Cartoon scripts in a new way. Script for a summer camp in Fairy Tale to be staged with children

"The Tale of Vasilisa the Beautiful"

Action one.

Storyteller: V distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state there lived a king. And now it was impatient for him to marry in his old age. Many girls visited him in the palace, but he never found a bride among them.

(The king sits on the throne. He plays the balalaika and sings ditties. Near the nanny, behind the guards.)

King: Oh, nanny! I want to wiggle.

Nanny: Shake it! Where are you going to get married? The sand is pouring out of you.

King: Be quiet, woman. And in general, what is true is true.

(A roar is heard. The king presses his head into his shoulders. Everyone shudders.)

King: And what is this?

Nanny: Ah! This Baba Yaga sent her granddaughter from the city. Here the goblin brought it.

(A fashionable brightly made-up girl enters)

Granddaughter: Hello dad. What do they say you are looking for a wife? And will you take me?

Nanny: You? Yes, where are you such a terrible take something? Why did you put your krivulki on?

Granddaughter: And you're old, fuck off, they don't talk to you.

King: What? To insult the nanny? Guard! Get her out of my sight!

(Despite the stormy protest, the guards carry away the granddaughter. The door opens and Parashka enters, crossing herself. Seeing the king, she falls to her knees and pounds her head on the floor. The king runs up to her and helps her get up from her knees.)

King: Get up girl. Get up beauty. What is your name, dear?

Parashka: (Barely audible) Parashka.

King: (shouting) parashka! Well, let's go and have a cup of tea. (Hugs her around the waist,

Parashka escapes with a loud cry and runs away. The king looks after her in bewilderment. then he twists his finger at his temple and goes to the throne.)

King: Some kind of fool.

Nanny: That's good, my friend, there were no psychics in our clan, and there shouldn't be.

Storyteller: And then the king heard that Vasilisa the Beautiful was languishing in the kingdom of Koshcheev.

King: Nanny! And what, really, did Koschey - Basilisk zanykat?

Nanny: True, father.

King: Guard! Ivan the fool to me!

Guard 1: No, your majesty, he has been resting in Hawaii for the second week after he brought you the firebird.

King: Well then Fedot - archer to me.

Guard 2: And he is in America, at the international congress for the exchange of experience.

King: What to do, nanny?

Nanny: And the tsar-father needs to call overseas masters. Guys they are smart.

Guard 1: Yeah! Like electric brooms!

(a guy of an oriental appearance appears, if possible, then in a kimono. Bare feet, a bandage with hieroglyphs on his head. Bows)

Tsar: (to the nanny) You look really smart. (Kawasaka) What is your name, a miracle - overseas?

Kawasaka: Kawasaki-san! (bows)

Tsar: Kawasaka Alexandrovich means! That's what Kawasaka is, you must, by my royal decree, go to the kingdom of Koshcheevo and bring Vasilisa to me. On which I have laid my eyes. I will give you my heroic horse. Hey guard! Bring that bastard! Well, I hope you have your own weapon, since we don’t have a big shot in the treasury.

(Kawasaka gets on his horse, makes a circle around the stage and leaves)

Action two.

Narrator: And at this time in the Koshcheev kingdom

(Music by T. Kotugno “Italian” sounds, Koschei enters)

Koschey: Basilisk! Basilisk come here!

(Basilisk appears, comes up and stands in front of him)

Koschei: Well, what did Basilisk change her mind about? Will you marry me?

Vasilisa: No, I won’t go for you, besides, I saw in a dream that your death was near.

(Music sounds. Kawasaka appears, having made a circle, he got off his horse)

Kawasaka: Hey, Kosei, catch up with Vasilisa.

Koschey: (Puzzled) What is it? (fight starts)

Narrator: And a great battle began here and it lasted 3 days and 3 nights. And at the end of the fourth day, Kawasaka began to overcome Koshchei.

(Koschei falls and crawls away. Vasilisa rushes to Kawasaka and hugs him. He falls unconscious to the ground. Vasilisa whistles, a horse appears. She throws Kawasaka across his back and they go home)

Action three.

(The royal palace. The king sits on the throne. He peers into the distance)

King: How are you? Can't see?

Guard 1: Can't see!

King: no?

2nd guard: I don't see

(Music sounds, Vasilisa appears. Going to the king, she slaps the horse on the back, the horse with Kawasaka leaves the guards behind them)

King: (With admiration) Oh-oh-oh! So big and all mine!

