Compatibility of different elements of personality. Label: love

In Ba-tzu carriages, the Celestial stem of the birthday is responsible for the character of a person's personality, and is called the element of Personality, or Lord of the Day.
Here are brief characteristics of the interaction of different Heavenly stems of a birthday in marriage and partnership. However, when determining compatibility, it is necessary to use a large number of indicators, i.e. take into account the merger or collision of the Lord of the Day, the indicators of the House of Spouses (the Earth branch of the birthday), the presence of favorable elements in the partner’s chart. And the definition of compatibility by year of birth (i.e., by the Earth branch of the year of birth).

Interestingly, the elements that are in the state of control in the Wu Xing cycle "love" and attract each other, provided that they have a different Yin-Yang polarity.

Compatibility of the Yang Tree with personalities of other elements

Yang tree
Result of interaction
fire yangYang Wood works well with Yang Fire. The warmth and kindness of the fiery element can warm even the heart of the Tree. Since both partners are smart and not vindictive, their union can be long and strong. Occasionally, when an unrestrained fiery character makes itself felt, short family battles are possible.
fire yinEverything is fine with Yin Fire. The solidity and calmness of the Yang Tree allows you to endure all the unpredictable antics of your soul mate and support in all endeavors. The energy of the fiery partner serves as a kind of nourishment for the mighty and indestructible trunk.
Earth YanAn alliance with Yang Land is not the best option for starting a family. Both are conservative, not flexible, heavy on their feet - they will gnaw at each other with moralizing and prove their case. Although, if they do get together, they will remain faithful to the end, but they will not experience the feeling of happiness.
Earth YinThe relationship between the Yang Tree and the Yin Earth can be ideal if the earth element is represented by a woman. Thanks to her selflessness and natural maternal instinct, she will be completely devoted to her husband-Tree, surrounding him with care and home comfort.
Metal YangReminds me of a cat and a dog. Their absolutely polar worldview leads to hopeless misunderstanding, endless quarrels and, as a result, parting. A short-term union is like a flash.
Yin metalAn absolutely doomed option is Yang Wood combined with Yin Metal. Already with a hat acquaintance, they are sick of each other. A spoiled and thoroughbred representative of the metal element is annoyed by the simplicity and some clumsiness of the nature of his interlocutor. Therefore, such an acquaintance will not go beyond a fleeting conversation.
Vodia YanAn alliance with Yang Water can be very successful if partners learn to hear and adapt to each other. Joint interests, creative projects, walks will help to get closer and feel mutual need. They take the upbringing of children very seriously, giving themselves up to the pedagogical process without a trace.
Yin waterThe Yang Wood is very harmoniously complemented by the Yin Water. With a life-giving stream, she promptly nourishes the mighty roots of her wooden giant, gently smoothes all corners, receiving in return the necessary protection, compassion and support. This family will overcome all difficulties on the way to harmony and unity.
Yang treeThe two Jan Trees get along well with each other. They catch at a glance what the partner wants to say and are happy to please him. Huge mutual support and all-consuming trust are the engine to overcome difficulties and implement the most ambitious plans. As a rule, they are very successful in their careers, complementing each other perfectly.
Yin treeThe meeting of the Yang Tree and the Yin Tree is a great success. These people get along well with each other and know how not to waste their energy on trifles. Having a mutual creative touch, they are completely combined with each other and make their life rich, interesting and extraordinary.

Yin Wood Compatibility with Personalities of Other Elements

Yin tree
Result of interaction
fire yangThe relationship of the Yin Tree with the Yang Fire, as a rule, develops successfully. Like every plant reaching for the sun, the Yin flexible nature of the Tree strives for warmth and light. Kindness and kindness attract her like a magnet, and even the sometimes uncontrolled temper of a fiery partner is unable to prevent this desire.
fire yinThe union with the Yin Fire depends on the strength of character of the people represented by these elements. If the tree turns out to be so powerful that it can cope and take primacy in relations over fire, then the couple will form. If it burns out under the influence of a raging fiery temperament, then the relationship will lose any meaning.
Earth YanIt is possible to build a family or make friends with the Janskaya Land only if the partners show maximum tolerance towards each other. The flexibility and sensuality of the Yin Tree will soften earthly sluggishness and uncompromisingness, adding liveliness and dynamics to ossified soil. While the windiness and frivolity of the Yin partner will be softened by the constancy and solidity of the Earth.
Earth YinYin Tree and Yin Earth usually don't get along very well. Having absolutely opposite life priorities, attitude to finances and everyday life, they will find fault with each other constantly and in everything. Quarrels and mutual complaints are the lot of such an alliance, therefore, in order not to waste time, it is better to immediately start a new search.
Metal YangSurprisingly, the Yin Wood often finds happiness in the arms of Yang Metal. These seemingly polar personalities surprisingly complement each other, drawing in a partner what each of them lacks. The rigidity and cold reflection of the Metal softens under the natural diplomacy of the Wood, and the Yin plant receives the missing hardness from its "steel" partner.
Yin metalBut the Yin Metal, on the contrary, is undesirable as a spouse for the Yin Tree. There will be too many insults and games in such a relationship. An exception is perhaps friendship, and then at arm's length. Ambitious and selfish Metal will always look down on the creative efforts of a Yin partner, laughing behind his back at his simplicity and naivety.
Vodia YanA successful alliance with the Yin Tree will be if the fickle Water finds the strength to organize its restless character and take control of the soft and flexible Tree. By directing joint efforts in a single direction, these partners are able to achieve good results in life.
Yin waterYin Water is ideal for the Yin Tree. Needing to be recharged with energy and being unacceptably vulnerable, the water element will be a real salvation for its roots. Such a partner will become a real find for a wooden trunk, a true friend and adviser, creative inspiration and moral outlet.
Yang treeThe uncompromising and stubbornness of the Yang Tree, oddly enough, has a positive effect on the softness and vulnerability of the Yin Tree. Such an alliance adds courage and confidence to the Yin partner, and delicacy and modesty to the Yang partner. Such marriages are distinguished by strength and fidelity.
Yin treeTwo personalities marked by the element of the Yin Tree get along well together, have the same hobbies, live one day and do not bother with home improvement, career and raising children. They, as a rule, are absorbed in the creative process and live in their own, invented only for them in their own world.

