Vladimov was not there yet. "Even then we were not in the world." methodical development on music on the topic


(Open event for WWII veterans dedicated to

70th anniversary of the Great Victory)


Muses. leader: Proskurina E.Yu.

Naro-Fominsk 2015

The music is "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov. Children of older groups and veterans in the auditorium.

Presenter 1: Hello children! Hello, our dear guests! Today we have gathered in the music hall of our kindergarten on the occasion of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War! Children, let's applaud the veterans - the soldiers who gave peace to our great Motherland!

Host 2:

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May! Victorious May!

Presenter 1: Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,

Deciding the fate of future centuries

You fought, holy fight!

Host 2: Even then we were not in the world,

When you come home with a victory.

Soldiers of May - glory to you forever

From all the earth!

Presenter1: We thank all the soldiers

For life, for childhood, for spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

The curtain opens. The stage is decorated. There is a frame in the corner of the stage (imitation of a photographic frame). Inside, 2 girls are sitting on chairs, behind them are 2 boys.

Presenter 1: Many years ago June 22, 1941 was a Sunday summer day. People rested after the working week, doing their household chores. Moms and dads walked with the kids in the parks, took photos for memory, danced.

Sounds like Rio Rita(Verse 1) Children go out of the box. They dance. (children from the dance circle "Daisy"). At the end of the dance, they return to the frame.

(girls give the boys a gun in their hands, see them off. They wave their hands).

The boys come forward. The curtain behind them is closed by the presenters. They read poetry.

Summer night, dawn

When the children sleep peacefully

Hitler gave orders to the troops.

And sent German soldiers

Against the Russians. Against us!

(boys go backstage)

The song is "Holy War"(1 verse)

Host 2: Thus the war began! Our entire country has risen to fight the Nazis.

Child: Get up, people!

Hearing the call of the earth

The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front!

Wanted to take revenge on the enemy as soon as possible

For the elderly, for women, for children!

Presenter 1: Every day, trains of fighters were taken to the front to the front.!

The curtain opens. The boys from the 10th group are marching to the song “our 10th airborne battalion”.

Host 2: And at home, their mothers, sisters, and loved ones remained waiting for them. Wait for your men with victory!

The curtain opens. The dance "Blue Handkerchief" is performed

The curtain closes.

Presenter 1: This war was cruel, but our people defeated the German invaders! Defeated the enemy. Many of the songs are dedicated to the Victory and our soldiers. Here, listen to one of them.

Performance of the song "On Victory Day"(performed by older kindergarten children)

Host 2: And now our children will read poetry.

"Overcoat" by E. Blaginin.

Why are you an overcoat

Are you saving? -

I asked my dad. -

Why don't you break

Won't you burn it? -

I asked my dad. -

After all, she is dirty and old,

Take a better look

There's a hole in the back

Take a better look!

That's why I keep it,

Dad answers me

Therefore, I will not tear, I will not burn, -

Dad answers me

Because she is dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We went, my friend, to the enemy

And he was defeated!

Presenter 1: We have nothing to fear! The enemy will not dare to attack our Motherland anymore, because real defenders are growing in our country.


The curtain opens. Performing the dance "Border"(boys 10 group)

The curtain closes.

Host 2: I suggest listening to another poem prepared by our children.

Child: We want the birds to sing

So that the forests around rustle,

To make the skies blue

Let the stork nest on the roof

Cranes chirp in the sky,

Let there be peace, we need it so much

He is needed by the children of the whole earth!

The curtain opens. Performing the dance "Stork on the Roof"

(girls from the dance circle "Daisy")

The curtain closes.

Presenters read poems "On Guard" by V. Suslov

Any soldier and commander

He will tell you very precisely;

The country-Russia needs peace,

Good, Long, Durable!

We need to build cities

grow wheat

And always be ready

Fight any enemy!

That's why our sentinel

Always on guard.

He guards the world, peace.

And the machine is loaded!

The song "Let there always be sunshine" is performed»

Host: Our concert has come to an end! We wish our veterans good health, longevity and peace over their heads.

To the song "Victory Day", children give flowers to veterans.

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May.

Even then we were not in the world,
When in a military storm fire
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle.

Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth!

read 1658 times

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    To give to the native Fatherland
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    Those who survived and those who survived.

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  • Noisy alarms

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    They start with a war.

    Well, a fight means a fight,
    What a youth at seventeen!
    But war is such a mess! -
    Even in the valor of victories.

    Mother waited for her son
    The hour of victory has come!
    You, who reached Berlin,
    Now here he is, among us.

    cheerful, cheerful,
    What years! At least henna! -
    Like it wasn't hard
    Exhausting war.

  • Congratulations to grandfather

    Congratulations to grandfather
    Happy Victory Day.
    It's even good
    That he wasn't on it.
    Was then as I am now
    Vertically challenged.
    Although he did not see the enemy -
    Just hated!
    He worked like a big one.
    For a loaf of bread
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    Even though he wasn't a fighter.
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    Paying for childhood
    To live and grow in the world
    His grandson is wonderful.
    So that in prosperity and love
    Enjoyed life
    So that I do not see the war,
    My grandfather saved the Fatherland.

