Vitaly Solomin Vitek. Secret mistresses of Vitaly Solomin

During the New Year holidays, many glorious Soviet films are shown. So the two-part musical film "The Bat" (Lenfilm, 1979, dir. Jan Fried) came in handy. Yuri and Vitaly Solomin, wonderful Maksakova and Udovichenko, Shurik - Alexander Demyanenko in a cameo role, Filippov, Olga Volkova (shooting eyes), Oleg Vidov, who has not yet emigrated to the States, Vesnik, Dmitriev, Svetin ...

Falk - in "The Bat"

Many of this magnificent cast are no longer with us. As well as one of the main characters of the tape - Vitaly Methodievich Solomin. Life gave me two meetings with this deep man and actor. He would have turned 70 last December...

When I arranged an interview with Vitaly Solomin (this was the very beginning of May 1999), he suggested that I come to the airport early in the morning, where he was going to see off Irina Rozanova, who played with him and with him in the non-repertory performance "Siren and Victoria" (running in before the premiere in Moscow). The fact is that a thief disguised as an electrician visited Irina's dressing room the day before, during a performance at the Latvian Art Theatre, fortunately, he took away only money, but not documents ... Therefore, Vitaly Methodievich, in order to avoid misunderstandings, decided to accompany the dejected actress to the flight personally. We talked for some time over a cup of coffee at the airport, saw off Irina, and Solomin, realizing that I was in the mood for a serious conversation, invited me to continue it already in the hotel room. We returned to Riga and talked for about two hours. I offer fragments of our conversation, typed by me from a preserved clipping from the Riga newspaper SM. On the Internet, of course, this interview has not yet been ...


Vitaly Mefodievich, in contrast to the private performances, where one bedside table or an inflatable mattress is enough to create an interior, you have very rich scenery, not to mention excellent actors. Painted fabrics hanging from the ceiling, a table and chairs, which in the course of action “with meaning” suddenly soar upwards ...

The viewer missed the real scenery, painted backdrops. Our central heroine is the “new Russian”. The topic itself is boring for me. I really don't want to figure out what it is, who invented it. Nevertheless, we tried to figure out what a nouveau riche apartment might look like. After all, according to the text, our new Russian lives almost on Red Square itself. From the literal symbolism - luminous stars on the back - we decided, in the end, to give up. And to create the image, they came up with a table and chairs floating in the air - probably no one has such a thing.

In the course of the performance, besides, everyone constantly drinks from cups - different, random. I have met such a person in my life, although such idiocy is everywhere, in any country. When money begins to dominate, all ugliness comes out. And intelligent people, scientists - they are not adapted to this. Therefore, when one of the heroines tries to adapt, she immediately loses her level, as, by the way, all those who go abroad.

There is this idiocy in the play, when the doctor of science cuts fox terriers. But our new Russian, with her natural impudence and lack of education and culture, is not all lost.

Good thing you didn't make her a complete idiot...

So that's the point. It becomes a little different from communicating with smart people. This gives hope. Therefore, we all need to tighten up and make the same small movement towards each other. This is the whole meaning of life. Especially for Russia, when fear of each other, hostility, and disrespect are being brought up by all means. When the state deceives, constantly insults the people, humiliates them with begging, embitters them.

But, fortunately, unlike your hero, you do not cut fox terriers ...

In general, an actor of the national theater should not work anywhere else, he should devote all his strength only to his work. Especially since there are only a few years left...

(How scary and prophetic it sounds now! Honored Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist of Russia Vitaly Methodievich did not hide his bitterness, resentment towards the theater and his brother, the artistic director of the Maly Theater - Auth.)

Yuri Solomin and Vitaly Solomin

When you have worked in this theater for more than thirty years, you must have certain plans for several years. To prepare for serious roles, which, alas, does not exist. I really want to do a performance at the Maly Theatre. But for two years they have not responded to all my proposals. No way. Such a kind of rudeness. But I'm at that age that I don't take offense at them.

The theater offered me to stage only one performance - "Krechinsky's Wedding" (Vitaly Solomin died in Moscow on May 27, 2002 from a stroke that happened to him on April 24 on stage in the first act of "Krechinsky's Wedding" - Auth.). Now I've been standing again for two years, as if I were 20 years old. I'll have to go back to where I started - to do independent work, out of plans, out of time. I understand that in this case they will not take into account the employment of the actors with me, and maybe they will specifically pull them out for other performances. Well, I'll find something smarter. But I really don't want to look for money. I have already done this for the same "Krechinsky" and for the film ...

- ... "Hunting"?

Yes. But I think that everything will end with the fact that I will find money for the performance, and then it will be possible to do the planned work. I have a play that I really want to put on. I can’t wait long, otherwise I won’t play in this performance because of my age. I will not name the author, but he is very difficult. For a long time - 20 years - I was getting close to this. And now I already know.

Before I start rehearsing, I already have the whole performance composed, I can tell it, play all the roles in order to know how to do it, to make it interesting, what can surprise me in this play, to find something new, because of which it's worth doing it.

Returning to the enterprise. Why did you turn to Galina's play specifically?

One elderly director who worked in Aleksandrinka, he is now 90 (this is my father-in-law), once advised me: “Vitalik, pay attention, this is a good play!” He still reads all the plays and shoveled, by the way, more than me. But I don't really like comedies, I don't laugh when I read them. “The Twelve Chairs” is not funny to me either - I couldn’t finish reading it.

Galina at first also slipped through. Then I re-read it, began to double-check for relatives. By the way, my wife has very good taste. She liked the play. She told me: “At first I laughed like that, and then I cried.” This is what was decisive for me. Then I took up “Siren and Victoria” for the third time and saw how everything can be done, which artists to invite, so that it is not only funny, but also meaningful.

Did you have any doubts when you invited Larisa Udovichenko to the role, who had never played in the theater before?

The fact is that I worked with her in many films. I had no doubt that she would succeed. Although there is a pattern that film actors who come to work in the theater fade, get lost. Therefore, we rehearsed for six months, slowly, until Larisa felt everything. But she herself has a taste for the Maly Theatre, she likes the way they speak here, the way it is spoken - it is filled, not dog-like, when there are no vowels. And the vowels make all the sense.

Larisa really wanted to play on stage and mastered a lot for this. She is also unusually individual in the cinema - with a romantic fragile appearance and at the same time very pragmatic. So in the play, she is very prudent as an actress building her role. This is a rare combination - and lyricism, and comedy, and even farcicalness, which she also has in film works. Larisa has a very large range, and there are very few actresses of this kind.

Larisa Udovichenko and Vitaly Solomin in the film "The Bat"

We were lucky with Rozanova. I have never worked with her and I am very glad that, together with the production team, I did not make a mistake. After all, there can be both depth and strength of character, but there can be no humor. Ira owns both.

