Whoever is running out of strength will be helped by the conspiracies of April. Signs of the month April Conspiracy from strabismus

Knowledge of January conspiracies will save you from many troubles. To read the conspiracy, you need to know a special language - the language of the conspiracy. Only this language is understandable to beings from other worlds, elemental spirits, angels and demons. In earthly life, a person does not have the opportunity to go “on a visit” to another world, and it is not very convenient for the inhabitants of other worlds to appear in our world. But, somehow, these meetings must take place, the conditions under which it is fulfilled: in the evening dawn or in the morning, about noon or midnight. In the old days, all the conditions of the conspiracy were diligently fulfilled, and if there was a condition to go through two gates and bow on four sides, then they did just that.

Nowadays, not all conditions of the conspiracy can be fulfilled, but if you want the conspiracy to be effective, then you will also have to: get up before dawn, go through a certain number of intersections, perform certain actions on some of them, and only after reaching the control line, you you can start a conversation with the spirits. And each conspiracy has its own line or control point. It can be a seashore, a river or lake bank, a lone tree standing in the middle of a field or a road.

January conspiracies as a language of communication with angels, elemental spirits and demons.

Every day you can read various January conspiracies and make amulets for yourself and your family. On the first of January, they read a charm that can prevent misfortunes. There are a number of rules and conditions that must be met on January 1 so that the whole year is successful for the whole family. Mandatory reading was the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos. On this day, any disease was brought to cattle by a special conspiracy. They were not allowed to sweep and mop the floor before lunch, so as not to wash away luck.

On the second day of January, they glorified the icon of the Mother of God of Novgorod, which the people called "the Savior of the drowning." On the second of January, they read a plot from drowning in the waters.

On the fourth of January, they read a conspiracy that will serve as a talisman against death for those who are in prison. Amulet from death in dungeons. Most often, this conspiracy is read in the church, less often among healers.

On the fifth of January, you can think of a wish and it will certainly come true. On this day, kneading was done with holy water and three handfuls of rye flour. During this, January conspiracies were read for the fulfillment of a wish.

On the sixth of January, you need to buy a new linen towel and speak it to heal all diseases. This will allow you and your family not to be afraid of any illness all year round.

On the birthday of Jesus Christ on January 7, you can acquire physical and spiritual strength. And sick people to recover, once and for all. To do this, it was necessary to repeat the words of a special conspiracy three times during the morning washing.

On the eighth of January they made a conspiracy against thieves. They talked about the front door. They also made a conspiracy on the footprint so that the legs never hurt.

On January 10, the youngest member of the family was entrusted with the purchase of salt, then the salt was spoken and all the food was salted with this salt. Before salting food, they read a conspiracy from scandals and quarrels in the family.

On January 11, they speak the house from fires. January conspiracies continued to be read on the day of the three saints on January 12, on this day they speak damage if they find it.

On January 13, they read a conspiracy for a cold, since a person who fell ill that day could be ill for a long time.

On January 14, according to popular belief, in the joy that a son was born to God, all the locks and all the doors were opened and dark forces of various calibers got out into the light. On this day, the most vile damage is brought about. Therefore, the healers had a lot of all sorts of work, they spoke the house from damage and read prayers.

On the day of the prophet Malachi, January 16, a conspiracy is read to treat a person suffering from seizures.

The twentieth day of January was celebrated by speaking the meat of a rooster. The plot was made on health, whoever eats rooster meat will be healthy.

The twenty-first of January is a strong day. On this day, the only one of the year, the most successful conspiracies from cancer are obtained. They speak water and give the patient a wash.

On the twenty-seventh of January they made a charm and read a conspiracy for success in trading affairs.

On the twenty-ninth of January they read a conspiracy to treat the throat.

February conspiracies

February conspiracies - a continuation of January or new ones? At a time when calendar reform was not yet thought of, the last month of the year, February, was the final month. At this time, the dead were remembered and repented. The New Year in Russia was celebrated on March 1, so the last month of the year was rich in magical rites. This month, amulets were made for the home and family, various conspiracies were read, the days were spent in prayers.

Faith in salvation, like faith in February conspiracies

The day of the first of February was traditionally set aside for the treatment of head diseases. February conspiracies could be pronounced by both a healer and a sick person.

On the second of February, only those who were born on this day were conspired, since it was believed that those born on the second of February were not destined for a long life.

On the fourth day of February, they started talking about inguinal and umbilical hernia. Special attention was paid to sick children.

On the fifth of February, they went out into the street and read a love plot against the wind. Subject to all the requirements and conditions of the conspiracy, a person found love within a month, and it could have been faster.

On the day of St. Xenia, which was celebrated on February 6, there was a sign. Whoever is the first to sit down to supper that day will be the first to die that year. So that the children would not be in trouble, the older members of the family deliberately sat down first to have dinner.

On the seventh of February, sugar was spoken for a successful bargain. The healer read February plots to attract buyers. They made a conspiracy for the goods and for a successful bargain.

On the 8th of February, a thief was searched for with the help of the Bible. This was preceded by a special conspiracy, which was pronounced only on that day. A love spell on a loved one was also done on the eighth of February.

If you wanted to have power over people and be successful in everything, then on the ninth of February they read special spells and conspiracies. On the same day, it was customary to read a conspiracy to obedience to children.

The day of the tenth of February was a salvation for those who felt "husband's love" on themselves. Men stopped dissolving their hands after they began to feel the effect of the conspiracies uttered on the tenth of February.

On the 11th of February, the conspiracies of February did not work, so they were almost never done. In special cases, a conspiracy was made on the goiter.

February 12 honored the memory of three saints. In order for people to stop arguing which of the three saints is better, the healers read a conspiracy that would bring harmony in the family and help reconcile the warring.

The day of the thirteenth of February was especially looked forward to by those whose wives or husbands cheated. On this day, with the help of a conspiracy, it is possible to separate the lovers and return a family member who has gone on a spree to the family.

On the fourteenth of February they read a conspiracy for neuralgia and gout.

The sixteenth day of February was celebrated with delicious, charmed pancakes. On the pancake week, they performed all kinds of love spells, which were the strongest.

The cold February wind served the healers on the seventeenth of February. On this day, they read a conspiracy-love spell to the wind, read a conspiracy for the treatment of the pancreas.

On the nineteenth of February, bread was spoken for a light calving of a cow.

There was no special conspiracy on February 20, but if it happened on the new moon, then they spoke the pies baked that day and treated the household so that there were no seizures among them.

On the twenty-first of February, they read a conspiracy from a strong evil eye.

On the twenty-second of February, they read a conspiracy from polyps in the nose, as well as a negligent reckless husband.

If February 23 fell on a waning moon, then they made a conspiracy for black rabbit meat from cancer.

On the twenty-fourth of February, healers made a conspiracy for beauty. They cut grass near the church at night and, performing a certain ritual, brewed a potion, which they then spoke and gave to girls who did not have natural beauty.

On the very last day of February, February 28, they read a plot to shorten the language, which was too long. Another conspiracy shortened the temper of the husband, who preferred to scratch his fists on his wife.

March Conspiracies

March conspiracies will help in difficult times. The best conspiracies of March. March 1st is the heaviest day of the year. On this day, Judas committed suicide, which is considered a mortal sin in our time. In order to protect their relatives from such a sin, they read a conspiracy on the first of March. There is a conspiracy to expel stones, sand from the liver, it is also read on the first of March.

Be attentive to the dreams you had on the second of March. On this day, dreams are prophetic. On the second of March, a sore throat is spoken. A decoction of medicinal herbs is prepared and the sick are treated with it.

On the fourth of March, linden blossom is brewed, lemon juice is added and they are spoken. Make March plots for beauty.

On March 5, men are treated for sexual weakness. Read a plot from impotence.

They are trying to influence the debtors on the sixth of March. If you know for sure that the debtor has money, and he is not going to repay the debt, then they perform the appropriate ritual and read the conspiracy on the willow twig. On March 6, they read a plot from painful splinters.

On March 7, they speak to a person who is forced to leave his home for a while. So that trouble does not befall him either on the way or in a new place, they read a strong and effective conspiracy.

The conspiracies of the month of March continue. On March 8, the healers made a conspiracy on ice icicles. Such charmed icicles were recommended to wipe the skin on the face of young women who were unhappy with their appearance. The conspiracy only works when the moon is waning, so it was possible to slander melt water and then wash women whose face was covered in acne and blackheads.

On the tenth of March, they make a conspiracy for an amulet and give it to those who need it.

On March 12, conspiracies are not read, however, this is a great day to pray for peace. Your prayer to the Guardian Angel on this day is especially significant.

The thirteenth of March is called an unlucky day. On this day, they did not leave the house without special need. Nowadays it is difficult to follow this instruction, however, if you read the amulet, which will become a kind of shield for you and protect you from all sorts of troubles, then trouble can be avoided. First, they read a prayer that will give strength to the conspiracy, and only then the conspiracy itself from misfortunes.

