Pine cone symbol meaning. Pineal Gland Introduction

A bump tattoo means health, life, fertility, love, fire, luck, fertility, creative power, a new beginning, courage, reliability, movement, balance, connection with nature.

The meaning of the bump tattoo

Tattoos with the image of a cone are not so common. This is due to the fact that few people know its meaning. In vain, because the cone from ancient times carried images of such symbols as the sky, fire, the sun and even the Universe itself.

The cone is usually associated with health, life and courage. Many years ago, it was dedicated to the god Baal-Hadad and his wife Asherah: the god of fertility and the goddess of love. Spiraling layers-cells of the cone, in which the seeds of the plant are hidden, indicate fertility.

The tattoo is associated with another deity - the god of inspiration, vegetation and the forces of nature, Dionysus. Often in his hands you can see a bump. In such a case, it personifies the endless cycle of life in nature and the constant rebirth.

A bump tattoo can act as an amulet from the evil eye, as well as to enhance male power. Thus, the tattoo not only preserves and preserves the physical condition of men, but also increases it.

The type of cone is of particular importance. For example, cones of a coniferous tree have been associated with the gods of fertility and love since ancient times. A spruce cone means improved health and increased vitality. She is also a symbol of fire and a new beginning.

At the same time, a pine cone denotes a phallic symbol that reflects the luck, fertility and creative power of a man. It was a pine cone that crowned the thyrsus of Dionysus.

Another interesting fact that influences the associations associated with the bump is that in India it was believed that it was she who became the prototype for the swastika.

The location of the pattern on the body carries a special meaning. If the bump is on the thick end, then this means reliability and balance. If it stands on the opposite sharp end, then it means constant movement.

If the top of the pine cone not only points upward, but also has a spiral direction, then this is an indicator of high creative power. It will indicate either the inner potential that has already been discovered, or the still hidden power that will be discovered in the future.

Both men and women can get a tattoo on their body, but the meaning will be different. For the strong half, this tattoo speaks of fertility, the meaning of strength, fullness of life and attractiveness. An inextricable connection with Nature is what a tattoo means for women. Also for the weaker sex, the cone symbolizes love.

Apply the pattern on the back, wrist, shoulder or forearm.

A cone can be depicted both alone and with other elements that have a direct connection with nature: animals or plants (especially trees).

The color scheme is also different. The tattoo can be black and white or have bright colors. The style of drawing is limited only by the imagination of a person. Very often, a tattoo is performed in realism, which is a win-win option.

There are many different monuments and sculptures in the Vatican. One of them is a four-meter pine cone cast in bronze and covered with gilding.

The whole huge courtyard in which the monument is located is called the Cone's courtyard. A rather interesting composition is arranged around the cone. Firstly, the bump itself has nothing to do with Christian symbols. A cone symbolically from below on a marble pedestal is held by many people. The pine cone symbolically stands on people, crushing them with its weight.

Two peacocks stand on the sides of the cone, and a spring of water flows out from under the cone, which is guarded by two lions.

In the small courtyard behind the cone there are eight statues of the ancient Egyptian goddess Sakhmet. She was depicted with a lion's head, which caused her to be identified with Buttermilk, Tefnut and Bast.

She was the personification of the heat of the sun and the destructive energy of the Sun, and therefore a disk was depicted on her head. As the goddess of heat, Sekhmet seemed very harsh. In the late myth of the extermination of recalcitrant humanity by the god Ra, Sekhmet, as the eye of Ra, enjoyed beating people, and only the red wine spilled on the earth by the gods, which Sekhmet attacked, mistaking for blood, and from which she became drunk, forced her to stop the massacre. If someone is not in the know, the eye of Ra symbolizes the Pineal Gland.

That's interesting with lions. The lions are not simple, but ancient Egyptian, on each lion monument ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are written.

There is also such a figurine on the left side of the cone. It resembles the male genitalia. Nothing Christian, all pagan symbolism.

Of course, the entire ancient history of the Vatican is fiction. They say that the Cone was cast in the 1st-2nd centuries. AD Publius Cincius Salvius, this is listed on its basis. Everything is as usual, the Bump appears in the yard due to some rearrangement and reorganization. They say that the gilded bronze cone was originally placed on the Champ de Mars, but was moved to a new location in 1608.