And how are your creative, and not only, relations with Yuri Mefodievich - brotherly or? ..

I would not like to talk about this, because he is the head of the Maly Theater.

When was it easier: when your brother was the Minister of Culture or now?

I don't care who he becomes when. Because I live all my life on my own, I don’t depend on anyone at all. Of course, every actor dreams like a woman to be noticed. I had a very difficult relationship with Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev, who directed the Maly Theater. But he saw me as an actor-leader. And, despite the conflicting relationship, I understood that only I could play Chatsky. Directing and acting. He gave me a lot of freedom. With him, oddly enough, I played almost my entire repertoire.


Frame from the famous "Winter Cherry"

Chernukha in life, in the press. Is this why old Soviet films are so successful? What were they fighting for? Do you regret standing on the barricades in 1991?

No, it doesn't need to be compared at all. We had, in principle, a criminal state. It is now, however, also criminal, but in a different way.

Changed the awl for soap?

What does changed mean? This is a process. Suddenly no one becomes anyone. We all need to get out of this mess of ours. And no uncle Yeltsin or anyone else will ever do anything.

There may be favorable or unfavorable conditions, but still it depends on the people. Even our very rich man, dressed even from Versace, is still distinguishable in any foreign country. We all have restless eyes. But it will pass, you just have to persevere. Here the Maly Theater is pursuing the right policy, preserving the classics, and the audience is returning, bringing their children to see a real play, real actors, and not these American action films with tricks and tricks.

Have you been asked to become a professional politician?

I do not give any signals and hopes for this. It's none of my business. I'm not interested. Although I think that everyone in life may have such a moment when it will be necessary to go to the podium or the barricade and say: well, that's enough! And in the neck they will chase all these supposedly professional politicians. This is an absolute disgrace! They grow fat, their eyes greasy, they grab apartments, millions of accounts abroad, villas here and there. Don't squander what hasn't been squandered yet. They criminally snatched up the whole country, and several people shake their fortunes!

After all, it is necessary to create an economic system so as not to ruin production and not to restore it. Now we, like post-war Germany or Japan, have the opportunity to immediately make a huge leap. Not to restore the old, but to make everything new, to introduce new technologies. And we can jump out of this hole pretty quickly.

When it gets especially hard, many turn to God. Tell me, do you observe any church canons?

I am not baptized, there were such times when I was born. And my children are baptized. Their godfather is my closest friend. I am very happy about this, I have gained confidence that even if I am gone, there is someone to take care of my children.

For myself, I realized a long time ago that regardless of whether you believe or not believe in God, Christians need to attend church. After all, humanity is able to get out of the animal state thanks to the same ten commandments.

It is the same in the country: you need several laws that must be followed, even if you are the president. You can’t lie that your daughter is not building a dacha on Nikolina Gora. In the same place, people live nearby, there are builders, and finally, I myself was there and saw it. This is a huge area with seven-meter fences. A person who once lied, stole, cannot be trusted. It is impossible, for example, for people from the guards of the Gulag camps to rise in rank and suddenly become employees of the FSB. I must say that the party that led the country for 70 years is a criminal party! It must be condemned, and it must not exist.

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

Were you a communist yourself?

No, never, which I'm proud of. They worked me up and wanted me to join the party: they say that the leading actor of the theater cannot be non-party. But I got away from it. I was awarded the titles of honored and popular later much later than other actors of my age.

Where do you feel protected from everything that happens around you?

In our country, no one can feel safe anywhere. Only the consciousness that I have friends allows me to more or less feel some kind of support. It is the only thing that sustains us, protects us and helps us to endure.

Family is different. The family must be protected. And friends, too, by the way. Such a vicious circle. There is someone who will go for me, even when I am wrong.

Of course, we gather with friends, go to Sanduny, have a drink. This is a way to relieve stress, nervous tension, a sense of fear for your loved ones, for yourself. None of my friends, highly qualified professionals in various fields, has a stockpile of funds. If, say, you get sick, stop working, then there is no hope of survival. It's on the minds of all men. Yes, and for your car there is a constant fear - they will steal, burn, and you will not achieve anything from anyone. I won't be able to buy a second one tomorrow.


The story of your acquaintance with your wife on the set of "Urban Romance" is like a plot from a romantic movie. You've been together for nearly 30 years. Tell me, did the romance remain in the relationship, or have all the secrets about each other been known for a long time?

I'm not a romantic at all. It's one thing when we had an affair. Masha was filming in Odessa, I was in Moscow at that time. So I saved up money and flew to her in Odessa for as long as I had enough money - for three, four days. Therefore, it turned out that she flew to Moscow, and our theater went on tour to the same Odessa. From there I flew to Moscow. You can call it romance, or you can call it a romance with limited means. We started with the fact that we did not have housing. Therefore, the first year she continued to live with her parents in Leningrad, and I built a cooperative in Moscow. It was never completed, and I moved it to the hostel of the Maly Theater, where I lived. In our communal apartment there lived two more janitors and one artist, who has a motorcycle with a sidecar in his room on the fourth floor. He collected it himself, could not lower it, but from time to time, when he was drunk, he started it.

I transferred Maria to the Textile Institute, moved to Moscow and on the same day left for Armenia for a month on tour. So she stayed, and there one janitor was a terrible foul language - not that she was angry, she just didn’t know other words, and expressed her thoughts only with obscenities. She was embarrassed by me, and therefore was silent at all. And when I left, my wife heard enough for a month in total - 70 percent, however, did not understand. Then she sometimes asked me right on the street: what does this mean? .. People turned around sharply and did not understand what was happening.

We went through this very difficult everyday life together. The wife is a fashion designer, with the appearance of an ideal lyrical heroine. She can dress best of all - new, old Russians and others. And she naturally wants it as a woman. But she also understands if she can afford it, whether I have the means or not.

I work always and a lot. Because the Maly Theater could never support me. Meager wages, both under socialism and under capitalism. I am there only because it is the Maly Theatre. You have to constantly work in parallel. It's pretty hard work. But the most important thing is that both my wife and both daughters understand everything perfectly, they are very worried and follow my work. Especially when there comes a period of waiting for a job, when I come up with it myself, I don’t sleep at night, I suffer.

I was lucky with my wife. She loves what I do, she is proud of it, she believes that I have a lot of unfulfilled things. I am very worried that everything in the Maly Theater is happening in such a way that I turn out to be unnecessary. I was also worried about Sirena and Victoria. She waited until we released this performance, did not say that she had health problems. She developed a blood clot on her leg, and as soon as the performance was over, on the same day we went to the hospital. She immediately underwent surgery, because it was impossible to delay any longer.