On the day of the fifteenth, they read March's conspiracies for a love spell of their own husband in order to discourage him from wandering around other people's houses. They also speak an egg and run it around the body as a prevention against cancer.

A conspiracy from dryness is read on the seventeenth of March. After reading this conspiracy, you can not be afraid that someone will be able to dry your beloved husband.

The eighteenth of March is a good day for a conspiracy to help protect yourself along the way.

They spoke to their children from corruption, whether it was or not, it doesn’t matter, on the nineteenth of March. The conspiracy has been in effect for seven years, and it was carried out in every house without fail.

If you want to refresh the beauty of your face a little, speak an egg on March 20 and wash yourself with it, you will see the result instantly.

On the twenty-first of March, they read a conspiracy for a bear's disease or a disease of fecal incontinence.

Night blindness is treated with a conspiracy on March 23. A conspiracy is read that allows you to protect yourself from twilight blindness.

On the twenty-fourth of March, they conspire against a walking husband. They read a plot for food and then serve it to their husband. They also slander fish and on Thursday they bake a pie with this fish. This conspiracy will reduce or nullify the number of quarrels with her husband.

On March 25, you can conspire to get rid of dashing people who did or have the intention to do damage to you.

You have already heard about the fact that many healers, in order to heal the patient, go to places where there are a lot of people and there they either scatter poppy seeds or husks, and also, as if by chance, hit a person walking next to them with their elbow. This is done in order to transfer the disease from a sick person to a healthy one. So, on March 26, after reading the plot from the negative, you can safely go about your business.

On the twenty-seventh of March, they don’t read conspiracies, but it’s a painfully negative day to miss it. On this day, you can not look in the mirror, especially for the elderly. It is today that the Looking Glass has a special power that can significantly lower a person's tone or completely take it away.

On March 30, they read a prayer to St. Alexei for healing.

April conspiracies

Whoever is running out of strength will be helped by the conspiracies of April. If you want not to know sadness and grief, learn the conspiracies of April. On the second of April, masks were made, with the help of which they maintained youth. At dawn, they read a conspiracy to beauty.

On the Day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 7, it is necessary to conduct a ceremony that is carried out only once a year and only on April 7th. No matter how much you try to read the conspiracy to return happiness on another day, you will not succeed.

On the eleventh of April, they make a conspiracy on birch sap and purify the blood with it. Sticks are spoken for the treatment of arthritis, scoliosis, diseases of the spinal cord. This is a good day to read a conspiracy for the treatment of the kidneys, gallbladder and genitourinary system. Perform a ceremony for good luck. Ulcers and ulcers speak. They put protection from the evil eye and damage. On the twelfth of April, baking is usually done. They make cookies in the shape of a ladder, which, according to an old tradition, allows you to climb to heaven. Cookies speak for health and longevity.

On the fourteenth of April they cajoled the merman. They conduct a ceremony and read the conspiracies of April.

Dahl has a list of black books. According to this list, conspiracies can be read not every day of the month, but only thirty-three days a year. Although many magicians and healers do not agree with this judgment and continue to insist that only a few days a year are completely unsuitable for reading conspiracies. You can’t read conspiracies, conduct various ceremonies and rituals, guess on the days when church holidays are celebrated, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a big holiday or a small one. When there is a special need for reading the conspiracy, the conspiracy is read on small church holidays in the afternoon, when the service in the church has already been completed.

If you believe Dahl, then in April, only three days are suitable for reading a conspiracy - “3”, “17”. "eighteen".

You can not miss Walpurgis Night, which most often falls on the night of the thirtieth of April. At this time, the witches are busy, they arrange a Sabbath on Bald Mountain. People at this time burn bonfires to scare away the evil that sorcerers can bring.

Maundy Thursday also usually falls in April, but sometimes falls in May. On this day the post ends. It is good to take a shower and read April's conspiracies to cleanse the soul and body. On this day, conspiracies cleanse the house of filth and do a general cleaning. Only once a year, on the last Thursday before the bright holiday of Easter, a ceremony is performed to relieve headaches. On the same day, early in the morning at dawn, they count money and speak it, money will be found for a whole year.

We are waiting for a bright Easter holiday all year long. There is still a lot of time until midnight, and the smart parishioners are already impatient. They gather in thousands in churches, and all together they are waiting for the joyful news, the arrival of the triumph of Easter.

On Easter, the consecration of products and colored eggs is held. Subsequently, this egg can remove the evil eye and damage, relieve headaches. On this day, it is customary to exchange red krashanks. The egg is a symbol of rebirth, and its color symbolizes the Blood of Jesus.

Despite the fact that there is a ban on holding various ceremonies on major holidays, you can afford it on Easter. They read April's conspiracies for the return of loved ones and the revival of love. They do this at a time when the Easter service is going on in all Orthodox churches. You should put candles at the icon of "All Saints" and at the icon of your patroness. The rite consists in a prayer that all people praying at this time will pick up and it will certainly be heard. Your loved one will definitely come back.

Be sure to wait until the candles burn out. The rite is very effective, so before you conduct it, think carefully about whether you really want your ex-lover to return, or is it hurt pride that speaks to you.

May conspiracies

We speak dew - we study the conspiracies of May. Conspiracies of May, the best remedy for curing diseases. The third of May is the day when the dead yearn for earthly life. Today it is necessary to take old photographs and look at them. If you feel that negative energy is coming from them, unpleasant memories arise, then perform a ceremony to cleanse these photos. If it does not help, then it is better to burn such photos.

On May 5, they read May conspiracies to purify the air in the house. Calamus branches are attached to the front door, onion husks are spread throughout the house.

On the sixth of May, dew is spoken, with the help of which they remove fear from children.

On the eighth of May, the energy of a house or apartment is cleansed. They read a plot on nettles and soak them in water for three hours, then they wash the floors throughout the house with this water. Today you can speak the prosphora brought from the church from corruption.

On the eleventh of May, they read a conspiracy for birch sap and solder the sick with it. Juice must be presented to you, the conspiracy does not work on purchased juice.

From black sorcerers protect the house on May 12. They burn the juniper and read the plot, then sweep the house.

On the sixteenth of May, they tear nettles, with their own hands, and read the conspiracies of May for healing from many diseases. Then they whip themselves with this nettle.

There are days when time goes by minutes. If damage to death is made, then the delay in death is similar. On the eighteenth of May, maybe another day, you should order a prayer service in the church for health. After that, take holy water and read a conspiracy over it. Attention, in this conspiracy you cannot confuse a single word, so read carefully and slowly.

On the day of the nineteenth of May, dew is collected in the morning dawn. Run a towel over the grass and then wring out. On the dew they read a plot from psoriasis, eczema and skin diseases in general. Spell water can be stored in the refrigerator for some time. If the time comes to use it, water does not lose its capabilities.

On Nikolin's day, the twenty-second of May, a surprisingly beautiful, and most importantly effective rite is performed to fulfill a cherished desire. There can only be one wish. A conspiracy, a prayer, a request for the most secret is read.

On the twenty-third of May, the earth is a birthday girl. Nobody on earth is working today. On this day, the earth rests. The most favorable moment has come to chastise the house from damage. Find a trace on the ground and draw across it with the tip of a knife, pretending to cut off the damage. At this time, read the conspiracies of May.

When reading the plot, remember that this must be taken seriously. You summon the spirits and expect to meet them. But they are on the other side of the world, and you are on this one, so your meeting can take place only on the border of the worlds, ours and the other. Moreover, the boundaries are special, temporal and spatial. Often the time is stipulated in the conspiracy, and today we will talk about the language in which communication with otherworldly forces takes place during the reading of the conspiracy. You can object and say that each people speaks with the spirits in their own language. This is true, but simple spoken language will not help an uninitiated person to start a dialogue with unearthly beings.

In each conspiracy, its main part should be highlighted, which is pronounced clearly and distinctly. It doesn’t matter if you speak from memory, or read from a piece of paper, the main thing is that it comes from the bottom of your heart. It must be remembered that a conspiracy is a great force, the concentration of this force is so great that it is difficult to describe it.

Most importantly, remember that you should not turn to the Higher Forces more than once a month, because by setting in motion the powerful energy of these forces, you can overdo it, and there is no turning back.

Conspiracies cannot be pronounced just like that, in vain, when there is no special need for it. This can only be done if you feel that you cannot cope on your own.

June conspiracies

Exams are not terrible for those who know the conspiracies of June. The skill and knowledge of the rites makes June conspiracies perfect. Before you create or read a conspiracy, you must be sure that you are all alone, and there is no one next to you. You are going to do some serious work, and someone else's energy can harm you. Any person, even the most dear and close, can accidentally drop a word and interfere with the conspiracy.

Every time you start working with a conspiracy, you need to have a favorable environment for this. You need shade and candles. The environment should be familiar and pleasant to you. It is necessary to discard extraneous thoughts and tune in to what you are going to do. If you work calmly, without being nervous or straining, then the conspiracy will turn out the way it was intended.