  • You are forever young at heart

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    Although sometimes the wounds ache ...
    With glorious Victory, big
    Congratulations, veterans!
    Let the years go by
    But the memory will live on for centuries
    Like a Red Army soldier
    Fought fiercely with enemies.
    For peace and happiness, for love,
    For life and the first baby talk
    You went on the attack again and again,
    And the adversary answered for everything.
    We are inspired by your deed
    We bow our heads before you...
    You shed blood for us
    We congratulate you on Victory Day!

"Even then we were not in the world"

The purpose of the event: to develop moral and patriotic qualities in preschoolers. To cultivate respect for the older generation, love for the Motherland, kindergarten.

Preparatory work.

Learning songs, poems with children, individual work with children, designing a music hall.

Conducting classes on patriotic education, a drawing competition dedicated to May 9th.

Technical means: Music center, piano.

Children enter to the music with flowers and stand in a semicircle.

Leading. Today, on this May day,

We celebrate our veterans

The old wounds are still fresh

In those days when lilacs bloom.

Long ago, the battles thundered,

The war has long since ended

We won, we succeeded

Drive the enemy away .... The end of the war!

Many years ago, this war ended, which claimed thousands of lives of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. This war ended with victory over Nazi Germany. But how much grief and tears, losses and separations she brought.

Children. All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And ringing songs are heard

Today is a holiday - Victory Day

Happy, bright day of spring!

That morning became famous

The news spread all over the world

The vile fascists are defeated

Praise to the Russian Army.

People took a deep breath

End of the war! End of the war!

And colorful fireworks

Glittered for a long time in the sky.

Thunder of triumph with a mighty shaft

Rolled along the edges of the native

Fatherland saluted

To their brave warriors.

Song "Great holiday Victory Day"

Leading. War has died down, peace has come to earth. People erected monuments to soldiers - liberators, who always have flowers. These flowers are a sign of our memory and deepest gratitude to those who defended our Motherland in battles and died for it. Guys! Let's honor the memory of the dead with a moment of silence. And we'll lay flowers

To the music of "Victory Day" children lay flowers.

Leading. And since then, every year on this day, May 9, our people celebrate Victory Day. They congratulate each other on the fact that there is no more war on our land. Remember those who died fighting the Nazis. Thanks to the soldiers who defeated the Nazis and liberated our land from enemies. These warriors are now very old people, this Victory Day is new, they put on orders and medals received for the heroic struggle against the enemy, and go to the Victory parade.


When fireworks rumbled from end to end

Soldiers gave the whole planet

Great May, victorious May.

Even then we were not in the world

When you came home with victory

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Even then we were not in the world

When war was declared

And adults and children stood side by side.

To defend ourselves against the enemy.

Dance "Blue handkerchief" senior group

Leading. Many wounded soldiers remained on the battlefields, who needed to be bandaged and sent to the medical unit. And the nurses had to quickly put on gowns, take medicine and rush to help. And now we will see how girls master these skills.

Game - attraction "Nurses"

2 teams of girls. Each team has a medical suitcase. Opposite each team there are chairs on which lies a nurse's uniform, gown, cap, etc. At the signal, the "nurses" should take the suitcase, run to the chairs, put on the uniform, run around the chair, take off the uniform. Take the suitcase and return to the next player. Whose team will complete the task faster, and will be considered the winner.

Leading. Seventy-one years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But we must not forget this terrible lesson of history.

Children. It becomes very scary.

If you hear a terrible word - war

Over the planet, over the whole world

She holds out her black hands.

Does anyone need it

To burn the fire of the city

For children to hide in fear

And forgot about the light forever

I want the sun to shine

But not only over our planet

So that children all over the planet

Smiled with me

To wake them up in the morning

And we saw the sun through the window

And not the black smoke of conflagrations

crawling on the ground

Let this not dream in a dream

And only my mother will dream

Or golden sun

Spring day, Native land

What is needed for life?

Sun! Sun!

What is needed for friendship?

Heart! Heart!

What is needed for the heart?

Happiness! Happiness!

What is needed for happiness?


Peace in every home, in every country

The world is life on the planet

The world is the sun on our Earth!

The world is needed for adults and children!

Leading. Now we live in peacetime, but the memory of the soldiers is eternal. Many families still have letters from the front. What do you think the soldiers wrote home about? Of course, they wrote about the war, that they miss their families, that they are fighting for happiness and a peaceful sky for all people.

Game - competition "Deliver the letter"

I play two teams. Each team has a letter. On a signal, children with a letter in their hands run, completing tasks: run across the bridge, jump over the ditch, climb under the wire, return and hand over the letter to the next player.

Dance "Oh, these clouds in blue"

Leading. There were also moments of rest at the front when you could sing your favorite songs while sitting by the fire. The accordionist took the accordion in his hands, and by the light of the fire a heartfelt song about the house, loved ones and relatives and cheerful songs sounded.

The song "A soldier is walking through the city"

Leading. Victory Day, holiday of grandfathers.

This holiday is yours and mine.

Let the sky be clear

The guys are over their heads.

Once again, we congratulate everyone on the Great Victory Day.

(Children leave the room to the music.)

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