You have two daughters, a grandson - Cyril. The eldest, Nastya, has her own family, and the youngest, Liza, is still at school. Who, in your opinion, will continue the acting dynasty of the Solomins?

Nastya is already continuing, although not directly. She is 25 years old, she dances in the Moiseev ensemble. I think she could very well be a very good actress, she has a natural talent. If the opportunity arose, I would gladly make a play or a film designed for Nastya. She is very artistic and comedic at the same time. She remembers the lines so accurately and so accurately shows the same Ranevskaya or some acquaintances! In addition, constantly dancing, she maintains an excellent shape. Although I guess. That my ill-wishers can hit her if I shoot her in the lead role - they say, I'm pushing my daughter.

The youngest, in the 9th grade, she is now looking for something to devote herself to. While intensively engaged in mathematics.

In the family

You said ill-wishers. Do you have many?

Yes, but what about without them? Now the Moscow theatrical beau monde, critics take out all the accumulated bile at the Maly Theater. It seems that they are trying to exclude Maly from theatrical life altogether. We are bypassed with awards, almost never invited to festivals. This carries over to me. And then, I'm a fairly direct person in a relationship - I can offend. I do not like all sorts of sordid things, mediocrity, which impudently climbs forward. So many people are afraid of me. I can give in the forehead ...


Three years later, Vitaly Solomin showed in Riga the premiere of another enterprise - the play "The Mousetrap" with a large stellar cast and traditionally rich scenery, which you will not find in every stationary theater. At the reception after the premiere, Vitaly Methodievich funny, sticking out his ears, showed his six-month-old second grandson Fyodor, talked about the elder Kirill, a big dreamer ... Then at the end of a short interview I asked the actor:

You staged “Ivanov” based on Chekhov at your Maly Theatre, you play in entreprises, you took the course of the deceased Romashin at VGIK… Work for wear and tear?

Why wear? - the great actor answered the question with a question. - I like teaching. I come and see young energetic people who want to know everything, everything is interesting to them. So it's a pleasure. But, of course, everything takes time and effort. When the twelfth hour of continuous work goes on, some fatigue appears. But as long as there is strength, I will do it. I like it…

... And two months later the body could not withstand such inhuman loads. Vitaly Methodievich seized upon his favorite work, from which he had been suspended for so long. And - overstrained ...

Karen Markaryan.
(pictures from open sources on the net)

Vitaly Solomin on the screen - the very charm! But in life, he was not at all as white and fluffy as we used to see him in the movies. He could scream, freak out - even hit!

In our film about the difficult character of Vitaly Solomin, his relatives, friends and colleagues will remember. Vasily Livanov will tell how Solomin almost deprived him of the role of Sherlock Holmes, and his wife Maria will tell how one day she was late home, and Vitaly did not let her into the apartment.

According to rumors, the principled and uncompromising Vitaly was in serious conflict with his brother, actor and artistic director of the Maly Theater Yuri Solomin. The older brother does not like to discuss rumors about relationships with Vitaly, and refuses any conversations on this topic. But he gave a frank interview to our channel, where he shared his memories of Vitaly. It was not easy for Yuri Methodievich to talk about his brother, and all because there were too many lies and untruths thrown out by the yellow press on both Solomins. In our film, we will tell what really happened between the two brothers.

In the acting world, both had their bright start. The elder Yuri was the first to pave the way to the cinema. But the younger Vitaly bypassed his brother after the first premiere. He became famous a few years earlier than Yuri. In 1966, he starred in two films - "Women" and "Big Sister". And in one and the other he played a young, daring and self-confident hero.

In terms of popularity, Yuri caught up with his younger brother in the 69th, when he played the main role with Yevgeny Tashkov in the film His Excellency's Adjutant. Yes, there he caught up - he overtook! A few years later, Yuri Solomin starred in the Soviet-Japanese film "Dersu Uzala" with Akira Kurasawa himself - this tape won an Oscar! It seemed that it was now impossible to catch up with brother Vitaly.

But in 1979, the finest hour struck for the younger Solomin! He starred as Dr. Watson in the film-series about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. In the film, Vasily Livanov, near the British Embassy in Moscow, near the bronze sculpture of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, read a quatrain dedicated to him and Vitaly Solomin.

Later, Vitaly Solomin starred in another iconic film of his time - "Winter Cherry". For Solomin Jr., this film became largely prophetic, he almost repeated the fate of his movie hero - being married, he was ready to give up everything for another woman. There were rumors that Solomin had two stormy romances, and both with partners on the stage of the Maly Theater. The yellow press even called their names. But the family did not break up - thanks to Maria Solomina. Together with the family of Vitaly Solomin - his wife, two daughters and two younger grandchildren - we will walk along the Patriarch's Ponds. And with the eldest grandson Kirill we go to an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of his famous grandfather.

The first time Vitaly married at the age of 20 - to actress Natalya Rudnaya. But the couple did not live long. Vitaly Solomin met his second wife Masha on the set of Pyotr Todorovsky's film "Urban Romance". He courted beautifully: with armfuls of flowers, invited to the most expensive restaurants. But, having married, Vitaly immediately showed his categorical character: only he makes all decisions in the house, and the wife must fulfill his will. Masha, as a kind and very loving person, resigned herself.

One of the most striking productions of Vitaly Solomin was the musical "Krechinsky's Wedding". For the sake of the role of Krechinsky, Solomin was ready to make any sacrifices - at the age of 60 he even sat down on the twine! And of course, in the difficult 90s, he, as the head of the family, considered it his duty to provide for the family financially. He really wanted the family to live with dignity, he wanted to finish building the country house, he wanted to do interesting, new projects. And he did not slow down: he staged performances, shot his first feature film "The Hunt", played in entreprises and taught at VGIK.

And he would have to slow down and catch his breath ... He suffered from high blood pressure since childhood, but never complained. Even his wife knew nothing about his serious health problems. Vitaly Solomin hid from his relatives a microstroke, which he suffered on his feet during one of the rehearsals. And on April 24, 2002, he became ill right during the performance "Krechinsky's Wedding" ... In a serious condition, the actor will spend a month at the Sklifosovsky Institute. Relatives, friends, colleagues and fans prayed for him. Everyone hoped to the last! But alas… death was stronger.

The staff of the Maly Theater, where Vitaly Solomin played his last performance, will tell you how everything happened on that tragic evening.

Today, only Solomin appears on the stage of the theater. Older. No one even guesses what kind of mental pain is given to Yuri Mefodievich every step on the stage, on which he worked for so many years with his beloved younger brother.

The film features:

Yuri Solomin - brother, actor, artistic director of the Maly Theater;

Maria Solomina - wife, actress;

Elizaveta Solomina - daughter;

Kirill Kutsenko - grandson;

Boris Klyuev - actor;

Vasily Livanov - actor;

Igor Maslennikov - director;

Andrey Konchalovsky - director.