This is what they say, but in reality, the Cone was cast in 1608. The Vatican is full of falsifications that are passed off as antiquities. Without this, it is impossible, because if you put the truthful dates of the manufacture of many sculptures of the Vatican, then many unpleasant questions will arise for the Vatican - why were monuments with pagan symbols created? Therefore, falsifiers pass off their places of worship as ancient monuments.

The pinecone symbolizes the pineal gland (Pineal gland), with the help of which huge human masses are controlled. Passing out operations to change the functioning of the Pineal Gland as religious customs, groups of people with different types of biological behavior are artificially created.

For example, members of the Jewish group artificially change the work of the Pineal gland with the help of surgical intervention. The group is used to manage the colonies. With the help of this group, the illusion of the opinion of the majority is artificially created.

But most importantly, with the help of this group, DNA that has undergone a brain mutation is distributed. In simple words, people reduce the weight of the brain, and this is intelligence.

With the help of operations on the pineal gland, the elite secretly lowers the intellect of people, makes them stupid. Then stupid people are forced to believe in an invented god, with the help of which the elite gives the peoples the rules of behavior that are beneficial to it.

People who have changed the work of the Pineal gland are given out as a separate people. They are not told the truth, they are fooled, they are told a fictional biblical tale. They are told: You see, you are not like all other people, this is because you are God's people. They are given fictitious biblical fables to read. The deception has gone so far and the whole world believes in it so willingly that most people cannot even imagine that they are all being deceived.

"Star Gates"

Everyone knows about the chakras in humans - these are the different energy levels of your soul, which correspond to a certain level of your consciousness. And when you practice the so-called kundalini - meditation, in which your energy rises to higher levels. The whole point of this meditation is to roll all the chakras together into one point, into a group of spheres. When you do this, you focus everything on one thought in your mind and find a channel. Through which your consciousness can connect with your higher self, i.e. make contact with him. This central channel is where everything happens.

The center of your brain has a little gland called the pineal gland because it looks like a little bump. It is located strictly in the geometric center of your brain. And this fact is very important and is depicted in all ancient cultures. This is seen from the Sumerian civilization which gives a clear description and you can see the symbolism of the cones.

Our ancestors took this topic very seriously. Information was hidden and encoded in the form of symbols. And why did all cultures focus on the pineal gland? The pineal gland is the junction point where all energies come together.

The pharaohs also had this symbolism on their heads. This indicated the full activation of the kundalini and all chakras. And the pharaoh had contact with the higher realities through his head. The Babylonian God Tamos also holds a cone in his hand. Shiva - the deity of the destruction of the old and the creation of the new has a bump on his head in the form of a hairstyle. The images of this deity also have symbols of the third eye and snakes. The god of drunkenness and villainy Bahos and he holds a rod that crowns - a bump. Why are alcoholic drinks called spirits? Alcohol from the word spirit - spirit and alcohol opens the door to these demonic influences. Through the pineal gland, negativity takes control of the drunk person. Dionysus, the deity who also rules over death and rebirth, also has a bump on his wand. And what about the Vatican, even today. There is a giant statue in the Vatican Square... of a pinecone! Also addicted to cones. In the background behind this statue is a ball. To the right and left of the Cones are large peacocks, giving the impression of Egypt and resembling an ibis. And in front of the statue is an open sarcophagus, exactly the same as in the tomb of the great pyramid. What does the open sarcophagus in the pyramid symbolize? It is a symbol of immortality and the transition to the spiritual world. And the center of this whole structure is a pine cone - a pineal gland. This part of the Vatican is called the Pine Cone Courtyard.

Now let's look at the huge ball behind the bump. It is mirror polished. It is a symbol of divinity and his creation. The question is, why did they collect all this there? Why is this symbol so important from ancient times to ours? And the pontiff of the Vatican has a rod and on it is the same knob. Moreover, the wand looks like the tree of the world. Namely, the World Tree is seen during initialization, when they enter the spiritual world of the Universe. They see something similar to umbrellas, i.e. there is a trunk, which connects with the spheres on all sides. And what is the connecting link between the tree of the world and the pontiff? Here is this pine cone, i.e. pineal gland. And with its full activation, access to the tree of the world, the repository of all spiritual wisdom and knowledge, occurs. And the Rod of Hermes has in its symbolism two snakes, again striving for a bump.

