The harm and benefits of a solarium: is there anything to be afraid of? Solarium: harm and benefit for women, contraindications What is the danger of tanning in a solarium.

Everyone likes the bronzed skin tone that comes from being in the sun. You can enjoy an even and beautiful tan all year round, the work of the sun is performed by special units - solariums. Lamps that emit an ultraviolet spectrum of rays, similar to the sun, allow anyone to get the desired degree of tanning, regardless of the weather. With the popularization of the solarium, a lot of controversy arose whether such a tan is useful and whether harm is done to the body.

Moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays has a beneficial effect on many body systems. Respiratory processes are activated, blood circulation intensifies, metabolic processes proceed more intensively in the cells. The endocrine system responds positively to the solarium. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D3 is produced in the body, which is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to this, muscle and bone tissue is strengthened, healing and recovery processes are accelerated.

Solarium benefits

Human immunity also depends on exposure to the spectrum of UF rays. With a lack of ultraviolet radiation, important processes are disrupted, which leads to a weakening of the immune forces. Solarium allows you to mobilize protective functions and tones the immune system.

Another fact that explains why it is useful to go to the solarium is the improvement of the mental state. Being in a solarium capsule, you can imagine yourself on the seashore and relax. Ultraviolet helps to relieve tension in the muscles and weakens the effect of stress factors. Seeing a tanned body in the mirror, which looks more slender, improves mood and improves well-being. Many people suffering from seasonal depression are advised to visit a tanning bed to extend the insolation.

Some experts argue that a visit to the solarium is mandatory, especially in winter, and is recommended for people with skin diseases - psoriasis and acne, as well as those who are at risk of developing hypertension.

Cosmetologists advise visiting a solarium for those who have a capillary network on their arms or legs. Ultraviolet has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on blood vessels.

Solarium damage

All of the above are benefits. Solarium damage is as follows:

  • with excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the resources of the skin are depleted, it becomes drier, collagen fibers are destroyed, premature aging can occur - photoaging;
  • ultraviolet in high doses provokes the formation of benign and malignant neoplasms, activates the growth of moles, in the worst cases can lead to melanoma - skin cancer;
  • the solarium should not be visited by those who take certain pharmaceuticals - tranquilizers, non-steroidal painkillers, tricyclic antidepressants and antibiotics. When using drugs in the body, photosensitivity increases, and being in a solarium can cause allergies or burns.

These days, the tan trend is already beginning to pass, but many girls still strive to look “chocolate”.

As you know, there are various ways to get a tan: someone uses self-tanning creams, someone gets the right skin tone just by being in the sun, and someone resorts to the services of a tanning bed without really wondering Is tanning dangerous for health? .

Not everyone knows that it is harmful to go to the solarium, and even more so, not everyone is aware of exactly what harm a solarium can do. Without further ado, let's move on to describing this harm.

What's wrong with solariums? Why is solarium dangerous?

You all know that sunburn is the body's reaction to a certain type of radiation that is harmful to it.

The body "protects itself" from this radiation by producing a protective enzyme that pigments the skin.

So, the radiation of lamps in a solarium is much more intense than the radiation that reaches us from the sun (if you do not live on the equator). That is why you can get a tan in a solarium much faster than just in the sun.

A cream with a high level of protection can build a more or less tolerable barrier against this radiation, but who will use it in a solarium? After all, if you use it, the skin will remain white.

So it turns out that girls deliberately subject their health to severe tests for the sake of tanning. Any radiation for the body is not khukhr-mukhr.

Than it is fraught and the solarium is how much harmful?

First, the skin becomes dry and lethargic, ages faster And moisturizers don't really help.

Secondly, when the skin over and over again receives radiation from lamps (or from a strong sun), it becomes weaker, which causes risk of skin cancer. And it's scary.

Thirdly, many girls do not even suspect that they belong to high risk group(weak heart, predisposition to the development of cancer, skin type that gets a tan through a burn, pressure problems, vegetative-vascular dystonia ...)

In addition, it is contraindicated to visit the solarium during menstruation or if there are any diseases in the female part (even if it's just thrush).