Fire Yang - compatibility and other leaf elements

fire yang
Result of interaction
fire yangTwo Yang Fires is a real avalanche that burns everything in its path. It is contraindicated for such partners to even think about the possibility of a serious relationship, because fiery truth-seekers will come out of them, devastated and dried up from the eternal struggle for leadership.
fire yinIn relations with the Yin Fire, the situation is similar. Two fiery elements do not get along with each other, because their heat, passion and natural temperament, as in a mirror, is reflected in their partner. A marriage based on scenes of jealousy, outbursts of rage and excessive activity will inevitably lead to disappointment and inevitable separation.
Earth YanThe union with the Yang Land, although not ideal, can be quite stable and bring satisfaction to both elements. The conservatism and stubbornness of the Earth will certainly spoil the nerves of the fiery partner, however, the devotion and purposefulness of the earthly foundation will be a reliable foundation in such a family.
Earth YinThe secret of family happiness of the Yang Fire with the Yin Earth is an inexhaustible source of love and affection coming from the earth element. Surrendering without a trace to the fiery partner, the Earth of Yin, in turn, will enjoy warmth and light under the solar yang rays. In this union, educated and kind children will grow up who will honor and appreciate their parents.
Metal YangThe mutual desire for independence will be a stumbling block in the relationship of Yang Fire and Yang Metal. Having much in common in life principles, interests and hobbies, however, the stubbornness and irascibility of partners will create difficulties in their life and work process. Such a family will either quickly fall apart, or will live on bare emotions.
Yin metalYang Fire works well with Yin Metal. Being not vindictive by nature, the fiery partner will forgive the antics of the slightly selfish Metal, greedy for temptations and obsessed with its own irresistibility. The yang light and warmth given off will be enough to keep the family fire going in this marriage.
Vodia YanThe utter disappointment will be the attempts of the Yang Fire to converge with the Yang Water. Absolutely different and unlike anything, these elements will only torment each other. The sooner such partners realize that nothing will come of their marriage, the less time will be spent on such a hopeless and absolutely hopeless relationship.
Yin waterThe union of Yang Fire with Yin Water is possible, but highly debatable. The fiery element supports the creative note of water, providing the necessary warmth and care, but it is almost impossible to achieve spiritual closeness between such partners. However, in the event of a breakup, they will scatter easily and without mutual resentment.
Yang treeRelations with the Yang Tree develop very harmoniously. By virtue of his benevolence and high moral principles, such a partner will be a reliable stronghold and guarantee of family comfort for the fire element. Fire, in turn, will warm and dilute with its optimism and solar energy its principled and unhurried man-tree.
Yin treeYang Fire and Yin Tree are well sympathetic to each other. Both are sociable, have a craving for art and strive for self-improvement. For the fiery element, the main thing is not to frighten away the vulnerable tree with your jealousy and impulsiveness, because it can withdraw into its experiences, and then it will not be easy to get through to the Yin partner

Fire Yin - compatibility with other personality elements

fire yin
Result of interaction
fire yangLife with Yang Fire has in the future the eternal intensity of passions and the ongoing fight for a place under the sun. Two fiery elements will not be able to get along under one roof, because in the end it will fly into the air, and the walls will collapse under the onslaught of mutual ambitions, conceit and intolerance.
fire yinThe tandem of two Yin Fires, albeit with a creak, is able to exist for some time, being constantly on the verge. It is very difficult to get along with the elements, which are based on fire, since they are not able to restrain emotions. Constantly devastated by mutual strife and skirmishes, the nervous system of fiery partners is unstable and unsteady.
Earth YanBut with the Yang Earth, Yin Fire has complete mutual understanding. To the clumsy and naturally compressed earthly partner, the fiery element gives a whole stream of passion and emotions, thereby introducing a touch of diversity and liveliness into the unhurried and measured life of the Earth. The man-fire, in turn, receives in return devotion and undivided fidelity from his spouse.
Earth YinWith the Yin Earth - also peace and harmony. Compliant, gentle and tirelessly caring for the well-being of the family, the mother earth brings down so much love on the fiery partner that he melts and obeys her unconditionally. Throwing out his ambitions outside the hearth, the fire man brings only positive emotions to his family.
Metal YangYin Fire and Yang Metal are always rivals. In an effort to subdue everyone, Metal gets angry and annoyed when Fire gets in his way. The clash of characters leads to the alternate defeat of each of them, but such a war only provokes partners. In the future, the relations of these elements will not pass into the stage of peace negotiations.
Yin metalRelations with Yin Metal are also sharp, although there is still some hope for mutual understanding. If the fiery partner manages to find the right approach for the cold and proud metal, then it will sparkle in the Yin fiery hands with all its brilliance and splendor.
Vodia YanThe relationship between Yin Fire and Yang Water is good. These elements draw from each other what each of them lacks. Unrestrained and quick-tempered Fire becomes more predictable and loyal, and cold Water acquires softness and warmth that was absent before. Over the years, such an alliance will only become stronger and more stable.
Yin waterRelations with Yin Water also have every chance of being prosperous, however, they will be uneven in relationships. Despite the uncontrollable craving for each other, attacks of jealousy and quarrels cannot be avoided. Throwing out unnecessary emotions, these partners will again enter the traditional rhythm of life, enjoying all the benefits of the universe.
Yang treeThe Yin Fire is quickly approaching the Yang Tree. Such a relationship cannot be completely called ideal, but thanks to the sensitivity of the wooden partner and his willingness to rush at lightning speed to the rescue of the fiery spouse, such an alliance can last a long time, even despite minor and frivolous clashes of characters.
Yin treeThe success of the relationship with the Yin Tree lies entirely on the shoulders of the partner of the Tree. The whole atmosphere in the family, as well as its further strengthening and development, depends on his tolerance and prudence, as well as intolerance to any conflict situations.

Earth Yang - compatibility with other elements

Earth Yan
Result of interaction
fire yangYang Earth and Yang Fire are very compatible elements. The eternally resilient and passionate nature of Fire will be its earthly partner and reliable friend, and sensual lover, and moral outlet, constantly inspiring and nourishing it with positive energy.
fire yinNot bad coexist with the Yang Earth and representatives of the Yin Fire. But here it is important not to overdo it with the fiery element with its impulsiveness and impetuosity, and for the earth element not to overdo it in the eternal desire to keep everything under control. Otherwise, the result will be sad - parting.
Earth YanThe life of the two Jan Lands is boring, although stable. There is no fresh stream in their union, everything is ordinary, standard and predictable. As a rule, marriages based on such a combination of elements are very strong, but in terms of personality development they are unpromising. They are content with what they have and are reluctant to accept changes, having a rather narrow outlook.
Earth YinYang and Yin Earth are ideally combined. They are so suitable for each other that having met once, it is already difficult to imagine how they previously existed separately. Quiet, balanced and full of harmony life - this is a brief description of such a family. Their home is invariably associated with delicious treats, children's laughter and cozy house slippers.
Metal YangBut the relationship with Yang Metal is a misunderstanding and disagreement. Irreconcilable and prickly Metal will always spoil all attempts to reconcile an already not very compliant earthly partner. As a result, each element remains in its own way, without knowing each other's souls.
Yin metalThe personalities of Yang Earth and Yin Metal favorably set off each other, so their union has every chance of being successful. A bright and thoroughbred Yin handsome man will add gloss and grooming that is so lacking to the Earth. These elements are accommodating in everyday life, harmoniously conduct a joint household and are unusually disciplined.
Vodia YanBut the alliance with Janskaya Water is an eternal struggle. The outcome of the battle depends on the strength of character and stubbornness of both people. Everyone can get the palm of leadership, so it alternately roams from one to another. In such difficult relationships, there is no place for calmness, peace and confidence in the future.
Yin waterThe elements of Yang Earth and Yin Water are very compatible. The heavy and catastrophically conservative earthly firmament finds solace in the water coolness. The flexibility and lightness of a Yin partner bring a bit of variety to the monotonous life of an inveterate snob, making it much more interesting.
Yang treeThe relationship with the Yang Tree is also very controversial. As sexual partners, these personalities are absolutely uninteresting to each other. But friendship from such an interweaving of the elements turns out to be excellent. Both honest, principled, meticulous and dedicated, they respect and care for their camaraderie.
Yin treeThe tenderness and softness of the Yin Tree has a very beneficial effect on the Yang Land. With his sociability, tact and creative approach to many things, the Yin partner brightens up the thick skin of his stubborn lover, receiving in return his absolute fidelity and worthy protection.