(Music sounds, Vasilisa sings a song. She dances a waltz with the king. Moreover, his legs stumble and she supports him! At the end of the song, she takes him in her arms and takes him away. Then everyone goes to bow.)

Vasilisa, parashka - 2 guys. This option is preferable. Moreover, Vasilisa should be just a huge Parashka - on the contrary. Grim: Both have bright red cheeks. Vasilisa has half her lips. She must give an impression that is completely contrary to the nickname - beautiful

King: Bald. In a long robe. Hair goat beard, sideburns, mustache long. It is very easily achieved with the help of a synthetic winterizer and is glued with BF-2 glue.

Nanny Ordinary old woman

Koschey: Black tight-fitting suit, glasses are a must. Voice and face are calm, low and rough.

Granddaughter: Skirt above the knee Boots.

Security: 2 guys in camouflage, with black glasses.

Kawasaka: Asian guy. Well waving arms and legs, as well as the tongue.

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Scenario for summer camp in " fairy tale» for staging with children

5 people participate in the fairy tale: the presenter, Cinderella, fairy, and 2 taxi drivers (and children portraying passengers)

We are very fond of putting on mini performances with children, and fairy tales are usually a turnip, a bun, i.e. what can be staged the easiest, and then all of a sudden, let's put on Cinderella. As you understand, a fairy tale on several sheets is not always the best way out, especially if you need to attract attention and not waste time, so the fairy tale itself has been changed, perhaps you will succeed. All statements were divided into roles, I tried to use more people in the script. You can rework this script for a summer camp event - increase or decrease the number of words, add a little actors. Although the scenario of the fairy tale turned out to be new way, you can change the text a little and return it as it was, but then there will be fewer participants, you will have to look for inventory. I would advise you to play this script more than just talk it out.

Fairy tale Cinderella

Vedas. Cinderella was left at home alone, all her sisters and stepmother had gone to the ball. Cinderella had a lot of work and she began to clean the house slowly singing a song.

Cinderella: Enters the stage and begins to sing a song. (Costume - broom, etc.)

At least believe, at least check

But yesterday I dreamed

As if the prince rushed after me,

On a silver horse

And the dancers greeted us

Drummer and trumpeter

Forty-eight conductors

And one gray-haired violinist .(pause)

Cinderella: oh, I wish I could go to the ball too ... (continues sweeping)

(Fairy appears)

Fairy: - Hello Cinderella

Cinderella: - Oh, fairy godmother!

Fairy: - You would like to go to the ball, wouldn't you?

Cinderella : - Really, I really want to.

Fairy: - Well, just be smart, run to the garden and bring me a big pumpkin from there!

Cinderella: Our pumpkin does not grow, can I give a pumpkin seed?

Fairy: No, here's 20 rubles for a taxi.

Cinderella: Thank you - but is it possible to go to royal ball in that old, ash-stained dress?

Fairy: (lightly touched Cinderella's dress with her magic wand, and the old dress turned into a wonderful outfit of silver and gold brocade, all strewn precious stones).

Cinderella: And the shoes?

Fairy: Here are the most beautiful and elegant shoes stitched with fur.

Cinderella: (puts on shoes)

Fairy: Just watch Cinderella at 11 o'clock you already need to be at home, children without parents are not allowed to walk after 11.

Cinderella: Thank you, fairy.

Vedas. And Cinderella went to call a taxi, called on her mobile, and the taxi was already right there.

Taxi driver1: Get in Cinderella, I'll take you to the ball, quickly rush home. Vacationers: (They depict a car, a lot of people are driving together. - Cinderella, why do you need to go to the ball? Come with us to the disco - it will be fun. Says 2nd passenger).

Cinderella: No, I'm going to the ball.

Taxi driver2: Hey, why are you poaching customers? I can drive and drive myself, where Cinderella says, I’ll take you there, drive your car yourself, pump up the wheels, change the oil. (The taxi driver and Cinderella are leaving)

Vedas: But the fairy tale didn’t end there, Cinderella went to the ball, graduated from the Institute, and then the prince tried on her shoes and married her, and what happened next, read for yourself in the book by Sh. Perot “Cinderella”

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done.

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Scenario for the summer camp - the fairy tale "Cinderella"

Scenario for the summer camp - the fairy tale "Cinderella", for staging with children of both older and younger age.