Andrey Sychev, Oleg Volnov

Natalia Peredelskaya


Vsevolod Tarasov



The greatest Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director, screenwriter.

Vitaly Solomin. Biography and creative path

Vitaly Methodievich Solomin was born on December 12, 1941 in Chita in a family of music teachers - Zinaida Ryabtseva and Methodius Solomin Therefore, under the guidance of his parents, he learned to play the piano. In 1959, after graduating from the Chita school, he moved to Moscow and entered the Shchepkin Higher Theater School, where his older brother Yuri Solomin, who later became not only an actor and director, theater teacher, but also artistic director of the State Academic Maly Theater Russia.

Oleg Dal studied on the same course with Vitaly (“King Lear”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, “How Ivan the Fool went for a miracle”), Mikhail Kononov (“Guest from the Future”, “First Trolleybus”, “Big change") and Viktor Pavlov ("Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik", "The meeting place cannot be changed", "The hostel is provided to the lonely"). By the way, having become a sophomore, Solomin began to receive invitations to participate in productions of the Maly Theater, and since 1963 he joined his troupe as an actor.

On the stage of the Maly Theater, he performed many central roles in the classical repertoire. In 1977, for his role in the play "Love Yarovaya" he was awarded the A. Popov Gold Medal. Among his works are also Chatsky in Woe from Wit, Protasov in The Living Corpse, Astrov in Uncle Vanya, etc.

Since the 1970s, Vitaly Methodievich has been directing. So, he staged "The Living Corpse" by L. Tolstoy, "My Favorite Clown" based on the story by Vasily Livanov. In 1986, for some time he moved to the Mossovet Theater, playing there in the production of "The Sad Detective", and in December 1988 he returned back to the Maly Theater and created "Wild Woman" in 1991, in 1997 - "Krechinsky's Wedding", later - "Ivanova", etc.

In cinema, Solomin appeared for the first time in an episode of the youth tape " I am twenty years old", Where they played Nikolai Gubenko ("They fought for the Motherland", "No password needed", "And life, and tears, and love"), Stanislav Lyubshin ("Stove-shops", "Kin-dza-dza!", “Quadrille”), Marianna Vertinskaya (“Ilyich’s Outpost”, “His name was Robert”, “Captain Nemo”), Lev Prygunov (“Tavern on Pyatnitskaya”, “Officers”, “Heart of Bonivur”), Pyotr Shcherbakov (“City of Zero ”, “Winter Evening in Gagra”, “We are from Jazz”), etc.

Then there was a small role in the film " Newton street, building 1”, in 1964 Vitaly appeared in The Chairman, a two-part drama by Alexei Saltykov with Mikhail Ulyanov, Ivan Lapikov, Kira Golovko and Nonna Mordyukova. Solomin's screen image, embodied by him in the film, became successful. Pavel Lyubimov"Women ". Then the artist played in such tapes as Dauria, Elder Sister, Die Hard, The last days of Pompeii», « Bat”, “Siberiada”, “Apartment for rent with a child”, etc.

The actor is very widely known to the viewer for his roles in the films directed by Igor Maslennikov, including the famous Dr. Watson in the serial television film (screen adaptations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) "" (1979-1986), Tomsky in the film The Queen of Spades and Dashkov in The Winter Cherry.

The TV movie about the great detective received recognition in the homeland of the writer himself Arthur Conan Doyle. April 27, 2007 in Moscow on Smolenskaya Embankment, opposite the British Embassy, ​​a monument to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson was unveiled - in fact, this monument was built in honor of the heroes of the detective film Igor Maslennikov, who were played by Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin.

In 1995-1996 Vitaly Solomin tried himself as a film director, shooting a feature film " Hunting' according to your scenario. Alisa Freindlich, Vasily Livanov, Alexander Lazarev and others starred in the film.

One of the last acting film works of Solomin - Lech Kshizhanovsky in the serial adventure comedy " hit or miss with Elena Safonova, Larisa Udovichenko, Nikolay Fomenko and Sergey Nikonenko.

2004: national television award "TEFI". 1999: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class, for his great contribution to the development of Russian theatrical culture and in connection with the 175th anniversary of the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia. 1998: Prize of the Government of Moscow. 1992: People's Artist of the RSFSR - for great services in the field of theatrical art. 1980: Order of the Badge of Honor - for the great work in preparing and holding the Games of the XXII Olympiad. 1977: Gold medal named after A. D. Popov for his role in the play "Love Yarovaya". 1974: Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

On the evening of April 23, 2002, Vitaly Solomin, who suffered from hypertension, performed in his last performance, Krechinsky's Wedding. He took the stage, despite feeling unwell, and was only able to play the first act. Then the actor was taken to the hospital, and doctors diagnosed him with a stroke. For almost a month, the artist, sometimes coming out of a coma, spent in the clinic. May 27, 2002 Vitaly Solomin died. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Vitaly Solomin. Personal life

First wife Vitaly Solomin was an actress Natalya RudnayaAutumn"(1974)," Orphanage owner"(1983)," Communication "(2006), whom he met in 1962 at a student performance. In 1963, they signed, but their relationship did not last long. Vitaly, by the way, gave a vow that he would no longer go down the aisle.

Years later, Solomin auditioned for the film " urban romance”, where a student of the textile institute was also invited Maria Leonidova, who was then offered to try in the cinema. It was there that Vitaly noticed her, and then offered to become his wife. The wedding was played on October 28, 1970. Maria took the surname of her husband, to whom she bore two daughters: Anastasia- in 1973 and Elizabeth- in 1984.

The youngest of them subsequently followed in the footsteps of her parents, linking her life, including with cinema (director and screenwriter of the film "Fairy Tale. There"). Lisa married a director Gleba Orlova("Poddubny", "Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny").

Vitaly Solomin (from an interview in 1999): I was lucky with my wife. She loves what I do. Proud of this, believes that I have a lot of unfulfilled. I am very worried that everything in the Maly Theater is happening in such a way that I turn out to be unnecessary. She was also worried about "Siren and Victoria": she waited until we released this performance, did not say that she had health problems. She had a blood clot on her leg, and as soon as the performance was over, on the same day we went to the hospital. She immediately underwent surgery, because it was impossible to delay any longer.