Doctors have noticed what changes occur when light hits a person. Light is transmitted to the pineal gland. When the light is gone. Then the pineal gland begins to produce melatonin - a signal for the onset of sleep. The pineal gland is strongly associated with sleep patterns. When you need to reach a mystical state, go into meditation, etc. - all this is done by the pineal gland. In other words, if you put out the external light, then the internal one lights up - this is the action of melatonin. Only then can we have access to spiritual knowledge.

Jesus: "Those who sit in darkness have seen a great Light." The pituitary gland can also produce DMT. This substance has become very popular and it affects our deep feelings of time travel. This is what is happening. When you connect to a field where time is no longer linear, but volumetric and you can move around in it. Then access to the paranormal worlds opens. The biggest secret is that it is filled with water. Why is it so important? Water. Changes its structure as you go back and forth through space-time. With age, the water is filled with calcium salts. This allows, by the way, to determine when a person has a tumor in the brain. Due to calcium salts, the pineal gland is shifted slightly to the side. This process of calcification in the bible is called the mark of the beast. This means. That you are shackled by the fetters of materialism and your access to spirituality is blocked.

It turns out that the inner surface of the gland is covered with rods and cones, just like those of our eyes. They are the third eye. Probably, this eye should have all those parts that a normal eye has. There is liquid for sure and there is also a small TV and you can perceive both video and audio signals. These signals are picked up by rods and cones. It is just your imagination.

This gland is the silver string of your transition. All people who have an out-of-body experience report a crackling sound. This is an electromagnetic field that occurs when external light is extinguished and DMT production is stimulated.

The pineal gland has the largest blood flow per unit volume, it also has the most powerful concentration of energy than anything else in your body. And all this because this is the gate to the other world. Imagine that around the gland, electromagnetic fields begin to arise and rotate with great speed, and all of them rotate in different directions quickly, quickly. And you get a perfectly formed field around the gland. In this case, the gland is isolated from all the various energy waves. This phenomenon opens the door to time space. This is when particles turn inside out and become waves.

In the water that fills the glands, there are molecules - microclusters that can turn inside out and turn into other geometric shapes. During the transition, a person feels an increase in heaviness in the head or as if a tone appears in the ears. Some call it kundalini activation. What is really going on? Your gland begins to work furiously, more and more energy is turned on, at ever greater speeds, and you feel like an explosion of energy in your head. If this happens, then try to relax and meditate, to understand the meaning of what is happening. What happened before you received this badge. This is usually very important. Headaches can also happen if there is a blockage and something inside does not allow the energy to open up. And here the main thing is to accept yourself as you are, then the opening of the pineal gland occurs.

The water in the pineal gland becomes a gateway to other realities, and the third eye perceives and records images. DMT enhances the gland's electromagnetic field. The cause of jamming in some kind of reality (schizophrenia) can be melatonin. Its release promotes sleep, and during sleep, DMT begins to be produced and electromagnetic fields are accelerated. With schizophrenia, a person can hardly sleep and melatonin is produced during wakefulness, i.e. gates to another reality are open while awake.

So, the pineal gland is the gateway to another world. Our eardrum has a tilted position, which gives a three-dimensional perception of sound. Our inner ear is exactly the same configuration as the Great Pyramid of Giza. If we connect geometrically the points of the inner ear and the eye, then we will get a tetrahydron inside our head. The third eye is the geometric center of this system. When you lie down on your back to sleep, your pineal gland begins its functions and your third eye is geometrically located in the center of the pyramid. This is the famous image of the eye in the pyramid. In the likeness of the organization of the pineal gland, the Mirror project was created. Such an installation is shown in the film "Contact". It has been in use since 1940. When approaching the date of 2012, the mirror gives a solid white light. The tree of life is the source of the DNA code. The future looks like what your attention is focused on at the moment. Presumably, the events of 2012 will line up everything you envision and expect. Those. as if the embodiment of your thoughts.

Today I will continue, although not in great detail, a series of stories about the Vatican Museums.

