Composition based on the painting by Nyssa “Rainbow. Composition based on the painting by G.G.

The famous artist Georgy Grigoryevich Nissky created many wonderful canvases, which depicted the expanses of the Moscow region, and the low-key charm of his native northern nature.

The painting "Rainbow" was painted in 1950. These five years that have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, in which the artist GG Nissky was a participant, he devoted a lot of time to creativity. He paints many landscapes.

The painting "Rainbow" captures an amazing moment when a bright, multi-colored rainbow crosses a stormy sky. How everything around is colored with this colorful palette. The sky is still dark, almost black below. In tone to him and the water in the river. Large drops of rain hit her. Bridge trusses appear black.

And above already lives another sky. Part of the clouds parted, letting in the rays of the bright summer sun. It broke free, sparkled with all its might. And a magnificent rainbow played in the sky. And everything changed around. The storm is no longer black. It is colored with a seven-color stripe. And the clouds are already diluted with pink clouds from the rays of the sun.

A white ship floats along the dark surface of the river. Its reflection brightens the water, casting white light around. Part of the bridge has broken out of the stormy darkness and sparkles with silver. Brightly lit piece of the coast.

Looking at the picture, you get incomparable pleasure. A bright rainbow, sunlight breaking through the clouds seem to penetrate your soul, filling it with the same bright light. And it becomes easy and light from the feeling of how beautiful the world is, how great it is to live in it.

The remarkable and famous artist Georgy Grigorievich Nissky created many wonderful paintings, which depicted the expanses of the Moscow region, and the low-key charm of his native northern nature. The painting "Rainbow" was painted in 1950. These five years that have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, in which the artist GG Nissky was a participant, he devoted a lot of time to creativity. He paints many landscapes. The painting "Rainbow" captures an amazing moment when a bright, multi-colored rainbow crosses a stormy sky. How everything around is colored with this colorful palette. The sky is still dark, almost black below. In tone to him and the water in the river. Large drops of rain hit her. Bridge trusses appear black. And above already lives another sky. Part of the clouds parted, letting in the rays of the bright summer sun. It broke free, sparkled with all its might. And a magnificent rainbow played in the sky. And everything changed around. The storm is no longer black. It is colored with a seven-color stripe. And the clouds are already diluted with pink clouds from the rays of the sun. A white ship floats along the dark surface of the river. Its reflection brightens the water, casting white light around. Part of the bridge has broken out of the stormy darkness and sparkles with silver. Brightly lit piece of the coast. Looking at the picture, you get incomparable pleasure. A bright rainbow, sunlight breaking through the clouds seem to penetrate your soul, filling it with the same bright light. And it becomes easy and light from the feeling of how beautiful the world is, how great it is to live in it.


G.G. Nissky is my favorite painter. His paintings reflect and bring us back to the Soviet era. He loved to sing of the city landscape. His attention was always attracted by tall houses and large bridges, everything that a person created and designed himself. In this, the artist saw the strength and possibilities of that era, to which most of his works are devoted. The painting "Rainbow" painted in 1950 is no exception.

The main character of this work is a natural phenomenon, a rainbow. She is depicted above the river after the rain. It is the rainbow on this canvas that plays with colors, it rushes into the sky and gives the colors its own meaning, scattering them throughout the landscape.

As you know, a rainbow happens after rain, and the artist depicted it in the same sequence, since we see that menacing clouds have not yet dispersed in the sky. But the rain stopped, and the sky gradually began to lighten. And now in the right corner of the landscape we see the sun breaking through the clouds. You can imagine that a rainbow that rushes up is a sign for people in a good mood. It dilutes gray everyday life, unremarkable by its own brightness. The painting also depicts a river, it is of the same dark color as the clouds in the sky. We see the ship, which, despite the adversity, runs through the waves, leaving behind it white lambs of water. I noticed a small feature, the mast on the ship resembles a cross in shape. It seemed to me that in this way the artist blessed the ship for the voyage. In general, despite the raging bad weather, a lot of good can be seen on the canvas. Sunlight, a bright rainbow, and a mast in the form of a cross. The main thing is to believe in beauty. And then we will see bright moments in dull gray colors. We will learn how to enliven boring everyday life with paints, as Nyssa did it.