Remember: everything hot is the enemy of gynecology, because it contributes to inflammatory processes and helps the reproduction of unnecessary bacteria. So the solarium is even more harmful for women than for men.

So the question is: “is a solarium harmful or not?” not even worth it. Tanning in a solarium is harmful to the skin, to health, and subsequently to beauty. .

First you should think about whether it is worth sunbathing in a solarium.

Beauty sometimes requires sacrifice, but in this case, is it worth it? Compromising beauty and health for the sake of wanting to look darker than you really are? Hm…

Or does someone really think that a tan is something without which a girl cannot be beautiful? (I understand that with this article I will provoke the wrath of many of the fair sex, but seriously - does anyone think so? ..).

Girls look especially ridiculous, for whom a tan does not go at all due to a certain type of appearance, but still the herd instinct (or something else) encourages them to keep up with fashion ().

They may even know that sunbathing in a solarium is harmful, they may even know exactly how dangerous a solarium is for health, but they still go there with enviable constancy.

By the way, I belong to that small category of girls who are proud of their white skin. I'm not a racist, no, but, apparently, something remained in my subconscious from the time when white skin was considered a sign of an intelligent, educated lady from high society)))

By the way, in many southern countries they still think so, and whiten their skin by various means. Do you think white skin is bad?

However, there are cases when going to the solarium does not hurt. For example, before the wedding (because tanned skin and a snow-white dress look great) or in early summer, so that the skin does not look unhealthy when you wear shorts and a T-shirt or sundress.

But in the latter case, this is worth thinking about, rather, for those girls whose skin has not fully recovered after the winter and looks greenish-whitish (I wrote about this in the article "").

So you can sunbathe in a solarium, but very rarely and carefully. And in good salons, because old or cheap lamps are harmful beyond description. Take care of your health, take care of your youthful skin!

The dream of every woman is beautiful skin with a perfectly even bronze tan. To maintain a beautiful skin color, you need to spend a couple of weeks at least twice a year on the Cote d'Azur, bathing in the warm sun. Not every woman can afford it. Here a unique invention of mankind comes to the rescue. We will find out what are the pros and cons of a solarium (the benefits and harms of a solarium). Why is it useful to go to the solarium?

Solarium - what is it?

This is an electrical device that, with the help of a short exposure to the skin, contributes to its tanning. Now solariums are very common. They are installed in spa centers, beauty salons, bath complexes, fitness centers, relaxation zones of hotels and even at home. Looking at this, the question of whether a solarium is harmful becomes relevant.

The harm of solarium for women, in particular, is carefully studied. After all, it is the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who are the main users of this device. They are primarily interested in the harm and benefits of a solarium, contraindications and consequences of frequent visits. Let's deal with these questions in order.

How useful is a solarium?

The first plus in favor of the solarium should be called a beautiful and even tan, for which it was created. In addition, it is important that such a tan is available regardless of what the weather is like outside.

Scientists have long proven that deficiency can lead to serious depression. It is ultraviolet that contributes to the production of endorphins in the human body, which cause a feeling of joy and pleasure. On gloomy winter days, the solarium becomes an analogue of the sun, and therefore saves its visitors from depression.

A lack of vitamin D in a woman's body leads to the early appearance of wrinkles. Also, this vitamin is necessary for the smooth functioning of the immune system, it also strengthens the nervous system, positively affects the functioning of the heart. Exposure to ultraviolet rays during tanning sessions promotes the synthesis of vitamin D.

A visit to the solarium is useful for some. For example, in the treatment of psoriasis, doctors may recommend therapy with ultraviolet rays. But in no case should you undergo tanning procedures in a solarium without prior agreement with the doctor.

This device is often used to prepare the skin for the summer. Before going to the beach, it is recommended to visit the solarium several times so that the skin gradually gets used to the ultraviolet rays.

Sunbathing in a solarium: basic rules

What ultimately prevails, harm or benefit from a solarium? For women, the issue never ceases to be relevant. To still get more benefit from the tanning procedure, you must follow some simple rules.