We are very fond of putting on mini performances with children, and fairy tales are usually a turnip, a bun, i.e. what can be staged the easiest, and then all of a sudden, let's put on Cinderella. As you understand, a fairy tale on several sheets is not always the best way out, especially if you need to attract attention and not waste time, so the fairy tale itself has been changed, perhaps you will succeed. All statements were divided into roles, I tried to involve more people in the script. You can rework this script for a summer camp event - increase or decrease the number of words, add a few characters. Although the scenario of the fairy tale turned out in a new way, you can change the text a little and return it as it was, but then there will be fewer participants, you will have to look for inventory. I would advise you to play this script more than just talk it out.

Fairy tale Cinderella
Vedas. Cinderella was left at home alone, all her sisters and stepmother had gone to the ball. Cinderella had a lot of work and she began to clean the house slowly singing a song.

Cinderella: Enters the stage and begins to sing a song. (Costume - broom, etc.)
At least believe, at least check
But yesterday I dreamed
As if the prince rushed after me,
On a silver horse
And the dancers greeted us
Drummer and trumpeter
Forty-eight conductors
And one gray-haired violinist.

Cinderella: oh, I wish I could go to the ball too ... (continues sweeping)
Fairy: - Hello Cinderella
Cinderella: - Oh, fairy godmother!
Fairy: - You would like to go to the ball, wouldn't you?
Cinderella: - True, I really want to.
Fairy: - Well, just be smart, run to the garden and bring me a big pumpkin from there!
Cinderella: Our pumpkin does not grow, can I give a pumpkin seed?
Fairy: No, here's 20 rubles for a taxi.
Cinderella: Thank you - but how can you go to the royal ball in this old, ash-stained dress?
Fairy: (lightly touched Cinderella's dress with her magic wand, and the old dress turned into a wonderful outfit of silver and gold brocade, all studded with precious stones).
Cinderella: And the shoes?
Fairy: Here are the most beautiful and elegant shoes trimmed with fur.
Cinderella: (puts on shoes)
Fairy: Just watch Cinderella at 11 o'clock you already need to be at home, children without parents are not allowed to walk after 11.
Cinderella: Thank you, fairy.

Vedas. And Cinderella went to call a taxi, called on her mobile, and the taxi was already right there.
Taxi driver: Get in Cinderella, I'll take you to the ball, I'll do it quickly. Vacationers: (They depict a car, a lot of people are driving together. - Cinderella, why are you going to the ball? Come with us to the disco - it will be fun.).

Cinderella: No, I'm going to the ball.

Taxi driver: Hey, why are you poaching customers? I can drive and drive myself, where Cinderella says, I’ll take you there, drive your car yourself, pump up the wheels, change the oil. (The taxi driver and Cinderella are leaving)

Vedas: But the fairy tale didn’t end there, Cinderella went to the ball, graduated from the Institute, and then the prince tried on her shoes and married her, and what happened next, read for yourself in the book by Sh. Perot “Cinderella”

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done.

