Complicated plan baby Nils Carlson. Summary of a lesson on literary reading for elementary grades "A

Teacher of MAOU secondary school No. 16 of the city of Berezniki, Perm region Markiv Olga Dmitrievna

Lesson of literary reading in grade 4 based on the work of A. Lindgren "Little Nils Carlson". Textbook "Literary reading" by O.V. Kubasova, grade 4, part 1. Section 1 "What a charm these fairy tales are." Third lesson.

Purpose: to teach to understand the main idea of ​​the work of A. Lindgren through the actions and states of the characters.


  1. Build reading competencies through accentuated text reading

  2. Cultivate compassion for a loved one, a desire to help
Formed UUD.

Regulatory. Students learn to formulate a learning task, monitor its implementation and evaluate themselves based on the results of the work.

Cognitive. Students learn to find the necessary information in the text of a literary work, fixing it with the help of a diagram, analyze the actions of the hero based on a system of questions and evaluate them, determine the main idea of ​​the work, ask questions.

Communicative. Students will have the opportunity to express their point of view on the read work, ask questions on the material read.

Equipment. Presentation, political map of Europe, cards with the names of heroes and descriptions of feelings.

During the classes

Stage 1. Mobilizing
Teacher. What is our lesson now?

Students. Literary reading lesson.

Teacher. What are Literature Lessons for?

Students. On them we get acquainted with interesting works, learn about the authors, learn to evaluate the actions of the characters, express our attitude towards them, i.e. learning to be attentive readers.

Teacher. What work are we studying? Who is the author?

Students. A. Lindgren "Little Nils Carlson"

Teacher. Who will name and show on the map the country in which the writer lived?

(Students show Sweden)
Stage 2 Updating knowledge
Teacher. What information about the writer do you remember? (the portrait and books of A. Lindgren are shown ) Slide 2,3

Students. She has written over 100 books, published in 60 countries, and received a medal from the Kingdom of Sweden for literary achievement. A monument was erected to her in Stockholm.

Teacher. Tell me, how did you understand that the action described in this work takes place in Sweden?

Students. Non-Russian names are used - Bertil, Niels, Mertha, geographical names - Södertelje, Linjanskugen p.121

Teacher. Astrid Lindgren had a big loving heart that understood children like no other. Many times in their fairy tales it affected the fate of lonely children. She knew about loneliness is a concept incompatible with childhood, but she also knew that, unfortunately, many children experience this.

Is this information related to the work being studied? Students . Yes, the main character is lonely.

Teacher. Is it possible to formulate the topic of the lesson in the words of one of the characters?

Students. "It's boring to live alone, isn't it?" from 122

Teacher. Which character says this?

Students. Nils

Teacher. What are the tasks for the lesson?

Students. See how the hero managed to cope with loneliness.

Teacher. How are we going to do it?

Students. Through working with text

Teacher. So, the second task for the lesson?

Students. Learn to work with text.

(Tasks appear on the slide) slide 4

Stage 3. Analysis of the work.
Teacher. What genre does this piece belong to?

Students. This is a fairy tale

Teacher. What is fabulous here? Students. Magic carnation, transformations, magic spells, fabulous creatures.

Teacher. But it is not at all like the Russian fairy tales so familiar to us. There is a lot of reality here. What exactly, name it? Students. Boy Bertil. He is lonely, his sister died, his parents work at the factory, there is an apartment in which Bertil lives with his family
1 part

Teacher. Do you think the Bertil family lives richly or poorly?

Students. Poor, because they have to work, they cannot afford to hire a nanny, there are few books, they heat the stove only in the morning and not enough, because By noon it was already warm.

Teacher. How does Bertil make you feel?

Students. Sympathy, pity, compassion

Teacher. Why do you feel sorry for him? Read the necessary episodes in the first part.

Students. He has nothing to do, it’s cold outside - he can’t walk, there is no one to talk to, it’s uncomfortable at home. slide 5

Teacher. (Invites to the table) Choose cards with words that describe Bertil's feelings. (Cards appear on the board)


alone il


part 2

Teacher. Who came to help the boy? Who is he?