  1. Be sure to consult with your doctor. Only he can determine individual contraindications to visiting the solarium.
  2. It is necessary to take a shower, but no later than a couple of hours before visiting the solarium.
  3. Use special high-quality tanning creams in the solarium. Do not use any other make-up or skin care products.
  4. You can not sunbathe completely naked. Be sure to use nipple covers, special glasses and it is advisable to cover your hair with a scarf.
  5. After the solarium, it will be useful to drink a glass of juice or a vitamin cocktail.

Cosmetics and attributes

What do you need to take with you to the solarium? The harm and benefit for women from the tanning procedure largely depends on which related cosmetic products will be used.

There are specialized cosmetics for tanning in the solarium. Conventional protective equipment is inappropriate to use here. Solarium creams are divided into three types: developers, activators and tan fixers.

  • Tan Developers- Needed by people with very light, sensitive skin. They help the results of tanning appear faster, contribute to an even tan at the initial stage. It will be correct to use tanning developers only during the first two or three visits to the solarium.
  • Activators- used on subsequent visits. Helps improve color and depth of tan.
  • Fixative creams- are not used while in the solarium, but after. They moisturize and soothe the skin, making it soft and supple. The use of such creams contributes to a longer effect from visiting the solarium.

In addition, do not forget about special protective equipment: a cap - protects the hair from drying out, glasses - the necessary protection of the delicate skin of the eyelids of the retina from ultraviolet rays, lining on the nipples - prevent their excessive drying and cracking.

The negative impact of solarium on the body

It's time to find out why solarium is harmful. The harm and benefit for women will not be fully understood until we see the other side of the coin.

There are quite a few ardent opponents of the solarium, who believe that the harm from it is much more than good.

Arguments against artificial tanning can be such facts:

  • Premature aging of the skin. The UV rays of a tanning bed penetrate deeper into the skin than the sun's rays, and therefore lead to the destruction of collagen, which gives elasticity to the skin. The result is early wrinkles.
  • An increased risk of developing melanoma.
  • causes skin pigmentation. Most often, this problem occurs with prolonged or frequent visits to the solarium, or when combining tanning procedures with taking hormonal drugs, antibiotics, etc.
  • Experts have proven the fact of the appearance of psychological dependence on visiting the solarium.

Solarium: benefits and harms. Solarium contraindications

To avoid the negative consequences of visiting the solarium and get only positive emotions and a good result from the procedure, you should find out if you have any contraindications.

The first and main thing that can be advised is not to be lazy and make an appointment with a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine with accuracy whether a visit to the solarium will be useful or not.

We can definitely say that tanning in a solarium is contraindicated:

  • Children under 15 years old.
  • Those who have neoplasms or a predisposition to cancer.
  • Owners of many moles, freckles, age spots.
  • Women after laser hair removal, skin resurfacing, chemical peeling.
  • People with diseases of the nervous system, diabetes or after surgery.
  • Women with various gynecological diseases.

Is it possible to visit the solarium on special days

Often, solarium fans have this question. Experts do not recommend sunbathing in the sun for women during critical days. The same goes for solarium. The consequences of ignoring these recommendations may be:

  • Increased intensity of menstrual flow.
  • Deterioration of the general condition of the body, and as a result - poor health and loss of strength after the procedure.
  • The most significant argument against visiting a solarium during menstruation is an uneven tan. It occurs due to hormonal fluctuations in a woman's body these days.

Solarium: harm and benefit for women during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, which is simply incompatible with a visit to the solarium. At this time, there will be no benefit to the woman's body from the received dose of ultraviolet radiation. On the contrary, the risk of developing cancer is significantly increased. In addition, pregnancy is a period of hormonal changes in a woman's body. Raging hormones can cause uneven tanning and skin breakouts.

Many tanning salons are not equipped with a ventilation system, so it becomes stuffy during your stay. Any physical discomfort that a pregnant woman feels is no doubt passed on to the baby in her womb. Do not once again expose the unborn baby to physical stress.

Well, for future mothers, for whom nine months of abstinence from a solarium is too long, we advise you to consult a doctor before visiting and be sure to agree on the frequency and duration of sessions.

Summing up

Is it still worth visiting the solarium? The harm and benefit for women from visiting a solarium is determined by many individual characteristics and the state of the body. This is a hormonal background, well-being, bad habits, nutrition, medication and much more. It becomes clear that a solarium can be useful, but not for everyone and not always. And now that you have learned everything about the solarium, you know the harm and benefits of the solarium, you can independently weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision for yourself.