Description of the painting by Nissky “Rainbow”

Nissky is my favorite painter.
His paintings reflect and bring us back to the Soviet era.
He loved to sing of the city landscape.
His attention was always attracted by tall houses and large bridges, everything that a person created and designed himself.
In this, the artist saw the strength and possibilities of that era, to which most of his works are devoted.
The painting "Rainbow" painted in 1950 is no exception.

The main character of this work is a natural phenomenon, a rainbow.
She is depicted above the river after the rain.
It is the rainbow on this canvas that plays with colors, it rushes into the sky and gives the colors its own meaning, scattering them throughout the landscape.

As you know, a rainbow happens after rain, and the artist depicted it in the same sequence, since we see that menacing clouds have not yet dispersed in the sky.
But the rain stopped, and the sky gradually began to lighten.
And now in the right corner of the landscape we see the sun breaking through the clouds.
You can imagine that a rainbow that rushes up is a sign for people in a good mood.
It dilutes gray everyday life, unremarkable by its own brightness.
The painting also depicts a river, it is of the same dark color as the clouds in the sky.
We see the ship, which, despite the adversity, runs through the waves, leaving behind it white lambs of water.
I noticed a small feature, the mast on the ship resembles a cross in shape.
It seemed to me that in this way the artist blessed the ship for the voyage.
In general, despite the raging bad weather, a lot of good can be seen on the canvas.
Sunlight, a bright rainbow, and a mast in the form of a cross.
The main thing is to believe in beauty.
And then we will see bright moments in dull gray colors.
We will learn how to enliven boring everyday life with paints, as Nyssa did it.

Georgy Georgievich Nissky - Russian painter of the second half of the 20th century. The main theme of his work was landscapes, in which the beauty of nature is closely intertwined with the beauty recreated by human hands. The artist's canvases are imbued with love for life, a warm attitude towards people.

One of the most remarkable works of G. Nissky was his painting "Rainbow". Against the background of the urban landscape, a huge bright rainbow stretched across the sky. She fills the landscape with extraordinary beauty and lightness.

In the foreground of the picture is a river, over which a wide bridge has been thrown. Its metal frame glitters in the sun, perhaps reflecting the traces of the past rain. The water in the river is dark in color, the white ship crossing it adds light to the canvas.

The background of the picture, which is completely devoted to the heavenly landscape. It is here that the events taking place in nature unfold. In the sky you can see thunderclouds drifting over the horizon. They are dark and solemnly sad. A small area of ​​a clear azure sky is bordered by pink clouds bathed in the rays of the sun. The most significant element of the painting, in my opinion, is the rainbow, which gave the canvas its name. It, like a multi-colored bridge, connects together the wild elements, most likely a thunderstorm has recently raged over the city, and a quiet calm evening of a summer day.

The picture attracts special attention with a color palette. The main colors of the composition are shades of white and dark blue. The brightest part of the painting is the rainbow, which completes the landscape.

I liked the picture of G. Nissky "Rainbow". It allows you to plunge into a wonderful summer day and enjoy the beauty of nature in collaboration with the city landscape. The picture gives a good mood, makes you believe and dream. After all, just as a rainbow smiles in the sky after a thunderstorm, so in life, after difficult days, it’s time for bright moments.

Description of the painting by Nyssa Rainbow

I was very inspired by this picture, it is saturated with faith in the future, faith in man and love of life. The rainbow rises above the iron suspension bridge, under which the ship floats, shimmering in the sun. And you see the beauty of nature and the beauty created by human hands.

"Man - sounds proud!" - Gorky wrote, this picture conveys this idea. The world is beautiful and majestic in its unsurpassed natural beauty, and a person supplements it with the power of his thought and the skill of his hands.