Students. This is a brownie. His name is Niels. slide 6

Teacher. What struck Bertil in Niels? Find the answer on p.120

Teacher. What did you learn from part 2 about this little man? Students. In summer he lived under the roots of a tree, now lives in a rat hole, which has no furniture and is very cold. Teacher. Listen to the dialogue between Bertil and Nils (read by two students prepared in advance, pp. 122-121) and answer the question why Niels, having barely met, invites Bertil to visit? Students . He sees in him a kindred spirit, he is also coldly bored, lonely (Cards appear on the board)




part 3

Teacher. What is part 3 about? Students. About how Bertil went down to Niels in a mink, becoming small

Teacher. I propose to unite in small groups and come up with questions for this part. Remember that questions are simple - according to the plot and explaining. Or in another way: thin and thick. 1, 2,3 groups come up with thin questions, 4.5 groups - thick ones. (Students work in groups) Sample questions. What was the room like? What was in it? Why did Bertil decide to go down to Niels? Why did he want to help? What feelings did Bertil have for Niels?

Teacher. What are the words that express Bertil's attitude to this little man?

wanted to help
(cards appear)


Fizminutka for the eyes Slide 7

4th part, 5th part

Teacher. Let's remember how Bertil took care of Niels.

Students. Brings firewood (they are matches), food, furniture, helps to clean up. (Words are confirmed by reading episodes) Slide 8

Teacher. How did he do it?

Students. He turned into a little

Teacher. Was there a climax in this part? Read pp.125-126 Niels asks Bertil for help?

Students. No. Teacher. How does this characterize Niels? Students. He is modest. Teacher. Then why does the boy do all this: for the sake of transformation or for some other reason? Students. He wants to help, do good, he likes to take care of.

Teacher. Why does he give Niels the doll furniture of his dead sister Martha, because he could have brought some kind of box?

Students. Merta was dear to him, she is his own person, and now she is gone and Nils is now very dear to him

Teacher. Tell me, is the boy asking for something in return?

Students. No, Bertil helps Niels disinterestedly, he is not looking for any benefit.

Teacher. Who is being helped?

Students. friend

Teacher. Bertil considers him his friend. How does he feel about taking care of his friend?

Students. The boy is happy (A card appears in the Bertil column)

Teacher. How does Nils feel?

Students. He is very happy (A card appears in the Niels column)

Teacher. Why is he happy? Students. A friend showed up. The room has been transformed. It was warm, clean, comfortable.

Teacher. With what words did the author manage to show that the little man is unspeakably happy with all the things that have appeared? Let's work groups. Each group will reread their page and prepare to read the words and expressions they have found to the class.

(Students work in groups: group 1 - p. 127, group 2 - p. 128, group 3 - p. 129, group 4 - p. 130, group 5 - p. 133) Slide 9

Stage 4. Summarizing and linking information.

Teacher. Let's go back to our scheme

wanted to help




Teacher. What unites the characters?

Students. Loneliness, longing

Teacher. What has changed in their lives?

Students. Bertil is no longer alone, he has someone to take care of, he has made a friend. Niels in a warm room. He is also happy that he has someone to spend time with.

Students. Baby, baby, man.

Students. Although he is small, he is a friend and you can take care of him.

Teacher. Remember where the boy hides Niels?

Students. Under the shirt near the heart, because Niels warmed his soul, in which longing and loneliness settled.

Teacher. Read about it on p.136.
Stage 5 Lesson summary

Teacher. Let's remember what tasks we set? (Students call) How did the hero manage to overcome loneliness?

Students. Taking part in the fate of another, taking care of the little man.

Teacher. The task of Lindgren's creativity was to bring comfort to children and help them overcome difficult life situations. And she wrote fairy tales about children who were able to overcome loneliness, illness, misunderstanding, separation, so that real, living children read these stories, get hope and know that they, too, can cope with their misfortune.

Teacher. Only by giving yourself, you will not be alone.
Stage 6 Reflection

    1. I can find information in the text. Well no

    2. I can ask questions. Well no

    3. I can listen to the interlocutor. Well no
Teacher. Who circled all "yes"? Today you are the most attentive readers. Well done!