The fashion for tanning appeared in European countries relatively recently, about 40 years ago. But since the summer season is limited almost everywhere, various artificial methods of obtaining it began to be used. Solarium is one of the main ones. It gives a persistent and beautiful tan all year round, which cannot but attract attention. At the same time, the benefits and harms of solarium are not fully understood. But there are already facts that speak for themselves.

What is a solarium

This is a specially equipped booth for artificial tanning. Most often, it is equipped with low-pressure ultraviolet lamps coated with a phosphor. This allows you to provide a tan close to natural. The principle of action is based on the action of rays on different layers of the skin, under the influence of which the melanin pigment begins to be produced. It also gives our skin a bronze tint.

There are 2 varieties:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

The latter are more like large capsules where a person lies down. Each type has its pros and cons, which determines the degree of preference.

Sunbathing in a vertical solarium is liked by those who do not like the contact of the body with the surface, where someone has already laid before him. Modern vertical cabins are equipped with cooling systems that prevent overheating of the body. In many beauty salons in the solarium there are music centers and aroma complexes.

Vertical options are preferred by those who love an even tan. Here you can raise your hands and tan equally from all sides. In addition, the door can be kept slightly ajar. This is suitable for those who do not like to be in a confined space.

Sunbathing in a horizontal solarium is liked by those who want to get a portion of ultraviolet radiation and lie down. This is the main advantage of this modification. You can relax and forget about your problems, and at the same time get a tan. Anyone who doubts the purity of the capsule can use the vertical option.

What is the benefit of a solarium

We must not forget that at first the lamps that are used in modern booths began to be produced for wellness treatments. Such lamps have been indicated for certain diseases of the bones or skin, such as psoriasis. If the rules for visiting the solarium are followed, then you can only benefit from the procedure. The following advantages can be listed:

  1. Many note a psychological recovery after the sessions. It is used by some as a remedy for seasonal depression. Thanks to the widespread assertion that ultraviolet light increases serotonin levels, artificial tanning has become popular in countries with low insolation.
  2. It is known that under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is synthesized faster, a long-term deficiency of which can affect health and even provoke cancer.
  3. The benefits of solarium for the skin have been proven for a long time. Problems such as psoriasis, fungal skin lesions and acne are successfully treated in complex ways. They also include exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. The immune system is strengthened by proper tanning. If you do not abuse the procedure, then the person is less sick. This is especially noticeable during periods of outbreaks of influenza and colds.
  5. Useful for chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Ultraviolet rays will heal and strengthen the body, help it fight inflammation.
  6. Small doses of ultraviolet radiation improve the absorption of oxygen by cells.
  7. Before traveling to sunny countries and an active tanning period, it is recommended to undergo several procedures to prepare the body for stress.

When asked if there is any benefit from a solarium, everyone must answer for themselves. The opinion of doctors about the benefits of a solarium consists of various factors. If there are no contraindications, and the number and duration of sessions is moderate, then it can be regarded as a wellness procedure.

The benefits of a solarium for women

A solarium for girls and women is useful, but in moderation, like all cosmetic or health procedures. It helps to feel confident due to a beautiful and even tan.

Attention! The production of vitamin D helps to slow down the aging process, the skin is smoothed and becomes matte. This is especially important for those with oily skin.

The harm of a solarium for women lies in the danger of tanorexia. This is a painful dependence of a person on ultraviolet rays. Because of it, the number of procedures is not regulated. Everything is done to cheer you up.

But excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation damages the skin. Recently, doctors have been sounding the alarm because of the spread of skin cancer - melanoma. More and more people die from it every year. The annual increase in cases is about 40%. Due to the fashion for tanning, women often do not listen to the recommendations of specialists who recommend procedures with a certain frequency.

The benefits of a solarium for men

Tanning in a solarium is useful not only for women. General health procedures are also useful for men. To benefit from ultraviolet rays, it is enough to visit the solarium for at least 2 sessions. An even tan will decorate the male body, which is no less important for some representatives of the stronger half than for women.