Earth Yin - compatibility with other elements

Earth Yin
Result of interaction
fire yangCompatibility with Yang Fire is very high, but not always Fire allows you to take care of yourself so selflessly. For him, sometimes too much attention and annoying maternal fuss. If children immediately appear in the marriage of these elements, then earthly love is distributed more evenly, and relations between partners come into balance.
fire yinThis seems to be the case with the Yin Fire. Although Fire appreciates all the attentiveness and careful attitude towards itself, the main thing for the Earth is not to overdo it and find a middle ground. Clever Yin Fire will find the right direction for its half and direct all its ardor in the right direction.
Earth YanEarth Yang and Earth Yin can be held together by a wonderful marriage union. But in their relationship there will be no hint of crazy passion. Making the upbringing of children and ensuring the comfort of life their priority, these partners are completely devoid of romanticism and are limited by the framework of their mentality.
Earth YinTwo Yin Earths - two harmonies. They suit each other in everything. The kinship of souls and views on life gives inspiration and strength to go through life harmoniously, easily and cheerfully. In such a union there is no place for irritability, despondency and discontent. Like twins, such partners are always together, feel subtly and always support each other.
Metal YangAn alliance with the Yang Metal is possible only if the Metal has enough strength to moderate its harshness and sharpness of the tongue, allowing the caring maternal element to melt all the ice that has accumulated over the years of loneliness. Of course, all the "floes" in the heart will not completely melt, but the Yang Metal will definitely become softer and warmer.
Yin metalLoving and homely Yin Earth will find an approach to Yin Metal. He owes all his external gloss and confident look to the selfless mother earth. A strong union of these elements is obtained when the role of the wife is assigned to the elements of the Earth, and the role of the husband is assigned to the elements of Metal. In this case, all family accents will be lined up correctly and everyone will play their own, clearly assigned role.
Vodia YanHaving a different social circle, Yin Earth almost never intersects with Yang Water. If this happens, both individuals are completely bewildered, since it is difficult to imagine them together. Their views show complete indifference and apathy towards each other. Even friendship cannot be squeezed out of this union.
Yin waterRelations with Yin Water will also fail. Vain attempts to cling to at least some commonality in outlook on life will eventually lead to an unjustified waste of time and mutual frustration. However, having dispersed along different shores, quiet sadness rather than resentment and disappointment will remain in the hearts of these elements. Having met by chance again, they will sincerely wonder what they once could attract each other.
Yang treePerhaps no one can destroy the mutual attraction of the Yin Earth and the Yang Tree. These elements are so harmonious in their union that many simply envy the sensitivity, loyalty and dedication that reigns in this family. Their children are treated kindly, and the house is a full bowl. Career in this case goes into the background.
Yin treeThe relations of the Yin Earth with the representative of the Yin Tree are developing quite well, but far from ideal. They are accommodating in everyday nuances, but in personal relationships, a consumer note often slips. Partners use each other for their own purposes, resulting in frequent resentment and mutual reproaches.

Yang metal - compatibility with other elements

Metal Yang
Result of interaction
fire yangYang Metal is uncomfortable in the company of Yang Fire. Equally freedom-loving and ambitious, they do not accept concessions and, unfortunately, will not adapt to the opinion of their soul mate. A couple can only develop if the spouses provide each other with large-scale personal space and try not to encroach on it.
fire yinOddly enough, the tandem of Yang Metal and Yin Fire can be very successful and long lasting. The fiery partner will be able to find a way to melt the hard and cold heart of Metal and cast something worthwhile out of it. A particularly good union is if a Yang Metal male finds a wife for the Yin Fire element.
Earth YanThe relations of the Yang Metal with the Yang Earth are developing well. Despite its conservatism and slowness, however, this element will be a reliable assistant and faithful adviser in all endeavors of its purposeful and unrestrained partner. It is thanks to her devotion and full support that Yang Metal will achieve all of its grandiose goals.
Earth YinThe union with the Yin Earth is based, first of all, on its comprehensive sacrifice and self-giving for the benefit of others. Often, the prickly and sharp Yang Metal simply does not notice all the goodness exuded by the loving earthly element. He shamelessly uses the naivety and decency of the Yin partner, taking all the benefits from him for granted.
Metal YangTwo Yang Metals in one family is a hopeless cold in a relationship, bordering on a certain alienation. Children born in such a union quickly leave their father's house in the hope of enjoying warmth and attention elsewhere. Although parents are always ready to financially support their offspring, it is useless to expect an open manifestation of love and tenderness from them.
Yin metalRelations with Yin Metal are much better. Although selfishness is present in both elements, nevertheless, thanks to similar goals and life priorities, such partners can coexist well in close unity with each other. These relationships cannot be called passionate and hot, but mutual career growth is guaranteed.
Vodia YanThe only element that Yang Metal can become dependent on is Yang Water. With its detours and remarkable wisdom, Water imperceptibly and progressively tames the sharp and straightforward Metal, which, surprisingly, will obey and obey its water partner.
Yin waterYang Metal can also soften and relax in the embrace of Yin Water. Under her influence, his pride and natural self-centeredness will subside a little, releasing all that is good and kind to this person. In turn, the water element will gain confidence and strength, which will help her in defending her opinion.
Yang treeThe union of Yang Metal and Yang Wood is a union of irreconcilable opponents. Both stubborn, principled and uncompromising, they will bend their position, not paying attention to the opinion of their partner. Even if the mistake is obvious, no one will ask for forgiveness from each other, so such a marriage will eventually fail.
Yin treeRelationships with the Yin Wood always have a beneficial effect on the cold and heavy Yang Metal. Thanks to his tenderness and ability to adapt to any situation, the Yin partner helps the hard Metal to soften and look at things more simply and delicately.