Homework. Choose your favorite dialogue and act out with a friend.

The protagonist of the fairy tale "Little Nils Carlson" is the boy Bertil. He is still too young to go to school. Therefore, Bertil sits alone at home all day while mom and dad work. Previously, an older sister sat with him, but she died of an illness. And Bertil is forced to be bored alone, because he is tired of toys, and he has not yet learned to read.

But one day he heard a rustle under his bed and found there a tiny boy the size of a little finger. The kid said that his name was Tiny Niels Carlson, and he rented a room in a rat hole under Bertil's bed. Niels invited Bertil to visit him. Bertil could not figure out how he would fit into the narrow hole, but Little Nils taught him magic words that turned an ordinary boy into as tiny as Nils.

Bertil boldly uttered the magic words and became as tiny as his new friend. They climbed into the rat hole and went down the stairs to Little Niels' room. The room was empty, there was only a stove in it. There wasn't even any wood in it.

And then Bertil had an idea! He went upstairs, uttered the magic words, and when he was the same boy again, he went into the kitchen and picked up burnt matches. He brought the matches to the rat hole and again turned into a tiny boy. Now the matches looked like huge logs. He called Little Niels, and the two of them dragged the firewood down to the stove and immediately lit it. It got much warmer.

Then, questioning Tiny Nils, Bertil realized that he was hungry. He went upstairs again, took quite a bit of food and carried it to the hole. After another transformation into a crumb, the amount of food began to seem simply incredible. Friends ate to the bone.

After dinner, Bertil thought about the fact that Little Nils had no furniture in the room at all and that he had to sleep on the floor. And Bertil again went up to his apartment, where in his sister's toys he found a bed, a bed for her, and even a doll's nightgown. All this turned out to be very useful in the room of Tiny Nils, who immediately went to bed full and satisfied.

The next day was no less interesting. Bertil helped Nils tidy up his dwelling and brought more doll furniture - a table, a wardrobe, armchairs and benches. The room became very comfortable. And when it was time for Bertil to return to his home, he invited Tiny Nils to go with him. After all, Little Niels was very small, and it was easy for him to hide from Bertil's father and mother.

Now Bertil was not at all bored sitting at home without his parents. He no longer missed being alone, because he had a good friend.

This is the summary of the story.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "Little Nils Carlson" is that sometimes it takes very little effort to make another person happy. But how great it is to see the happy eyes of the one you helped in difficult times! The fairy tale "Little Nils Carlson" teaches to help other people and be caring.

In the fairy tale, I liked the main character, Bertil. He turned out to be a friendly and caring boy, and in every possible way helped his new friend, Tiny Niels. And Bertil was not afraid to turn into a tiny man to visit the home of Tiny Niels. He is a brave boy.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "Little Nils Carlson"?

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.
Do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom.
You don't know a friend until you need his help.

7. At home, children learn fragments from the works of A. S. Pushkin chosen by them at their own discretion.

Lesson 16

1. Checking homework.

2. Introduction to the text.

The teacher reads the first paragraph of the tale and, in order to develop the ability of children to predict the nature of the work, asks questions from its beginning:

- Where and when do the events described in the work take place?

- Who is this story about?

- How might further events unfold? Students read the story out loud until the end.

meaningful fragments.

3. Discussion of what has been read, rereading and work with the text are carried out on the questions of the textbook, which can be supplemented with the following questions and tasks:

Why do you think the baron still resigned himself to fate?

Read how the baron tried to get rid of the girl for the first time.

Read the passage about how the girl got into the castle of the baron's brother.

What illustrations can be drawn for this tale? (If there is time, it is possible to carry out a verbal drawing of one of them.)

4. At home, children perform exercises and tasks following the fairy tale they read, as well as tasks 1 and 2 for V. Berestov's work "The Tale" from the notebook, find and read books by K. I. Chukovsky.