I don’t want to upset you, but objectively speaking, no photographs and the most highly artistic texts full of rich metaphors, comparisons and superlatives can convey the fullness of sensations and delight from what they saw.

Sometimes, it seems that it was not a person who created it all! But, nevertheless, this set of ancient art, Renaissance masterpieces and modern works were created by human hands. This is the question of who in the universe was the greatest of the Creators ...

Enough dry thinking! Let's leave the papal garage and go to the pinecone square for a start.

Pine Cone Square was formed after the unification of the Belvedere Palace with the Vatican, which was carried out by Mr. Bramante. It will not be superfluous to mention that it was he who began the construction of St. Peter's Cathedral in its current form. But since the cathedral took 150 years to build, Bramante, as it should be for a normal person, did not live to see the ceremony, when the solemnly cut ribbons fell on the pavement at the entrance to the fresh cathedral. The square got its name from the ancient fountain, which is crowned with a giant pine cone - a symbol of the source of life according to ancient concepts:

In addition to the cone, the fountain is decorated with figures of lions, judging by the carved signs brought from Egypt, and figures of people brought from no one knows where.

In addition, the square keeps in its center a masterpiece of modern sculpture called “Sphere in a Sphere” or, more often, this example of creativity is called “The Globe”. It was created by Mr. Arnoldo Pomoddoro and symbolizes all the harmful influence of man on nature. A polished ball with a diameter of 4 meters rotates around its axis (if it is properly untwisted).

But as I said, with the perception of contemporary art, everything is pretty awkward for me. Therefore, I went to get acquainted with the reproductions of Michelangelo's works from the Sistine Chapel hung out on the square.

They are posted here for a reason. Since conversations are strictly prohibited inside the Sistine Chapel (a special person even works there, who, every 5-7 minutes, raises his finger to his lips and loudly pronounces Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh- as well, before being sent to her ward tourists describe in detail everything that tourists will see, talking about all the characters of the frescoes. Of course, the central work in the chapel is The Last Judgment, about the heroes of which I now want to say a few words.

The entire front wall is occupied by the aforementioned “Last Judgment”. In the center, of course, Jesus and the Virgin Mary. They are surrounded by saints and apostles. Above: angels with all the attributes and accessories of the passion of Christ: a crown of thorns, a cross, a scourging post.

Many saints and apostles are depicted with those items of medieval use, with the help of which they were killed in their time. So we can observe Saint Bartholomew, holding in his hands his own skin, which was torn off from him by pagan bastards. Michelangelo was a big joker. On this skin he placed his self-portrait. Well, at least I didn’t dance in the temple ...

Saint Catherine holds a frightening-looking toothed wheel. It was with such cute little things that she was torn apart by kind people. Saint Simon, who is next to her, was sawed alive with a saw in the Caucasus. St. Lawrence in Rome was roasted alive on a metal grill, hence he has it in his hands. The creative approach to executions in those days is striking in its monstrous ingenuity and some incredible cruelty. Although St. Sebastian was simply and without the usual ingenuity poked with arrows. Showed, so to speak, humanity. On the left, with his back to us, St. Andrew with the cross on which he was crucified. Peter is depicted as standard with the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Michelangelo did not provide the rest with pronounced attributes, although there were people there who were boiled alive and sent to the next world in other piquant ways, dear to the hearts of believers.

But it was not these cruel details that struck me personally. I can’t understand one thing: let Christ be depicted as a punishing judge, but why all his entourage rejoices indescribably that they have been awarded the kingdom of heaven, and meanwhile, before their eyes, most of the people go straight to hell. And Mr. Charon affably “loads” them with an oar over the hump.

I can't identify every character, and it's probably impossible. But in general, this gigantic fresco leaves a rather depressing impression.

More than biblical motifs, I was attracted by the technique and skill with which the frescoes were made. For example, standing even 1-2 meters from the wall on which the curtains are painted, you will never say that this is a drawing on a flat wall. You see a voluminous drapery in front of you, which you want to take and, holding out your hand, immediately open it.

In addition, the figures seated along the windows in the place where the wall passes into the ceiling are seen as three-dimensional figures in niches. And from which side you look at them, the perception of their volume is not lost. They are so masterfully done.