Vitaly Solomin. Theatrical work

1963 Robert - "They are waiting for us somewhere"
1963 Peter - "Ivanov" A.P. Chekhov
1964 Mr. Berkeley - "Lady Windermere's Fan" O. Wilde
1964 Cowley - "The Man from Stratford" S. Aleshin
1965 Chino - "Stole the Consul" G. Mdivani
1965 Zimin - "Summer residents" M. Gorky
1966 Grant - "A Man Drops Anchor" I. Kasumov
1966 Boris Ermakov in his youth - "Your Uncle Misha" G. Mdivani
1970 Vasily Kurbatov - "Emigrants" A. Sofronov
1971 Nelkin - "Krechinsky's Wedding"
1971 musician - "Smart Things" S. Ya. Marshak
1973 Ippolit - “Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat” by A. N. Ostrovsky
1974 Kulikov - "Summer Walks" A. Salynsky
1975 Chatsky - "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov
1977 Fiesco - "The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa" by Schiller
1977 Shvandya - “Spring Love” by K. A. Trenev
1978 Franker - "Mamure" J. Sarman
1982 Khlestakov - The Inspector General by N. Gogol
1983 Sergey Sinitsyn - "My favorite clown" by V. Livanov
1984 Protasov "The Living Corpse" by L. N. Tolstoy
1987 Soshnin - "The Sad Detective" V. Astafiev
1989 Lawrence Shannon - "The Night of the Iguana" by T. Williams
1990 Ashmetiev - "Wild" A. N. Ostrovsky and N. Ya. Solovyov
1993 Astrov - "Uncle Vanya" A.P. Chekhov
1997 Krechinsky - "Krechinsky's Wedding" (musical by A. Kolker based on the play by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin)
2001 Ivanov - "Ivanov" by A.P. Chekhov

Vitaly Solomin. Filmography


2003 Pan or gone (Leszek Krzyzanowski, last film work)
2002 Casus Belli / Casus Belli (Michael, main role)
2002 Backstage (Eroshin)
2001 With new happiness! - 2 (Kostya Kuropatov)
2001 Stop on demand - 2 (investigator Ishchenko)
2000 Memories of Sherlock Holmes (Doctor Watson, main role)
1998 Tests for real men (friend of Alexei)
1995 Winter Cherry (TV series) (Vadim Dashkov, main role)
1993 Prisoners of Fortune (Sedoy, main role)
1993 Uncle Vanya (film-play) (Mikhail Lvovich Astrov)
1992 Black Square (Konstantin Merkulov, main role)
1992 Dreams about Russia (Shelekhov)
1992 We only know each other
1991 Night of the Iguana (film-play) (Laurence Shannon, main role)
1990 Cuckold (main role)
1990 Winter Cherry - 2 (Vadim Dashkov, main role)
1989 Svetik (Karatygin, main role)
1988 Civil suit (Afanasy Cherebets)
1986 He, she and children (main role)
1986 My favorite clown (film-play) (Sergey Sinitsyn)
1986 55 degrees below zero (Konovalov, main role)
1985 Auditor (film-play) (official Khlestakov)
1985 Sincerely yours (Pasha Dobrynin, main role)
1985 Winter cherry (Dashkov)
1984 Limit of the possible (Ignat Remez, main role)
1983 Youth, issue 5 (film almanac) (Klyucharev, main role)
1983 Return from orbit (Vyacheslav Mukhin, main role)
1982 The Man Who Closed the City (Mole, main role)
1982 Queen of Spades (Tomsk)
1982 Summer walks (film-play) (Boris Kulikov, main role)
1982 Fight at the crossroads (officer)
1981 Silva (Count Konciano, main role)
1980 Who will pay for luck (Sergei Kuskov, main role)
1980 Fiesco's Conspiracy in Genoa (film-play) (Fiesco, main role)
1979-1986 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (Dr. Watson, main role)
1979 Mamure (film-play) (Franker)
1978 Siberiada (Nikolai Ustyuzhanin, main role)
1978 Rent an apartment with a child (Viktor Rybakov)
1978 Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat (film-play) (Ippolit, main role)
1978 Bat (Falk, main role)
1977 Jump from the roof (Kirill Kosichkin, main role)
1977 Woe from Wit (film-play) (Alexander Andreevich Chatsky)
1976 The Cherry Orchard (film-play) (Yasha)
1975 Krechinsky's wedding (film-play) (Nelkin)
1975 Boy with a sword (Oleg Moskovkin)
1974 House of Ostrovsky (film-play) (Ippolit)
1973 Discovery (Yuryshev / Katochkin)
1972 Page of Life (film-play) (Boris, main role)
1972 The last days of Pompeii (student Stepanov)
1972 Here is my village (principal)
1971 At our factory (Nikolai Starkov)
1971 Tell me about yourself (Pimenov, main role)
1971 Dauria (Roman Ulybin)
1970 Sun on the wall (film-play) (Hawks, main role)
1970 Salute, Maria! (Seva Chudreev)
1970 Ahead of the day (Razorenov, main role)
1969 To new shores (film-play) (Modest Mussorgsky, main role)
1969 Zinka (short)
1967 An incident in a hotel (film-play) (thin)
1967 An incident that no one noticed (Anatoly)
1967 Die Hard (Ivan the Terrible, main role)
1967 Indian Kingdom (Kostya Lyubentsov)
1966 Elder sister (Kirill, main role)
1965 Beloved (Volodya Levadov, main role)
1965 Women (Zhenya Bednov)
1964 Chairman (Valezhin)
1963 Newton Street, Building 1 (Boyartsev)
1962-1964 I'm twenty years old

Voice acting
1997 Don Quixote returns
1982 Treasure Island

1982 The limit of desires (song to B. Pasternak's poem "Date")
1981 My dear Muscovites (song "There was a war")

2003 Krechinsky's wedding (film-play)
1994 Hunt
1991 Night of the iguana (film-play)
1986 My favorite clown (film-play)

1994 Hunt

archive footage
2007 Offend the queen. Via Artmane (documentary)
2007 Star love Vitaly Solomin (documentary)
2006 How the idols left (documentary)
2006 Vitaly Solomin
2006 Sincerely yours ... Vitaly Solomin (documentary)
2002 To remember (documentary)

The biography of Vitaly Solomin is of interest to all his fans. The actor is best known for playing the role of Watson in the Sherlock Holmes series. In total, this talented person managed to act in about 70 films and TV shows. What is its history?

Vitaly Solomin: biography, family

The hero of this article was born in December 1941. Chita is the city where the first years of his life passed. From the biography of Vitaly Solomin it follows that the professional activities of his parents had nothing to do with the world of cinema. The boy's parents were music teachers.

Vitaly is not the only child of his parents. His older brother Yuri also connected his fate with cinema. Like Vitaly, he graduated from the Shchepkinskoe School, and for many years collaborated with the Maly Theater. People's love for Yuri gave the role of Pavel Koltsov in the film “His Excellency's Adjutant.


During his school years, Vitaly was fond of music. His mother and father supervised his piano lessons. However, the child did not dream of a musical career at all. As a child, the boy became interested in dramatic art. Of course, he was the permanent star of school plays.