Close your eyes and sit in complete silence for a few minutes. And only when you realize that you have reached the necessary concentration of thought, you can create a conspiracy.

On the fifth of June, conspiracies of June are read for the return of happiness. The same rite and conspiracy are read on the seventh of January. June is the month of graduation and entrance exams, many young people are terrified of them. Therefore, it's time to conduct a kind of ritual, a rite to destroy the fear of trials. For adults, this rite will also be necessary, since tests are often carried out at work for prof. fitness. There are rituals that will help you come out of any testing and trial with honor. These are rituals called “Four Forks”, “Magic Comb”, “Buckwheat Porridge”.

The ninth of June is the day of the Ascension of the Lord. Today they bake cookies in the form of a ladder with rungs. There should be seven crossbars. In addition to cookies, pies are baked with onions and eggs are dyed yellow.

On the fiftieth day after the feast of Easter comes the Trinity. Today, June is also conspiring to return a loved one. In Ukraine, this day is called Green Holidays. The gates, doors and windows of the house are decorated with green birch branches and at the same time they read a conspiracy for happiness. On the same day, a ceremony is performed to remove damage, if there is a suspicion of such. Seven days after the ceremony, they read a plot to return the Guardian Angel. They also read the morning prayer to him. In order for the conspiracy to work, buy two candles in the church and put the Mother of God and the icon of Christ. Be careful not to put a candle on the eve. Kanun is a rectangular candlestick; candles are placed on it for the dead for repose. And we need an oval candlestick. After all this, you should order a salutary prayer service.

The twelfth of June is the day of Yeremey. According to popular beliefs, and we have no reason not to believe them, June twelfth is the height of wedding passions among snakes. It is advisable not to go into the forest on this day, so as not to inadvertently disturb the wedding games of reptiles. On this day, they read a conspiracy from a snake bite.

On the fourteenth of June they sprinkle the floor with mint, they say that Ustin, whose day is celebrated on June 14, protects the house from black spirits, which are especially active on this day. They read conspiracies of June for protection from evil spirits.

On the twenty-fourth of June, it is forbidden to tear the grass, so as not to accidentally injure the hands with poison, which the evil spirit dropped that day. Folk tales say that today is the best day for wickedness, she swings on the grass and saturates the grass with poison. On this day, they read a conspiracy from killing with poison.

On the day of the thirtieth of June, you can not go close to the water, and even more so to swim. They read a plot from drowning on the water. On the same day, a very strong conspiracy for wealth is pronounced. You need to go to the market and buy a lot of different goods. The more you buy, the more wealth awaits you this year. The conspiracy is read both on the product and on the person himself.

July conspiracies

July conspiracies held on the night of Ivan Kupala. The fern flower is similar to the conspiracies of July. The sixth of July is the day of Agrafena-bathing. Desirable on this day will be water procedures. It would be nice to take a steam bath in a bathhouse, which is pre-heated and covered with herbs on the floor. A broom is made from tree branches and a conspiracy for health is read on the broom so that the person who has steamed with this broom is completely healthy. They keep such a broom at home.

Few people managed to see the scarlet color of the fern, but everyone strives for this on the seventh of July. The holiday of Ivan Kupala is loved by people of different generations. Young people and older people burn fires all night long on the banks of a river or some other body of water and collect healing herbs that have power only on that night. Herbs are harvested at different times of the day, for example, vervain is harvested when the sun has set, and the night luminary is not yet in the sky.

This day is especially good for conducting numerous conspiracies. At the stake they burn the shirt of a child who is often sick, and at the same time they read the conspiracies of July for health. A conspiracy from evil spirits, which is activated on this day, would be appropriate here. Today they read a conspiracy to attract the attention of a loved one.

On the seventh of July, when Ivan Kupala's day is actually celebrated, everyone performs the ritual of morning bathing. In the old days it was considered the law to go to the river on this day and bathe in the early morning. On this day, they read a conspiracy to fulfill a wish and conduct a special ceremony, which consists in crossing twelve fences of twelve gardens. Today they are talking about a talisman for love and good luck in gambling. A nettle wreath collected for Ivan Kupala will help to avoid troubles and troubles.

If you urgently need money, put strawberry leaves in your pocket, they will not refuse you. A wreath is usually woven on Ivan Kupala, which will hang in the house for a whole year. The wreath was spoken and, if someone fell ill at this time, branches were pulled out of the wreath and tea was brewed.

On the day of the seventh of July, they make a plot against bio-attacks. This is the same corruption and they get rid of it with the help of four icons, wormwood grass, oregano and fern.

The eighth of July is called the day of love. On this day, Peter and Fevronia are honored. On the eighth of July, spouses are reprimanded, who are not averse to looking for carnal pleasures on the side. July plots are read on plantain, chamomile and nettle.

The ninth of July is the day of David the Strawberry. Today it is necessary to collect strawberry leaves and speak them from stomach diseases. There is a conspiracy to restore power.

July conspiracies will bring you invaluable help, especially if you perform them on the due day. If on the day of David the strawberry you need to borrow money, take a piece of strawberry in your pocket, there should be nothing else in your pocket, they will definitely help you.

On the twelfth of July, on the day of the martyrs Peter and Paul, you can check yourself for the gift of clairvoyance. They read the plot and go to meet the sunrise outside the city.

On the twenty-fifth of July, you can cleanse yourself of negativity and protect yourself from the evil eye. For this there is a special conspiracy. In order for diseases and damage to leave you, it is necessary to sway in the dew on this day.

Any conspiracies of July will help you remove the damage and throw it to the wind. Before leaving the house, they read a plot about a good day. Such conspiracies are read before a long and difficult trip, before a child goes to kindergarten or school.

Conspiracies from misfortune and misfortune can be carried out more often than once a month, as the need arises.

On the last day of July, you can read a conspiracy and perform a ceremony from car theft and accidents. The rite is complex, but its value is so great that you must certainly learn how to do it. You make a certain design out of bread and put a raw egg there.

August conspiracies

We meet Savior Apple, we read the conspiracies of August. The best plots of August. The time for reading the plot is most often determined in the text. It can be at dawn, at noon or at midnight. If the conspiracy indicates a specific time and place for the ceremony, then you should listen to this, because our ancestors did not just write anything and, moreover, did not do it. In urban conditions, it is not always possible to “go out into the open field” or draw spring water, then it is necessary to act in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of the conspiracy. To perform the ceremony in a deserted place and in an open space, sometimes such a place can be the roof of a high-rise building or a suburban area where it is easier to find a deserted place. Instead of spring water, you can draw water from the tap, but you need to do this in the early morning, before people start using water.

Many conspiracies of August consist in collecting bay leaves and sunflower seeds, they will save you from slander and slander.

On Ilyin's day, the second of August, according to legend, all evil spirits scatter from the arrows of Elijah the Prophet and move into domestic cats and dogs. Take walking animals from the street and perform a purification ceremony with a candle. When reading the plot, walk with a candle throughout the house, by doing this you will cleanse the dwelling of evil spirits that could enter your house by mistake.

On the ninth of August, Panteleimon the Healer is honored. Healing herbs collected on this day will heal you for a whole year. On this day, they read a conspiracy to improve relations with her husband. It is made with a bow.

On the twelfth of August, fresh milk is spoken. On this day, a special conspiracy is read. They wash themselves with charmed milk and no more witch will “see” you and will not be able to harm you.

August conspiracies have a special meaning and are accompanied by certain rituals.

Although the day of the fourteenth of August is called the Honey Savior, you cannot eat honey until the Apple Savior, which will be on August 19. This holiday is called honey because usually at this time the hives are already completely filled with honey and you can start collecting it.

On August 15, a wreath of flowers and herbs is made on Stepan-hayloft. Then they read a special plot and cling to a wreath in a prominent place in the house. There he should hang all winter. This wreath is used as a kind of amulet of the house and household from many diseases.

On the eighteenth of August they read a conspiracy on an onion. This is Lukov Day or Evstigneev.

On the nineteenth of August they celebrate the Apple Savior. This day is considered the most important Savior. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is also on this day. On this day, they do not eat any vegetables and fruits, except for berries and cucumbers. The day is favorable for reading conspiracies from diseases and damage. On this day, with the help of a conspiracy, they get rid of fear and the evil eye.

On the twenty-fourth of August, all evil spirits begin to move. Today it is strictly forbidden to guess, so as not to attract a hostile force. They read a conspiracy from evil spirits.

Indian summer in Russia begins on the twenty-eighth of August. This is a good day to start a new business, conclude an agreement or deal. For this there is a special conspiracy. In order for all things to work out, they make a conspiracy on a red thread. They take a meter red thread and tie three knots on it. Then they put a thread near the threshold of the front door and read the plot three times. After that, you can step over the thread and calmly go about your business. The ceremony is held for three days in a row. At the end of the term, the thread is burned, and the ashes are scattered in the wind.