Can children go to the solarium

In 2005, the WHO (World Health Organization) issued a statement highlighting the particular danger of using fake tan for children under 18 years of age. In many northern countries, the solarium has become very popular among teenagers. Meanwhile, over the past 40 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased dramatically.

For example, in Sweden - 3 times. Such a jump is associated with uncontrolled visits of young people to artificial tanning places. It is believed that the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the developing children's body is especially dangerous. Although, most likely, the fact is that children are more difficult to convince that only short-term procedures are useful.

Many countries in Europe and some US states have banned minors from visiting solariums. In Germany, a fine of 50,000 euros has been introduced for violating the ban. In Russia, there are no such restrictions yet.

Is it possible for pregnant women to visit the solarium

Sunbathing in the solarium of a pregnant woman is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor. Expecting a child leaves its mark on the body of the expectant mother. Many processes are not yet fully understood. Regarding visiting the solarium during pregnancy in the early stages, there are different opinions, often opposite. It is better to trust the advice of a specialist who accompanies pregnancy.

Solarium while breastfeeding

A solarium for a nursing mother is recommended with a lot of “buts”. They concern the protection of the breast and uterine area with foils and creams with a high degree of effectiveness. There is undoubtedly a benefit from the procedure, but it does not exceed the risk for the lactation process. Therefore, during HB, it is better to temporarily abandon the procedure.

Solarium during menstruation

On critical days, it is not recommended to visit the solarium. The temperature in the capsule can rise to +40 ° C. This affects blood circulation and may lead to increased secretions. In addition, often during such periods a woman feels unwell, and receiving such a procedure can increase discomfort.

The benefits and harms of a solarium for psoriasis

In the period of exacerbation of psoriasis, ultraviolet rays are useful. Depending on the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes a time limit. It should not be forgotten that the lamps currently used were first created for the treatment of skin diseases. In order not to harm the body, you must first consult with your doctor.

How to sunbathe in a solarium

In order to sunbathe without harm to health, you must follow the following rules:

  • immediately before the procedure, you should not wash with alkaline products;
  • before the session, wash off all decorative cosmetics;
  • eyes are protected with special goggles;
  • hair is covered with a cap or scarf so that it does not become dry and brittle;
  • sensitive areas are covered with a layer of sunscreen;
  • stikinis are used for breasts, and special lipstick is used for tattoos and lips;
  • after the session, a cold shower is not recommended.

Attention! To follow the rules or not, it is up to each individual to decide. But do not forget that 10 minutes in a cabin or capsule corresponds to 2.5 hours in the sun.

What to take with you to the solarium

Before visiting, you need to prepare and purchase:

  • a light cap to protect the hair;
  • standing tanning slates;
  • suntan cream;
  • sunscreen;
  • lipstick
  • stikini (purchased in the solarium);
  • towel to remove the remnants of the cream.

You can add the rest to the list yourself. For example, some people prefer to wipe the horizontal flask before the procedure.

How long can you sunbathe in the solarium

Every day you can increase the duration by 1 minute, bringing the time to a maximum of 10-11 minutes. 10-15 sessions will be enough for the skin to acquire a chocolate-bronze tan. This is an average, let's see what is recommended for each skin type.

Celtic type

It includes the owners of the lightest skin tone. They most often have light eyes and red or blond hair. Representatives of this type of skin burn even in the dimmest sun. It is contraindicated for them to sunbathe or use the strongest sunscreens in combination with a time limit. Maximum - 3-4 minutes once a week.

nordic type

These are light-skinned fair-haired Europeans. They are also not prone to severe tanning, but can burn. Therefore, the time is selected individually, approximately 4-5 minutes 2 times a week.

Central European type

The most common type. The skin is a little swarthy, the tan lies easily, sometimes burns. Hair color is blond, chestnut or dark blond. With this type, the duration of artificial tanning procedures starts from 3-4 minutes and is gradually brought up to 10-11.

mediterranean type

People with this type of skin most often have dark hair and dark eyes. The risk of burns is minimized, so they can sunbathe in a solarium for up to 15 minutes in 1 session. By this time, you need to prepare the body. It is best to start with 4-5 minutes.