Lesson 17. V. Berestov "Fairy Tale"; K. Chukovsky "The Adventures of the White Mouse".

a) Work with the exhibition of books "Tales of K. I. Chukovsky." Answering the question of the textbook about which fairy tales of Chukovsky

they know, students showcase the books they bring to class and read what they like from them. In addition, they ask classmates questions about the writer's works.

b) In continuation of the quiz, a check is made of the correctness of the children's performance at home of the second task of the tetra-di-crossword puzzle based on the works of Chukovsky.

c) The completion of the first task of the notebook is checked (students should underline the words: not without reason, a fairy tale, a fairy tale, good, happy, anticipates, any, agree, impatient, prosperous).

d) Several people take turns expressively reading a poem by V. Berestov dedicated to K. Chukovsky.

2. Preparation for reading.

What do you know about Chukovsky?

After the statements of the students, the teacher can introduce them to biographical information about K.I. Chukovsky.

(Reference material.


Korney Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov. The pseudonym suited the writer so well that in life they began to call him Korney Chukovsky.

At the age of 16, the future writer left home to make it easier for his mother, who alone raised two children. He worked as a painter. He also read avidly and studied English on his own. And even wrote his philosophical book. In a few years, a chapter from this book of his will be published in a newspaper. This is how Chukovsky's journalistic life will begin.

Chukovsky worked a lot. “In the old days, wherever I was - on the tram, in line for bread, in the dentist's office - in order not to waste time, I composed riddles for children. It saved me from mental idleness.”

He wrote for a long time, with difficulty, endlessly copying. Famous for their clarity and lightness, the works of

It was hard for Chukovsky, sometimes even painfully. Work was his only joy. She supported him in difficult life trials. And there were many. Death of three children. Links and executions of comrades. Rough attacks by critics. Yes, and there were still many adversities! It's hard to list everything.

In the article “Confessions of an Old Storyteller”, Korney Chukovsky wrote about his life: “There were losses, and insults, and troubles. But from my youth, I had - and still have - one precious property: in spite of all the troubles and squabbles, all of a sudden, for no reason, for no apparent reason, you will feel a strong surge of some kind of crazy happiness. Especially at such times when it would be appropriate to whimper and complain - you suddenly jump out of bed with such a crazy feeling of joy, as if you were a five-year-old kid who was given a whistle. He once called himself "a joyful man in a joyful world."

Serious attitude to work and cheerful talent helped the writer to create many wonderful works for children. When Chukovsky's first book for children came out, he wrote in the preface: “The poems collected here were written by me by accident. For a long time it never occurred to me that I would become a poet for children...” Fairy tales appeared by accident. The first one was Crocodile. The little son of Korney Ivanovich fell ill. His father was taking him home on the night train, and in order to alleviate the boy's suffering a little bit, to the sound of the carriage wheels he began to tell:

There lived a Crocodile. He walked the streets, smoked cigarettes, spoke in Turkish -

Crocodile, Crocodile Crocodile...

And the well-known "Moydodyr" began with the writer's little daughter not wanting to wash her face.

Thanks to Chukovsky, who translated into Russian such books as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, fairy tales by R. Kipling, English songs and rhymes, we can read these books. It is noteworthy that Korney Ivanovich was the editor of the book

gi with biblical legends.

Near his house near Moscow, in Peredelkino, Chukovsky built a children's library. Children's writers sent books to this library at the request of Korney Ivanovich, and “grandfather Korney” himself was the main worker in it.

Grandfather Korney was always loved by children. Fairy tales and poems of a kind and cheerful storyteller were read by our grandparents, mothers and fathers when they were little. Chukovsky has not been with us for a long time, but his books will no doubt be read and listened to by the grandchildren of those children who are sitting at their desks today.

The poet Valentin Berestov dedicated a humorous poem to Korney Ivanovich:

We feel sorry for grandfather Korney: In comparison with us, he lagged behind,

Since in childhood I didn’t read “Barmaley” And “Crocodile”, I didn’t admire “Telephone” And I didn’t delve into “Cockroach”.

How did he grow up to be such a scholar without knowing the most important books?)

b) First silently, then aloud, the children in the notebook perform exercise 1 of a preparatory nature.

3. Acquaintance with the text (in parts highlighted in the text)

and discussion of what has been read.

After reading the first part, the teacher asks:

- How was Belyanka different from all mice?

- Why did the brothers and sisters not take Belyanka with them for a walk?

