What are polysyllabic words in Russian? The meaning of the word "polysyllabic"

a syllable is a sound or several sounds pronounced in one expiratory impulse.

From the point of view of sonority, from the acoustic side, a syllable is a sound segment of speech in which one sound stands out with the greatest sonority in comparison with its neighbors - the preceding and following ones. Vowels, as the most sonorous, are usually syllabic, and consonants are non-syllabic, but sonorants (r, l, m, n), as the most sonorous of the consonants, can form a syllable. Syllables are divided into open and closed depending on the position of the syllabic sound in them. An open syllable is one that ends with a syllabic sound: va-ta. A closed syllable is a syllable that ends with a non-syllable sound: there, bark. An open syllable is a syllable that begins with a vowel sound: a-orta. A covered syllable is a syllable that begins with a consonant sound: ba-tone.

The structure of a syllable in the Russian language obeys the law of ascending sonority. This means that the sounds in a syllable are arranged from least sonorous to most sonorous.

The law of ascending sonority can be illustrated in the words below, if sonority is conventionally designated by numbers: 3 - vowels, 2 - sonorant consonants, 7 - noisy consonants. Water: 1-3/1-3; boat: 2-3/1-1-3; ma-slo: 2-3/1-2-3; wave: 1-3-2/2-3. In the examples given, the basic law of syllable division is implemented at the beginning of a non-initial syllable.

The initial and final syllables in the Russian language are built according to the same principle of increasing sonority. For example: summer: 2-3/1-3; glass: 1-3/1-2-3.

When combining significant words, the syllable division is usually preserved in the form that is characteristic of each word included in the phrase: us Turkey - us-Tur-tsi-i; nasturtiums(flowers) - na-stur-tsi-i.

A particular pattern of syllable separation at the junction of morphemes is the impossibility of pronouncing, firstly, more than two identical consonants between vowels and, secondly, identical consonants before the third (other) consonant within one syllable. This is more often observed at the junction of a root and a suffix and less often at the junction of a prefix and a root or a preposition and a word. For example: odessite [o/de/sit]; art [i/sku/stvo]; part [ra/become/xia]; from the wall [ste/ny], therefore more often - [so/ste/ny].

In the flow of speech, stress differs between phrasal, tactic and verbal.

Word stress is called emphasis when pronouncing one of the syllables of a disyllabic or polysyllabic word. Word stress is one of the main external signs independent word. Function words and particles usually do not have stress and are adjacent to independent words, forming one with them phonetic word: [under the mountain], [on the side], [here z].

The Russian language is characterized by forceful (dynamic) stress, in which a stressed syllable stands out compared to unstressed syllables with greater tension in articulation, especially the vowel sound. A stressed vowel is always longer than its corresponding vowel unstressed sound. Russian accent heterogeneous: it can fall on any syllable (in go out, go out, go out). Variation of stress is used in Russian to distinguish between homographs and their grammatical forms ( o organ - organ n) and individual forms of various words (m oh my), and in some cases serves as a means of lexical differentiation of a word (x and os - hao s) or gives the word a stylistic coloring (young e c - well done). The mobility and immobility of stress serves as an additional means in the formation of forms of the same word: the stress or remains in the same place of the word (or o d, -a, -y, -om, -e, -s, -ov etc.), or moves from one part of the word to another (g o genus, -a, -y, -om, -e; -a, -o in etc.). The mobility of stress ensures the distinction of grammatical forms (to u pite - buy those, but gi - legs and so on.).

In some cases, the difference in the place of verbal stress loses all meaning: cf.: TV oh horn and creativity oh and so on and in what, oh boom and about y x and so on.

Words can be unstressed or lightly stressed. Usually, function words and particles are unstressed, but they sometimes take on stress, so that a preposition with an independent word following it has the same stress: [n a-winter], [z and the city], [P oh d-evening].

Two- and three-syllable prepositions and conjunctions, simple numerals in combination with nouns, connectives be and become, and some of the introductory words can be weakly stressed.

Some categories of words have, in addition to the main one, an additional, side stress, which is usually in the first place, and the main one in the second, for example: drêvner in Russian. These words include:

    1) polysyllabic, as well as complex in composition ( aircraft manufacturing),

    2) complex contractions (gostelets e ntr),

    3) words with prefixes post-, super-, arch-, trans-, anti- and etc. ( transatlantic, post-October),

    4) some foreign words (postskr and ptum, postfa ctum).

Bar accent is called the emphasis in pronunciation of a more semantically important word within a speech beat. For example.

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