Essays for all classes. Compositions for all classes Presentation Yuon end of winter noon

KF Yuon is a true master of the lyrical landscape. The tonality of the artist's creations is almost always optimistic and bright, perhaps because his creative destiny was extremely successful.

The main theme of the canvas is “The end of winter. Noon. Ligachevo, written in 1929, is a Central Russian landscape, a typical corner of the Moscow region.

In front of us are snow-covered distances and a summer cottage drenched in the sun. A wooden house on a hillock is somehow surprisingly cozy. The snow is already loose in spring, and the trunks of birches under the rays of the sun seem dazzling.

The painter connects a person with the life of nature - chickens dig in the snow, kids go skiing - and this gives the picture a special warmth and charm.

The painting “The end of winter. Noon. Ligachevo" seems to be a fragment of a large canvas: the tops of the trees seem to be "cut off" by the frame, and the viewer contemplates the entire landscape with a house and fir trees. A competent compositional solution allows the artist to focus on the main thing - on the jubilant, triumphant beauty and power of nature.

The color scheme of the canvas is based on contrasting combinations. The dark green fir trees contrast with the dazzling snow with intense bluish shadows. With great skill, the painter paints melting snow, a bluish haze enveloping the forest, bluish shadows from trees. Yellow stacks of firewood and a rooster in the snow are two spots that enliven the canvas.

It seems that the artist draws what he sees before his eyes, without thinking or embellishing. At the same time, the picture makes an indelible impression. We see nature waiting for the arrival of spring, waking up from the winter cold. However, the seemingly simple landscape is filled with spontaneity, naturalness, real poetry.

With the help of the means of painting, KF Yuon was able to convey a feeling of elation, festivity, which invariably arises in anyone who looks at the awakening nature.

In addition to describing the painting by K.F. Yuon "The end of winter. Noon. Ligachevo”, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on a painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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In our material, we consider Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter. Noon”, the description of which we will get acquainted with in this article. The painting belongs to the brush of the Russian artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon, whose well-deserved fame and popular love were companions throughout the life of a talented person. One day in 1958, during the action of the play, one actress, reading her monologue, suddenly stopped and, throwing a casual glance at the reproduction of the painting “Open Window”, said: “Yuon ... I love Yuon” - and the hall exploded with applause, thus expressing respect for the artist and admiration for his work. So, let's get acquainted with one of the works of K.F. Yuon "The end of winter. Noon".

Brief biography of the artist

Yuon Konstantin Fedorovich was born on October 12, 1875 in Moscow. His father was the head of an insurance company, his mother was engaged in music. The gifted young man became popular during his youth. The paintings of the novice artist were exhibited, had great success and quickly sold out. They began to write about young talent in art history magazines. With the proceeds, Konstantin Fedorovich traveled a lot, the beauties he saw in the expanses of the Motherland were the result of these trips. Talented works replenished the collection of the young artist. Fate favored him: he was recognized early, awarded, for many years he was engaged in teaching, brought up famous students, including the sculptor Vera Mukhina and the artist Vasily Vatagin.

Detailed description of the picture. Color palette

Painting by K.F. Yuon "The end of winter. Noon" was written in 1929. On it we see the backyard of a wooden house, which, apparently, is located on the edge of the village. The central part of the picture is divided along a horizontal line by a fence. In the courtyard of the house, basking in the first warm rays of the still winter sun, chickens roam, busily rummaging in snowdrifts, looking for something edible. In the background we see a small group of guys skiing. It's worth a fine day. These days come at the end of winter. It is at this time of the year that snow still lies, but the first warm sun is already appearing. Children enjoy winter skiing.