Yin metal - compatibility with other elements

Yin metal
Result of interaction
fire yangYin Metal and Yang Fire are very harmonious in their union. Both elements love to be in the spotlight, dynamically pursue a career and proudly carry themselves through life. Many people look at such a couple with inner envy, because such a bright combination of metal and fire arouses genuinely close interest from the rest of the human mass.
fire yinThe relationship between Yin Metal and Yin Fire can be described as 50/50. A spark that has run between them can flare up with a flame the size of a lifetime, or it can go out without having time to ignite at full strength. With any kind of relationship, these elements will receive invaluable life experience from interacting with each other.
Earth YanThe combination with Yanskaya Land cannot be called very successful. The conservatism and sluggishness of the earth element will slow down the active and ambitious man-metal, striving for power and new heights. As a result, a negative baggage of emotions based on misunderstanding and mutual criticism will accumulate.
Earth YinRelations with the Yin Land in the future cannot be called successful either. Unpretentious, disinterested and obsessed with caring for everyone around, the earth element is not at all a match for Yin Metal. Domineering and spoiled, he will absorb all the love and kindness of his partner without a twinge of conscience. In such a relationship, one is a star, and the other is just a shadow.
Metal YangThe union of Yin Metal and Yang Metal will be based on mutual benefit. They will fit perfectly against the backdrop of their career ambitions. Having connections and revolving in the upper classes of society, such partners successfully complement each other and fully realize themselves in work.
Yin metalTwo Yin Metals can coexist perfectly side by side, but deep feelings will not occur in such a union. Both selfish and chasing external gloss and money, they will live for their own pleasure, without indulging each other with special tenderness. In such a marriage, the spouse is more likely to go to the next presentation of the new film, rather than sit at the bedside of the sick soulmate.
Vodia YanIn relations with Yang Water, the narcissistic Yin Metal will calm down somewhat and become filled with humanity. The aquatic environment is able to precipitate all his selfish notes and make him more attentive to family values. As a result, a combination of such elements can make a good union.
Yin waterMarriage with Yin Water will be successful if the water element acts as a wife. In this case, Yin Metal, quenching love thirst in the arms of gentle Water, will become a real earner and gentleman. Dressed in a beautiful dress, Yin Water will shine at a social event next to her aristocratic husband, who is proud of his unique and elegant partner.
Yang treeIt is difficult to build a relationship with the Yang Tree. Mutual stubbornness and intransigence gives rise to many quarrels and unpleasant family moments. However, the support and reliable rear of the Wood often save the reckless and intolerant Yin Metal from many unpleasant stories.
Yin treeThe alliance with the Yin Tree rests solely on the patience and adaptability of the latter. Being flexible and non-confrontational by nature, the tree-man is able to endure a lot, but if the limit comes, then the metal will remain alone in the midst of its luxury and brilliance. Having suffered for the sake of appearance, he will move on, occasionally remembering the branches that hugged him so tenderly before.

Water Yang - compatibility with other elements

Water Yan
Result of interaction
fire yangA pretty good option could be a combination with Yang Fire, based more on friendship and the same interests than on unbridled passion. Similar aspirations, energy and sociability give rise to many points of contact, however, excessive irascibility, jealousy and incontinence of the fiery element can greatly frighten Yanskaya Voda.
fire yinThe most successful union of Yang Water is obtained with Yin Fire. The active and active Yang water element is favorably combined with the fiery nature. In such a tandem, no one drowns out each other, does not limit personal freedom, does not crush - on the contrary, they wonderfully complement each other.
Earth YanOnly Yang Land can hold back the impulsive Yang river flow. Her solidity and conservatism, although creating some misunderstandings in communication, are very supportive of an active aquatic nature, creating a reliable basis for embodying her many creative ideas.
Earth YinThe success of the family union with the Yin Land is highly doubtful. Her ineradicable craving for education will alienate the proud and independent Yanskaya Voda, moreover, such partners are unlikely to converge in everyday life, especially in territorial preferences regarding the place of residence. The Yin earth element gravitates toward the countryside, but the Yang whirlpool, on the contrary, prefers megacities and urban crowds.
Metal YangYanskaya Water does not always get along with Yansky Metal. Straightforwardness and rigidity cause misunderstanding on the part of the diplomatic water element, while freedom-loving and mobility is not understandable for the organized and globally focused Yang Metal.
Yin metalYang water does not get along with Yin Metal. His punctuality and pedantry irritate the lightning-fast water flow, accustomed to living by its own rules. However, being excellent organizers and speakers, having met on the political stage, such a couple can achieve considerable career growth.
Vodia YanThe relationship between the two Yanskie Vody can turn into a strong friendly and partner union. The same hobbies, optimism and inexhaustible energy will help to do great things. The main thing is not to play too much and press the brakes in time. In personal life, water elements can converge for a while, and then scatter along different channels.
Yin waterIn the combination of Yang Water - Yin Water, there are no equal partners. Always someone's water flow prevails, absorbing and clogging the other with its pressure. It makes sense to build a future for such partners only if one water consciously submits to another and even in thoughts does not claim possible superiority.
Yang treeThe well-being of an alliance with the Yang Tree is based on the ability of the water element to condescendingly and patiently treat the slowness and stubbornness of its partner. Fast Water Yan does not always understand how one can be so principled and inflexible, and only her streamlining and loyalty will save relationships.
Yin treeHave a future relationship with the Yin Tree. Thanks to their unsurpassed ability to adapt to any situation, the union of these elements can be long and strong. The creativity of one partner, multiplied by the vigor and business skills of the other, creates an explosive mixture that can bind them to themselves for a long time.

Yin water - compatibility with other elements

Yin water
Result of interaction
fire yangRelations with Yang Fire are based on its unbridled energy and warmth. He is able to conquer everyone and warm any icicle with his kindness. Therefore, thanks to sunlight and the optimism of Yang Fire, the water element can calmly create and create, without fear of freezing. Such partners get along well, but their union can be short-lived, and parting is easy and painless.
fire yinIn alliance with the Yin Fire, two options are possible. Or noisy Water extinguishes the hot Fire, preventing it from flaring up in full force, and thereby leads to quarrels in the process of constant mutual confrontation. Or, by joining forces, an unusual tandem achieves success and becomes famous.
Earth YanRepresentatives of Yin Water have the most successful relationship with Yang Earth. Its solidity and slowness will be a reliable support for the changeable water element. All momentary and frivolous impulses characteristic of the Yin Water personality element will be correctly adjusted and directed in the right direction by polite and reliable earthly care.
Earth YinAbsolutely opposite story with Yin Earth. Given her conservatism and natural craving for the education of everyone in sight, it is difficult for Yin Water to understand such a partner. Differences in life principles regarding work, the rhythm of life and family values ​​can lead to misunderstanding, and, as a result, grandiose quarrels and parting.
Metal YangIn search of support and stability, Yin Water may reunite with Yang Metal. However, it must be remembered that this tough and decisive partner, despite all his devotion and firm shoulder, will always exude coldness and a certain detachment.
Yin metalBut with Yin Metal, on the contrary, a complete idyll in the future. These partners read each other's minds, having similar outlooks on life. In this union, the main thing is that they adhere to one goal, not twisted in creative fantasies and not wasting their strength only on achieving material wealth.
Vodia YanThe union with Janskaya Water is very twofold. Depending on their energy maps, partners can be both business partners and lovers that harmoniously complement each other, and constantly competing furies that know no boundaries.
Yin waterTwo Yin Waters can coexist perfectly together, but there is absolutely no energy and dynamics in their union. Collective creativity, attending noisy parties or exciting travels can save their boring and monotonous living together.
Yang treeRelationships with the Yang Tree are possible if it hides its principles and stubbornness away, giving Yin Water freedom and at least a little personal space.

The land of Yin is a fertile soil, a garden. The main character trait of people of this type is softness and complaisance. They are distinguished by kindness, the ability to give themselves for the benefit of others.