- Why didn't the Cat notice the other mice, but instead noticed the Belyanka?

- What do you think, will the Cat Belyanka let go or not? What will happen next?

After reading the second part, students answer the questions:

- Why did the fisherman's son save Belyanka?

- Why did Belyanka run away from her savior? After reading the third part, the children talk on the questions:

- What made Belyanka happy?

- Who did Belyanka meet?

- From what and how did Belyanka save the gray rat?

4. At home, children read the fairy tale "The Adventures of the White Mouse" to the end.

Lesson 18. K. Chukovsky "The Adventures of the White Mouse" (continued).

1. Checking homework (discussion of what has been read). The quality of home reading is checked on the following questions:

- What changes took place in the life of Belyanka with the onset of spring?

- How did the old rat take care of Belyanka?

- How did the old rat decide to help Belyanka?

- What did Belyanka see in the workshop?

- Why was Belyanka afraid of her reflection in the mirror?

- How did mother meet Belyanka in her home? Find and read their conversation.

- How did the fairy tale end?

- Who is the true savior of Belyanka?

- What way out did Dr. Aibolit find?

- What is the name of the mouse? Why?

2. Rereading and working with text.

a) One of the possible tasks is the selective reading by children of the episodes depicted in the illustrations of the textbook.

b) Work on the preparation of the plan is carried out according to the assignment of 1 textbook. There is a place for writing the plan in the notebook.

c) In accordance with the third and fourth tasks of the textbook, the creative game "Radio Theater" is held for different episodes of the fairy tale.

3. At home, students complete the second task of the textbook.

Lesson 19

1. Checking homework.

2. Preparation for reading is carried out according to the exercises of studies1

3. Introduction to the text.

To set the right emotional tone, the first

how many (2-5) paragraphs the teacher reads. Children continue reading aloud up to the words “He slept” in relatively complete fragments.

4. Discussing what has been read, rereading and working with the text.

Why did Bertil have to sit at home alone all day long? What feelings did he experience?

Was Bertil always so lonely? (No, he once had a sister).

What happened to his sister Martha?

After what the boy's life changed dramatically? (After meeting Little Niels.)

Tell us about how Bertil and Little Nils Carlson met.

How do you imagine Tiny Nils Carlson? How would you draw it? What paints would you use? Why? (Little Niels was small, no bigger than a little finger, cheerful, cheerful. Bright, light colors are desirable, because Niels was cheerful and joyful, managed to cheer up the boy, brighten up his loneliness.)

Where did Tiny Nils Carlson live? Where did he live before?

Why did Tiny Nils Carlson and Bertil hit it off so quickly? (Both one and the other were lonely.)

How did Bertil get into Little Niels' home?

What did Little Niels' room look like? Read.

How did Bertil take care of Niels? (First he brought firewood, then a crib, bed, clothes, food.)

Today we read part of the story. How can you title it? ("Happy meeting"; "Meeting of Bertil and Niels"...)

5. At home, students finish reading a fairy tale; complete tasks 1 and 2 from the notebook; tasks 1, 3, 4, 5 from the textbook; trying to find information about A. Lindgren.

Lesson 20. A. Lindgren "Little Nils Carlson" (continued).

1. Checking homework.

- How can you title the part of the fairy tale read at home? (Friendship of Bertil and Niels.)

The correctness of the students' fulfillment of the tasks of the textbook and notebook is checked.

- What did you manage to learn about A. Lindgren?

(Reference material.


Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren was born into a poor, hardworking Swedish family. She began writing early, and at school she was nicknamed after the famous Swedish writer, Selma Lagerlöf. A big role in the development of the girl's writing talent was played by her father, as well as communication with her sisters and brother. Lindgren later wrote: "... All our experiences and games were reflected in my books."

When Astrid turned eighteen, she went to the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, in search of work. But there the girl became really ill. In Stockholm, she had no relatives, no friends, no money. “I am lonely and poor. Lonely because that's the way it is, and poor because all my property consists of one Danish era. I am afraid of the coming winter,” she wrote to her brother.