Solarium damage

The harm from visiting a solarium is most often observed if a person acts on the principle of "the more, the better." For example, with small doses of ultraviolet radiation, the work of the adrenal glands improves, the absorption of oxygen by cells increases. With excessive visits to the solarium - the opposite is true.

The use of old lamps in solariums, which have worked out their own, harms the body. Before "pecking" on an action in an unknown solarium, it is worth asking what caused such a step and when the equipment was purchased.

Advice! It is not worth saving on such a procedure, it is better to choose solid, proven cabinets.

Solarium contraindications

  • children under 18;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with excessive pigmentation on the skin, as well as with an abundance of moles and papillomas;
  • sick with tuberculosis;
  • people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • while taking strong drugs and antibiotics.

In other difficult cases, it is necessary to decide whether to visit a solarium or not with a doctor, a specialist in this field.


Scientists have found that the benefits and harms of a solarium are the result of limited or too frequent visits. To get a beautiful tan and not harm your health, you need to listen to the advice of experts and not violate the basic rules.

A beautiful bronze tan is every girl's dream. If in the summer it is enough to bask in the sun, then in the cold months you have to resort to a solarium. This procedure generates around itself a lot of rumors and disputes. The benefits and harms of a solarium are still not fully understood by many. Therefore, before visiting salons offering such services, you need to understand the features of such a procedure.

What is the basis of the solarium

A solarium is a specialized apparatus in which lamps are installed. They produce radiation that is similar to the sun.. Getting on the skin, the rays stimulate the active production of melanocytes. Thanks to them, the skin changes its tone.

There are two main types of solariums:

  1. Horizontal. In them, the lamps are placed horizontally. A man sunbathes while lying on his back. The effect in such a device is achieved faster, but you have to come into contact with the machines.
  2. Vertical. Equipped with vertical lamps. You will have to sunbathe while standing, so you will not be able to fully relax.

The radiation in such devices is dosed, which eliminates the possibility of getting burned.. The air conditioning system creates a pleasant breeze that cools the skin.

There are also varieties of solariums for use at home. They can accommodate up to 24 lamps. To get an attractive tan, you will have to use such devices longer than professional equipment.

Beneficial features

Such sessions are beneficial for the body. Among the positive aspects of this procedure can be noted:

  1. The tan is even and attractive. It is difficult to achieve the same effect by sunbathing.
  2. A few sessions held in anticipation of summer will help prepare the skin for the season.. It will be easier to tolerate exposure to sunlight.
  3. Attending such sessions helps to strengthen the immune system, as exposure to ultraviolet stimulates the production of vitamins in the body.
  4. Irradiation leads to the production of vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. A visit to the solarium improves mood, as it leads to the production of endorphins. A girl, lying in a solarium, can imagine that she is basking in the sun on the seashore.
  6. Solarium is recommended not only for women, but also for men, as it helps to fight many skin diseases, such as acne or psoriasis.
  7. Cosmetologists advise using such procedures to combat the capillary pattern that appears on the arms and legs, since the rays have a beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels.

Often people are interested in what is more harmful the sun or a solarium. There is no single answer to such a question. But unlike the solar radiation, the solarium is dosed and, subject to the rules for using the equipment, does not cause burns.

Why solarium is dangerous to health

The solarium also has a number of negative qualities. Among them are:

  1. Such procedures can be addictive, which resembles alcohol addiction. Specialists even introduced a special term tanorexia. This condition is characterized by nervousness and a sharp change in mood in the absence of another dose of radiation. This effect is more common in people under 30 years of age.
  2. Regular visits to the solarium provokes premature aging of the skin. High dosages of ultraviolet radiation adversely affect the production of collagen and elastin in the epidermis. Early wrinkles and manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear.
  3. Frequent sessions provoke the appearance of age spots on the skin. The risk is greatly increased for those women who take hormonal drugs, diuretics or antibiotics.
  4. The abuse of artificial tanning can provoke the development of melanoma - a malignant tumor. The risk group includes people under 30 years of age.
  5. Frequent visits to the solarium can exacerbate skin diseases. After the first procedures, the problems disappear, but after a while a relapse may occur. In this case, repeated rashes on the skin will be more difficult to treat.