On the twenty-ninth of August, Nut Savior is celebrated. In another way, it is also called the Bread Spas. On this day, most often the end of the harvest falls, and the nuts ripen. Pies on this day are baked from the flour of the new harvest. On this day, conspiracies of August are read for the successful completion of the harvest.

September conspiracies

September conspiracies cleanse and heal. The best protection against the evil eye and damage is September conspiracies. The time from the sixth of September to the sixteenth is considered the best when conspiracies of September are being created. This is the time when you yourself can make a charm for yourself and your child and then charge it. If you have any jewelry that you like, and you wear it often enough, take it in your hands and do a ritual with a conspiracy.

If you make a charm for your husband, then he should not know about it. Take any item of your husband and put it in front of the icon. Then read the plot. When you do this procedure, cross yourself and you can give the thing to your husband, who should not even suspect that you did anything with it. Our ancestors did not say in vain that when the eyes do not see and the ears do not hear, then the heart does not hurt.

September 11 is the day of the beheading of John the Baptist. This is a sad day. On this day they fast and do not have fun. On this day, they read a plot on a knife from an accidental wound.

September is the time to learn how to make amulets. We take the thing that we will then speak and with a cruciform movement, we hold it over the fire of the candle. Then dip this thing in holy water, then in Thursday salt, then hold it over the candle again. We repeat the action three times, water, then salt and fire. Now we put the amulet in the palm of our hand and read the plot. After that, we cross ourselves three times and bow. While reading the conspiracy, it is necessary to make such movements with your right hand, as if you are stringing your energy onto the amulet. At the end of the ceremony, the finished amulet should be crossed three times.

Many September plots are made for children. It must be remembered that they act only on baptized children. You can read the plot on the day of the Angel of the child. We ask the Guardian Angel to protect our children, and we bring him all possible help.

A surprisingly gentle and beautiful word is a conspiracy for a daughter. And why be surprised, is not the best we give to children.

On August 18, they rewrite the plot - a talisman against accidents and leave it in the car. That's where he should be all the time. The amulet can be a pin, a button, a remnant and any thing with a pointed end that can be attached to clothing. If the child is afraid of the dark or cannot be at home himself, they read a plot on water and wash the baby with it for several days in a row.

On the nineteenth of September, buy a child and utter a special conspiracy, after which not a single ailment will stick to him. Today you can conspire against the evil eye. If you suspect that you have jinxed a child, a conspiracy from the evil eye for adults will not work. Read a conspiracy from the evil eye for children.

To get rid of damage, there are many rituals and conspiracies. In September, they carry out such:

They send the youngest to the river to draw water. On the way, he doesn't have to say a word. Then bring water into the bath and read a plot over it. They read the plot three times and each time after they read it, they spit into the water. Then the patient is poured with water.

On the twenty-third of September, you can make amulets for the whole year. Protect from diseases. Rowan berries speak and roll over a sore spot.

On the twenty-seventh of September nothing new can be started. This is the day of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. They treat this day with the help of a cross and read a prayer.

On the twenty-eighth of September, the house is examined for the presence of someone else's brownie. If there is such a suspicion, then with the help of holy water and a special conspiracy, it is on this day that someone else’s brownie is expelled.

The thirtieth of September celebrates Faith, Hope and Love. Even on this day is the feast of Sophia, the mother of three daughters. On this day, along with gifts, these gentle creatures are presented with wonderful conspiracies of September, which will keep girls all year long.

October conspiracies

Conspiracies of October from bee nine to the Monk Paraskeva. What days are October conspiracies held. From the second of October, the bee nine begins. Or, in other words, "wake for the bees." On this day, the bees fly into the hive and appear out of it only in the spring. Our ancestors, who treated these winged workers with great respect, had many rituals and conspiracies that were performed on honey or its derivatives. On the second of October, a ceremony is held to lure the groom. They burn a piece of wood or paper, and while the smoke is coming, a plot is read on it.
Best of all, the fourth of October is a rite of passage for wealth. They speak a five-ruble coin, then, crossing themselves and bowing, they blow on it. Then the coin is placed in the left pocket and, slapping the pocket with the left hand, the plot is read.

Many October conspiracies are able to improve the material well-being of a person. There is a special rite and a conspiracy from poverty. The conspiracy and rite are as simple as they are effective.

On the fifth lunar day in October, a ceremony for money is performed. They carry the charmed money with them for a month and only then can they be spent. And then repeat the ritual.

In October, you can search for a bill that matches the initial letters of your first and last name with the letters before the bill number. You don’t even need to talk about this money, the energy of this bill is so strongly connected with you. Such a bill cannot be spent, it should be your talisman to attract new money. If you also charge such money, you will get a powerful figure that can help you in many ways.

On the fifth of October, our ancestors never ate fish. On this day, a ritual is performed to order life. What does it mean? After the ceremony, changes will occur in your life, it will become better and cleaner.

On October 7, they read a conspiracy and conduct a ceremony to warn against trouble. This ceremony can only be performed on this day, October 7, and on no other. They take a spool of red thread and read “Our Father” five times in a row, then five more “Virgin Mother of God rejoice” and only then proceed to read the plot. On this day, they read a plot on the pillow on which you sleep. The rite will protect from failures and horrors.

On the thirteenth of October, anxiety is removed from children, or, as it was called in the old days, a prize.

October conspiracies for children are best obtained from mothers. Perhaps this is due to the mother's boundless love for the child, perhaps because the higher Forces only allow the mother to do this.

In October, they read a conspiracy on a child from convulsions and at the same time stroke the baby from head to toe. Read the plot on a string if the child is restless.

If it is not possible to give tablets for worms, use traditional medicine and enhance the positive effect of these drugs with conspiracies and rituals to expel worms from the body.

Warts also bring a lot of trouble to children. October conspiracies will help save our children from this scourge. At this time, rituals are performed and conspiracies are read from whooping cough and umbilical hernia. Treat conjunctivitis and other viral eye diseases.

On the day of October 14, the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated. On this day, it is good to read a conspiracy to cleanse the house. If a girl comes to church that day and asks for a groom to come to her, very soon such a one will appear on her horizon.

On the nineteenth of October they read a conspiracy from diseases.

On the twenty-fifth of October, they read a conspiracy and make a rite for the return of happiness.

On October 27, young girls ask Saint Paraskeva to send them suitors.

On the twenty-ninth of October, they read a conspiracy from the evil eye and wash themselves with spring cold water.

November conspiracies

November plots as the best gift for newlyweds. Wedding plots of November. The first holidays of November begin on the fourth day. On this day, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. According to folk tales, this was one of the best days to celebrate a wedding. The wedding ceremony itself is already the removal of damage not only from the young, but also from the guests. By the way, on this day even a family curse can come to naught.

The main conspiracies of November are held on this day.

Not only is it customary to read congratulations on this day - protect, but also knowledgeable people read a conspiracy for a happy family life and well-being. A conspiracy for money is read on the eve of the wedding. At the request of the newlyweds, a rite of mutual fidelity is held on this day.

On November 8, they commemorate the dead, bake pancakes and speak them for a long life to those who will eat them. On Dmitriev's Day, they always visit the graves of the dead.

On November 14, damage is removed with the help of an egg. They perform the ceremony and read the plot. This is a very effective ritual for removing a bioenergy attack.

Michaelmas Day is celebrated on the twenty-first of November. On this day, the conspiracy is read only on the brownie.

The plots of November continue on the twenty-third. On this day salt and bread are consecrated in the church. For a good thing that you can give to someone in need, they read a conspiracy for goodness and reciprocal warmth.

According to an old Russian custom, on the twenty-seventh of November, in the villages, a snack was brought out to the brownie. This was done so that the brownie guarded the cattle.

On the twenty-eighth of November they honor the martyrs Guria and Aviv, as well as Samon. These days, abandoned wives turn to them. No less than these women, women who are often subjected to domestic violence turn to the three saints. According to legend, on November 28, evil spirits leave the earth and hide.

Many conspiracies in November are held to protect and preserve the hearth

As a rule, people understood that there was a specific power in the conspiracy and not a small one, so they were not created in order to use them every day. A huge energy is hidden in the words of the conspiracy, and it is much stronger than human. In them, the energy of the Higher Forces comes to the aid of people. And our task is to learn how to use this help correctly.

A conspiracy is the same prayer, in it we turn to the Higher Forces and it is completely unacceptable to pronounce the words of a conspiracy without a soul, mechanically. November conspiracies have the same power as any other month. It is necessary to learn a certain order of action and the rhythm of pronunciation of words. The conspiracy is read and not even read, but created. You know that our ancestors did not just collect a set of necessary words, but created them.

Every time you utter a conspiracy, think that it was you who created it and continue to create it. You do not just read the words written on paper, but you are their creator and creator.

Before you start reading the conspiracy to yourself, carefully reread the entire text. And don't just read it, but try to be imbued with every word of it. If not, read it several times. Until you mentally imagine the action of the conspiracy, do not stop reading. Each plot has a specific spectator image. It can be a cliff on seven winds, a white birch or a jug of water. Before you should appear like a picture. Forget about the words for a while and completely transfer the concentration of thought to the image that you have already presented.