But fate still took pity on Astrid. After a long search, she found a job. The girl became a secretary. Astrid soon got married and had children. One day, my daughter became seriously ill, and her mother began to compose stories for her about a girl named Pippi. Gradually, a whole book of "Pippi Longstocking" was formed from oral stories. At the children's book competition, the story won the first prize, and it was published. Thus began the creative life of the writer, who is considered the "Andersen of our days." At this time, Lindgren truly understood what happiness it was.

Possibility to write. And that all the hardships in her life are, in essence, "trifles, a matter of life." Now every evening she dreamed that a new day would begin faster and that the moment had come when she could sit down at the desk and relax.

hang out alone with your characters. Since then, Astrid has been writing book after book. And also to receive literary awards one after another.

The first book was followed by The Famous Detective Kalle Blumqvist, Mio, My Mio, Three Tales of Carlson, Who Lives on the Roof, Rasmus1tragaga... more than 30 books in total, translated into almost 30 languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

Lindgren's works combine fantasy and reality in an amazing way. "...Perhaps I am writing about what I would like to see in reality." The writer dedicated almost all of her books to children, declaring resolutely that she did not write books for adults and was not going to do so. “I hope that, perhaps, my books will help inspire little readers with great humanity, great understanding of other people,” admitted the famous writer, who was awarded the main award of storytellers - the Hans Christian Andersen Gold Medal.)

2. Rereading and working with text. a) The game "Radio Theater" is being played.

Role-playing can be done in the form of work by children in pairs: each pair of students chooses the passage they like the most and prepares to perform it.

b) In a well-prepared class, additional work can be done on compiling a filmstrip, a comic strip, based on the memo presented in the “Stories” section of the first part of this manual (“General Characteristics of Teaching Reading”).

3. At home, children find and read books with the works of Gianni Rodari.

Lesson 21 J. Rodari "These poor ghosts."

1. Checking homework.

According to the books displayed at the blackboard, it is determined that Gianni Rodari wrote not only fairy tales and fairy tales, but also poems, many of which were translated into Russian by S. Marshak, known to children. Some of the poems are read aloud by children to their classmates. In books, students find information about

the fact that the translations of the works of this writer are made from the Italian language, and they also look for and read out what is written about Gianni Rodari in the prefaces (afterwords) of his books.

The teacher can supplement the information found and presented by the children about the writer.

(Reference material.

GIANNI RODARI (1920-1980)

The Italian boy Gianni, the son of a baker and a maid, was orphaned early and began to earn his own bread early.

World fame, millions of copies of books, high literary titles and awards - all this did not come soon.

After graduating from the seminary, Rodari worked as an elementary school teacher. He was a cheerful teacher - for his studies he came up with funny games, funny stories.

Gianni Rodari became a children's writer, by his own admission, almost by accident, by accident. “Once,” he recalled, “the editor-in-chief of a newspaper instructed me to write poems and stories for the children of Italian working people...

Several years have passed since I stopped teaching, but, taking up the pen, I imagined that the eyes of my students were fixed on me, that they were waiting for a fairy tale or a funny story from me ... So I began to write for kids ".

The most popular work of Rodari all over the world is "The Adventures of Cipollino". According to the writer, he was inspired to create the fairy tale by Collodi's fairy tale about Pinocchio, beloved by all Italians, which Rodari knew by heart from childhood. The story of the onion boy has been retold in more than twenty languages ​​of the world. This is a very cheerful tale about very serious problems - about poverty and wealth, about the oppressors and the oppressed, and even, strange as it may sound in relation to a children's fairy tale, about political struggle.

The success of Cipollino prompted Rodari to continue writing fairy tales. The Voyage of the Blue Arrow, Gelsomino in the Land of Liars, and other books appeared.

Explaining why he wrote the big tale about Gel1 somino, he said: “It seems to me that the most dangerous enemies

humanity are liars. There are hundreds of thousands of liars in the world. The liar is the journalist who writes "freedom" and thinks about the freedom with which the capitalists exploit the workers and the imperialists squeeze the juice out of the colonial peoples. A liar is the one who says "peace", but in fact stands for the war ... I really believe in the power of truth ... The truth is like the voice of a singer - the voice that makes window panes tremble. Gelsomino had such a voice of tremendous power, and his songs opened people's eyes to the real truth.