In the painting by the artist Yuon “The End of Winter. Noon” the amount of snow is amazing. There is so much of it that you involuntarily want to close your eyes. Konstantin Fedorovich loved to paint snow, in his picture he is depicted not only in crystal white colors. The artist used shades from light blue to blue. There are also yellowish shades, reaching a light brownish color in places. In the picture we can see the play of shadows from trees, birds and part of the house. Description of the painting by Yuon “The end of winter. Noon ”leads to the idea that the work is as close to reality as possible. Analyzing the work of Yuon, we can conclude that the artist unconsciously or not draws himself in each of his paintings, he grabs every color thread and creates a drawing full of beauty and light on the canvas from their bizarre interweaving.

Impressions from viewing the picture

The first impression that the canvas of a wonderful artist gives us is a feeling of cheerfulness. The cold season is coming to an end, there is no snowstorm, no north wind blows, winter meets early spring. Yuon's painting “The End of Winter. Noon" conveys the nuances of the pre-spring mood. Please note that the sun is not depicted in the picture, but it literally permeates the landscape, fills the entire space with itself. Snow glitters. Evergreen majestic fir trees involuntarily attract the attention of the viewer. There is a feeling of merging with nature. Cold, darkness conquer light and heat. Feel the triumph of life and nature itself. The picture of the artist is written in bright colors. Yuon was full of inexhaustible optimism and saw the world in bright colors, which greatly affected his work.

Yuon's painting "The End of Winter. Noon" is a description of the beauty of his native land. After all, those moments of life that were captured on the artist's canvases, even in the last millennium, are close and understandable to today's viewer. The main characteristic of the work of Konstantin Fedorovich is the depiction of paintings in bright, saturated colors. Be sure to have the presence of a "celebration of life." In the soul of every person there is such a memorable corner where he keeps pictures of his native land. And most importantly, we remember the feelings that the memory of places dear to our heart gives us. These places are our homeland. And it is not necessary to be born in these places. It also happens that a person finds a special corner of the world where he is happy and carefree, like those children who are depicted in the picture of our favorite artist.

Conclusion. Outcome

So, in conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note that Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter. Noon”, which is described in this article, shows the beauty of Russian nature, introduces schoolchildren to the work of the famous Russian artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon, whose talent is a reflection of the multifaceted Russian culture of the last millennium.

Composition based on the painting by Yuon “The End of Winter. Noon” has to be written to many students. The study of this canvas is included in the school curriculum. The beauty of the Russian winter and a beautiful sunny day - that's what the artist wanted to convey to us. Let's try to consider the proposed work in more detail.


Before us is a wonderful landscape: bright and light all around. Composition based on the painting by K. Yuon “The End of Winter. Noon" should be performed by such a type of speech as a description. Therefore, you should not deviate from it and leave, for example, in discussions about how you spend

The children depicted on this canvas have fun and rejoice at the imminent arrival of spring. In the background we see a small hillock with trees strewn with snow. We can guess that the season depicted in the picture is winter at its very end. Maybe it's the end of February. To the right, in the distance, we see a snowy hill. Probably, the guys go sledding or skiing from it.

Composition based on the painting by Yuon “The End of Winter. Noon" should certainly include a description of both the foreground and the background. Snow on white and clean, untouched. But under the influence of the sun, it began to thaw.

The sky is depicted in light gray tones. Even though winter is ending and spring weather is setting in, things haven't quite cleared up yet.

A small hut can be seen in the distance. We can only guess what it is. In all likelihood, this is the house of local residents. Or maybe we have a bathhouse or a barn in which animals are kept. For example, these chickens, depicted in the foreground.


We can admire the beautiful view of Russian nature thanks to the work written by K. F. Yuon, “The End of Winter. Noon". should be written according to a strict plan. It is better to prepare it before proceeding with the description.

After a detailed analysis of the background of the canvas, it is worth moving on to the foreground. Here we see someone's rural house. As you know, these are the possessions of the artist himself, but we will talk about this later. Bathed in the sun, it looks somehow fabulous and magical. To the right of him - harvested firewood. You can’t do without a Russian stove in villages and villages, so the owners had to work hard.