Remember, you are not an artist who paints a picture, but you are a creator and you can create such a work as you see it. Here comes the moment of truth. Now the words themselves will ask to come out. You will not think about their continuation, they themselves will flow, as if from one vessel to another.

December conspiracies

It's time to talk about the conspiracies that take place in the month of December. Let's start on December 4th. If you feel that you have lost the respect of your husband, then on this day, with the help of a conspiracy, this respect can be returned. If you urgently need help, and the fourth of December is not yet soon, you can perform a ceremony to return the husband's respect for his wife any day. Speak the drink that you will serve to your husband. We will not submit the text of the conspiracy, this has already been done before me, and you just have to find this text and use it.

Rites for love are included in the conspiracies of December. If you really think that this person is your destiny, then you can use a special conspiracy. If there is no such certainty, and you just want to know whether the conspiracy will work or not, then do not even start it so as not to harm yourself or another person. If the husband is late from work, you can read the plot and perform a simple ceremony for remembrance and desire.

On the tenth of December, they create a real conspiracy against the forces that prevent a woman from conceiving a child. A rite and a conspiracy from infertility are performed. They read a prayer at the icon of the Mother of God three times in a row.

On the day of winter Nicholas on December 19, they read a conspiracy from the alcohol addiction of a person close to you and order a prayer service for the health of this person. On this day, children receive gifts from St. Nicholas, and relatives read a conspiracy about their health.

Pregnant women on December 22 were strictly forbidden to leave the house and, even more so, go to the forest. All day these women must fast. Promises made on this day are always fulfilled. And, if they are further strengthened by a conspiracy, then there will be a hundred percent guarantee that the promised will be fulfilled.

If you have debts, then never pay them off on December 31st. If you do not do this earlier, then let the creditors wait a little, otherwise you will pay off your debts all year. On this day, a ceremony for wealth is performed, thanks to this ceremony, you will not lack money for the whole next year. Put a few paper bills in the envelope and first put the bills in a postcard or thick black paper so that they are not visible when translucent, and then seal the envelope and send the letter to yourself. The banknotes must have odd numbers and the number of banknotes must also be odd. It is good if you receive this letter on the eve of the New Year.

December conspiracies can be done until the very last day of the month and year.

On the thirty-first of December they make a special amulet for themselves. Read a plot on a thing that is with you all the time. This thing can be removed only in the bath, the rest of the time it should protect you.

Before the New Year, they necessarily conduct a ceremony to clean their homes. Draw water on Thursday, which will be the last of this year, and lower seven matches that have already burned out into it, pour in Thursday's salt and put a pinch of wormwood. Close the container with water tightly and before the New Year, spray windows and doors, all corners and floors with this water. While reading the plot, do not stop spraying the room. Then read "Our Father", and do not stop until you completely clean the house or apartment.

Water that remains after the ceremony can be watered with flowers, they will grow very quickly.

On the last day of December, you can conduct another, no less effective conspiracy to clean the house. To do this, sprinkle Thursday salt at the front door, at all windows and beds. This salt should lie in place for three days and only then you can remove it, but at the same time read the plot.

If you are feeling resentment, then the best time to get rid of it is December 31st. December conspiracies are full of the strength of the old year, but they are also fueled by the forces of the new.

April (april, berezosol, pollen)The month got its name from the Latin verb aperire, which means "to open" and says that this is the month when the earth opens up so that sprouts can appear.

Tree buds open, giving life to leaves and flowers. The name "berezozol" is attributed to April, according to the ancient calendars, the same as to March. But basically it is connected in Russian dialects with the flowering of nature - pollen, among the Poles and Little Russians - kveten, and among the Czechs and Slovaks - oak. There are other names that speak for themselves - senogon, birch.

In April, the farmer has many worries: you need to harrow the land, sow barley, beets, cabbage, and graft trees. They said: “February is rich in snow, April is rich in water”, “In April the earth dies”, “Wet April is good arable land”, “Where there is water in April, there is a puddle in July”, “Do not break the stoves, April is still in the yard”.

1st day (April 14)- Rev. day Mary of Egypt. In the old days, they said: “Marya is starting a flood,” so they noticed that if hollow water spills on this day, there will be big grass and early mowing. And they said about the all-revitalizing effect of spring warmth: “Mary of Egypt - light the snow, play the ravines.” "Maria - empty cabbage soup" - about the time when the supply of cabbage was depleted.

In some regions, it was believed that at this time the brownie wakes up, so you need to deceive each other in order to confuse him.

3rd day (April 16)- Rev. day Nikita the Confessor. This day has long been associated with fishing. They noted: if the ice does not pass on this day, then there will be the worst fishing. There was a widespread belief in the merman, who allegedly wakes up hungry and angry on April 1, breaks the ice, and tortures small fish to death. It was believed that he was waiting for a hotel for three days, and if the fishermen did not keep up with the offering, then, having exterminated all the fish, he would retire to another river or reservoir.

To this end, the fishermen, trying to curb his evil temper, brought gifts to the river. There was a whole rite of offering to the waterman, which was performed on this particular day. To do this, three days before the appointed time, they bought the most worthless horse from the gypsies and fattened it with bread and hemp cake. On the day of the ceremony, they smeared the horse's head with salt and honey, decorated the mane with ribbons, entangled the legs with ropes and tied 2 old unnecessary millstones to the in syu. At midnight they went to the river and sacrificed the horse to the water man, drowning it. After that, the senior fisherman poured oil into the river, saying: “Here you are, grandfather, a housewarming present. Love and favor our family." Returning home after this rite of sacrifice to the water man, the fishermen drank in joy until the morning.

Day 5 (April 18)- day of St. Martyr Theodulus. It is known under the name of Warm and Vetrenik, because, according to the observations of ordinary people, warm spring winds begin to blow from this day: “Fedul came, a warm wind blew”, “Dissolve the window on Fedul”. If this day was rainy, then they said: "Fedul pouted his lips." In the villages, it was believed that on this day the wind brings crickets to the gardens.

The people called St. Apostle Herodion Rodion and also called Ledolam, noting that on this day the ice on the rivers intensively breaks and melts. There was a belief that on this day the sun meets the moon. From this meeting, they wondered about the weather for the whole summer: “A good meeting is a clear day and a good summer, a bad meeting is a foggy, cloudy day and a bad rainy and wet summer.”

About St. the apostle Rufa in the villages said: "From the day of Rufa, the earth is crumbling." This meant that the time had come when the earth was moving away from the frost and allowing grass, trees and all plants to grow.

Day 11 (April 24)- day of St. martyr Antipas. He became famous for the fact that he could miraculously heal various ailments. The legends about him say that when he was thrown to an angry ox for his faithfulness to the faith of Christ, he prayed to God for everyone who would remember him in all illnesses. He is revered as a healer for various diseases, and especially for toothache, so special prayers are assigned to this saint. St. An-type is also popularly called Waterpol, since it is on this day that the spring waters overflow and the flood begins. "Antip dissolved the water." It was believed that if the waters did not break by this time, then the summer would be bad.

Day 12 (April 25)- Rev. day Basil, Bishop of Pariah (in Mysia). Commoners said: “Vasily Parisky soars the earth”, “Spring soars the earth”, “On the day of St. Turn the shafts around Vasily, throw the sled on the lead.

The hunters claimed that the bear leaves the den that day and hides in the bushes. And they said about hares: “Hare, hare, jump out of the bush!”, Because they believed that hares were running around during the day.

Day 13 (April 26)- day of St. Martyr Thomai of Egypt. This saint is supposed to pray from prodigal passion. It is based on a story about her and about the miracles that take place at the relics of her coffin. In marriage, her father-in-law began to harass her, and then Fomiada decided to die so as not to violate the duties of married life. After her death, Fomiada was canonized, and from her relics, buried in the monastery, miraculous deliverances began to occur for those who were overwhelmed by carnal passion.

Day 14 (April 27)- day of St. Martin the Confessor, Pope of Rome. The common people called this saint Lysogon. According to the signs of hunters these days, foxes move from old holes to new ones, becoming deaf and blind, and therefore they are good prey. They also noticed that on this day the raven bathes his children and releases them to independent family living. There was a sign that if on Martynov's day a goose went out onto the ice, it would float on the water for a long time. This is explained by the fact that geese arrive a little earlier and, in anticipation of heat, feed on the water. And if they go out on the ice, then this is a sure sign that it is still too early to sit on the nests, as the cold is ahead.

Day 15 (April 28) - St. Apostle Puda. On this day, beekeepers usually inspected their apiaries and said: “On St. Puda take out the bees from under the belly.

Day 16 (April 29)- day of St. martyr Irene. In agricultural life, this saint is known under the name Rassadnitsa, since on this day it was customary to plant seedlings of cabbage in the ground. On this day, they still said: “Arina - grab the shore. Arina - rip open the banks, "because the flood destroyed the banks of rivers and ravines.