The boy also had another hobby - sports. During his school years, Vitaly was seriously engaged in boxing. Many years later, this was useful to him in his work.


The biography of Vitaly Solomin indicates that immediately after graduation, he went to conquer the capital. From the first attempt, the young man managed to become a student at the Shchepkinsky school. Nikolai Annenkov took the talented guy to his workshop. Among Solomin's classmates there were many future stars, including Mikhail Kononov, Oleg Dal, Viktor Pavlov.

The desire for perfection almost played a bad joke on Solomin. In the first year, the young man received a mark of "good" in one of the exams. This almost made him quit the Shchepkinskoe school. The young man is used to learning well.

Even in his student years, Vitaly began to play in productions of the Maly Theater. For example, he embodied the image of the young Boris Ermakov in the play "Your Uncle Misha". Student years flew by quickly.


From the biography of Vitaly Solomin it follows that after graduating from the Shchepkinsky school, he joined the troupe of the Maly Theater. It is not easy to name all the famous performances in which he was involved over the years of work. In "Woe from Wit" the actor played Chatsky, in "The Living Corpse" he embodied the image of Protasov, in "Uncle Vanya" he played the role of Astrov.

In the 70s, Vitaly was actively engaged in directing. Solomin staged the performances "My Favorite Clown", "The Living Corpse". In 1986, the Mossovet Theater opened its doors to the actor. Vitaly played a bright role in The Sad Detective, and then returned to the Maly Theater.

First roles

The biography and personal life of Vitaly Solomin began to arouse public interest not at all thanks to his theatrical roles. This man owes his fame to cinema.

For the first time Solomin got on the set in 1961. The actor made his debut in the film "Zastava Ilyich" by Marlen Khutsiev. He got the episodic role of a graduate in a striped tie, who throws a bottle into the Moscow River. Due to problems with censorship, the release of the film was delayed for several years.

finest hour

When exactly did the biography, personal life, photo of Vitaly Solomin interest the public? This happened after the “Women” tape was presented to the audience court. The picture, which was released in 1966, tells about the difficult post-war years.

The audience focuses on the fate of three widows who lost their husbands during the war years. Women are forced to work in a furniture factory. Vitaly got the role of Zhenya Bednov, the son of one of the main characters.

Movies of the 70s

The biography of actor Vitaly Solomin indicates that during this period he acted a lot. In 1971, the painting "Dauria" was presented to the audience. In this film, a graduate of the Shchepkinsky school played a major role. His hero was Roman Ulybin, a brave Don Cossack. At the beginning of the film, Roma is only concerned with the question of whether his beloved will agree to marry him. Then he grows up, changes in front of the audience. This process is very interesting to watch.

In 1978, the serial film "Siberiada" was released. The picture tells about the events unfolding in the Siberian village of Yelan. Two large families compete with each other, the enmity does not stop for decades. Vitaly in this tape embodied the image of a member of the Ustyuzhanin family.

In 1979, the painting "Bat" saw the light. In this film, Vitaly embodied the image of the theater director, who gives the maid, who dreams of becoming an actress, an invitation card to a masquerade ball and a "bat" costume to play his friend.

"Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson"

Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin were recognized as the best by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Not only our compatriots agree with this assessment, but also the British. The first film was released in 1979, was an extraordinary success with the audience. Director Igor Maslennikov, inspired by this, shot four more films. As a result, 12 works by Arthur Conan Doyle were recreated on the screen.

"Winter cherry"

The film "Winter Cherry" was presented to the public in 1985. Solomin in this picture embodied the image of the charming and selfish Vadim Dashkov. The hero throughout the film is torn between two women. He is married to one of them, and cannot part with the other. The actor had nothing to do with his character, he was not characterized by his selfishness and indecision. However, many viewers continue to identify Solomin with Dashkov.

The film "Winter Cherry" was a success, so it grew into a trilogy. Vitaly embodied the image of Vadim Dashkov in the sequels of the picture. In 2018, the fourth part of the story loved by the audience is expected - unfortunately, already without Solomin. It was because of the death of the performer of one of the main roles that the continuation was not filmed earlier.

First marriage

Fans are interested not only in creative success, but also in personal life, the children of Vitaly Solomin. The biography of a talented actor indicates that he was married twice. His first great love was colleague Natalya Rudnaya. He met this girl in 1962 while working on a student play.

Vitaly courted Natalya for a long time, in the end he managed to win her over. In 1963, the actors got married. This union did not last long, did not pass the test of everyday life. After a divorce from Rudna, Solomin swore that he would never marry again. Interestingly, after parting, the former spouses never met.

Second marriage

The promise given to himself, Solomin did not keep. A few years later, Vitaly was invited to audition for the film "Urban Romance". There he met a student at the textile institute, Maria Leonidova. A pretty girl was invited to play in the extras.

As a result, Vitaly did not star in the film "Urban Romance", but drew attention to Mary. The actor looked after him very beautifully, the student could not resist. The age difference did not become an obstacle for lovers. Solomin and Leonidova got married in 1970.

What can you tell about the children of Vitaly Solomin, whose biography and personal life are discussed in the article? In 1973, the actor first became a father. His wife gave him a daughter, the girl was named Anastasia. In May 1984, another daughter was born in the family; the name Elizabeth was chosen for her.

Anastasia preferred a profession that had nothing to do with cinema. Elizabeth followed in her father's footsteps. The girl graduated from VGIK, now she is trying to succeed as a director and producer. She is married to director Gleb Orlov, and has a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Vera.


What is the cause of death of Vitaly Solomin? The biography of the actor indicates that he suffered from hypertension for many years. In April 2002, Vitaly played in the production of Krechinsky's Wedding. The actor did not feel well, but did not want to cancel the performance.

Vitaly was only strong enough to play in the first act. Solomin was carried off the stage in his arms and taken to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed a stroke. He spent about a month in the hospital. Basically, Vitaly was in a coma. Only occasionally did he come out of this state.

So, the cause of death of Vitaly Solomin, whose biography and personal life are discussed in the article, was a stroke. The talented actor who brilliantly played Dr. Watson died in May 2002. The farewell ceremony was magnificent. Vitaly's grave is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The actor was only 60 years old when he left this world.


What other films and series with the participation of Vitaly Solomin were not mentioned in the article? Film and television projects in which you can see a talented actor are listed below.

