
  • image recording software. At the moment, there are many different programs that provide the ability to burn Windows 7 images to discs, as well as flash drives. Among the programs there are applications, both provided directly by Microsoft and third-party developers.

Disc burning methods

The methods for writing boot images to disk differ only in the program that is used. The principle of action in most programs remains the same: the program writes files, creating a boot file that will allow you to start installing Windows even without an operating system on the computer.

Video: How to make a Windows 7 installation boot disk

Burning the ISO Image to DVD

There are many programs that can be used to burn a boot disk, we will look at just a few of them. How to create a windows 7 boot disk using Nero? How to create from ISO image in Nero?

To burn a disc, you must perform the following operations:

How to create a boot disk using Ultraiso for windows 7?

To create a Windows 7 boot disk using the UltraISO program, you must perform the following operations:

Creating a disc by copying

In addition to writing the installation files of the operating system to disk, the user also has the ability to create backup copies of the current operating system with the possibility of further recovery. It is recommended that you perform a backup immediately after installing Windows and all drivers. There are many programs for creating backups, one of the most popular is Acronis.

How to create a windows 7 boot disk using Acronis?

Acronis can create backup copies of your current operating system for later restoration. In order to restore a backup, you must also create an Acronis boot disk that will boot without a Windows operating system in case your system stops booting. You can save a backup copy of your system both on your hard drive and on a flash drive.

Creating an Acronis Boot Disk

Create a backup

To create a backup copy of your disk from the current operating system for further recovery, you must perform the following steps:

Restoring Windows from a Backup

Restoring from a previously created backup of your disk from the operating system can be performed in two ways: from the Windows environment or from the bootable media that you created in the previous paragraph. Recovery from bootable media is performed if your operating system does not boot.

To restore a copy of a hard disk partition from a computer (from Windows), do the following:

  • open Acronis True Image;
  • select the "My backups" section;
  • click on the "Restore" button next to your copy;
  • in the next window, select what you are going to restore;
  • Click "Restore Now" to start execution. After the reboot, the recovery process will begin.

To restore a copy of a hard disk partition from bootable media, do the following:

How to Create a Windows 7 Boot Disk Using Daemon Tools

To create a boot disk using Daemon Tools, do the following:

Create an installation disk through alternative programs

In addition to the suggested programs, there is also an official application for burning Windows 7 setup files from Microsoft - Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool.

DTo create a boot disk using this program, you must:

At the moment, there are many different programs that allow you to create a boot disk or a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7. Using these instructions, you can create several different options for bootable media with operating system installation files.

The most important point is the choice of the operating system image itself. We strongly recommend that you do not download various builds that include a set of programs. Windows copies as close as possible to the licensed version will provide the highest level of stability during operation.

The need to install or reinstall the operating system on a computer can arise at any time. In this case, having a bootable USB flash drive or disk on hand will help a lot. The site already has an article on how to create a bootable USB flash drive. But keep in mind that you may need to reformat it to write other data, or you will simply lose it.

If your computer or laptop has a DWD-RW drive, then it would be a great option to have a boot disk with the desired operating system at home, just in case. In this article, we will look at how to create a Windows boot disk using various programs.

To create it, you will need a computer with a working operating system, the disc itself, the volume of which should be larger than the files you have that you are going to copy. Also, you will need a burning utility and an image of the operating system you want to burn. A suitable program can be downloaded from the Internet, preferably from official sites. The system image can be downloaded via torrent, most likely it will be a file with the .iso extension.

Using the Astroburn Lite utility

So let's make a Windows boot disk using Astroburn Lite. You can read about the Astroburn Lite program and its installation on your computer by clicking on the link. Insert the disc into the drive and launch Astroburn Lite by clicking on the appropriate shortcut on the desktop.

In the main window, go to the "Image" tab and opposite the "Image" field, click on the magnifying glass "Overview".

Through Explorer, find the folder on your computer in which you have the appropriate ISO file, click on it with the mouse and click "Open".

In the Speed ​​field, select the speed to record. Here it is better to choose the smallest value from the list.

I don't have an empty disk, so the window shown below looks like this. Yours will look a little different. Check the check box. In this case, immediately after recording, the program will check for errors.

Click "Start Recording" and wait for the process to complete.

This is how we burned the Windows boot disk from an ISO image using the Astroburn Lite utility.

With UltraISO

Now let's make a bootable disk using UltraISO. Download and install it on your computer.

After launching UltraISO, the following window will appear. Click on the button "Trial Period".

Go to the "File" tab and select "Open" from the menu.

Locate the ISO file of the operating system you want to burn on your computer and click Open .

In the menu above, click "Burn CD image".

Check that the drive and file for recording are correctly selected, select the minimum recording speed. You don't need to change anything in the Record Method field. Click "Record" .

Wait a little and everything will be ready.

I will end with this. I think now you understand how to make a bootable disk from an ISO image with the Windows operating system using one of the programs described in the article.

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Webmaster. Higher education in the specialty "Information Protection". Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

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