In the people of Yin Earth, parental instincts are very strongly developed. They are just a storehouse of love and selflessness. They like to take care of their children, relatives, close people. They love animals, nature, a healthy lifestyle, they dream of their own house with a garden.

At the same time, this type of personality is distinguished by a developed intellect., but also conservatism, preferring to do everything the old fashioned way. They have good taste in clothes. They always look neat, modest, often choose a classic style. These are very hospitable people, unforgiving. Their home is cozy, warm and comfortable.

Women of the Yin Earth belong to the archetype "Mistress", calm and patient, pleasant in communication. More than other signs, they strive to get married in order to transfer all their love and care to their husband and children.

Who is Yin Earth compatible with?

A very harmonious union at the Earth Yin . It seems that no one can separate them. Loyalty, dedication and a sensitive attitude towards each other reign in their family. The house is a full bowl, and the children are surrounded by affection and care. At the same time, work and career remain far in the "backyard".

Not such an ideal relationship is observed in the Yin Land . They get along well at the everyday level, but in personal relationships, notes of selfishness and consumerism slip through. Due to the desire to use each other in their own interests, their union is overshadowed by reproaches and mutual insults.

Good Yin Earth Compatibility . True, the latter does not always allow himself to patronize. It seems to him that the Earth is too annoying with her maternal care. If children are born immediately in their union, then the love and care of the Inskoy Land will be more harmoniously distributed in this family.

A similar picture is observed in the union of Yin Earth . He is not so strained by the desire of the Earth to constantly patronize and care. Moreover, having a sharp mind, he will be able to direct his partner in the right direction for the benefit of both.

A strong union can be with the Earth Yin . True, it will flow quite calmly, without much ardor and passion. The main value for both partners is family and children, comfort in the house. This is where they will direct all their attention and strength, without excessive romanticism in relationships.

Relationships are very harmonious. the two Earth signs are Yin. They have complete mutual understanding, common interests and kinship of souls. They subtly feel, inspire and always support each other. Irritability, despondency and discontent do not even smell here.

Possible Union of Yin Earth , if the latter allows the caring Earth to melt all his “ice” of cruelty accumulated over the years of his life. Of course, it will not be possible to melt all his coldness, but the fact that he will soften and relax in this union is for sure!

The union will be strong if the soft and patient Yin Earth is in the role of the wife. After all, he owes all his gloss and self-confidence to the earth. Having correctly placed all the accents in this pair, where everyone clearly fulfills their role, their union can last for many years.

It's hard to imagine Yin Land together , their outlook on life is so different. They show complete indifference and apathy towards each other. Between them, only a "cap" acquaintance is possible.

In order to find out your element, you need to find the range in which your date of birth falls. At the top of the column, your element will be indicated.

For example, you were born on August 26, 1986, your range in the table is: 02/09/86 - 01/28/1987, which corresponds to the Yang Fire element.

Earth Yin - good fertile soil. The character of a person associated with this element is distinguished by softness and complaisance. It is not difficult to win his trust, he is very kind and gives himself entirely for the benefit of others.

Such dedication sometimes leads to the fact that it is simply used for their own purposes. He is easily suggestible and subject to the opinions of others, therefore he is often lost and can end up in bad company. Unfortunately, a Yin Earth person can sympathize and support those whose ideas and plans are not entirely pure. If it falls under someone else's influence, then anything can be molded from it, like plasticine. But if you inadvertently hurt his soul, his suffering will be extremely painful and painful.

Like the Earth of Yin, this person is a storehouse of selflessness and love. He has strong parenting instincts and a sense of caring for others. Such people make wonderful mothers and fathers, and their families usually have many children. In addition to their children, they often adopt orphans, devoting themselves entirely to the educational process, but sometimes they show excessive care.

Such a person is drawn to the earth, he does not accept megacities, preferring to live in small towns. The Yin land loves nature, animals, natural foods and adheres to a healthy lifestyle. The limit of his dreams is to have his own house, where he could plant a garden and plant a flower garden. Since he is not demanding, he can adapt to any situation, being content with little.

A person of Yin Earth is usually intellectually developed, but at the same time conservative. With difficulty perceives new technology and the fast pace of life, preferring to do everything "the old fashioned way". In everyday clothes, he is classically restrained and modest, avoids bright colors, although a good sense of taste is developed. He is absolutely not vindictive, therefore it is easier for such a person to forgive and forget the troubles caused to him than to hatch plans for revenge. He is always friendly and glad to guests, the atmosphere of his house is invariably filled with coziness, sincerity and comfort.

Compatibility of Yin Earth with people of other elements

Perhaps no one can destroy the mutual attraction of the Yin Earth and the Yang Tree. These elements are so harmonious in their union that many simply envy the sensitivity, loyalty and dedication that reigns in this family. Their children are treated kindly, and the house is a full bowl. Career, in this case, goes far "to the backyard."

The relations of the Yin Earth with the representative of the Yin Tree are developing quite well, but far from ideal. They are accommodating in everyday nuances, but in personal relationships, a “consumer note” often slips. Partners use each other for their own purposes, resulting in frequent resentment and mutual reproaches.

Compatibility with Yang Fire is very high, but not always a fiery partner allows you to take care of yourself so selflessly. For him, sometimes there is too much attention and annoying "motherly" fuss. If children immediately appear in the marriage of these elements, then “earthly” love is distributed more evenly, and relations between partners come into balance.

This seems to be the case with the Yin Fire. Although the flame man appreciates all the attentiveness and careful attitude towards himself, the main thing for mother earth is not to overdo it and find a “golden mean”. Smart Yin Fire will find the right direction for its "half" and direct all its ardor in the right direction.

The land of Yang and the land of Yin can bond in a wonderful marriage. But in their relationship there will be no hint of crazy passion. Making the upbringing of children and ensuring the comfort of "being" their priority, these partners are completely devoid of romanticism and are limited by the framework of their mentality.

Two Yin Earths - two harmonies. They suit each other in everything. The kinship of souls and views on life gives inspiration and strength to go through life harmoniously, easily and cheerfully. In such a union there is no place for irritability, despondency and discontent. Like twins, such partners are always together, feel subtly and always support each other.

An alliance with Yang Metal is possible only when the “iron” person has enough strength to moderate his harshness and sharpness of his tongue, allowing the caring maternal element to melt all the ice that has accumulated over the years of loneliness. Of course, all the "floes" in the heart will not completely melt, but the Yang Metal will definitely become softer and warmer.

Loving and homely Yin Earth will find an approach to Yin Metal. He owes all his external gloss and confident look to the selfless mother earth. A strong union of these elements is obtained when the role of the wife is assigned to the elements of the earth, and the role of the husband is assigned to the elements of metal. In this case, all family accents will be built correctly and everyone will play their own, clearly assigned "role".

Having a different social circle, Yin Earth almost never intersects with Yang Water. If this happens, both personalities are completely bewildered, since it is difficult to imagine them together. Their views show complete indifference and apathy towards each other. From this union it is impossible to “squeeze out” even hat friendship.

Relations with Yin Water will also fail. Vain attempts to cling to at least some commonality in outlook on life will eventually lead to an unjustified waste of time and mutual frustration. However, having dispersed along different shores, quiet sadness rather than resentment and disappointment will remain in the hearts of these elements. Having met by chance again, they will sincerely wonder what they once could attract each other.