  • "Elder sister".
  • "Indian Kingdom".
  • "An incident that no one noticed."
  • "Incident at the hotel".
  • "Toughie".
  • "Towards New Shores".
  • "Ahead of the day."
  • "Tell me about yourself".
  • "In our factory."
  • "This is my village..."
  • "The Last Days of Pompeii".
  • "Page of Life".
  • "Krechinsky's wedding".
  • "The Cherry Orchard".
  • "Boy with a sword."
  • "Roof Jump"
  • "Woe from Wit".
  • "Every day is not Sunday".
  • "Rent an apartment with a child."
  • "Who will pay for luck."
  • "Fight at the Crossroads".
  • "The Man Who Shut Down the City"
  • "Summer walks".
  • "The Queen of Spades".
  • "Return from Orbit".
  • "The limit of the possible."
  • "55 degrees below zero."
  • "He, she and the children."
  • "Civil action".
  • "Dreams about Russia".
  • "Black square".
  • "Prisoners of Fortune"
  • "Tests for real men."
  • "Casus belli".
  • "Hit or miss".

In the last years of his life, Solomin appeared on the set infrequently. This was due to the fact that the actor was practically not offered interesting roles. Vitaly refused to play characters that were boring to him.

People's Artist of Russia


Vitaly Methodievich Solomin was born on December 12, 1941, in Chita. The Solomin family lodged in a wooden house built for a doctor who came to treat the exiled Decembrists. One of the brightest childhood memories is the windows of the house, which are not large in Siberia - after all, the frost is terrible there! You go for water - God forbid you spill it and step into a puddle. The leg will immediately freeze. In the evenings, Vitalya liked to sit with his feet on the hot stove, with a book and a glass of sweet tea. One of my favorite writers was, of course, Conan Doyle. By the way, Dr. Watson then seemed to the future actor as a pot-bellied and short man, in no way similar to himself - tall and fit.

The parents of Vitaly and Yuri Solomin - professional musicians Methodius Viktorovich and Zinaida Ananyevna - dreamed of seeing Vitaly as a pianist. For five years, the boy drummed on the keys, dreaming that the hated piano would fall to pieces. And then one day, lo and behold! In severe frost, holding a huge music folder under his arm, approaching the threshold of the music school, he could not open the door, it was simply jammed from the cold. The happy boy, having returned, announced that the school ... was closed! The parents, realizing that Richter would not come out of their son, waved their hand at him and allowed him to do as they pleased.

There was no such sports club in Chita, wherever Solomin Jr. did: volleyball section, basketball, gymnastics, athletics, boxing ... True, forty-five years old, Solomin could not hit a person. A serious reason was needed: the best friend of Vitaly Methodievich, the surgeon Yevgeny Matyakin, was mortally insulted by one of the Moscow artists. The offender turned out to be the first person to try the power of the Solominsky blow with the right hand, and he remembered it for a long time.

There are two versions of what made Vitaly Solomin go to Moscow to storm the Shchepkinsky school. The first - the authority of the elder brother acted. When his older brother Yuri left for Moscow to enter the theater, Solomin was eleven years old. The second - the decisive role was played by the film "The Fate of a Man", which once Vitaly watched at the daytime session in the cinema, where there were only two other spectators besides him ... Probably, these three needed the film to solve vital issues. And Vitaly Solomin decided that it was great to do what is vital for at least three.

In a word, the young man went to Moscow, admonished by his father's comment: “Everything is right, son. Fall - so from a white horse! And why exactly in the Shchepkinskoe school? It’s just that the boy from Chita didn’t know about the existence of any other Moscow theaters, except for the Maly, which Shchepkinsky graduates get into, which, of course, was suggested by Yuri Solomin.

Love for the Maly Theater

Vitaly Solomin is not one of those who rushed through life. Once and for all, falling in love with the Maly Theater, with its traditions, the atmosphere filled with the presence of several great generations of actors. The actor was faithful to him both in the days of resounding success (he brought roles in the performances: "The Government Inspector", "Woe from Wit", "The Living Corpse"), and during the years of prolonged downtime.

Solomin "changed" Maly only once: tired of eternal disagreements with the leadership, he went to the Theater for two years. Moscow City Council. Here he played in the play based on the play by V. Astafiev "The Sad Detective". The actor very quickly realized that everywhere is the same. And there is no point in changing your theater to someone else's. In the meantime, there was a change of leadership at the Maly Theater - Yuri Methodievich Solomin became artistic director. Vitaly Methodievich succumbed to his brother's persuasion and returned "home". And right there, on the native stage, he staged a play based on Ostrovsky's play "The Savage Woman", in which he himself played Ashmetiev.

The time has come when, from a budding actor, Vitaly Solomin became an actor who can be staged performances. Of the theatrical works of that period, I remember the beloved role of Ippolit in the play staged by Khokhryakov and director Yunnikov “Not all the carnival for the cat”, the role of Chatsky in the play Tsarev “Woe from Wit”, and the role in Salynsky's play “Summer Walks”. Then there were the performances "The Fieko Conspiracy in Genoa" and "The Living Corpse", a joint work with Nelli Kornienko.


However, Vitaly Solomin did not wait for years by the sea for weather. After reading the play, Alexander Galin "Siren and Victoria", he saw a private entreprise. Having persuaded the film actress Larisa Udovichenko to enter the theater stage for the first time in her life and having secured the consent of Irina Rozanova, director Vitaly Solomin staged the play "for three actors." The third, of course, was himself. "Siren" collected a full house on a tour of Russia, in Moscow ...

An entreprise based on Max Frisch's play "Biography: Game" was staged on the stage of the Maly Theatre. The premiere, however, had to be postponed: the artist Yevgeny Dvorzhetsky passed away untimely in a day, and the troupe had to urgently look for a replacement. Ivar Kalninsh was invited to the role. Director Vitaly Solomin believed that entrepreneurial work is not just a way to make money. In them, the artist can realize himself in interesting works, when the artists go on stage without a preliminary rehearsal. That, however, in his opinion, does not prevent the audience from fully perceiving the play. In addition, he believed that the entreprise is what the viewer needs today.

It was useless to argue with Vitaly Methodievich. Not that character. “A stone flower,” Andron Konchalovsky, who shot Solomin in Siberiad, said about him. He considered almost the most terrible sin ... optional. For the organizers of the theatrical tour, Solomin was a real punishment. God forbid, some overlays, delays in the fee or something like that! He could even refuse to go on stage at all - and there was no question of further cooperation.

Frame from the movie "The incident that no one noticed"

Film work

There were different periods in the theatrical life of the actor - the directors, the theater management changed, there were breaks, even for several years. Saved filming a movie.

Frame from the movie "Who will pay for luck"

Vitaly Solomin became famous faster than his brother Yuri - films with his participation came out earlier than "His Excellency's Adjutant". The first film in which Vitaly Solomin made his debut in a small role was the painting "Newton Street, Building 1".