Composition based on the painting by Yuon “The End of Winter. Noon” includes a description of birch trees, without which it is difficult to imagine the beauty of our nature. The snow-white trunks of these beauties rise to the very sky and are in perfect harmony with the surrounding splendor. Their crowns are still completely naked, but with the onset of spring, buds will begin to swell, and leaves will appear. But it is still too early to talk about it, since the true mistress at the moment is winter.

It is impossible not to notice the emerald Christmas trees, located on the canvas on the right. They are almost without snow. The sun must have melted it.

We also see happy guys returning from a ski trip. Since the morning they have already rolled over and now, tired, they are going home.

Hens and a cockerel are pecking something in the yard. They too enjoy the warm weather at the end of winter. They were released into the yard, but they do not ask to return to their home, but peacefully walk under the sun.

The beauty and virginity of our Russian nature is conveyed by the author in all its splendor. The artists resorted to the image of the domestic winter more than once.


Yuon "The end of winter. Noon" is impossible without recreating its plot. As you can see, we have a warm winter day ahead of us. The time of day is noon, because it is at this time that the sun so brightly illuminates everything around. The intersection of two seasons makes this canvas even more unusual. The severity of winter has gone, the reign of a warm spring is approaching, which we see in this picture.

Even though the snow takes center stage in this image, we feel that a little more and the season will change. It is noteworthy that this same snow is not made only in white. In some places, thawed patches and traces of boots are visible. In this case, the author uses shades of gray. Such a seemingly simple task - to depict snow - was masterfully performed by the artist. I just want to be there, in this village, and take a walk along the loose, crisp crust! Against this background, poultry look very lively and bright. They, like colored specks, give the picture variegation and fabulousness.

It is worth noting that this canvas is by no means an artistic fiction of the author. The basis was a suburban area with a house in the suburbs, where K.F. liked to relax. Yuon. “End of winter. Noon ”(we are doing an essay based on the painting by this author) - a work that made the artist very famous. Not every master can depict so vividly and in such detail. But Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon succeeded in full.


Any student will be able to master the task assigned to him - to describe this wonderful work.

It is worth remembering that the first step is to make a plan.

At first glance, it seems to children that this is not necessary at all, and you can easily manage without it. But in order to avoid such a problem as jumping from one to another, a plan still needs to be drawn up. Then slowly, step by step, you will be able to describe not only the picture, but also other objects.

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon
End of winter. Noon. Ligachevo
Canvas, oil. 89x112 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery,

The great skill of Yuon as a landscape painter lies in the fact that he can turn the most ordinary landscape motif into an artistic image that attracts with poetry and freshness of perception of the world. A vivid example of this is one of the best paintings by the artist “The End of Winter. Noon".

The artist depicted a typical corner of the Moscow region. Country yard, snow-covered distances - everything is flooded with the rays of the sun. Trunks of birch trees and spring-like loose snow dazzling white. A wooden house on a hillock, children skiing, chickens digging in the snow give the landscape a “lived-in” and special warmth. There is a lot of true poetry in a simple, familiar landscape motif.

The painting “The end of winter. Midday "is distinguished by naturalness, vital immediacy. It seems that the artist did not think about the composition, but simply wrote what was before his eyes. But actually it is not. The composition of this canvas has its own logic, which is why the picture makes such an integral impression. In fact, the fence divides it into almost equal parts horizontally, the house on the left is balanced by the dark masses of fir trees on the right. This brings the necessary balance to the composition, prevents it from falling apart.