The rainbow with its colors illuminates the entire sky, on which clouds from the recent rain are still visible. The world is full of colors. The ship sails along the river shimmering in the sun, you can see how a ray of sun licked the picture. From one side, dark cold colors convey the memory of the rain that once raged on this river, on the other hand, the joyful sun sings a hymn to light and life. And these two opposite phenomena create the world and make it so beautiful.

The rainbow over the bridge symbolizes an optimistic mood, the artist believes that always after the rain, even through the thickest clouds, you can see a rainbow. And when there is such a rainbow in the sky as in this picture, it means that victory over bad weather triumphs, it means that a person can cope with everything and survive any difficulties.

I imagine myself a passenger of this ship, and I see all the colors of the rainbow above my head and I understand that you need to make a wish when you have a rainbow with all seven colors in front of you - after all, this is a very rare occurrence when you are lucky another time. And then I look at the sky with clouds, I look around at the big iron bridge, at the clouds, at the people around, who are also looking at the sky with me now. And at this moment I understand that beauty is not only in the rainbow, beauty is in everything around, beauty is in the unity of us now, the people on the ship, who are looking at the sky and for a moment everyone is completely happy at the same time. And there is no need to wait for this beauty, it is always around you.

A wonderful combination of natural abundance of colors and restrained proud grandeur of human buildings. You rarely see a picture that combines so succinctly a person and nature, his desire to improve everything and its chaotic, but at the same time, its ideal charm.

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Georgy Grigorievich Nissky in his landscape works repeatedly sings of the majestic and severe beauty of the Russian north.

The painting "Rainbow" was painted by the painter five years after the end of World War II, in which Georgy Grigorievich was a participant. Despite the events experienced, the artist continues to work fruitfully in the post-war years, striking the gloomy society with the brightness of a huge number of landscapes. Nyssa's painting "Rainbow" is imbued with the spirit of the Soviet era, the triumph of advanced technologies during socialism. The landscape painter skillfully combines the technical achievements of the human mind with manifestations of the elemental forces of nature. The collision of the natural and artificial worlds created by human hands is reflected on the canvas.

A multi-colored, somewhat childishly depicted rainbow rests on a steel bridge over the river that boggles the imagination with its size. The construction of the bridge is so monumental that the snow-white passenger steamer, another invention of human genius, displayed in the landscape, seems small and insignificant. Like a paper boat, it floats along an immensely wide, full-flowing river, symbolizing the interaction of the forces of mind and nature.

Nissky in the landscape "Rainbow" emphasizes the inseparability, the need to connect a person with the world around him. A real battle of clouds unfolds in the sky above the river. Leaden, crackling thunderclouds hung heavily over the northern city, completely hiding the horizon behind their fat gray bodies. However, it is time for the clouds to leave, having melted in the rapidly brightening sky, the rain has already passed, everything around is washed by its elastic, ringing, cheerful drops. In the life-affirming landscape of G.G. Nyssa "Rainbow" the seven-color messenger of the end of bad weather is a symbol of bright joy.

The painter, with the help of contrasting elements in the upper part of the picture, conveying the instability of capricious weather, teaches the viewer patience, awakens faith in a miracle. The painting "Rainbow" gives hope that even the most violent, indomitable storms and hardships, both in nature and in human life, end sooner or later. There comes a period of sunny rest and bright hopes.

The sky, striking with its crystal blue, inspires mankind to new achievements, the rays of the sun, which has emerged from behind the clouds that have thundered with lightning, are preparing to illuminate the path of human civilization to new brilliant inventions and achievements. Despite the fact that the picture of the Soviet landscape painter G.G. Nyssa is woven from rather contradictory phenomena, elements and shades, the canvas looks amazingly harmonious.

Man-made and natural, light and dark, strict and carefree objects depicted by the artist are intertwined into an optimistic, contrasting, rich and semantic landscape. The painter, like any creator, believes in the best human qualities, in the formation of a new, productive and rational modern society, but he considers it necessary to remind the viewer that the development of technology should not forget about the soul.

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