Day 17 (April 30)- Rev. day Zosima, hegumen of Solovetsky. The common people call this saint the Beekeeper, considering him the patron saint of beekeeping and the keeper of bees. In Russia, beekeepers even had hand-written prayers of prpp. Zosima and Savvaty, saints of the Solovetskys. There is a belief that they, traveling to distant lands, brought a queen bee in the iron knob of a staff, thereby laying the foundation for the development of beekeeping in Russia. There is even a legend that the bee was brought from the holy Mount Athos, although St. Zosima had never been to those parts. So on Memorial Day, Rev. Zosimas serve him prayers in churches, bring honeycombs for consecration and feed the bees with prosphora, consecrated on the eve of the Annunciation. There was a custom in the very center of the apiary to put a beehive with the image of St. Zosima.

Day 18 (May 1) - day of St. Cosmas, whom the common people called Kuzma. The peasants of the middle lane noticed that it was on this day that it was best to sow carrots and beets: "Sow carrots and beets to Kuzma."

Day 20 (May 3) - Rev. day Theodore Trikhina, who was called the Hairdresser, because during his ascetic life he wore only one hair shirt - ascetic coarse clothing made from the hair of an animal. In the old days, they believed that on this day the dead yearn for their former life and wish to see their relatives: “On Fedor, the dead yearn for the earth.” Therefore, sympathizing with their grief, on this day it was customary to go to the graves and mourn them with lamentations, which was called "calling to the parents." This custom, apparently, came from the pre-Christian folk belief in the awakening and liberation of the dead from the gloomy hellish locks simultaneously with the spring revival of all nature.

Day 23 (May 6) - day of St. Great Martyr George the Victorious. George, Yegoriy and Yuriy are names, the difference between which in ancient times the Slavs did not see. He is known by many purely folk names, for example, Yagoria, Egoria the Brave, Georg, Yury, Yurka.

According to the production itself, the word "George" comes from ge - "land" and ergon - "business", that is, this name originally means "farmer". In the old Russian alphabet books, this name is pushed quite freely, as “cultivated”. But in the legends about his life there are no direct indications of his employment in agricultural labor. He was born into a Christian family and, having entered the military service, was the favorite of Emperor Diocletian. Upon learning of the emperor's decision to exterminate the Christians, George openly spoke out in their defense, for which he was tortured and tortured. This happened in 303 AD. e. Head of St. George is still kept as a shrine in Rome, in the church named after him.

In Greece, from ancient times, there was a custom according to which, on this day, agricultural families gathered in the fields and here, after slaughtering a newborn animal, they held feasts. This custom was observed in Bulgaria, Bosnia, Herzegovina. In Greece, as in Ancient Russia, there was a custom on this day to drive cattle to pastures. They believed that St. George will protect livestock from predatory animals and diseases. According to popular tradition, St. Great Martyr George, for this very purpose, leaves on this day for pastures on a white horse. It tells, for example, about the return to the saint of a poor widow of a sheep sold by a shepherd for the purpose of profit and punishment by biting a snake, and then miraculous healing as a warning.

In Russia, on the day of cattle pasture, it was customary to bake cookies from bread dough, depicting various domestic animals, or to make them from clay in the form of children's toys. Early in the morning, prayers were served in the meadows and fields, and after the blessing, the cattle were seen off by the whole village. It was customary to drive out cattle for the first time to pastures with willows from Palm Sunday and pour cold water over the shepherds so that they would not lose their vigilance when caring for the animals. Ordinary people said: “You are our brave Egory, you save our cattle!” Shepherds were treated to hearty scrambled eggs, presented with canvas and money. It was customary for the Serbs to bathe on St. George's Day before sunrise, and then drive out the cattle with willow. Bulgarians on this day slaughtered a lamb without spilling blood on the ground. Blood was collected and smeared on the forehead and chest of children, and on men - beards. The bones after the feast were buried in the ground. Roasting lamb on this day was common among Serbs, Bosnians and Herzegovinas.

In Ancient Russia, they saw in this saint the guardian of the Russian land and revered as a demigod hero. According to popular belief, it was this saint who allegedly arranged the land of Light Russia and approved the “baptized faith” in it. Such a special veneration could also come from the fact that until the 15th century the face of this saint was the state emblem of our Fatherland. His image was engraved on Moscow coins and still adorns the coat of arms of Moscow. The princes in ancient Russia, both specific and great, liked to take the name of George after baptism, recognizing this saint as an assistant in the fight against both the harsh northeastern nature and the enemies who attacked Russia. For example, Yuri Dolgoruky recognized St. George the Brave and built many churches in his honor.

With the name of St. George is associated with many signs and customs that accompany agricultural work: “Arable land is plowed on Yegorye”, “A lazy plow leaves for Yegorye. Egory is a lazy fry”, “Clear morning on Yurya - early sowing, clear evening - late”. On this day, the peasants are wondering about the harvest and the weather: “On Yurya, snow (groats) is a harvest for buckwheat; it’s raining on Yurya - buckwheat is not kind”, “On His-rya frost - there will be millet and oats”, “This seedling to Yegorye, there will be a cabbage argument”. The warehouse of proverbs and sayings is due to different local and climatic conditions. In folk omens, Egoriev’s day is connected with Nikolin: “Egoriy with summer, and Nikola with food”, “Egoriy with water, and Nikola with grass”.

Around St. George's Day, warm rains and beneficial dews usually begin, from which meadows turn green, seedlings rise, and rich pastures open up for livestock. Therefore, it was very natural to believe that all these manifestations of the beneficent forces of nature were attributed to the patronage of St. Great Martyr George and perform religious processions in his honor and the blessing of water. The fields were sprinkled with holy water. The ancient Russian people believed that spring water, especially in the form of rain and snow, has healing properties, is able to revive nature, drive away evil spirits and has healing properties. It was believed that the dew on this day is useful and miraculous. It is no coincidence that among the owners of stud farms, one of the conditions for the good maintenance of horses was considered their obligatory pasture for morning dew. There is a legend according to which it is on this day that witches go out into the field to destroy the cattle, spread a canvas over the dew and throw it on the cattle, after which it becomes lean and malnourished. It was believed that one could be saved from this by driving cattle to pastures with consecrated willow from Palm Sunday.

In some regions, St. Young girls prayed to George for granting them suitors, this faith is still strong in Siberia. And the Serbian women sang: “On the feast of St. George, come and find me married! On this day, festivities began in the villages with evening round dances and songs about the preservation of the herds.

Day 25 (May 8) - the day of the apostle and evangelist Mark. Mark was a disciple of the Apostle Peter and accompanied him on his journey to Rome, where he wrote the Holy Gospel. In Alexandria, the apostle Mark was the first bishop who was seized by the pagans during worship and imprisoned, where he died about 68 AD. e. On icons, the apostle Mark is usually depicted with a lion - a symbol of the power and royal dignity of Christ.

Ordinary people on that day remarked: "The sky is bright on Mark - it's hot for the women in the hut." At this time, there was a massive arrival of swallows and other small birds, so the villagers went out into the field in the morning and looked: if the birds flew directly to the hemp plant to build nests, then it was believed that hemp would be good. Before going out into the field, they scattered hemp seeds around the yard for domestic and stray birds. In the villages outside Moscow, it was customary to catch siskins on this day.

26th day (April 9)- day of St. Stefan, Bishop of Great Perm;Day 27 (April 10)- Day of the Apostle St. Martyr Simeon. Both saints are known among the people under the name Ranopashtsy, since on the days of their memory, early plowing of fields begins almost everywhere.

Day 28 (April 11)- day of St. Martyr Maximus and the Apostle Jason, whom the common people christened Jason / On this day, in the villages of those suffering from spring fevers, they began to drink birch sap, having previously bathed in rainwater or wiping the body with the March snow saved up to this date. Clear and warm, this day foreshadowed health. On this day, the old women had a custom to go out with votive amulets to the crossroads and, having waited for a favorable warm wind from the south, they asked to bring health with the south wind. This amulet was put on the patient with the aim of curing: "On Jason, a teplyak is a healthy man."

Day 30 (April 13)- the day of the Apostle James Zeveev. In the villages outside Moscow on this day they noticed: if the stars rise in the evening and a warm wind blows from the south, then they remain with full confidence that the summer will be menacing and warm, fertile and abundant. A clear sunrise promised a clear, dry summer. It was not recommended to set off on this day without bathing in the water from the March snow. From that day on, all matchmaking ceased, since, according to popular beliefs, May is a very bad month for marriage.

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On the second of April, masks were made, with the help of which they maintained youth. At dawn, they read a conspiracy to beauty.

On the Day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 7, it is necessary to conduct a ceremony that is carried out only once a year and only on April 7th. No matter how much you try to read the conspiracy to return happiness on another day, you will not succeed.