Posters hung in the auditorium:
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson. What a delight these stories are! Each one is a poem!
A.S. Pushkin's Fairy Tale is the great spiritual culture of the people, which we collected bit by bit, and through the fairy tale, the thousand-year history of the people is revealed to us. (L.N. Tolstoy)
Both small and large children need fairy tales, beautiful fairy tales, in verse or prose. Compositions that make you laugh and cry, that captivate us! (Anatole France)
Music sounds. The girl Masha and the boy Vitya enter the stage.
Masha. We will grow up, we will become different,
And, perhaps, among the worries We stop believing in a fairy tale, But the fairy tale will come to us again!
V and t i. And we will meet her with a smile:
Let it live with us again! And we will tell this fairy tale to our children again in a good hour.
Performing a song from the movie New Year's adventures Masha and Vitya (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by V. Lugovoi).
Masha. There are no miracles in the world today.
V and t i. For those who do not believe in them themselves.
Masha. There is no Koshchei - the children know this.
V and t i. And fairy tales live here and there.
Masha. Lukomorye is not on the map,
So, there is no way to a fairy tale.
Masha. This is a saying, not a fairy tale
The story is ahead.
Masha. There is a hut on chicken legs in a fairy tale.
V and t i. It's funny to believe.
Masha. There, a frog turns into a princess.
V and t i. What makes no sense in our age.
Chorus (repeated).
Masha. Science will give us answers to questions.
V and t i. And Snow White lives in the forest.
Masha. Rockets are sent to distant stars.
V and t i. But there is also a flying carpet.
Chorus (repeated).
The refrain is played by the Storyteller in an antique Russian national costume.
With a z o ch n and k.
I walk all over the planet, So that all adults and children Love good fairy tales And be kinder themselves. Hello my friends! Guess who am I?
Children. Storyteller!
With a s o c h n and k. That's right, guys. I am a good storyteller. Do you like fairy tales? Yes? Now let's check.
Calls two children (a boy and a girl).
Let's compete. Who knows more fairy tale characters - boys or girls? If those who came out here find it difficult to answer, you guys can tell them from the spot. Only chur, boys help their comrade, and girls help their girlfriend. Started!
Little boy and k. Baba Yaga.
Girl. Dragon.
Little boy. Fox, wolf, hare.
Girl. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots.
Boy. …?
With a storyteller. Well, boys, help your friend out!
Held competition game, the guys name the heroes of various fairy tales (Carlson, Winnie the Pooh, Mowgli, Pinocchio, Karabas-Barabas, old man Hottabych, doctor Aibolit, Chipollino, Dunno, Baron Munchausen, Aladdin, Tin Woodman, Scarecrow, Ellie girl, Cowardly Lion, The Little Humpbacked Horse etc.).
With a z o ch n and k. Well done, guys!
And now I will tell you a fairy tale, the participants of which will be you yourself.
lived in one magical forest different animals. Crows lived there, flying all day and croaking to their health. Guys, how do crows scream?
Children. Kar-kar!
And how do they fly? Let's spread our hands to the sides and wave them.
There were dogs that barked. Guys, how do dogs bark?
Children. WOF WOF!
Pigs lived there, what did they do? Grunted! How do piglets grunt?
Children. Oink-oink!
Ducks lived in the magical forest, which quacked and danced their favorite dance of little ducklings in the clearing. Do you know this dance? Not? Who knows? Get on stage.
Music sounds. Children perform the "Dance of the Little Ducklings", in which the movements resemble those of a duck waving its wings and tail.
Various animals lived in this magical forest, which you could see in the zoo or in pictures in books. What animals do you know?
Children name animals and birds (lion, elephant, camel, hare, tiger, hippopotamus, monkey, penguin, wolf, fox, bear, rhinoceros, giraffe, dove parrot, etc.).
Well done boys! How much do you know! This forest was magical, as I said, and therefore all animals, even predatory ones, were kind and friendly with each other. And he lived in this fabulous, magical forest ... I will not name this little animal for you, it would be better if he sings a song, and you help him, sing along, because you all know this little animal well.
An animal of an "unknown breed" appears on the stage and performs Cheburashka's song from the cartoon "Cheburashka" to the words of E. Uspensky.
Did you guys recognize the animal? Who is it?
The children answer.
Well done!
In solitude and peace All our heroes doze On the pages of their books, Let's call them soon! Music sounds. Fairy-tale heroes come out to accompany the children in a fairy-tale country.
Here on our map there is a fabulous country. Believe guys! So, go! Visit your favorite fairy tales.
Gives units a Fairy Map with directions.
1. Magic ball
In e d u shch and y. AT dense forests very easy to get lost. Fairy-tale characters in such cases have always been helped to find their way by a magic ball. You just need to throw it in front of you and follow him wherever he rolls.
The teams are given a set of pictures with the things of fairy-tale heroes: a beard, a cap, a basket, chicken legs, a suitcase, a shoe.
The host has a set of pictures with an image fairy tale hero who is missing something important.
Find out the hero of the fairy tale and show the item that he has lost. (Karabas-Barabas - beard, Pinocchio - cap, Little Red Riding Hood - basket, hut Baba Yaga- chicken legs, Dr. Aibolit - a suitcase, Cinderella - a shoe.)