Famous personalities of the Yin Earth element: Yuri Gagarin, Barack Obama, Pierre Richard, Quentin Tarantino, Boris Moiseev, Yulia Timoshenko

Earth Yan These are mountains and huge stones. A distinctive feature of a person whose character is associated with the Yang land is, first of all, his solidity and solidity. Like weighty boulders, he is rough and clumsy.

His angularity and bearish sluggishness can often be seen in external features. Heavy on the rise, he denies change, adapts to change for a long time and does not tolerate fuss. When making any decision, this person thinks for a long time, evaluating all options - as a result, his slowness often leads to the loss of potential opportunities.

He is very conservative, therefore, once having made up a personal opinion about something, he will not change it even at gunpoint. Absolute inflexibility and sometimes unjustified stubbornness prevent such a person from making compromises and concessions. Land Yang can be an excellent and responsible performer, solving clearly assigned tasks. However, you should not demand that he take the initiative, this will be an empty and unjustified waste of time.

Just as Yang Land is rich in resources, this person's essence is filled with many virtues. Among them can be safely attributed friendliness and devotion. Having earned the trust of a person whose personality is represented by the Yang land, you can be sure that he will be faithful to you to the end and will not betray you in a difficult life situation.

Despite his sufficient clumsiness and rudeness, he is, at the same time, unusually sentimental. In his life, the Janskaya Land indulges in dreams that can evoke in him emotions that have not been experienced in reality. This person is very respectful and polite. However, behind external courtesy lies a strong will and self-centeredness. If desired, he achieves, albeit slowly and unhurriedly, his goals, thereby earning the trust and respect of loved ones. Looping on current problems and the inability to relax sometimes lead to unreasonable outbursts of irritability and intolerance.

Compatibility of the personality of the Yang Earth with people of other elements

The elements of Yang Earth and Yin Water are very compatible. The heavy and catastrophically conservative earthly firmament finds solace in the water coolness. The flexibility and lightness of a Yin partner bring a bit of variety to the monotonous life of an inveterate snob, making it much more interesting.

But the alliance with Janskaya Water is an eternal struggle. The outcome of the "battle" depends on the strength of character and stubbornness of both people. Everyone can get the palm of leadership, so it alternately roams from one to another. In such difficult relationships, there is no place for calmness, peace and confidence in the future.

The relationship with the Yang Tree is also very controversial. As sexual partners, these personalities are absolutely uninteresting to each other. But friendship from such an interweaving of the elements turns out to be excellent. Both honest, principled, meticulous and dedicated, they respect and care for their camaraderie.

The tenderness and softness of the Yin Tree has a very beneficial effect on the Yang Land. With his sociability, tact and creative approach to many things, the Yin partner brightens up the “thick skin” of his stubborn lover, receiving in return his absolute fidelity and worthy protection.

Yang Earth and Yang Fire are very compatible elements. The eternally resilient and passionate "sunny" nature will be to its earthly partner both a reliable friend, and a sensual lover, and a moral outlet, constantly inspiring and feeding him with positive energy.

Not bad coexist with the Yang Earth and representatives of the Yin Fire. But here it is important not to overdo it with the fiery element with its impulsiveness and impetuosity, and for the earth element not to overdo it in the eternal desire to "keep everything under control." Otherwise, the result will be sad - parting.

The life of the two Jan Lands is boring, although stable. There is no fresh stream in their union, everything is ordinary, standard and predictable. As a rule, marriages based on such a combination of elements are very strong, but in terms of personality development they are unpromising. They are content with what they have and are reluctant to accept changes, having a rather narrow outlook.

Yang and Yin Earth are ideally combined. They are so suitable for each other that having met once, it is already difficult to imagine how they previously existed separately. Quiet, balanced and full of harmony life - this is a brief description of such a family. Their home is invariably associated with delicious treats, children's laughter and cozy house slippers.

But in relations with Yang Metal, understanding and agreement are the exception rather than the rule. An irreconcilable and prickly man-metal will always spoil all attempts to reconcile an already not very compliant earthly partner. As a result, each element remains “with its own interests”, without having known the souls of each other.

The personalities of Yang Earth and Yin Metal favorably set off each other, so their union has every chance of being successful. A bright and thoroughbred Yin handsome man will add gloss and grooming that is so lacking to the man-earth. These elements are accommodating in everyday life, harmoniously conduct a joint household and are unusually disciplined.

Famous personalities of the Yang Earth element: Alexander Lukashenko, Victoria Beckham, Elizabeth Taylor, Galina Vishnevskaya, Michael Jackson, Maya Plisetskaya, Hillary Clinton

If the woman-Earth cannot establish a direct connection with reality, which in her eyes is the embodiment of beauty, she will never agree to any substitutes. For the Earth woman, harmony is important not only in the home, but also in personal relationships. Outwardly, she may seem calm, balanced and even self-absorbed, but under this mask lies frank sexuality, fiery and seductive passion.

Earth element women are incredibly feminine. They are always acutely aware of their individuality, they feel how they are dressed, how they look, they are aware of what their favorite style of clothing is and what their system of life values ​​consists of. The Earth Woman is the embodiment of Aphrodite's physical sensuality. We sometimes misperceive the Greek Goddess of Love, considering her the epitome of romance and subtlety. The paradox lies in the fact that Aphrodite symbolizes not only divine, sacred love, but also purely carnal, forbidden passion. That is why women of the earth element, when meeting with someone who attracts them, sometimes have difficulty in choosing which path in a relationship to choose.

On the way of the woman-Earth there is one danger that it is desirable to avoid - this is a sense of ownership. As soon as the woman-Earth decides that the object of her passion deserves the most intense physical intervention, an acute sense of ownership, spiced with a fair amount of jealousy, immediately breaks free. At the same time, the Earth woman is not prone to indiscriminate relationships, she simply has an instinctive instinct for a man who can cause a shiver of longing. When an Earth woman is lonely and waiting in the wings, one “same” smile or a precise touch is enough to arouse in her the need for physical intimacy - and then she will not hesitate to put her seductive charms into play. The Earth Woman needs to take care of others, support them, but in this role she can be too intrusive and domineering. It is perfectly natural for the Earth to exalt her lover or partner, but God forbid everyone else to do the same! In order to completely own her beloved, the Earth woman will readily alienate his entire family and work colleagues from him. She can fill the whole house with various elegant gizmos, is able to cook superbly and knows how to charm any company with herself. And yet, under the layer of amazing qualities hides a desperate need for reliability and protection: the Earth woman sincerely believes that only absolute ownership of everything she loves will provide her much-needed security.

The greatest test for a woman-Earth is an attempt to give real freedom and independence to a partner. If the Earth woman can understand that the space for self-expression that a partner needs is not necessarily a danger, but an opportunity for the other to be who he is, then in the end she will be able to discover her own way of expressing deep physical love.

If an Earth woman is confident in her beloved, she is unlikely to allow herself fleeting connections or casual acquaintances. At her core, she tends to be monogamous and perceives her partner as a constant attachment to her life. Her house reflects all the basic elements of the inner need for reliability and security. Changes, especially in personal relationships, are always given to her with great difficulty.