On the eleventh of April, they make a conspiracy on birch sap and purify the blood with it. Sticks are spoken for the treatment of arthritis, scoliosis, diseases of the spinal cord. This is a good day to read a conspiracy for the treatment of the kidneys, gallbladder and genitourinary system. Perform a ceremony for good luck. Ulcers and ulcers speak. They put protection from the evil eye and damage. On the twelfth of April, baking is usually done. They make cookies in the shape of a ladder, which, according to an old tradition, allows you to climb to heaven. Cookies speak for health and longevity.

On the fourteenth of April they cajoled the merman. They conduct a ceremony and read the conspiracies of April.

Dahl has a list of black books. According to this list, conspiracies can be read not every day of the month, but only thirty-three days a year. Although many magicians and healers do not agree with this judgment and continue to insist that only a few days a year are completely unsuitable for reading conspiracies. You can’t read conspiracies, conduct various ceremonies and rituals, guess on the days when church holidays are celebrated, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a big holiday or a small one. When there is a special need for reading the conspiracy, the conspiracy is read on small church holidays in the afternoon, when the service in the church has already been completed.

If you believe Dahl, then in April, only three days are suitable for reading a conspiracy - “3”, “17”. "eighteen".

You can not miss Walpurgis Night, which most often falls on the night of the thirtieth of April. At this time, the witches are busy, they arrange a Sabbath on Bald Mountain. People at this time burn bonfires to scare away the evil that sorcerers can bring.

Maundy Thursday also usually falls in April, but sometimes falls in May. On this day the post ends. It is good to take a shower and read April's conspiracies to cleanse the soul and body. On this day, conspiracies cleanse the house of filth and do a general cleaning. Only once a year, on the last Thursday before the bright holiday of Easter, a ceremony is performed to relieve headaches. On the same day, early in the morning at dawn, they count money and speak it, money will be found for a whole year.

We are waiting for a bright Easter holiday all year long. There is still a lot of time until midnight, and the smart parishioners are already impatient. They gather in thousands in churches, and all together they are waiting for the joyful news, the arrival of the triumph of Easter.

On Easter, the consecration of products and colored eggs is held. Subsequently, this egg can remove the evil eye and damage, relieve headaches. On this day, it is customary to exchange red krashanks. The egg is a symbol of rebirth, and its color symbolizes the Blood of Jesus.

Despite the fact that there is a ban on holding various ceremonies on major holidays, you can afford it on Easter. They read April's conspiracies for the return of loved ones and the revival of love. They do this at a time when the Easter service is going on in all Orthodox churches. You should put candles at the icon of "All Saints" and at the icon of your patroness. The rite consists in a prayer that all people praying at this time will pick up and it will certainly be heard. Your loved one will definitely come back.

Be sure to wait until the candles burn out. The rite is very effective, so before you conduct it, think carefully about whether you really want your ex-lover to return, or is it hurt pride that speaks to you.

During the Orthodox holiday, everyone can get rid of the accumulated negativity and lie down in prosperity in their lives. On Clean Thursday, even ordinary cleaning can be turned into a money ritual. You can learn how to do this from our article.

On April 5, everyone can ask for support from their heavenly patrons. Remember that rituals should not harm other people. Do not be greedy, because all the money in the world cannot be earned. However, to bring into life the energy of monetary luck these days is within the power of everyone. Eliminate the negative attitude, and then you can succeed. On Pure Thursday, start any business with a prayer that will allow you to cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to good luck and prosperity.

How to attract money on Clean Thursday

1. Before you wash the floors, put three coins of different denominations in a basin or bucket. Lower them into the water one by one, while saying: “Coins are earned by honest labor, not taken away, not stolen. The first will get rid of debts, the second - from unnecessary expenses, the third will attract money ". Mop the floor and throw the water out over the threshold. Take the coins to the house and hide in a secluded place.

2. From the very morning on Maundy Thursday, be sure to recount your savings. Tune in to positive thoughts and think about what you will do with your savings. Be sure to leave a small amount in order to make any charitable contribution. The energy of goodness and creation will return to you, multiplied several times, and the money that you gave will also return to you in good.

3. On this day, you should not borrow and lend, so that the monetary energy remains in your home. If loans cannot be avoided, read the plot: "Money for a good cause is always returned on time."

4. If you have a pair of old shoes in your house, place a coin each with the words: “The roads are well-trodden in boots, it’s time to say goodbye to shoes. As soon as the shoes are found, the coins are taken away, the money will go back to the house.”. Take your shoes to a crowded place, and on the way back open the front door wide with the words: "Welcome!".

5. Scatter coins around the house, saying: “How much wealth is scattered around the house - no one thought how many times I step on a coin, so much will be added to my wallet.” Do not remove the coins for a day and try to have the household step on them as often as possible. Then put the money in a piggy bank or opaque container. As soon as it is filled, the monetary energy in your home will become a regular guest.

6. You can talk about wealth with a wallet. To do this, put it on the windowsill during dawn. It must contain at least one bill and a coin. As soon as the sun rises from the horizon, say: “The radiant sun comes into the world, drives the night away, relieves negativity. Light up my wealth. Boost your finances. Not for a bad deed, but for the benefit of the money will go.

7. Many housewives use water to wash windows and doors, in which they put charmed coins and a handful of Thursday salt. The words of the conspiracy are simple: “I’ll wash the house clean, I’ll wash the windows and doors from dirt. Money luck will not pass by a clean home, it will turn into my house. After cleaning, place the coins on the windowsill and near the threshold and do not remove them for three days.

8. Hold a few coins in your hand and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Then go outside the threshold of the house, clutching the money, and say the words of the conspiracy: “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinful slave (name). Grant your forgiveness and blessings". Throw money in an arc, as if sowing seeds, and say: “In the name of goodness, the land gives a rich harvest, feeds people, adds strength. So my money will give good shoots, they will go to a good cause.

On Clean Thursday, you can perform any ritual that will attract financial abundance into your life. In addition, at this time you can attract the energy of love and good luck, which will definitely enter your life after the celebration of Easter. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.04.2018 02:31

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Whoever is running out of strength will be helped by the conspiracies of April.

If you want not to know sadness and grief, learn the conspiracies of April.
On the second of April, masks were made, with the help of which they maintained youth. At dawn, they read a conspiracy to beauty.

On the Day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on April 7, it is necessary to conduct a ceremony that is carried out only once a year and only on April 7th. No matter how much you try to read the conspiracy to return happiness on another day, you will not succeed.

April 7 - Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. On this day, a ceremony called "Return of Happiness" is performed. (This ceremony is held only on April 7, it cannot be done on other days!)

Buy a bird in advance - a titmouse, a sparrow, a dove, etc. Prepare food and water for it, over which you first tell about everything that worries or saddens you, you can cry and lament. Then read over them "Our Father" and "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice ..."

Our Father

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Virgin Mary, rejoice...

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

After that, give the bird food and water, and when it eats and drinks, release it to freedom.

On the same day, you can prepare Annunciation salt (used in the same cases as Thursday salt). To do this, pour salt (at least 4 kg) into a cotton bag and before sunrise, at dawn, bake it in the oven for ten minutes. This salt can then be used throughout the year: to salt food with it, to clean the apartment with it, to remove the evil eye and spoilage, etc. Buns are baked with Annunciation salt, which help to cure the child from the evil eye. The child should be given such buns on an empty stomach in the morning dawn for three, seven or fourteen days - depending on the strength of the evil eye.

It is believed that on this day Heaven opens, grace descends on people and they get the opportunity to be cleansed of sins.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary has long been considered a difficult day. Quarrels, scandals, all sorts of misunderstandings are not uncommon on this day, so you should by all means try to control yourself and not give in to emotions. Otherwise, troubles will stick to you for a long time.

On this day, you should not do any housework, put on new clothes, cook food (it is better to do everything the day before).

April 8th. If on this day you successfully play heads or tails, then you will always win the whole year.

It is good to buy birds on this day and just release them into the wild.

April 11. We drink birch sap on this day. It cleanses the blood, soothes stomach cramps and generally has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

On the eleventh of April, they make a conspiracy on birch sap and purify the blood with it. Sticks are spoken for the treatment of arthritis, scoliosis, diseases of the spinal cord. This is a good day to read a conspiracy for the treatment of the kidneys, gallbladder and genitourinary system. Perform a ceremony for good luck. Ulcers and ulcers speak. They put protection from the evil eye and damage.

In general, birch has long been considered in Russia a tree with amazing healing power.

And indeed it is. Before performing healing rituals, first prepare a lot (30-50 pieces) of birch sticks, they should be no more than 5 cm in length and as thick as a pencil. You can cut out such sticks yourself. Taper them slightly at the ends. Before starting treatment, fast for a whole week: do not eat meat, fish, eggs, sweets, do not drink alcohol. It is advisable not to smoke during this time. Throughout the week, read in the morning and in the evening "Our Father" and "Alive in help ..."

Our Father

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Alive in help...