Despite the worldwide fame of a remarkable writer1 storyteller, who was awarded the highest award in children's literature - the International Hans Christia Prize1 for Andersen, Gianni Rodari was a surprisingly modest, even shy person. The writer briefly and clearly defined his place in life and literature: in the service of the children.

Rodari was very fond of children. This was the main feature of his character. And the children, feeling this, were drawn to him as to a kind magician. “There is nothing more beautiful in the world than the laughter of a child, and if one fine day all children without exception can laugh all at once, all together, you must agree, it will be a great day!” - said Gianni Rodari in his speech at the presentation of the Andersen Prize.

The writer himself was like a big child. Forgetting about age, Rodari willingly, with sincere enthusiasm, played with the kids. For all his "childishness", Gianni Rodari was a master who knew how to combine the free flight of fantasy with great life experience, with the wisdom of a mature person. That is why his fairy stories turned out to be interesting to readers of all ages - from two to ninety years and older).

2. Preparation for reading.

Today Gianni Rodari invites us to play, to have fun with the characters of his work. Before we do that, let's do some preparatory exercises.

Exercises are performed by children aloud according to the textbook. Further, after clarifying the meaning of the word "preface", teaching1

Those who follow the textbook get acquainted with the preface written by the author himself.

Before reading the text, the children answer questions.

"Lomonosov in Literature" - A strict hierarchy of genres. DRL XI-XVII centuries. He was buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. 1759 - Lomonosov writes "Discourses on the great accuracy of the sea route." Questions: -Division of literature into strictly defined genres of works; Aesthetics is based on the principle of rationalism and “imitation of nature”.

“Baby and Carlson” - And Carlson, with his behavior, shows us how not to act. What was the Kid like before meeting with Carlson? Who was Carlson? And a friend is respected not for external data, but for spiritual qualities. It seems to me that each of you would like to have such a friend. It is easier for us to see other people's faults than our own. Grumpy, touchy, sweet tooth, boastful.

"Poetry of Lomonosov" - Lomonosov Awards. Developed the first scientific grammar of the Russian language. Seriously studied Russian poetry. Medium style. Lomonosov completed the reform of Russian versification. Personality of Lomonosov. Scientific and technical words. Poetic creativity. Poetry reform. For 22 years he worked at the Academy of Sciences.

"Biography of London" - Participation in the campaign of the unemployed. War correspondent. Collections of stories. 1902 - trip to England as a correspondent. Creative crisis. Jack London. Name at birth. Books. Journey to the Solomon Islands. Committed suicide. Travels of Jack London. Trip to Alaska. Path to creativity.

"Lindgren" - A sorceress from Sweden. Astrid Lindgren. A lesson on the work of the Swedish writer A. Lindgren. Works by A. Lindgren. Reader education. Making a crossword. Task "Young literates". Forms of work in the classroom. Drawing up a bibliographic list of references. Favorite fairy tale characters. Winner's reward ceremony.

"Lukonin" - I walk, smoke, and you stand still, So you can be stranded. Volga smokes polynya, not frozen, Wants to be in sight. Secretary of the Board of the Writers' Union of the USSR (since 1971). Volga, can you hear me? From such words, I can completely despair, On the ribs lies a corrosive rust. I want to fall into the snowy expanse In the light of a clear day.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

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HISTORY OF RUSSIA Topic No. 12 of the USSR in the 30s industrialization in the USSR Industrialization is the accelerated industrial development of the country, in ...

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Topic 3. Liberalism in Russia 1. The evolution of Russian liberalism Russian liberalism is an original phenomenon based on ...

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Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 was of great historical importance, although many thought that it was absolutely meaningless. But this war...
The losses of the French from the actions of the partisans, apparently, will never be counted. Aleksey Shishov tells about the "club of the people's war", ...
Introduction In the economy of any state, since money appeared, emission has played and plays every day versatile, and sometimes ...
Peter the Great was born in Moscow in 1672. His parents are Alexei Mikhailovich and Natalya Naryshkina. Peter was brought up by nannies, education at ...
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