Occasionally, the woman-Earth decides to take risks. For example, she can study her partner, who belongs to the element of fire, in some detail, and the relationship of such a couple often develops quite successfully, although not always smoothly. With its directness and passion, Fire can explode the self-esteem of the Earth woman and her grace; on the other hand, she will never forget the feeling of strength and power received at the same time.

For the Earth woman, sex is a simple activity, a basic instinct, and therefore just a good, satisfying act based on bodily sensations, and not on sophistication in bed gymnastics. Do not forget: lightning is a conductor of electricity, they direct powerful discharges of the energy of heaven precisely into the soil - into the earth, and therefore the woman-Earth always fulfills

The role of such a conductor of other people's passions, experiences, dreams and anger. Earth needs warmth, affection, gentleness and care. She easily shares this with others, but usually expects something in return. She needs to cultivate in herself the ability for gratuitous, trusting bestowal, which will be her inner source of strength, which does not require replenishment from someone else's reciprocity.

For some time, the Earth woman is able to enjoy a pleasant dissolution in the ever-changing emotional self-expression of Water, but it is difficult for her to constantly accept the variability and flexibility of this element. The earth needs time, and people of water always create their own time schedule - let it be accelerated or slowed down, but their own, individual. In union with the Tree, the Earth can learn to focus on the perception of the whole, and not just itself. Wood element people are more inclusive in their love, while Earth desires are essentially purely personal. Paired with a Metal man, an Earth woman can feel that the strength and determination of the metal element meets her inner need for reliable security, as Metal's intuition and his gift of foresight allow him to find out the true background of the desires of the Earth.


Deeper than love lies the inner energy that sustains the yang-type earth's constant desire for comfort and stability. At the same time, the usually passive earthly personality takes on the features of an extrovert, and sometimes shows impatience. If it seems to you that it is time to let off a little steam, then you should do this when you begin to feel certain changes taking place in the body. This is because the Earth always responds better to physical indicators. Your powerful sexuality suggests that you are ready to decide on deep physical affection, provided that the expediency of this will tell you your feelings.

One of the subtle things about yang earth is that you may unconsciously identify with the person you are currently in a close relationship with. In other words, if your partner is sharp, bold and resourceful, you can feel the emergence of similar qualities in yourself, and then your usual desire for just good sex can be replaced by a desire for completely unusual bed tightrope walking.

In addition, your Yang energy of the Earth is expressed in the fact that, instead of first meeting your needs and needs, you first create a field of love around your partner. However, what you yourself value in life and love requires no less careful study, otherwise it may turn out that you are making love with a bandage from the partner’s imagination over your eyes. Your nobility may cause you to eventually lose sight of your own goals of physical union. Remember: you need a lot of time, a lot of bodily contact and enjoyment, and not just carnal satisfaction. And you also need a reminder that sex is equal to love for you. If you are having a hard time explaining this to your partner or partner and you feel like you are always giving pleasure, instead of asking the same for yourself, try taking the risk of having a frank conversation about this topic, even if it comes down to one question: “How about you tickle my heels?”

Certainty is essential for the sexuality of Yin Earth. The more definite and hidden the expression of physical desire, the more comfortable and secure the Yin Earth will feel, sincerely believing that her aspirations are invisible. For her, the opportunity to take a walk somewhere in a quiet place and be meaningfully silent means much more than the prospect of being in the center of everyone's attention. At first, the Yin Earth prefers to be quiet and cautious, but over time, you can find strong sexual desires in yourself that will be impossible to ignore. However, the fear of rejection can lead you to seek casual relationships, comforting yourself with the fact that in this case there is less experience if something goes wrong. Bear in mind that on Earth this basic survival instinct tends to get out of control. It is not easy for the Yin Earth to take the initiative into its own hands, but if the relationship excludes publicity, it can show an outstanding talent as an underground worker and a master of behind-the-scenes intrigues (it is always calmer and safer in the shadows).

Yin Earth has a deep sensual insatiability, so oral sex is one of the most powerful stimulants for her sexual needs. And you must also express your need for comfort and care, no matter how mundane this instinct may seem to others. The fear of rejection is very characteristic of the Yin Earth, but do not forget that by driving your basic instincts deep inside, you will only move away from the physical and sensory satisfaction that you could get if you allowed yourself the luxury of naturalness and unpredictability. The main thing for Yin Earth is to remember the need to sensitively recognize the needs of your body and enjoy.

General astro forecast for 2018 for Yang Land Wu and Yin Earth Ji

If you don't know your Heavenly stem of the day or your pillar in your birth chart, watch the video “HOW TO DEFINE YOUR Heavenly stem of the day”:

✨ STEP 1.

Go to my site site

✨ STEP 2.

On the right you will find "BAZZI CALCULATOR" and click on "PRESS"

✨ STEP 3.

Choose your gender, your date, month, year, hour (if known) and place of birth.

✨ STEP 4.

The pillar called "DAY" is you

✨ STEP 5.

We are looking for the pillar "DAY" in the article of astro forecast.

Yang Land on the Dragon

You will have a good year full of promising results. Those who were born in the spring will certainly find that this is a beneficial time. Short-term investments will bear fruit, while business ventures will also have excellent prospects. Long term investments will be encouraged by your diligence and will eventually bring great results as well.

Your wealth luck will grow this year and you will incur significant rewards. Avoid impulse buying and try to reinvest your money in other activities that bring you more value.

You will most likely be recognized for the great effort you have put into your work so far. Boss expectations will rise, and as such, you will need to prepare for the potential chaos and stress of this year. Remember to balance your work with time for yourself and your personal life.

This year, men will improve their relationship in marriage. On the other hand, women have to deal with communication issues in their relationships, which can lead to misunderstandings and fights.

Focus on your digestive system as stomach issues are likely to be your biggest problem this year. Your head and limbs are also at potential risk of injury, especially for those born in the summer or fall.

Yanskaya Land on the Tigris

There will be many career opportunities. However, this year there will be some problems in your personal life.

You will finally have the funds to fulfill your long-awaited vacation and travel plans. This will give you the opportunity to expand your horizons and meet new people who can help you on your path of personal growth. This is a good year for you to learn more about yourself.

This can be an auspicious year for romance for those with whom you are already in a long-term relationship or who are planning to take their relationship to the next level.

Watch out for blood and stomach problems this year. Potential illnesses are indigestion or food poisoning. Don't lose sight of your physical and mental health. You will need to carefully manage your working hours so that the workload is balanced and manageable.

Yang Land on the Rat

This year you will be blessed with many opportunities that can be used easily and effectively to make great progress in your life. However, buried demons from your past may resurface like legal issues.

It is likely that you will make a fortune this year. However, these possibilities may be more than meets the eye, so you will need to exercise caution. Don't ignore ethics to make money. The legal problems that will arise as a result are not worth it. Be careful to avoid potential problems.

Those born in the spring will have good career prospects. Keep in mind that sometimes it is necessary to ask for help. Others will be willing to help and make your journey much easier.