2. Walking boots
In e d u shch and y. Dreamland huge. It's hard to get around on foot. This is where walking boots come in handy. These boots are unusual, in order to take one step in them, you need to correctly answer the question. Let's see whose team will go further in magic boots.
Who slept in a shell away walnut? (Thumbelina.)
Where is the death of Koshchei the Deathless kept? (At the tip of the needle.)
Who gave Pinocchio a golden key? (Turtle Tortilla.)
What was the name of the pig that loved to work? (Naf-Naf.)
Who ran away from the pants? (From dirty from Moydodyr.)
3. Tablecloth self-assembly
In e d u shch and y. We've gone far. It's time for a little refreshment. Well, how can you do without a tablecloth-self-assembly? True, there is nothing on it yet, but the dishes will immediately appear if you remember and answer the questions.
What did Little Red Riding Hood carry to her grandmother? (Pies and a pot of butter.)
What does Winnie the Pooh love? (Honey.)
What was treated to sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka in the fairy tale " Swan geese"? (Apples, pies, milk with jelly.)
What did the Crane treat the Fox in the fairy tale “As it comes around, it will respond”? (Okroshka.)
What did the soldier cook with an ax? (porridge.)
What did the king order the brides to bake in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"? (Bread.)
4. Invisibility hat
In e d u shch and y. This is an invisibility hat. She hides what is underneath. Here and now fairy tales are hidden under it. Let's try to guess them together.
Riddles about fairy-tale heroes
He got leeches
I sold Karabas
The whole smell of marsh mud,
His name was ... (Pinocchio - Duremar).
He lived in Prostokvashino And was friends with Matroskin. He was a little simple. The dog's name was ... (Totoshka - Sharik).
He walked boldly through the forest,
But the fox ate the hero.
At parting, the poor thing sang.
His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok).
Poor dolls are beaten and tormented, He is looking for a magic key. He has a terrible appearance, This is a doctor ... (Aibolit - Karabas).
And beautiful and sweet
Only very small
slender figurine,
And the name is ... (Snow Maiden - Thumbelina).
For many days he was on the road,
To find your wife
And the ball helped him,
His name was ... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich).
Everyone knows, peeps
It hinders and hurts everyone.
She only cares about the rat,
And beautiful and sweet
Only very small!
And her name is ... (Yaga - Shapoklyak).
He's a big naughty and comedian
He has a house on the roof.
Boastful and arrogant,
And his name is ... (Dunno - Carlson).
He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests brought him back.
He's grumpy like an old man
This sad ... (Piglet - donkey Eeyore).
With blue hair
And big eyes
This doll is an actress
And her name is ... (Alice - Malvina).
Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years
Finally saw the light
He has grown a beard
This kind ... (Santa Claus - old Hottabych).
What is this very strange little wooden man? On land and under water Looking for a golden key. It has a long nose everywhere. Who is this? (Pinocchio).
Oh, Petya, simplicity, You blundered a little: You didn’t listen to the Cat,
Looked out the window. (Cockerel - Golden Scallop).
The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
Tears shed, poor thing!
(Snow Maiden).
5. Magic wand
In e d u shch and y. Into whom they turned or were bewitched: - Prince Gvidon (into a mosquito, fly, bumblebee); - The Great Cannibal from the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault (into a lion, a mouse); - A handsome boy Jacob, the hero of the Gauf tale (in the Dwarf); - 11 brothers-princes from Andersen's fairy tale (into swans); - chicken Nigella (in a little man); - a monster from Aksakov's fairy tale (in the prince); - a frog from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm (in the prince); - ugly duck(into a swan); - Ayoga (in the goose);
- donkeys Brykun, Pegasik and Caligula from the fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City" (in shorts).
6. Flying carpet
In e d u shch and y. Here is the magical flying carpet that will help us get home. And the carpet is ruined! It has only the beginning of a phrase, but no end. I need to fix the carpet.
Fairy tale phrases
In a certain kingdom ... (in a certain state).
By pike command... (according to my desire).
Soon the fairy tale is told ... (yes, the deed is not done soon).
The fox is carrying me ... (for distant forests, for fast rivers, for high mountains).
And I was there, drinking honey-beer ... (it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth).
Now the flying carpet is fixed, you can sit on it and fly home. But what's the matter? Why doesn't the carpet want to fly? Yes, we forgot to say the magic words.
7. Magic words
Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before grass. (Ivanushka is a fool. "Sivka-Burka".)
Sim-sim, open the door! (Alibaba. "Alibaba and the Forty Thieves.")
Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle! As soon as you touch the ground, be in my opinion! (Girl. V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik".)
One two Three. Boil pot! (Girl. Brothers Grimm "Pot of Porridge".)
Crex, fex, pex. (Pinocchio. A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio".)
Here I am, here I am, turning into a moth. (Barankin.)
Mutobor. (Kalif. V. Gauf "Kalif-stork".)
Kara-baras. (Moidodyr. K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr".)

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