WHO gives its answer to the question of whether a solarium is harmful to women. According to scientists, such exposure can damage the DNA of cells. Therefore, it is best to refuse the procedures. This is especially true for persons under the age of 18.

Who is not allowed to visit the solarium

Sometimes a visit to the solarium can cause irreparable harm to health. The main contraindications for this procedure include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • The presence of serious pathologies of the heart and vascular system.
  • Recent rescheduled operations.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Age up to 15 years.
  • Too light skin tone.
  • The presence of tattoos on the body.
  • Mastopathy or other diseases of the mammary glands.
  • Predisposition to the manifestation of allergic reactions.
  • The presence on the body of a large number of moles or age spots.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease.

It is forbidden to visit the solarium if on that day you were sunbathing in the sun. Such an increased load on the skin will provoke a negative reaction.

How to minimize risk

In order to make visiting the solarium completely safe, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose only proven salons that have new high-quality equipment. It should employ only highly qualified specialists who can advise you on all issues.
  2. Before starting a course of such sessions, consult your doctor. Make sure you have no contraindications.
  3. If you do not want to completely abandon the procedures, then conduct sessions no more than once every seven days. In this case, the duration of one procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. Such radiation will not harm health.
  4. Before visiting the solarium, it is forbidden to steam in the bath or sauna.
  5. Check that the equipment you have chosen has an emergency button. So you can call the salon worker in case of a dangerous situation.

Such tips will allow you to sunbathe safely. Despite this, the solarium is still not the safest procedure, so it is better to refuse it.

Basic rules for safe tanning

To prevent sunburn from causing health problems, rules have been developed for visiting a solarium without harm to health. They cannot be ignored. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Before going to the salon, choose the right tanning product for you and after it. If before the session you do not protect the skin with the same remedy, a negative reaction may occur. Choose creams or lotions specifically for the tanning bed, and not for tanning in the sun.
  2. Take a shower a couple of hours before the session and wash your skin thoroughly with soap and water. After that, it is not recommended to use any cosmetics and perfumes. The only exception is sunscreen.
  3. When tanning in a solarium, you must wear a protective cap and special stickers on the nipples. Ask in advance if the salon provides such inventory. Otherwise, you will need to purchase it yourself.
  4. Remove all jewelry before entering the booth. Remove contact lenses, if any. Be sure to remove your makeup.
  5. If you have chosen a horizontal solarium model, make sure that the salon workers treat the equipment with a special composition.
  6. The cure has an extremely negative effect on the eyes. Therefore, before entering the booth, be sure to wear special safety glasses. Apply a layer of protective balm to your lips.
  7. Sit comfortably in the solarium and try to relax. The salon worker must set the timer for the required time.
  8. After the procedure, it is advised to drink a cup of herbal tea, which contains vitamins and minerals.. Take a cool shower. After that, lubricate the skin with a moisturizing lotion or after-sun cream.
  9. The next session can be carried out no earlier than three days after the first visit. If during this time you notice a negative skin reaction, then it is better to cancel a visit to the solarium.
  10. The best option would be 2 tanning courses per year. Each of them should include 10 procedures.

How much sunbathing is allowed

The number of procedures allowed depends on the characteristics of the skin.. The following options are distinguished:

  • Dark skin, dark hair and eyes. People with such features rarely get burns, so up to 12 sessions lasting up to half an hour are allowed.
  • Light skin, dark nipples, brown or dark blond hair. In such a situation, the first session should not be longer than 15 minutes. If there is no negative reaction, then the duration of the procedures can be increased to half an hour.
  • The skin and nipples are light, the hair is blond or light brown, the eyes are blue, green or gray. Such people often burn, as the skin reacts strongly to ultraviolet radiation. Sunbathing is allowed no more than once every three days. In this case, the duration of the session is not more than 15 minutes. More than two courses of 10 sessions can not be conducted per year.
  • The skin is too fair, the hair is red, the eyes are green, the nipple is light, there are many freckles. With such an appearance, sunbathing in a solarium is impossible. Acquired tan will fade quickly. This greatly increases the risk of burns..

Proper tanning in a solarium will not cause serious harm to health. But before starting the procedures, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

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