In general, the Sistine Chapel is the very world masterpiece, without seeing which with your own eyes you cannot die in peace. And to describe all the power and beauty of this room is not possible. I won't even try. No wonder it is used by the cardinals to hold a conclave here, the essence of which is the election of a new pope ...

And now I have to interrupt further through the halls and galleries of the Vatican Museums, since a lot of urgent business has arisen. But let me make a small announcement of all the wealth that I plan to present to you in the near future:

Belvedere hall with the famous Apollo:

Map gallery:

And also: antique sarcophagi, the chambers of the famous Pope Borgia, the frescoes of Raphael, the hall of modern art and, of course, the views from the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral and the interior of this great temple.

Thank you for your attention!
See you!

installed a pinecone sculpture?

The first impulse to the question of what the cone symbolizes was the desire to give a concise answer. Something like the fact that in ancient times it was an important symbol of fertility. Or that the ancient Greeks and Assyrians identified the bump with male productivity (due to its shape). And all this takes place in some traditions. Indeed, in biology, the cone is the reproductive organ of gymnosperms. In it, sporophylls are spirally arranged, in the axils of which seeds develop. But that would be too banal. In my opinion, Edward chose this symbol for other reasons. Behind this small, cute creation of nature, there is a large-scale knowledge that has made it a sacred symbol. Let's ask ourselves why we can meet a bump as an architectural element in the most sacred places? And even in the courtyard of the Vatican. A short answer will not work and you will have to turn to the primary sources. And already everyone will be able to choose the answer at their own discretion, why in one of the most mysterious places - in the Coral Castle, its creator Edward Lindskalnins installed a stone pine cone on the left at the entrance on a stone pedestal. Perhaps he chose her because she symbolizes immortality. And his Castle has already become an immortal creation. Or maybe Ed gave the bump a completely different meaning. After all, the bump is as mysterious as the castle itself!

Let's shift our attention from the theme of fertility, which is based on a phallic symbol, to the opposite side, i.e. upwards. And let's stop at a higher chakra. Many ancient traditions say that deep in the center of our brain is a gland that carries out telepathic transmission of thoughts and receiving visual images. This pea-sized gland is shaped like a pinecone and is known as the pineal or pineal gland. The pineal gland is not part of the brain. It is located approximately in the geometric center of mass of the brain. Inside it is hollow, filled with a liquid resembling water, and is very well supplied with blood. Ancient cultures around the world have been fascinated by the pinecone, pinecone-shaped images of the pineal gland, and have used them in the highest forms of spiritual art. Pythagoras, Plato, Iamblichus, Descartes and others wrote about this gland with great reverence. It was called the seat of the soul.

In the Life of Pythagoras, Iamblichus recounts Plato's statement that the study of the science of Numbers awakens that organ in the brain that the ancients described as the "eye of wisdom" - the organ now known to physiology as the pineal gland. Discussing the mathematical disciplines, in The Republic (Book VII), Plato says that "the soul of these disciplines has an organ purified and enlightened, an organ worth keeping better than ten thousand bodily eyes, since truth becomes visible through its one ".

Mrs. Helena Blavatsky, a famous occultist of the 19th century, considers the pineal gland as a possible gateway to the Source Field. The history of the pineal gland is considered starting from the works of Pythagoras and Plato. In addressing the issue of the Mysteries, Blavatsky refers to a tradition of secrecy that has its roots in ancient Egypt and other civilizations of the distant past. (As we remember, Edward Lindskalnins during his wanderings and wanderings became interested in studying astronomy and the culture of ancient Egypt.) Until now, there are “Mystery Schools” that continue teaching these ancient traditions. In ancient cultures, sacred stones were the symbol of the pineal gland. Among the Sumerians it was the "Primitive Mountain". They believed that during the creation of Heaven and Earth, it was there that the first island of land appeared from the primary sea. This implies that the pineal gland is the main place in the body that contacts the waters of the Spirit - not the physical realms after life. In Babylon, the same mountain became a symbol of the axis of the earth around which the world revolves, or the central navel of the earth. From there the gods came and went. The mountain was depicted with the king standing on top. To mark this most sacred place, a physical stone was erected there, which determined all the parallels and meridians, as well as the cardinal points of the compass. In Greece there is a stone - "navel" ("omphalos" in Greek sound). It is located at the Oracle at Delphi and its shape is a bump. It was believed that the god Apollo lives in this stone, and with his help the Oracle could communicate with Apollo and utter a prophecy. The model of the same omphalo that was used for predictions is kept in the archaeological museum in Delphi. The real stone was lost and replaced with a replica.