Men will find that this is an emotionally turbulent year. However, there is a chance to survive relationship problems and come out stronger. Women, on the other hand, will need to find a balance between romance and everything else.

Your liver is at the center of health issues this year. Manage your drinking and be extra careful about your overall health. Also watch out for tumors.

Yang Land on the Dog

This is an important year for you to achieve great success in your career. Be confident enough to take bold steps towards your goals. But, there may be unforeseen obstacles ahead, as a result of rumors and slander.

You are in good luck financially. You need to be careful if you are in a business partnership. Be aggressive in pursuing your goals and you will enjoy great rewards.

Procrastination or being too passive can cause you to miss out on great opportunities. Therefore, one must remain focused and always be ready to make the most of the situation.

Single men will have better relationship luck than women. If you are in a long relationship, this is a good year to get married. However, be careful if you are already married, as there is a risk of extramarital affairs.

You do not need to worry about your health if you were born during the winter or spring months. If born in the fall or summer, watch out for head and limb injuries, be careful of any possible swelling.

Yang Land on Monkey

You will see that your plans can be carried out without much worry. In addition, you will be blessed with wealth that will bring financial security. Your income is likely to be stable.

Your positive wealth luck will persist throughout the year, and possibly bring you a pay rise. If you own your own business or are an entrepreneur, you should consider turning your attention abroad. There will certainly be many other stakeholders out there who can help you.

There will be opportunities to travel for work, which will positively affect career advancement. This will likely bring rewards both in terms of your reputation and finances.

If you are in a long-term relationship, you may consider marriage. Single women may find that several suitors are interested in them. Married women will have to watch out for potential temptations.

Although this year will be in good physical condition, you should not neglect your health. This means that you should continue to pay attention to your diet and maintain your exercise regime to keep yourself in shape. By constantly taking care of your body, you protect it from future problems.

Janskaya Land on a Horse

This year will be relatively good for you. You will have more luck if you work as an employee.

You will likely be rewarded for your efforts at work with a pay rise. However, this money will not come all at once, but rather in constant additions that result from careful decisions. Therefore, one should not spend too much time expecting the unexpected. Also avoid risky investments.

This will be a prosperous career year and you will see a lot of growth. The effort you put into your work will finally pay off. You will also benefit from learning new skills, as this can help you increase your professional standing.

This year, men will have to deal with maternal interference in their relationships. Try to work as a mediator between your partner and mother so conflicts are kept to a minimum. Those currently in long-term relationships will find this to be a good year.

There is a risk of minor diseases related to the stomach and digestive system.

Yin Earth on the Serpent

Your prospects for wealth this year are excellent. You will need to focus on expanding acquaintances. However, you are likely to suffer from gossip and false accusations, especially if you were born in the fall. It is best to ignore these rumors and focus on your goals.

Most of your opportunities will come from dating this year. Be more sociable and you will be able to strengthen your professional reputation, as well as gain prestige. While you can earn quite a bit of money, you should be careful when it comes to investments and go for more stable options like property.

Work-related travel will be your ticket to career advancement. However, there will be quite a lot of work that will cause frustration and dissatisfaction. Remember that your current situation is temporary and the reward is long term.

If you are a man, this year brings the possibility of marriage. However, women in this regard are not all smooth. If things don't work out the way you hoped, focus on other areas of your life as you will eventually succeed.

You will need to remember your heart and eyes. Also, your energy levels are easily depleted this year.

Yin Earth on Rabbit

This will be an auspicious year that you can look forward to. Your wealth will accumulate due to your investments in real estate. In addition, you are more likely to move into a new home or acquire a new residence.

Your wealth prospects this year are great. Make sure you take advantage of every opportunity that is available and save as much money as you can. Take the time to build a solid foundation for your finances and investments so that you have even more opportunities to make more money in the future.

Your career prospects look good this year, although only if you work with others as a team. Your colleagues will also be a source of different and useful perspectives on many issues.

Single men are likely to see this as a good relationship year as you may meet your ideal life partner. However, those who are already married should beware of misunderstandings in your marriage. Single women will find that their most favorable time for love will be in the fall.

You will need to counteract stress, such as yoga or other practices that promote the well-being of the mind and soul. If you are over forty, you should check your heart.

Yin Earth on the Bull

It's going to be a pretty tough year. Those who were born in the fall, be more prudent and careful because of the possibility of getting confused in legal matters. Also, don't shy away from collaboration and social activities, as it's more beneficial for you to participate in groups rather than trying to go solo. You may have to fork out for some unforeseen health problems.

Your wealth luck is generally good. However, you need to hone your patience by focusing on the little details, as one small mistake can lead to unfavorable situations. You will have to work hard to keep your place.

This year, get great luck in your career, especially if you were born in the spring. Everyone else will face the stress of increased workloads, which can cause anxiety. Spend some time for yourself, relaxing.

Your romantic prospects are on the rise this year, especially for single people. However, those who are married may find themselves in extramarital relationships. Do not allow yourself to be tempted by such temporary pleasures, as this will lead to the collapse of your relationship.

There is a chance that you will have to have surgery this year. Make sure you prioritize your health over other more trivial aspects of your life, as there is a chance that you will also run into stomach-related problems. Remember that prevention is better than cure.

Yin Earth on a Pig

This is an important year for your career to grow and get to where you want to be. There may be some unforeseen obstacles along the way as a result of gossip and rumors spread by unkind people. You just need to be mentally prepared for it and know how to focus on your work.

If born in spring or summer, cooperation, joint venture or partnership will be very useful. Remember to be creative, come up with new ideas.

Teamwork will help advance your career. Also make sure to keep your emotions to yourself. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs will face particular challenges. Maintaining your composure will help you make the right decisions throughout the year.

There may be competition in your personal life. Those in a relationship should be mindful of their honesty and directness.

While you enjoy good health this year, keep an eye on your blood pressure and diet. Also try to control your stress and anxiety. Watch for vision problems and skin allergies.

Yin Earth on the Rooster

Most of your opportunities for wealth will come from travel, where you will gain valuable experience.

Your financial efforts will most likely pay off this year. Even investments made in the past will begin to pay off. Business owners can consider expanding their business without fear of geographic restrictions.

This year, the career will have significant success. If you're thinking about changing jobs, chances are there won't be a shortage of offers. However, before making any decisions, be sure to think about it.

Single people can meet their soul mate. Married men should be careful as minor flirting can lead to something more damaging to your marriage.

Those born in autumn or winter will need to focus on their health. There may be minor, though not unimportant, problems related to your stomach and other gastrointestinal organs such as your liver. There is also the possibility of injury, especially on the right side of your body.

Yin Earth on the Goat

Pursue creative opportunities for wealth this year and you will be rewarded for your innovation and fearlessness. If you are in a partnership, you need to be careful in communication.

There are many opportunities at work to speak up and shine, but it would be wiser to hold back and be patient. In the end, your humility and patience may pay off in the form of a career advancement in June.

Single men can enjoy good romantic luck this year. Whereas women in relationships may run into problems. Use patience and compassion, not anger and suspicion.

Those who were born in the spring will feel good. Everyone else should be on the lookout for stomach related problems such as food poisoning. These stomach problems can be recurring.

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