The thoughtfulness of the compositional decision made it possible for Yuon to focus the viewer's attention on the main thing that he wanted to express, namely, on the feeling of vitality lurking in nature, on the feeling of joy, festivity that a person experiences in the face of nature triumphant in its eternal beauty. This feeling and this feeling arise mainly due to the radiant coloring, with which Yuon achieves the impression of a bright sunny day. With great skill, snow is painted in the picture, transparent blue shadows from trees, haze enveloping the forest distances. This skill made it possible to convey with great persuasiveness the state of nature on the eve of spring, when the sun begins to warm up, when the shadows become deeper, when nature wakes up after winter days.
It is important that Yuon connects the life of nature with man, whose presence brings special warmth to the picture. At the same time, the feeling of festivity that the picture radiates seems natural, alive due to the presence of people in the picture. The artist seems to be saying that his feelings when looking at this view are akin to the feelings of skiers returning from a walk. He immediately introduces the viewer into his world of feelings and thoughts, reveals to him the beauty in nature.

By means of composition and coloring, the artist affirms the ever-living life of nature and its impact on the feelings and thoughts of man. These tools are very typical. Despite its construction, the picture gives the impression of freedom and naturalness. It seems to be a fragment of a large panorama: the edges of the frame are cut off by the tops of birches and blue shadows from trees, the viewer mentally imagines the whole house and spruces beyond the right edge of the picture.

The color of the picture is based on contrasting comparisons and combinations. Dark, brown-green spruces are contrasted with white snow with intense blue and blue shadows. The color composition of the canvas is enlivened by a bright spot of a stack of yellow firewood and a red rooster rummaging in the snow. Colorful combinations create that emotional tension, which helps the artist to express the feeling of freshness, joy, festivity that arises when looking at this jubilant nature.
Yuon's painting testifies to the use of great realistic traditions of Russian landscape painting. Here one can recall the colorful canvases of Kuindzhi or Yuon's contemporary artist Rylov. These traditions consist primarily in the truthful depiction of nature, in the desire to find features in it that would allow the artist to express his exciting feelings. These traditions also consist in the desire to create a landscape-picture that contains a large world, affirming a significant idea. But it is natural that Yuon, as an extremely original and original master, reworked these traditions in his own way and expressed in his picture the thoughts that excite his contemporaries - the Soviet people of the late 1920s.

Yuon's painting “The End of Winter. Noon”, distinguished by bright, decorative sound of colors, captivates with the spirit of life-affirmation, optimism. The art of this wonderful painter will always serve as an example of purposeful and thoughtful creative work aimed at a deep understanding of reality and the expression in artistic images of the great social ideas of his era.

Description of the painting by Yuon “The end of winter. Noon"

The end of winter is the time when nature comes to life in anticipation of the coming spring.
The time when you want to breathe deeply, reveling in the fresh air.
The sun is already warming and the snow is melting from its rays.
Yuon's painting depicts exactly this time when winter recedes, and the long-awaited spring comes to replace it.
The snow is no longer fluffy like in winter, but loose and wet.
It is already beginning to melt, and very soon mischievous murmuring streams will run.
Chickens and a rooster trample on this snow on the path, they peck at something from the ground.
They are like bright spots against the already dirty snow.

Everything is still covered in snow, even the roofs of houses, but it feels like spring is coming very soon.
The sky became somehow translucent and weightless.
The air is humid and clean, it is intoxicating and impossible to breathe.
As if there is not enough lung capacity to inhale and get enough of it.
Only the warm rays of the sun and the heady air can breathe joy and desire to live into a person.
It feels like nature is waking up and a new life is beginning.
The forest on the mountain is shrouded in a light haze, it seems that something new is being born behind the mountain and it is because of it that spring will come with all its charms.

Near the fence there are several people who decided to take what may be the last opportunity to go skiing.
Two are standing, leaning on sticks, and the third has already taken off his skis.
The three of them are waiting for a friend who is crossing the bridge.
Apparently, they had already finished their walk on a warm day, at the end of winter.
Now they are waiting for each other to go home together and drink hot fragrant tea.
It is spring-like warm outside, which means that very soon the snow will melt, and other chores will begin.
Yuon knows how to convey the mood of a sunny day.
His landscapes inspire and inspire.
They give the person looking at them a feeling of lightness, freedom and weightlessness.
You can feel the warmth of the sun's rays and the freshness of almost spring air.

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