Numerous reviews of authoritative visitors of that time indicate that the stone "worked" and enjoyed the widest popularity in the ancient world. Some navel stones were depicted with a "serpent of kundalini" wrapped around it.

The word navel means "center of the earth", and this area was the main geographical reference point for the entire Hellenic empire. This is a kind of assemblage point. There are also legends associated with the navel. According to one of them, Zeus released two eagles from the western and eastern limits of the world to reveal the center of the planet, and marked the point of their meeting with a stone - an omphalos. According to other versions, the omphalos was the tomb of the Delphic Serpent Python.

Initially, it was a tombstone that could serve as a point of contact between the world of the living and the dead, acting as the center of the universe. There is evidence that the stone was a meteorite ("fell from the sky").

Omphal arranges time and space. It is a reference point from which lines diverge dividing the horizon into four parts. Omphal defines the center for a country, city or area, is the "Cornerstone". He is a symbolic reflection of the mind manifested in the physical world. And therefore, with its help, it was possible to communicate with Heaven, as well as other places on Earth. As a rule, underground cavities, chambers, wells and labyrinths existed under omphalos. What did the ancient people need more, in connection with Heaven or Earth, and with whom did they speak using this communication system? The layout is pretty much the same everywhere.

In the Roman Empire, the same stone was known as baetil. The baethil stone was directly associated with oracles and prophecy. A huge number of Greek and Roman coins depict the navel or baethyl stone on one side, sometimes it is protected by a hawk or snakes. Some coins show the Tree of Life - another symbol of the earth's axis, growing directly from the stone or adjacent to it.

Many Roman navel coins have a winged angel on the reverse. The angel is very similar to the winged Babylonian gods such as Tammuz, who were depicted holding a pinecone in one hand and guiding it as if it had mystical powers.

One coin from Syria (246-227 BC) shows the god Apollo sitting on a navel-stone that clearly looks like a pinecone. Two other Greek coins show Apollo seated on a navel-stone, even more obviously stylized as a pinecone.

The Delphic stone had a "double", which was located in the temple of Amun in the Siwa oasis, on the border with Libya. Alexander the Great came to consult this oracle stone as soon as he arrived in Egypt. There he received a prediction that he would become pharaoh. Herodotus also wrote about two women whom the Phoenicians stole from Thebes. One of them was sold into slavery in Libya (in western Egypt), and the other in Greece. Women founded the first oracles in these countries. A cone in ancient times was dedicated to Baal-Hadad, the Semitic god of fertility, rain and dew, and his wife Asherah (Baalat); Babylonian-Assyrian goddess of love and fertility - Ishtar. Pine cones are prominent in sacred art and architecture around the world. Pagans love this symbol and use it in their art in many images. For them, the cone acts as a phallic symbol that generates fertility and affirms life in its carnal earthly manifestation. Here is where you can see the symbolic image of the cone: - The pine cone crowns the column and is the emblem of the Mesopotamian god Marduk;

- A bronze sculpture from the Mystery Cult of Dionysus in the late Roman Empire shows a pinecone on the thumb, along with other symbols corresponding to the other fingers;

The regalia of the Egyptian sun god Osiris from the museum in Turin includes two "kundalini serpents"; they twist around each other, rising to the top of the pine cone;

On the golden funeral mask of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, the uraeus is depicted - the kundalini snake, which appears from the pineal gland;

In the sculptural images, Quetzalcoatl, the god of the Indians of Mesoamerica, appears from the mouth of a snake, whose body is folded into the shape of the pineal gland. Quetzalcoatl's necklace is made from pine cones.