Alive in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the God of Heaven will settle. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. As if He will deliver you from the network of stalkers, and from the rebellious word, His shoulder will overshadow you, and under His wings you hope: His truth will find you with a weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of the transient, from the scum, and the demon of the afternoon. A thousand will fall from your country, and the darkness at your right hand will not come close to you, both look at your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. For you, O Lord, are my hope; you have made your refuge in the Most High. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as if by His Angel a commandment about you, save you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stumble your foot on a stone, step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, for I know My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will crush him and glorify him, I will fulfill him with long life, and I will show him My salvation. Amen.

After that, you can start treatment. Put the chopsticks in front of you on the table and read the “Our Father” over them again, and then this prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without Beginning, You said with Your pure lips as if: without Me you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume in my soul and Your heart is belty, I bow down to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, this work, I am starting, to do it about You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Treatment of scoliosis, arthritis, spinal disorders

Take three sticks, put them like a fan on a sore spot and say quietly:

Wand pleaser

Save, save the servant of God (name).

At the same time, keep an eye on the sticks: if a fan of sticks seems to be folding, then this means that the disease is letting you go, but if the sticks, on the contrary, begin to move away from each other, then the plot needs to be read again. In general, this rite can be repeated three times in a row.

After you finish the ceremony, read the “Our Father” again, and then this prayer:

Thou art the fulfillment of all good things, O my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness, and save me, as one is the Most Merciful, Lord, glory to Thee. It is worthy to eat as if truly blessed Theotokos, Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honest cherubim and the most glorious seraphim without comparison, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

I want to say right away that the beginning and end of all rituals with birch sticks are the same, so I will not talk about this further, but will focus directly on the rituals themselves.

Treatment of the gallbladder, kidneys and genitourinarysystems

Place three sticks in the palm of your right hand in a triangle and press them to the sore spot. Then quietly say:

Wand pleaser

Save the servant of God (name)

From the evil, prickly adversary,

Rock evil, let him go around the world,

Dashing, free, clean.

To keep the sticks from falling, hold your right hand with your left hand.

Treatment of pain in the neck, as well as a ritual for good luck

Extend your arm and place birch sticks along the entire length to make a straight line. (You will need about fifteen sticks.) Then say:

Wand pleaser

Take away my pain in my shoulders and neck

Take it to the blue sea, fast rivers.

Do a good earthly deed for me,

open the gates of heaven

And close them before the adversary.

Treatment of ulcers and ulcers

Put the sticks on the affected area of ​​the skin, cover them with your hand, close your eyes and read the Our Father. The rite is performed three times in a row, after which the sticks are burned. In general, sticks are usually burned after each healing ceremony.

Charm from birch sticks

Take three sticks and hold them in your fingers like a fan. Concentrate, direct all your strength into your fist and say:

Wand pleaser

Make a miracle, give me a sleeve of the earth,

Full to heaven, pure as a crown.

Save, save me, servant of God (name),

From adversaries-conquerors

And open the gates of the universal paradise,

Revealed to all

Clean, smart, smart.

So be it. Amen.

How to put protection from damage and the evil eye Light a candle, put ten birch sticks in a pile on your right shoulder and spit three times over your left shoulder. Then mentally take the fire from the candle and throw it on the ground, saying:


I'd rather be old

Whatever pleases the greedy adversary,

Conqueror of the people.

I will make my way to the fast river

Yes, on a stone

With its wild little head

I will plunge into the fast river.

I'll collect the lights there from the bottom,

I'll lay them out on the windowsill by the mirror,

I look at him with a bright face,

I will become a written beauty

Beautiful and kind.

Praise for the new update

Faithful girlfriends.

I will put an end to the adversary,

I will extract his poison on my skin

And I will stand before him pure and true

In my faith in the Lord my God.

Praise the Lord Jesus in Heaven.

I want to immediately warn everyone - these rituals can only be performed by adults.

April 12th. Today they bake cookies in the form of a ladder, which, as our ancestors said, helps to climb to Heaven. Since ancient times, it was believed that such cookies give health and longevity.

On this day, you definitely need to treat the brownie with porridge (I already wrote about how this can be done).

14th of April. Those who live near the water should conduct a ceremony on this day to help appease the waterman: pour a jug of oil into the water or throw a coin.

Night from April 30 to May 1 - Walpurgis Night. At this time, witches fly to Bald Mountain to arrange a Sabbath. Therefore, on this night it is customary to burn bonfires that scare away evil sorceresses and prevent them from doing evil.

Great, or Clean, Thursday - the last Thursday of Great Lent (it usually falls in April, sometimes it happens in early May). On this day, you should take a shower with soap and, looking at how soap suds go into the drain, read the following cleansing plot:

How confession cleanses

Like water washes away dirt

So you, Thursday, be clean.

Cleanse me, servant of God (name),

From all evil, from resentment,

From disobedience

From intemperance

From someone else's blasphemy, from bad rumors,

From evil talk, from vain disputes.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Then you should cross yourself and bow.

On the same day, fumigate the whole house with heather, juniper or incense (you can use mint, St. John's wort, chamomile). You can put herbs or resin (incense) in a pan and surround the apartment with them. During this time, say:

Lord, cleanse my house of filth.

Then place the pan on the floor and step over it. The remaining ashes can be thrown anywhere.

Drink water from a silver spoon on Maundy Thursday. Then dip this spoon into a bowl of water, hold for a while, and then wash your face with this water.

On Clean Thursday, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning and thoroughly clean the entire house or apartment.

Once a year, on Maundy Thursday (the last Thursday before Easter), a ceremony is performed that relieves excruciating headaches and other painful conditions that are not based on serious physiological disorders. It is necessary to cut off the ends of the hair, put them in a container and set fire to it. After they burn, throw the ashes into a cup of water. When you throw the ashes, look carefully at it, then look at it in the evening and for the last time on Friday morning. After that, the water must be poured over the threshold of the house - along with it, envy and illness will leave your life, you will be cleansed of the evil eye. In doing so, you should say:

Old age and pain

Longing and torment,

Bad thought, bad thoughts

I, the servant of God (name),

I'll burn it with fire, I'll let it out into the forest with smoke,

To the violent wind.

Cross and bow.

On Maundy Thursday at dawn, money is counted so that later they are not transferred throughout the year.

There is another rite that frees from diseases, held on Maundy Thursday. Before dawn, you need to plunge into the river three times in a row (there should be no witnesses to the ceremony!), Sentencing:

clean Thursday,

Cleanse my body of disease

And you, fast river,

Take away my disease (name your disease)

Into the blue sea Amen.

If for one reason or another you cannot perform this ceremony, then simply wash yourself with water into which a silver spoon or coin was dipped.

On the twelfth of April, baking is usually done. They make cookies in the shape of a ladder, which, according to an old tradition, allows you to climb to heaven. Cookies speak for health and longevity.

On the fourteenth of April they cajoled the merman. They conduct a ceremony and read the conspiracies of April.

Dahl has a list of black books. According to this list, conspiracies can be read not every day of the month, but only thirty-three days a year. Although many magicians and healers do not agree with this judgment and continue to insist that only a few days a year are completely unsuitable for reading conspiracies. You can’t read conspiracies, conduct various ceremonies and rituals, guess on the days when church holidays are celebrated, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a big holiday or a small one. When there is a special need for reading the conspiracy, the conspiracy is read on small church holidays in the afternoon, when the service in the church has already been completed.

If you believe Dahl, then in April, only three days are suitable for reading a conspiracy - “3”, “17”. "eighteen".

You can not miss Walpurgis Night, which most often falls on the night of the thirtieth of April. At this time, the witches are busy, they arrange a Sabbath on Bald Mountain. People at this time burn bonfires to scare away the evil that sorcerers can bring.

Maundy Thursday also usually falls in April, but sometimes falls in May. On this day the post ends. It is good to take a shower and read April's conspiracies to cleanse the soul and body. On this day, conspiracies cleanse the house of filth and do a general cleaning. Only once a year, on the last Thursday before the bright holiday of Easter, a ceremony is performed to relieve headaches. On the same day, early in the morning at dawn, they count money and speak it, money will be found for a whole year.

We are waiting for a bright Easter holiday all year long. There is still a lot of time until midnight, and the smart parishioners are already impatient. They gather in thousands in churches, and all together they are waiting for the joyful news, the arrival of the triumph of Easter.

On Easter, the consecration of products and colored eggs is held. Subsequently, this egg can remove the evil eye and damage, relieve headaches. On this day, it is customary to exchange red krashanks. The egg is a symbol of rebirth, and its color symbolizes the Blood of Jesus.

Despite the fact that there is a ban on holding various ceremonies on major holidays, you can afford it on Easter. They read April's conspiracies for the return of loved ones and the revival of love. They do this at a time when the Easter service is going on in all Orthodox churches. You should put candles at the icon of "All Saints" and at the icon of your patroness. The rite consists in a prayer that all people praying at this time will pick up and it will certainly be heard. Your loved one will definitely come back.

Be sure to wait until the candles burn out. The rite is very effective, so before you conduct it, think carefully about whether you really want your ex-lover to return, or is it hurt pride that speaks to you.

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