Frame from the movie "Indian Kingdom"

Then followed the "Chairman" and the film "Women", where the actor played the main role - Zhenya. The picture was well received by experts, was a huge success with the audience. In the film "Big Sister" he played the role of Cyril. His partners were the wonderful Mikhail Zharov and the incomparable Tatyana Doronina. In the future, Vitaly often and successfully filmed.

Frame from the movie "Sincerely yours"

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

Vitaly Solomin experienced a grateful feeling for director Igor Maslennikov, in whose films he played leading roles. Favorite, who brought the actor real popularity - Dr. Watson in the series about Sherlock Holmes. Among the numerous pairs of Holmes and Watson, of which several dozen have accumulated in history, the British themselves recognize only their own and ... Russians: Lebanese Holmes and Solominsky Watson became the best in world cinema.

Although, what's the difference?! The main thing is that our viewers like ours to be recognized. And what do the British think about this ...

Frame from the movie "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"

During the filming of the film, the actor met and became friends with Vasily Livanov for life. And in one of the episodes of "Sherlock Holmes" - according to the story "Motley Ribbon" - Solomin even allowed his wife to act in film, at the request of her husband, Maria Solomina refused directorial offers for several years.

Solomin himself believed: “Watson is a “reading matter”, just a detective, well and stylishly made by a good cameraman and director, talented actors. But Conan Doyle is not Chekhov, not Griboedov and not Sukhovo-Kobylin! Theatrical roles are much more interesting! Only in the classics can an actor demonstrate what he is capable of.” Subsequently, director Igor Maslennikov invited the actor to play in The Queen of Spades.

Frame from the film "Winter Cherry"

Winter cherry

The film "Winter Cherry" brought Vitaly Solomin great success. A psychological film, a witty artistic experiment staged by the director on a single male individual. Duet Solomin - Kalninsh play two different men who fought for the heart of the same woman.

Vitaly Solomin plays what would happen to the hero if, in a relationship with the woman he loved, he would do this and that, and Ivar Kalninsh - if he did the opposite, like this and that. Who will win - phlegmatic Solomin or superman Kalninsh.

“Everything happens in the life of a male actor. A creative person should always be in a state of love - and those who think that this is love for something abstract are very mistaken. Actors fall in love with a stage partner, and not at all with the landscape outside the window, Solomin frankly admitted, it’s always difficult to get used to the role, it’s only on the screen that everything looks easy and simple.

Frame from the film "Dauria"

Other films

The filmography of the actor included several dozen paintings that brought Vitaly Methodievich immense popularity and love of millions of viewers. His work in the film "Dauria" was very dear to him: the action of the novel takes place in Siberia, Transbaikalia, and the actor's native places.

Frame from movie Silva"

With pleasure, Vitaly Solomin starred in the musical films "Silva" and "The Bat": he loved music, wanted to sing, dance, there was even a period of recording songs on the radio, unfortunately, not long. One of the latest works of Vitaly Solomin is the serial film "All Red".

Vitaly Solomin also tried himself as a film director, making the feature film "Hunting". The film takes place at the end of the 18th century. Costumes for her - embroidered camisoles and dresses - were made by craftsmen using a special technology. Filming took place at the Lenfilm studio, the picture was shown on television.

Personal life

Wife - Maria Antoninovna Solomina, graduate of the Textile Institute, fashion designer. Works in the House of Models, participates in the release of fashion magazines. She starred in the films "Urban Romance", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" and "Silva".

Wife of Vitaly Solomin - Solomina Maria

Daughters - Anastasia, graduated from school with the ensemble of Igor Moiseev, works in this team, and Elizabeth. Grandson - Cyril.

Vitaly Solomin did not go to festivals, did not attend film parties, rarely appeared on the TV screen. He simply felt the taste of private life too well ... The place where Vitaly Solomin could easily be found was the restaurant of the House of Journalists. Waiters from the former WTO worked there, with whom the actor had known for many good three decades. They knew everything about his life, and he knew everything about them.

Vitaly Solomin least of all resembles his famous character from Winter Cherry - a weak-willed, indecisive person, prone to eternal compromises. Although the actor himself believes that there is still something in common between them. "Love for two women at once - it's not so abnormal, only very hard." However, his own family boat safely passed these reefs. Masha turned out to be an extremely understanding wife. Once Vitaly Solomin asked his eldest daughter what life is. She replied: "This is our circle on Earth." Very accurate.

"Your circle" for Vitaly Solomin is life in the country. He bought an old one, 37, with huge apple trees in the garden, birch trees, thickets of raspberry, currant, bird cherry. There are some back streets, old benches, sheds, and in them - old lamps, typewriters of the late 19th century, braided bottles. Beautiful creations of human hands. In all this there is a sense of the presence of people. Dense atmosphere.

In order to teach Kirill's grandson to feel this atmosphere, Vitaly Methodievich worked on arranging a special shed - with tools, a workbench, and most importantly - with a wheel like the one that Timur and his team were spinning: so that everything would ring, rattle, live ... And so that Kirill knew , what is land and how something grows on it, Vitaly Methodievich, completely indifferent to gardening and horticulture, set up a greenhouse for cucumbers. They dug up the ground together with Kirill - both were naked to the waist, grimy, red-haired, snub-nosed, stubborn, harmful ...

Near the Solomins, his friend Matyakin also bought a house - the one for whose honor the actor entered into hand-to-hand combat. It does not matter that the village is located too close to Sheremetyevo Airport and the roar of planes does not let you fall asleep. But close to each other! This friendship is thirty years old. Vitaly Solomin officially celebrated this event - he organized several bonfires, invited nice people ... Celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of friendship is also "its own circle" on Earth.

At the Maly Theater, Vitaly Solomin was famous for his ability to celebrate. Holidays are a whole ritual. No ostentatious luxury is needed. The main thing is that everything should be sincere, with love, with imagination. Everyone was waiting for the premiere of his performances - and not only for the sake of the performances themselves, but also for the sake of banquets. Vitaly Methodievich always came up with something - either he would get a giant sturgeon, which eight people bring into the dining room, or he would arrange fireworks. If only the feeling of “one’s own circle” would not go away, if only the taste of life would not disappear ...

It became a bit boring in the theater by the end of the season - this is how the New Year should be arranged! It doesn't matter that it's April! The Christmas tree, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, and most importantly - the skit, for which everyone should prepare their number, everything - from the director to the fireman - and people will become a little easier to live. And it doesn’t matter that the next day Solomin didn’t cost anything, immersed in his thoughts, forgetting to say hello to yesterday’s comrades on the holiday of life ... Colleagues in the theater forgave him both absent-mindedness and sometimes a heavy temper.

The scene of Maly, the actor's relatives - all this was his circle. And those places where he was met with love - this was also his circle on this Earth.
Vitaly Methodievich Solomin died on May 27, 2002.

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