Statuette of a Mexican god holding pine cones; - The Greek god Dionysus holds a regalia with a pine cone on top, symbolizing fertility; - Bacchus, the Roman god of drunkenness and fun, also holds a thyrsus - a rod with a pine cone tip;

Under the feet of Asclepius, the god of healing, we can also see an omphalos; - Many Roman Catholic candlesticks, ornaments, sacral decorations and architectural structures with the pinecone as a key design element;

In Christian iconography, a cone can crown the Tree of Life.
- The bump is also associated with Mitra;

The Catholic Pope carries a pinecone regalia just above the arm, then the cone expands into a stylized tree trunk;

In the photo we can see that Pope Benedict XVI is holding the papal regalia, apparently symbolizing the ability to make contact with the higher mind through the pineal gland. It is believed that the Pope is the messenger of God, and according to ancient traditions, this requires an "awakened" pineal gland. This somehow explains the fact that we can see in the center of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican a giant bronze statue of a pine cone. The huge bronze pinecone in the Vatican is much taller than a human and is surrounded by Egyptian symbols. It defines the Vatican as the center of the Roman Catholic world and the earth's axis, in full accordance with ancient tradition. At the base, the statue is guarded by two lions who sit on pedestals covered with Egyptian hieroglyphs. On the sides there are two birds representing the Egyptian Benu-phoenix. In the inner courtyard of the Vatican, there is not a Christian symbol, such as, for example, the Life-Giving Cross or a statue of the Virgin Mary, or Christ, but a cone.

Mason scholar Manly Hall writes that Freemasonry continues the tradition of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. He claims that the biggest secret of the Masons is the rebirth of the human being into the Divine state through the awakening of the pineal gland. Each of the 33 degrees of Freemasonry corresponds to one of the vertebrae of the human spine as the kundalini fire rises to merge with the pineal gland. "Spiritual Fire, rising through thirty-three degrees, or vertebra, of the spinal column, enters the dome of the human brain and finally reaches the pituitary gland (Isis), where it conjures the pineal gland (Ra) and calls out to the Holy Name." This signifies the process by which the Eyes of Horus are opened. And further: "The pineal gland is the sacred pinecone in man - the single eye that cannot be opened until Hiram (Spiritual Fire) is raised through the sacred seals, which are called the Seven Churches of Asia." In his other work, The Occult Anatomy of Man, Manly Hall writes: “The Hindus teach that the pineal gland is a third eye, called the eye of Dangma. Buddhists call it the all-seeing eye, and in Christianity it is referred to as the single eye. The pineal gland is supposed to secrete some fatty substance called tar, just like pine sap. This word (resin) is supposed to refer to the founding of the Rosicrucian order, who worked on the secretion of the pineal gland and were looking for ways to open the one eye, for the Scripture says, "If your eye were One, your body would be filled with light." The pineal gland is the link between the human and the divine. Rudolf Steiner, a well-known scholar of the esoteric mystery schools, argues that the legend of the Holy Grail - a chalice filled with the "waters of life" or the "elixir of immortality" - is another symbolic reference to the pineal gland. He writes: “The Holy Grail resides in each of us, in the castle of the skull, and can nourish our most subtle perceptions in such a way that it dispels everything but the most subtle material influence” ... Here Steiner means the pineal gland in the brain. It is possible to develop this theme for a long time, recalling the legends about the "Cosmic Egg", "World Egg" and especially the "Orphic Egg", which are also allegories of the pineal gland. The Orphic Egg is depicted with a snake wrapped around it, and the shape of the egg follows the shape of the pineal gland.

Some Russian scientists have come to the conclusion that the Source Field can be measured - like rotation in gravity. It seems that the more you notice the influence of the electromagnetic energy fields, the more sensitive you become to information from the Source Field, perhaps through the pineal gland, as the ancient traditions suggested. So, we now see and understand that the bump is a symbol.

In its shape, the cone resembles a vortex funnel, which is associated with dynamic productive and cosmic power. It has a spiral.

Namely, the helix is ​​the basis of DNA. We may recall the Cosmic Reflections garden in Scotland, with its sculptures and spirals. There is also a version that it was the cone that gave rise to the swastika symbol in India, because of the spiral cells for the seeds. The spiral is the shape of our galaxy. It encodes the entire universe. Maybe that's why this symbol was chosen by Edvard Lindkalnins. We have something to think about!

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